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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1946, p. 7

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TESMAN, Dl-JW ÂVII - v 'K M - *..UUU UUU [meeting to be held tomorrow ev- Mrs. Norman Hannan, Mrs. J. Thue 1 'ening, March 15, at the Agricul- Biggs are visiting in Montreal. Otural Offices. Plans for the new Mrs. Biggs who served in the Revie 6ND PE SONALMemorial Hospitaland election of C.W.A.C. is atending a re-union of War ND PERSONAL ~officer: marks the agenda. ce R.C.A.S.C. personnel. HoeO et phone osSpsrnig6Te88oce Fr he uis opr n Mei - - - - - - -. - dlipping maple branches touch- bebaif of the Bowmanville Fire présider ing wires faund black and grey Brigade, wishes to thank Mr. and last we Bor- Staples, and Mr. Charles Hadd:', squirrels following tbem to lap Mrs. Harry Freeman and their Spitfire .end. Toronto, spent the weekend witb up the free flow of maple nectar. daughter for the welcome bot ening,d Uni- Mrs. N. S. B. James. Robins paused in home building to coffee and sandwiches they serv- ed the ,eek- Mr. A. F. Spencer, Maple Grove, cock an enquiring eye on the ed at the Hancock Fire early wartimE has returned ta bis home after scene. Sunday morning. to disbý own, spending some time in the Osh- Town employees are busy ef- King Street witnessed much ex- work m Mrs. awa General Hospital where he fecting the plans of Roads and citement Tbursday afternoofl Thes was confined with pneumonia Streets Chairman Tim Garton ta when Doug, two-year-old son of very gi brand pleurisy. widen King St., opposite Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Oke, climbed munity, L, o Who says spring isn't here? manville Dairy and garage. Ob- out of the window of bis second bership 1ofMr. Bob Cale brougbt a full groWn ject, accident prevent at a dan- storey home and perched on the $1.355, dandelion flower into Thé States- gerous curve. ledge overlooking tbe Bowman- and chi wasma office Monday morning tbat Engineers of Toronto Construc- ville Glove Factory sign. Several total e: and lie found growing in bis lawn. tion Co. who are trenching in the merchants and shappers saw the an achi ugobg Not only that, it was growing on new se*er pipes on Liberty St., predicament of the cbild and ity in] the nortb side of the bouse. have decided ta bore under King rushed up ta tell the unsuspecting Thei 1 the The War and CiviecÇommittee, St. ta connect up the last link mother. Bill Paterson and Blaine 3rd, l94 -ros sekin fuds fr te gla ayin the system, prior ta tackling Elliott held a coat on the street bars nr npres seekin, funs forteaaday,é the disposai plant. beneath until the child was coax- Wakelii sents will be accorded Bowman- Charles Carter, Sr., is deliver- ed into safety by bis parents. for wai ,thur, ville's returned soldiers, have ar- ing a series of lectures at the NG-EN S with 12 seas, rangecl for weey dance at theSlir'aeCee, Trot, COMING E EN S ta eigh Mr. High School. The first will take on the business complexities ofth e place Saturday evening, Marcb 23. the Bakery and Restaurant Trade. St. Patrick's dance at Ifnniskil- others tting Date u right now. The sunny soutb bas moved len hall, March 16 at 8:30. Mo- meetini ma- UPh oaiasAtHryi dern and aid time dancing. Prizes waysz na- Dr. William Tennant, presidentnrb oainsAtHry~ for spot dance. AI Stack and his eacb si 1 the Hospital Board, who is very ilI Florida and Dr. Cy Slemon inMscMkr.Adiso 5. Fn eny at home, asks the public* please Clfri ihter ie n 11-1 as Jý B. ta turn out for the annual board others, can be told that snow iswas __________________________gone and for several days natives copper ___________________________have gone coatlesý in almost sum- The annual birtbday party of auction mer temperatures. Last Marcb is the Bowmanville Hospital will be gether repeating itself. beld at the Nurses' residence on nationE Mrs. W. A. Edger wbo visited Tbursday afternoon, Marcb 28, funds 7m aniv ile ber son Bill and ber aunt, Mrs. from 3 to 6. A cordial invitation for goi R. E. BrownPeterboro, over the is extended ta the ladies of Bow- in mai weekend returned Sunday even- manville and surrounding dis- Amc is C lubîng. Mrs. Brown accompanied ber trict ta attend and, in this way, ported 21 bta Bowmanville and will remain with donationls, help the menbers paa presnts y o ther wrk. 1-2Bags,1 Lynda and Lee Rackham, three- r nterwr.1- Hospil year-old twins of Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Rackbam, Carlisle Ave., ýA St. Patrick's Tea will be held Fund, celbraedtber brtdaywit ain Newtonville United Cburcb Milk1 Oavamiv large party of tbeir littie friends basement on Wednesday after- te on arb 6b.noon, Marcb 20, under auspices and C' Pt C nMr.CharesSpneran snof Newtonville Women's Insti- mothel Mrs Chrls Sencr nd ontute. Good programn provided. The a chers C oir Bobby moved ta Toronto last Admission 35c and 2c 11te we ojitCapt. CharleSpen-furthei cerwhoislocated tbere as Ad- The Women's Canadian Club contini ED 0F 50 ARTiSTS jutant and Training Officer witb wiîî be held in St. John's Parisb years the Toronto Irisb Regt. They bail on Monday, March 18tb at Violet i Asistig Aristwere fortunate enougb ta obtain 3:45 p.m. "Some Permanent Pro- ried o Assstng rtstone haif of a duplex. blems of Canada" will be the sub- At t B3alay, ilns Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spence, To ject of an address by Dr. H. J. membi Vilnitronto, were weekend guests of Cody, Cbancellor of University sociati Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Hancock, of Toronto. 1- gether - at - King St. Mr. Spence's car sus- ____ closini tained considerable damage dur- Corne ta Silver Medal Contest tbank: 1AUDITORIUM ing the fire at Mr. Hancock's ta be beld in Newcastle United ville1 Massey-Harris business. Fortun- Cburch S.S. hall on Friday, Mar. getber " NAD<Uately, firemen were able ta drag l5tb, at 8 p.m. Programn of local man AY X 18IRI~I 2 Z th. it from the building before it was talent, movie-taîkie filins under mucb completely destroyed. auspices of O.T.F. Admission 25c. 8:15 P.M. Editor Gea. W. James is in Ot- Cbildren under 12 years, free. tawa and Montreal tbis week 11-1 - - - - SOC attending tbe annual meeting of Directors of the Canadian Weekly See "Aunt Minnie From Min- Mr. SEATS RESERVED Newspaper Association. nesota" presented by Blackstock borne. A large crowd of motorists filled Continuation Scbool in Hampton Bobbý non at Alex McGregor's Drug Store W. J. Bagnell's store ail day Satur- United Cburcb, Monday, March Mr. _________________________~day obtaining their driver's and 1Btb, at 8 p.m. under the auspices ud ___________________________car licenses. It was rumoured sev- of the Women's Institute.* Ad- Sundo) - eral weeks aga that March lth mission, adults 35c, cbildrefl 15c. Nlo C.H U Kwould be the deadline for al îi-i Mis C.1. UC hcenses but the Department of Be sure ta purchase your tickets Mr. Regitere Opometist Higbways still basn't given out for the Club 15 dance ta be beld and f; Regstre Opomtrst anything official. in the Higb Scbool auditorium, Mr. S ~People living out Scugog way Frîday, Marcb l5th. Limîited familý Special Arrangement bave been watcbing witb interest numnber of tickets ta be sold. May Gla 3-day service the re-conditioning of the C.P.R. be purcbased from any member - water tower. Workman bave been of Club 15. 11-1 =01 By appointmelt: 9.30 to 12 busy on if for the past couple ofb asand 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. weeks and bave just about com- Orano Wamen's Insfitute are pleted painting tbe new structure. putting on an Irish Concert and DISEY LDG, OP. .O. J. Howard Hancock reaîîy Dance in the town hall, Orono, OFICNEY156BLDG., 226 Fridayhn h ,evening, March 22nd. 0 OFFCE 516 - RS. 526 means busns we esays be is FrDay Byadbstop rm OSHWA OT.going ta rebuild bis partially burnt DpeerBo an d wil beoube enter- OSHWA ON.ut store. Late Wednesday bricks PtierborAdmhsion et etar- and lumber appeared outside the tandne , 5Admscon o 11-1ai _________________________ruins ready for tbe workmen toanddnc,5c.1- ____________________________MW__sfarftbe reconstruction job. "nl obPris'wl ef BiRTI-'presented by the Senior Young BIRTH People of Tyrane at the Coin- munity Hall, Friday, Marcb 15. SAYWELL-Mr. and Mrs. Ste- Admission 35c 'and 15c. 10-2 phen G. Saywell (nee Susan Vano Camp) are happy ta announce Be sure and attend tbe dance0 the birtb of their daugbter, Susan on Friday evening, Marcb lStb in f Margaret on Wednesday, Marcb the Newcastle Community Hall I 6, in Grace Hospital, Toronto. under the auspices of Newcastle I ________________________Skating Rînk Association. Russ f Creigbton's Orchestra. Admission ALL FISH SUPPLIED Èvélyn__Taylor and Myrtle Hall, F.T JMS o readings were gîven by Ewart I F. T.JAME Co.Leask and Bruce Taylor, and0 flhIli9lIIa% Pearl Leach favared witb a vocal b i li ir s solo. Ewart led in games.g 20 oz. Z2 A Gentlemanl's Game Members of the play cast and their director, Mrs. Roy Lang- ýeJuice................________________ aid, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon 20Ooz Leask, Wednesday evening. Mrs. 0 1ruitJuice.......... 16ÇLangmaid was presented witb i&nn UnCe ent gift in recognition of ber unfîr- 0 _____________________________ing and willing service.1 Mr. Jim Short, Oshawa, is un- 24-lb. On der the doctor's care at S. E. Wer- Mar........h. ry's wbere he bas been spending Tues, ac 26th the winter. A REPRESENTATIVE OF The Lîbrary Board beld its an- lb nual meeting at the home of Mr. 0 CHEEE Te Singer Sewing Charles Sbortridge, Tuesday ev-D Machine.....C.. ening. The officers were re-elect- will be in Bowmanvllle to ser- Langmaid; secretary, Mrs. Frank If in Our, Modernized Store vie ail makes of sew g ilbert; treasurer, Charles Short- m a c in s. ie a n d a r: P r e e n, M r s o y machnes.board, Mrs. John Baker, Miès. ___________________________Expert workmanship Wes. ýYellowlees, Miss Ruth Rey- guaranteed nolds. How ta create an active0 If ini need of service write or reading interest and general ap- phone before the above date. preciation of the wide range ofD RI T A L L IN cultural and fictional literature 0 SINGER SEWING denoted by the 1,071 books in f CORNER GROCER" MACHINE Co. airn of increasing membership tao. I PHONE 367 PHONE - 696 Remainder of evening was so- OSHAWA 11-2 cially spent and refresbments 1 - ~were served by the host. o Mr. Ross HalloweUl and Mr. J. Hallowell attended the Sbortborn Sale nortb of Oshawa on Thurs- day. Mrs. Lamne Todd visited Mrs. Don Stapletan at Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell and Jackie in Bowmanville. A number from bere attended Tom Wood's sale at Elizabethville. Mrs. Arthur Tubb, Oshawa, at Mrs. J. Clysdale's. Miss Betty Scott, at ber home in Toronto. Mr. Walter Farrow, Newcastle, witb Mr. Howard Farrow one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forrester, Toronto, visited at Mr. Al. Dob- son's. 1A pleasant afternaon was spent at Mrs. W. A. Hallawell's at a quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sbutka in Oshawa. Several fram bere attended the banquet in Newcastle on Manday evening. If is an honor and a privilege for me ta send ta you the accam- panying 'Operational Wings' and 'Certîficates of Service' of your twa sons, Flying Officers A. C. Colville and J. S. Colville, in re- cognition of their gallant services in the performance of whicb they gave up their lives for their home, King and country."~ This was the tbougbt expressed by Wing Com- mander W. R. Gunn, Casualties Officer, R.C.A.F., Ottawa, for the Chief of Air Staff, in a leffer ta the mother, Mrs. Alex Colville, Bowmanville, dafed March 1sf, 1946. The citations pointed ouf thaf bath these yaung men bad comn- pleted their tours of operatians and continued on untîl lost in ac-' tion. The letter furtber stated thaf these mementos were an ex- pression of tbe thanks of a grate- ful nation with the hope they mighf be treasured in memory of gallant members of the airforce wha laid their ahl on the altar of freedom. The wings, fashioned in gold, are replicas of the officer insignia worn on the airforce funics. The certificates, on white parchment also bave the wings embossed in gold relief, and tbe citation "for gallant service in action agaînsi the enemy" is inscribed over the signature of Air Marsbal Robert Leckie,_ Chief of Air Staff. Bath John and Alex Colville fell in operatians over Europe. Their brother, Freebarn, met his death previously in the Coasfal Command, R.C.A.F., Newfound- land. If is learned from officia] records that another mother, Lady McRoberts of Scofland also lasi three sons in the airforce whilE fighting over Europe. This wa:ý 1revealed in a recent meeting oi motbers of fallen airmen whicI - took place in Toronto. t s ýf C. Mears will be of mucb inter- est ta people of Orono. Mr. Mears wha writes from the Press Gallery, House of Commons, Ot- tawa, is on the staff of the Mon- treal Gazette. His father was Methodist minister at Orona wbere Fred went to scbool and played cbeckers and bookey. His letter follows: Dear Mr. James: It was very kind of you ta do some dlipping and ta mail me a PAGE SEVEN tion of your thoughtfulness. Incidentally, I have a warm spot in my heart for your neigh- borhood for it was at Orono that I once tried to be principal of the public scbool there. My profes- sional essay there, really, was not mucb of a success, for I spent most of my spare time playing checkers in the rear of the many commercial establishments. There were, I discovered, more expert checker players, per capita, in that place than anywbere I have read of, and a fine lot of men they were. PAINTING and INTERIOR DECORATING General Carpenter Work Phone 2343 MARCH ORQO SALE A FULL WEEK 0F BARGAINS Wed., March l3th to Wed., March 20th Here is the greatest drug news in 1946 - It is your opportunit>' to save mone>'. on many products you use regularly in your home. Be sure to iiis your I.DA. Store during the sale week or better still PHONE 792 for your drug needs NOW. IS 50c Cocoanut 011 Shampoo --33e 'dO0N 51.25 Pinkham's Compound -- 87c A15c Brownie Writing Pads - Sc etter Way 50c MiIk of Magnesia, 16 oz. --23c to take 50c Pinex cough compound --32c ,od Liver oit 25c Camphorated -Iqmmzn Oi --------------------------- 19 Ou 29e Blondex Containe NGIN Shampoo-------------- 23c Vîtmie Pe LS -.. . 25e Witch Hazel ---- 19c 33e Eveready Shaving Cream $2.25 Lactogen- 39c-69 23e 1.59 19C 24c 19e A.B.S.& C. Tablets---------------- 14e Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Biowing Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East IBowmanville Phone 494 34-tf 25 BARGAIN Reduced Ira Glauber Sal -a. Cow flOT I 59e - M4ACLEAU STOMACim "POWDER Bargains S25e Sulphur, Molasses and Cream of Tartar ---20e 39c Milk of Magnesia STablets, 100's ------------ 24 OA15e Pocket Combs ------ 9c 0,15e Flaxseed ----------- li 35e Palmolve Shave Cream 33c Palmolive Soap ------ 2 for l PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY golps Frayent Bad BrIjJ> * SVo GLRSIZqA L E X M cO R E erlhmt Teeh* 0Soiruilg Suais25 LAuRA sECORD CANUlEs DRU OS PHONE fleecy cloud! Q 0 ;C12 pads in box -0 ÇS FOR FARMERS B n, 2 oz - -------- 29C Its, 4 lbs - ------- 19C 0 39ec0 2H SmRuR0I XATER BOTTLES ï ow Guaranted0 79e - 98c - $1.39 0 0 uiok first aid..1 SIVE BANDAGESi O!0 00R1 :79Z -WB DELIVERq 1 soft as a -.1ý bave done several tirnes, and I am Forsred . earslly writing ta express my apprecia- IrdC er I"If Your Hair is Beautiful 00 iSo Are You!" o0 D Yes Ladies :- this is a popular slogan -%ith a lot 0 0 of sense. Affer ail your Dpersonal appearance de- 0 Openids so much on your Shaîr-do. And your haîr lepends on the regular care you give it So be.%..... ready 5for .p l o o Yem Permanent, then foundation of any smart 0 O hair style. For Appointments Phone 453g 0O n "Estelle" Il BEAUTY SALONg 01Corner George,& Churcoh Sts. 0 BOWMAN VILLE 0 Dot ihtWt Se0ie 39C-69C

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