Keep InFormed and Proit by RengThe StatesmanClsFidPg General Cântractoi AND Carpenter We are prepared t. do ydur smallest alterations or build you a new hiome. Agent for PEDLAR PRODUCTS Have yau a building problem Consuit Chas. L. Warren Ààagpton GUILTINÂN 'S CHAMPION SNOB REPAIR OS HA WA Bring your shoes and boots to us for speedy and expert repair. Leave with CPURDY (Successor to C. Coyle) King St., Bowmanville For Pick-up and Delivery SEED BIRTIIS ALDWORTH-At Oshawa Hospi- tal on Monday, Feb. l8th, 1946, ta Mr. and Mrs. Wlfrid Aldworth, a daughter. 8-1 BATE-Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bate (nee Vema Ruiter) are happy ta announce the birth of their son, Edward Albert Roland, on Feb. 2nd, 1946, in Bowmanville Hos- pital. 8-1* BROWN-At Clarksdale Hospital, Mississippi, Tuesday, Feb. 19th, 1946, ta Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown (nee Ruby Hobbs), a daughter. 8-1 PROUT-Mr. and M:s. A. Prout (nee Lorrain Brockman) are hap- py ta announce the birth of their daughter, Mary Louise, at Bow- manville Hospital, Feb. l2th, 1946. A sister for Shirley. 8-1 STAPLETON-Mr. and Mrs. Do- nald Stapletan announce the birth of their daughter, Barbara Louise, at Bowmanville Hospital, Satur- day, Feb. l6th, 1946. 8-l* DEATiIS IRWIN-At Belleville General Hospital, Jan. lBth, Mrs. Thomas Irwin, mother-in-law of Mrs. Rose Irwin, Bowrnanville. The funeral was held from the home of her nephew at Fort Stewart, Jan. 20, for interment in Carlow Cemetery. 8-1 MOORE - Suddenly at Petawà- wa, on Feb. l4th, Staff Sgt. Moore in his 5lst year, husband of the late Nell Hawley of Bowmanville and father of. Yvonne, Marilyn and Valemie, George and Freder- ick, ahl of Bowmanville, and son of Wilhelmina Moore and the late Dave Moore of Keene, brother of Mrs. J. Dicksan (Mary), of Keene, Mrs. A. Frick (Lyla), of St. Cath- aines, and Frank of Peterbor- ough. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bird an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Winnifred ta Howard Williams Corden, son of Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Corden. The marriage wili take place at St. Paui's Church. March 23. 8-1 Found YOUNG black and tan hound. Phone 2547, ,Bawmanville. 7-3* b STORIE YOUR DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH QUALUTY SEEDS No. 1 Alfalfa; No. 1 and No. 2 Red Clover; No. 1 and No. 2 Alsike; No. 1 Sweet Clover; No. 1 Timothy; No. 2 Purity No. 1i 1.mothy; Alfalfa and Red Clover Mixtures; Permanent Pasture Grasses, etc. Al Highest Quality Government Tested and Graded Seed YOU BUY WITH CONFIDENCE WHEN YOU BUY STEWART'S SEEDS Phone 577 Bownianville, Ont. Sun-Ray Feeds for QUALITY and ECONOMY CRICK STARTER ..... *.. **..*... $3.17 18% IGG XNASH ................... 3.77 4 GRAIN SCRATCH .............2.02 HOG GROW ER ...................... 2.22 DAIRY RATION .......- ........... 2.32 Newcaatle $58.90 54.90 39.90 43.40 44.90 M. H. PEDWELL Phone: 01arke3823 Attention Berry Growers, The Annual Meeting of the 0nta*o Berry Growers' Marketing Board of District No. 5, consisting of Counties, Ontario and Durham, is called for Wednesday, February 27th at Bowmanviîîe Agricultural Office at 2 p.m. to appoint a representative t. attend the annuai meeting in Hamniton. AUl growers are urged to attend by th1e director et Ontario Berry Growers' Marketing Board for District No. 5. NORGROVE CLEMENCE, Direetor, Whitby, Ontario. IN MEMORIAM BETTLES-In loving memomy of William H. Betties beloved hus-1 band of Mms. W. fi.. Betties and1 father of Betty, who died 10 yearsE ago, Feb. lBth, .1936.,t "Some day we'll uniderstand."s -Ever emembered by wife and daughter. 8-1* COLE-Irh loving memory of a1 dear son and brother, W. Glenn Cale, who was killed in action in1 Germany, February 21, 1945. c --Sadly missed by Mother, Ruth,t Eugene, Ronald, Louise and Jack. 8-1 DUNN-In loving memory af a dear brother and uncle, William Dunn, wha died Feb. 18, 1945. "He had a cheery smile, a plea- sant way,E A helping hand toalal he knew;1 He was sa kind, so generous andj true; On earth he nobly did his best, Grant him, Jesus, Heavenly rest." -Sadly missed by sister Jean, Alex and family. 8-1 LAYTON-In loving memory of a dear son, George Layton, wha passed away Feb. 20, 1944. You are not forgotten Son Nom ever will you be As long as life and memory lasts1 We will emember thee. --Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, Brother and Sisters. 8-1 MOFFATT-In loving memory of a dear husband and uncle, James Moffatt, who passed away Feb. 22nd, 1941. Happy and jolly, always content, Loved and respected, wherever he went; To him, life came ta a sudden end, He died as he lived, everyone' s friend. -Lovingly remembemed by his Wife, and Freeda. 8-1i* PEARCE-In loving memory of a dear son and brother, William Hilton Pearce, who passed away Feb. 22nd, 1933. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by Father and Sisters. 8-1 * RICHARDS-In fond memory of Douglas Harold, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards, who pass- ed away Feb. 21, 1945, aged 5 months. We know that he is happy, In aur Saviour's home above, Grawing fairer as he lingers, In the sunshine of His love. -Lovingly remembered, Mummy, Daddy, Maurice and Bobby. 8-1 * SHOTTER-In laving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Irene, who passed away Feb. 23rd, 1939. Sweet memories will linger for- ever Time cannot change them, it's true; Years that may came cannot sever Our laving remembrance of you. -Sadly missed by Mother, Dad and Florence. 8-1*. CARDS 0F THANKS Pte. Stanley Rahm wishes ta express sincere thanks ta the Cartwright Council, A.Y.P.A. and ahl the friends and members of societies who packed and mailed parcels and cigarettes, which he received while serving with the Canadian Army, Overseas. I cer- tainly appreciated yaum thought- fulness. 8-1* The family of the late Freder- ick Wood wish to thank their ma- ny friends and relatives for the beautiful floral tributes and oth- er expressions of sympathy. AI- s0 Rev. W. Rackham, Northcutt & Smith, and Dr. Shemon for their kind expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereave- ment. 8-l* Mrs. Harry Smith wishes ta thank all hem friends for their great kindness, flowers, cards and letters during hem recent bereave- ment in the death of a loving mo- ther, Mrs. Stuckey, of Actan. 8-1* We stand an the threshold of a new age. But will it be God's idea of a new age or an age of some ather kînd? Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE Barmister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone78l Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MAS ON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notamy Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, BA. Bamister - Solicitor - Notamy 9½ King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 D)FiN TA L DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-ray vulpment ini Office COMING EVENTS Corne to the dance at Enniskil- len Conimunity Hall, Saturday, March 2nd, and dance to modern and old time music. Sponsored by the boys' hockey team. Admis- sione 35C. 8-2 The annual meeting of the Bow- manville Hospital Association will be held in the Agricultural office, Tuesday, March 5th, at 8 ., for the purpose of electing off i- cers. Public is cordially invited ta this meeting. 8-2 Bowmanville Women's Insti- tute will meet at St. John's Parish Hall, Wednesday, Feb. 27. A lecture-demonstration will be giv- en by Mr. Alex Edmonstone on "Coupon Value and Cuts of Meat" and other good progrgm. Busi- ness meeting at 7:30, program at 8. Members please note changei of time and date. Visitors wel- corne. 8-1* Don't miss another rally! It's Bowmanville Youth for Christ. Hear Fît. Lieut-. (Chaplain) Har- old Martin, padre in R.C.A.F. and founder of Christian Homes for Children. Mrs. Martin sings. Music and singing! Town Hall, Feb. 23rd, 8 p.m. Non-denomina- tional. Admission free. Every- body welcome. Special welcome to servicemen and women. 8-1 "Aunt Mînnie From Minne- sota" will be presented by the young people of Blackstack Con- tinuation School at Orona Town Hall, Friday, March lst, at 8 p.m. Admission 40e and 25c. Sponsor- ed by Orono Lodge No. 436 1.0. 0.F. 8-2 Durham County Shorthorn Breeders Club will hold their 25th Annual Sale of Shortharns, Thursday, March 7th, at the farm of A. J. Nesbitt in East Whitby Twp., 2 miles east of Brook-lin Continuation School or 5 miles north of Oshawa four corners and 1 miles west on county road. Note the change of location for holding the sale for 1946. S. Chas. Allin, secretary-treasurer. 8-1 The annual meeting of the Bow- manville Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society will be held in the Council Chamber in Bow- manville on Thursday, Feb. 2lst, 1946, at 7:30 p.m. This is a public meeting and ail those interested are requested ta attend. 1 Courtice Circuit Brotherhood will be held on Thursday even- ing at Maple Grave church at 8 .p.m. Rev. S. Littlewood, Orono, :will be guest speaker. All men welcome. 8-1 Remember the High School At Home, Friday, March lst. Danc- ing from 9 ta 1 to Skip Vaughan's orchestra. 8-2 . Family Night at Enniskillen .Hall by Sunday School and Hock- ey Team, progressive lost heir, reuchre and games, Friday, Feb. 22nd, at 8 p.m. Prizes. Guest speaker Rev. A. E. Cresswell. ýLadies bring sandwiches or tarts. IAdmission 25e and 15c. 8-1 1 Grand dance under auspices af Durham County Junior Farmers jat Newcastle Community Hall, Friday, March 1. Russ Creighton's Variety Band. Admission 50c. 1Everybody welcome. Everybody came. 8-2 Notice Dr. C. W. Sleman's office will be closed from Febmuary 20 ta ap- praximatelv Arnril 20. 7-2 Articles For Sale NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electrics and trea- dles! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf OSHAWA'S new fumniture store- Everything in modemn. Chester- field. bedroom and dining oom suites, and studios. Bedding and1 floor coveings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Befome buying visit Brad- ley's New Furnitume Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf RENFREW -cook stove, complete > with 16 pipes. Apply Mrs. Car- man Tennant, Omono. Phone 17- r-9. 7-2* QUANTITY of mixed wood, cut in stove length, also hardwood. Apply Lamne Lamb, phone 2450. WOOD sawing outfit with com- plete equipment. Owen Nicholas Fuels. Phone office 410, house 2249. 8-2 COAL heater, large size, new.1 Apply Jerry Tait, 48 Temperance1 St. 8-1 CREAM separator, 400 lb. capac- ity, in goad unning order, rea- sonable price. Phone 2186. 8-1 GAS stove, 4-bumner, used 3 months. Also kitchen suite, jack- knife table, and other fumniture, and 2 stoves. James Allan, En- niskillen, (opposite Hall). 81* ABOUT 5 or 6 cords of dry wood. Apply Nick Hasiuk, Lot 20, Con. 2, Darlington, noth of Sheli gas station, Map]e Grave. 8-2* MEDIUM size McClamy cook stove, all enamel, only slîghtly, used, in excellent condition and priced right. Phone Clarke 3904. 8-i * WALNUT bed, three-quamter size. Alsa full size bed spring, 84 Queen St., Bowmanville. 8-1* WALNUT dining oom table, ocking chair, enamelled wash basin 16x19 with 4" apron and taps. Write P.O. Box 459, Bow- manville. 8-1* ~1 FIVE ta 8-roomed house or apart- Llvestock For Sale TWO thoroughbred Jersey heif-1 ers, springing. Lakeshore Fruit1 Farm, Newcastle. Apply Cana- dian Fruit Ca., 38 Church St., To- ronto. ELgin 5959. 8-11 ONE thmee-yeam-old Jersey, due this month; 1 four-yeam-old Here- ford, due May; 2 Durham calves. Phone 5-r-7, Orono. 8-1* TWO good young black Jersey cows, easy milkers and quiet, 1 due March 2nd, i April 4th. Phone Clarke 3904. 8-1 FIRST class heifer, 2% years old, part Sharthorn, part Hereford due in twa weeks. Apply 0. Friend, Tyrone. Phone 2523. 8-i COCKERELS ta 'catch the good early markets. February cocker- els will get yau these. Bray has heavy breeds, prompt shipment. Alsa chicks day-old started.* Don't delay, order naw., Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 8-1 CALLING ahl livestock men ta stop coughs, colds, distempter, in less time than you ever thought possible, with ZEV, the remark- able veterinary remedy that works on nase, throat, and bran- chial tract. ZEV, made by the makers of Buckley's Mixture, gives amazing results in the most stubborn cases. $ 1.00 a bottle at« P. R. Cowling's. 8-1 Real Estate For Sale FARM-89 acres, south of New- tonville, 10 acres hardwood bush, 9 acres reforestry, creek nea.r buildings, weli and cistern, frame house, bank barn, other buildings. Might consider an exchange. For further particulars apply 110 King St. East, Bowmanville. 7-2* FARM - 125 acres dlay loam, al workable, spring stream, level na- tural drainage. In good state of cultivation. Good stock and grain famm. Situated just outside Bow- manville on lake front, new 4- lane highway close ta famm and 1 mile off Na. 2. Large brick house with attractive setting. Barn 40x 90 ft., hydro available. This is a first class farm and will be sold cheap ta settle estate. Piowing possession after harvest. Apply to Russell Osborne, Newcastle. 6-tf SIX-roomed house, centrally bo- cated, bathroam, furnace, hard- wood floors throughout, garage. Write Box 630 Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 7-2- HOUSE-or will exchange for a farm. 5-roomed semi-detached solid brick. Three-piece bath and good furnace, situated on Church St. Immediate possession. La- verne Clemens, Bowmanville, R. R. 6. Phone 2436. 8-11: FARM-Lot 5, Con. 8, Clarke, 100 acres, 70 acres workable, balance pasture and wood, well watered, 1good buildings, one mile from .county road. This f arm is level and wauld make a tobacco farmn. Ahl kinds of wood. Hydro avail- table. Apply Wes Falls, Kendal. 8-2 For Rent yaur own home, $3.00 per month. .Elec. port. $5.00, Singer Sewing Machine Ca., Oshawa. Phone 696. 14-tf Wanted to Rent ment, unfurnished. Mm. Steele, Walker Stores. Phone 451. 7-tf RANCH, 50 ta 100 acres. Well- fenced. H. L. Anderson, phone 2215, Bowmanville. 7-2* URGENTLY needed, 2 or 3 roams or small apartment. Write Box 631, Statesman Office. 8-1* APARTMENT, 3 or 4 rooms, or small house, in Bowmanville. Ap- ply Mrs. F. W. Bradd, 22 Carlisle Ave., phone 404. 8-2* APARTMENT, 4 or 5 roams, or house by April 1, complete with fumnace and bath. Phone 2504. 8-1 SMALL farm with house * and barn and small acreage, wîthin 7 or 8 miles of Bowmanville or Newcastle. Write Box 632, The Statesman Office. 8-2"' Auction Sale Auctian sale of Purebmed Short- horn cattle and farm machinery. The poperty of Mm. Thomas Wood, Lot 29, Concession 6, Hope township. One concession south of Elizabethville. To seli by pub- lic auction on Wednesday, March 6th, at 1 p.m. sharp, two matched teams of horses, 27 head of Short- horn cattie, a full line of good farmm machinery and a quantity of hay and grain. For full pamtic- ulars see bills. Terms, cash. Pas- itively no eserve. Farm sold. Willard Lord, Clerk; Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Road open for cars. 8-2 Wood Sawing SAWING cord wood or pales. Town or country. F. S. Allen, phone 594. 8-1 Do It Rlght Wlth "Sealtite"l Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowing Method> F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanvllle Phone 494 34-tf Wanted To Buy HORSES suitable for fox meat. Phone or write F. C. Boultbee, Orono. 77-r-4. 52-tf WVE are buyers of timothy and clovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stew- amt's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowi-anville. 41-tf SINGER Drap Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, call or write, Singer Sewing Machine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for xink and fox food from $5 ta $10 accord- ing ta weight. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrane. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 52-tf LIVE poultry and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Be- thany. Phone 7-r-13. (Business carrîed an by Mr. Flatt persan- ally, no agents employed.) 3ll* PUPS-Cocker Spanlel, Airedale, Terriers. State price and age. Walter Frank, R.R. 5, Bowman- ville, phone 2405. 8-1* PORTABLE typewriter, in goad condition. Phone 2483. 8-1* Heip Wanted AN Opportunity-Established Ru- ral Watkins District available. If yau are aggmessive, and between thé ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity ta get establish- ed in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write taday to-The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Mantreal, Que. 6-4 country home with ail conven- iences.i Refemences. Apply Mms.' Fergus E. Morrili, "Willow Acres," Bowmanville, phone 2456. PARTY ta spray orchard (35 acres). Sprayer and spray ma- terial supplied. Best price offer- ed. M. Demchik close ta CPR station, Newcastle. 8-1* Lost DOG-Part Collie and Dober- mann. Believed ta have strayed with hunters last Friday. If any- one has information, please phone 2880, Bawmanville. 7-2* Personal COST 3c daily. VitaDiet Multi- ple Vitamin Capsules contain vit- amins A, Bi, C, D, Niacin Amide and Ribaflavin. IN'inety day sup- ply $2.70. Trial thirty-day suppiy $1.15. Sold at Independent Drug Stores. 6-4 Notice TO NEXT 0F KIN AND OTHERS Ini the Estate of Henry Thomas James Cox, deceased. The late Henry Thomas James Cax was bomn in London, Eng- land, a son of George Cox and El- len Ann Cax, formerly Stilwell, October i3th, 1877. He came ta Canada in or about the year 1893 and lived in the Township of Darlington in the County of Dur- ham for some years and was em- ployed as a Farm Labourer. In 1908 he married Mary Alicia Tun- stead, daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Tunstead of the Town- ship of King in the County of York. Ris wife died January l2th, 1929, and in or about the year 1931 he remarried hem sis- ter, Ida Theresa. Fmom Darlîngton he moved ta Bowmanville where he was em- ployed by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and fmom Bowmanviile he moved ta Port Hope, where he died on February 7th, 1946. Any persan having any know- ledge of a will made by the late Henry Thomas James Cox or any persan having any knowledge of the whereabouts of Ida Theresa Cax or of hem death and any per- son having any knowledge of the names andi addresses of any other next-of-kin of the late Henry Tho Mas James Cax is requested ta communicate with the undersign- ed. Dated at Port Hape the l8th day of February, 1946. H. R. S. RYAN, 18 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ont., Solicitor. 8-4 Notice NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made ta the Council of this municipality by the Board of Education of the Town of Bowmanville ta pass a by-law completely closing that part of Victoria Street lying be- tween Ontario and Duke Streets FEEDSï MI1RACLE SUN - RAY QUAKER Miii Feeds and Chop - ree Delivery - part of the said street in the pre- mises of the proposed new public school. The Council will hear in per- son, or his solicitor or agent, any persan who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law, at ifs meeting on the 4th day of March, 1946, at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Dated at Bowmanville, this 5th day of Februamy, 1946. A. J. LYLE, Munnicipal Clerk, 7-4 Town of Bownianville ÇASHME RE C. H. TUCK Registered Optametrist Special Arrangement 3-day service By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OPP. 'P.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. Tenders wifl be received up t(>; March 2, 1946, for 25 single cords- of No. 1 hardwood cut in 12 in. lengths, to be delivered and piled on school ground at Haydon S.S.. 21. The lowest or any tender not. necessarily accepted. ALYMER BEECH, Secretary-Trea ýrer, 8-2 R.R. 6, Bowmaflille. Theme is no 'T' in it if you really-lX# know how ta speli "demnocracy." *t j i Robinson's Pinex for coughs 32e Lactogen Baby Food 69c - $1.59 AMAS V Corega Powder 23e - 39e - 69C Horlick's Malted Milk BarI.ey 48c-97c-$3.25 O v a ltin e - - - - - - - - 5 8 c -9 8 c Dextra Maltose -- 65c-$3.0 Casec ------- ---------$1.00 S.M.A. Powder --------- 98e Nestle's Food ----- -$1,00 Pablum ------------------- 45e Anacin ----------- 22c-43c-98c Bayer's Aspirin 18c-29e-79e Nyal A.S.A. Tabs. ----25c-49c I 'i.' Hot Water Botties 69e - 89e - 98c - $1.39 Soft as a fleocy clou!i Kleenex Tissues 13c - 2 for 25e Engllsh Style Health Salis lb ----------------------- --------59e Airwick------------------ 89e Devdo ------------- ----- 75c 2pd Creophos Stops Coughs .2 5 lnbox bottie -- ------------ $1.00 1 Cold Wave Kit Outfit ----------- --$135 FOR COLDS Laxacold ------------------ 25e Buckley's Capsules ----35e Grove's Cold Tabs. 24e-44e Baby Croup Syrup-------- 25c-50e White Pine and Tam -------------- 25c-50c Mason's '49'---------- 40c-75e Robemt's Syrup----------- 35c Tile Flooring Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Choice of Colours Specialize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 BROMLEY & SON New Radio Supplies Rust-proof Monel Metal Auto Acrials $5.25 - $6.75 60-cycle Phono Motors $8.50 - $10-50 Crystal Pick-ups $4.95 up Supplies for Amateur Builders Latest Improved Batteries for I-earing Aids OPEN EVERY EVENING EXO!iPT WEDNESDAY ROY Wu NEADS RADIO SERVICE 85 Ki2ng St. E. Phone 580 BABY CHICKS Barred Rock Chicks from our strain which won second place at the Iast, Harrow Egg Laylng Contest. AIl R.O.P. Slred (The Highest Grade of Chick - Obtainable in Commercial Quantities) - AUl Breeders Bîood-Tested No Re-actors - No Outeide Fîocks *1,000 Cockerel Chicks available, in February - at 7c each Write for Circular and Prices on Mlxed and 'Pullets Day-old and Started DONALD E. GIBSON Phon: Clarke 3811 Bowmanville, Ontario STEWART' S FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Phone TrusFit 695 COWvLuuNG'S DRUG STORETrse THURSDAY, PEB. 21st, 1946; PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO