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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1946, p. 6

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PAGE SIX *K-------.- 'pr-PAM ATDTA ?'T TATESMAM. ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ORDERS taken for sewing, knit- ting, crocbeting or other hand work. Apply Mrs. Charles Viv- ian, Hamupton. 17-2* TRACTOR custom work, plough- ing, cultivating, discing. I also have John Deere tractor repair parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. 17-tf-4* PAINTING, furniture refinished, cars sprayed, upholstering and car trim. Top deck, slip covers made to measure. Bowmanville Re-bab. Fred Lake, 35 Temper- ance St. 16-3* Help Wanted GIRL-18 or over, for upstairs work. One who lives in prefer- red. Balmioral Hotel. 17-1* MALE clerk, age 25 to 30 years. Write Box 670 Statesman Office, stating experience and qualifica- tions. 17-2 STENOGRAPHER, preferably ex- perienced. State age, experience, salary expected. Write Box 669, Statesman Office. 17-4 WOMAN wanted at once to do light housework and care for eld- erly couple. Good home. Apply Mrs. Joe Goode, Ontario St., S., Bowmanviile, phone 301. 17-1* SUPERVISOR and agents to cov- er Bowmanville and territory rep- resenting progressive financial or- ganization. Substantial remuner- ation, plus yearly bonus to quali- ied persons. Write giving age, previous employment to Box 665, Statesman Office. 16-2* AN opportunity-Established Ru- ral Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 14-41 Do It Rlght Wlth "Sealtite"1 HOME INSULATION (Blowtng Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanvllle Phone 494 34-tf Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Cholce of Colours Specialize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 Gilson Fu.rnaces Chick Brooder Stoves, Washers and Refrigerators Roofixxg - Eavestroughing Scugog St., Bowmanville Phone: Office - 2842 Residence - 2674 Dr. E. W. Sisson who has been associated witb Dr. J. C. Devitt for the past 20 years is opening his own dental office on May 1. It will be located in bis residence on 100 Liberty Street, second bouse nortb of Lover's Lane. For appointment, phone 604 . 16-2* TENDERS TENDERS FOR FUEL SUPPLY Tenders for the supply of fuel (anthracite and bituminous coal) will be received by the undersign- ed up to 12 o'clock noon, on Mon- day, June 3rd, 1946, for the Gaol, Counties' Home and Registry Of- fice (Cobourg). Type of fuel and price per ton, delivered, to be stated in tender. Ahl tenders to be plainly mark- ed "Tenders for Fuel Supply" on outside wrapping. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. L. MacNachton, 16-6 Counties' Clerk Personal AMAZINGLY quick relief from pain of indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia, with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Also in tablet form. 50c and $1 at all druggists. 14-5 SLENDOR Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at ail druggists. 10-36 SHOVELS, draglines, diesel trac- tors, diesel engines, diesel gener- ator sets, graders, rock crushers, sand gravel equipment, lumber- men equipment. We quote prîces delivered your station. Send for bulletins. Leventhal & Co., Ma- chinery Dealers, Winnipeg. 15-3 HYGIENIC Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 10-9 Commercial - Domestic ANY MAK1E Registered Optometrist 3-day service Special Arrangement By appointmeiit: 9.30 ta 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OFF. P.O.* OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. wilI bc in Bowmanville ta service ail makes of sewing maqhines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed If i need of service write or phone before the above days. 17-tf1 A Preference That H-as Been Earned- -Flrst ta provide ambulance service -First ta provide motar equipment .-Flrst ta provide hospital beds and wheel chairs -Ffrst ta, provide chapel facilities and organ music -Flrst in experlence - over 60 years of continuous service -Ffrst in prof essional ability - Our staff hold the hlghest honour licenses In Ontario -Flrst In number of familles chooslng our service, Morris Co., year after year, conduct more funerals than any other firmi this district -Ffrst ta advertise funeral costs, and ta price "1complete services" -Morris Co. average funeral is $32.00 lower than other advertlsed averages -Largest taxpayers in Durham (funeral directars) and the only funeral directar supportlng and paylng taxes in Clarke -~Complete, dignifled funerals conducted from the home, church or chapel as low as $7000 - The best I service and equlpment supplled wlth every funeral regardless of cost BIRTIIS CRYDERMAN-On April 19, 19461 to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cryder-s man, a daughter (Margaret Ei-f leen). 17-1* COLEý-At Kitchener Hospital on Wednesday, Marcn 27, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cole, a daugh- ter, Helen Elaine. 17-1 PEARCE-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce wisb to announce the birth of their son, George Wayne, at Bowmanville Hospital on Monday, April 15, 1946. 17-1 DEATH CHITTENDEN - On Wednesday, April 17, 1946, in hospital, Isabel- la Woolner, widow of the late Ai- fred Chittenden, and mother of Mrs. John Aldworth, in hier 81st year. Resting at Fred N. Garrett Funeral Home, 584 Somerset St., W., until 11:30 a.m. on Friday, April 19, when remains will be removed to Slater Street Salva- tion Army Citadel to lie in state until service at 3 p.m. Inter- ment Pinecrest cemetery. 17-l* IN MEMORIAM MURDOFF-In loving memory of my dear mother, Florence Isabel, whom God took "Home" to rest April 22, 1945. "A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better God neyer made. A wonderful worker, so loyal and true, One in a million, that, mother, was you.j Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright; Loved by your friends and ahl you knew; A wonderfui mother, thatý mother, was you." -Lovingly remembered by Borea. 17-1 MURDOFF-In loving memory of my dear wife, Florence, who went to be with bier Saviour, April 22, 1945. "I know that she is happy In our Saviour's home above, Growing fairer as she lingers In the sunshine of His love. God knows how much I miss bier, Neyer shah bler memory fade; Loving thougbts shaîl ever wander To the spot where she is laid." -Always remembered by ber husband, Mort. 17-1 POWELL-In loving memory of our deer son and brother, Donald, who paid the supreme sacrifice at Ems River, near Leer, Germany, April 28, 1945, while serving witb the Stormont, Dundas and Gien- garry Highlanders. "Beautiful memories lie bas left behind." -Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, Brothers and Sisters. 17-1* CARDS 0F THANKS The family of tbe late Mrs. W. C. Allun wish to thank their friends and neighbors for ail the kindness and sympathy extended to themn at the time of ber sud- den passing. 17-1* Ralph Simpson wishes to tbank 1ail bis friends for the cards, fruit and fiowers sent and other kind- ness shown during bis stay at Bowmanville Hospital and wbile convalescîng at home. 17-1* Mrs. Harriet Rogers wishes to thank ber many friends and neigh- bors for the many kindnesses sbown ber since ber home was recently destroyed by fire. She is particuharly appreciative of tbe effort put forth by the Fire« Bri- gade to save ber home. 17-1* Regular round and square dan- cing at Enniskillen hall, Saturday, April 27. Fietcher's orchestra. 17-1 Garden Bros. mammoth 3-ring Circus in Oshawa Arena, May 16- 17-18. Tickets may be obtained from Bowmanville Volunteer Fire Brigade. 17-2* Come to the dance in Enniskil- len Hall on Friday, April 26, un- der the auspices of Girls' Base- bail team. Ruth Wilson's 6-piece orchestra. Admission 35c. 17-1* Come and see "Unche Josh Per- kins" at the town hall, Orono, on Friday, April 26th, at 8:15. Aus- pices Clarke Union Home and School Association. Admission: Aduhts 35c, children 15c. 16-2* Youth for Christ, hast raily of the season on Saturday, April 27 in the town hall, in charge o Fit. Lieut. Bob Devers, D.S.O., D.F.C. Special welcome to ser- vice men and women. No admis- sion. Non-denominational. 17-1 Monuments CONTRACTOR and builder, also agent for Eastern Steel Products. Apply Jack Leddy, Bowmanviile, or Dick Leddy, 74 Queen St. 16-4* For Rent or Sale PASTURE-74 acres northwest haîf of Lot 5, Con. 8, Darlington. Will rent or sell on terms. Write or phone 51-r-20. L. Stanley Chapman, Orono. 17-2 Notice Electric wiring of ahl kinds. D. A. Smith,_ Phone 863. I, Joseph P. Sheehan, of 87 El- gin St., Bowmanviile, wili not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name, without my written order. 15-3 Owing to the nature of our bus- iness we regret that we cannot allow fishing, hunting, or other trespassing on our property. Signed, Margwill Fur Farm Darlington Township Con, 7, Lot 10 (1 mile. north of Tyrone). 14-4 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Mary Ann Allin, late of the Town of Bow- manville, County of Durham. ALL persons having dlaims against the Estate of Mary Ann Allin, deceased, who died on or about the l3th day of April, 1946, at the Town of Bowmanville, On- tario, must be filed with the un- dersigned Executrix on or before May lOth, 1946, after which date distribution will take place and dlaims not filed will be barred. Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario, April 23rd, 1946. Nina E. Neads, Executrix 91/2 King St., Bowmanville, Ont. 17-3 Real Estate For Sale TWO lots. Phone 670. 15tf1 BUILDING lot on Bowmanville Beach East, 27 feet by 120 feet, deed. Write Box 671, Statesman Office. 17-1:1 FARM-225 acres, 160 acres work- able, 60 acre planted in spring crop; 12 acres hardwood; 50 acres pasture; bard and soft water in bouse, running spring water pîped into yard; 9-roomed bouse, in ex- cellent condition; good stables and barns; 2 miles from paved high- way on main gravel road. Earl Prescott, Tyrone. Phone 2554. FAML «JI King St. Bowmnanville1 0 Arrivig Soon TABLE TENNIS - TENNIS SOCCER EQUIPMENt BASEBALL AND FISHING TACKLE PARTS - ACCESSORIES Wanted to Rent YOUNG couple (no cbildren) de- sire two rooxus or more, now or for winter montbs. Box 667, Statesman Office. 17-1* Announcements WATKIN'S DEALER IN DURHAM COUNTY John Stackaruk, Hampton, Ont., bas made a contract with the J. R. WTatl<jns Co. to distribute the well- known Watkins' lime of spices, extracts, food products, medicines and stock remedies in tbis com- munity. It pays to wait for (Wat- kin's) doesn't it? Phone 2148. 17-2* Contractiiig The undersigned bas received instructions from E. Y. Jones to seli by public. auction at tbe res- idence of the late Miss Raynes, Wellington St. (next to Public School) a large quantity of bouse- bold furniture, inchuding walnut dining room suite; chesterfield chairs; Qýuebec heater; Findlay range; eiectric stove; 2 small heaters; beds and springs; dress- ers; wash-stands; centre tables; lîbrary table; cane-seated chairs; pull-out couch; tub stand and wringer; hall rack; encyclopedia, complete; 1 set of Dickens'; dish- es; garden tools; and numerous other articles. Sale on Saturday, April 27, at 1 p.m. Terms cash. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 16-2 Livestock For Sale YOUNG caîf for vealing. Leon Standish. Phone 2406.0 17-1 PUREBRED Tamwortb gilts and boars, service age. Fred Trewin, Nestieton. 17-1* FOUR-year-old purebred Hol- stein cow. Due about 3 weeks. Apply Bert Budai, Lot 16, R.R. 3, Bowmanvîlle. -17-1* JERSEY cow, 3 years old, due to freshen June lst. Apply Wm. Bickle, R.R. 4, Oshawa. Phone 1615J 1-2. 16-2* TWO cows, one to renew soon; also two stockers, good quaiity. Apply Fred Tabb, R.R. 1, Tyrone. 17-1 * PASTURE wanted for 10 head of cattie. Also purebred Shortborn bull for sale. Frank Dorland, phone 2335. 17-1 order Gainfort hicks fo May or Junedel ivery. h iko 2420or pricesadinfrmatihon.eBarron's, Hampton. 16-3* BRAY Hatchery is prepared to fil May-June chick orders with a wide choice of pure breeds and crossbreds, such as N.H. x B.R., N.H., B. R., L.S. x N.H., but or- der now. Be sure you have en- ough. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyr- one. 17-1 BABY chicks-If you are think- ing of Gibson Barred Rock Chicks, it's time you got in touch with Don Gibson, Bowmanville. We are practicalhy sold out until May l7th. It will pay you to raise aU the chicks you can this yeaie Phone Clarke 3811, or, better stili, drop in and order your supply now. Ahi stock Bood-Tested-no reactors. 12-tf ing pure breeds and bybrid cros- ses. High quality Government Approved chicks from bioodtest- ed breeders. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshires, Light Sussex, Black Australorps, Jersey Black Giants, White Leghorn X Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X New Hampshires, Ligbt Sussex X New Hampshires, New Hamp- sbire X Ligbt Sussex. Greatly reduced prices for May. Also started cbicks and older pullets. Free catalogue. Tweddle Cbick Hatcheries Limited, FerguO'nt.' 17-21 WANTED . to exchange, 5-room bouse in Oshawa, rent reasonable for 5 or 6-roomed house in Bow- manville. Write Box 668, States- man Office. 17-1* For Rent SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Radio Service RADIO Service-If your radio is not giving the trouble-free tone and volume which you expect of it, caîl F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., or phone 2174. 16-3* THE RADIO SHOP, Bowmanville, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radio technicians both hold government certificates of proficiency in radio. Pay for experience - not experiment. Phone 573. 17-tf Auction Sales I have been authorized to sel by publie auction for J. Gay at Courtice, on No. 2 Higbway, on Saturday, May 4, ail his farm stock, horse-drawn implements, and other articles too numerous to mention. See bis. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wil- bur, aucticrneer. 17-2* I have been authorized to seli by public auction for Miss Gard- iner, in the village of Tyrone, on Saturday, April 27, a quantity of household furniture, also top bug- gy and cutter. Any parties wish- ing to put furniture in this sale may get in touch with Miss Gard- iner or the auctioneer. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 16-2 The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. Dwight Bunner, 38 Wellington St., Bow- mnanville, to seli by public auc- tion at his residence, his bouse- hold furniture, including: Dining table, chairs and buffet; living room furniture, centre tables, or- gan, hall-rack, bookcase, sewing machine, beds, springs and mat- tresses, dressers, wardrobe, coal oil stove, coal oil heater, odd tables and chairs, iamps, pillows, mir- rors, vacuum cleaner; oul paint- ings, good antique dishes, bed- ding and linen, kitchen utensils, lawn mower, and numerous other articles. Sale at 1:30 p.m., D.S.T., Saturday, May 4th. Terms cash. W. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 17-2 COOKSTOVE in new waterfront. Phone 313. 76 Elgin St. 17-1 NEW 1946 Dor-meyer electric food mixers, $3 1.95 complete, The Radio Shop, phone 573. 17-1 SMALL piano. This is a desir- able instrument. Telephone 492 Bowmanville. 17-2* "NESCO" oul stove, 3-burner; "Premier" wringer. Botb in good condition. Phone 3204. 17-1* HEN bouse 40'x20'. Phone 848 H. Covert, "The Pines," King St. E., Bowmanville. 17-l* LATE 1935 Old's Sedan in Al con- dition, 5 good tires. Serial No. 536993595. Bert Budai, R.R. 3, Bowmanvîlle. 17-1* DUCK eggs, $1.00 per dozen. Al- so a few ducklings on Monday. Chester McGrath, R.R. 3, Bow- manville. 17-1* CHEVROLET coach, 1932, good condition. Serial No. 578486. Ap- ply H. J. Murphy, Pontypool, Lot 2, Con. 10, Darlington. 17-1* TRACTOR and plow, in good con- dition and cbeap for cash, $350. 517 Park Rd. S., Oshawa. Phone 3903J. 16-2* BABY'S blue pram in real good condition. $12 or $15. Mrs. Jack Sanders, 563 King St. E., Oshawa. Phone 2692. 17-1 WOOD-Mixed hardwood and slabs. Will take orders now and deliver. J. A. Carscadden, Orono. Phone 25-r-9. 16-3* WIRE-9 rodàs woven wire (new); hay fork; cookstove (wood). Ap- ply Mrs. R. Farrow, Crooked Creek, R.R. 1, Newtonville. 16-2* TYRONE Greenhouses best val- ues in fiower and garden plants. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. T. H. Tabb, proprietor. 174* RADIO, kitchen chairs and cup- board. Also door frames, casings and odd pieces of lumber. Wil- liam Wilcox, Queen St. 17-1* THRESHING Machine, 3345 Wa- terloo on rubber tires. M.-H. ham- mermill No. 21A. Apply Thos. Westlake, R.R. 1, Hampton. Phone 2353, Bowmanviile. 17-2* STRAWBERRY piants-Improved Dunlap, $1.50 per C; also a few blackberry bushes. Arthur Bell- man, 17 Centre St., phone 2588. 16-3 CORDWOOD-For sale or re- sawed. Ahi hardwood or mixed dry slabs. Wood delivered. Neil Curtis, Pontypool. Phone Orono BEAVER Oats. The new rust- resistant variety. We have a few bushels of Certified No. 1 ieft. Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville. Phone 2813. 17-1 NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now availabie, electrics and trea- dies! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf PLOW, 3-furrow Oliver trac tor piow; 4-wheel traiher wîth good tires; aiso Premier oil-burning brooder stove, 250 chick capacity. Chas. Frank, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Phone 2403. 17-1 pear trees, two, three and four- years ohd. Place order eariy and avoid disappointment. Special prices in quantities. Oshawa Nurseries, 159 Verdun Rd.., phone 3235. 13-6 STRAWBERRY plants for sale: Parson's Beauty, Pocomoke, Mc- Kenzie and Dunlop. $2.00 per hundred when picked up or $3.00 delivered. J. C. Alhdread, 55 Lib- erty St., North, Bowmanville. 14-4* OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a speciahty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- iey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Piex for coughs 32e Lactoten Baby Food 69c - $1.59 Pinlkham comp. 87o DOLL buggy. Phone 895, Thurs- day evening or Saturday morn- ing. 17-1* PIANOS-Wîll pay cash for ap- proved instruments. Write or tel- ephone F. J. Mitchell, Bowman- FEATHERS and feather beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 12-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Wiil pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf &OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 to $10 accord- ing to weight. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 52-tf Articles ]For Sale BABY'S play pen and high chair. 8 Liberty St. Phone 798. 17-1* McCLARY cookstove, cheap for quick sale. Phone 2149. 17-1 LADY'S bicycle in good running condition. Phone 2655 or cali at 35 Horsey St. 17-1 PIANO, Gourlay make and bench in Ai condition. Apply T. Lymner, 69 Queen St. Phone 379. 17-2* COCKSHUTT wheeied cultivator, 17 tooth. F. S. Allen. Phone 594. 17-1* CAR radio R.C.A. Wm. Mahaffy, Enniskillen. Phone 2570, Bow- manville. 17-2* MIXED hardwood $14 per cord delivered. Apply Leo Szigeti, Tyrone. 17-4* Clix De Luxe Camera with Case--------------- $4.95 Aerosol D.D.T. Bomb Kills ail insects ------- $4.98 Stainless and Odorless 83e - $1.28 - $1.98 New Revelon Bachelor's Carnation Matched Set------------ $.25 Lipstick ------------ 65c-$1.00 Nail Polish--------------- 50e Princess Fat Liquide Liptone -------------$1.25 Peggy Sage Nail Polish 50C Peggy Sage Matched Set Flying Colors --------- $1.25 TREAT SEED GRAIN Ceresan --------- $1.10-$3.50 Formaldehyde ----Pt. 25e Gem Razor and Blades 49C Giliette Razor & Blades 49c Schick Razor & Blades 98C Valet Razor & Blades 90e Skick Blades -- 20 for 73c g I Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted YOU BUY WITH CONFIDENCE WREN YOU BUY STEWART'S BEEDS Phone 577 Bowmanville, Ont. Ail long corn stubble or Cher corn reninants no matter where they may be, mu.st either be ploughed under completely or gathered and burned BBFORB MAY 2OTHI. FAILURB to do so leaves the offender hiable to prosecutionq or paying the cost of men to dlean up, or cost of both prosecution and dlean up. Kindly co-operate and save expenses. If you know of anyone that lias flot cleaned up their corn refuse by May 2Oth, just write or wi.re the Inspector. It is your duty to co-operate. Check the Corn Borer. P. I. BENTLEY, Inspector Couxity of Durham. p v., y j. lv> 1 1 FrmrngMetal Lunch Kits -- - 69e Fo origThermos -.--$1.19 freshness... li Thermos ]Refils ---- 7Uc l'Tr Kesex -------- 2 for SUc drink OVALTINE Hl hmS----- f Charm Kuri New Cold Wave Permancg $1.35 J.& J. Baby Sets 50c-$1.00 LT, Mennen's Baby Set -- $1.25 Q r IN Baby': Own Sets ---- $1.10 1 NO GUM - NO SOAP - NO ALCOHOL - NO STARCH 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1946 1

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