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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1946, p. 9

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¶TM CAIIADIAN STATIAL', BOIVWOAXVJ.J.LaE., ________________________ _i JESDAY, MARC! 7th, 196leu______________ b I i 1 the has in ti and adop F Th ingi loss man: neve pers( ican iety "Firi of r pass thosq K St w ing Di *Hi inmch wor -its1 hall e H< -kitc oft foot tage, tO E 1ren S, N. ýd plis t-the: s 'L t per s- 1 boii y D e- for Ld I )y rad n D c)- sioi n I ;o the d I v- hui t- I ee baE en1 J i- 1 rid sP M. 1 )no ri tei Sai at -w sh FE Ai sa eig tr til ul fr e' le -t f tt e. 01 Review Conditions Presbyterian Church No man can open, none can close In Eastern Europe Extends Activities God's gateway to the soul's re- In the recent issue of "Agricul- The Presbyterian Church in How tired those weary eyes must ture Abroad" issued by thle Econ- Canada will extend its activîties be omnics Division, Dominion Depart- to radio broadcasting in the near Of looking at a glassy sea; ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, re- future. The series ot programs How blissful to the soul to be ports are given on developments which will originate in from 60 to Where there shaîl neyer more on agricultural policies in many 80 local stations- across the Do- be sea. countries, and reconstruction, mîinion will reach an estimated world food needs, with other sub- 200,000 Canadian listeners. A net- A vision came to Patmos shore jects are dealt with from the work broadcast is also planned. And John saw through the open broad and comprehensive view- Rev. Neil Miller, Brampton, door: point. convener of the newly-formed The Holy City paved with gold, Dealing with reconstruction radio broadcasting committee of And where the people ne'er grow and world food needs, there are the Presbyterian Church said that old. some interesting comments on the aim of the new venture is to conditions in Eastern Europe. provide a public service to the No night is there, it's always day, While reasonably good prospects general public and to express the And Christ Himself lights the exist for obtaining hîgher levels church's conviction that "the con- way; of output in plant products next tinuance and strengthening of the No sorrow there, nor any pain year in Northern, Western and Presbyterian Church is a true It's where we meet our friends possibly Southern Europe, these service to the people of the Do-- again. regions will stili require abnorm- minion.", ally large quantities of imported The first series of programs wîll No hunger there, nor any fears, plant foods durîng 1946 and live- extend from April 24 until May And Christ Hiînself wipes off stock products for an additional 12 and will serve as a basis for the tear. period of two or three years. The determining public opinion in re- No death is there, nor any woe, situation in Eastern Europe is less gard to the selection of perman- No tyrant there or any foe. f avorable. Devastation in the ent programs. In co-operation Ukrainîan Republic of the Soviet with the Board of Missions, a John ne'er forgot that vision rare, Union and dislocation in Poland response questionnaire will be He wrote it down for us to share, were so far-reaching that it will mailed to potential listeners to He tells the story, full, complete take some time before a suif i- determine the response and assist His vision of the weary soul's ciently large farm population can the radio committee in recom- retreat. be re-located and housed to turn mnending a permanent radio-min- Sout farm produce in volume com- istry for the Church. This lîfe has many sad defeats, parable with pre-war levels. The proposed programs include And mnany souls a Patmos mneet. In 1944-45, acreage under culti- a Sunday "Religious Period" and No cage can dlaim a soul that vation in the Ukraine was still "Church of the Air," regular soars, about 30 per cent below pre-war, church - service broadcasts and By Faith within God's open door. nlthough grains occupied a little week-day broadcasts to women. over 81 per cent of the area de- To increase the unity and fellow- Bowmanville, March 1, 1946. voted to their produc'tion prior ship of the Presbyterian Church,__________ to the war. Probably as much as it is proposed to present addresses two-thirds or three-quarters of from local! stations by groups of Do not wait for extraorctinary the live stock in occupied regions speakers representing all parts of circumstances to do good actions;; was lost. According to an article the ministry. This will include try to use ordinary situations.- published in the official gazette delegates from the home church, Richter. e of the Soviet People's Commis- the foreign field, the chaplaincy Nearly 15,200 Canadian boy; esariat for Agriculture on Septem- service, women's workers, pro- Scouts attended 524 Scout camps -ber 14, 1945, the following num- fessors and students. The week- îast season according to the an- k bers of animals cisappeared from day broadcasts to women will nual Scout census. This compar- e Soviet collective firrms during the urge those who are now free ed with 457 camps the year be- tt occupation: horses, 7 million; cat- from wartîme duties to turn their fore, an increase of 67 camps, and -tle, 17 million; swir'e. 20 million, energy towards improvements in 12,709 campers the prevltus year, -and poultry 110 million. In the their own communities. or an increase of 2,462. -entire Soviet Union in 1938, there owere 18 million horses; 63 million n cattle; 31 million swine; 102 mil- Urges Farmers to ir lion goats and sheep; and 200 Order HeIp Ne'w emillion poultry. Despite these ____ D C O S lse hh eeaggravated Invie oftheproabiStytha r.extensive destruction or confisca- wIn l i be dfcutf tep o a rmers h etion of tractors and machinery, it ilsl bdfictfofamr considerable progress has alread~y t o secure experienced help this : ben ahievd i reonstucton.year, due in part to the expansion SBy 1949 at the end of the -year of peacetime activities in other plani sepce tpou- industries, Hon. Humphrey Mit- )f ton lvel wil exced hoseof heli, Minister of Labour, is urg- tionILel wîl xced hoe fng farmers al over Canada to ~ prewar.ce hr orders for farm help I .ion On og tin- of and ur, ing ion *05- e it Un- as ýan- ties ýto her op- ade, me- iich the )een hat ced rge pro- pply able dian tant will per tock ,ries. ,on e of n in and -osts ire- tion rrain ,tock If '8,- p"h H leai are aih esti yea (This poem was> composed by a daughter of the Parsonage who will celebrate her 93rd birthday on March 20, 1946, at her home, Queen St., Bowmanville.) Patmos, lone isie of sacred love, What precious memories round thee store; How I would love, like John to see That wondrous vision shared by ~Thee. Thy sea-girt isie, they rocky coast, Environments of a tyrant's boast What place on earth could be more dread And yet to Heaven s0 very near. Like as a mother, soothes her child By chanting music, soft and mild, So lapping waves on Patmos shore Served 'God as lullaby sleep to restore. It's Sabbath day, the Lord's own day, When His disciples meet to pray. Oh how John's spirit longed to be With friends at home in Gallilee. There is a door that open stands, God holds the latchstring in HisI n-a Fhundredi to Ontario to ski, our friendsý frorn the States. For their sakes and our own let's al do our best to bring them back ... and give them a good time when they corne! PLANNING A HOLIDAY? TUNE IN THUR$., FR1. AND SAT. CFRB 2... 10:30 P.M. Ontario profits almost as Eeytoiirist dollar is much from tourist busi- s ~ . 1. Hoteis; ness as from gold mining. 2.Store; .Restaurants; It's up to us to keep thip 4.Taxes, etc.; 5. Amuse- business growing. ments; 6. Garages. "Let'$ mace thern wanf 10 corne bockl"yts PUBUISHED IN THE! PUBLIC INTRUS? BY JOHN LABAT[ LIMJTU Here' s Quick Relief f rom SINUS PAI N 3-Purpose Medicine Helps Clear Out Congested Sinus Areas e ni ls ýn 1 'o tn n ýet u't if- ng ;hE )ci at. g( ior vei M( arg O nly your continued support of the Red Cross can ensure that the splendid work being done for our sick and wounded veterans will be kept up. Your support will make possible such vital peacetime works as the upkeep of Outpost Hospitals, the Peacetiine Blood Donor Service, Nursing Services, Disaster Relief, the Visiting Homemaker Service, the junior Red Grois, and many other services for the social betterment of our people. There wilI be io Red Cross drive for funds this year. 'Your conminued membership in the Red Cross is ail that is asked. Minimum membership fée is one dollar. You.r local Redi Cross Branch will provide you with further details. Jèf tc </e ewa ew THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ONTARIO DIVISION C. BRUCE MILL, Presidelit 11-46 n - k. .a.a~ PAG9 NINEC e, They used to corne in 'v 7Ol gestion from nasal passages and sinus sufferers say it's best relief give sinuses a chance to drain. A they've found. Try iti1 few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nostril is, usually enough to bring this comforting relief. 3-Purpose Medicine .. .Va-tro-nol C K is so, successful because it does three important things: (1) shrinkss R O N OLt 1

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