PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE lSth, 1946 Now available in the 1946 Edition tof the. Elizabeth Arden -TREASURE CHEST ibis attractive miniature Beauty Box ai Iabrilcoid contains: 0 Ardenc Cleansing Creasm 10 Ardenc Velva Cream *Ardenc Skin Tonic *Ardena Hand-O-Tonik *~ s- 0 Feather-Light Foundatian Creamu Ob Miniature Poudre d'Illusion 0 Miniature Lipsticl< 9P Miniature Blue Grass Flower Mis# $3.-95 Jury,&# Lovel THE REXALL Phone 778 DRUG STORE C.N.R. Tickets WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS - DONE PROPERLY King st. W. Bowmanville Solina Visitons:1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Naylor, Oshawa, MEn. and Mrs. Wm. Brady, Mrs. J. Moore and Beth, Lindsay, at C. D. Pascoe's. Mr. and Wes. Yeàowlees and Harold at Clare Allin s, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Velma at Hosken Smith's, En- field. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe and Gordon, at Clifford Naylor's, Col- umbus. Mr .and Mrs. J. Yellowhees, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman and Mary at Edgar Prescott's, Enfîeid. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy at- tended the Cornish-Armour wed- ding at Hampton, Saturday.. Mr. and M.ýs. Tom McLaughlin, Cadmus, were honoured at the hall, Monday evening when fni- ends met to extend good wishes and present tbem with an end table, reflector and table lamp. Tom and Hazel replied graciously, inviting ail to visit them in their new home. Remainder of the ev- ening was spent dancing and lunch was served. Inspector McEwen addressed 28 of the ratepayers of Baker's School and Solina at the school here on Wednesday night hast on the new Scbool Area and answer- ed ail the questions that were sub- mitted to him. It is not the in- tention of the Départment to have school area in North Darlington for the present. A. L. Pascoe act- ed as chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and children visited at Bnooklin. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Werry with hier mother at Bowmanville, Sun- day. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid at- tended the graduation services at Toronto University of their daugh- ter, Miss Muriel Langmaid, who bas completed a yean's Post Grad- uate Course in Nursing. Con- gratulations. IVrs. A. L. Pascoe visited friends at Pickering. Quite a crowd witnessed the football league game here Satur- day night between Tyrone and the locals. The làtter winnîng.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Yonson, Sim- coe, visited ?&n. and Mrs. Donald Yonson while on their way to Ottawa. Dr. Mark W. Pascoe who flew from Caifornia Friday is visiting his.many relatives bere. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Culhing, Osh- awa, MVr. and Mrs. Lorne Lons- berry and Bruce, Bowmnanville, Miss Annie Potter, Toronto, at Alex Potter's. Rotary Club (Continued from Page One) rules. In the final analysis it came down to the proposition of simple common sense. During his remarks the speaker paid great tribute to Chief of Police Sidney Venton, Bcawman- ville, who was a guest at the meeting. The splendid co-opera- tion existing between them was a factor in the successful law en- forcement in this district. Mn. Carson closed withan invitation for public co-operation in behaif of the police who were carrying out arduous duties in the public interest. Tbanking the speaker for his able address, Mel Staples agreed that what he said was real "'horse sense" a quality that the public could acquire in the safety campaign advocated. Three new members were mni- tiated to Rotary; Larry Doreen, Dave Higgon and Fred Bruce. Birthday fiowers fell to Ted Mor- ris, Bob Cochrane and Harve Britton, while Past President George Chase received a fine cluster of roses for himself and Mrs. Chase on their 25th wedding anversary.' daughter Mary Jane of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawthorne, Tor- onto, have rented the "Treleaven" cottage for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Bull, Toronto, have also opened their home and are spending weekends at the lake. Mrs. R. Milton Long and ber daughter, Miss Gladys Long, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Mattbews, 'oron- to, are at their cottages. Mrs. K. Aiken who bas been a patient at Bowmanville Hospital is now convaiescing at home. Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, is vis- itirg at his home here. Mn. Ian Holmes, Toronto, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes. The funeral of the late Ernest O. Davidson, Toronto, who died on June 7tb at his Winona Drive home took place on Monday from Christ Churcb, Deer Park, witb interment in Mount Pheasant Ce- metery. The hate Mr. Davidson wbo was a well-known archîtect, had many .friends in Newcastle, having spent the summer months with bis family at Newcastle-on- the-Lake for a number of years. He bad necently punchased the propenty "Copper Beach" and had started construction of a mo- demn sumnmer cottage on the pro- Pepsýi Cola SoftbdIt -Tom Above is pictured the Pepsi Dickens, Tom Cowan, Russel Cola softball team who are now Haliman, George Piper; Front tied for second place in the Lions Row-C .orky Cordelle, Tom De- Club Softball League. From left to right they are: Back Row- pew, Bob Bird, Bill Mutton and Harry Depew, Dick Ott, Ernie Lew Wiseman. perty. The deepest sympatby of the communîty goes out to bis wi- dow and bis son, M. Robert Da- vidson. Anothen son, Irving Thomas Davidson, died of wounds in Holland in 1944.. Mrs. R. Friedlander and cbild- ren Jihi and Dean and Mn. Harold DeLine, Toronto, wene weekend guests of their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Walter DeLine. LAC. Gordon Garrod, R.C.A.F., Trenton, spent the weekend at bis home bere. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Holmes and Bobby spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Pollard, at Brampton. We are glad to report that Mn. Harry Jose wbo underwent an operation in Oshawa General Hos- pital at the beginning of the week is progressing nicely. Rev. W. W. Patterson spent a few days at the Boys' Camp at Oak Lake helping get things in shape for this summer's camp. Congratulations to Farncomb Le Gresley and Donald Jose wbo passed their year's work with bonons in a class of 270 at O.A.C. Guelph, and Farncomb Le Gret- ley bad the funther distinction and bonon of winning finst pnize at the Royal Fair at Guelph when be received the bighest number of points for freshmen in the agri- cultural engineering division. Miss Ettie Holmes, Oshawa, spent the weekend witb ber sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Howell Rowland. Mn. and Mrs. T. A. Rodger, of Kleinburg, weekend guests with Mn. and Mrs. A. Glenney. Miss Margaret Wright, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber grandmother, Mns. A. Wetherall. Mrs. Mary McFEvoy bas return- ed home after visiting ber daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Selby Spencer, Hamilton. Professor and Mrs. E. G. R. Ar- dagh, Toronto, are spending the summer at thein home in New- castle. Their son Mn. John Ar- dagb wbo passed second in his year in chemical engineering at the University of Toronto bas joined the staff of the Interrnation- al Nickle Co., Coppercliff, for the summen. Little Marilyn Pearce, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber grandmother, Mrs. W. H. Pearce. A meeting was beld in the Community Hall on Monday ev- ening to make arrangements and complete organization for the coming National Clotbing Collec- tion whicb will be beld fnom June i7tb to 29th. Mrs. George Walton wbo bas been appointed chairman for Newcastle and district presîd- ed and the following committees were appointed: Mrs. Ross Dick- enson and Mrs. Dora Brooks will be in charge of clothing depot at the Community Hall; Rev. W. W. Patterson and Mrs. Robert Gib- son will have charge of publicity and collection with Mrs. John Hendry convenen for the Lake Shore; Mns. Harold Gibson con- vener for No. 9 section; Mrs. Geo. Stephenson, convenen for Bnown's section; Mrs. Frank Gîlmer con- venen for Newtonviile. Thene will be a bouse to house canvass and the citizens are asked for their interest and support for this wor- thy and despanately needed dlo- tbing collection. Stant now to go tbnougb your clothes closets and set- aside ail clothing you are not using and can spane. Funther no- tice will appear as to wben the clothing depot will be open and when the collections will be made. Newcastle basebaîl team played their first evening home game i the Lakeshone League on Wed- nesday, June 5tb when they play- ed Peterboro, score 5-2 in favor of Peterboro. Batteny for New- castle: Graham and Rickard witb D. Walton and E. Johnson scon- ing the runs. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Jas. E. W. Philip (the former Mrs. H. A. Waite) who were mannied on Satunday, June 8tb, by Rev. J. Forbes Webberburn, M.A., D.D., in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburch, Kingston. Mn. and rMs. George Walkey, Mns. Samuel Schulthorpe, Port Hope, and Mr. Roy Atkînson, Bri- tish Columbia, wene guests of Mns. W. H. Pearce. Roy Atkinson who bas been in Toronto at the Conser- vatory of Music wbere he receiv- ed bis degnee of B.M., is a son of tbe late Mn. and Mrs. Louis At- kînson. Mrs. Bruce Peacock, Rochester, N.Y., is spending a month, guest of Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Rinch. Mn. and Mrs. W. T. Foley and daughter Carol, Kingston, spent Sunday with bis mother, Mrs. J. J. Foley and bis aunt, Mns. Stella Anderson. Mn. Cecil Horrocks and the Misses Naomi and Audrey Hon- rocks bave moved down to their summen home "Half-a-Hill" at Newcastle on the Lake. Miss Virginia Cooke, Pont Cre- dit, spent the weekend with ber mother, Mns. W. H. Cooke who also bas bad as guests ber cou- sins, Dr. R. J. Cooke, Wolsley, Sask., Dr. J. L. Cooke, Regina,, Grand Opening Friday and Saturday JUNE. l4th and lSth, 1946 GCi1's General Store DBURKETON Now Comleel .Modernized with SELFSERVICE You are cordially invited to inspect our new store. SHEET METAL WORK Gilson Furnaces -Asphait Shingles Roofing - Bavestroughing1 DAVIS & GRANTI Sscugog st. EnBu. 2842 -- Bowmanville1 Phones: Roms. 2674 ANNOUNCEMENT on Tuesdays A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine C.. wUll be li Bowmnaavlé' to service allmakes of sewint machines. Expert Workýmanship Gearanteed If in need of service write or phone before the above day.. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phono 696 - Oshawa 17-tf Before a large crowd on June 7 Newcastle girls' softball team played their first home game and with a very strong bitting attack Newcastle were leading 37-7 after three innings. Manager Crow- ther then took three of his star players out of the line-up and in- serted three subs, two girls play- ing their first organized game of bail. Score ended with the amaz- inf totais of 48 for Newcastle and 32 for Newtonville. After a score -of 6-5 in Newtonville this large score was unaccountable. Orono girls p lay here June l4th. Friday nights are ginls' softball nights. WEDDING Sutton-Down St. George's Church, Newcastle, beautifully dlecorated with white lilacs, was the setting on Saturday afternoon June 8th, for the mar- niage of Miss Pearl Elizabeth Down, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. William Orton Down, of Unity, Saskatchewan, to *Mr. Everitt Vance Sutton, son of Mr. ànd Mrs. Samuel Sutton of Colborite. The rector, Rev. D. R. Dewdney offi- ciated. Mrs. John Garrod pre- sided at the organ and duning the signing of the register piayed "O Perfect Love." j:,e. ride, given in m~arriage by Mr. Arthur G. Willoughby of Colborne, wore a powder blue two-piece frock with matching coronet of tulle and feathers and corsage of sweetheart roses. Her oniy attendant was Miss Marilyn Sutton, sister of the groom, wear- ing a pale pink eyelet gown and corsage of Pink roses. The groomsman was Mr. James AI- Sask., algo Mr' and Mrs. Bert1 RFeeves, Miss Edna and Master Richard Reeves, Toronto. W.M.S. AUXILIARY W.M.S. Afternootn auxiliary met in the United Church Sunday Schooh hall, June 6th with first vice-president Mrs. Cooke occu- pying the chair. Miss E. M. Black- burn read the minutes and Mrs. W. Beman gave the treasurer's report. Miss Blackburn read. a letter froi Mrs. N. Allin regret- ting her inability through illness to continue as president. Mrs. Be- man gave a brief tahk on the hardships Dr. Reta Kilbourn had to endure during the Boxer Re- behlion, and a short sketch on the life of her daughter, Cora Kil- bouÉn, now a missionary nurse in China. Mrs. E. Hoar read the scripture. Miss Blackburn gave an interesting paper from the study book, Dr. Currie "the wise master buildér," "his new fellow- ship,". and how he overcame "Af- rican superstition." Part of the meeting was given over to the C. G.I.T. girls for the affiliation cer- emony conducted by Mrs. C. Han- cock, second vice president. The girls taking part were K. Toms, C.G.I.T. leader; Mary Margaret Bonathan, Elinor Hancock, Betty Lou Hagerman, Mary Hagerman, Hazel May Fisher, Carol Caron and' Ruth Gordon.- Mrs. G. Hon- ey, Mrs. A. E. .Mellow, Mrs. E. Hoar, Miss Oldfield and Mrs. H. Toms represented the W.M.S. A duet was rendered by Mrs. H. Pearce and Mrs. H. Jose. A short study of home missionary work was introduced by Mrs. Cook. Mrs. J. A. Awde gave a short talk on Dr. Sheridan's hos- pital work irj Northern Alberta. Mrs. H. Jose gave a sketch of the community missions in Eastern Canada and Miss A. Warren told about the W.M.S. children's home at Lachine, Que. On Wednesday night, June 5, members of the girls' softball club, present and past, congre- gated to honor their coach, George Crowther in the form of an in- formal get-together in the Com- munity hall kitchen. The coach and hîs wife were brought in on pretext accompanied by Reeve Walton, Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Cari Todd. George was complete- ly surftrised and while the girls sang "Take Me Out to the Bal Game" George and Hàzel were led to their places at the table whicll was set for dinner with al the trimmings. After dinner an address was read by Trudy Sallows and a love- ly sports jacket was presented to George by Captain Doreen En- wright in appreciation of bis in- terest for 16 years in the girls' softball team. George thanked the girls in a splendid little speech and discussed softball and what it could mean to a 'teen age girl. He mentioned particularly his present pitcher Doreen Enwrigbt and an up and coming one in Vel- ma Alldread. Annabelle Rickard brouglit back the good old bal days in her speech mentioning in particular the invaluable work that George bas done in training his girls in the sense of fair play, good sportsmanship, etc. Mar- garet Ash read a humorous poem which was composed by Miss El- sie Rowe. Mrs. Crowther was presented with a bouquet of iilacs and' tulips. Newcastle has indeed been for- tunate in having George -al these years to train and- coach the 'teen age girls. I am sure we would miss him if he were to drop out of it. Let's ail go out to the games and show our appreciation of his very fine work in the com- munity. GIRLS' SOFTBALL NEWS Newcastle girls' softball team played June lOth at Newtonville. Behind the 9-hit pitching of Ru- by Brunt with her former battery mate Annabelle Fickard catching, Newcastle girls walked away with Phone 573 corn of 'Oshawa. Following the cere'mony a reception for immed- iate relatives and friend.s was held at "lMaycroft," the home. of Miss Beatrix McIntosh. The bride's gomng-away costume was a dusty-rose suit with navy blue hat and accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton left for points west and on their return wil e- side in Toronto. Homes - Schools - ldustrial SEALTITE INSULATION4' with ROCK WOOL We use only the best materials and, guarantee our work. Before investing get a, price direct from the owner and save money. F. A. BRUCE' PHONE 494 47 Queen Street Bowmanville, Ontario .Parker "5I" Pen & PenciU Sets EXPERT RADIO RZPAIR 38 King M. E., Bowmanvill, For the Makings of a Perfect. Father's Day - We Would Suggest A Remington Dual ELECTRIC SHAVER......$19-95 Triple Head> ELECTRIC SHAVER........... $23-95. $24.75 I I6.ekarat gold - 56.95.up ' Sterling Silver $2.00 up Marr's Jewellery King St., W. Bowmanville Beautifu I 3-candie *27-00 - 28,50 * Less Shade JUST ARRIVEID Small Shipment of New GOBLIN CYLINDER VACUUM CLEANERS $67.50 Complete with Ail Attachments THE RADIO'SHOP BULOVA WATCH 17-jewel THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWELVE