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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1946, p. 5

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PAGE IVE mum- t' A mA i A M q TA'wM AN. BOWMANVHLLE. ONTARIO r#2Yflqn A v7 ff e O....1 iA ÂZéIt --1 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Dàvid Ferguson, Burketon Will celebrate his 9lst birthday on May 28th. Mrs. A. Johnston, St. Cathar- ies, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Henry'. Mrs. Florence Fowler, Toronto, e nt the weekend with Mrs. e ffley Beckett. *rs. AE. udley, Odell St., is, visitinhr daughter, Mrs. W. W. iuck ey, Peterboro. Mr. Lorne Plummer, druggist, has been elected a director of Port Hope Rotary Club for 1946-47. Mrs. Barbara Wellcome, New Toronto, has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. James. Mr. John Living is in Toronto taking a course in modern electro- plating at The Standard Platers Company. Keep Monday evening open. MARR'S JEWELLERY SOAF OPERAS can stili be enjoyed at your summer cottage with a Stewart Warner 1946 Dattery Radio Economical Battery Radios in modern plastic designs. Pour 1.4 volt tubes, low battery drain, standard broad- cast and phonograph terminals. COMPLETE SET...-....... $ ...... 31-50 RECORD PLAYERS For Battery Radios, sprig wound motor, volume control, plays 1O-inch or 12-inch records. Higli quality, light- weight, crystal pick-up a rm..$ 4.9 ZACH =O=Oý0=O= THE- RADIO SHOP J. L. Doreen 38 King St. E. Phone 573 C. J. Biston Bowmanville - Aents for - HERMAN FURS P HON1E Zenith 13000 H.rmanîziflg An SExclusive Fur process OSHAWA LAUNDRY &DRY CLEANING CO. LIDU Oshawa i7riu=vAy, mAy z3ra, iv4o P HON E Zenith 13000 2Per Cent of Your Own Fair Valuation F RE E Pick-M p and Delivery j- - 'i AT CHAMBROP COUMMRCE MEETINGI The first game of the Men's Soft- bail League will be played at the Public School grounds on that occasion. Mr W. J. Morrison, B.A., prin- cipal of the Deaf and Dumb In- stitute, Belleville, was a visitor in town on Monday. T. M. Chant, proprietor Hamp- ton Creamery, has purchased the Roblin Creamery ait Whitby and wîll in future operate the two plants. Rev. J. dePencier Wright and Mrs. Wright will be at home at the Rectory, next Wednesday, May 29th, from 3 to 6 p.m. to par- ishioners and friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hibben, List- owel,- are visiting with their daug- hter Mrs. Francis Williams, Lib- erty St. North, and attended the Hibben-Darch wedding. Miss Patricia Clarke, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke, is home after completing her third year examinations at St. Michael's College, Toronto. Mr. Don Quick, Toronto Un- iversity student, has completed his first year Art's course and is at present visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quick. Temperance St. south has been brightened by the newly decor- ated offices of King's Taxi, where customers can rest comfortably while awaiting transportation. Mr. W. S. Staples received word Monday of the sudden passing on Sunday of his brother, Mr. C. H. Staples at Angusville, Man. He left Monday evening to attend the funeral. Dr. and Mrs. A. King, London, England and Washington D. C. with their three children, were Sunday guests at Glenn-Larra. Dr. King is a scientist in atomie research. Several showers recently have brought out the leaves and put a green sheen on lawns. Tree buds sprouted in March but the wea- therman decreed a long, slow spring season. Each Sunday at 12:15 P M, radio CTBC, continues a series on Durham County by Miss Chis- holm, Port Hope. Last Sunday the broadcast told of the Cavan Blazers. The boulevards surrounding the old textile plant now owned by the R. M. Hollingshead Co. have been given their spring digging w hicba improved the appear- ance hofhe building considerably. Men of the Bowmanville Hydro Commission have been busy pain- ting the light standards on Front street this week. They improve the appearance of Bowmanville'ss - business section with their new K coat of green paint. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Souci were in Windsor, May 6th, attend- ing the graduation exercises oi Grace Hospital School of Nurses Miss Beverly Jane Gould, Winds- or, niece of Mrs. Souch, was onE of the 32 graduates. Many young people have beer enquiring of The Statesman wher the organizations that have list- ened to the speakers tell of. Teer Town plan to get busy on the pro- ject. They want a change fronr listening to restaurant juke-.music Just a reminder to break oui flags and drape up bunting foi the big day tomorrow, Soldiers Day, May 24. And be on time foi the parade, 1-1:30, Public Schoc grounds. Read the ads and write. ups for full details of the pro gramme. A midnight prowler tried t( break into the home of Tom Cart er, Monday night. He ran whe: Mr. Carter threw open the door Later the same night a thie -broke into Blake Short's barn stole tractor headlights and bati ery. Police are învestigating. Alderman George Pingle of QI tawa is in the limelight again. Th, Ottawa Journal published api For Wlanm, Er .e nKins Fot WlatuayatendinKthescon- oc aur aiot uen's niersity whenatirda ugerPhyUnivesigta duante itah tederee of B.gA. Mr.te Jones tpe deoff atBA- vill Jon es opdyowhen he old thle fnon Tesdresidene oWl- lington St. to Mr. George White. The Montreal Gazette contain- ed a picture in its issue of May 16 showing Miss Constance Beres- ford-Howe, authomess, being pre- sented with the Dood Mead Inter- collegiate Literary Fellowship for the excellence of ber recent novel "The Unreasoning Heart." The talented young authoress will re- ceive the M.A. degree in English at the McGill University convo- cation on May 29. Miss Beresford- Howe is a niece of Mr. Albert Moore, Bowmanville. Mrs. Geo. W. James attended the convocation of Western On- tario University at London on Wednesday when Mr. Hugh Tem- plin, editor of the Fergus News- Record and president of the Can- adian Weekly Newspapers' Asso- ciation, had the honorary degree of LL.D. confermed on him. Mrs. James called at Dundas and took her mother, Mrs. George Woods, who celebrates ber 82nd birth- day today, to London to visit ber son, Mr. R. D. Woods. St. Paul's W.M.S. met on Tues- iday, May 21 at the home of Mms. Robt. Heatherington, Manvers Rd. President, Mrs. K. Werry pre- Ê sided. Reports were read. Mrs. *Armstead took charge of the pro- igram the theme of which was the "Christian Home" with the em- *phasis on the training of child- sren. Those reading from the leaf- let were Mrs. S. MeAllister, Mrs. -C. Carruthers, Mrs. G. Chase and Mrs. Whitmee. Mrs. H. Fergu- - son and Mrs. W. P. Fletcher of- sfered prayer. The meeting clos- eed with a benediction sung by t Mrs. Reta Dudley. Refreshments - were served by Mrs. Heathering- Iton. Ex-Mayor John Stacey of Osh- awa, bonored the editor of The IStatesman with a friendly cal or Wednesday. A native of Courtice district be still keeps up his in- terest in his native county of Durham tbmough refding ThE Statesman. Mr. Stacey holdsa 1record of 35 years' public and civ- ic service in the Motor City, thE greater part of this time beinga member of the city council. An. other outstanding accomplisb- ment to Mr. Stacey's credit is hi:ý pioneering in reforestation. HE probably has the largest privatel3 owned eforestation area in thi. part of Ontario. In 1924 he pur. chased 600 acres in Manver! Township, near the village o: Pontypool, on wbich be bas plant. ed to date nearly 500,000 ping 1trees. town Tuesday calling on old friends. Mrs. F. Cator wbo bas been in the Bowmanville hospital is now convalescing at hem daughtem's, Mrs. E. Cain, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator and fam- ily, Toronto, visited bis mother, Mrs. Fuller Cator, and sister, Mrs. E. Cain, on Sunday. Miss Olga Tod, Division Street, has been holidaying i Toronto. i s s s f e in this spirit that the Legion and1 alphabetically with a corps of the Municipality had joined in Guides directing ail just where effecting this symbol whi:ch should tn go. inspire ail to work long and The parade on the grounds wii faithfully to, maintain the peace march off led by the Bowmanvilie so dearly bought. Band under bandmaster Bill Shot- Comrade Harding, who as chair- ter and Drum-Major Art Kilpat- man of the Legion Committee, did rick. When grounds are ciearéd s0 much to make the occasion a the sports programme will take success, expressed thanks to th-e place. Ail track and field events people assembled and to the will be handied by World Champ- Council for donating the plot for Ion runner Alred Shrubb as the Cross. Ris invitation was: starter. A league football game "Coene here at anytime to place will be the windup at 6.30 p.m. wreaths and to renew faith."1 The The street dance, Temperance St. benediction and the National An- 8 p.m. to midnight and fireworks them closed the order of service. at High School, 10.30 p.m. will The Memorial Cross is erected follow. on the green sward, somne 200 feet south of the main gate of the cemetery. Beside it is the metal Home & School Club flag-staff. Inscribed on the gran- ite are these words: (Continued from Page One) In loving memory of those who who gave their alI. Jtine. 1914 -18 1939 -45 It was carried that the execu- Erected by the Bowmanville tive have the power to spend $25 Branch of the Canadian Legion to adopt a child in Europe if and No. 178 when the request comes to this "Forever In Our Hearts." organization. 1 l-- ~ --A .. f +ho on- Friday's Program (Continued from Page One? Memorial Service honour. - They will form up on the school grounds between Hor- sey St. and Elgin. Wally Braden (Continued from Page One) wili be in command wîth these Irovincial Officer Gordon Brou- platoon commanders: Ed. Hooper, ýhton.Ab. Boustead, A. Virgin, A. Lobb. 'h on. ro evieoee The officers of the group will be 'iThe o rder bof sere Wopenedinuniform. uîtha pay by Padre Wr " ighth The third party wii include owd by Wth hymn "Fight.hemembers of the Legion and other Chood igt ith Ah Thy ightni- veterans of the district, vets of ;he 23d Psaem asrra nEunie- both wars, ail are invited. They ones andtheUs asn frosM Ecen-will faîl in along Horsey St., east- Yase Let Us rae FamousMenern portion of school grounds. B. vas read by Comrae egonHard-Mitchel, Orono, is O.C. and F. ngown he se GdOrmon came Dudley and Cliff Samis are pla- hes hym',nOGd asOuil reitoon commanders. The Women's :)fs Paso rt he s erayer Legion and other organizations rn moth rs.Thedfor to thebrae wiîî be advised where to fali in. CrotserTe dediainof the The bnds will be spaced accord- wrosts precded nly thng pnof teing to plan. A7rath ad fnaly he ipingof The Rýoute of March will be he colours and the flag as the donS1e1 S.aogKigS.t Last Post was sounded. Jim Nokes Ba=oral Hlotel, thènce Division was bugler and Comrade Thetford tChurch, along Cburch to Tem- lowered and raised the flag. perance.Afethhattte Padre Wright in bis sermon and Cenotaph for a short service, the dedication brought out the thought parade will ýroceed south to of sacrifice in which young lives Queen St., thence around High were taken in the divinity of School to enter the grounds hope for a better world. He said through the gate opposite the the Cross was a symbol of their Goodyear Co. The officers wil sacrifice and the Christianity they direct the massing of parade be- upheld. He quoted Churchill: fore the platform. "Neyer did somany owe so much The bands will assemble south to so few." The Cross now dedi- bf the stand; the mass choir from. cated would endure as a shrîne churches at the north side. Silver where one and ail could corne in Star Mothers and next of kmn will quiet moments and in annual be near the choir. Scouts and observance to take renewed faith Guides will be between the bands from the example of those who and the main mass of veterans to gave their ail. be honored, who will front the Speaking in behaîf of the mun- platform. icipality Mr. Strike voiced the After the welcome of Mayor solemn pride of the living for the Morris and services conducted by heroes in whose memory the Padre J. dePencier Wright, ar- Cross had been erected. In the rangements are that four council- minds of ahl on this occasion was men and their wives will greet I the thought, "Greater Love Hath the servicemen in four rooms in No Man than This, That He Gave the High School to present the ,His-Life for Ris Friends.' It was rings, etc. Lists will be divided trip to Toronto and a visit to the Ontario Museum and Riverdale Zoo and Park some time previous to their -graduation. prize for the year. A letter was read asking that this organization send represen- tatives to the new Chamber of Commerce and thus strengthen this assoclation's spirit of civie loyalty. COMING TO OYALTHEATRE ACADEMIY AWARD WINNER! Open'ng Bail CGame JUNIlOR O.D.A. IDASEDALL HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th. at 6.15 p.m. Dowmanville Juniors vs,. Oshawa No. 2 Team The first game will be played in Oshawa on Saturday, May 25th, starting at 1.15 p.m. It will be a double-header with Bowmanville playing the Oshawa No. 1 team in the first haîf and Cobourg playing Oshawa No. 2 team i the second haif. Games will be played i Alexander Park. SPECIAL Values and Reminders For Th! w is Week-end. Shop at Your I.DA. Drug Store and Save Money. 39c I.D.A. Milk of Magnesia Tablets.................. 100's 29e 29c Blondex Shampoo............ 23c 25e Tincture of lodine. . . ..10 oz 16C $1.25 Pinkham's Compound .....87c 25c Sun Glasses................ 19c $2.25 Lactogen ........ 212 b. $1.59 15c Wax Paper............ 50 ft. 12c 6cRobinson's Barley........... 33c lTUBE b% Made wth Olive 011' for tst$ain iia@i-S imotlIet$kI*49ýU AB.S . ables 100's ----------------- 14e 10e Envelopes ---- 4c 25e Castor Oi ---- 19e Super-Jumbo Stationery ------ 21c MIoth Bags --- 33c-47c 25e Spirit Camphor ---------9e Lux Soap -- 2 for Ilc 50c Pznex Comp. 32e ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES 35e Corega ------- 24e 15c Brownle Writing Pads ------ 2 for i15e 25e Zinc Omntment ------ 19C $1.00 Lactogen ---69c 25e Sweet Nitre ------- 2-oz. 19e 39c A.S.A. Tablets ------------ 19C Moth Balis 2 lbs --------------- 29 TIRED FEET Softer 1 Saferi1 Il 2 PADS 12N UOX257a CHARM -KURL The New CoId Wave -------------- $1.35 PILLS 39c-69C DUBARRY LEG PAINT A Superior Produet ------- $1.00 Mliette Blades 25 for, $1.00 'McO-REOOR DRU OS PHONE 79Z - WB DELIVER 150 mm iStreet PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Walter DeGeer R. A. Bryce At the organization meeting of guest speaker. MTr. Walter DeGeer the Bowmanville Chamber of who has done considerable pro- Commerce held Monday nig¶it in motion work in getting the Chamn- the Town Hall, Mr. R. A. Bryce, ber organized was the Chairman Chairman of the Ontario Region- of the meeting. BRYLCREEM THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING 1 - 1 was found nevessary to continue from the morning until midnight. The adjudicator was Roy Fen- wick, who has adjudicated prev- ious music festivals in this district. pl The Bicycle Club, due to in- g1 clement weather, found few pres- ent Saturday. President John w: Cattran and Secretary Peggy Dip- fo pie conducted a brief session and G, adjourned until next Saturday I morning, at 10:AM, Town Hall. sc The report of proceedings and ]a plans will appear in next week's w paper. i Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Minas- A ter of Public Welfare, will be o guest speaker at the annual meet- ly ing of United Counties Children 'sC Aid Society being held tonightm 3(Thursday) at Port Hope. Citi- t -zens are invited to this meetingL 7and learn first hand the importantv -welfare work being carried on by this society. Miss Margaret Rowe, populard young bride-to-be, was honouredc e by forty of her f riends at« a mis- - 9cellanous shower held at the home1 of Miss Patricia Dinniwell on Mayt 15. Silver beils, and pink ands 0white streamers added a colour-i l- fuI background to the scene. Miss' iRowe received many charming1 e and useful gifts. The evening was s spent pleasantly playing gamnes 'after which refreshments were served. Her many friends wished SMargaret happiness in her new fhome in Hamiliton. SPECIAL

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