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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1946, p. 7

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TRU1.sTafAV TmiTM!1&h.1946 lb UUUUÀUUUUUUUUUUUU louUÀlu-R [i SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 643 Mrs. J. A. Chant, Chapleau, is «É with her son Mr. Paul Chant. 0 Miss Shirley Campbell, Toronto, r is vîsiting Miss* Eileen Couch. i Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham, Van- couver, B.C., is visiting her sister1 Mis. F. M. Cryderman, Silver St.1 Miss Dorothy Richards and Mr. ken Burnsidès, Toronto, were vis- itors at Mr. W. J. Richards. Larry Chant spent the week- end with his cousins Tom and John Venner, Newcastle. Mrs. J. E. Elliott is visiting with frîends at Allenwood and Cold- water. Mrs. E. Bennett, Oshawa, visit- ed her sisters, Mrs. T. Bennett and Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard. * Master David Vanson, Oshawa,1 Ler v visited his cousins Bill and Gerryg Clarke. ,4~ Misses Dorothy Smale and 01- /~4 ~tiven Davies, Hamilton, spent the Miss Frances Gallagher of Let- - ,,~~ ~ ~terkenny, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Newman and Ruth. ~' ~ His many friends will be glad iefz to know that Jimmy Wight is home fro m the hospital and get- ting along fine. COME in salon and soi theé Mrs. Ji. E. Elliott is visiting her" newest and smnortest of al N sister-in-law, Mrs. W. C. Hick- fine silverware pateri-~ ling and attending the Taylor re- 'ternally Yours" by 1847 union at Wasaga Beach on Thurs- eogersandBradtinhandReeve Sidney Little and Deputy beauy an traitro andReeve A. W. Northcutt are in Co- possesses many. new fe. bourg this week attending the re- hires, somne found only ini gular session of the United fine sterling silve,'. A sev Counties Council. iCOt 35 fo' oisWth next week's Statesman Ïfor the special edition "Salute to il Agriculture." Merchants are re- onne quested to have their copy in 1841 ROGERS R S, aiso Pul Canaa's ines Mr. and Mrs. C. W. M. Elliott C.M. Murdoff, Lindsay, were Sunday guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Robt. Nicholson. ADD1 ~ Cream of Barley Camp reopens MARRIS~ shortly under new management. Workmen are busy repairing ca- bins andi groundis andi it is expect- JEWE LERYed a public announcement will be JEWE LERYmade on regulations affecting the King St., W. Bowmanville local public. _____________________ Mr. andi Mrs. F. O. McIl.veen accompanieci by her mother Mrs. Stoves a Ranges Refrigerators Ice Boxes We are pleased to announce that q we have been appointed ",Authorized Dealer"" for McClary produets in Bow- manville and District. See advertisement page 9 - picture section Toronto Star Weekly THE RADIO SROP EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS 38 King St. E. Phone 573 Bownianville Edmondstone's IMarket During the hot suimmer rnonths you require the right type Qf foods. We are happy to be able to supply you with the best meat, groceries and fruit for a balanced smmer diet. Corne in to-day and look arou.nd. -We Deliver Eduoudstonl's Marlket Phone 375 Harvey Jointy,, Proprietor Bowmanvflle, Ont. P1anuulng to Duili? PHONE 611I Bowmaflville Sand and Gravel Supply I Hu Hu.«FICE, Proptietor ZAVEL -SAN~D - CINDE LOAX FILL M ANURE Ai. Asquith motoreci to Auburn over the week-end. Mrs. Asquth remained for a visit wi'th relat- ives. Rev. Elgie Joblin, brother of Miss Gladys Joblin of the local Public School teaching staff, re- ceived his Master of Arts degree at the graduation exercises at Convocation Hall last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langstone andi sons, Ernest and Victor, Tor- onto; Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Hopps, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. andi Mrs. S. H. Wood, Carlisle Ave. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. oNTAPid J1 RE idi fe: TI se Co w tc tt di hi ai iv Congratulations to Mr. Oswpld C Anderson, son of Mr. andi Mrs. L. VI H. Anderson who has obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree at Tor- cc onto Universitry. He was appoint- B, ed recently to the Peterborough CI lteaching staff. si Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Mrs. al Ahex Campbell, Mrs.. J. Coyhe, ci Mrs. D. F. Henry, Miss F. M. Galbraith attendeci the annual Sý meeting of the Peterborough Pres- byterial W.M.S. held in Center- P ville.a Misseci from the list appearing 0: in last week's Statesman. Mrs.i Muriel Dunn's Euchre Club con-i tributeci $10 to the Soldiers' Day Fund. It is expecteci that all whà contributeci to the funci will be a formally thankeci when the Cun-k cil reports on the finance of the day are tableci. Landscape designer Oliver t Roberts this week took charge of trimming heciges in front of St. John's rectory. His work has caus-S ed much favorable comment. ItX is behieveci he has purchased flowers to iinprove the appear-t ance of the rockery as wehl. Correction:-In hast wieek's eci-r ition Miss Ruth Stevens was er- roneously designateci as a Reg- istered Nurse. It shoulci have read t that she was a graduate nurse, as she will write further examinat- ions before receiving her degr.ee R.N. Mrs. Muriel Symons and Missr Vivian Bunner were in Toronto on Thursday afternoon attendîng the graduation exercises at Con- vocation Hall when Kelvin Sy-t mons received the degree of Ba- chelor of Applieci Science as a Ci- vil Engineer. Kelvin has a posi- tion with the Dept. of Health, Toronto.t Group No. 2, St. Pauh's W.A.t helci a very pleasant birthday par- ty in the lecture room, June 5th. Mrs. S. McAlister openeci the meeting by reading the W.A. mot- to. Mrs. Haroldi Ferguson, presi- dent of the W.A. cut the birthday cake for the 22 members andi guests. All enjoyed the bounti- ful supper and social afternoon. The editor of The Statesman was pleaseci to receive an invita- tion to the Highland Park High Schooh graduation exercises on June 13 at Metropolitan Methodist Church. Among the graduates is Miss Mary Jane Ashton, daughter of Mr. G. Elmo Ashton, formerly« of Enfield, but now residing at 249 Gleneva Ave., Highland Park, 3, Michigan. His many friencis in Bowman- ville wilh be glaci to know that Canon C. R. Spencer, M.A., has sufficiently recovereci from his serious illness while visiting at Victoria, B.C., to return to On- tario. He andi Mrs. Spencer are now at Church Camp, Big Bay Point, where they will spenci the summ er. Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, Osh- awa, andi a former popular pastor of Hampton circuit, was honoýed last week by the congregation of Centre Street Unitedi Church, Oshawa, when a large cirche of friencis gathereci on the 50th an- niversary of his ordination. Rev. Mr. Anderson was ordained on TENDERS TENDERS FOR COAL and COKE Federal Buildings-Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS acidresseci to the undersigneci, and endorseci "Tender for ýCoal," wilh be receiv- eci until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Friday, June 28, 1046, for the supp1ly of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attacned can be obtaineci from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, andi the Super- vising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supphieci by the Depart- ment andi in accordance with de- partmental specifications andi @on- citions attacheci thereto. Coal dealers' licence numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves the rîght to demanci from a.ny success- ful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certifieci cheque on a chartereci bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Can- ada or of the Canadian National Railvýay Company and iîts constit- uent companies unconditionahly guaranteed as to principal and in- terest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioneci bonds and a certified cheque, if requîred to make up an oddc amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil- ment of the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 7, 1946. 24-2 'e 7, 1896, at Trenton when Lev. T. M. Campbell wras pres- lent of the Baiy of Quinte Con- erence of the Methodist Church. ,he late Rev. Dr. Reynar of Co- ýurg preacheci the ordination ermon. Facts Pubhishing Co. of Van- ,uver has compileci some inter- aing figures regarding thé Gen- ýral Motors strike in the U.S.A. )ne statement it makes is that it vi1l take the strikers eight years ýmake up the loss sustained by bose who quit work. Miss Dorothy West, Angus, gra- uate nurse of Belleville General [ospital, is spending a week with er classmate Miss Ruth Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stokes and MIr. George Stokes, L*tle Brit- in, were vtsitors with Mr. and MIrs. Geo. C. Foster Glenn-Larra. Mlr. Wm. Jewell andi Mr. Ryall, >akwood, also calleci. for a short Visit. Miss Patricia Clarke is to be ongratulateci on completing her B.A. Course at St. Michael's College, Toronto. Her parents, Staff Sergt. andi Mrs. Wm. Clarke .ttended the graduation exer- cises. At the *meeting of St. John's Sr. W.A., May 31, Mrs. Arkwright presented Mrs. R. M. Cotton with agold cross and chain on behaîf of the members as a farewell gift prior to her leaving for Austral- ia to live with her daughter. Rev. J. dePencier Wright offereci a prayer for safe journey and ar- rival. Mrs. Cotton appropriately acknowledged the gift andi the kind thoughts* of the members. Gardens, flowers, field crops, trees andi hedges in this district now present an appearance of Iush beauty not seen for several seasons past. Tourists from the U.S.A. coming in increasing num- 1ers are heard exclaiming aboul the beauty of the country. Mrs. Pauline McDonald, Ed- monton, Alta., is visiting her nieCE Mrs. Russell Candler anid renew- ing olci acquaintances in her na- tive town. Congratulations to .Rev. Johr Hoskin, son of Mrs. R. T. Hoskin (nee Eva Wickett) Bowmanville who was ordaineci in New West- minster United Church, Toronto Friday, June 7. Rev. Milton R Sanderson, retiring president oi Toronto Presbytery, formerly oi Enniskillen andi well-known ir this vicinity, delivereci the ad. dress. Rev. Hoskin is leavîni shortly for India as a missionary Those from this district who at. tended the service were his mo. ther, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hos. kmn Hampton, Mr. andi Mrs. How ard Hoskin. Harmony, Mrs. A Gully, Oshawa, and Mr. andi Mrs A. S. Baker, Bowmanvîlle. Zion Mr. Bob Cameron, Miss Dor- othy Wright, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Arnoldi Warren and Roberta, Thornton's Corners, at Fred Ca- meron's.-Misses Eileen Stainton and Marguerite Trevail are hohi- daying at Bracebridge.-Mr. andi Mrs. Wes. Cameron andi Joyce at Stanley Coverly's, Ebenezer.-Mr. andi Mrs. Harvey Balson and Glenn at Jack MacNab's, Hamp- ton.-Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Mrs. W. Glaspel, Mr. andi Mrs. A. T. Stain- ton at Ross Pearce's, Ebenezer.- Miss Edîth Geissberger, Mr. Fred Geissberger, Harmony, at Hans Geissberger's.-Mr. andi Mrs. Rus- sell Robbins andi Ruth, Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Robbins andi Isabel at Norman Down's Ebenezer.-Mr. andi Mrs. Reford Cameron andi Lynda at Chas. Vivian's, Hamp- ton.-Mr. and Mrs. W. Slinger- land, Bowmanvihle, Mr. andi Mrs. Howard ?.bbott andi family, Hay- don, at Percy Davidson's.-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leach andi sons, Mr. andi Mrs. L. Arnott and Har- oldi, Toronto, at Mel Morgan's.- Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Rice Lake.-Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Naylor andi Janet, Mr. andi Mrs. Alex McMaster attendeci the Ayr- shire fieldi day at Lakefielci. The play "Two Coanty Kicis" put on by the Young People on lqu 1 GIFTS Dodd's Kldney Pis - - 43 Bromo-Seltzer ----- ---- 25e-49c Bayer Aspirin - ----- 18e-29e-79e Alka-Seltzer ----------- 29e-57e Fruitatives ------------ 22c-39e GIN PULLS 39C-69C Anacin ----------------- 22e-43-98C Sal Hepatica ------ 30e-59c-$1.15 Chase's Nerve Food ---- 60c-$1.50 Baby's Own Tablets--------- 23e Bile Beans------------------------ 47 Feenamint--------------- 19c-33-69e Fo? June Brides China .. English Chintz - Summertixue Cups and Saucers - Creamns and Sugars - Butter Dishes - Cheese Dishes Cake Plates and Bon Bons. Glass . Pla4es - Bowls- Candlesticks framed Pictures. for any room - floral- scenic and old masters. Aise, Pottery - Brass - Wooden Trays and Bookends. J. W. JEWELL 8 - "BIG 20" PHONE 556 Palmolive Shave Cream 33c-49c Cue Dentifrice ---------- 19C-33C "d4 &4" $ 1 ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS -----16-0z. 59c DON'T FORGET Father's Day June lGth P ip es --- -- ----------- Lighters - --------- Gillette Razors ----- Shaving Kits ------- Shaving Brushes- 87e te $6.50 69e ta $7.50 .- - - - - - - - - « 49c $1.00 te $5.0 -------- 5 C u p -- - - - -- - - - - 49e Cigarettes, 50's ý------------'O-95c Ronson Lighters ---- $5.00-$6.00 Firit Aid Kits -----.--- 75c-$2.50 Cigars------- lle-2 for Z7e-1(e Yardley's Shaving Bowl ----$12 Thermos Botties ------- $1.9-$.35 I I 13TH. Anrnversary SALE A FULL WEEK 0F BARGAINS- JUNE l2th - l9th For 13 years, I.D.A. has maintained it's poliey of bringing you nationally-known merchandize at lowest prices- and in addition I.DA. brand produets of guaranteed quality at prices that give you definite savings. To commemorate our l3th Anniversary in business we offer you a special list of bargains. PHONE 792 for your supplies to-day. IUD.A. Wax Paper ........ 100 ft. 2lc $2.25 Lactogen ................ $1.59 Super-Jumbo Stationery .......... 22c 60c Robinson's Barley............ 33c Tablets - Corn Re 50e Peng Linimen and Sem 25e Syr' Vitamin' Tablets, R.D.A. Minerai 011 16 oz. 40 oz. 39c, A.S.A. Tablets......... I.D.AU MiIk of Magnesia...... 69c CoId Cream ........... C5epoud-------19ey 25e Boracie Acid 19e 29e Blondex -Shampoo----------- 23e LAURA SECORDCA mover ---17e [etrating -t - - - -- - - - 37 kna ------- 19e -up Figs tB. 1 100's --- 29C 33c - 63c ... 19C 27c - 43c 1-1b. 57c C om bs --------------- 9 T4 33e Ever-ReadySuave Cream....23c Hydrogen Peroxide 8 oz. 16 oz. 19c-29c $1.25 Pinkham's Compound....... 87c 25c Calamine Lotion .....i** 18c Poeket Combs ...4c 25e Sun Glasses 19e Jeanette Talcum 14e $1.25 Mercollzed Wax ----------------- 87 35e Putnam's Corn Extractor --------- 24e PR<SCRIPTIONS A SPECIAL X McOREOOR DISDRUCS PHONE 79S - WR DELIVEE 1.I [VIISfHIIN TOLTTSU 3 ISOSWT ROLL 3ROLSfoR 27 June 5th was a grand success. The1 Forest, Oshawa. church was packed to the doors.1 Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowrnanville, Each player took his or her part' at C. W. Souch's. wèll and everybody enjoyed the is. Cumberland, Toronto, with merry laughs at "Hi" andi the olci Mrs. Geo. Farncomb. Horse Doto# "lumbago." Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Allin, Osh- ib awa, with Mrs. Cora Allun, Mar- jory and Florence. TyroneMiss Reta Kerslake, Bowman- ________ville, at T. Salter's. Visitors: Mrs. T. Wray, Mrs. W. G. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mutton, Doidge, Misses Minnie andi Norah Donna and Jean, and Mi. Ray Horn visiteci Mr. andi Mrs. Jack- Mutton, Coîborne, with Mr. and son Wray andi Mr. and hMrs. N. E. Mrs. Howard Philp. Doidge, Oshawa.' Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hughson, Miss Chriss Gimblett, Minnea- Mr. Bill Hughson, Toronto, with polis, Minn., was guest of Mrs. E. Mrs. Mina HughsQn. H. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hather- Mr. Frank Tomlinson, Mr. and ley, Dianne and Judy, Port Credit, Mrs. Sici Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. wîth Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hath- James Welsh, Mr. Geo. Wood, erly. Bowmanville, at Clarence Tom- Mr. andi Mis. Wilbur Davey, linson's. Cobourg, and Mrs. Edigar Rose- Mrs. T. E. Higginbothamn, Miss vea, Prt ope wih M. ad Sarah IVBLean, Vancouver, B.C., ve Pr t Hopeiwith Mr. an M rs. Id a D ilw orth and daughter, Mrs. ussi Roseear.Toronto, IV4rs. Frank Cryderman, Miss. K. Mvacdonald, Oshawa, Bowmanville, were guests of Mrs. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cole. Wm. Macdionaldi. Misses Doreen Wood andi Mar- Mr. andi Mrs. Ronald Scott andi ion Morris, Bowmanville, at S. Mr. Willis Stewart with Mr. and Williams'. Mrs. Russell Stewart. Mr. Ben Congratulations to Mr. andi Mrs. Stewart, Centreton. They also at- Cleve Clemens, Oshawa, (nee Ella tendeci decoration day services, at Cole) on reaching their 40th Centreton. wedding annive5a1'y. Mr. Percy Hayward, Ajax, with Ail ladies of the community are Mr.Htad invited to atend a meeting in St. Mrs. R. Hatherly with Mr. andi John's Parish Hall, Bowmanville, Mrs. Bob Mowers andi Mr. Harry Friday, June l4th, at 3 o'clock, Hooey, Oshawa. Glaci to know Mr. when Miss Elliott. of Dept. of Hooey is improving. Agriculture, Consumers Branch, * Mr. Wm. Virtue is with his will give a talk on frozen foods,. daughter, Mrs. Jas. BaIl, Lgeskard. and their preparation. Lantern Mr. andi Mrs. Joe McRoberts, slides will be shown. Miss Mabel McRoberts accompan- Our pastor occupieci the pulpit ied MVr. and Mrs. Henry Wood and on Sunday evening andi preached t family to Oshawa and visiteci Mr. an excellent sermon, andi will be f and Mrs. Charlie Johnson. in charge of next Sunday even- 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clif- ing's service. Sunday School wilh eford and Grenville, with Mr. and be held i the afternoon. Anni- Mrs. John Lillicrapp. Mr. and vrsr iàctice on Thursday ev- 1 Mrs. Walter Park andi Cecile with ening. Mr. andi Mrs. DeVal at Peterboro. Home andi School Association Mrs. George Ahîdreaci left Sun- held a picnic in the park on Sat- e day for Moncton, N.B., after re- urday afternoon when about 60 -ceiving a caîl that her father, Mr. chiîdren and adults were present. -Gaskin, haci been seriously hur't Sports ànd races were conducteci being run over by a roller. by the teachers, Mr. R. Farrow n and Mrs. C. Warren after which -' all enjoyeci a picnîc supper. Prizes Hampton were awarded for races. ________Mss. E. H. Cole attended the Visiors:40th wedding anniversary cele- L Visr. nsMs.N .Yelwesbration of Mr. and M.rs. Cleve d Mr andMrs N. . YlloweesClemence, Oshawa, on Thursday. pf with friencis in Owen Sound. _________ n Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. G. -Keetch's were Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Weekly crop report, Durham 9Hancock and Earl and Harold County, from Ont. Dept. of Agri- Linton, Mr. B. Goodman, Mr. andi culture: Crop conditions excel- -Mrs. W. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. lent. Tomato acreage up 30 to 40 1 m PAGE SEVEN per cent. Corn planting general. Staff Sergt. Bill Clarke, R.COE. Many calis for farm help but no Chilliwack, B.C., is' on leave and one offering to do farm work. is visiting bis family here. The Estelle Beauty Salon WVITI- FIFTEEN YEARS EXP ERIENCE IS, AT YOUR SERVICE »" Every Day Except Saturdays - il MAKE APPOINTMENTS, EARLY Coid Waves $10-00. $12-50 $1 500 Other Permnanents at various and reasonable prices to suit eyeryone.- SPECIAL SHAMPOO OIL TREATED PADS EXPERT. CONSULTATION PRFL8CRIBED TEST CURLS TREATMENT FOR DRY ENDIS OIL BASEfl WAVING LOTION INDIVIDUAL STYLED SETTING PHONE 4«3 "Es telle" BEAUTY SALON M.r. and Mrs. H. Biokie Corner George & Church Sts. BOWMANVILLE 11 Gem Razor - 1 1 1 RB GE

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