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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1946, p. 6

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4. PAGIR aTYt THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLý' ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 1Mt, 1946 BIRTI-S CHANT-In Bowmanviiie Hospi- tal, May 27th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant a daughter, Ma- rie Anne. 24-1 COLE-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole are happy ta announce the birth of their son, Raiph Michael, at Bowmanville Hospital on Thurs- day, June 6, 1946. 24-1* DARCH-Mr. and Mrs. John Darch wish to announce the birth of a daugiter on June 5, 1946, <Betty Lynn). 24-1* GRIFFIN-Iri Bowmanville Hos- pital, June 11, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, a son, Gary Wayne Richard.1 24-1* McGREGOR - In Bowmanville Hospital, Thursday, June llth, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Alex MeGregor, a son, Charles Neilson. 24-1 THOMPSON- In Bowmanville Hospital on June llth, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson, a daughter (Patricia Ann), a baby sister for Larry. 24-1"' DEATH BRAGG-In Winnipeg on June 5, 1946, Samuel Edward Bragg, in his 78th year. Brother of the late W. J. Bragg, Bowmanviile. 24-1 MARRIAGE BAKER - MORRIS - Thursday, June 6th, 1946, by the'Rev. J. E. GriMfth, Alberta June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Morris, Bowmanvifle, to Arthur John Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam T. Baker, Hampton. 24-1 CORNISH-ARMOUR - On Sat- urday, June 8, 1946, at Hampton, Neilie Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Armour, of Hampton, ta Sidney Fredenick Cornî'sh, son of Mrs. Cornish, Hampton, and the late Fredenick Cornish. 24-1* MARTYN-SHANTZ-At Hamp- ton parsonage on May 11, 1946, by Rev. Walter Rackham, Dora Fern Shantz, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shantz, was united in marriage with Harold Lewis Martyn, son of Mrs. Nelson Moi- Ion and the late Albert Martyn. 24-1 * PHILP-WAITE - On Saturday, June 8th in Kingston by Rev. J. Forbes Wedderburn, M.A., D.D., of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Hattie Adell Waite to Jas. E. W. Philp of Newcastle, Ont. 24-1 ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. Fred Truil, Orono, announ- ces the engagement of his daugh- ter, Edith Marn'ion, to James Ai- bert Canning, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Canning, Oshawa. The mar- riage will take place the latter part of June. 24-1 Mr. Herbert A. Galbraith, Bow- manville, wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter, Mar- jorie Helena, to Cecil Penny Neals, oniy son of Mn. and Mrs. Perry Neals, Peterborough, Ontario. The wedding will take place Satunday, Juiy 6, 1946, at 2 p.m. in George Street United Church, Peterbor- ough. 24-; HAMPERS Tile Flooring Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Choice of Colouns Speclalize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 BROMLEY & SON OARDS 0F TI-ANKS1 The famiiy of the late Mrs. F. T. Hobbs wish to thank the em- pioyees of the Canadian Canners, fiends and neighbors for their kind expression of sympathy, which is deeply appreciated. 24-i * I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. C. J. Austin and the nursing staff of Bowmanville Hospital and my many friends for their kindness, cheery cards, fruit and flowers sent to me during my illness in the hospitai. 24-1 Mrs. Henry Adams. Refrigerator REPA IRS Commercial - Domestio ANY MAKE B. J. Dowyer Phone: Oshawa 244 What Preference Means to Durham MORRIS CO. are Durham's leadlng Funeral Dfrectors, not only because they conduct more services a year than any other director, but because Durham's pre- ference is now 6 ta 1 (times average) for Morris conducted funerals! This preference was built upon excellent service a careful attention ta every detail and a feeling of responsibilityr on the part of Morris Co. ta make every service conducted by them a perfect tibute! F. F. Morris Co. DUR.HÂM'S LARGEST FIJNERAL DIRECTORS Bowmnfville Orono 480 - 734 27-1 IN MEMORRAM BROWN-In loving memory of our dear Grandma, Mary Jane Brown, who passed away June lSth, 1945. "We cannot ciasp your hand Grandma dear, Your dear face we cannot see; But let this littie token Tell that we stili remember thee." -Lovingly remembered by Billy, Merrili and Irene . 24-1 BROQWN-In ioving memory of a dea'r wife and mother, Mary Jane Brown, who passed away June lSth, 1945. "A wonderful Mother, a woman and aid, COMINO EVENTS One who awas better God er made; Ebenezen Young People will A wonderful worken, sa loyal and present thein 3-act play "A Pain true, of Countny Kids" on Friday, June One in a million that, Mother, 14, at 8 p.m., sharp, in the chunch. was you. 24-1 Just in youn judgment, always right, Gran *dnceNewastl Co Honest and libenal, ever uprîght; Gnan daceNewaste Cm- Loved by youn friends and all munity Hall, Friday, June l4th, at you knew,. 9 p.m. D.S.T. unden the auspices A wondenful Mother that, Mother, of Durham Jr. Farmens' Associa- was you." tion, Russ Cneighton and his an- -Sadiy missed and- ever remem- chestra. Admission 50c. Every- bered by Husband and daugh- body welcome. 24-1 ters, Zella, Reta and Thelma and sons-in-law, Fred, George Me .t-innuai riciand1>William.L24-1 Mannied People of Solina wili be held at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, on June 2Oth. Come for dinnen and supper. Bring youn own sil- verware and cups. Plates wili be provided. 24-1 A thnee-act play 'Life of Riley," will be presented by Garden Hill Young People in Newcastle Com- munity Hall on Fniday evening, June 21 at 8:30 p.m., D.S.T. Spon- soned by the Young People's Un- ion. Admission: Aduits 35c, Chil- dren 25c. 24-1 Corne ta community movies ai Blackstock eveny Tuesday. Mo- demn R.C.A. sound equipment. June l8th, a double bill, "Adven- tures of Kitty O'Day" with Jean Parker and Peter Cookson, also "West of the Rio Grande" Johnny Mack Brown and Raymond Hat- ton. 24-1* Kitson Bros. of Bowmanvilie Frigid Lockers System are pleas- ed ta announce that Miss Elliot of Dept. of Agriculture, Consumers Branch, wili give a talk on.frozen foods, and their preparation. Lan- tenn siides will be shown along with the talk. Three o'clock Fni- day afternoon, June 14, St. John's Panish Hall. Ahl are condial in- vited. 23-2 le On Sunday next, June l6th ai 2:30 and 7:30 p.m., D.S.T., the anniversany services of the Maple Grave Sunday Schooi will be held when Rev. Hanry Mellow, B.A., pastor of Leaside United Chunch, Toronto, wili be the guest speak- er. Subjects, "Building the Church" in the afternoon and "Bringing the Ark Home" at the evening service. Special singing by the school under the leader- ship of Mn. Leslie Collacutt, assis- tçd by a double male quartette in the aftennoon and a double la- dies' quartette in the evening. Special offering wili be received. On Monday., June l7th at 7 p.m., a softbali game wili be played between the married men and the single men. At 8 p.m. a 3-act play "Susie Steps Out" will be presented by Mapie Grave Young People. Special numbers between acts. Ail services on Daylight Saving 'Time. 24-1 BASKETS DE MILLE-In loving memory of aur dean mother Mary A. DeMille who passed away June 14, 1945. Heaven must be a brighter place Since God took mother there; But sadly do we miss her smile Hen tender, loving cane. Without fanewell she closed hen eyes, Hen work on earth well done, And with the saints of glory Hen greater life begun. -Sadly missed by Henry and Harold. 24-1* DE MILLE-In loving memory of a dean wife, Mary A. DeMilie, who pased away June 14, 1945. My thoughts wander as daylight f ades To the land of long ago, And memory paints the scenes of aid In the gold of the twilight glow. I seem ta see, in the soft, dim light A face I loved the best, And I think of her when the sun's iast nay Goes down in the far-off west. -Laving Husband. 24-1* DE MILLE-In loving memory of a dean mother, Mary A. DeMilie, who passed away June 14, 1945. What would we give her hand ta clasp, Her patient face ta see; To hear hen voice, ta see her smile As in the days that used ta be. But some sweet day we'll meet again, Beyand the toil and stnife, And clasp each other's hand once more In Heaven, that happy life. Lovingly remembered by son Tom and daughter-in-law Don- othy. 24-1* HOOEY-In loving memory of a dean husband and father, Edwin Hooey, who passed away June 11, 1944. We m ho loved you sadly miss you, As it dawns anothen yean; As in aur lanely hours of think- ing Thoughts of you are ever nean. -Lovingiy nemembered by wife and family. 24-1* SHERWIN-In memnony of a loy- ing father Walter R. Shenwin who depanted fnom life Nov. llth, 1942, sisten Mary, August i5th, 1939. and mother, June l3th, 1944. The depths of sornow we cannot tell, 0f the loss of those we loved so well. And while they sieep a peaceful sleep, Their memory we shaîl always- keep. -Sadly missed by Florence and Launie. 24-1* Reception Mn. and Mns. Gus. Bounsaîl, 133 Church St. will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, June the 23nd, and will neceive thein friends fnom 3 ta 6 and 7, to 10 at the homne of their daughter, Mrs. Herbent L. God- dard, 131 Church St. 24-1* Real Estate For Sale FARM-100 acres, 60 acres wonk- able, 40 acres pastune; good build- ings; 11i/4 miles nonth of Tynone on No. 7 Highway; Hydro available. Reasonable for cash. Apply Mrs. Wallace Miller, Tynone. 24-2* PROPERTY-Lot 12, Con. 5, Cartwright, east of Anglican Chunch, Blackstock; 7-roomed dwelling, stable and hen house; haîf acre land. Hydro available. Possession at once. Apply T. H. Stinson, cane of Lorne Gniffin, R.R. 3, Bunketon. Phone 165-r-2 Port Penny. 24-2* FARM-Lot 24, Con. 3, Cart- wright, 115 acres, sandy loam, about 85 acres wonkable land, 8 acres handwood bush, nemainden pastune; dwelling 17'x24' and at- tachment 10'x12'; barn 34'x56'; cement tile well. Possession at once. Apply T. H. Stinson cane of Lonne Grîffin, R.R. 3, Burketon. Phone 165-r-2, Port Penny. 24-2* Lost MAN'S engnaved "Omega" wrist watch iost on Highway No. 2, nean Countice. Phone D. F. Yon- son 2578 on Oshawa 2300. Re- ward. 24-i BROOCH-Silver oak leaf tied to loven's knot, with safety diasp, on Concession street between Centre and Prospect ta Odeil. Re- ward. Finder please leave at The Statesman Office. 24-1 NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now availabie, electnics and trea- dies! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf SIX cord hardwood, ahl maple. Quantity of seed buckwheat. AI- s0 1927 Chevrolet power plant, in good running condition. Apply C. F. Corvack, Tyrone. Phone 62-r-10, Onono. 24-1 SEED buckwheat; one used No. 12 DeLaval Cream Separator; Yorkshire hog, 20 months old. Apply: O. Hyland, Bunketon, Ont. R.R. 3, Telephone, Port Ferry 111-r-5. 24-1* PROTECT your new chair from moths for 50 cents a year. One spraying of Benlou stops moth damage for 5 years or Benlou pays the damage. Mason & Dale, phone 408. 24-1 PROTECT 'your davenport from mothes for 50 cents a year. One spraying of Benlou stops moth damage for 5 years on Berlou pays the damage. Alex McGregor, Drugs. 24-1 HOMEMADE tractor on nubber. 2-furrow tractor piow. M.-H. hammermill, used nake. Place your order for Oil-Burning Heat- ers. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Bowmanviile. 24-1 MAHOGANY chest of drawers, with swing mirror; 1 wainut chest of drawers; 1 solid walnut an- tique platform rocker; 1 rocking chair without arms; number of nearly new quilts. Write Box 691 Statesman Office. 24-1 1 USED Aladdin hanging lamp. 1 new Aladdin table lamp, 1 used Coleman lamp, 1 Coleman iron, Renfnew washing machine dom- plete with wringen, all in good condition. Apply W. Chatterton, Phone Orono 56r16. 24-1* OSHAWA'S new furnitune store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bednoom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- iey's New Funniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf DO youn chicks or tunkeys die? Are they pale? Have they Coc- cidiosis? Fînn's "Kews" and Poultry Conditioner and Intestinal Cleansen will save them. Do your laying hens drap dead? Are they pale? Finn's Poultny Conditioner and Intestinal Cleanser and Poul- try Tonic and Vitamin Builden will help you. Ball's Mill, Taun- ton, Ontario. 24-1 Articles For Sale COAL brooder stove. Phone 22901 Bowmanviiie. 24-11 FRONTENAC coach, 1933. Ser-i ial 1091. $300. Appiy Murray Porter, Newcastle. 24-1 BUILDING suitable for garage, 18x17 ft. Aiso barn timber from a barn 36x50 ft. Phone 805. 24-1 BUCKWHEAT seed for sale. Ap- ply Robent Sim, Tyrone. Phone Orono 62-r-4. 24-1 COTTAGE-West side beach, el- ectrîc stove, sink, built 1936. Phone 554. 24-1 M. H. BINDER, 7ftV cut, in Ai condition, only cut small acre- age. W. C. Evans, Orono 24.1* MARQUETTE Coupe, 1930 model. Apply Mrs. H. MacDonald, Duke St., south of C.NR. Station. 23-2* PIANOS for sale, W.P.T.B. termis.c Telephone Fred J. Mitchell 492, Bowmanville. 23-2c ICE-BOX for'sale, 60 rods poul-f tiy wire. Apply Vennon Stacey,1 Newtonville. 24-1* BUCKWHEAT-Apply F. Mid- dieton, Burketon, 1 mile east of Biackstock. Phone Port Perry 172 r21 .24-2* A NEW Eaton Quebec Heater with oven, coal and wood grate. Price $27.50. Phone Clarke 704. 24-1 KITCHENETTE extension table and buffet, in good condition. Apply W. Barrett, 44 Duke St. 24-1 * ONE 401 Sunshine furnace, dom- plete with ail piping, in good con- dition. Reason 'for selling-in- stalling oil. Phone 726. 24-1* MUST seli at once ail household effects of the late Mrs. F. Hobbs. Apply 119 Liberty St., Bowman- ville. 24-1-l TWO 2-wheel trailers, 16" tires and 21" tires. 1932 Chrysier for sale or trade. Apply 90 Elgin St. 24-1* CHESTERFIELD only, with good springs, needs upholstering. $5 or best offer. Apply 35 Temper- ance 24-1* HAY for sale, or on shares, quan- tity of dloyen hay. Apply La- verne Clemens, R.R. 6, Bowman- 1ville. Phone 2436. 24-1* DEERING 1l-hoe seed drill, with cultivator teeth, very good con- dition, $35. C. G. Bowman, En- field. Phone 2839. 24-if CANOE, freshly painted last fall, in good condition. See Mrs. New at No. 7 West Beach, June l9th or 2th. 24-1 1TWO used storm doors, 1 used screen door, 1 new window sash, 2 pane windows, 20x2O. Apply 24 Queen St. 24-1* "COSY HOME" Quebec range, with water front. One electric sign; verandah chairs; one dining room table. Phone 2287. 24-1 'TRACTOR, McCormick - Deering 10-20, on steel, in good condition. Also quantity of Mc-Deering 1twine. A. L. Blanchard, phone 2554 or 2231. 24-1* I have been authorized by E. A. Werny ta sell by public auction on Lot 13, Con. 8, Darlington Twp. 1 ½/ miles east of Enniskillen, lst ±armn east of Haydon, on lVonday, June l7th. I'he sale wili include the following: Teamn of -hanses, 2 geidings, 7 head of cattie, nuînoei of calves, pigs and shoats, 31 head of choice DIuham, Hereford, Poil Angus steens, 22 short-keep beef bred steers, 32 1 '/. year-old steens, 10-20 International tracton, 2-fur- now International plough, M.-H. seed drill, set harrows, wagon with fiat back, hay rack, 2 walk- ing p loughs, Cockshutt manure spneader, and numerous othen ar- ticles, forks, hoes, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctiohieer. 24-1 Auction sale pune-bned Short- horn cattie and ianm machinery, the property of Mn. Arthur Dunn, Lot 33, Con. 5, Hope Township, 11/2 miles east of Shiloh Church, on Wednesday, June 26th. The sale wili include 7 Belgian hanses, 10 Shonthamn cows with calves at foot, 9 fat cattie, 1,000 lbs. each, 15 two-yean-olds, 800 lbs. each, 12 yean-olds, s0w due in August, il pigs 90 l'bs. each., 30 acres of grain to be soid in field, 20 acres of mixed hay. 1 McCormick- Deering binden, new; 1 McCor- mick-Deering spreader, large size, new, and a fulli une of excep- tioiealiy good farmn machineny. For furthen particulars see bis. Sale at 12:30 sharp D.S.T. Tenms cash. Positiveiy no neserves. Wiliard Lond. clerk. Jack Reid, auction- een. 24-1 Radio Service THE RADIO SHOP, Bowmanviile, offens honest changes, latest type equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radio technicians both hoid Govennment Certificates of Proficiency in Radio. Phane 573. 18-tf Personal SLENDOR tablets are eff ective. Twa weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at al duggists. 24- i HYGIENIC Supplies (rubben goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with pnice iist. Six samples 25c; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Orden Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, ont. 18-9 Stray dogs have suddenly dis- appeaned during the past week. Compiainants are aimost persuad- ed that they ane able ta nead, for their withdnawal fromn circula- tion coincides with the report in The Statesmnan telling that the canine by-law is ta be enforced. Such is the power of the press. I I I For Rent Articles For SaleJ PLASTERING sand, cement gra- vel, driveway gravel, loamn, fil. Also local trucking, small build- ings moved, larger buildings taken down. Less than 5 per cç nt bieak- age of lumber and timbers. Ap- ply Sid Barrabali, phone 2592. 24-1* ARE your hogs rough, stiff, and generally unthrifty? Use Finn's Hog Conditioner and Finn's Hog- Fix, they do the job. Feed your sows and shoats Fînn's Hog Min- erais. Do your sucking pigs scour? S.E.S. tabiets will stop them. Bail's Mill, Taunton, Ont. 24-1 NEW eariier tomatoes-spray first buds and blossoms with "No-Seed Spray," this sets the blossoms which usually faîl off bearing no fruit. By saving thîs first bloom you have tomatoes two to four weeks earlier. If you continue to spray buds and blossoms as they appear you will have-seedless, sweeter, larger tomatoes earlîer and a heavier yield. Note: This year at this store we sprayed the first buds and blossoms on some plants, in 7 days there were toma- toes on the plants. Don't wait, save those first blossoms. Grow seedless cucumbers also. Stewart Seed Store. 23-tf, Auction Sales Auction sale of furniture, dishes tools, etc., for Victor Szoid, 3/ mile north of Hampton on Sat- urday, June 22 at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Further particulars next week. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. 24-1 The undersigned lias received instructions from Milton W. Cor- nish, Blizzard Hill Farm (1 mile west of highway 35, turn at Kirby) to seli by public auction on Fni- day, June 14, at 1 p.m. D.S.T. 32 head of pure-bred Herefords, grade cattie, ai-d a number of registered pigs, 2 Clydesdale colts and a quantity of buckwheat. Jack Reid and W F. O'Neill, Auc- tioneers. 24-1 Mr. Perey Burley, Lots 5 and 6, Con. 7, Clarke Township, 1 mile east of Kendal on the county road will seli by public auction on Mon- day, June l7th, at 1 p.m., D.S.T., the foliowing: Two teams of Per- cheron horses, 8 fresh cows, with calves at foot, 7 )head of fat cat- tle, 10 year-olds, 20 acres of mix- ed hay and a fulli une of good farm machinery. Terms cash. Farm soid. A. E. Morton, cierki. Jack Reid. auctioneer. 24-1 I have been authorized to sel by public auction for Mrs. L. Ki- ecka, Lots 11, 12, Con. 9, Clarke Twp. (2 miles 'east of McCrea's Church and 1 mile south) on Wed- nesday, June 19, at 1 p.m., D.S.T., all her farm stock, implements, poultry and poultry equipmetit. There will also be offered for s'ale one hip-roof barn' 30'x50', been up 2 years; 1200 ft. dry oak lumber; 700 ft. pine scantling. For further particulars see bis. Terms cash. Positiveiy no reserve. Ed. Youngman, clerk; Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 24-1 Creditons of Arthur John Gay, late of the Township of Darling- ton, County of Durham, Contnac- ton, who died at the Township of Danlington, December 29th, 1945, are nequested to send particulars of.their dlaims to the undensign- ed befone July l3th, 1946, after which date his Ustate will be dis- tnîbuted among the parties en- titled thereto, and the Executons wiIi not be liàble for any dlaims of which they have not then ne- ceived notice. DATED AT OSHAWA, May 3ist, 1946. W. E. N. Sinclain,K.C., Bank pf Montreal Building, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executons 23-2 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Thomas Seth IWilson Ail pensons having dlaims against the estate of Thomas Seth Wilson late of Bowmanville, de- ceased, who died on on about the 5th day of April, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to the unden- signed Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the lSth day of July, 1946, full par- ticulans of thein dlaims. Immed- iately after the said date the said Personal Representative will dis- tribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to dlaims of which it shaîl then have notice. DATED at Toronto this l3th day of June, 1946. The Toronto General Trusts Corp., Bay and Melinda Streets, Toronto 1, Ontario, Admînistrator. By Apha I. Hodgmns, its solicitor henein. 24-3 Plumbing Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for Oil-O-Magice 011 Burners Installed in Any Type of Furnace Jack Drough Phone 2384 3 King StW. Livcstock For Sale COW, 6 yrs. old. fresh. Phone1 2895. 24-1* SEVEN Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply R. Stenger, Enniskil- len, phone 2824. 24-1* FIVE pigs for sale, 6 months old. Also one Holstein bull, 10 months old. Phone 2895. 24-1 PIGS-Three registered sows, first1 litter, also registered boar, s0w with eight pigs. Phone Clarke 1914. 24-1* FIVE cows recentiy renewed, Durham, Holstein and Holstein and Jersey mixed, ail young ex- cept one. Apply Thos. Coiliss, Maple Grove (1/ mile north of Harvey Brooks) after 6 p.m. 24-1* JUNE Bray chicks for prompt de- livery in some breeds. Ask for particulars. July-August hatch- ing to order. Take stock, order now. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 24-1 BARQAINS in Barred Rock and assorted heavy breed chicks for this week and next. Barred Rocks: non-sexed 9.95, pullets 11.95, cock- erels 9.75. Assorted heavy breeds: non-sexed 8.95, pullets 10.95, and cockerels 9.50 per hundred. This advertisenwnt must accompany your order to receive these spe- cial prices. Shipped C.O.D. any- where. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 24-2 "THARS money in themn thar green grass ranges Mister" and a fiock of Tweddle chicks will ga- ther it Up and put it right in your pocket.: Prompt delivery of your Tweddle chicks now will assure bigger profits because plentiful grass range will do a lot to lower feed costs. Tweddle prices are re- duced again after June 15. Fuel costs are lower at this time of year and the market demand for eggs and chieken meat is practic- ally unlimited. It is good business judgment to order extra Tweddie chicks now. No waitîng, prompt delivery. Free catalogue. Also older pullets eîght weeks to 20 weeks. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Ltd., Fergus, Ont. 23-2 Notice to Creditors Creditors of Milton G. Gay, late of the Township of Darlington, County of Durham, Farmer, who died at the Township of Darling- ton, December 2nd, 1945, are re- quested to send particulars of their dlaims to the undersigned before July l3th, 1946, after which date his estate will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, and the Executor will not be liable for any dlaims of which he has not then received notice. DATED AT OSHAWA, May 31st, 1946. W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., Bank of Montreal Building, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 23-2 Notice to Creditors STRAWBERRY pickers. Phone Fergus Morrili, 2456. 24-1 CAPABLE girl or woman for workz in Bowmanvihle Cleaners and Dyers. 24-1 GIRL or woman for housework daiiy. Apply Mrs. W. C. Rc>we, 73 Centre St., Phone 691. 24-3 BOYS wanted. Apply Brookdale- Kingsway, near C.N.R. Station. 23-tf AN OPPORTUNITY-Estabiished Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and be- tween the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business of your own. For full panticulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. 0-B-7, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Que. 23-4 TEN4DERS TENDERS for the painting and decorating of Shaw's and Provi- dence school houses will be ne- ceived by the undersigned up to June 25, work to be completed during Juiy and August. The lowest on any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Signed: J. D. HOGARTH, Secretary-Treasurer, Hampton, Ont. 24-2 * TENDERS TENDERS for painting: Bowman- ville Cemetery Committee asks for tenders for painting the two buildings in the cemeteny. Spec- ifications obtainable at the Clerk's office, Town Hall. Replies must be receive4 by Wediiesday, June 12, in cane of Town Clerk, A. J. Lyle. Ray Diliing, Chairman. Clix De Luxe Camera with Case ------------ $4.95 L\DR UG 9 eÀ For Your Family Medicines -choose prWducts made by the Nyal Comnpany with over haif a 'cent- ury's repu tation - for Quality, Efficiency and Economy. Obtainable only ai your .Tdependent Nyal Drug Store 1 OE. S B LY BERLOU - Moth Proofs for Eyes1 Wanted To Buy FARMS and appie orchards, W. J. Warren, Real Estate. 64 Kent Road, Toronto. 24-3* LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7-r-13 reverse charges. 24-7* FEATHERS and feather beds of- ail descriptions. Highest prices pald. Write particulars to Queeni City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 12-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Dshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 to $10 accord- ing to weight. Margwiil Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanviile 2679. 52-tf IMMEDIATELY, small holding or farm near Bowmanviile, good buildings, modernly equipped. Cash. Interested in small orch- ard and other fruits, but not abso- lutely essential. Write Box 689, Statesmail Office, Bowmanville. 24-1* Help Wanted tharaugh job on youn radio. For this type of senvice, phone 2174. 102 Elgin Street, Bowmanviile. 24-1 ATTENTION! Are you thinking of painting that house? Do it now! See me for free estimates. Spray or brush, oiy best af paint used. F. Carter, 24 Division Street, Bowvmanville. 24-2* 1TENDERS The Bowmanviile Board of Ed- ucation nequests tenders for thea fallowing wank at the High School. 1. Paint wooden fende at east side of High Schoai pnopenty. To be completed by July lst. 2. Redecar'ate Assembly Hall. 3. Caulking ail windows. Spe- cificatians may be seen at secne- tany's office. 4. Above tenders ta be in the hands of secnetany by 6 p.m. Wed- nesday, June l9th. BOWMANVILLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Stuat R. James, Sec.-Treasurer. 24-1 TENDERS Sealed Tenders, marked (Ten- der for drawing coal) wiii be ne- ceived by the undensîgned up to 6 p.m., June 20, for hauling ap- pnoximateiy 50 ton of Stocker Coal fnom Canada Coal Company's coal sheds at dock, Toronto, to Continuation Schooi, Biackstock, coal ta be delivened as required. Tender ta state rate per cwt. Lowest on any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Dated at Biackstock this lst day of June, 1946. Henry Thompsan, Sec.-Treas., Nestleton, Ont. 23-2 Aerosol D.D.T. Bo kilts inseets ------ mbM ----- $3.98* RAYSM -tin 30e ------ 25e ----- 30c ----- 45c 50c-$1.29 URL Permanent* Glasses - $9.50 . jec Razors* -ead 23.95 EEDS -39c-59c 011 - 30c-60e OSc - 29c-49c -25c-49c ----- - 59e -- 25c-49c LSc-33c-69c 5c-29c a 39c-67c CESM 69c-$1.59 23c-39c-69c 2 for lic a -- ------- 19C ý1.31 - $2.57 E We Fi E rse Fitted a GARDEN SPI BoreauxArMinte Syand rae ----- Pyai Geen---- ------- %-4-D Weed Killer CHARM KU $1.35 Tone Ray Sun $2.50 - $3.00 Remington Electri 2-head 19.25 - 3-lh SUMMER NE Noxzema .-------- Noxzema Suntan( or Cream -------- Tanzel for burns LOW PRI( Lactogen ------- Corega Powd. -- Lux Soap ------- 100 A.S.A. tabs. --- 5 years- --s j BERRY BOXES Malcolmn AInslie N EWCASTLE Agent for Canada Wood Products Ltd. %ý SHAMPOU Softer l Safori1 Halo------------- F SofteiriÎSgiferÎl Vitof --------------- Kreml ------------- -Cocoanut Ol0------ Fitch ---------- l Palmoilve --------- D ren e ------------ -- COWLING'S DRUG STORI John T. McCreery Optometrist Examined -Glasses 1 Thursday - 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Optical Repaira COWLING'S DRUG STORE PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMT - PHONE 095 TWJO unfurnished rooms, no chil- dren. Write Box 690, Statesman Office. 24-1* SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per .nonth. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Notice Dr. W. H. Birks' 4èffice wiflle closed from June lst to June 30M, inclusive. <1-6 Dr. Storey's office wili be ciosed June 28th to Sept. lst, inclusive.ý 24-8' Wanted to Rent VETERAN urgently requires ac- commodation for famlly near Bowmanviiie- before September, temporary or permanent. Write P.O. Box 70. 24-1* Work Wanted TRACTOR custom work, ploufgh- ing, cuitivating, discing. I also have John Deere tractor repair parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. 17.tf-4* ýr years ----------- eýi

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