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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1946, p. 4

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_______ - - - -a-. THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1946 For Rent 50 acres qf pasture. R. J. Hodg- son, Tyrone. Phone 2323. 21-1 COTTAGE at Williams' Point, Scugog Lake, for the rnonth of June. A. W. Pickand, phone 374. 20-2 FIVE-roomed house in Oshawa, reasonable rent, in exchange for house or 4 or 5 roomed apartinent in Bowmanville. Phone 3942MK, Oshawa. 20-3 SINGER portable electric in youn own home. $5 per rnonth. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario SI., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Refrigerator REPAIRS Commercial - Domçstir, ANY MAKE L. L. owyez Phone: Oshawa 244 SHEET METAL WORK Gilson Furnaces Asphait Shingles Roofing - Eavestroughiflg DAVIS & GRANT Eyes Examined TENDERS TENDERS FOR LIGHTING COUNTY OFFICES Tenders will be received by the undensigned up 10 12:00 o'clock noon on Friday, May 31st, 1946, for installation of "Fluorescent" lighting in County Offices and Judge's Chambers, Cobourg, as follows: Eight (8) 2-tube, 40-watt, 48- inch fixtunes. Exposed tubes. Nine (9) 4-tube, 40-watt, 48- inch fixtures. Exposed tubes. Ahi of the above to be suspend- ed on 48-inch nods. Tender forms and information may be o tained at the office of the Counties' Clerk, Cobourg, Ont. All tenders must be plainly marked as such on outside wrap- ping.E. L. MacNACHTAN, 21-2 Counties' Clerk TENDERS FARM BUILDINGS FOR BY TENDER ivitumi mMun 1 Articles For Sale Livestock For -Sale ELOWN wicker baby c -arniage.1 TWO fresh èows. Phone 2895. BO lone 2425. .21-1. 21-1 Kir Sta UECTRIC radio, good as new. TWO Hereford heifers, due next - 'ione 2583. 21-2 month. Phone 2591. 21.1* GI] wo: 'yTWO sows, due June 1. Talmage Phi 'WO-wheeled trailer. App'l Taylor. Phone 2338. 21-1 - lowmnanville Dairy. 21.1* JA ______________________MARE, brown, 4 years old, drives off ýATTERY set 42 with a 1,(0()- double or single. Also 2-wheeled par our battery. Price $15. Phone trailer with good rubber tires. - ý25. 21-1 W. J. Cooper, Middle Road, R.R. CA 'ABIN[ET raidio ini excellent con- 6, Bowmanville. 21.1* me ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ Go tition. Apply to Miller's Barber PUREBRED Hfolstein cow, 4 years- )hop. 21-1 old, T.B. and Blood Tested. Also Wý fUEBEC heater in good condi- 2-year-old Holstein bull. H. C. gir on. Mrs. Peter Bathgate, 128 Pedwell, Newcastle. Phone 3823, Ar. i'gin St. Phone 2603. 21-1 Clarke. 21-1* Wl 1________________ WE can stilli f11 orders for Barred SA ZINE-piece dining suite; studio Rock chicks for May and June de- wi ,uch; ail in good condition. Mrs.lvr Paeyuodrnwfrri Fre Hbbs 19 ibetySt.211*Governmeint Approved Chicks an' DINING room stove, air circula- with the "Lakefield Chick Hatch- Stý ýr, cheap. Apply 157 King St. E. ery." 18-4 GI 2.*BRAY Hatchery will have June- foi 3UMMER wood-edgings and bo- July chicks available, but they erT y wood. V. H. Ratz, Enniskillen. should be ordered now. Orders ne Phone 2442. 21-2* filled in order received. Fairly Stý wide choice breeds, crossbreds. )NE set of wagon wheels with Contact us soon F. L.-Byam, Tyr- M 3keins, good condition. Apply John one. 21-1 an acks, Hampton. 21-1* e THERE'S no gamble about 1946. ge CHEVROLET sedan, 1928; drop It's going 10 be a poultry year. wý head sewing machine. Phone 811. The poultry industry is the logical pe 21-1* one to expand today as birds are fai equppd wtheconomical users of our short Pl: >OTATO planter qipdwt grain supply. It isn't too late to 18 fertilizer attachment in excellent f11l up the brooders with Tweddles - ondition. Phone 1620, Clarke. the husky, healthy, fast growing R] 21- chicks. No waiting at Twedd.les if QUANTITY of red dloyen hay, one fo your chicks. We can give 1 itter carrier and 170 feet of track. prompt delivery on ail the popu- t Henry Nixon, Orono. Phone 56- lar.pure breeds and hybrid cross- se r-5. 21-1 es in non-sexed, pullets or cocker- 01 els. Pnices greatly reduced for w ý7EGETABLE and fiower plants. June. Also eight week to twen--t Apply Graham's Greenhouses, ty-week ohd pullets. Free cata- Enniskillen (2nd house south of logue. Tweddle Chick Hatcher-0 School). Open day and night. ies Limited, Fergus, Ont. 21-2 18-4* FrSaeorR n NTEW Singer Sewing Machines are For___Sale___or________ -ow available, electrics and trea- COTTAGE-Newcastle lake. Ap- L. Eles! For further information pl Mr. Hay, 31 Centre St., Bow- c E wvnite or phone Singer Sewing Ma- manville. 21-1* E chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf P] DON'T have nerves-plant a gar- W ne oB yF den. We stili have a few first CR o rcin. Poe 81'fc zlass flower and vegetable plantsCASfrwekn.Poe81A for sale. Wearns Greenhouses, 21-1* P Enniskillen. Three doors South USED electric stove wanted. - of the church. 21.2* Phone 482. 21-1 TWELVE and ane-haîf cents a WE buy and sell ail makes of vac- - yean will protect your overcoat uum cleaners and also do expert R from moth damage for 5 years. nepair work. Phone 811. 21.1* b One spraying of Berlou Guaran- r teed Mothspnay does it, or Ber- WOOD lot; hard wod preferred, ir lou pays for the damage. Mason vicinity of Bowmanville. Phone IR & Dale. Phone 408. 21-1 811. 21.1* 21 SEEDLESS Tomatoes-Just spray TRAINED cattie dog. Apply W. C the blossoms with "No-Seed" and G. Bowles, Nestleton. Phone Port b you'l have seedless tomatoes two Perry 192. 211* 7~ to four weeks earlier, heavier FETEhadfate eso crops, sweeter tomatoes, have No- Fail estin. Highest ies o Seed ready ta use on the first buds.aldsrpin.Hgetrcs Stewart's Seed Store. 21-1i paid. Write particulars 10 Queen - - City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., PROT7ECT your clothes, furni -__Toronto. ___________ ture and woollens from moth da- SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- F mage for 5 years. One spraying chines. Wili pay cash, caîl or V of Berlou does il or Berlou pays write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., v for the damage. It's odorless, Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone l< stainless, and dry cleaning can 696. 14-tf not remove it. Alex McGregor, Drugs. 21-1 OLD horses wanted for mink and F - - fox food fromn $5 to $10 accord- ti OSHAýWA'S; new furnitune store- ing to weight. Margwill Fur f, Everything in modern. Chester- Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone field, bedroom and dining room Bowmanville 2679. 52-tf a suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at comrpetitive Work Wanted prices. Before buying visit Brad -________________ ley's New Furniture Store, 156 DAY work, drive team or tract .or, Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Bowmanviile or Hampton district.' USED Fordson ractor, 2-furrow Phone 2587. 21-3 r tractor plow, M.-H. manure sprea- E1AAIGadtraigb der, M.-H. hammermill, 3 usedEtr Aactr Ih h dulicioop. s plate grindens, 1 used DeLaval tiates given fraee sWo.gua- I miiking machine, 1 set new sec- iated.Phon fee.owmanvihl 2840.1 tion drag harrows, new elecbric ate.PoeBwavle280.*' caning machines, new 6-inch ehl-___20_____________ 1_ 6 9c-.51c -34c-39c Face Powder-.-------- $1.00 Sets--------------- $1.25-$1.50 L u n c h K i t s - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- 6 9 Thermos Botties $1.19-$1.50 mfiz - rA wT TnTA m qPA vI¶.S.AN- OWMANVTLTR ONTARIO 6A.p W n J inqT EÇ maN01M1i% Vàà1-' VJJ4ju,%JIJ Liptke - - Pats Sc&Ugog st. - Bowrnanville1 Phones: SBUS. 284Sq Res. 26741 STEWART' S Seed Store SEED CORN Hybrid and Open Pollinated Corn, Dent and Flint Varieties Fasc Powder--------- Creams -------- SALE1 Tenders wiil be received up 10 May 291h, 1946 for the buildings hocated on south haîf of Lot 2, Con. 3, Clarke township, Durham county, consisting of the follow- ing: Solid brick house, bwo storeys, 20x3O and 24x27; Barrns, frame, 27x75 and 36x20 part of roof steel; driving shed, frame *20x5O. Tenders should be addnessed 10 Durham Tobacco Plantations Lbd. Port Hope, Ontario. The highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. 21-1* TENDERS TENDERS FOR FUEL SUPPLY Tenders for the supply of fuel (anthracite and bituminous coal) wilh be received by the undersign- ed up 10 12 o'clock noon,' on Mon- day, June 3rd, 1946, for the Gaol, Counties' Home and Registry Of- fice (Cobourg). Type of fuel and price per bon, delivered, to be stated in tender. Ahl tenders bo be plainly mark- ed "Tenders for Fuel Supply" on oubside wrapping. Lowest or any tender not necessanily accepted. E. L. MacNachton, 19-3 Counties' Clerk Notice Dr. W. H. Binks' off ice wilh be closed from June Ist 10 June 30, inclusive. 21-6 Dr. Ballantyne's dental office will be closed from May 25 10 May 29, inclusive. At dental con- vention. .21.1* Sorghum, Rape, Mangel, THE CHANGE 0F NAME ACT TriSudan Grass, Pursuant to the Change of Namne TurnipAct, 1939, Charles Francis Rich- Millets, etc. ards of the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham will ap- ply on behaif of himseif and his Fertilizers daughter, Constance Caroline Ri- chârds, before His Honour Judge D.D.T. Sprays German at his Chambers at the 2-4-D Weed' Killer Court House in the Town of Co- bourg on Thursday the 27th day Etc. of June, 1946, at eleven o'clock in Bulk Garden Seed the forenoon, D.S.T., to have his surname and the surname of his said daughter cianged from Rich- ards to Tiibrook. Phone 577 Bownianville DATED this 13th day of May, 1946 Collins & Cushing, 219 Front St., Belleville, ntario 21-3 Solicitors for the Applicant Visit Our Nqew Orono Store AND SEE Our Many Linos of General Electric Ranges DRefrigerators - Radios - Washers DW 0 Phone 89-r-1i D 0O 1 Coleman & Philp Electric Ceo. No oo 0 Limited -B Out-,ofo-Town Service Through our connections with funeral directors in ail parts of the country, we are able to make complete arrangements in cases where death occurs out of town, or when interment is to b. made at some distant point. In this way, the family is able to deal with a local f irm exclusively, in the assurance that ail details will b. given the most careful attention. F. F. Morris Co. DyURHAM'S LARQEST FUNERAL DIREOTORS Bowznanville Orono 480 - 734 27-1 flofflLarvex Sprays 3c-$1.29-$.98 Larvex Sprayer -------75e LEG PAINTS Wood's Moth Bloek lOe-25e Nyalon --- -------------------- 40c-75cMoth Balls ------ 1-lb. 19C No-Hoz - ------------------------ 9Moth Flakes ---- lb-- . 19e Duration ----------- --------- 49cAeresol Bomb ------ $3.98 POND'S 11! L *Ad aJi 100-150 acres, good soil essential. 8f Write Box 683, Stabesman. 21.1* ________________Trucking Wanted to Rent SCREENED sand, gravel, loam, __________________________ 11, cindens, manure. We have it, COTTAGE for the month of July, you' name it. We will deliver il. at Bowmanville Beach. Phone H. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, 2374. 21.1* phone 2255. 20-4 FURNISHED room, central loca -_____---_________ tion preferned, one adult. Write Piano Lessons Box 682, Statesman Office. 21.1* ________________ FURNISHED room, hot water con- PIANO lessons by mail-Begin- venience, for respectable gentle- ner's Course in Chording and Song man. Write Box 681, Statesman Playing in Popular Chord Bass Off ice. 21.1* Style. Lessons mailed weekly. Write for infor;nation. Florence HOUSE or three rooms, wanted Garnatt, il Rettory Road, Wes- immediately. Write Box 680, ton, Ont. 19-3 Statesman Off ice or caîl at 3 Dur- ham St., Bowmanville. 2l11 Personal ______________________SLENDOR Tablets are effective. Room and Board Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks BOARDING home for Young lad;, ta dugss 03 2½,/ years old. Apply James F. INDIGESTION pains vanish Post, Hampton P.O. 21.1* quickly when you use Wilder's Stomach Powder. Pleasant, sooth- -ing. 50c and $1 at all druggists. Teacher Wanted 18-5 PROTESTANT teacher, principal HYGIENIC Supplies (rubber for Enniskillen School S.S. 16, goods) mailed postpaid in plain, Darlington, two rooms. State sealed envelope with price Eist. qualifications, expenience. Du- Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. ties 10 commence Sept. 1, 1946. Mail Order Dept.. T-38, Nov-Rub- Apply F%. W. Wenry, Secretary, ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Enniskillen, Ont. 21-2* 18-9 I-lp Wanted )YS wanted. Apply Brookdale- ngsway Nursery ne.r C.N.R. tion. . 21-1 RL or young woman for house- )rk. Mrs. H. Bickle, Hairdresser. Lne 453. 21-2 ýNITOR for the Bowmanville lice of the Bell Telephone Com- ny. Apply at local office.%21-1 .RPENTERS, steady employ- nt. Pigott Construction Co., )odyear Tire & Rubber Co. 211* ls for ichen work; live itn. ly fotriai es' Cor;llvege. ppty Otaio21-1'Cole IESMAN wanted, 35 or over, ith car, for Home Insulation for tral district; drawing account id commissib)n. Write Box 675, -tesman Office. 19-tf summer mont wthoherkl xploye Cit c ovenees nl d Ciihw y Writ ne x 7, ýatesmhan ff. 20.2*x 78 LITENmanOf CE ma fr2om- yANEAC inn PotHp.Cpbo op- at ing aort Hoe. anduneroaking -tnna laiilwndwork, xcllnt iges, andwrg work cdi tis raend empoymnboniftis- etry, for furlohenrt iulas- ky, o earet ..S. oficFle No.p 4y.aetNSS.ofcFl 21. 34, 21ORUIT-3tbie ,NrlWakn DPORUitrict Aaible. yurare WaggrsDsit ad beten E oar age oe25ad 55-avd etor cn ce trs f and ulft, his isor pouretnit 1 el tabl tished inu pprfitle busines of youroin r fuil partieas write oday 10 .e J. R. Watkins Company Dept. )-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, ýue. 18-S Lost ADY'S glasses in brown leather se, lost bebween Kendal and lizabethviiie. Finder kindly rione 6-r-31, Garden Hill. 21.1* 'ROM Concession 5, Lot 8, Here- ord caif, last Thursday. Reward. .pphy 10 Lonne Annis, Tynone. :hone 2341. 21-1 Strayed )etween May 3 and May 15, from -nch aI Hampton. Anyone know- ng the wheneabouts notify Leslie 1Cochrane, Burketon, or phone 884. Reward. 21-2* >NE-year-oid graGe Hereford )ull, dehorned, fnom Lot 2, Con. 7Danlinglon, May 4. Thomas WcRobents, Tyrone. Phone On- )no 54-r-17. 21-1* Real Estate For Sale FOURTEEN acres on Solina road. Vill seil as whole on by lots. Good xeil and fence. Appiy E. D. Pol- lrd, phone 289W13, Countice. 20-3* 'IVE-room brick cottage on easy terms in good condition, 27 by 30 feet, 36 Queen St. E. Pnice $3,000. Apply T. Lymer, 69 Queen St., afIer 6 p.m. 21-3* A U C T10N SAýL E Mn. R. T. Davison, Con. 2, Hope Township, haîf mile east of Har- ness' Blacksmith Shop on No. 2 Highway, has sold his farm. Wil] seh by public auction ail his farm stock,' implements and furniture. For further particulars see bills. Sale of f arm machinery at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Furniture sale aI 2:30. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction- eer. 21-1 COMING EVENTS Round and square dancing, En- niskillen Hall, Satunday, May 25 AI Fletcher's orchestra. 19-tf Group 4 of St. Paul's Women's Association are having a Salad Plate Tea in the lecture room, May 31, fnom 3:30 to 7 p.m. 25c. You are invited. 20-2* The Roarin' West ives again in "Drifting Along" shown aI Biack- stock, Tuesday, May 28. Also Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys in "Live Wires." 21-1* The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Parish Hall, Thunsday, May 30 aI 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Howard Cole, Hampton, will be the guest speak- er. Membens please note. Visi- tons welcome. 21-1* Bunketon Anniversany will be held on Sunday, May 26. Ser- vices aI 2:30 and 7:30 (D.S.T.) Guest speaker will be Mn. Merle Thompson, Gibbon St. Mission, Oshawa, a former school teacher aI Zurketon. Fniday, May 31s1, at 8:15 Hamp- ton C.G.I.T. will present a variety program of music, drills, dialogue, monologue and a tableau in Bur- keton Church. Admission 25c, childnen 15c. 21-1 Eldad Sunday School Anniver- sary Thankoffering services, Sun- day, May 29, aI 2 and 7 p.m., D.S. T. Guest speakers: Rev. H. C. Linstead, Countice, in the aften- noon and Rev. G. W. Gardner, Columbus, in the evening. Spe- cial music will be given by the choir, under leadership of Dr. Geo. Werry, assisted by Miss Is- obel Westley, soloist, Toronto. Wednesday night, May 29th aI 8:15 p.m. the Y.'P.U. will present a draina "Eyes of Love" with mnu- sical selections belween acîs. 21-1 BIRTIIS ADAMS-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, Hampton, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Brian Charles, a little brother for Bruce, at Bowmanville Hospital, Sunday, May 12, 1946. 21-1* BRADBURN-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn announce the birth of their daughter, Mary Helen, at Bowmanville Hospital, May 15, 1946. 21-1* are happy bo announce the binth of their son, Robent Alan, at Bow- manville Hospital, May 16, 1946. Mother and baby both fine. 21.1* GLASPELL-Mr. and Mns. Raiph Glaspeil announce the birth of their daughten, Gwen.dolyn Anne, at Bowmanville Hospital, May 16, 1946. 21-1 pitl, May 14, 1946, 10 Sulas and Helen Tnewin (nee Rundle) a son (since died). 21-1* DEATiI MARTIN-Afler a lengthy illness at hîs home in Clarke, on Satur- day, May 111h, 1946, Robent Mar- tin, beioved husband of the late Alice Louisa Baskenviiie, aged 83 years, 9 months. 21-1 McCULLOCH-On Tuesday, May 21, 1946, in Oshawa General Hos- pitl, Dr. William G. McCulloch, beloved husband of Myna L. Heatlie. Resting aI Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, until Thursday noon, May 23, when ne- mains wiil be removed 10 the fa- mily resîdence, Onono. Private funeral service will be held on Friday, May 241h at 2 p.m. D.S.T. Interment Oshawa cemetery. 21-1 NICHOLS-In Oshawa Hospital on Tuesday, May 21, Alfred Mc- Kenzie Nichols, Whitby, beioved husband of Alice Edger and fath- er of Fern in his 571h year. Fu- neral from Luke-McIntosh Fun- erai Home, 152 King St. E., Osh- awa, on Fniday, May 24, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanviiie cemetery. 21-1 nesday, May 22, 1946, Richard Poast. beloved husband of Eliza- beth Balfour, in his 88th year. Funeral will take place from Tnin- ity United Chunch, King St., Ome- mee, Friday, May 24, aI 2:30 p.m. Interment Omemee cemetery. MARRIAGE HIBBEN.DARCH--Saturday, May 111h, 1946, at the Darch residence by the Rev. A. E. Cressweli, Hilda Doreen, youngest daughter of Mrs. E. Darch and the late Edwand Darch, Salem, 10 Harold, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hibben, Lislowel. 21-1* ENGAGEMENT Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Or- ono, announce the engagement of thein younger daughter, Olive Mary Ellen, 10 H. Edwand Milîson, younger son of Mrs. Vera Milîson. Peterborough, and the late Hiram E. Milison. The wedding will take place Saturday, June 22, at 4 p.m. in Park 'Street United Church, Orono. 21-1 Newtopnville, announce the en- gagernint of their only daughter, Frances Jean, 10 Roy J. Bickle, son of Mn. and Mrs. Headley Bickle of Bethesda Southr. The marriage will take place in Beth- esda South United Church on Wednesday, June 121h aI 3 p.m. 21-1 Mn. and Mrs. Charles R.*Founc, Bowmanville, wish 10 announce the engagement of their oniy daughter, Muriel Irene, 10 Mon- tague Alan Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Miller of Tale, Sask. The marriage wiil take place on Satunday, June 15, in Ebenezer United Church. 21.1* Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch, Or- ono, announce the engagement of their eider daughter Eiieen Mary 10 Carl Wilfred, younger son of the laIe Mn. and Mrs. S. M. Bill- ings. The manniage 10 take place in June. 21-1* CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Ennis- kilien, wishes 10 express hen sin- cere thanks and appreciation 10 the person who s0 kindiy retunn- ed her purse and contents to the bank. 21-1 Gi, Lyle and Ray Brock wish 10 express their sincere appreciation 10 friends and neighbors for their kindness in their recent bereave- ment of a beloved father. 21.1* The family of the late Robent Martin wish bo express their sin- cene appreciation 10 their fniends and neighbors for their many kindnesses during his illness and for their visits and beautiful flor- ai tributes during their necent be- reavement. 21-1 I wish 10 take this opportunity 10 thank my many friends for the cheeny cards, kind inquiries, fiow- ens and fruit sent me while ne- covering from my openation. Also Dr. Slemon, Dr. Austin and nurs- ing staff of Bowmanville Hospital. 21-1 Audrey Kensey. Mn. and Mns. A. Hoit wish to thank ail who assisted in taking furniture into the garage during the nain stonm on Saturday, also Mn. E. V. Osborne for s0 kindly donating the use of his garage at a very cnitical lime, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman for their kind- ness. 21-1* ALLDREAD-In loving- memory of my dean son, Pte. Alfred (Dick) Alldnead, killed in action on May 25, 1944, in Italy with the Irish Regiment, buried in Cassino cern- eteny. "Too dearly loved 10 be for. gotten." -Mothen, Brothers and Sisters. 21-1* of our dean father and mother, James and Hannah Burns who passed away, May 27, 1931, and May 20, 1943. Thene is a long and winding noad, Along which each must go, Il leads beyond the hilis of lime Into the sunset glow. But oniy for a little while Our loved ones leave oun sight, For just beyond the his they wait In God's etennal light. -Lovingly remembered by the Family. 21-1 COUCH-In loving memory of a dean mother and grandmother, Winona (Pansons) Couch, who passed away May 241h, 1939. Sunshine passes, shadows faîl, Love's remembrance outlasts all; And though the yeans be many orý few, They are filled with remembrance dean mother of you. -Ever remembered by her daugh- ter Donalda, Sid and Grand- childnen. 21-1* GRAY-In loving memory of a dear husband, Robent Gray, who passed away May 24, 1940. "When ail is still and sulent, And sleep forsakes my eyes, My thoughts are in the silent grave Where my dean husband lies"' -Ever remembered by his loving wife, Ida. 21-1* POOLTON-In loving memory of our nephew and cousin Pte. Jack Poolton who died of wounds in Italy, May 26, 1944. He had a lovely nature A heant puner than gold He has left us beautîful memorieE Which neyer will gnow old. -Ever remembered by his Auni and Uncle, Mn. and Mrs. GeorgE Graham and Family. 21-1" WEARN-In loving memory o: our dean son and brother, Fît Sgt. Leslie Allan Wearn, missini in air openations overseas, Ma3 2lst, 1943. No one knows the sulent heant- aches, Oniy those who have loved cai tell The grief we bear in silence tFor the one we loved s0 well. -Mum, Dad and Family. 21-1 Wake up yowr liver; cleanse your systemi feel flghtlng fit by 4 taklng FNO' 1s IN SDM AYO rd,14 1OOLTN-FOndmemrieâ o WHITE SUOE CLEANERS Il --------- ----- 15c-25c 2 in 1------------------------ 25e Nyal Liquid or Paste -------------------- 25e 1'ahn Beach--------------- 25c Shu M ilk ------------- 19e LOW FRICES John T. McCreery Optomotrist Thursday - 1 p.mi. to 8 p.m.. Optical Repairs COWLUNG'S DRUG STORE PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMZNT - PHONE 695 -r "FRUIT SALT" Pinex ------------------- ---- 32e 10Robinson's Barley ----- 32e k10 A.S.A. Tabs ------19e q* Corega Powder --- 23e-69c SR 4 Kleenex -------- 2 for 25e 695 OWLIGS RUG TORTrusses REVLON 65e AM L ipstick -------- --- dear brother, Pte. Jack Poolton. "The march of Urne goes swiftly by And brings its cares and toil, But in Eternal youth they lie Beneath a foreign suil. Yet not in vain they watch and wait, t Strong champions of the right, Tbey are the warders of our gate, And guard us through the night. From selfish aim, and paltry ease, From slavery of the soul, The men who saved the land are Y these,gol" They point us to thegol" -Lovingly remembered by Lii Ben, Glad and Jack. 21-1> POOLTON-In loving and ever- lasting memory of a dear son and husband, Pte. Jack Poolton, of the Irish Regiment of Canada, who died of wounds in Italy, May 26, 1944. He WilI be Waiting "He went before us with so much untold that he ceuld tell, Old comrades bade him welcome just as we bade him farewell; And when we pass the way of ail along to the Unknown, His hand will stretch to guide us, though we tread the path alone; His smile will bid us welcome as7 we take the path he trod,: We live with that great' comfort that we meet again with God." -Dearly loved, deeply mourned Mother, Dad, Ferne. 21-1* STEVENS-In loving memory of our dear Mother, Esther Brown Stevens, who passed away at Hampton, Ont., on May 25th, 1945. Also our dear Dad, Enoch Stev- ens, who passed away at Hamp- ton, Ont., January llth, 1929. AI- so our dear Brother, Harold Sher- wood Stevens, who passed away at Mayerthorpe, Alberta, on August 29th, 1941. One by one life's ties are broken, One by one they are linked above, Some day there will be a sweet f reunion, Once again with those we love. ,-Lovingly remembered by the Family. 21-1* sTRICK-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Minnie Elizabeth, whom God took.Home eto rest, May 22, 1945. "A wonderful mother, woman and aid; A wonderful worker so loyal and )f true, tOne in a million, that Mother, 9 was you. yJust in your judgment, always r.ight, Honest and liberal, ever. upright, Loved by your friends and ail you ýn knew, A wonderful mother, that Mother was you." -Lovingly remembered by Tom, * Ruby, Bill and Family. 21-1 65C 1 FREE FILMS DEVELOPED Glasses Fitted 1

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