1!HUBSAY, MAY 23rd, 1946 Statesmau's Eoxiug Reporte' Takes Count at Toronto Bouts Afoot and light-headed we took and made the presentation. to the open road, a la Wa1t Whit- The Statesman's reporter mnan, Monday, to see the 10-div- assigned a seat in the press ision boxing contests arranged in by Mr. Ring. A former b( behaif of the Toronto Newsboys' referee in Western Canada Fund. -Picked up by Elmer Ott, vicarious experience of thei iresident Pepsi-Cola Co. and Jack ing proved too much wher McNulty, proprietor of McNulty's gore started. Seated next to Sports Shop, Bowmanville, we nie Fitzgerald, Toronto 'E rýyere geeted by long-time fight Telegram, he failed to sei impresari of the Newsboys' third knockoutoftee S 0 , harles E. Ring, who as- when his seatmate toppled 0 ed seats for the trio at Maple in a dead faint as McNulty 4leaf Gardens for the event. ped into the ring. McNulty, winner of the Willie' The Garden1 ushers came1 Frankel Memorial Trophy at Mon- restue àlnd the coma sut treal, in 1929 was invited to be when Elmer Ott pressed th present to hand over the cup to with a bbttle of Pepsi-Colc the boxer of the evening voted mnotored the veteran bac the gamest loser. McNulty was Bowmanville. This free pl introduced after the mairt bout, deserving for a kindly, refri posed for thme press photographer act. OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. - FRI.- SAT. May 23 - 24- 25 Speclal Holiday Attraction Gene Tierney - Cornel Wilde wwas ss box boxing l, the even- en the John- ,ening ee the iening d over y step- to the ibsided îrough da and ck to, plug is reshing _The ten bouts provideci a cou- ple of canters, one gallop and the remainder high class box fighting. The best report of the show among the metropolitan dailies is found in Fitzgerald's summary in the Tely, May 21. The three Osh- awa boys trained by Murray Swartz made a fine showing with two wins, the other a shaded loss. We plan to go again nex.t year. Generous Donations Made by Citizens to Equip Basebail Team Jeanne ijri in The Intermediate Basebaîl Club is all set ta open its season on Un, ui aVeunt May 24th. They have had sever- 'Leave Her ao Heai good practices and by Fia the team should be in early sea- wlth son shape. Vincent Price - Mary Philips Donations amounting ta nearly Ray Collins $ 1,000 from variaus firms, servicet Filmed in Glorions Technicolor clubs and individuals have made1 that won the Academy Award it possible ta organize and equip for Color a team this year. The grounds have been put into shape and new equipment and uniforms have1 Children's Ail Cartoon Show been purchased. This has all been _May 24th made possible through the dona- tions of those listed below: Frlday Morning at 9.30 a.m. Glen Rae Dairy ---------------$ 20 _____________________ Carter Family Bakery --------- 15 MO.-TUES. - WVED. L. A. Parker Plumbing ------2 MON. - Y C. A. Bartlett Garage ---- 5 May27-R2S-29AY3 Northcutt & Smith------------- 5 Ma 2 -2 -29- 0 Hooper Jewellery Shop ------ 5 A Comedy of Newly-Weds F. F. Marris Ca --------------- 10 Robert Walker - June Allyson McFeeters Brothers - ----------- 5 in ~~~T. A. Garton--------------------- 10 liSheppard & Gill Ltd ------------- 15 Hodgson Service Station -----20 "TheoSailo Marr Jewellery------------------5 of Norman Allin Butcher Shop 15 Takes a Wife" Palmer Motor Sales----------- 15 with ~~Town of Bowmanville -------100 Hum Conn Adrythter Rotary Club--------------------- 100 Hue rny AdeyTttrOlympia Cafe --------------------5 Eddie "Rochester" Anderson Frank Jarnièson ------------------ 2 Reglnald Owen Bowmanville Cleaners (Uni- ________________________ forms cleaned during summer) 'w r OPENING DASEBALL CAME Friday, M4ay 24 10.30 a. m. Righ School Bail Park Newcastle vs. Bowmanville Sce the New Post-War Royals in Action Safe ! Coilvenient! Electrîcal Wirin2 Truly reliable electrical wiring is most economica. and trouble-free through the years. We do the right kind of job and help you antici- pate every kcind of outiet- need for maximum enjoy. ment of electrical equipment, appliances and service. C. I. k.PAINT HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Higgom Electric 42 ING ST., 1 PRONra 4w m. L I. I I J, B. -I Stedman Stores w Walker Stores-------~--- 2 Higgon Electric -----2 Poole's Bakery ---------- - --- 20 Gus Annis Billards --------- _ 5 Canadian Legion (Bow'ville) 25 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (playing equipment) --- -150 Mason & Dale Hardware -- -15 (Also prize for most stolen bases during season) Balmoral Hotel ------------- 5 S. R. James, Insurance ..... 5 Berry's Book Store--------.. 5 MeGregor Hardware Co ------- 10 A. & P. Stores ------------------- 1 Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man----5-- - Coronation-Cafie------- --------- 2 Stanley's Lunch ------------------ 5 Len Elliott, Plumbing -------10 Knox Shoe Store -------------- -2 H.' C. Osborne, Grocer---------- 5 Breslin's Store ------------------ 20 Infantine & Cancilla----------- 20 Cowling's Drug Store --------- 20 Jury & Lovell--------------------- 20 Harry Allin, Grocer ------------ 20 Cawker's Stores------------ ----5 Edmonstone Meat Market---- 20 Coulter's Grocery Store ------- 10 Lions Club --------------------5 Alex McGregor, Drugs-----2 Dominion Stores -------------1 Cold Springs Beverages-----2 Jack Brough ------------------2 R. M. Hollingshead Co.- ------ LCanadian Statesman ----------2 NEWCASTLE Girls' Softball League Includles Three Teams More Clubs lnvited Last Thursday evening plans were completed for the forming of a Girls' Softball League em- bracing teams fromn Newcastle, Orana and Newtonville, the lea- gue ta be called the N.O.N. Girls' Softball League. Executive of the League is as fallows: Hon. presidents, Orme Gamsby, Orono; Wilbur Hancack, Newtonville; W. F. Rickard, Newcastle; president, Miss Ruth Goode, Orona; vice- president, Mrs. James Stark, New- tanville; secretary-treasu~rer, Miss Margaret Ash, Newcastle; direc- tors are the manàgers of each club: Stan Payne, Orana; George Crowther. Newcastle; Don Vinkle, Newtonville. Games will start at 7:30 p.m. D.S.T. Visiting team ta supply plate umpire; home team ta sup- ply base umpire. An invitation has been extend- ed ta the teams fromn Hampton, Maple Grove and Courtice ta join the league. If one or all of the three teams decide ta join the following schedule will be chang- ed and a new one drawn up: Schedule 27-Newcastle at Newtonville 29-Newtonville at Orono 31-Orono at Newcastle June: 3-Orono at Newtonville 6-Newcastle at Orono 7-Newtonville at Newcastle 10-Newcastle at Newtonville 12-Newtonville at Orono 14-Orono at Newcastle 17-Orono at Newtonville 19-Newcastle at Orono 21-Newtonville at Newcastle 24-Newcastle at Newtonville 27-Newtonville at Orono 28-Orono at Newcastle July: 2-Orono at Newtonville 4-Newcastle at Orono 5-Newtonville at Newcastle Pin this schedule up 50 you car keep track of the games and plan ta attend as many of the games as possible and by your attend- ance show the girls they have your interest and support. George Crowther the energetie and popular manager of the New- castle Girls Softball Club is now entering his l6th consecutive year as manager. Mr. J. A. Smith has donateda trophy that will be playedfor by the league. Christian Science Lecture on Divine Plan For Human Needs r r a v THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Two Cup Winners 1 I Jack MeNiilty Presents Cup Jack MeNulty, proprietor of Mc- card. Nulty's Sparts Shop, Bowman- McNulty, a fighting Irishman, was the first winner of the trophy ville, is shown above, left, presen- in contests held ut Montreal in ting the Willie Frankel Memorial 1929, after hie came ta Canada ta Trophy ta Nick Poppa, Hamilton, work Up ta the success hie has who won the trophy at the Maple achieved in industry and bus- Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Monday iness. Jack's smile is refiected by night in the annual Newsboys' Nick who shows a mark or two Boxing Show. The cup, with its for his gameness. The States- miniature, goes ta the boxer ad- man's fight reporter was present judged the gamest laser on the but mîssed the final scene. evaluate discords and remove ing effort ta secure ather relief, them from human experience. and still the percentage of cases The Christian Scientist begins healed through scientific Mind- with God as the only creative healing is very high indeed. Even cause or power, the one true Mind; and reasons from that perfect though some may hesitate ta place cause ta perfect eff ect, the real their trust unreservedly in God, spiritual man, the likeness Of let us rejoice in the fact which Spirit or Mmnd. Our experience Christian Science is proving dai- has proved that this correct con- l ,t a h r s n uh ti g a cept of the relationship of God lta hr sn uhtiga and man cures seriaus bodily con- incurability-"with God all things ditions of every type. are possible" (Matt. 19:26). The child who is having Chris- It is not rational ta blame the tian Science treatment is not be- law of God, which perpetuates ing neglected, but is being helped adssan h iiepasm more scientifically than is possible adssan h iiepasm through any other method, be- ply because we are not accepting cause the dependence is on the all- it more readily and provîng it knowing God, not on unintelligent more successfully. Our assign- matter. God's plan for His man ment is ta study ta know the law is nat a constant battle with mat- ter and evil. The discovery that better so that we may take advan- actually man is governed spirit- tage of it and let it operate in aur ually, scientifically, and correct- lives. ly, and that hie needs only ta be__________ amenable ta God's law ta be con- trolled by it, is the greatest bless-En ed ing that has ever came ta human- n il ity. - .. ~ naI iTr. A- W. Presott teachings of Christian Science the samne sort of spiritual healing which was performed by Jesus. Many turn ta this Science after their case has been pronounced hopeless, or after years of unavail- Fast - Guaranteed RADIO - SERVICE On Ail Makes of Home1 and Auto Radios Ed ist M: it3 th- di, a w d( ft ai M.~ Mr. W. B. Davis, C.S., Chicago, ______________ Ill., member of the Board of Lec- SBSCALD O tureship of the Mother Church, ST ALDFR s First Church of Christ, Scientist, AND DEIJIVEREJ3 Boston, Mass., gave an address in _______________ the Masonic Temple, Oshawa,1 Friday night on "The Divine Plan for Meeting Human Needs." He Deluxe Record spoke in part aâ follows: I Players --$2 9 Our reason tells us that our loy-E ing Father-Mother God must have . a divine plan of progress for HisB universe; but the material picture often seems to be far from a good NE S Itwsthe mission of Christ Je- Radio 1 V sus, our great Way-shower, to ex- Rao Sales & Service i plain to mortals that the spirituald and good are real and eternal; whereas, the inharmoniou-s and material are not what they seem to be, are not true, are not in- cluded in the divine plan. D ntN getY u It was because his followers had D ntNgetY u learned to express the Christ-con- sciousness, that consciousnes which beholds a spiritual universe peopled with spiritual ideas, that they were eminently successful in them. Unfortunately this Science of healing, which regenerates, Extra Wear Means seemed almost completely lost for many centuries. When Mary EXTRA COST Baker Eddy discovered, in 1866, how to distinguish between the mortal, human sense of man and Expert Repairs the spiritual, real man, who ex- presses the Christ, it becamne ap- Bicycles - Tricycles parent to her that God's heavenly gift to man, the promised Com- Wagons and Carrnages forter, may now be received by RnasadKyDpiatn everyone. The divine plan of re- etlanKyDuiaig demption from sin, disease, and Closed ail day May 24th death, which Jesus came to eluci- date, is awaiting the acceptance of each one of us through Christian Science. ?&N lya It may seem to the new student of Christian Science that we sim- S o tS o ply ignore sickness and inhar- S o tS o mony, because the beginner does flot understand the prayerful rea- King st. Bowmaaville soning process through which wN Idyvean, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormîston, Bow- anville, with Mrs. W. J. Orm- ;on. Mr. W. Gray, Toronto, with .rs. Gray. The sympathy of the commun- ty is with the Hobbs family in Le death of Mrs. John Hobbs who .ed in Montreal. Mrs. Hobbs was highly respected member of aur )mmunity and spent her entire ife here until a few years ago vhen she moved ta Montreal ta ive with her daughter, Mrs. L. Sraidwood (Myrtle). Mrs. W. J. Ormiston recently ionated one of her beautiful mats :boost the church decorating Mnd. The proceeds were $25.00 nd Mrs. W. Bowman won the .at by guessing the number of rags used altogether which was 59. An epidemic of very bad colds i the cause of poor attendance at chool these days. Zion Mr. and Mirs. Walter Brown, Ebenezer, at Wes Cameron's. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville, at A. T. Stainton's. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel at Ivor Ger- ry's, Toronto. Mr. Henry DeMille at Burketon. Mr. and -Mrs. Reford Cameron, Jean and Lynda, attended a birth- lay party at Bert Hoskins, Har- rnony, for Terry Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wheeler, Ag- incourt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Harring- ton, Lorna and Jimmy, Cedar Grave at Mel Morgan's. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Eileen attended Enniskillen anni- versary and were guests at Wm. Moore's. Mrs. Wes. Cameron at Deibert Flintoff's, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Chas. Piper's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Killen and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ne- mis and Bobbie at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Slingerland and Linda, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams, Oshawa, ai Percy Davidson's. Miss Eileen Stainton was a din. ner guest at Vernon Osborne's Oshawa, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baîl, Billi( and Donna, attended a "Welconi Home" party for her brother LAC. Donald Robinson at Cliff ord Robinson's, Hampton. Miss Eileen Stainton at Lloyi Metcal.fe's, Oshawa. Gnr. Don Iverson has been ci furlough with his parents, Mi and Mrs. N. Hircock. Mrs. Hans Geissberger is prc gressing favorably after an opei ation in Oshawa Hospital an hopes to be home soon. Rundie and Mclntyre Sf Gî Hi 6, ar te Ti la dE tu w ai ai h a I c t P e PAGE SEVJIN L.ad iendaseitball Nous. League Games In the basketball windup a week ago ta determine final lea- gue standings in the post-season House League the resuit found Rundle's team out in front with 3 wins and no losses. The remain- ing three teams, Clemence, Ma- son and McIntyre were in a tri- ple tie. The suggestion was then made that, of these three, the two hav- ing the highest season's score would play the semi-finals. This eliminated Mason's squad. Con- sequently, Clemence and McIn- tyre teams played a sudden death game Monday night, the winners to meet Rundle's team for the championship. Speeding up fromn the opening gong, Clemence set a fast pace but his supporting players faded before the determined attack of their opponents. At haîf time the count was Clemence 22, Mcmn- tyre 28. But at the final bell, M1nvr, lwdi otk h 1 ndITemperance Federation in New- and Mrs. S. Turner iandHelen, castle United Church last week.I Oshawa, at F. Dorland's. k ~.. " Sinnerware Sovereign" Canada tlast we have a stock of Iferent styles and sizes in iner sets. ý-Piece Sets (Service for 6) -Piece Sets (Service for 8) -Piece Sets (Service for 12) Pastel Shades and Floral Designs See tbem for yourself Jé Wu JEWELL 44BIG20 PHONE55 Haydon COMUNO TO Mr. E. Bradley, Mrs. B. Ashton attended the rodeo in Toronto.- R O A TH T E Mention was made in the Un-K H A R ited Church Observer of the good work Rev. E. Hl. Linstead, our for- ACADEIIY mer pastor, is doing on the Duns- ford charge. It states that the AWARD parsonage, cWINNndgaagR! C the interior o the church decor- O ated and floor painted, work has been done on the parsonage and furniture added., Membership is increased, M. & M. matters ad- vanced and plans made to carry on Crusade. Quilting has been held at Mrs. Jack Potts' these last few weeks. Mr. Ernest Werry has erected a lot of new wire fencing on his farm here. Several from here attended the anniversary services at Enniskil- N o n len and Tyrone. GooclNew & - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 01 i5 21 5 1 9 0 0 0 5 0 ol 01 Scores: provement in the looks of our vil- Clemence team: Clemence 15, lage. Many have cleaned up their 4 .mpkins 4, Paterson 2, Rowe 6, places, fixed their lawns or have '~ ,allagher 5, Tamblyn 0, total, 32. taken down poor fences. Mclntyre team: Mclntyre 21, :ooper 16, Jackman 15, Cattran Hilîs 0, total 58. Enniskillen The final, for the kudos, cup____ d championship, will be played Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett and etween Rundle and McIntyre Kih apoa .J cils ams at the High School gym,KetHmtnat.J.cGls 'hursday evening, May 30, and a Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith and .rge crowd is expected. It will Roy, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil efinitely wind up the basketball Slemion, Haydon; Miss Winnifred eason. M. Co'e, Miss Ed'na Gilbert, Mr. Ward Gilbert, Toronto, at E. A.« Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hoskin, Stark illeHampton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bor- _______rowdale, Oshawa, Capt. George Miss Alice B. Hallowell has re- and Mrs. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Wes urned to Toronto. Werry, Solina, Major and Mrs. W. Mr. Howard Farrow in Osha- G. James, Bowmanville; Miss Nora At and Werry, Kedron, were guests of Mr. Mai nPr Waren. aronsupper party, Monday evening, dir nd fmilyin Prt Hpe.May 2lst, on the occasion of. their Miss Helena Hallowell, Toronto, 47th wedding aniversary. Lt home. Mrs. E. Orchard and Joy, Miss 38- Miss Nellie Shutka, Oshawa, at Jean Robbins, Miss Lillian Mor- ome. rison, Mrs. Verna Wood, Mr. 66- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson Floyd Pethick, Toronto, at Mr. 96. nd family with hier mother, Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. Fred Wilson, Perrytown. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy, of Miss Norma Hallowell and Miss Hampton, visîted Mrs. M. Griffin. lelen Deckart, at Mr. Sid Hal- Mrs. W. Hooey, Miss Jessie ýowell's, Bowmanville.6 Hooey, Mrs. E. Prescott and Mr. Sunday School reopened on Stuart Hooey visited with Mr. 3unday at Shiloh with a fair at- and Mrs. R. McNeil. tendance. Rev. Harold Stainton, Mimico, Mrs. M. Shutka is ili and is in Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and )shawa Hospital. Eileen, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Miss Betty Farrow, Pontypool, Weaving, Toronto, Mr. Fred Ellis at home. at W. H. Moore's. Some from here attended the Mr. and Mrs. FrankçMcGill and play at Newtonville Monday ev- Donald, Toronto, with Mrs. John Rev. Smith at Miss Norma Hal- Mrs. E. Strutt with her son, Mr. .owell's on Friday. H. Strutt, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and _______________ family, Oshawa, with Mr. Claude Smith. Maple Grave Besr and Mrs. A. S. Baker, Mrs. Miss Audrey Hall, Toronto, and Mrs. E. Hockaday and Evelyn, spent weekend with Mr. and Mr%. Solina, with Mr. Edgar Wright. Hl. R. Foley. Mr. and Mrs. W. McLaughlin - Mrs. B. J. Gay,,4Oshawa, spent and Jean at Mr. Walter Rahm's. weekend with her sister, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and J. Snowden. family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret Stacy, town, was Bruce Ashton and Larry, Purple Sunday visitor with Miss Betty Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beech Stevens. and Miss June Anderson, Hay- Miss Betty Snowden spent the don, Mrs. Ross Richards and boys, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Bowmanville, at Mr. D. Carrys Pritchrd, Maotick.Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormistn The many friends of Miss Mur- Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. îel Stevens will be pleased to Byers, Bowmanville, Mr. Roy know that she has returned to Werry at Mr. Adam Sharp 's. her home after her operation and Messrs. Alex McGregor, Wil- is doing nicely. fred, Charles, and W. H. Carruth- * ers, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kitson, Jean,j Shirley and Ronald, Miss Elva Newtonville Orchard, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton. Woman's Association of the Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beckett, United Church had a very success- Arvilla and Jenny, Marchant ful anniversary service Sunday ev- Grave, Sask., have moved from 0, ening. Rev. Gardiner was guest the west and are visiting with speaker. Roy Bickle and Jean their son, Mr. F. Beckett. Campbell assisted with the music. Sympathy is extended to the On Monday evening Tyrone pre- family of the late Mrs. John sented their play "Uncle Josh Hobbs, formerly of Enfield. Perkins" in the community hall. Service Club meetings were This play was well given ta an held at Mrs. L. Stainton's, April appreciative audience. Duncan 3Oth and at Mrs. J. Slemon's on Seymour and his youthful band May l4th. Bath evening's were- was well received between acts. held as social evenings. Lunch2 In the basement, following the ev- was served by the committee. The ening service on Sunday, the next meeting will be at Mrs. H. choir and W.A. presented Jean Mills' on May 28th. and Roy with a beautiful bed- Welcame Home party and en- spread. They have always been tertainment was held at the hall, ,very generaus with this congre- Friday, May l7th in honar of aur gation, sharing with us their gif t boys. Mr. Francis Werry actedi of sang whenever requested. as chairman. Music was given by . Noel Broaks and friend, Mon- the Cryderman Sisters, Allan Wer- .treal, Miss Carol Brooks, Toron- ry and Ross Ashton. Capt. John ta. with their mother, Mrs. E. James, Bowmanville, was the .Rabb. guest speaker. The remainder of L. Mrs. C. Rabb and sister, Mrs. J. the evening was spent in danc- - .Pearce with their sister, Mrs. ing. Lunch was served by the -Alice Sleeman, Toronto. ladies. The same evening the Raymond Gilmer, R.C.A.F. and boys were entertained and treated -Miss Shirley Pearce with his par- ta a roast chicken dinner spon- Sents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer. sared by the committee at Mr. r Mr. anîd Mrs. Alfred Redknap Adam Sharpe's. and Douglas, Oshawa, with his Miss Donalda Griff in and Miss 4 aens Myrtle Arney with Mrs. G. E. 6 Lorie "Emblem" 1 7-lewels - - $29.75 HOOPER'IS JEWELLERY & CIT SHO? 1 m .$29.75 Lorie "Laura"' l7-jewels - - tt 1 Bowmanville King St. 1 'q