ID III A à d-i12 v ;!Aux BE. D&Li&M fl*J; THEZ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLJE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE Oth, 1946 q I I u E I I o I I I I I I I I I I g I I I I I I a I I I I N I I I I a I I I I I I I 'A 'v I I I I I I I I I I B I I I I I I I I I I I q I I I I I I I M M p I I I I I I I I P q P P I I I p P P P I P P FOWL FRESH 13OILING, Grade A WHITE FISE FRESH.eS LARE TIOIIT FH.l HALIBIIT STEAKS FRESH COD FILLETS... HADDOCK FILLETS0a NALTED NILK OVL' NqUSTARD Dalton's osrds GLD CHEESE Fine Canadian SWIFTS CLEal ILNDIES GLI CMANSPEED COAT BuTTER FIRST GRADE PRUNE NECTAR New oPrc IL 43c lbn 42e lb. 29c lb, 25c * lb. I L * lb. I L * lb. * lb. 369 38e 53e 399 29e 35e 16-o z. O Ctn. 69e~ *Jar 9e *lb- 31< 2 for 259 2Pkgs. 15e Btl. 59g L 42e sti.29% ANN PAGE OVEN FRESH IlK E RF. 2 24-o:.x 5 LIMITED SUPPLY-WHILE THEV LAST . PORK & DEANS HEINZ- 20-oz. Tin 15e SPAGHETTI' HEINZ, GLASS 16-oz. Jar 13e SPAGHETTI CATELLI. 20-oz. Tin 10< C~ TiLETm TISSUE 3 Raolse 27e NAVY TISSUE .- .. Rol64 JAN IONA 12-o.9I STRWBRRYJA With Pectin Jar 28' QUAITY WIuy Pay More? ~EI5U IIrTexas or Florida 4 GEPlIiEEMarsh Seediess 96'ts CANTLOIJPES FlrsJmbo ix es' FULLV MATURED WATERNELBNS FLORIDA lb. e6e ÊMIM" CALIFORNIA, - - - &mou Large, Luscious CHEEIL TENNESSEE, Fresh Green CAIeGECALIFORNIA, uce CAOTS S pIN U NATIVE GROWN, Fresh 2 TOI(ATE3 FRESHI TEXAS, Firm, Ripe NATVEGROWN, MOUS Ht Hous ETUCE NATIVE GROWN 24's 2ht queIt~ California Long WhitIf iîFBra U.S. No. 1 Grade 10 for 25< o.354 lb. 59e lb. S lb. 9e LIbi. 99 lb. 179 eds 159 lb.39e IBOTTLÈ'i SSHORTAGE jRETURN EMPTY BOTTLESI REGULARLV AND HELP USj IKEEP VOU SUPPLIED L OZ.ZHBERAGES. Wing or Sirloin PORTERHOUSE BONELESS ROUND SHORT RIB ROAST Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hen- ry and baby, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay and Bill, Toronto, at A. H. Shçirpe's. Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson and family, Toronto, with Mrs. C. Sanders.on. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham have returned home from Nova Scotia, Roy having received his discharge fram the R.C.A.F. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethick and Mrs. E. Strutt at Mr. Jack Potts'. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Trewin with Mr. W. Smith's and Elmer Her- ring's, Oshawa. Mrs. J. Kennedy visited Mrs. H. Ashton, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin at W. E. Reid's, Newtonvilie, Rev. J. M. Whyte, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, Mur- ray and Ray at Mr. L. E. Wright's. Mrs. E. Strutt visited hem sister, Mrs. G. Fergusan, Oshawa. Sauina defeated Enniskillen 1-0 at Sauina on Saturday night in a closely contested game of foot- ball. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Miss Florence Rundie, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke and John vlsited at Consecon apid Coîborne. USED CI4THflG mimicp . . - 1- - _- - NYYYYN> 1 M-- -------------------------------- Bus. 2842 Enfield W.A. met at the home of Mrs. J. Parr. There was a gooâ at- tendance and a fine prograxn. Mrs. Charles Nayior gave a talk on music and gave two piano selec- tions as illustrations. Mrs. Ever- ett Cryderman sang two solos, ac- companied by Mrs. Naylor. The ladies scrubbed the church on Tuesday. Those absent missed an inter- esting and well delivered talk on Temperance, Suniday. Mr. J. Gay of Toronto, who represented the Ontario Temperance Federation, showed us plainly that this organ- ization is the oniy way in which we can fight the, liquor traffic. He stated that indifference ta this cause, with present conditions as theq are, is depiorabie, and the only hope for the future is for each church member ta back the Federation to the limnit of his or her ability. Congratulations ta Miss Mary iMcCulaoch who recently received her dipioma as a graduate of Tor- onto General Hospital. Blackstock Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. James Hen- ry.t Congratulations to Miss Wiimat VanCamp who has successfuliy1 completed her hairdressing course at the Marvel School in Toronto; also ta Miss Jessie VanCamp Whot passed her Normal Schooi examst on her year's work.t Mr. Harold Farder left for Ormstown, Que., ta attend a cou- ple of fairs. He took sheep fram their own flack and some of M. Fisher's. Mr. Orval Stinson is in Port Perry Hospital having had the misfortune ta break a bane in hisc ankie Manday evening. W.A. of United Church met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. T. Samell's.t The congregations of St. John's Anglican Church and the United Church met at the latter church on Sunday evening, when Dr. Arnett, secretary of the Bible Society,E presented very interesting slides of Russia. Mrs. Rabt. Bruce and Miss Mae - King at Mrs. Gardon Strong's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Marlow and Bill with Mr. and Mrs. O. Cariey, Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. Jini Wilson and baby, Port Perry, and Miss Winniet Swaîn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain. Starkville Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson in Part Hope. Mr. Austin Henry, Consort, Al- berta, with Miss Norma Hallo-« well. Same from here attended the Masonic church service in New- tonville, Sunday evening. Mrs. M. Shutka is home from Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. John Ried, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. W. Wood. Miss Dorothy Farrow with her sister, Mrs. G. Plitz, Pickering. Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto,1 with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mrs. S. Brownlee, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. M. Shutka. Mrs. M. Stephenson has return- ed ta Toranto. Mrs. Lamne Paeden visited Mrs. George Smith. Misses N. and B. Hallowell and Mr. Austin Henry visited at Mr. Sid Hallowell's, Cowanvîlle. Mr. and Mrs. R. Savery at Mr. Phones: Res. 26741 Plumbing Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for 0iI-0-Magie 011 Burnors Installed in Any Type of Furzpace Jack Drough I phone 2384 3 King St.W.j Countless millions of people in Europe and Asia desperateiy need ail the used garments that the men, women, and children of Can- ada can spare. They need clothes ta replace the rags on their backs, to keep warm, to restore their health and self-respect. An ur- gent appeai is made to every Can- adian famiiy to ransack their at- tics, wardrobes, trunks and con- tribute every serviceabie garment that they can spare to the Nation- al Clothing Collection. Local de- pots wiii be announced shortly. Wesleyville The beautiful wezather on Sun- day morning brought out a good attendance at Sunday School num- bering 35, with Mr. George Tuf- ford acting as superintendent in the absence of Mr. Wiifred Bee. A Red Cross meeting was heid at Mrs. Richard Bests on Wed- nesday, May 29th, wîth a good number in attendance and consid- erable work accomplished. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maynard of Toronto spent last week With Mr. Sidney Lockhart, returning home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Payne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.-. William Payne. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. Wilfred Bee will be glad to know that she is home again after such a lengthy iiiness. Mr. Harward Eiliott and Mr. and Mrs. Zachanovich are helping plant tobacco in the Osacs district. Quite a number of the farmers of the community were very busy last week planting tomatoes, and we noticed a, number of school children helping to plant in the field.- of the Dinner Bros., and Lel- and Payne's which is quite com- mendable in view of the acute shortage of labor. Among those who attended the Rotarians' banquet at Newcastle from this district were Messrs. Carroll Nichoils, Arnold Thorn- dyke, George Tufford, Clarence Nicholîs and Carlton Payine, al brought back reports of the finest hospitality and good fellowship. Mrs. Grenville Flett of Fenelon Falls spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke. On May 27th, Mr. Clarence Ni- cholîs started to ship milk to Tor- onto from the farm recently pur- chased from his uncle, Mr. Sid- ney Lockhart. In Canada active use is being made of scientific films by the Engineering Institute of Canada, the Chemical Institute of Canada and the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Several government depart- ments in Australia have placed orders for large quantities of Na- tional Film Board films. ISHEET METALI It's s0 convenient for you to pick Up the milk on your doorstep or milk box. But to get it there catis for almost miraculous cooperation and speed, from many people, in many different jobs. Back of your friendly milkmaçi, there's the farmer and his hepers ... the highway hauler . .. the skilled workers in the dairy ... the Iaboratory technicians with their tests for purity and quaity ... the designers and manufacturers of today's sanitary dairy equipment .. . the dairy executive who 'keeps things rolling". If you could look from your doorstep right back to the farm and sec ail these people at work, you'd begin to see the mairaculous side of your milk scrvicc-so dependable, and so convenient. Glen Rae Dairy Phone 444 B~ktonMember of Parliamnt 0 f course, the question will be ______Has No 40 HourWê k producer dubsidy of 55c is taken On June 14, at 8:30 p.m. E.S.T., According to Lefter off at the end of September. there is ta be a meeting of al____ The Agriculture estimates have ratepayers of School Section 7, In a recent letter to The States- been under discussion lately and Darlington, in Burketon school, man, Charles E. Stephenson, M.P., I asked the Minister what the gov- to consider the forming of a town- Durham County, advises that a ernment's policy was or wouid be ship school area in North Dar- Member of ýParliament who tries with respect ta the shortage of lington. Ail ratepayers are urged ta do the job for which he was farm labor. You will find his an- to attend as this is a matter of elected has few spare hours and swer ta my question on page 1714 great importance. certainly is not limited ta a 40- of Hansard. This might be of On May 3lst Hampton C.G.I.T. hour week. Discussing general interest ta the farmers. and leaders presented a fine pro- affairs he writes: It seems impossible for me ta gramme in Burketon Church, con- To get things done one must be find some time ta spend in the rid- sisting of goodt-music, piano duets up not later than 7 o'clock, get ing while the House is in sesion, by Miss Jean Balson and Miss breakfast and get along ta the Mary Niddery, monologues by House. The first thing ta do is ta Audrey Kersey and Phyllis Nid- handie correspondence, which dery. MacNamara's Band played since the boys are back from the by ail the C.G.I.T. members was front has increased considerabiy. greatly enjoyed. In spite of the There are also many letters from rai wehada fairiy good attend- farm constituents touching recent Farmiers ance. Mr. Wes Hoskin was chair- government policies, such as the man and Mr. N. Hudson assisted. increase in the price of farm ma- W.A. wiil meet June 13th at chinery and removal of subsidies. Mrs. Ernest Adam's. The rail By the time ail these have been YOUR PORK CUR cail is ta be answered with used answered and a few committee clothing for the coming drive for meetings have been attended, it We have Ixistalled Modern C Europe. is afternoon and time for con- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grace were vening the afternoon session of Haine- - Shoul< at their home here. the House. He states: I amn on Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. J. Par- the party's Agricultural Commit- UT1 RDDL ter's were Mr. and Mrs. William tee, Trade and Commerce, Vet- OSO UEDL Porter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. erans" Affairs, House Library Richard Porter and chiidren, Gnr. Committee and Railways and Can-- H. Mnrorecntl hoe -romsixais. Then there is caucus once or years' service overseas. He mar- tieawe atn rmtot eHv u ried a Beigian girl who is expect- two and a haîf hours. rs Fr ed in July. They will live in Debates in the House continue Feh F Toronto. ta 6 p.m.; then for tWo hours, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin more meetings and letters before and onnaat W. MeLaughiin's. the House resumes, ta break off at and Dnna1i p.m. It is no bed of roses. No Miss Dorothy Wotton with her wonder so little time is left on giiIf aunt, Mrs. Strong, Cadmus. weekends ta get about among con- Bowma vile Fria Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid and stituents. Here are some of the Sharon, Peterboro and Miss Jean recent highlights in the House de- KITSON B: Coulter with Mr. and Mrs. George bates: Cre.With respect ta the daings on ________________ Mrs. E. Coîborne and Miss Idel- Parliament Hill the last two weeks la DeMille, Oshawa, Mr. Ross -the Citizenship Bill has passed Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sling- the House and now for the first erland*with Mr. and Mrs. B. Fub- time we can describe ourselves as bard. Canadians. During the debate on Mrs. Florence Caughill, Port this bill the Progressive-Conser- In es - Perry, with friends here. vative Party endeavoured ta have I s i Henry DeMille, Alden Hubbard the bill amended ta enable a Brit- and Noble Stevenson attended an- ish subject coming to Canada ta ehv niversary services at Zion. get his citizenship papers in oneWehv year, instead of having ta wait Mr. Chester Hoskin, in Toronto. five years, as required in this new Green Crosi Helen and Effie Glenny with act. The government refused ta ooosB their sister in Kinsale. grant this change. fo osB Mr., J. A. Tompkins, visited his John Diefenbaker, Progressive daughter, Mrs. J. Rogers of Birch- Conservative of Lake Centre, Try ti cliff, who bought. a farm, near made a real fight ta have a billBu Tyrone and moved recently. of rights as part of the new Citi-Bu 1 M r. Reg. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. zenship Bill, but was not success- for Flies, Mosquitoes a H. Richards, Bowmanville, at H. fui. He, nevertheiess, was assur- Gill's. ed by the government that a bill Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams in of rights wouid be given seriaus Oshawa. consideration at the next session .4-D the Won Sunday, June 2nd'was Temper- of Parliament. Mrs. Diefenbaker aneday. Mr. Douglas Joy, of has been a power of strength in - Ecellent ReportE Toronto, was guest speaker. demanding the rights of Canadian citizens be protected now and ai- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatchel 50 in the years to came. and family with her mother, Mrs. The questions of Canada Day RUS3T RID - FOR1 Stephenson, Betharî.y. and also the new fiag are still ALL KINDIE Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown being discussed by the Senate and and Diana with Mrs. Dave Gat- Commîttee, and I suppose we will chell. have ta wait and see what dispos- Mrs. Jas. Gatcheli in Kinmount ition is made of these matters. W.Hm e last wlèek. At the present time the flag Mr. and Mrs. Orland Raine, Mrs. with the union jack and the ma- DEALIE Earl Pallister, Miss Kathleen pie leaf seems ta be the chaîce of Case Farm Machlnery Davis and Mr. William Morgan, the committee. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hen- The customer subsidy of 2c on DeLaval Milker ryTrick. miik has been discussed at some Beatty Bros. S ry ________________ length and Mr. Gardiner, Minister of Agriculture, explains that this 91 Ki St. W. is just putting milk back ta h Brommssame basic price it was in 1941. Brown's Busy Bees met at Mrs. Stan Allin's. The ladies hemmed tea towels for the Bowmanville Hospital and also voted $25 ta the fund for the new hospitai at Bow- manville. They alsa donatede some sewing ta the infants' de- partment of the hospital. Next meeting at Mrs. Gea. Stephen- Mrs. Howard Bellamy, Leskard,q at Mrs. Gea. Law's. MRrs. Jim-Bron, Trnta, at Look Out!l a supply of s Insecticides- ýarn and Garden bhe New Bli1tzery and Insects of Ail Kmds ider Weed Killer ý are Being Sent in- REMOVING RUST PROM ýB 0F METAL BROW'N ER FOR - Firestone Tires 'is ani Separators Stable Equipment Phone 497~ Bowmanvmfe Orono News Mr. M. H. Staples braadcast from CHEX Petemborough on Tuesday evening, as a representa- tive of the Durham County Fed- eration of Agriculture. Read his address in this issue. Orona girls' softball teami was defeated by Newtonville on Mon- day evening in Newtoriville, 24-2&. Young Peaple's Union of Park St. Cburch heid its closing meet- ing of the seasan, Monday even- ing. Congratulations ta Mr. C. J. Hughson who celebrates his 99th birthday on June l2th. Mrs. Jas. Dickson entertained Park St. Church Wamen's Mis- I sionary Society on Tuesday af- temnoon at her spaciaus home. Mrs. R. E. Logan and hem group had charge of the meeting con- ducting the business and worship period, during which Miss Stella Best sang "Beyond the Sunset," accompanied by Mrs. R. H. Brown. Mrs. C. Wood concluded the stu- dy on "Curmie of Chisamba" in-a very interesting manner. A ques- tion period led by Mrs. Logan with answers by Mrs. J. J. Mel- lom, bought out thoughts on fu- ture work in Angola. Visitors: Miss Audrey Billings, Toronto, with Mrs. N. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Alex in Toronto. Miss Stella Penfound with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Meilor in Pet- erborough. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilbank and Arthur of Woodbridge attending the funeral of Mr. W. E. Gilbank. More Orono news on another 'page. BLADE ROAST .mAD but I would -be pleased ta recelve a letter tram any organization or citizen of Durham Caunty, with suggestions for the weif are of the county, or to whom I might lend assistance. o r t u Yours trly, C. E. Stephenson The National Film Board is at present preparing a utilization kit containing materiai on h us be used in conjunction withV tion-wide educationai proe on housing. M Butichers. tED AND SMOKED Ouring Smoking Equipment lors and Bacon LIXE COLOR & FLAVOR jsuai Funl Lne of rozen Fish Yid Locker System IROS., Props. WORKS 1 Gilson FurÉaces Asphalt Shingles Roofing - Eavestroughing DAVIS & GRANT Sougog St. Bowmanville1 1: owmrdmrwbr"-Wwlwl