PAGE Nn« m'RaA?.r~..Iftf THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV.LL O NTARIOU Fann Cr<ip Prospects Look Very Favr*ble lu Durham County After the recent welcome rains a survey of the farms in the UT'- mnediate vicinity of Bowmanville linds a very remarkable growth in anl classes o!fleld crops. Aflter a very draggy spring resultîng in lay early seeded fields showing off color, the whole picture has - Fc~agd within the space o! a j ýWe Pastures and hay crops Ilso We backward but these have eie to ife in the samne per- i~At the moment there is a era eeling that farm produc- ion will be satisfactory nîl along %he lime. One year ago the heavy rains prevented sowing many low ly ing fields and feeds were short al winter. Frost around May 2 also cut down somne gardens witi tomato plants severely nippec Commercial crops of tomatoeý were again hard hit in the fa] with seriaus loss. But accordinI ta recent information, local acre age of commercial tomatoes a well as peas and corn is greate than any previaus year. Livestock, including dairy an( beef cattle ,are now on pasturi and generally have wintered well The demand for young pigs is a keen as ever with prices some what upward. Poultry and chic] hatcheries promise as well as pre viaus seasans. Ail told at thi moment, prospects appear ex ceedingly bright on the farm froni RACING -17kiUMDAY, MAY 30th, 1946 AT DUFFERIN PARK, TORONTO PI Milîgate. Thomas Gladman and Joe Mackenzie are building on the east and west raad.e Reg. S. Hough has maved ta the town- line. Mrs. J. Tooiey is having the foundation put in for her home by the Ed. Edmonson praperty. The community pot-luck supper and entertainment ta be held for the boys wha took part in the war, and their !riends, was arranged at a meeting held at the K. E. Cour- tice home. Commîttees were ap- pointed and the date, June 18, with the supper being held in thE Ebenezer church shed. Ebeneze: and the Highway is combining tc make this a pleasant event. No. 4 Mission Band met Maý 21. Annual picnic wiil be arrang. ed for in June. Three birhdayý were observed. The worship per, iod opened with quiet music b3 Gwen Osborne, and the caîl t( worship given by the president Worship, prayer and Scripturi lesson and story were given b: Mrs. Stan Coverley. Offering taken, and this period closed wit] repeating the Band Purpase. Prc gram given was as foliows: Chai us by the Band; stary, Anniie Vee noif; study book and story, Gwe: Osborne. Practice was carnie out for next meeting. People who get ail burnedu are not so hot. If anything goes with you, youl just have to take what cornes. s )y to IL e )y h en up MeGill, John Coombes, Richard VanCamp, Aleck Moffatt, William Jewell, Ivan Crawford. East Club members: Ray Cor- nish, Gardon Cathcart, Keith Sta- pleton, Elmer Snelgrave, Billie Haie, John Cathcart, Reid Wood, Gardon Gîbson, Ross W. Adams, Gerald Gillis, Stanley Hamilton, Lloyd Kellogg, Earl Morton, Law- rence Hudson, Alan Hutchison, Earl Hutchisan, Merle McMahon, Malcolm Syer, Howard Coatham, Glenn Stapleton, Alec Martin, Reggie Watkins. TNf1ONTYi 9~koat RADIO IN EVERY ROOM -lI WMon your BACK ACHES... &a&au*b sohm cauaed I,4ylm y acruEL WhoM "M" yagel n etrozo Css &an d posonsromain du tho mysToi.lo acaohoau, rhounlatî and urb v ru t % r dWd oi'ooing May »o foilow. Te hoIp y«ohr kdq Wefkig popdiyuae id Ms Irhio4sted, popular, safo, moa.habit-on uag.Doaad Ddda Kdnoy i, ludMue box yuL adis rod Ud. Soidv.ry4whoro.13 c AN ADA June and 5 to12 15 to 22 7 RACES EVERY DAY FEAT(JRB RACES OPEN HANDICAP - SAT., JUNE 8th - $5,000 Added LONG BRANCH HANDICAP - WED., JUNE l2th - $3,000 Added LITTLE SARATOGA HANDICAP - DUFFERIN HANDICAP - BAT., ADMISSION (lncluding Tax) Children Under Sixteen Not SAT., J-UNE l5th - $3,OOO Added JUNE 22nd - $3,000 Added - - - $1.20 Admitted Agricultural College, Guelph; On- tario; 722 Domninion Public Build-i ing, Winnipeg; Estevan, Sask.; 4081 Blowey Henry Building, Edmnon- ton, Alberta, and 514 Federal Building, Vancouver, B.C. play has been prepared by the Architectural Research Group of Ottawa and the National Film Board, for distribution by the Na- tional Gallery. ýh s Lg s r d "e [1. L5 a- -k Pl- ie 1U N IMT E 0-D ý + + + .+ c:~ c~;pe>iPe t~~!g/J.,~?,#f~J + 4 + + the country of their choice FROM THE MOORS 0F SCOTLAN»I, the rocky coasts of Ireland, from English cities and farins they came, their hearts filied with wonder and a great hope. With them, fleeing from the hardships and oppressions of the Old World, came the sturdy countrymen of Europe. Canada! and the very naine was magie. Canada, land of opportunity . . . where, a man's two strong hands could carve out security. justified, their dreama merged into the one dreain that was to Up the mighty St. Lawrence to become a reality. The reality of quaintly old-world Quebec-on Canada Unlinited-the Canada through the rolling fields of of today. Ontarlo-to the vast fertile miles And the bright light of freedom of the Prairies-to the wooded and prosperity which they saw, siopes of the Rockies. And shines today for ail of us with an The prize money for this1 Achievement Day Program, arn- ounting ta $3 for each rsernber, will be shared equally by the Lions Club, the Provincial and Dominion Depts. o! Agriculture. This faîl each Patato Club member will return a bag o! high grade commercial patatoes which in all prabability will be donated ta the Bowmanville Hospital by the Lions Club. Potato Club members are Doris Argue, Maurice Argue, Harry Ar- gue, Ross Magill, Bill Magili, Bud Walker, Janetvîlie; Kenneth Lar- mer, Burketan; Lawrence Hud- son, Kenneth Hudson, Kenneth Sinclair, Beverley Brown, Joyce Logan, Walter Failis, Douglas Fal- lis, Murray D. Logan, Jim Cavan,ý Velma Powers, Ernest Youngman, Pontypool; Joyce McGill, Ennis- killen; Donald Sandy, Omemee; Rosel Knapp, Orona; Melbourne Morton, Elmer Sneigrove, Fraser- ville; Arnold Brackenridge, John Thorn, Miilbrook, Earl Morton, Hubert Lowes, Cavan; Arnold Best, Ida; Helen Ward, Howard McGill, Morley McGill, Alta Mc- Gi, Ross Heasman, Bethany. TwoSwine Clubs ln Durham County Croate Great Fîterest For the past six or seven years two boys' and girls' swine clubs have been organized each year with each member raising a pair of pure bred weanling sow pigs. The West Durham Club organ- ized in 1939, by E. S. Summers, was sponsored by Bowmanvilie Rotary and Lions Clubs, which each donated $90 which bought ten pair o! pigs. The boys who obtained the pigs were obliged ta return a pair !rom one of the lit- ters the !ollowing spring, thus the club was made more or less per- petual. In 1940, the Rotary Club of Port Hope donated $180 ta purchase ten pairs for East Dur- ham. Last year Bowmanville Rotary Club purchased an extra pair for an Enniskillen boy who was oth- erwise going ta be disappointed after preparing his pen, buying feed, etc. Over the course of six years another nine pair have been purchased thraugh the Junior Far- mers' Fund, making a total of thirty pairs for distribution. Ahl pairs were applied for early in March with six boys having ta de- fer their membership until next year. Part Hope Rotary, three of whase members Mr. Gea. Garnet, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Ron Baxter, were present at the distribution of the pigs at Welcome, an Tues- day night, May 2lst, has shown its înterest by purchasing a hog pig this yenr ta imprave the type a! hogs in the East Club. Mr. Crow, editor of the Port Hope Guide, was also present ta report on the project. Unfortunately, owing ta the short notice, Bowmanville Rotary and Lions Club members were not present at Blackstock on Monday evening for the organization meeting and distribution of pigs. Swine club members keep a record of feed, costs, receive in- struction in judging, are# marked on s0w and management, and each must also show his pair of sows at an Achievement Day next faîl. The members of each club are as follows and it wîll be no- ticed that the first girl ta qualify as a member is Miss Joyce McGill, Enniskillen. West Club members: Harry Ar- gue, Joyce McGill, Jack M. Green, Elwyn Dickey, Warren McQuade, Robert Craig, Bill Magill, Robert Philp, Donald Heasman, Bud Walker, Ralph Robinson, Glen Gibson, Wilson Carron, Glenn Sandy, Rae Pascoe, Bill Rundle, Carl Brunt, Roy A. Werry, Allan Werry, Gilbert Magili, Rowland Coombes, Stanley Millson, Keitlh LONG BRANCH JOCKEY CLUB LIMITED And METROPOLITAN RACING ASSOCIATIONl of Canada Limited b SIZE V/E do not aspire to be the biggest trust company. But, as executors, we do strive to render the best service available. And, whether an estate is large or small, the bene- ficiaries receive the saine personsi attention of a senior estate officer assisted by a staff familiar with every phase of estate manage- ment. We may ho of help to you as we have to an ever-increasing number during the past 35 years. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tow.r, Toronto 1 -J e---- Farmers are already getting ready for clearing intervening work for coLL.L S heir first national Farm Holiday, June 21. This is being keynoted Recent visitors: by the entire weekly press of Can- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pummeil, ada with a special edition, "Salute Englehart, with Mrs. Edra Price.- to Agriculture," the week of June Mrs. Edra Price guest of Rev. and 17. Mrs. Littlewood, Orono.-Miss1 Aside from late frost, excessive Grace Truil, Toronto, at Mr. Jay1 rains, ring rot, warble flues, apple Trull's.-Mrs. Clarence Penfound1 bugs, bang's disease, roup, pip, with relatives at Hamilton.-Mr.t weasels and woodchucks, farmers and Mrs. Alan Trevail, Mr. andi are currently hopeful. Their chie! Mrs. Fergus Kinsman and Mr.1 obstacle is shortage of new farm and Mrs. Gardon Trevail with' machinery and high wages with Norman and Mrs. Clemens, Tor-J few takers ta help out in the in- onto.-Mrs. Peterson, Sr., in com-1 creased production.asked by the pany with her sister and hiusband4 gavernment. The dîsturbing fac- from Coîborne with relatives 'at1 tors aside from the above are the Sunderland.-Mr. Don Caurtice, I removal of subsidies from whole Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted1 milk and' the prolonged contra- ~se and son, Curt, Ajax, with L. versy over the supply of fresh J. Courtice.-Mr. and Mrs. Claude beef. Farmers are able ta sleep Smith, Toronto, with her parents, o' nights, not because of opti- Ross and Mrs. Pearce.-Misses mîsm in regard ta crop prospects Wilma Down and Hazel Rundle, but because of long hours and Oshawa; Mrs. Jack Elson and ba- hard work. by, Carol, Bowmanvîlle, were _______________ Monday night dinner guests with Mrs. Garnet Tubb.-Mrs. Chas. Lions Club Sponsors Saper, Harmony, with Mrs. Pater- Durhami Potato Club noster, who is recovering nicely Reynolds, ýMrs. Francis Barrabal Bowmanville Lions Club con- and children, Don and Lynn, with tinues its interest in rural boys Mrs. Gea. Robinsan, Tharntan's and girls by sponsoring a Boys' Corners, and enjoyed a visit with and Girls' Potato Club in Man- Nursing Sister Betty Robinson, vers Township and surraunding recently returned from overseas, district. The Lions Club baught and with Frederic Robinson, late 32 bags of Foundation A Katahdin of R.C.A.F., and who is leaving ta seed patatoes fram Delbert Olan, take a situation in the northland, Millbrook. On Monday evening and who enjoyed'a plane ride, these 32 bags were distributed ta looking over his friends in this 33 boys and girls at Bethany. The part of the community recently. extra member is accaunted for by A meeting was held May 21 in three club members in one family connection with the building of being allotted two bags ta qualify the new church on the Highway, them. with an attendance of about 20 E. A. Summers, Agricultural with many items discussed, and Representative, appreciates this committees appointed. excellent co-operation from the A quilting was held at the home Lions Club as well as that shown of Mrs. Earl McLean under aus- by Mr. Daignauit, manager of the pices of Women's Association. Agricuitural Chemicals, Ltd., a! The former Wm. Courtice es- Port Hope, whose company do- tate, situated north o! Pidduck's nated 800 pounds of 4-8-6 fertil- Hall and which was purchased by izer. This was packaged in 25 Gare Pembroke, has changed pound bags with application in- hands again. New purchasers are structions given ta each club mem- Robert Spood, Mr. Jones, Don ber. Wilson. Mr. Thompson and Mr. LoveraI Local BeieJs Jersey breeders in Darlington R.presenffd at The have edged in ta get high places Brooklin Spring Fair lamong the greatly financed herds of late-comers into the field. Fine weather greeted a large crowd« at the Brooklin Spring Fair, May 24, which celebrated Seed Potato trop the 35th anniversary of the event. Certification Time In ail departments, according ta ---- the officials in charge, the exhib- In variaus parts o! Canada the its were larger and more varied climate together with suitable than on any previaus occasion. sicodtnseal hgqul While most o! the entries came si odtos enabe high ual- from Ontario county, several ity seed potatost e rdcd lîvestock exhibitors from Dtirham These potatoes are in demnand in county won important prîzes, par- several other countries. A.nother ticuiarly in the horse classes and production season is here and in the Jersey section o! dairy farmers who wish ta enter crops cattie. for inspection are reminded 'by No less than 100 entries came the certifying agency throughout out in the Jersey section which Canada, .the Plant Protection Div- feaure th acuistio bytheision, Dominion Department o! fareada the aflrsitiannual On-Agriculture, that applications must tairard oDurham rishShlOw- be submitted not later than June inrihisndepuarmn.Prominentw 5th and on forms provided by ex hiîtors rmnDu rham iere M.the Department. W. Sbtpls, ronouradF.H.en- M.Application forms are mailed W. tapesOroo, nd . H Stn-!rom Ottawa ta established grow- ger, Enniskillen. Shorthorn clas- ers in ahl provinces. To qualify ses were also keenly contested, for inspection the seed used must with W. A. Bryden & Son, Beath be o! Foundation or Foundation Farms, and Russell Richardson, A class. If new seed is purchased taking the honors. The fallowing a certification tag fromn one o! the is a brief summary o! awards containers must be attached ta fahlng a loal reedrs:the application. The applicant Light harses, harness team: 1, must be prepared ta carry out W. J. Watson, Orona. Single in camplete weed, disease and in- harness: 1, W. J. Watson. Single sect contrai. In addition ta spray- carniage mare or gelding, Donald ing for late blight and other dis- Tinney, Cavan. Lady driver, Mrs. ease infections the grawer must Tinney. Gentlemen's turnout, 1, be familiar with the variaus virus Donald Tinney; 2, Garnet Coch- diseases and be able ta rogue out rane, Paft Perry. these dîseased plants. Applica- Shorthorns: Richardson won tions wilî not be accepted fron the aged bull ciass. Dryden & areas in which conditions are nol Son won in the junior bull clas- suitable for seed production ar ses, the cow and heifer classçs fromn isolated areas, or if the save for Heifer 1 year, won by acreage entered is too small. Beath Farms. The herd awards Further particulars may be ob- were: 1, Dryden; 2, Beath Farms; tained from the Division ai 3, Richardson. In the specials, Ottawa or fromn the District Seec beef cattie, best two Shorthorns, Potato Inspection offices in Char- any age, 1, Dryden; 2, Beath lottetown, P.E.I.; Kentville, N.S.; Farms. Fredericton, N.B.; Ste. Anne de s In the Junior Farmer showman- la Pocatiere, P.Q.; cjo Ontario ship class, dairy section, Judith 1Stenger, Enniskillen. came !ourth. E! Jerseys: Bull, 2 years: 3, F. H. Stenger, Enniskillen. Bull, 1 year: 1, M. W. Staples, Orono; 2, Dr. W. Sherwin, Orono. Bull under 1 year; 3, Stenger; 4, Staples. Jun- A M T P ior champianship, maie: Staples. S L T Cows, 3 years, 5, Staples. Hei!- (Mackay-1 eer, 2 years: 1, Staples; 5, Stenger; Y6, Staples. Heifer, 2 years: 3, 2, Stapl es; 4, stapiryaStengr:N r2,Sperwin , Heifesnior yeng:r O SHeifer, junior yearling: 3, Sta- rples; 4, Sherwin; 5, Staples. Hei- 't fer, senior cal!: 1, Stenger; 2, Sixteen page illust -Stenger; 6, Stenger. Heifer, jun- knife and Salmita -ior cal!: 1, Stenger;, 5, Sherwin. 8,Herd prize: 3, Staples; 6, Stenger. Le Get o! sire, 3 animais: 3, Staples; CORNELI & Cc ýr 4, Stenger. Calves born this to year, junior !armer exhibits: 5, ConetiI& Company,. wbose Stenger; 6, Stenger. i' The above indicates clearly that ______ t t r e it d 11 "Estelle " BEAUTY SALON Mr. and Mrs. H. Bickle Corner George & Church Sts. BOW1WANVILLE 1 - - -- - 1 %2kâoýý IZ31W «?RTHWEST MINES LIMITED Courageous Lake Area - Northwest Territories) W DRILLING rated brochure with fuli-color photographs of YeIlow- Lwill be sent free upon request. >MPANY, 73 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO 1, CANADA towuer is J. WV. C Coneil, acts as princiaI in Me. .xecation o! any orders rec.ievat iOTOt Who woulduInt look love'ier ... wihhair » Bliken moft and q shlny ... » beautifully waved ... thanks t.aa ZOTOS CoId Permînentl Make an appointment for a ,ealy satisfactory permanent this springt Ask for a ZOTOS IMPERIAL CREAM COLD PERMANENT or.a ZOTOS REGULAR CREAM COLD PERMANENT Devléed... Epy thé makers of thefamous Machineless Permanent Weive. Phone 453 for Your Next Appointment ce7j orý