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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1946, p. 7

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TÊW1RSAY, MARCH'%7th, 194« I SOCIL ANM PERSONAL Misa Vivian Rowan visited her patents at Cavan. Sergt. - Major Irene Casbourn, C.W.A.C., Long Branch, spent tho weekond with her parents. Mrn. Fred Hughes and son James, TQrÔlt, are visiting her mogthej, Mât. George Pritchard. Mr. Jferb Colo, University cf Toron to, spent t ho weekend with spaTts, Mr. and Mrs. Jack oie. Mrs.. R. Strike attended the oWig of the Ontario Legishature "Modayat Queen's Park, To- ~onay Mr.Ward Hoffman, Toronto General Hospital, spent part cf the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Miss Thersa Holley, Miss Aileen Conner, R. McCoy, Ron Littner, Whitby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tayler.' Dr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Chicage, Ill., were in tewn hast week callng on friends. They have taken up ternporary residence in Toronto. Miss Helen Miller, Betbesda, at- tended the ànnual At Home at Peterboro - Normal Sehool with her sister, Miss Beth Miller, who is a student there. Mr. Kenneth aifà Glenn Stuck- ey, Weston, Mr. J. Dix, Bin Stuck- ey ànd Miss Tomkins, Toronto, visited their. aunt, Mrs. Harry Smith, QueenSt. One cf the plate glass windows at Palmer Bros. Mter Sales was partially shattered last week when the municipal truck driving intc the garage went a littie tee far and pushed part cf the window out. Sgt. Norman Baker cf Moose Jaw, Sask., just back frorn ever- seas, was a visitor with his rel- atives, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kauff- man. He enters Toronto Univers- ity (Ajax) almest immediately. Mr. W. R. Strike, K.C., bas beer in Toronto this week presiding at the annual convention cf the On- tarie Municipal Electric Associa- tien cf wbicl he bas been Pres- ident for the past two years. Durham County Club cf To- rente meets Friday, March 8tb, ai Women's Art Association, 23 Prince Arthur Ave. Mr. Garnet Hazard, C.P.E., outstanding -artist, will give one of bis welh knowr enables you te stant your Course at any1 is no set trne for a Term te begin. always RIGHT NOW. 154 King St., E. PRONE 836 tirne. There The trne is (Registered Trade Sehool) Phone 434 Bowmanville, Ont. BOWICAIVILLER chalk talks. . . . . . U U another of these great church ed- welcome from Lou Chapple who pairing part of the narrow high- In faliling health for the past a a Iifices. still has a sof spot for his native way."1 twletrFlorence Maude Thom- Bowmanvlb eIni The [sii-rs Mail "Inside we met the superinten-, cOuflty of Durham. Due probably to the heavy airmy as, éoe w1fe of the late Charles dent of one of. their youth organ- truck traffic on this highway, and A. Lander, passed away in Oshawa LIONS CLUB . . . . . . . izations and Mr. Meadows told PLEASE, BE CAREFUL! aiso with an eye to accident pre- on March 4th. Born in Taunton, F9him some of my experiences past "While driving in an Arny jeep' vention, some enterprisiflg, appar- deceased was daughte r of the late Presents Mrs. Annie Colwell, R.R. No. 4, and anticipated. The officer sug- from the port of Shiogama to Sen- entiy anxious foreign duty U.S. M.andric ltu a esnTativ. E.OenwlSubscIptieon or These that I address their even- dai in northern Japan," writes soldiier had placed this large sign AgiutrlRpeenaieE eeà sbcito o h ing fellowship group on Japan Ted Stokes, "I observed an army by the project: "Drive Carefuly- A. Summers left Monday for ToIrnto N en 's Canadian Statesman. I have been and took me to meet the Vicar. engineer construction battalion re- High Point Men at Work." Guelph, where he has been ap- in Owen Sound sincç September The Vicar took up the idea with ___________________________ poined ffiiaijude a th Co- LThe paper has alwaYrs'been In my enthusiasm and, hearing of my petin lidzosficialjudg ng hClh soutm.enj o r eading i t i- akdwehrIw dpec lege Royal among students coin- Teach <! hoi ome and I no edibe lot amint- experience as a clergyman, also isan nnualeventeredste in dura County news the Communion sermon froni his anuswv al vnt. aiet Srend the pr go eaigwhc pulpit. He suggested that I speak arehathea hrpaper.__Cn-____se o on "The universality of the Chris- chest Cliuic Notice tractors, excavating for the new tian_____________an____Isel trunk sewer have lined a mound of 50 VOICES AND Mrs. S. A. Shantz, 6060 Stony ected as the text, "Other sheep I dirt that smears walks and is ASSISTING ARTIST Island 'Avenue, Chicago, Ill have ... one flock, one shepherd." traced ito omes we or ry.writes: I sure was glad to hea*r Later I was amazed to find pres- An extra tax in overtime work. at h l onvtddw h i n tteflosi orsm Under the auspices of the Ontario Dçpartment of Arrvig y ir MndyMachquor stores. I remember when hundreds of young people with Health a free chesi cllnic bas been arraniged for the Arivn 4th tw aoir oppdyinat the "Scott Act" was in force, be- ail the eagerness jand enthusiasm Glenn-La roabinst.,pE Without B.H.S. Auditorium fore your time. It sure was a of Saskatchewap youth. I spoke 12eU and l3th of March, 1946 Glen-Lara, Kng S., E Witoutdisgrace. Liquor was brought in- to them on "Tule religious back-1 changîng tailored Palm Beach *u u 1 * tt town labelled vinegar, molas- ground of life in Japan." After i BOWMANVIILE. The clinic will be held Ithe suits. they immediately set about um'.,auarcn 0 ss-ec h meigmayo he tl uneparintheiaesftheawooshoe.a :1 .A t the time of the big fire there surrounded me and kept me go- H at ntOfc t uner he evesof he wodsed.at 815 .m.was more liquor rolled out of the ing until 1 had just time te get Mr. Geo. E. Chase, Manager of drug stores than was in ail the some supper and catch the mîd- wlth Dr. G. Brearley in charge. Those wishii to Bowmanville Public Utilities Com- ...S C heteis. I haven't been in Bow- night train back to London. take advantage of this opportunity should get i touch mission, was in Toronto this week Admission - -5Q anville for three years and I amn Though the war is over the aus- wt hi alypyiina ne attending the Association of Mun- afraid perhaps I wilî neyer get terity continues and London isihterfml pyiina ne icipal Electric Utilities, and the there again. My daughter is stil, pretty dead before midnight." ThiIs clinie is for T.B. cases, suspects, contacts, etc., Ontario Municipal Electric Assoc- If reserved seats are desired in the W.A.C. She has been in Weli, will that be interesting te and i no way replaces the Mass X-Ray survey which t aincneto bighl nte tickets may be exchanged at Washington for about eight mon- your readers? is being arranged for a later date. Royal York and King Edward Alex MeGregor's Drug Store ths, expects her discharge soon, Yours smncerely, Hotels. Monday, March 1Sth, starting but expects to return .to Wash- W. P. Fletcher n Miss Helen Pritchard of The at 12 noon. pongton andtak aciilservic Statesman staff, who bas been inpoion it the VeteransA G. W. M'ilrBA.,MODO D.POH. BowanvlleHosita fo seera _______________________ministration. Hope you can send Vacation Land ~. * Bweks i n o pal ho e ang a copy cf this week's paper, ~ rdi satiscoprgrstoecovery.asIpresume you wilhave ac - rIcture nBli Maiss Heen orwick rsasiting con Soinacount cf the Pearce 6th wedding Illustrated Newspaper Ms ee owc sassigo oiaanniversary. Isn't it wonderful, _________________________________ The Statesman staff during hier ____ I was at their wedding, their sil- My2isomanvsenceofic- Y.P.U. met Monday night with ver wedding, -and their golden Thanks te Lou W. Chapple, iay Welcome Howm" for her old- Bruce Taylor, missionary conven- wedding and had hcped to be leading lawyer cf Billings, Mon- OI ial WelomeHom" fr hr sld-er, in charge of the program. He there this year but I just wasn't tana, former student at Bowman- iers. Again this reminder: Please -was assisted in the worsbip ser- able. vilaTe wnsgh ipor endîong us leave ail cash and checks at Mc- vice by Ruth Reynolds and Har- pCtriaewsipfohisedopedNeqvusa Geo' rgStore. This, of vey Yellowlees. Gladys Yellow- S.Pals asetra lheviews o tsake p tee arStyles roursne, ifyouwihs tsarlegin espeene h opco i Bowmanville, March 5th, '46 entire 48 pages of a special edi- ..... proidngeac wtha uitbl gftsien work in Trinidad and Stan- Dear Mr. Editor: tien cf the Billings Gazette and F r Ne~ in appreciation for what they did. ley Milîson gave a reading. Bruce Because of the encouragement with net a line cf commercial ad- F ra N w S rn and wbo voted for the new Mem- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis en- evidences cf wcrld movements ticus undertaking with photos in S rn criai Hospital turned eut te the tertained friends at a court whist, that ar fcrward, I am cffering a rotogravure beautifully portray- 4.IeqvYo ... annual meeting cf the board, Tues- party Saturday night. Prizes were part cf a letter just received te- ing a panorama extending frorn N w o day evening. This sort cf support won by Mrs. Lorne Hoskin and day from my son, Lieut. LI. C. the Sweet Grass Hilîs bordering is simply bad business. Anether Wes Yellowlees. Fletcher, now in England on his Alberta te Yellowstone Park on meeting is called for Friday, Mar. Their friends here are glad te way te Japan. Because he writes the south and frcm North Dakota A new hair style will lift your 15th. know that I'rs. Robert Smales is se much like his father, for the te idaho on the west. mrlgv o ed-tr Mr. Harvey Joint, proprietor cf impreving a er a sericus opera- sake cf your religion, I am put- Billings, in the north central moaegve oua eastr Edmendstcne's Meat Market, has tien at Oshawa Hospital and that ting it into type-writing. He plain, with a population cf 29,000 into this new, wonderful spring. been in hospital having his nose Neil1 Yellowlees is home after a writes as fellcws: is Montana's largest city. It has Our expert beauticians will re-set. He broke it several weeks major operation at Western Hos- "Inscrutable as It may seem, huge public stockyards te acccrn- ago when hie was hit by a flying pital, Toronto. yesterday I, a non-conformist, medate the huge marketings cf softly style your hair, kee it puck at Orone watching the Mid- Mr. Frank Westlake, Sr., is still preached the Communion sermon Hereford cattie and sheep for glowing and gleaming. eial gets hockey teani play Cobourg. under the doctor's care. at St. John's Bhackheath church, which the state is famous. Here 852 today for your appointment. Mr. John M. James, production Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid Charlton, London. This is how it toc are the great accommodations manager of the Statesman staff, entertained a few friencis Wed- came about: I was visiting the 73- for the famed Midland Empire was in Toronto hast week attend- nesday evening. year-cld brother cf Mr. Frank State Fair, the huge fcur-way CoId Wave - I-i-speed Permanent igthe mcnthly meeting cf the Mrs. J. R. Kiveli held a quilting Meadows, Frobisher, Sask., at airport and the paved roads rad- TeA aigNwPnCr em nn Printing House Craftsmen. These Friday afternocn. Charlton, one cf the outer scuth iating in each direction. TeA aigN wPnC r em nn meetings are attended by the Home and School Club will boroughs cf London. He is a From Billings, vacaticnists mayà majority cf skilled printers in meet March 15. building contracter and be gave quickly reach lakes, rivers, moun- We reconirend the permanent that suits you best. Ontario te discuss new ideas and Visitors-Miss Muriel Lang- me the best picture I have gained tains, dude ranches, rodeos, and te bring eut the latest metheds cf imaid, R.N., Toronto University, s0 far cf what bcmbing dees te hunt and fish amîdst unparalleled printing. at home ---Miss Dcrcthy Har- buildings and people. This sec- scenic wcnders. Then there are Anohe mrcantonFrntdy, Bell Telephone staff, Oshawa, tien is near the Thames and rail the historical peints cf pioneer M iller's Beauty Parlor Anoter ercant n Fontat home ---Mr. and Mrs. J. E. lines and s0 was especially bard times such as Custer's last stand Street has been doing consîderable H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon bit. For many square miles net a on the Little Big Horn. Inter- 28 King St., B. omnil rencvating to bis premises in re- Davis, Peter and Marilyn, Osh- single bouse escaped damage, and esting ,intriguing, beckcning,Bomnil cent weeks. It is the implement awa; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis one beavy bomb wiped eut 250 these scenes tell the stcry cf an sbep cf W. H. Brown. He bas and June, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. bouses. In our walk we came te area ittie kncwn in these parts. W taken over tbe complete store at Alan McKenzie, Lorraine and St. John's and I suggested going People from this district wbo 91 King St., formerly occupied by Kay, Columbus, at Ralph Davis' in that I migbt see the inside cf I wend that way wîll surely get a Wilcox Billiard Parler and made ----Mr. andi Mrs. James Smales, 0 0000 000o it inte an up-to-date showroom, Sr., at Tom Annan's, Dunbarton. =OC=0 ___________==oc== = =0c:=:;= =zc=== =zc= ý 0 0 plus a special department te hock ----Mr. and Mrs. Russell Balson I eter the repair cf ail types cf and Carelyn, Bowmanville, at A. ilEA O farm machinery. J. Baîsen's. W E F EA T URE #fkSREA O E. A. Summers, Agricultural 0O ments in his weekly crcp report: B r eo Seed enquiries have been numer- eus the past week or two. There R d a t ýit r sK E N X is sufficient rcughage feed on Visitors-Mrs. E. Adams and mcst farms but many are buying Viola were in Peterboro ----Mrs.n Western grain. In December and Pearl Avery in Pontypool---- ByMecryPht Srvc early January a gocd supply cf Mrs. C. Ashton bas been sick but B ecr ht evc wced was cut. We are receiving isimrvîg MisRuyBal numerous applications fer farm ey was home ---Mr. Noble Ste- »25CX NAL U S O EX R C A G belp witb ne prospects available -venso M. nd bs.fome inBrowln 0 PnC At tbe annual meeting cf tbe- M.anr._lfor ronO PR1E Hospial Asocition Tues a nd baby Mr. and Mrs. Walter ________ VoptlAscain Tedy ivianaand girls, Oshawa, at Mr. Yuwl like these new, deckle-edged brilliant photos and tsH r evening, another lift was given and Mrs. Dave Gatchell's - -- h lus r mr o.Brn orfls oyu lDA tbeir deliberatins b a1- nceM_ nd rsdMrvy 4Gtce_1Stre Te srvceis mpovng.ThNw R y-ld Noble Stevenson, Brolin, visit- I ed friends in Hampton and Mrs. jjpuaeoft, W/ito, complfeley IWPPed ID.A. Cold Tablets 19e à &M.adMs lnTom Bailey. YS*¶ À IUJ 1IO SiflIr ROLL - 1r.,nd Ms.1Gen oskin and M*i M 1 1 U $ White Pie & Tar Baiey with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hos- .. ..* FIL>U % Cough Syrup, 8 oz. 34e jý 2%Miss Helen Hawthorn visited inO____________________________ Mrs. Henry Trick was in Toron- .EA Toto. I COUGES & COLDSc M . a d M s HMila d o -W B5 A H C aid, visiting bier mother in Col- CHECK Mýbr. aluMs.H.Guian Dn-Thermogene Rub 43c bore.______ AN Yq~Af<~ Pertussin 59o 'FRUIT SALT' Salem f TU BE 1 5 e 9 Previe Cola ---- - 75e 0 _________________ Vick's Va-tro-nol 43ec Womnen's Association met Feb. f Hot Water Botties Idaphedrmne Aqucous 1 2lst at the home cf Mrs. S. But- I Now Guaranteed Nose Drops--------- 50e tery witb 12 ladies present. Pres- Il59e - 79e - 98c - $1.39 -Ma.sofl' 49 -- 40c-75c _______________ W'ident Mrs. L. Welsh, opened the Vick's mneeting and conducted the bus- e *s Cough Dropse---15e iness period. f Buckley's DMON [IN RNSMrs. H. McClure and ber group 0 Annamated Caps. 35c bad charge cf the pregram. Mrs. J. Cook gave a splendid reading f on the lif e and writings cf St. ~ FRHPIE Luke; Kenneth Buttery favored N DN R£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY with piano music. Mrs. R. G. Ba" Collacutt held everycne's interest STM COWE with a paper, "Twenty Days on a TMC PR E Raft" The meeting closed with0 a sîng-song. The group served 0 MARR'S lunch and a social time was en-O LXM cROR JEWELLERY jXyeM________ The principal need of chlldren l ' e LAURA SECORD CANDIESUS PHONE 79Z2-WB DELIVR Kig St., W. Bowmanville is the need for more principle in fl______ ______ ______ ______ ____________________~'parents. I0@0~00000000 1~ Veterans' Allowances for Rehabilitation include Commercial and Business Courses Individual Instruction at Bowmanville Business School This School is regularly inspected by the Supervisor of Commercial Trainig, Department of Veterans' Affairs, and also the Inspecter of Trade Sehôols, Ontario Depariment of Education. Write or Phono for Outline of Courses. Daily Bus Service for Points East. BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL NEW SHIPMENIr Spring Top Coats of Quality and Smartness Spring is balmy but breezy . . . the season of the year when one cf our lightweight, ail wool top coats just fills the bill. Choose one cf our new, fly front models in a flatter- ing shade. All sizes. Just Arrived Ladies' Spring DRESSES - COATS SUITS Corne hi and sec the latest styles ln sprlng suits, coats and dresses. At present we have a large nurn- ber in stock and more are comig every day. Corne ln and look around. Coilch, Johnston- & Cryderman PAGE SEUN "%Io nmv. i-Av,&nlrAu.qTATESMAN. BOWMANVMLIC. ONTARIO 7 fil -X

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