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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1946, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN lWt AAn AAI u ArA7~ tXTIA %XTT U rMvrA RIO THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1946 THE CA.t IAN U'1 l M n.VLN, ..IJ WVIA.m V 1AgJJmJAM, V£41 'iHIS 1$ FOR KEEPS" with DISTINCTIVE SILVERPLATE Community is here again-in three lovely pat$rn-saxne high quality that makes Comùmunity Canada's lovliest silverpiate. ~~AvaIabIein limited quantities, *Tradeqaark MARR'S JEWELLERY King st. W. Bowmanvillé I Morris Co. Presents The Junior Dining-Room Suite Newtonville *Weekend visitors: Fred Rowe, Otthwa, with his brother, Stanley Rowe and his sisters, Mesdames J. T. Pearce and Frank Giliner ----Mr. and Mrs. Roger Leushner and his mother, Mrs. Mabel Leushner, Niagara Falls, with Mrs. J. T. Pearce.---- Mrs. Alice Sleeman, Toronto, with her sisters, Mrs. Frank Gilmer and Mrs. Robb ---- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redlknap and baby Doug- las with his parents ---Mfss Laur- na Pearce and Mr. Walter Whit- taker, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce ----Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randal and John, Oshawa, with his mother------Miss Rickes and Mr. Pugh, Cambray, with Mr .and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. ---Miss June Ware and friend of Toronto, with her grandparents, Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Ovens ---Law- rence Gîlmer, at home ----Mr. and Mrs. Robb, Montreal, at their cottage, their daughter Miss Car- ol Brooks, Toronto, spending the weekend with them ----- Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staple- ton ----- Mrs. Wylie with her cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson. ---Don Vinkie in Montreal --- Mr. and Mrs. Tone Langstaff, Mrs. Mabel Langstaff, Mrs. Wm. Bur- ley and Lanson Milîson motored to Toronto Sunday to attend baptism of little Helen Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Langstaff ---- Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster and Mrs. John Lan- caster with Mrs. Wm. T. Nicholîs, Wesleyville ---- Mrs. Sam Smith has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Wes. Marks, Fen- elon Falls. W.M.S. Thank Offering Ser- vices held Good Friday afternoon were well attended. Worship service was in charge of the presi- dent assisted by Mrs. Roy Mercer, Kendal and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mrs. Arthur Dunn of Shiloh sang a solo. The message was given by the pastor. Sunday school was well attend- ed with 65 present. A good congregation gathered on Easter Sunday to enjoy a fine sermon by the pastor and special music by the choir. A goodly number remained for Communion CALL service. Jack Wade has received word that his wife is sailing from Eng- land on the 29th. Billy and Gloria Lane had their tonsils removed last week. Tyrone 4> g 573 Visitors: Mrs. Dave Hicks, Har- rison, Mr. Arthur Stephens, Gor- rie, Mrs. L. Woodley, Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood- ley ---Miss Jean Philp with her aunt, Mrs. T. Philp, Picton ---- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonnacott and Ross, Dixie with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Virtue ---- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson, with Mr. and.Mrs. George Alldread - ---Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood and Audrey, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron ----- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clifford -and Grenville with Mrs. J. Lilli- crapp, Canning ---- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Ronnie and Mari- lyn with Mr. and Mrs. G. Philp, Morganston and Mr. and Mrs. Wm A. Goodfellow, Codrington ---Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Douglas, Marshal and Donna, Haliburton, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Plain and Donald, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Wallace Miller ------ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatherley and children, Dixie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatherley and children, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Hatherley ---- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones, Muriel and Violet, with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ward, To- ronto ---- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jardine and grandsonà Tommy Williams, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hooper - Mrs. Mande Wade, Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. Byron Moore ---- Mr. Reg. Fallis, Millbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Rosevear -----Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong and Mr. Herb Gaud, Salem, at Mr. James All- dread's ------ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham and Barbara, Bowmanville with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Thompson. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. George White (nee Helen Werry) whose wed- ding took place in Tyrone United [Church Saturday evening. Sunday School and Church ser- vices will start one hour earlier PHONE 438 Maple. Grove Visitors: Mrs. Fred Foley, Mr. David Foley, St. Catharines, with Mrs. J. D. Stevens ---Mrs. Jack Widdington and daughter, Carol, Toronto, with Mrs. Ken Summer- ford ---- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snow- den, Helen, Mary, Donna and Billie Snowden, Toronto, with their parents, Mrs. Snowden and f amily remained for a few days - Misses Lenore Collacutt and Betty Stevens, Toronto, are holi- daying at their homes ---- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown and son, Bill, Hamilton, Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden ---- Mas- ter Billie Lamb, Cplumbus,, with his parents ---- Mr. and Mrs. Jess Arnott, Taunton, L.A.C. Jack Ar- nott, Trenton, Miss Aura Osborne, Ebenezer, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery ---Master Michael Jag- ger, Toronto, is holidaying at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's ---- Miss Peggy Duncan, Toronto, with Miss Mur- iel Stevens. The annual W.M.S. church ser- vice will be held on Sunday with Miss Vera Boyd, Central India, as guest speaker. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trimble in the passing of their brother-in-law, Mr. S. J. Jackman. I kI Ca.luLa PAINT Prepared Paint Semi-Gloss Enamel Varnish - Fiat Paint - Cilux Enamel - Dulux Super White Enamel 42 KING ST., E. COWS are cMiled for profit.. C and you want your cowsm Mild in the. moot profitable way you cmu fit!. Ii. anawer à-te.De Lavai Magnetic Speedway Milke which provides top millcing performaiwe and! resukai . . . combint g owe ceeu widi higiiest returru. Get the. f acts-4aWik lover with ni eoday. STAXT DE LAVAL-MILKEI 0F CHAMPIONS RIONT <Colony Nets Bello, Canadian libtM. WITH champion wleh a record nma4ie .ht lactations of 216.142 01 mIlk containa A 7 208bo of butterfat. She la a membu Uj DE LAVAL the famous De Laval milked bord of CôOqO Fatin, Baondale, B.C. DE LAVAL. CRIA" IPARATORS for cleaneat s&IMM4m, lolmst nite Md I ;mat Upar yerof ume. Basy tow»Lah.A si» and style for aven' nbed and Pusse Hsad Sr motor drive--bigb or low suando. DE LAVAL STERUNO MILKR ..provides De Laval quality mnllkin s to-08 pana.Wondetfut milking performéa"c. W. H. RROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Maehmnery- Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment 91 King St. W. Phone 497 Cottage Wa nted BOWMANVILLE BEACH Wili Buy or Rent - Give Full Particulars WM. S. McCARTNEY 140 Mona Dr. It's blond maple ... it's modern ... it can be used in dinette OR the smaller dining room, and it's the best lookmng small suite that we've had in many a long day. Plenty of room for china and linens. SEE THE SPECIAL APRIL VALUES IN LAMPS, CUSHIONS LOUNGE AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES F. F. Morris Co. DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bowmanville 480 - 734 THE RADIO SHOP 38 King St. E. Phone 573 Orono 27-1 loi n We ding Aj Il A nivesary . .0 o0I nnrioters ay . O fl ~hat old be ujeer. as a Giift for Mother on Her Day,O than to 'nake an appoiiinent. for a new permanent,D nithin tlie iext three weeks. Yes, Girls! vou ean have a niew permianent and stili have a Glamour Cut,. or for thie girls who like it short, a 0 Feather Cut. 1Mr. and Mrs. Biekle and 'Staff, Paniline Pawley and Ina Maundreli, are hiere to serve vou at ail times. In Al O ILines of Beauty Culture.D UAl ye of Permanents at Various Puices COLD WAVF1S $10.00 - $12.50 - $15.00 *" Phone 453 For Your Next Appointment 0 g n o "Estelle" fl BEAUTY SALON fl Mr. and Mrs. H. Biokie ConrGeorge & Church Sts. o BOWKMI VILLE LOWEST PRICES REACH A NEW HIGH UN HEALTH 1 Spring Tonie At this time of thxe year' everyone ne eds a good spring tonie to get rid of the winter lag, cleanse the system and pep you up for your spring's work. We listed many tried and proven tonies below. Phone 792 for one to-day.1 Idaphos with Vitamin B-1 16-moz. $1.00 Maltevol, Horner' s........... Wampoils Extract........... Ironized Yeast Tablets .......... Molasses Cream of Tartar & Sulphur $2.00 $1.00 9c 23e Idafer Larvtx--------------------- 83-$1.29 Dichioricide ------------ 53-$3.24 Aerosol Bomb,------------ $4.98 Wood's Moth-Killer Bloekettes------------------ lO-25e Moth-KiIler Crystals - ---lb . 39e Larvex Sprayer ---------------7 c Moth Bags --------- 33e-47e-lUe Burdock Blood Bitters........... 98c GIN PILLS 39c-69c ALEX LAURA 8ECORD CANDIES ... $1.25 William's Pink Puis ------ 50e Chase's Nerve Food 60-$1.50 Wampole's Phospho Lecethin--------------------- $1.00 Blaud's Iron Pilis------------ 25c c E-A Mf -A FOR THAT SPRING COLD 25e Cherry Cough Syrup -- 19c Vick's Vapo-Rub 43e Inhalant for colds 39e Buekley's Clnnlimated Capsules ------------ 35e Bronehida -- 8-oz. 50e BARGAINS 104e i£e¶j A F b~ 50e Pmex ----------- 32C 1 %t..A$1.25 Pinkham's C o m p ---------------- 87c 35e Corega------------ 24e 4ij $2.25 Lactogen --- $1.59 W4.¶129c Blondex E u Bl d SShampoo--------------- 23 ~AnlI uPf~S veholied 7c Llfebuoy -eh sàw4j pàfsreIg rp r «ff. lm G..su" R.»m . C%. Soap --------- 2 for llc Colgate's Dental Cream 25c-40c Halo Shampoo-------- ---- 29c-49c Made wlth Olive O1, FOI grasset %aves - ,MOOthe SkiLA W Cashmere Douquet COMM (EA Just right for overnightl 3OLd jQO SPECIAL 50e Strathaven29 STATIONERY -------------- 9 TUBE 57 SPECIAL Enlargement 5" x 71"i13 Coloured and Mounted----73 SCOTT'S EMULSION ce Umm Setter Way to toe Cod Live r.fl o'nve Vitamim As" D 159& 80 cOREQOR DRUOS As stylish as they are Accurate I Modemn design deniands that a wristwatch be sinail and dainty. In small sizes, no other time- piece lias equalled ROLEX aciuracy and dependabiity. A ROLEX watch is the ideal gift for any occasion. HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP For Prompt - Courteous-Expert RADIO -SERVICE Good Variety in Stock HOUSE AND FARM WIRING OUR SPECIALTY Higgon Electrie Toronto a 1 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ROLEX ACCURACY IS TRULY IREMAIRKAIBLE] Time starting April 28th. Rev. A. E. Cresswell gave a splendid Easter message Sunday morning and the choir furnished inspiring Easter music. Remember the salvage collec- tion of paper. Tie bundies secure- ly and leave in Geo. Alldread's barn flot later than May iSth. Please note change of place and date. Your co-operation will be appreciated. Bowmanville 1 ý King St. Iron & Vitamin B-1 89c-$1.39 i Fellow's Syrup PHONE 79Z - WE DEUVER

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