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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1946, p. 8

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THUBSDAY, JUN4E 1»9h- 1946 .!----- . . - l- V-. pM A ldn Bowmauville Cemetery. Memorial and Decoration Day ut. 3.30 p.m. Sunday, lune 23rd,1946 Service conducted by zBowmanville' Ministerial Association music BY BOWMANVILLE BAND Clarke Union Mr. Bayaert is a very busy man these days building drying kilns and planting his tobacco crop. Mr. ard Mrs. Elvin Foster and sister, Barrie, visîted Mr. S. D. Souch. Several farmers are putt.ing in large acreages of tomatoes for the Campbell Soup Co., Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings vis- ited at her father's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powens and family at his mother's in Osh- awa. Mrs. Charles Cumming, Toron- to at her sister's, Mrs. H. J. Souch. Mr. Roy 'Berry at Newtonville. Maple Grove Mrs. Evelyn Morrow, Toronto, Mr. Otis Pritchard, Manotick, were weekend visitors at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and daughters Bobcaygeon , Miss Ca- therine Minto, R.N., Oshawa, at Edwin Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Jagger, sons Mi- chael and David, Toronto, Major James McBrien, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mrs. L. C. Snowden 's. LAC. Stanley Erickson, who arrived from England by plane, spent a few days with his friend 'Howard Ormigton en route to his home in Aiberta. Our COLD STORAGE FACILITIES wiII protect your winter clothes durmng the summer months. OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING COMPANY LTD. Phone: Zenith IL3000 Collections and Deliveries Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday "New Low Frice.". 9 D.3.L. TEAlb Wetheym24oz PEAOH MM ...jar~ Wetheys Orange 24 o.j MARMALAWLDE jar 33 Clark's Cread <of TOMATrO soup . 2 o oz. SHfREDDED WHIEAT 23 COKFLAKES 2 pkgs.15 Domnol (AUl grades) 6ce ç MOTOR OIL,. . tn 99 AUl merchandise sold at your Domin- ion Store is unconditiôrially guar- faYteed to give 100% satisfaction. Maxweil BouseVacuum 1lbA OOFFEE . Pack Tin .6 Lux, Li!ebuoy bar- ç Several Brand#O 20 oz. WAX BEAU~ tins25 Several Brande Dlced or Soestrng q 2z CARROTS or BE ETS à2tin. 25Ç Dominftrn BREAD loars Neusn5 8 196 z 9 Kraft -8oz ç VELVEETA OHEESE k. 19 Tree-Sweet or Sun-Sweet 6 oz. LEMON JUICE tn IValues Effective/ Until Closing Time Saturday____I PAGE EIGHt- Mrs. J. Gatchell is visiting in Buffalo. Mrs. George Carter with Mrs. F. Willan, Bowmanville. Misses Effie and Helen Glenny with their sister, Mrs. Grant Wil- son, Kinsale. We are sorry that Mrs. H. Haines and Mrs. H. Trick are on the sick list. Miss Bernice Haines, Toronto, Mr. Bill Culley, Toronto, with Mrs. Haines who is in the hospi- tai. Mr. Nelson Hudson, Enniskillen, Mrs. Ed. Cochrane and family, Miss Irene Cochrane and Ronnie Cochtane, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gill and Donnie, and Mrs. James Gi at their cottage in Bobcaygeon. Mr. Tommy Gatcheil with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheli. Mr. -Noble Stevenson at his home in Brooklin. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Carnochan and family with Mr. T. Carnoch- an, Raglan. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dionne (nee Ruth Lunn) granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Dean, on their marniage. Mr. and Mrs. Russeil Dean and fam- ily and Mn. and Mns. Charles Dean attended the reception. Àlackstock A.Y.P.A. was held at the home o! Mrs. J. Carter on June 6 with a good attendance. After the business a presentation was made to Miss E. Peters who is leaving. Tom Hodge was in charge o! a good programme and lunch was served. We welcome Mr. and Mrs.' A. Dean and family to Bunketon. Be sure to attend grand open- ing o! Gili's Store this week which has beén modernized. Bananas - lb. 14e Fresh Green Beans - lb. 25e Texas Tromatoes - - lb. 19e Texas Cooking Onions 21b. I5c. Georgla No. 36 Cantaloupes - ea. 25c- Californi a Oranges No. 344 - - doz. 33c No. 220 - - doz. 49e WEEKEND SPECIAL Strawberries LOCAL GROWN - LOW IPRICE DOMINION STORES LIMITED On Friday evening, June 7 the Ladies' Sewing Circie met at the home o! Mrs. Clifford Pethick. A social hour was spent in games and prizes were awarded. Pot- luck lunch was served after which Mrs. J. A. Plant was pre- sented with a gold brooch, as she wiil soon be leaving.for her new home in Brighton. Mrs. Plant thanked' the ladies for their thoughtfulness. A vote o! thanks was moved to Mrs. Pethick for opening her home at such a busy time. Ail enjoyed a loveiy even- ing. Wilfred Sanderson has sold his farm to Fred Ferguson, Solina, and has purchased a farm in Whitby township. Wedding beils are ringing. Sevenal from here attended En- field anniversary. Mission Band met Sunday mor- ning after Sunday school with President Clarke Werry in charge. Minutes and roll caîl were read by Joe McGili. Donalda Wearn gave -a temperance reading; story by Doreen Rahm. World Friends were distributed. Service Club met at Mrs. H. Milis, May 28tb, with 13 mem- bers present and 3 visitons. The evening was spent doing hospîtai sewîng. Lunch was served by Mrs. Milis and hen group. Several o! the children have measles. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore at- tended the funeral o! Mary Jane McLeod at BomWmanville. Visitors: Mrs. E. C. Ashton with her daughter, Mrs. I. Traveil, Osh- awa.-Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pe- *thick and Mrs. Strutt with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cain, Pontypool.- Miss Annie MeMilian, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pethick, Mrs. Ver- na Wood, Toronto, at Mr. S. R. Pethick's.-Mr. W. J. Bragg, of Bowmanville, at Mr. 0. C. Ash- ton's.-Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wea- ving, Toronto, Mrs. C. Gimblett, Minnesota, Mrs. Ethel Cole, of Hampton, at Mr. W. H. Moore's. -Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Jean and Grace, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton.-Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burgess, Tyrone, visited ber brother Mr. H. Stev- ens. Rev. J. M. Whyte, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. .Howand Ste- vens.-Mr. and Mrs. G. Jukes, Mr. E. Jukes, Mr. W. Leadbeater, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. JA Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pearce, Miss Mary Pearce, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater.-Dr. and Mrs. H. Siemon and Peter, Tononto, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bow- manville, visited Mrs. H. Annis. -Mr. and Mrs. Herb Siemon, Mrs. Silas Trewin, visited Mrs. H. An- nis and Mr. Theo. Siemon 's. Football -Saturday 'evening at Orono, Enniskillen defeated Or- ono 3-2. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Carn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr, Codington, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bates, Haydon, at Mr. D. Carr's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Carr and Car- olyn at Mr. Harold Ormiston's, Enfield. Cadmus Sunday School anniversary ser- vice was well attended on Sun- day a!ternoon. Rev. Park of Wbitby was the guest speaker. He empbasized the need o! betten co- operation and love between par- ents and chiidren in their home life. The Junior chofr o! Cadmus !unnished two numbens aid Miss Leah McQuade was organist. Col- lection was oven $60. Mn. Fred Philp attended the Shothorn Breeders' Field Day on Frîday in Guelph. Mn. Gordon Stinson is able to be out again a!ter bis accident witb the honses. We wish the High School pu- puls !rom this community every success in their June examina- tions at Blackstock this week and next. Recent Visitors: Mn. Clarence Parr witb fiepds. -Miss Bindie Fallis and Mn. F. Waltens and Mrs. Chas. Fallis with Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson.-Mr. and Mns. Wm. Robinson and Mn. Glen Gibson at home.-Mrs. J. E. Elliott with old fniends here.- Mn. and Mrs. E. Archer and Don- ald with Mrs. Wm. Williamson.- Mn. Jack Hanna with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt.-Mr. and Mns. Clare Fallis With relatives here.-Mn. and Mrs. Lesley Bea- cock and Mn. and Mrs. Tommy Cole at anniversary service. W.A. and W.M.S. will meet June l8th at Z p.m. at Mns. Geo. Fowl- er's, Blackstock. The,ý pnogram will be in charge o! Mii. M. Nes- bitt. CAAIN TTSMN ILNIX4OTM A nuipiber froi here attended Ebenezer anniversarY services on Sunday and wene glad to meet and hear their former pastor, Rkv. H. Stainton, also 14rs. Stainton, from. Mimico. Maple Giove Women's Insti- tute met in the school on Monday evening. President Mrs. L. C. Snowden conducted the businýess, mucli of which was a discussion of planis for a garden party in July. Mrs. S9pears then took the chair and called on Miss Lenore Collacutt for a solo which was greatl.y enjoyed. Mrs. Snowden introduced the speaker, Mr. J. J. Mellor, Orono, who le! t us with many worth-while thoughts, em- phasizing the fact that if we are to leave this world a better place, we must not neglect our homes, schools or churches. 1Burketoni Nestieton t t ford, with his sister, Mrs. L. Job- lin. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cole, Ham- ilton, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom and Bob, Toronto, at Mr.,H. Samelîs. Mr. and Mrs. William Samelîs, Nes- tieton, with Mr. and Mns. H. Samelîs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Devitt and family, Mrs. J. L. Brandon, Bob- caygeon, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Allie Jobnstone, Cadmus. Wesleyville Another beautiful Sunday mor- ning with Sunday Sehool at 10:30 and only 29 present. However, the superintendent and teachers were ail present, and the lessons were very interesting and educa- tional. Church service !oilowed Sun- day School at 11:30, with 54 in attendance, who listened to a very interesting sermon preached by Dr. Oke. day morning chunch service was conducted by Dr. Oke when he1 christened Roy Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin, and Diane Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burley. Mr. Howard Barrowclougb bas gone to North Bay to attend a re- habilitation school. Mr. Robent Vanatto. Toronto, spent the weekend with bis cou- sin, Mrs. Leonard Oughtred. Mr. Bill Binsted, Clanemont, spent the weekend with bis un- cie and aunt, Mn. and Mns. Bert Binsted. Mrs. George Dinner is visiting at Welcome with ber daughter, Mrs. Percy Hoskin. Mrs. L. Holdaway is visiting witb relatives in Toronto. Miss Nola Holdaway, Toronto, is visiting her uncle, Mn. Ernest Bowen. Mns. Lloyd Dunbar wbo is tak-' ing a course in therapy at Toron- to spent the weekend with ber ,parents, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Beighton. Mr. Neil Anderson bas accepted TivituJOUAI Rub Minard'o generously into them, and get the bleaaed relief that this reat rubbing liniment hua been brn& ing to people for over 60 years. For aul aprains, twista, aches and soreneas of muscle or oints; for colds and ordinary sore throat; for dandruff and k disorderu, Minard's in excellent.__ Get aboie Ïtoday. .124R MJIAR D'S osLINIMENT C2 ETTING UP If - fin 6370ye enly hall rssteatm b weaty-if yoiwlZ3 is bro&u b 6fu - ig a d rlg -701Mkidusys nMay boteL= .When your kidosys getoSà pfly. G «SiDM. le àq ni. t .ds Pf near Millbrobk. wheels of industry are making Miss Helene Barrowclough who peace time goods avallable and we has been attending Normal School see Pery Snell enjoying a new at Ottawa is home with her par- tractor, Dinner Brog., a new truck, ents, Mr. and Mis. Edgar Barrow- and C. Payne & Sons, a new clough. truck._______ Il Starkville Mrs. S. Brownless has returned :0 Toronto after visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. M. Shutka. Mrs. Llew Halloweil in Bow- rnanville. Miss Beulah Hailowell and Mr. Claude Henry, Toronto, at Mise Norma Hallowefl's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ettwell have gone on a trip. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lyttie and son Garry, Oshawa, at Llew Hallo- well's. Miss Joesi Trim, Oshawa, at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trim. Miss Helena Hallowell -sang a fine solo at Shiloh on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor at Mr. and Mrs. Gus Plitz, Pickering. Mr. Wiil Henry, Newcastle, and Mrs. Austin Henry, Alberta, at Miss Norma Hallowell's and Mr. Sid -Hailoweil's, Cowanville. Misses E. Farrow, H. Dechart and B. Scott in Toronto Mr. Howard Farrow vislted Mr. has returned from Oshawa Hos- Mr. Art McKay at Mrs. R. Boughen's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson and sons at, Mr. Wm. Savery's. Eniskilien 0: Co 0: v1 Nestieton W.I.-met at the home f Mrs. Herman Sameils, June 5th with 14 ladies present. Topic was "Historical Research." Roll aUl, each member gave an item f past history of their farms or illage. Two minute talk was given by Mrs. George Proutt. Program: Reading, Mrs. J. For- der on Hyaciths; solo by Mrs. Hl. Vine, "Annie Laurie;" reading by Mrs. L. Joblin, "Always Have a Lilac Tree." Snow contest was put on by Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Plans were made for attending district nnuai at Solina and the soldiers' banquet. Mrs. Samelîs and help- ers served a delicious lunch. Next meeting at Mrs. Cecil Wilson's with Mrs. George Johns as pro- gram convener. Mrs. Grawitz and Mr. and Mrs. Glunz, Buffalo, visited Mrs. Ag- nes Shepard. Mrs. S. Malcolm visited her son Mr. Neil Malcolm. Mrs. G. Panke and Marlyn, of. Woodbnidge, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Johns. Mr. andMrs. Wesley Beacock attended the diamond wedding of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Anderson at Cameron. Miss Gwen Brooks, Bowman- ville, and Mr. Willard Cook, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Mr. and Ms. Wm. Steele with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMulien, Lotus. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McKins- try and Miss Snowie Marlow, Ohawa, with Mrs. R. W. Mariow. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Sameils. Mrs. L. Joblin with her moth- er, Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Wayne with friends at Yel- verton. S! $3m95 A large shlpment of smart new semmer dresses have juat arrived. Now's the tlime to corne in and pick out Just what you have been waling for. We have a large varlety to choose from and a wlde varlety of sizes. Moderately .prlced from to $19350 Couch, iohnston & Cryderman IPHONE m86 0WXAN VMLL Headquarters foi Wirng of Al Kinis We are proud, of the job we can do ini wiring your house or buildings for you. Not only that but we feel th:at we can do a better job. It is not ex- pensive and you may be taking a chance with your old wiring. Consuit Us First IN STOCK Sprlng Cleanang Made Easy .DRAPES aCUSIIION COVERS By Sending Us Your CURTAINS . SLIP COVERS aBLANKETS We have a Laundry or Cleaning Service to Take Care Requiremelits. PILLOWS QUI'LTS of Ail Your YEGMBI GROERYMATRE "New Improved"l RIONNELLO COFFEE 35Ç * lu '4 f I. e 5, THREZ-WAY PLUG8 Riggon Electic 1 PHONE 438 42 KING ST., E. Save Time and Labor WITH YOUR FRUIT THIS YEAR!1 Corne in and see the New Electric Canning Machine We'have them in stock ready to fi your order. D. D. T. Sprays, for Barn and Livestock 2-4-D the Wonder Weed Killer Bug Blitzers for flies and insects of ail kinds. A shipment of OÙ Bu.rning Heaters due smon. Place your order now. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR 0 Case Farm Machinery - Firestone Tires f DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment 91 King St. W. Phone 497 CURRFM TAPS Nestleton .' TWO-WAY SOCKETIS

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