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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1946, p. 3

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1 PAGE TEIEM 'rUP (ANAflTAM 5TAT'SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTA2IO THIWWAY, MAY 23rd, 1946 -- -- ff~UU..........U.UUUUUUMUMMMUUUUUUHI iS a o M Fo M ___________E. *M Uta M ~Cr SO *hu BOKAR WINEY1i3ct j 8 O'CLOCK ~ i3cin 0%O N opiAIEDsOf Ul li FIRST GRADE lb. * 42g.4E BLACKc TEA OUR OWN I b. 49e ar, I LD.CHEESE FINE CANADIAN lb. 299co * UII~U~~1 SELECT - 15-oz. Tin jrg CRIME14 STEW 23e b: * CHILI CON CARNE SEET 5oz i CHICKEN lICE SGUP AYLMER 2 Tins 17e s iLOUR ROBINHOOD. . Pkg. 30e a CATELLIREADY CUT *212.az. 7 Mar OLD ENGLISH ]PURITY SCRATCH COVER FLOUE * flI~'U' ~ 7-lb. e> <24-lb. 3u* P*TEBag 23 Bag -M3ett 23< ATS 48-oz. 17( 23 O T Pkg. 17e a s * ec W mIE uPPLY aLASTS *b, * CATELLI SPAGHETTI 20-oz.Ti Roli d( SPRINGVALE TISSUE 3 16e 0 * SOUPHEINZ MUSHROOM2 Tins27 :n ] BRUNSWICK SARDINES *Tn7e HEINZ ASST. FRUIT 8Tn e ist BABY FOODS CoupnsP *3 Tn239<a Y M t( ANN PAGE mi OVEN FRESH Mi *Uti j ILK BREAD at 24-oz. 1 - LoavesP a: 0: A. & P. STORES f CLOSED ALL DAYV * K U IAY I AlA 24Lri im MP M: FRESH FISH DAILY bl FRESH CAUGHT CHICKEN or MIEDIUM:i M Mc HALIBUT Ib39c1 COD FILLETS FRESH .- . .-- lb. :t SALMON FILLETS tO b.4~j SAL ON SILVERBRIGHT or KETA lb. 35e SALMORINGSFRESH --lb. 12e KIPPER NSMOE b 5 j E' MRHSEDESSIE9' GRPFUT e 5 FLRDRDRP YTEPEEo HL * FLOIDA MRSHFEEDLES SIZ 96' FLORIDA, RED RIPE BV TE PIEEorWOL WATERMELI BRlb. Oc I !EUflVQ CALIFORNlAfoz. d>lb. S, P~TE ASCL19 : ' TON lO. -.M GREENSlb19: songezif~na b lampton Couple Given iurprise Party on 5Sth Anniversary Wilbur-Cryderman-In Hamp- n on May 18, 1921, Rev. Mr. onkin united in marriage Hilda ýCryderman, youngest daughter fthe late Mr. and Mrs. M. B. ýryderman and Wm. G. Wilbur, Dn ai th~e late Mr. and Mrs. Frank On Saturday evening May 18, 946, the brothers and sisters ai ,th parties with their wives and usbands and a iew other friende rprised the bride and groom ai 5 years and took possession ai A unique part ai the gathering as that eight ai the twelve liv- g members ai the Cryderman amily were present and three ai he Wilbur family, the other mem- ýrs not being able ta be there. During the evening Mrs. I. Bul- Ler, Oshawa, sistcr ai the groom id Frank Cryderman, brother ai he bride, presentèd the bridai )upie with an electric table lamp npastel shades, also an electric aon and toaster. The groom, a &t excited by the complete sur- risc, made an appropriate reply, Isa the bride spoke a iew timely aords. A very pleasant evening was pent in renewing acquaintances td social chit-chat and aiter a ilendid lunch scrved by thc la- ies the vîsitors proceeded ta hcir homes much pieascd with hcir visit and wishing thc couple riother 25 years ai happiness. Newcastle Wamen's Christian Temperance rnjon mct in the board raom ai ,e United Church with Presi- cnt, Mrs. Norman Rickard pre- àding. A recitation by Mrs. Per- ,y Brown and a sala by Miss Pau- ne Deline was much appreciat- ýd. Scripture reading was given y Mrs. Carveth. Mrs. Rickard ave a repart ai anc ai the ad- resses ai the annual convention )f the Pravincial Temperance Fe- eratian ai Ontario, hcid in Tor- nta. A icw statements were: 'he lîquor interests are deter- -ined ta flood the country with Jrink. The Maderatian League is sponsored by the liquar inter- ýsts. Police advacate daing away xith beverage raoms. Liquar in- Lerests are not an the side ai youth. Polîticians must tac the [e ta the brewers. Raiiraad and lrge industriai interests give help Lo their accident cases, not so the tquor intercsts. Our government, in arresting the drunks, arrests the wrang person-it should be the brewers. Owing ta the iact that baoks were not procurable at the time, Mrs. Hare graciousiy resented the books ta the ten contestants, (ail girls), ai the Sil- ver Medal Contest. Jean Toms and Keith Meiiow were winners of the medais. More Newcastle news wiil be found an page 12. .Congratulations ta Mr. Gordon Ketchum and his bride, the for- mer Miss Elizabeth J. Phillips, vho were married in the Metro- politan Church, Toronto, last Sat- rday. Additional Newcastle News will be iaund on auother page. Lady Baden-Powell iro Attend Girl Guides Big RaIly at Oshawa A luncheon is beîng given in the Genasha Hotel, Oshwa oan on Wednesday, June 5th, in honar ai Lady Baden-Powell, te whichi District Commissioners and members ai local Ginl Guides Associations are invited. In the aiternoon a huge raliy is being held in the Oshawa arena, the program ai which has been arranged by the Oshawa Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs. It is hoped every member ai these groups in the district wiil be pres- ent. One hundred and iorty Guides and Brawnics wiii be present irom Bowmanvilie, in charge ai cal)- tains and lieutenants: It is indeed graitfying ta sec the intercst shown in aur young pea- plc's activities by aur Service Clubs and in this particular case a sincere vote ai thanks is due aur local Lions Club for arrang- ing transportation ta Oshawa, 50 that no Guide or Brawnie. wiii be dcprived ai the privilege aif tak- ing part in this important event. The Lady Baden-Powell, Worid Chief Guide and widow ai the founder ai the Boy Scout and Girl Guide Mavements arrived in Vancouver on May 7th ta com- mence a tour ai the Dominion which wiii take her irom coast ta coast. Lady Baden-Powell came ta Canada irom Boston where she attcnded a raily ai 20,0010 Girl Scouts, and previaus ta that tour- cd other centres in the United States where she was the guest ai hundreds ai Girl Scouts. Last summer the Lady Baden- Powell visited France, Switzer- land, Itaiy, Beigium and Hoiiand and later Norway, Sweden and Denmark wherc she was rcceiv- cd by thousands ai enthusiastic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts al] ai whom were cager ta show her that they had nat forgotten their membership during the occupa- tion. -In spite ai being iorced underground by the Nazis and brutaliy pcrsecuted, membershir. figures increased and in many cases doubled before the libera- tion. The World Chief Guide arrived in Cuba eariy in February wherE she attendcd week's training con- icrence sponsarcd by the Western Hemisphere sub-cammittee ai thE World Association ai Girl Guideý and Boy Scouts. From there shE visited Jamaica, Barbados, Britisl. Guiana, Mexico and then th( United States. Aiter her tour ai Canada and before returning t( her home at Hampton Court ir London, England, the Lady 13aden. Powell wiii visit the Girl Guidee Chancel Sunlight St. John's Anglican Church Altar The above photo portrays thej ored by the presence ai His Grace, tastefuliy decorated aita at St.1 The Most Reverend Derwyn T. John's Anglican Churchi, which on Qwen, D.O., D.C.L., Archbishop Sunday, May 26th, xiii be hon- I af Toronto, Prelate ai ail Canada. Final Figures on X-Ray Clinic Indicate Remarkable Success Close ta 70 per cent ai the en- tire population ai Bowmanville and Darlingtan Township, eligible for the free X-ray clinic, chest cx- amînations, availcd thcmseives ai the apportunity affordcd. Span- sored by the Lions Club with the ca-operation ai the Provincial Health Department and many civ- ic arganizatians, the arrangements were extremeiy well organized. General direction ai the cam- paign fell ta Dr. Harold Fergusan and his Lions Heaith and Welfare Cammittee. Final figures assembled by Dr. Ferguson reveai that there w re 3,649 X-rayed at the Bowmanvýle clinic and 992 in the North Dar- lingtan clinic held at Hampton. Total population of Bowmanviile was cstimated at 4,000 and Dar- lingtan 3,500. Hence of the total population ai 7,500, the number X-rayed was 4,641. From the to- tal population arc deducted al chiidrcn under 6 years ai age, the iii and infirm and many aged peo- pie, which permits ai the estimate ai 70 per cent examined. Speaking in behali ai the Lions Club, Dr. Fergusan wishes ta thank the entire public for its co-operatian. Very high praise was accorded the Bowmanville Home and Schoal Club and Dar- lingtan Township Councillors and their helpers for a most thorougb canvass. Great credit goes ta them for the fine resuits abtained in an enlightened cause. Chairman Ferguson alsa cx- pressed highest'cammendation ta the secretaries, Miss Evelyn Man- ning and Mrs. Fred J. Mitchell, Bowmanville, and Miss Mary Nid- dery and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth, Hampton. Aiso included were Mrs. Forest Dilling, Mrs. Victor Jcffery and Mrs. Robert Kent. Their valued aid, almost night l and day. afforded splendid atten- tion toalal details. Councillor T. A. Gartan, who do- nated free bus service ta bring al rural school childrcn ta the Clinic and return them ta their schools. It was a generaus gesture ai a public spirited citizen. Results are aiready caming in on the survey but it wiii be some weeks before final returns are re- ported back ta the iamiiy pbysic- ians ai the district. Any deiectLs will be made known confidentialiy ta the parties concerned. Those who do not recieve a report will know there is nothing wrong, physicaiiy. Richly Bred Herd Sire Cornes to Durham County Gienaitan Rag Apple Reliance the most richly bred Holstein- Friesian sire ta ever came ta Dur- ham caunty, has been recently purchased by James T. Brown, Brawview Farm, Newcastle, and Everett J. Brown, Brawtop Farm, Orona, iram J. J. E. McCaguc, Gienaiton Farm, Alliston. Reliance is sired by Abegweit Gooci Heailth amid Lots of Pep Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pille have a long record of dependability a a regulator of liver and kidneys and bowels. They.quckly arause these organs ta healthfu activity--sharpen the ap-~ petite and help ta, improve digestion. Clean out the poisons with Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and re- ganyour pep and happiness. EgIM Showdown, son ai Abegweit Mil- ady (Ex*), who holds two world's records. His dam is Glenaiton Laurel Louise B., now making an outstanding Junior 2-year 4 per cent record. She is sired by the famous Montvic Rag Apple Marks- man (xxx Extra), 3 times ail- Canadian, be a son ai the warld's record Ex.* cow Montvic R. A. Calantha Abbekerk. Reliance's maternai granddam, Rag Apple Louise Vale (Ex.*) has over 100,- 000 lb. milk, 3,500 Ibs. fat, and is anc ai the leading faundation caws ai the Gienaiton herd. His 3 nearest granddams are graded Ex.* (the highest classification ob- tainable in the Holstein -Friesian Selective Registration), twa ai these granddams holding three world's records. Reliance himseli is an individ- ual worthy ai this pedigree and is a three-quarter brother ta Glen- aiton Rag Apple Historian, who sold last Navember at the Ail- Canadian sale at 3 manths ai age for $14,500-the highest seiling bull at a Canadian auction ta date. Sees Hydro Expansion Program Sparking More Empicyment That Hydro programs ai con- struction and expansion would mean an upsurge ai empioyment and industrial activity throughout the province xvas the encouraging prediction of Hydro Commission- er W. Ross Strike, K.C., and other top men ai the H.E.P.C. at the an- nuai convention ai the construc- tion departmcnt heid in Toronto recentiy. Eiectricity was again stressed by the speakers, who W. Ross Strike addressed severai hundreds af Hydro employees from ail parts ai the province at a banquet at the King Edward Hotel, as the basis of praductivity in Ontario. Comn munities, large and small, throughout Ontario, it was point- cd out, wouid share in the bene- fits ai Hydro undertakings. Dir- ectly or indirectciy, shaps, factor- ies and man-power wouid al h involved ta the'ir manifold ad- vantaqe. As far as Hydra, itseli, was con- cerncd, Mr. Strike expresscd the belici that the pragramns of the Commission would be a crawning challenge ta the ingenuity and in- itiative ai the construction de- partment. In almost cvery dis- trict there were Hydro men work- ing. These alrcady had a proud record bath ai conduct and achievement among their ncigh- bars. Now a ncw spirit ai adven- turc ta match the times would urge them ta even higher hcights ai accomplishment, as thcy real- ized they were the shock troopç in a campaign ta provide morE adequate electrical services fai the increasing necdsai the peo- plc. Mr. Strike brieily outlincd thE pragramns ta which Hydro had committcd itscif in answer ta thE challenge ai the times. It'was thE aim ai the Commission ta providE a network ai electrical service. that wouid be second ta none or this continent. Through the nem deveioprrcnts at DeCew, Stewart. ville, Des Joachims and Aguasa- ban, some 537,00 harsepowei would be added ta* the resource, oi the Commission. Closely re. lated ta thîs development was th( work that would go into the cor. solidation ai the system througi the building ai sub-stations anÉ i distribution limes and the installa. tion ai irequency-changer se Hampton Mrs. K. Winterburn visited Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Martin, near Ke- dron. Mrs. Cumberland ai Toronto spent a iew days with her daugh- ter,.Mrs. Gea. Farncomb. Mrs. Stuart Hogarth, Toronto, was a visitor at J. D. Hogarth's, and Bruce Hogarth's. Mrs. Harry Gay and Mrs. Brown, Courtice, visited their sister, Mrs. Gerald Baison. Mr. and Mrs. R. Selback, Tor- onto, visited friends here. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, vis- ited her sisters here on Sunday. Mr. John Challis, and Miss Ma- ble Challis, Bowmanviiie,' visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Jack and Anna, Oshawa, at Lewis Truli's. Reg. Kersey, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Other viitors at S. Kersey's were Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackham, Lee and Lynda, ai Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burn, Jim and John, Janetviile, Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinstry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Barbara, Oshawa. Mr. Harry Winterburn, Toron- to visited Mrs. K. Winterburn. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Plough- man, and Miss Eva Williams, Part Perry and Mrs. H. Taylor, Black- stock, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Wil4iams. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman, Miss Gladys Chapman and Raymond Petit, visited relatives at Tyrane an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, Miss Yvonne Williams and Ross Williams, motored ta Trenton, Michigan, ta attend the wedding ai a niece. We welcome Private Gladys Chapman wha arrived home irom overseas an Wednesday. Mrs. T. Salter has returned irom Caldwater aiter spendîng three wceks with her sister, Mrs. Claude Dunlop wha bas been ill. Mrs. Ken Caveriy. visited Miss Eva Souch, Enniskillen, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saywcll and daughter Bannie, Blackstack, were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Barran an Sunday. Mr. Steven Saywell, Oshawa, accupied the church pulpit very acceptably an Sunday night, tak- ing as bis theme the stary ai the "Temptatians ai Jesus." Rev. W. Rackham was preaching at the Narth Oshawa church. No church service next Sunday evening on accaunt ai Eldad anniversary and Sunday Schaal wili be held in the marning at 10:30. <A number fram here attendcd Enniskillen and Tyrane anniver- saries on Sunday. We welcame ta aur village Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haskin. We ai- s0 welcame ta aur community Mr. and Mrs. Daw and iamiiy, wha have baught Mr. Hilton Peters' iarm, and have taken possession. > See Bowmanville Auto Parts tadvt.' for specials in automobile accessaries. A iamily party was held Wcd- nesday at the home ai Mr. Ouiff- ard Robinson ta welcame his bro- ther, LAC. Donald Robinsan home )iram averseas. 1 Mrs. C. Allin, Marjarie, and )Florence with her son, Mr. Percy Allin. Mr. Arthur Chatterton, Toran- ta, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Northcy, Oshawa, were guests ai Mrs. Johr Chatterton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Callacutt, Jim and Jayce, Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tamlinson. Tag Day for the blind, conduct- cd by the schoal pupils, May il, netted $29. Researc h is a pracess ai finding out what yau are gaing ta do when yau can't keep an doing what you are daing naw.-Charies F. Kettering. e "There wihl always be places ir e Hydro," he said, "ta be filled bY g competent men, and they wiil bE 1- filied by men ai aur own organ- -ization when they prove theni -selves ready for the job. We wil do our best ta induce men whc dare in an administrative positiar dwith the Commission ta encour. age bath initiative and harè work." s. )s -e )r Le ýd ce Le le E- 1- ,h Ld ets., ANNOUNCEMENT on Tuesdays A 1Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. will be ln Bowmanville to service ail makes of sewing machines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed lf ln need of service write or phone before the above days. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Fhone 696 - Oshawa 17-tf Compulsion Policy (Ottawa Journal) The Regina Leader-Post, study- ing the record ai the CCF gavern- ment which has ruled Saskatche- wan for two yearF, notes that com- pulsion mare and more is coming into the picture as the dominat- ing factor in 'CCF poiicy. It gives exampies: "Today motarists must buy go- verziment insurance. Today schooi boards and hospitais must buy government insurance. Tamor- raw it may be ather classes ai cit- izens under compulsion ta do bus- iness with other government en- terprises; tomorrow it may be municipalities under compulsion ta insure in the government in- surance office. The paths are ahl ta easy ta recognize. The hints ai government ministers are ail too plain." And says the Leader-Post, pri- vate enterprise knows now what it faces in Saskatchewan is flot co-operation irom the CCF gov- ernment, not even fair competi- tion with government enterprîses, but nothing iess than extinction. Shipment of Lime Expected We are pleased to announce that we are expecting a shipment of Lime within the next week ta meet your. requirements. Order Coal Now We are still taking orders for winter supplies of coal. We would advise you ta order yours now. We seli the famous Lehigh Valley Anthracite. Fuel Woods We have a good supply of fuel wood, hard and soft, on hand ta meet your demands. John A. Holgate & Son Phone 428 Division Street For Fresh Neatly Pressed CLOTHES Cail 520 When your clothes get soiled and creased cali the Bowmanville Oleaners for fast service. Keep you.r clothes in good con- dition by' having them always dlean. Phone 520 for pick-up and delivery. I4uwi-hanvil le CIeaners and Lveirs Phone 520 King st., W. MILK TICKETS and the CHANGE in the PRICE OF MILK The Ontario Milk Control Board has announced that: "Milk Tickets purchased at the subsidized price (prior to June 1lst) and in the hands of con- sumers on June 1 st will be worth 2c per quart less than the legal price which wiII be in effeet on June 1lst."" This means that it wiII be necessary for consumers using these subsidized tickets, to pay an additional two cents per quart along with each ticket on and after June lst, when the distributors wiII revert to the legal prices in the varlous markets in Ontario. -ONTARIO'DMILK DISTRIDUTORS ASSOCIATION In co-operation with your dafry see vate dte ore ts aist 'ae monopol thy."tes o sat It s opo to aete~ti made clearto thae auntry ingh frstd eapieof the cunryin pow- eir Te Coplerte Commiono- eaThedCernit mut beun- destod is n jt anothe pa- itiaiat isnt jist a olistprty iad, iventhe tiapporiltunityt and upetharesoptalishd ys- teour way tof he.Stabskaed y- wan is finding that out. C. H. TUCK Registered Optometrist 3-day service Special Arrangement By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OFF. F.. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. fý -- . -- - - . -- -- - - - . -

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