PAGE SEVES 1'HURSDAY, MAY -2nd. 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mother's Day Gifts LAMPS Complet. with Shades English China Base Lamps, floral designs with 22-karat gold trini, shades are drum shaped in various sha.des with colourful fringe. Clon- plete lamp and shadie. that can be worn on any occasion, double and triple strands, bracelets to Bowmanville Saturday OnIy May 4th "àEasy To Look Aàt" A Song Spangled Romance Starrmng Gloria Jean, Kirby Grant - SECOND HIT - Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys Trigger, Smartest Horse in the Movies in 'Sunset in Eldorado' Cartoon: "Million Dollar Kid" Phone 747 Thursday - Friday May 2 - 3 "TUE GREAT 101914L"ý A BING CROSBY PRODUCTION Starring Linda Darneil, Greg MekLure Plus Cartoon- "Beach Nuts" Musical Masterpieces M'rs. 'Wm. Quick, Toronto, was [st of Mrs. W. E. Gerry. Mqr. W. C. Kilpatrick is bricking snew house on Scugog St. M'r. Verne Ott, Battawa, was in wn Monday calling on friends. Mrs. Thos. Tod is visiting her tughter, Mrs. Arthur Wright, amilton. VIrs. Harry Humphries has been siting her sister, Mrs. W. L. Dwe, Toronto. M~'r. Herman C. Lapp, Toronto, ant Sunday with Mrs. N. S. B. imes and family. Mr. Alden Wheeler, Toronto, )ent Easter with his mothier, [rs. A. D. Wheeler. b E. Stephenson, M.P., for Durham, who will broadcast a brief taikt over CKEY an Saturday, May 4 at 10:45 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacksonc and son Stanley have moved t Toronto. The apartment they accupied on Scugag St. is now oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur c Hoapen. Mrs. Ross Richards, and Mrs. Austin Larmer visited their bro- ther, Mr. Everett Beech who is in Port Hope hospital with pneu- mania. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Cal- mer and daughter, Donaida, Bracebridge, spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. F. C. Calmer. Mrs. W. J. Brawn left Tuesday night ta jain her husband in Win- nipeg, Man., where he is attached ta the Fart Garry Hor*,,Reg't. Mrs. Harvey Joint enjoyed sev- eral days' visit. with hen sister, Miss Edria Alian, and Mr. and Mrs. Watt at their home in Mim- ica. Bernard Jones returned ta Reg- iopolis College, Kingston, Mon- day after spending Easter holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fowler. LAW. Helen Tait has conclud- ed her service with the Women's Division, Canadian forces. Dis- charged at Lachine, Que., she ar- rived home Saturday. Miss Pauline Branch, Newcas- tle, has completed the stenogra- phic course at Bowmanvilie Bus- 1iness School, and is now emplay- ed at the local Registry Office. M The McNulty sports Shop ON RAND Basebail - Tennis Table Tennis - Fishing E9quipment -Scooters Bicycle Parts& Accessories Musical Instruments Crests - Dart Boards BICYCLE RENTALS Repairs Key Duplicating t( a: d Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Depew and Mrs. W. A. Edger visited Mr. W.1 R. Edger at Peterbora.3 Rev. E. L. Beech, Ripley, visit-1 ed his sisters, Mrs. A. Larmer1 and Mrs. Ross Richards.1 Mr. D. J. Gibsan and grand- daughter, Miss Ruth Gibsan, vis- ited relatives in Cobourg. Miss Margaret Buck, Toronto, has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. James. Mrs. S. G. Chartran was called ta Prescatt last week owing ta the passing of her aunt, Mrs. An- nie Waod. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLeod, Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jewell. Major Wally Braden, D.S.O., was guest speaker at the Sunday evening service at the Boys' Training Schaol. Mr. Don H. Williams was solo- ist at St. Paul's Church, Sunday evening service when he sang "The Lost Chard." Herbert Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, has received his discharge from the navy after two years' service. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Eagiesan and sans Ted and Bob, Oshawa, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Mor- ris, Montreal, Que., are visiting his mother, Mrs. F. H. Morris, Beach Ave., and other relatives. Watch next week's paper for advertisement offering the lat- est in Auto Parts and Accessories, Bowmanville Auto Parts, Division St. ti ti ti a p t] ýe le e 'f f f oo Don't Forget : Mother's Day 0 Sunday, May 12th oo 1 Greeting Cards 0 o Each ..... 5cto5Oco 1 0 0 Don't miss this opportunity of 00 0 remembering Mother on f f Her Dayf 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 GIFTS 0 Books:- inspirational, new fie- 0 ftion, bibles and testaments. 0 SChina:- cups and saucers, cake 0 0 plates, bon bons and other 00 gift items 0 1 ff ,Glass - Pottery - Pictures 0 0# Billfolds and Baskets 00 f00 0 i.JeWu JEWELL 0 ~ "BIG 20" 0 00 PHONE 556 00 00 f 0 0 Planning to Dull? PHONE 611 Bowmanville Sand and Gravel Supply HL H. FICE, Proprietor GRAVEL S AND: - CINDERS Ir ^Aff UTT MA1NY1DU ougbrd"appie-oly.a-lode 1 4. 1 Y gue his tow1 dau Har visi Sp' Jar Spe u...* UUU U----------- U=U = SSOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. fand ent as MrCD.nFans. an rnddh agh- ers Barb. ar nw Tronto, Mr. ndr MararM.NwBonronsoGar-. oand Walte.,NTront, sted I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fowier. Mrs. Florence Wright, Newton- ville, Mnr. and Mrs. Michael Kid- lark (nee Iris Dareen Joyce), Bri- tish wan bride from Swansea, Wales, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ey Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rowe, Bren- ton S. Rowe, R.C.N.V.R., L. Scott )ensem, Wren Marguerite Bowes, Mliss Elizabeth Duncan, ail of To- ronto, and Wren Marion Bunker, Burlingtan, visited Mrs. W. H. Densem. Miss Yvonne Martin, Toronto, lately returned home after three years' service with the C.W.A.C, was a weekend visitor with her Bowmanville aunt, Mrs. Muriel Dunn, Division St. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Kerr and Patsy Ann, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hoar and Miss Dorothy Hoar, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mr. Everett Hoar celebrated his birth- day on Sunday. Eiected ta the executive of the Police Association, Ontaria, Dur- ham and Northumberland Coun- ties, at its recent meeting were two off icers well known locally. Sgt. Ernest Purdy, Port Hope and Sgt. Herb Flintoif, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cline, Toronto; Mr. Kenneth Stuckey, Miss Anderson, Mr. John Dix, Weston; Mr. John Goddard, Pari Hope, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Queer .st. FIGRT MfOTHS Now is the time - during Spring house cleaning - to battie moths. Garments should be moth-proofed befor e they are put away and stored in moth bags. Moths do millions of dollars of damage every year. Prevent damage 'to your clothes and property by using some of the weapons listed below. Phone 792 for speedy delivery. Aerosol Bomb, Refillable........ 5$4.98 Moth Killer Crystals........ 1-b. 39e - Aerosol Bomb, Non-refillable ... $3.95 I Larvex, 16-oz. and 32-6z. .. 83é - $1.29 Moth Bags............ 33c - 47c - 79c Moth Killer Blockettes ...... l10c - 25c Larvex Sprayer --79e Dichioricide 53c-$3.24 COLGATE hzIse IL 194 Killer ----24c-43c-73C 29* cHZ,*Fly Tox ------ 24c-43e TA47 BARGAINS 50e Pinex Com p ------------- 32e 35c Corega --------------------- 24e $2.25 Lactogen --------------- $1.59 39e A.S.A. Tablets ------------ 19c O0c Roblnson's Barley--------- 33e $1.25 Plnkham's Comp. 87c 25c Saccharine Tablets ------ 15c FOR SMUTS Ceresan - The Dust Disinfectant $1.10-3.50 Formaldehyde I16-oz. --------------- 25e ~ÏÏ~\HALOSHAMPOO ~~"---'HIGLIGTS OUR HAIR TIRED FEETI TAKE A. 1- £é SPRING TONIC pot ~,V? Idaphos 16-oz. 81.00 Mfaltevol -------- $2.00 Wampole's *Extraet---------- $1.00 IIronlzed Yeast ---98C Blood Bitters ---98e Molasses, Cream of Tartar & Suiphur 23e -M v dafer Iron Tonlc $1.25 AIE' LAURA SECORD CA)i NEW PRICES Kotex------------ -------------- 27-93c Modess----------------------- 27c-92c Bayer Aspirin - ------ 18c-29e-79c Chase's Nerve Food ----60c-$1.50 .Willlam's Pink Pis --------- 50e X MAcORÈOOR race horses. Purebred Shorthorns is the proper termn. A letter of thanks was received from Liber- ty's editor. The editor acknowledges with thanks the gif t of an outsize egg from Garnet Goheen, poultry fancier, Liberty street. This tri- ple-yolk product weighed 4 oz. measured 81/ by 67/8 inches and with a rasher of bacon provided breakfast for two. assumed that a last year's pullet decided ta set an example for baby-chicks now coming along. Last week Bill Hutchinson of the Bell Telephone Ca., Toronto, and formerly an off icer in the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy, went ta Halifax ta meet his wife who arrived on the I1e de France. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson were married in the bride's home town of Arbroath, Scotland, last Decem- ber, a few days before Bill was repatriated ta Canada. After the trip from the coast the happy couple spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. M. J. Hut- chinson and then continued ta Toronto on Monday where they have been successful in securing an apartment. The Back Shop (Continued f rom Page One) the picture was when, at a meeting in the church, the people tried to raise funds ta help a family whose new barn, stock and crop had been destroyed by fire. After a dis- appointing collection which brought in a couple of fold- ing bis and a meagre assort- ment of silver, the littie seven- year-old girl rose to her feet and said she would give her dearest possession, a pure- bred talf. Needless to say the response from the rest of the gathering put the burned out folk right back on a paying basis, but nothing can express adequately the lump that came in your throat about that time. Such a picture shows rural life at its friendly best and at its cri- tical poorest. Most of it has hap- pened over and over again in Durham county and we've taken it as a matter of course, and for- gotten it. We've ahl seen small tawn and country people pick a neighbar ta pieces for doing some suppased or actual wrang. And we've seen those same narrow- minded people open their hearts and their pocket books and give when they could ill afford ta give ta help out possibly the same neighbor when he was destitute. It's a great world, but I dlaim that we get dloser ta real living when we mix with people who tillthe $17.95 $18.75 $21.95 PEARL NECKLACES A gift Single,i match. $4.00 and $4.50 HOO P E RIS ewellery & Gif t Shop OYAL the X-ray clinie opens in Badmin- on hall, Bowmanville. It con- tiues until May 11, with free ex- iminations toalal. It is hoped the public will take full advantage of his opportunity. After seven weeks of almost continuous sunshine, which, un- fortunately has been neutralized by cool winds and cold ground, town residents are beginning ta remark on the developing green background an the hill above Vanstone's Pond. April at last Lshers in spring. Cobourg citizens are evidently determined ta do their part to "drink Canada dry." For accord- ing ta the Sentinel-Star the coun- ty town ndw boasts of eleven li- quor outlets. They include: Six hotels, a brewers' warehouse, li- quar store, officers' and sergeants' mess at the armouries, golf club and Legion Memorial Hall. Th boys and girls of the Higli Sehool Cadet Corps, including the Bugle Band are busy practis- ing daily fôr the annual inspec- tion scheduled for May 16. Off i- cers from Headquarters, M.D. No. 3, Kingston, will officiate as us- ual and it is hoped local officers in 'uniform will turn out. Work commenced this week an the niew disposal plant, Liberty St South. Toronto Construction Company have the contract fai the wark under direction of Civi Engineer W, C. Irvin, who recent. ly contributed an article ta Th( Statesman on completion of th( relief sewer project. This week's issue of Libert: Magazine publishes a letter fror the farma editar of The Statesmai which points out an error in an, of its recent articles. It used th, term "thoroughbred Shortharns. The correction was that "thai THEATR' IBowmanville - Phone 589m TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT Mon. -Tues. -Wed. -May 5- 7 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHIILDREN Fox Late News CarOOf "anie atrl"LUAIU.f.LL .a - uAJM e d. la For Summer Music STEWART WARNER Battery Radios . SPRING-WOUND Record Players 531.50o $24.95 8 - Expert Radio Service FOR - BLECTRIC FENCES BATTERIES HOT PLATEIS BLIBCTRIC FOOD MIXERS IeONS 1 1 1 F 1 À- 1 the show, it somehow, seems soul with theiniia+nds and get their ta fit.1 It was one of those human in- help fram God._________________________________ terest shows, filed with littie side co M ING EVENTS remarks by adults and chiidren,________________ that makes you feel as if it were actually taking place with your Dance at Enxqiskillen Hall, an own family and group of friends Saturday, May 4. AI Fietcher's as the players. It had its tear- orchestra. Admission 35c. 18-1 jerking moments as well, but whenevnngi you came out there was a nice oetthscilvnrginAG od warm feeling inside you that made Tyrone Hall, Friday, May 3. Pro- thelov w ouid and ecandlyumadeeG iardPo. mamm ot barin children more than ever, that team. A s N e w made you feel mare tolerant of you feel how wanderfui it was ta Circus in Oshawa Arena, May 16- be living in a rural community 17-18. Tickets may be obtained instead of a city. Those who saw from Bowmanville Volunteer Fire That's what you'll say about you.r shoes after we have it wili know what 1'm trying ta Brigade. 17-2* repaired theiu. Nothing too small or too big for us to tell yau. Those who didn't miss- ear Ou okhpicmlteyqipdt ane ed a worthwvhile event that hap- Came ta the Variety Concert by rpi.Orwrso scmltl qipdt adl pens ahl too infrequently. Hamptan C.G.I.T. at the Salem all your shoe repairs. It ws a impl stoy of Church, Friday, May 3, at 8:15 farm life, featuring a farmer, chiî,De . disin-1ut 2c his wife, daughter and his ______1_. _-1 3O M NVI L nephew. Smaller parts were The Allen and Starr shows pre- taken by the country editar sen~t "Parson of Panamint" sound er. T h armn shd hiseart Shoe Reptair Sbàop and aTh armng school teah- motion pictures and selected short set on a new barn as his goal. features at Biackstack Town Hall, Hiswie us cuhd'tse tem Tuesday, May 7, 8:30 p.m. 18-1* 3 Division St. In Holgate Building going into debt ta obtain one. T e W m ns A xla y o t nepdahegtrinomutchmis- Andrew's Church are holding ALL WORK GUARANTEED ceh eah ids o. cheyis- their Anniversary Hostess Tea in fought over a pair of roller the Sunday School room, Thurs-BSTGAEL THRUEDT OGOT skates and the father as hard day, May 16, from 3:30 ta 6. Ad- as steel but realiy soft as but- missin . Cmean8bin 1 ter suff ered sa much because fin.1- he had sent the 'girl ta bed BRING IN YOUR without her supper that he Be sure and came ta the New- got her up at three in the mnor- castle Rink Association dance in SHQES TO-DAY ning ta see a circus passing the Community Hall on Friday through town and paid four evening, May lOth. Dancing ta FOR FAST REPAIRS the music of Stan Portch and his ey ta have the man take the Ryhars omniga elephant off the truck for a p.m. (D.S.T.) Admission 50c per _______________________________ few minutes. Prize scene of persan. 18-21 _____id THE RADIO SHOP Bowmanville Phone 573 PHONE 792 - WB DEUVER C&rtoon: "Canine Patrel'l CALL MES DRUCS