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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1946, p. 5

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THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1946 1'IIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FINE R U mmm mmmmmmmmm a mmm mmm m~ ........... I I I 1~>i I I r4~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I m I I I u I I I I M I I I I I I I I I m I M I I I I I M M I M I I M M M M M I M N M I I a M I M M u M a I I t NILK BREAD DOUGHNUTS ANN PAGE OVEN FRESH ANN PAGE 224 -oz. 15e * doz. 12 OXYDOL- * * ' *' ' arge rkg. 22e FELS NAPTHA SOAP * 3 Bars 20g OLD CHEESE FINE CANADIAN . lb- 29e CORNFLAKES QUAKER 2 Pkgs. 159 VEGI SOUP CAMPBELL'S 2 Tins 21< HEALTEGLO 5011 C mfl* WORC. SAUCE fl~l~fWHEN - CEEU-PU AVAILABLE ~ WHEN IVORY FLISAVAILABLE 4Cakes17 Bt-27e ZL ar e &OàÉ Pkgs. *IZ5' Large2< a j p p M M M M M M M M M Texas Marsh Seedless 96's GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 29C Cuban Red Spanish 24'9 PI NEAPPLES 35c.ea 3for$1.OO) TOAGS~MEIANl - - -lb.-25# LETTUCE CEBERG ~60's -2 fr23e CELERY STALKS FORID 2 for 25e CUCMBRSNATIVE GROWN ea. 25g PEAS CALIFORNIA, eRESH lb. 19e SPINACH IMPORTED, CURLY LEAF 2 lbs. 23e CADRAGE IMPORTED, FRESH GREEN lb.V ONINSCANADA No. 1 Grade - lb.- 7e 01410lis Yellow Cookinoa BLACK TEA OUR OWN FLAVOURFUL lb. 53e CLEANSER WHITE SAIL . Ctri. 4< VITA B CEREAL Bag 10< Bàg 25e FLOWER or Large DAN DEE SEEDS VGTBL k.25g FRY'S COCQA 'lb."'31< PURITY FLOUR B 23< 24-b.73e PURITY GATS «-' 48-oz. Pkg. 17e DOG BISCUITS or 1-lb. 5 MASTER TERRIER KIBB LE 2Pkgs.25 2 11 5110E POLIS!! OX BLOOD, BLACK, TAN, BROWN Tin 10e e4%0% LP-B-%Pj 1 -- - - - - - - - - - - PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving SUNDAY, APRIL 28y TO SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29y 1946 Whereas the Town Council has passed a resolution setting the date for Daylight iSaving, I therefore request the citizens to observe the same. To carry out the request of the Town Council it will be necessary that al docks and watches be advanced one hour at 12.01 a.m. Sunday, April 28th, and returning to Standard Time at 12.01 a.m. on Sunday, September 29th, 1946. Signed C. G. MORRIS, Mayor Town of Bowmanville. GOD SAVE THE KING Two Local Fliers Win Their Wings at Oshawa Flying School Two local boys are now proud possessors of handsome leather folders with gold lettering which contain certificates and licenses naming themn as having completed examinations which qualify them as pilots under authority of the Royal Canadian Association of Flying Clubs. They graduated last week from the Ontario County Flying Club, Oshawa. James Stutt, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Stutt, now has his private pi1ot's certif icate and license and has been seen doing aerial cartwheels over Bowman- ville in recent days. Lorne Klien- stiver, employed at Bert Parker's plumbing shop, now holds a com- mercial lîcense and certificate. They are the first to graduate from this district. Others taking instruction at the same school are Jim Chilcoot, Goodyear Editor of The Wîngfoot Clan, George Cawker, grocer, young John Stutt, brother of Jim, Forrest Dilling, also of Goodyear, and others whose names escape us at the moment. Instruction at the school takes place daily, with many choosing Wednesday afternoons and mnany taking air jaunts on Sundays. The time required to learn to fly depends greatly on aptitude. Jim Stutt qualified to solo after four hours in the air. A candidate to solo must be able to take off and land and execute ahl the approved turns and spins while in the air. Besides these practical tests there are also stiff written exams having to do with civil air regu- lations and other technical details. It is learned that so f ar there are no girls from Bowmanville taking the course but there are several from Oshawa which make Sundays an acceptable day for student pilots. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Farmers have been rushing seeding and spraying. Several have finished seeding. New neighbors have moved in- to the house west of Vanderbelts. Miss Shirley Macpherson at her grandmother's in Toronto.-Bet- ty Gibson with her grandmother at Scarboro.-Mary Bowen, Corn- wall, and Billy Osborne, Toronto, at home.-Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Downing at Geo. Laing's.-C.P.O. Lonnie Gibson at his brother AI- den's. Lonnie had the bad for- tune to fracture his ankle and was having it looked after at Christie St. Hospital. ting manner. Remainder of ev- ening was spent in playing euchre. Prize winners were Mrs. Clinton Brown and Sidney Brown, high score; Valia Endicott and Free- man Eddy, the low score. Lunch was served by Jean Perrin, Mar- etta Reichrath and Aileen Turn- er. Starkville A fine congregation attended Easter service at Shiloh on Sun- day at which the children render- ed sweet music and Rev. Smith delivered an excellent sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and fa- *mily, Oshawa, with her father, Wm. Savery.-Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowery and family, Toronto, at A. Dobson's.-Mr. and Mrs. T. Falls have moved to their new home near Kendal.-Mrs. Lorne Todd is under the doctor's care.- Mrs. A. Dunn with friends in Osh- awa.-Miss Burley, Newtonville, with her sister, Mrs. C. Gilmer.- Mrs. Fred Todd enjoyed a visit from her sisters and brother-in- law from Hamilton and Toronto. -Miss B. Hallowell, Toronto, with her sister, Norma Hallowell- Mrs. C. Reid, Toronto, with her daughter, Mrs. W. Wood.-Mr. and' Mrs. Brownlee, Toronto' at M.- Shutka's.-Mr. and Mrs. L. Hal- lowell and family at T. Fall's, Kendal.-Mr. and Mrs. R. Farrow, Hampton, and Mrs. Stevenson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Farrow.-Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and daughter, Newton- ville, at Lorne Todd's.-Mr. and Mrs. C. Allun and family, Kirby, at V. Farrow's.-Misses Deckert and B. Scott are at their homes in Toronto.-Mrs. A. Dunn attended the circuit W.A. service at New- tonville, on Friday. ger, Hamilton, and Bob 14artinefl, Jr., Ingersoîl, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martinell. Mrs. Palmer, Gordon and friends, Port Hope, were Good Friday visitors.-Mrs. D. Low, Mrs. Art Low and Joyce, Mrs. Edna Robinson and Bever- ley Willian spent Thursday in Toronto with the added pleasure (?) of a flat tire on the way home. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kenny at Gananoque.-Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Patton and boys with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Peterboro. Morris stayed for a hliday.-Mr. Wm. Mercer has purchased the property on the corner from the Bryson estate. Visitors: Miss Selena Therteli, Bowmanville, at home.-Mr. Ross Patterson, Toronto, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Patterson. -Mr. Ross Patton, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pat- ton.-Miss Beatrice Thompson and Mrs. Ray Hughes with Mrs. Mary Luxon.-Mr. and Mrs. Don Little, Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Lit- tle and Mr. Alec Little with Mrs. Neya Little.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Soper and had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer.-Bob Vannatto wîth Bill Jackson.-Miss Annie Thompson and friend with Mrs. C. Thomp- son and Arthur.-Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Walker and Frances with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper.-Miss Jean Hoy and Mr. Bob Stainton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoy, Pontypool, Mr. Bill Hoy, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoy.-Helen and Leonard Hoy are holidaying at Pontypool.- Mary and Jean Lofthouse with their aunt, Miss Katie Stewart.- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cairns, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Manning.- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hoy, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoy.- Miss Georgina Darlington with Mrs. A. G. Darlington.-Mr. and Mrs. Graydon, Carley and Bar- bara, Mr. and Mrs. Archer, Miss Ruby McTaggart and friend, and Mr. Bob Alexander, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Therteil, Hazel and Shirley, Toronto, were down to their summner home- Mr. G. R. Kirby accompanied them to visit with Roy Sleep.- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hallam, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoker.-Mr. George Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. V. Allen and family with Wm. Mercer's.. We should examine ourselves and learn what is the affection and purpose of the heart, for in this way only can we learn what we honestly are.-Mary Baker Eddy. JUST A R R 1V E D $1300 m $1350 $2300 Each and Every One a Beauty Any tie you choose - a handsome compliment to your new Spring Suit. Neyer before have we had such a wide and varied selection of such out- standing ties - outstanding in color, pattern and quality. You'll actually enjoy making your selections. 0 0 0 ~DONEGAL TWEED SLACKS0 1 0 0 0 O The ideal pant for you.r ensemble or sports wear. Well tailored in 0 O 0 00 sizes 30 to 38. Per pair 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0700 *IA,1w Pa, * Mcve@? HADDOCK FILLTS FRESH COD FILLETS FRESH . COHOE lb. 35e lb 31s lb- 339 lb. 48e PINK KIPPERS CHOICE lb. 25< SISCOES CHOI CE lb. M5 SUA HERRING lb. 12e HALIDUT STEAKS lb- 41< WINTER CAUGHT WRITE FISE lb. 29< mmmmmmmmd ~iWWU~W~U mummmmUUUUUUUUUUUUW~UmmUWUUUU mmm. mmmmmmm a Smart new pooket Handkys in a wide variety of bright shades for spring. 5O~ 0 ~ SPECIAL 10 0 0 oBOYS' WINDBREAKERS0 0 0 o Apopular two-tone cloth, ful O O zipper, 2 slash pockets. Just the 0 0 0 ideal thing for sonny for these 0 0 days. Ail sizes. 0 O 0 00 0 00 1 0 10 Men 's Shirts blue. English Broadcloth Sport for men in solid white or Ail sizes. $2m75 0 00 0BOYS, 0 0 0 0 TWEED LONGS 0 0 Durabillty and appearance - al 10 00 0 00 put Into this Tweed Sport Trouser. 0 0 0 0 Sizes 28 to 32. 10 01 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 $~2.50 0 0 0 0 0 ý mý =.<.ý j Clarke Union Seeding is well advanced. G. Bayart is getting his land readyl for tobacco plants. f Edwin Sandercock has securedM a position in the Forestry. -Our school yard is greatly im- a proved by the addition of two new swings and teeters. The trus-* tees also intend draining and 1ev- elling ground for a basebaîl dia-* mond. In this connection a play by Tyrone talent is being spon-* sored next Friday night in Orono* by the Home and School Club. M Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs.: Gordon Power and family with a his mother in Oshawa.-Messrs : Joseph, Percy and Jack Rickaby, Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto, Miss Mary Jewell, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch.- a Mr. Kenneth Cain with Mr. and* Mrs. Everett Cain.-Miss Eva* Patterson with Mr. and Mrs. S. D.M Souch. Brown's Busy Bees met at Mrs. True-* man Carke's for a quilting. Next meeting at Miss Jean Perrin's. M Thursday evening friends and a relatives of Mrs."J. Hartwick (nee Doris Curson) gathered at the* school to present her with a mis-M cellaneous shower. Mrs. Henry* Reichrath had charge of the.pro-* gram: Readings by Peggy Steph-: enson and Mrs. C. Turner; piano* solo by Mrs. Archie Brown. Mr. Sidney Brown read an address* and Sam Turner and Bob Steph- a enson presented the basket of gifts. Doris responded in a fit- Sgp4mq17099e4 SMOKED FILLETS SALMON FILLETS SALMON FILLETS 1 m M-- 1 Kendal A very good crowd attended George Pope's sale and good pri- ces prevailed. The hydro line is being built on north from Kendal up Arthur Thompson's side road. These lucky ones are expecting to have the power turned on wîthin the next few weeks. We were pleased to welcome Rfn. Gilbert Greig back to our village. Gil was wounded in the foot overseas and spent consider- able time in hospital in England. He stayed with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hilditch and had dinner Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Robinson. Miss Myrtle Falls, Peterboro, with Mrs. Fred Falls.-Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. Albert Colon and Ro- flECHWEfR SPRIflG THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMM, ONTARIO PAGE PIVE THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1946 M f 0 R

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