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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1946, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL-e, ONTABIO ='UBSMAY, JUNt BIth, 1946 Royale Bow Down Toé poit Hope Team OnFirst 4oss3-1 With Hooper absent from the Mound and Kniechew pitching for Bowmanville Royals at Port Hope, Saturday, the local boys went down to defeat 3-1, in their sec- ond game of the Intermediate Lakeshore Baseball League. They wo0 their fIrst gaine handily with Ipier pitching, against New- WLIe. May 24. ~~h on the mound for. Port Hô'pe, a teabp playing its first game Iii five yeai, went ail the way in a finâ'Witching performance. He a40ofèd only four hits and one r, in the ful fine innings. On ;other hand Kriechew yieldIed $~t hits and four passes.'- Port Hope scored in the second on a walk, a single and an infield out. Royals tied in the fourth, when with one out, Yourth singl- ed, Witheridge was on by a wild throw and Yourth tallied on Mc- fIlveen's fiy.' Port Hope went ahead in the llfth, netting one run on a hit, a 11y, an error and a passed baîl. Their final run came in the sev- enth when, with a man on who stole, got-home on a dlean single. Feature player was, Porter, Port flope, with a triple and two sin- gles i four trips to the plate. Con- :sensus was that it was a good game ail the way. . H. E. Bow'ville ----000 100 000--1 4 1 Port Hope --010 010 10x-3 8 1 Batteries: Bowmanville, Krie- chew and Cotton; Port Hope, Smith and Mann. Umpires: Devine at plate, Moore en bases. Ahuerican NeWsmien Tà Tour Ontarlo As part of a long-range program to keep Ontario in the forefront as an ideal vacation land, 24 Un- ited States newspaper editors from eight different States have been invited to spend nine days here next month, touring the province and becoming acquainted with its attractions. The tour will be con- ducted jointly by the Department of Travel and PublicitY, the Hotel Owners' Association and the Can- adian Weekly Newspapers' Asso- ciation. Editor Geo. W. James of The Statesman has been invit- ,ed to accompany the American editors on this sightseeing tour. The editors will enter Canada at Niagara Falls on June 15, and -while here will visit Owen Sound, Manitoulin Island, Sudbury, North Bay, Muskoka, Algonqîuin Park, Ottawa, Kingston, Picton, Peter- borough and Toronto. LAKESHORE DASEDALL Royals Open Secison With Win Over Newcastle on, PAGE NMII cterns'DayCortice Win* 2-0 teras L41 l n Soccer Fîxture Th bvepcur lusrtsinteleti teBwanil satth aewith Ed. HooIer the season's league threats. The ards, Bill Bagnel, Don Wiliams, to left are D. Walton, A. Gray, G. June, 194,we 07860wr the two teamns that took pr in Royals who won the gamne 9-1, in standing in the background. The Bowmanville Royals from lef t to Ed. Hooper, Bob Bates, .L. Krie- WloI culuh .Jh-rpre nCnda amsae pomnil' pnn art .te eteMao e Mri a team on the right is the New- right are Allan Osborne, Clarence chew, Ted Bagnell, Clare Osborne, ston, E. Walkey, G. Kimbaîl, G. the Curet eie onA ic- Bowmnvile' opnin basbal th cetreMayo Te Moriscancastle nine who put up a good Witheridge, Ralph Ames, Stuart Corky Cordelle, Don McIlveen. Gray, M. Sproat, G. Graham, T. tural CodtnsiCad.Th gaeon Soldiers' Day. The teamn be seen heaving a mean bail to game and promise to be one of Cotton, Maxie Yourth, Ron Rich- The Newcastle teamn from right Rickard and S. Graham. ub BITS IRST HOMER Vets Edge Pepsi Colas Lakeshore Basebaîl JOZNS BRESLIN'S GTAFF Softball Gamlqes htcnrues ohmuch f0 our the co9ep onigdt n14 In Exhibition Softball Cobourg Droped A ut Draw Big Crowds present high standard of living. h o The invitation softball game ar- ____ Monday evening's softball game adian industry, and in the years whch rom14o14,hdbe rage fr olies'Da btwen At a meeting of the Lakeshore bewe e~s Colas and the to come many new uses will, be wicsn taraeo bu the Pepsi Cola team and a picked Bsbh egei otHp nRrlnn rvddtrlsa found for the product-both syn- nra Basebal Leaguein PortHopeuriRugathenefirstdequarters of 1946,ý mine of Veterans of the late war, usa ih hsnwshdl thetie and natural." prcn e er was the feature before the High was adopted. A new schedule was tewyadeddi nust During the war years, accord- inspectei luheig fcti Sehool grndstand ay 24. I was necssary du to Coborg drop-tled dispute on rules interpreta- ing to Mr. Davis, it was found adcle eesihl esta a pitchers' duel all the way be- ping out of the league and Peter- tion, but Rurals chalked up the that synthetie is far superior to a year g.Pieinbt h tween Ernie Dickens for Pepsis boro entering a team. - '. . . .win, il to 10, to remain undefeat- natural rubber for many purposes. Winnipe n oot akt an Wod o teVes it Ae It will be noted that games are ed at' the top of the league. Inteolidsrfrxape werestogradi gera Richards relieving Woods in the pae nStrasadWd synthetie hose carnies petroleumshwdesvaito tannte 6th and 7th innings.WihTeSaemnsrptr produets without being spibject toe orsodn eido 95 h The game was featured esasiTeBwmnilehm unable to be present on account the swelling that occurs in naturalctiesagernthspiows dasith630pm.onWnns of Council meeting, the following rubber khen exposed to gasoline 401,0001 edwihi he e home runs by Tommy Cowan andgaewilsrtt3pm.Su- Wodwrd Te et wntahaddays. Ail Peterboro home games score record is taken fromn theoriî cent beo1hto atya.I in the first by 4-0 u oa' will be played Saturday night at very incomplete, official record. Conveyor belts made of synthe- WesternCnd hrewsa n smshan afirr i tesecond 6.30 p.m. Pepsis got 3 in the 3rd; five in tic rubber have now been devel- creaseof6prcnwhead- Don Williams put Pepsis ahead 5-4. The next PerbouhStda ms the 5th; 2 in the 6th, and were oped to the point where covers creaseofams17prcn - frames were tied 6-6 until the Ptroog audygms held scoreless in the 7th. have excellent abrasion resistance curred nEsen aaa h k Won the honor of h-itting the 5th when Woodward's homer ad- -.0pm Rurals got 1 in the 2nd; two in and are giving good tonnages with seasonar eln ncti akt ded tw more or theVets.Ail oter Satrday gmes -the 3rd; 3 in the 4th; and 5 in the very few service complaints. ings habenrpdndail - first homer of the 1946 basebaîl Pepsis evened it again in the 3.00 p.m. 6th. They were iucky to come MrDaiisnwo an exten- gular.Duigtescnwekf 6th ony to ield wo moe to he Wedesdaygames- 6.3 p.m.from behind in the home stretch sive trip through Western Can- January 96 oa f3,0 season when the Bowmanvîlle Vets in their haîf for the finlShdl according to spectators who rai- ada, where he wiil discuss sales head pae thog inete 1Royals played their opening game score of 10-8 for the Vets. Rich- June- lied round to hear the dispute on probiemrs with branch offices and plants. ytels eko Xpcatl n Solndiers' ards bore down in the 7th fan- 1-Bowmanville at Port Hope the umpire's decision. Pepsis had study reconversion needs of Can- March ftilertenme a int nrp nina rw. Jack -ofrnniLha ecsl Jack Chiids breaks in play against them. adian industry. droppeto2,0had Who receved his ischarge Me sut au Day. ~'P)hX~W PETERBORO-UGH VS. DO WMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS at 3 p.m. Saturday JUNE Sth, 1946 Admission: Aduits - 25e Children under 15 years of age - FREE BOWMANVILLE - PHONE89E TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT Thursday and Friday JUNE 6 - 7 "LOVE LETTERS" Starring Jennhfer Jones - Joseph Cotten Youli neyer forget this most haunting love story ever obrought the ic sreen. S o t- P o p u la r S c ie n c e n Magna Colon Cartoon in Colon Saturday Only JUNE 8TH Action! Thrllls! Exciting Moments! lu "Last of The Mohicans" Added Attractions STAN and OLIVER LAUREL HARDY in Their Pack-O-Fun Short "'lTheix Fuuit Mistake" Short - Canyons of the Sur Cartooiq '~Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - June 10- 12 "ÀS.TORK CLUB" Presenting BETTY HUTTON - DON DEFORE - ROBERT BENCHLEY Gay and Glittering Musical Romance Behind the Scenes of th World's Most Fanions Nlght Club FOX LATE NEWS CARTOON IN COLO Cole called them at the plate. Lineups: Pepsi Colas: Halîman 2b, Wise- man rf, Piper ss, Yourth 3b, Cow- an lb, Bird cf, Crombie c, Cor- delle if, Dickens p. Veterans: Little 2b, Woodward f, Cowle ss, Colmer 3b, McKnight cf, Hub Hooper c, Moffatt rf, Har- rison lb, Woods p, Richards p. Ki su Rt ai Si le R McNulty' s Sport Shop :ng St. ENJOY LIFE Rent à Bicycle vin and dance at the beach. Lentai Costs: S'àturday Evening to Monday a.m. $1.50 EXPERT REPAIRS oBicycles - Tricycles - Baby id Doli Carniages - Wagons Scooters. Also wheel retiring. Brazing and Welding Keys Duplicated Racquets Restrung porting Goods - Dart Boards Crests - Small Musical Instruments OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. - FRI.- SAT. June 6 - 7 -8 .AND ALL NEXT WEEK June lOth to l5th Bing Crosby - Ingrid Bergmai in "The Deils of St. Mlary 's" wlth Henry Travers - William Gargan GREAT SONGS wlth iminutabl Bing at his best ... GREAT STORY wlth ai lt heart of Incomparable Ingri GREAT FUN made by thicde touches of Ieo McCarey, wl gave you "Going My Way." Feature Presentation at. 1.45 - 4.10 - 6.30 - 9.00 pj Added: Color Cartoon - Nei à-kPeterborougha t Bow'vitLie 8-Newcastle ghat Po Hope 12-Bowmanvle at ortcaotee 12-Ptbowmangh eat Portloe 15-Port Hope at Peterborouight 15-Newcastle at Bowmanville1 22-Port Hope at Newcastle 22-Bow'ville at Peterborough 26-Newcastle at Peterborough 26-Port Hope at Bowmanvilie 29-Newcastle at Port Hope 29-Bow'ville at Peterborough July- î-Peterborough at Port Hope 6-Port Hope at Peterborough 6-Bowmanviiie at Newcastle 10-Peterborough at Newcastle 10-Port Hope at Bowmanviile 13-Newcastle at Peterborough 13-Bowmanville at Port Hope 17-Peterborough at Bow'ville 17-Port Hope at Newcastle 20-Bow'ville at Peterborough 20-Newcastle at Port Hope 27-Port Hope at Bowmanville 27-Newcastle at Peterborouigh 31-Peterborough at Port Hope 31-Newcastle at Bowmanville August- 3-Peterborough at Newcastle 3-Bowmanville at Port Hope 5r-Bowmanville at Newcastle 7-Peterborough at Bow'viiie 7-Port Hope at Newcastle 10-Port Hope at Peterborough Nat a1 ma Sdor ofj pro W;can I l ile id. ett iho .: tional Film Board has received large shipment of interesting aterial from the United King- nm demonstrating the full range graphie material used there in oduction and other wartime npaigns. This Week's SPECIAL - 'i SUPER WHITE s2.2s- per Quart $8.75 - per Gallon RIGGON ELECTRIC 1Phone 488 42 King St. E. from the Royal Canadian Navyfu tipped a third strike and out after serving overseas with a Mo- fand Cowan plowed to second on tor Torpedo Flotilla of the R.CN 1te ly. The bail was tossed to has~ ~ ~ ~~~C jondtesafo si' firstp and Cowan declared out, haRjedytetaf-W Bear.ýsbut the umps reversed the decis- Read-to-ear.ion when the heat subsided, but allowed Cowan on first rather Front St. Defeats thansec6f 18, Goodyear 6 FoundrY Team in Trewin, pitching for the Foun- close score 11-10 dry, held Goodyear helpless, on - Tuesday evening, for an earned In a mix-up game, Front St. win, 18-6, aside from Goodyear's nosed out Bowmanville Foundry contribution of 10 errors, several softball team 11-10 at the Public overthrows and weakness at bat. Sehool grounds Thursday night. It was ahl over in the first inning, The Foundry boys scored 9 of when Maynard, Goodyear pitcher, their 10 runs in the first inning gave up 7 runs, to be followed by when. the mouiders had 13 men 6 more in the second. Then Hoar to bat. took over and made a game of it, Fron Steetwern'tlon inre-striking out five, but boots behind covering from the blow and set- hi prite Fudr mr tled down to a hard grind for Foundry smashed ot 12 hits, the next six innings. After the five for extra bases including a second inning Bill MeFeeters home run by Polley.. Goodyear pitching for the counter-hoppers gt8satrdhtwt w x hedth oudy crees tra base clouts by Hoar and Me- Clarence "Porky" Osborne Intyre. It is evident that Good- played his usual good game on year, trailing the league with two third base and at bat registered losses, no wins, needs more prac- the only homer of the game. Pub- tice. Foundry was charged with lie Sehool students heid their only two érrors. Trewin had breath when a high foul of, Os control ail the way. R .E borne's almost broke a window in R .E rthe sehool of learning. Foundry ----760 014 0-18 12 2 Y Walter Polley, pitching for the Goodyear ----021 030 0- 6 8 10 >Foundry, played a steady game aand also proved to be one of thei 1heavy hitters when he made a Rubber an Integral alovely three-bagger to right field. Part of Civilization Line-ups: Foundry: Bill Polley ss, Jack- Wartime« research and develop- man 2b, C. Rundle cf, Hatley lb, ment in the field of syntheti< Walter Poley p, Fair 3b, Taylor rubber will prove invaluable to c, McKnight If, Blunt rf. Front Street: F. Hooper cf, Ma- Canaâian industry during recon- son ss, C. Osborne 3b, James lb, version and in the years of peacýe 1L. Rundie rf, R. Rundle, Cowle, time production ahead, according and .Levett 1f, Moffatt and W. to G. V. Davis, assistant manage: DeGeer c, J. Stutt 2b, T. DeGeer of mechanical rubber goods sale, and W. MeFeeters p. for the Goodyear Tire & Rubbei Foundry -------------910 000 0-10 Company of Canada, Limited. Front Street --------151 220 x-11 "Rubber, probably the mosi st r "The ihird Freedom" liztio" Mr. TDavis deelares. Film Poorly Atended "Without it we 'could neyer have developed our great transporta- On Friday night an interesting tion systems, our globe- circling film, "The Third Freedom," spon- telephone and radio networks, and sored by the Lions Club was shown in the Opera House. Be- cause of unfavorable weather few citizens attended which does not speak well for the patriotism of KING' BIRTHDAY the town, so prevalent during the ody uelt war. Ken W. Purchase, of the Mody ue1t Department of Veterans' Affairs, SPECIAL Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, spoke during the intermission and LOW RAIL FANES told of the work being done for the wounded and disabled Vet- Between ail points in Canada and erans of the late war. Mr. Pur- to ail United States border poitIts. ehase asked the employers to em- ploy where possible, men who FARE AND ONE-QUARTER were physically disabled and gave For tie Round Trip statistics proving the capability and efficiency of these men when GO: any time from 12 noon Fr1- placed in proper positions. day, June 7 until 2 p.m., M.onday, There were three films present- June. 1Oth. ed, two produced by the United RETURN: leave destination not States War Department. The first later Uian midnlght, Tuesday, showed in technicolor the Marine Juiie llth. Corps' battie for the island of Standard Tune Okinawa; the second , the hard MINIMUM SPECIIAL FARE battie for an army sergeant who Adults or Chlldren------------ 25c had lost both hands, to become Full particulars from any agent. used to the substitutes. "The Third Freedom" reviewed many of t1be cases of wounded men in- the hospitals and later, wefl es- W tabllshed and happy in their jobs. THAT HOLIDS YOUgJIEART A ERFECT DIA N Natur ally she loves a pretty ring -- and she wiR like a BLUEBIRD ENSEMBLE more dian any other. See our new collection NOW. ?? rms: In accordance wýith Wartime Prices and Trade Board Regulations. Beautiful Weddiiig Gi! Is for the June Bride. Corne in and look around. iaoopEttsJeweilery HOOPER'S& Gift Shop BOWMANVI LLE PARC EL DELIVERY The JA&S. Parcel Delivery Us at your service potatoes or pick-up a phone order store to your home for only 10c. articles prices available on request. For other langer appreclate a eaU fron you. F. Stannard and have our truck pick Up your order at any store or place and deliver it. LWe Deliver for: HARRY ALLIN'S, DOMINION STORES, McGREGOR'S HARDWARE, STE WARTS SEEDS and ROY NEADS RADIO. 1 1 BowmanviUe ýda-p-t--able 'of aill materials, has be- _--- n intpsyrnl nart of our civ- Bob Muir, Bull Nemis scored with- in the first 30 seconds of play to start th4 game off in their favor. Ten minutes later Tommy Bar- ber scored on a pass from Dick Nemis to make it 2-0. In thesecond haif Hampton had Courtice bottled up completely and a little more accuracy around the goal Hampton may prove to be a very dangerous team later in the season. It was a well-played game and the fairly large crowd thought it. was well worth seeing. Teams: Hampton: Goal, Hindman; backs P. Cowling, J. Reynolds; haif- backs, L. Trull, L. Broome, N. Brobme; forwards, K. Peters, E. Allin, A. Randaîl, J. Cowling, B. Vivian. Courtice: Goal, B. Gearing, F. Adams; backs, Vetzal, H. Rogers; halfbacks, R. Balson, M. Nemis, Barber; forwards, T. Barber, B. Nemis, D. Nemis, B. Muir, E. Chadwick. Phone 1

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