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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1946, p. 9

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THE CANAIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL.LE, ONTARIO THU RSDAY, MAY l6th, 1946 Enfield Mr. Fred Cook, Miss Sadie Land and Peter, Peterborough; Mrs. G. Marlow, George and Lillian, Mrs. Gx. Mutton and Judy, Bowman- 'Vine, Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and family, Fleetwood, Mr. and Mrs. Just Arfived New Shipment Of Summer Clarke Union Apple orchards have come through the winter very much better than most of us expected. Cherries and plums have every appearance o! a bumper crop if the frost is not too severe. A number in the section are growing large acreages of toma- toes, also corn. Mr. Gordon Power and family visited Oshawa friends on Sun- day. Miss Eileen Souch visited Har- mony friends last week. Mr. Kenneth Cain, Toronto, at Mr. Everett Cain's. Mr. Bob Kent, Oshawa; Rev. S. Littlewood and Robert Sherwin, Dick Morton, Orono, at H. J. Souch's. F. Westlake, Solina, at F. 'R.I er, Mr. R. McCulloch, ]Pontypool. Cook's. Miss Margaret Prescott, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowmnan and 1 awAa, at home. family, at T. R. Bowxnan's, Port The members o! the W.A. were Perry. guests of Rev. and Mrs. Plant last Mrs. J. Parr and Mrs. A. Pres- week. There was a good.attend- cott with Miss Mabel Virtue, Tor- ance. The program consisted o! onto. a paper by Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, pi- Mrs. H. Stinson with her broth- ano solo by Mrs. G. Bowman, reading by Mrs. A. Prescott, and music by Mr. Plant. The hostesses served a delicious supper. rnmp s -mm -- . - -o *to include prints in your Blackstock Sundaye wardrobe and to include the Mothi ______John( sorne of our new dresses is Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Ford car. flot only adding a dress Patsy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. but addmng flattery. Corne Miss Florence McLaughlifl, To- in and see them for your- ronto with Miss Norma Hooey. self Varetyof syle Miss Vivian Sadier, Toronto, self Varety f stles with her parents. * and sizes. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, Peterboro, with Mrs. Henry Mounti oy. Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Malcolmn, Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Malcolm. from $3n95 IP Mrs. Percy Par n ain Toronto, at the farm for the week- ......... . . .. .en d . Mr. and Mrs. George Joli, Tor- onto, with Mr. Sam Jeffrey. Miss Marion Beacock, Toronto, See ur ates asortmnt f Sits nd oats Weare with her parents. 'Beeourlatst sSotmet ofSuis ad Cats Weare Miss Willa Edgerton, Toronto, positive that we have just the thing you have been with her parents. looking for. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Chap- __________________________________________ man, and Beth, Pontypool with CIIIDRENS R IN C PESMr. and Mrs. R. Hooper. CHIL RENS RAN C PESMr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and Just the thing to keep the children r n these wet Marjorie Anne, Toronto, with Mrs. dry OfiJohn Marlow. rainy days. In variety of sizes and colours. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Carley, from 3.69Cavan, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mar- ___________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter and MEN'S HATSfamnily, Bowmanville, with Mr. MEN'S HATSand Mrs. Wesley Bradburn. The latest in rnen's headwear styled by VanKirk. If Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford, you want a good hat corne in and see ou.r latest. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Strong and family with Mrs. Robert Couch, iohnston& Cryderman Bruce. Misses Helen VanCamp, Osha- ]PHONE 836 BOWMDANVILLE wa, and Wilma and Jessie, Tor- onto, with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder andl ý Joyce moved in with Mr. S. Jeiff- rey, m hou.ç cess jrv Eriniskillen Mr. nd rs. . Ladbetervis itMrieand s. At.rterry.ervi- Mtd r. M. G Pritn asretune home from visiting her son, Mr. J. V. ' iffin. Weston. ,on Monday. Ir. Thos. Stinson's sale of Lsehold effects was quite a suc- son Monday. rs. R. B. Harrison delivered Saddress on Sunday at the ice of Bethel Church. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon at W. H. Moore's. Mr. Ernest Brooking's, Bowman-E Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, with ville. hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, En- Pethick. niskillen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mar- Mr. Geo. Reid at Little Britain tin, at Mr. Jack Pott's. and Port Perry. Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Mrs. Kennedy has returned Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, at Mr. home from Toronto. W. Trewin's. Welcme o M. an Mr. Ccil Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Tor- Wellcondfme to Mrtnd rs. Cecionto, at Mr. E. Bradley's. Mihand mvaminy, Pot Pery, wlh Miss Meta Degeer, Bowman- havemove in ith r. Rlphville, is holidaying with her par- Virtue. ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and fam- Miss Helena Moore with Miss Ida iîy, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton at Taylor, Orono. Mr. C. Ashton's, Burketon. Our pastor delivered a very Cpi. Ross Richards, Ottawa, fine sermon Sunday. Miss Marie Mrs. Richards and family, Bow- Ashton sang very nicely. The manville, at Mr. A. Beech's. choir also sang a number. The Miss June Ahderson with her b S.S. No. .9. Clarke A meeting of the ladies of the section was held at Mrs. Roy Branch's on Monday evening to plan future activities. Several residents of No. 9 at- tended the funeral of Mr. Robt. Martin. Miss Shirley Macpherson spent ýSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Garvock in Newcastle. *er's Day program. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Black- Ch:inese HÏome" was pleasingly Okeissprtng nw D.Church aEndnda Sholillen burn and family and Miss Bessie presented by Dorothy Adamson. Churh ad SndaySchol illBlackburn, Salem, at Mr. Black- Scripture passages were present- ___________________________________________burn's. ed in unison by Mrs. Greenaway's _________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray, Osh- class o! girls. Mother's Day awa, with his parents, Mr. and theme was !ollowed in the even- Mrs. T. Wray. ing service also, the message by Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young, our pastor, and choir selection be- Lenny and Sylvia, Peterborough, ing in keeping with the day. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aus- n In ia i ntin Barrow. POISONED BRAN FOR Mr. and Mrs. Jack Niddery and CUTWORM CONTROL _____________________________daughter, Connie, Bowmanville, at Mrs. S. G. Niddery's. In cutwormi control, it is im- Mrs. W. Thompson, Mr. and portant to be prepared for their To A l Fo mer esid ntsMrs. Fred Payne, Bowmanville, at attack at the first o! the season, Wilfrid Greenaway's. because cutworms are usually ac- Mr. T. Salter and Mr. Harold tive and feeding before most crops Salter at Coldwater. are even in the ground, says Alan Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edger, Mrs. G. Dustan, Division of Entomol- The Mayor and Cou.neil extend a hearty G. Tubbs and baby, Courtice, Mr. ogy, Dominion Department of invitation to all former residents of Bowmanville Bloyd Wilcox, Peterborough, with Agriculture. Poisoned bran bait Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox. has given the most effective con- to join with local citizens on Friday, May 24th, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson and trol for many years. This bait is daughter Doris, Mona Mills, Mr. made up o! bran, 25 lb.; Paris in a municipal "Welcome Home" to our veteraTis. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and fam- green, one pound, and water about ily, Oshawa, at J. W. Baisons. two and a haif gallons. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fenneli, In making the bait, the dry in- Bowmanville familles arie requested to verld MissBGrbaraveMrL.ySTor- gredients should be mixed thor- onto, Mrigsts of Mar andTor- oughly girst. The water is then co-oerae ad ivitereltivs ad frend, pe- ntower gustsof M. ad Ms. dded to the bran and Paris green. co-perte nd nvie rlaive an frend, pe-Ken Caverly and C. W. Souch. In mixing the bait, add only vious residents of Bowmanville, to spend May Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allun, Osh- enough water to make the mater- awa, at C. E . Horn's. 24th and the weekend ini visiting and enjoymeiit Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson ial the consistency of wet saw- of te pogrm araneu.and Glenn, Taunton, at Gerald dust. Do not make it sloppy but ofthe. ra r angd asn have it so that it will crumble in Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson' has the hands and slip through the returned to Hampton and is at fingers easily. G. orrsthe home o! Mr. H. Adams. Land that was heavily in!ested C. G MorisMr. Geo. Barron is visiting his last year should be treated before Mayor. sister, Mrs. Mitchener at Cale- the plants are set out. This is donia. . done by broadcasting the bait at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, the raté" of 15-20 pounds per acre Enniskillen, at S. Kersey's. a few nights before transplanting. IThe church service next Sun-, One application should be suffi- a: a n 4ake by a e in see your MD~~W pggA LNGYIAfWcLM IMPORTNT.1w 011 tires today, IMPORTA regardless of "e', coma t iflation is essentiyor ataximwNINmileagrrsnd soie->C& W- gait yovr Goodyear dealerforpropet pressure. L 4. c-' 1I Know Jusf How You Feelà" "I know because I have beeri that waymyself. 1 have been so chron- ,cly tired that 1 thought I would neyer feel w-ell agamn. kowever, 1 found that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food soon gave me new pep and energy aud put me on my feet.' Tired feelings, indigestion and lois of sleep are quickly reiieved by Dr. Chases Nerve Food. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottie of oIA[.W Dr. Chase' s Nerve Food _ 60 pilsa-6Cts. 180 pills-$l.5O Nutritious Constant vigilance and care in the production of our rnilk assures our cus- tomers a first quaIity product. Doctors reconimend it because they are assured of its pu.rity. Mothers feed it to their babies because they can depend on its quality. Ohildren like it because of its de- lie lous flavour. PLAY BAYE AND BUY THE BF5BT Phon 446 For D.IIvery BD WM ANVI LIE DAIRY King Street, EBt "Listen daily toRexFrost on Goodyear 's Home and Farm News - 12.30 B.S.T., OFRE, 860 on your dial. be withdrawri this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brid- gett and family, Bowmanville, Mr. Glen Thompson, Galt, at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmond and Connie, at Mr. George Os- nond's, Bowmanville. Mrs. W. Thompson, Mr. Glen ['hompson, at Mr. Roland Thomp- son's Enniskillen. W.A. was held at Mrs. C. Gar- rard's on Thursday. Bible read- ing was read by Mrs. A. Beech and the devotional by Mrs. A. Read. Readings were given by MIrs. H. Ashton and Mrs. C. Gar- rard. Miss Marie Ashton render- ed a solo. Lunch was served by Mrs. F. Osmond's group. Cpi. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grant, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rankine, Miss Laura Rankine, Toronto, ai Mr. C. Rankine's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kennedy and daughter, Mr. Norman Hall, Osh- awa, at Mrs. R. Crossman's. Mrs. M. Touzel, Toronto, at Mr. Jim Hanna 's. Mr. E. Bradley, Mr. S. Forsythe, Campbellford, Mr. Chas. Downey, Mr. Jim Hayman, Bowmanville at Mr. Doh Cameron's. SHampton day evening will be in charge of Mr. Steven Saywell, Oshawa. Rev. W. Rackham will be preach- ing in Oshawa. Miss Audrey Kersey has return- ed home from Bowmanville Hos- pital and is recovering favorablyg from her operation. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pearce, Larry, Richie, and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gray and Carolan, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams. The X-ray clinic is being con- ducted this week in the basement of the church on Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday. Corporal E. F. Brock and Mrs. Brock, Toronto, at A. J. Clarke's. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Nichols and baby at Mr. Bruce Clarke's. Mr. Clarence Smale and family with his mother, Mrs. Ida Smale. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Shields, To- ronto, spent Mother's Day with their mother, Mrs. A. C. Truil. Tag Day for the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind was conducted here Saturday in which a number of schooi pupils partici- pated. The special Mother's Day print- ed program was folio wed in the Sunday School session. Special ,items in this connection being a nicely rendered motion song by littie Sylvia Young of Peterbor- ough; a song "That Wonderful Mother of Mine," by a group of juniors, and a vocal solo by Ger- ald Balson. The story, "Ina Dresses PAGE NNE cient but, if the cutworms are very numerous, a second should be made two or three days alter the first. Always spread bait in the evening, just before dusk, and choose a warm stili night for this work. VICTORIA DAY SPECIAL LOW FARES Between ail points In Canada aud to ail United States border poinlts. FARE AND ONE-QUARTER For Thie Round Trip Tickets good golng ail days Thurs- day, May 23, until 2 p.m., Sunday, May 26. Return Limit to, leave destination not later than mid- nlght, Monday, May' 27, 1946. Standard Time MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Aduits or Children --25e Full particulars from any agent &iM ni-tc!arupd hv 1 nnrpntq in Tnrnnto. 1 w e lac

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