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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1946, p. 8

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PAGE fl.vMrT CNDA SAEMN OWAVLE NABOTUSA, A n,14 lions Club Supports be present at this meeting.lok From advance reports itlok Softball Lague as if six teams will be entering i the league. Goodyear, Front Bowmanville is to have it's first Street, Pepsi-Cola and one rural post-war soitball league and it is team have already signified that to be supported by the Bowman- they will enter teams. vile LonsClu. Te oganza- Games will be played at the vile LonsClu. Te oganza-bail diamond at the Public School tion meeting will take place at grounds starting around the 24th 8 p.m., Monday, May 6th, in Sid of May. Lion Jack Cole is in Chartran's Store. Anyone who charge of-the organization of the wishes to enter a team is asked to league. DO WMAN VILLE PARCEL DELIVERY The JA&S. Parcel Delivery is at your service We will deliver an order of groceries or a sack of potatoes from your grocery store to your home for only 10c. For other larger articles prices available on request. The J. & S. Parcel Delivery is here in Bowmanville to relieve this situation.' We are ready to serve you at ail times, and will appreciate a cali from you. IPHONE 66" and have our truck pick up your order at any store or place and deliver it. Please note that we are making two deliveries in the mornipg; order must be placed before 10 a.m. Two deliveries in the afternoon; order must be placed by 3 p.m. We deliver for Harry Alun 's. McGregor's Hardware Stewart 's Seeds and Roy Neads Radio - Effective April 29th. J& S. Parcel Delivery F. STANNARD PHONE 664 . Girls' Teen Age Su tsI Just what you bave been wait- ing for. Be smart in the latest styles. In blues, greens, browns. Sizes from 10 to 16. Corne in and see them to-day. From $9395 0 I/ LADIES' DRESSES FIRST COTTON 0F THE SEASON is this plaid ingenue frock in strikcing spring colors. Crisp and delightful to wear, you '11 adore its tightly-girdled waist, smart, simple bodice, full skirt. In a myriad of brilliant colors, all sizes. Zach $3n95 Couch, Johoston & Cryderman ]PHONER 836 BOWMÂNVILLE Fast m Guaranteed RADIO SERVICE On Ail Makes of Car or Home Radios RECORDINGS AND SUPPLIES Authorized CROSLEY DEALER ROY Wu NEADS RADIO SALEbS AND SERVICE 85 King St. E. Phone 580 Soccer League Formed1 In West Durham9 Wisth Seven Treams 1 Grey haired veterans who made history in soccer circles manyN years ago will get a lift from this report which is official news that the wartimne ceiling has been lif t-E ed on District League Football.1 With probably the longest tradi-t tion in sports in these parts, thei younger generation will agairi re-i vive the soccer game this season. A meeting of the excutives of the football teams of WVest Dur- ham was held in Hampton, Thurs-t day evening, April l8th, with rep- resentatives present from Bow- manville, Solina, Tyrone, Hamp- ton, Enniskillen, Courtice and Orono. Each place mentionedt will enter a team. Bowmanvilie team is sponsored by the Cana- dian Legion. The officers for the season are: President, Lloyd Ashton; vice- president, Harry Davy; secretary- treasurer, Jack Reynolds. During the evening a business session was held, which included thedrawing up of the schedule for the season along with the dates for the play-off games. It was1 decided that the referees be ap- pointed by the home teams. No age limit was set for the players as some teams would have to have young and older players alike to be in a position to field a team. Each team has to pay a fee to en- ter the league. A very enthusias- tic meeting was held and a good season in football is looked for- ward to. A meeting will te held at the township hall, Hampton, May 10, at 8:30 p.m., Daylight Saving Time. Schedule May* 18-Courtice at Bowmanville 22--Solina at Orono 22-Enniskillen at Courtice 24-Hampton at Bowmanville 24-Tyrone at Enniskillen 29-Orono at Solina 29-Courtice at Hampton June l-Bowmanville at Tyrone l-Enniskillen at Solina 5-Hampton at Orono 5-Bowmanville at Courtice 8-Tyrone at Solina 8-Enniskillen at Orono 12-Courtice at Tyrone 12-Enniskillen at Hampton 15-Solina at Bowmanville 15-Hampton at Courtice 19-Orono at Enniskillen 19-Bowmanville at Solina 22-Hampton at Tyrone 22-Courtice at Solina 26-Tyrone at Orono 26-Enniskillen at Bowmanville 29--Solina at Hampton 29-Tyrone at Courtice July 1-Courtice at Orono 3-Enniskillen at Tyrone 6-Hampton at Solina 6-Orono at Courtice l0-Bowmanville at Enniskillen l0--Solina at Tyrone 14-Orono at Hampton 14-Solina at Courtice 17-Orono at Bowmanville 17--Solina at Enniskillen 20-Bowmanville»at Hampton 20-Orono at Tyrone. 24-Tyrone at Bowmanville 24-Courtice at Enniskillen 27-Hampton at Enniskillen 27-Bowmanville at Orono Playoffs Games July 31-First and second team leaders. August 3-Third and fourth teams play. August 7- Winers of first two games. Aug- ust 10-Second game of winners. Fdry. Bowling Teams Complete Semi-Finals The Foundry bowling teams entered their semi-finals on Mon- day night and Walt Polley's Blue. Devils and Frank Woolner's triple but his efforts were in vain as his Roamers were handed a 5-2 beating by Coulson Woolner's Sky Hawks. Al Morris and Coulson Woolner were best for the Sky Hawks. Frank Woolner's Bombers lived up to their name by handing the Alle& Cats a 5-2 beating. Frank Woolner and Jack Parkin were best for the Bombers. Bill Polley was the pick of the Alley Cats. One more week of the schedule is left and it promises to be a battle for the fourth play-off spot. Standings Blue Devils------------------------ 26 Sky Hawks------------------------ 22 Roamers --------------------------- 18 Bombers --------------------------- 7 Alley Cats --------------------------7 Tail Enders-------------------------4 Averages Walt Polley --- ------------------ 219 Bill Polley------------------------ 211 Luther Welsh ------------------- 204 Pete Clayton -------------- 199 Frank Woolner------------------ 1931 Jack Parkin ---------- --- 193 Frank Blunt --------------------- 191 Everett Welsh ---------- ---- 191 Bud Pingle ------------- ---- 191 John Living--------------------- 188 George Lewins ----------------- 185 Coulson Woolner -- ------185 Len Knight 182 Bicycle Club Patrol Commenced Dutles Mon. at Intersections The Lions Bicycle Safety Club which was re-established two weeks ago, foflowing wartime in- activity, has already put into ef- fect one of its important objec- tives. Monday noon, this week, its Safety Patrol System was duly inaugurated under the supervis- ion of Provincial Constable W. R. Pollard, member of the Lions Club, who suggested the plan at the first meeting. The idea is one which many other centres has found practical and valuable. The details were completed at Satur- day's meeting of the club, when at the suggestion of Lions President* Charles Carter, Jr., the proposed bike-hike to Hampton was, post- ýoned due to cold weather. The hike will take place next Satur- day, weather permitting. Patrol Named With Vice-President Fran~k Hooper in the chair and Secretary- Treasurer Peggy Dippell record- ing proceedings it was decided to postpoie regular court and other business and select the first offi- cers of the Patrol. Those who took posts Monday noon were Frank Hooper, Keith Shackleton, Audrey Northcutt, Larry Chant, Rhona Evans, Jim DeGeer, Betty Lunn and Margaret Dustan. Pa- trol arm-bands were supplied to each and they took up traffic dir- ection at the following points: Two at the Public School, Silver and Wellington, and one each at Silver and Church, Wellington and Temperance, Wellington and Division, Church and Division, King and Division and Queen and Division. Functions In order to inform the public and enlist their support, these patrols will function every school day as a safety measure for school children crossing intersections. It will be distinctly understood that these junior traffic off icers and the Bicycle Club accept no res- ponsibility if an accident occurs. They merely act as assistants to the police off icers who are res- Plan to Take Part in éProgram of Sports ON SOLDiERS' DAY MAY 24th The War and Civic Committee which is continuing its efforts to make Soldiers' Day, May 24th, an occasion truly representative of the officiai "Welcome Home" for ail Bowmanville personnel who enlisted i the late war, has given out the following list of sports to be run off that day. It is pointed out that this is but part of the programme, which will include addresses, the officiai welcome of Mayor C. G. Morris, the present- ation of presents to each one who wore an active service uniform and dances in the evening together with other features. The sports programme is given thus early so that those wishing to enter may start training and to have thefr entries duly filed wlth the committee eanly. The particulars are as follows: Ail Events Open OnIy for Citizens of Bowmanville 10:30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. Girls, 5 yea Boys, 5 yea: Girls, 10 yea Boys, 10 yea Girls, 15 yeai Boys, 15 yeai Men, Open .. Ladies, 0pem Men's Relay Ladies' Rela, Men's 100 y Ladies' 100. Ladies' Opei Single -LEAGUE HARDBALL GM Newcastle vs. Bowmanville -TUG 0F WAR $50.00 for Winners -SOYTBALL GAME Veterans vs. Home Boys $10.00 for Winners Races ars and under - 25 yds - $1.00 .75 .50 irs and under - 25 yds. - $1.00 .75 .50 ars and under - 50 yds. - $1.00 .75 .50 ars and under - 50 yds. - $1.00 .75 .50 rs and u.nder - 100 yds. - $2.00 1.50 1.00 irs and u.nder .- 100 yds. - $2.00 1.50 1.00 ........ ... .....- 100 yds. - $5.00 3.00 2.00 n ......... ........- 100 yds. - $5.00 3.00 2.00 r Race (open) - 400 yds. - $6.00 3.00 1.50 ty Race (open) - 300 yds. - $6.00 3.00 1.50 For Veterans Only ,do. open ..... ...... ......... $5.00 3.00 2.00 yds. open ..................... $5.00 3.00 2.00 nx - Kicking Shoe. Open $5.00 3.00 2.00 Horseshoe Open $6.00 Fat Man ýs Race 200 lbs. or over ........ ... - 100 yds. - $5.00 3.00 2.00 Football DARLINGTON LEAGUE at 6:30 p.m. Hampton at Bowma.nville 1 Phone: Office - 2842 Residence - 2674 OSREAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. - FRI.- SAT. May 2 - 3 -4 BETTY HUTTON in "The Stork Club" with Barry Fitzgerald, Don DeFore Robert Benchley, Bill Good- win, Iris Adrian It's the Gayest, Loveliest Tfime, at the World's Most Famous Nlght Spot MOND)AY - TUESDAY May 6 - 7 DICK POWELL in 'i,' Cornered" wlth Walter Slezak, Micheline Chefrel WEDNES. to SATURDAY May 8 - il The Novel That "Couldn't Be Fllned" Now the Most Darlng Picture iYears Ray Milland, Jane Wymnan I "The Lost Week-end" ponsible for traffic safety. Motor- ists are aàked to respect the sig- nais given by the Patrol which will shortly be provided with un- iforms and Sam Brown beits, the gift of the Lions Club. The essential thing is to create orderly crossing of streets by children when school is dismiss- ed. The Patrol will not direct vehicular traffic other than to cali attention to motorists that children are crossing who, in turn may be halted to avoid delay and congestion. The teachers will co- operate and in future will .appoint the members who will alternate from'time to time. It is also ex- pected that a Patrol Captain will be named to take charge of the officers named. Public Co-operatioli At many places which have adopted the idea the arrangements are that when a member of the Patrol has completed a year's ser- vice, a Certificate of Menit will be awarded. With this brief an- nouncement it is hoped that the public will be on the lookout at times specified and extend the best the intersections named and the co-operation possible to these young people who will be render- ing a real public service. Local Bowlers Lose At Toronto Tourney But Not Disheartened As the final windup of the Sen- ior Men's Bowling League for the current season, two picked teams of five-pin enthusiasts went to Toronto last week to try their skill in 'the Provincial CBA Tourna- ments. Matched with top notch teams from other points, the local boys put up a brand of spirited play in nine games which, when the fiag was down and the score counted, left them out of the mon- ey. The teams were as follows with the first named acting as captain. Senior 1: Dr. H. B. Rundie, Jack Cole, Bob Cochrane, Mel Dale, Morley Vanstone. Senior 2: Doug Carter, Frank Williams, Bill West- lake, Reg Heari, Phil Cancilla. KIPPE SEANM HAL[l SOLE Not too greatly inipressed with the general ability shown at the tournament, the report brought back was that there were no spec- tacular scores and they will try again next season. The final pay- off has been arranged by way of a banquet, Wednesday eeening in the S.O.E. hall where prizes will be presented, speeches made, and ,the season's alibis reviewed. Boyd Siemnon Absent From Opening Game Due to Sprained Ankie The Globe and Mail, May 1, carnies a sports story contributed by a Niagara Falls reporter which tells that Boyd Siemon, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, will be missing from the lineup of the Houcks team at the opener of the Niagara District Basebail League. The report states: "Boyd Slemon, star first base- man and consistent hitter, has been shelved through a sprained ankle suffered in practice and his doctor has ordered him to stay away from workouts for at least two weeks. The first game is against the Niagara Falls, N.Y., team. Meantime, with Houcks short of its best player, Siemon, his place will be taken by Bob Hardison, lately returned from service with the United States Army, or in the alternative by Paul Thomas of the Chicago Cub chain." Boyd appears to be about tops in fast company. Business Directory L E GAL W. R. STRIKE Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone78l Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 91/ King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA IL HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday ,Phone 790 - House Phone 325 X-ray equipment in Office SHEET METAL )YORK Gilson Fu.rnaces Chick Brooder Stoves, Washers and Refrigerators Roofing - Eavestroughing 'IDAVIS & GRANT ORANGE PEI NE, INDIA CEYLOI 1. NECTAR OR lIA BAGS GUAKN FLOI SOAP SUPE1 OLD .lb NAYN PEACI BUAII CUSTI SCEIJ LAKI RADE Con Ir Ir W IFT'Si CLEANSERI 2 Utna. Caes17 ~5 WHILE SUPPLV 20-oz. Attractively FMLASTS Tin Priced CER CORNNEAL 2 Pkgs. 19e anRD HARRY HORNE'S 16-oz. ctn. 25e 1BDRUSSES *** ea. 12< GEORGIAN BAY WHITE E TROUT DOCKC FILLETS RS FILLETS " EDJFILMES « [ON FILLES OE goNf FILLE PIN ERS OR ICI m ISEm WINTER CAUGHT IL 49c 1 lb. 35e * lb. 33e l b. 48e lb. 258e L.12e * lb. 41< * lb.2g DENGLISH 'TE WAX Tin 49e */4Pa, «Moe.? ORANGES FLORIDA VALENCIA 216t Doz. 45e GRAPEFRUIT FLORIDA MARSH for 290 ~.qq',fU~CALIFORNIA ICEBERG for q LET E NEW CROP 60's I2 219 CELERY HEARTS SFLECTD bhM1 CICUDES NATIVE GROWN, ta. 15e CUCUBERS Special, No. 1 Grade CABEAGE MISSISSIPPI, Fresh Green lb. V< PUAS CA&IFORNIA, Fresh FuIl Podi 2 lbo. 279 ONIONS TEXAS VELLOW, NEW CROP lb. 74 CUBAN RED SPANISH PINEAPPLES ea 35e 3 for $1.00 fW --,nCALIFORNIA NAVEL if f, cn reson ny-AND ffll t htcfuiyORANGES WILL BE AVAILABLE IN OUR STORES THIS WEEKEND 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SOUP CAMPBELL'S-- 2 Tins 219, MR COINFLAKCES 2 Pg.159 ISE WHITE SAIL . . . Ctn. 4 EIR NUFFETM 2 Pkgm. 174 l GILT EDGE . - 24-lb. Bag 59< PALMOLIVE 2'Gl1 3akes234 a SUDS WHEN AVAILABLE Pkg. 24j FLOWERS SOAP - 4 [ES LOURSELF RAISING Ilellaimnan 1 " 1 - - lr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1946 ....Mmm Bowmanville 1 --- -P - ir -- Seugog St.,

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