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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1946, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JIJNE 27th, 1946 Production Figure, Give Clear Picture Of Available Food In the latest release of the On- tario Dept. of Agriculture, it is noted* That production of cream- ery butter is down in May by 10.9 per cent. Production of ched- dar cheese is down 25.3 per cent. Commercial sales of fluid milk are up by a bare fraction, but the general picture of domestie and export requirements are a woeful indication that farm production is declining by "leaps and bounds." Let us look at the figures: In the first five months, 1945, Dur- ham county produced more than 293 thousand pounds of creamery butter. In 1946 only 254,000. At the same time what of our ex- ports? In April, 1945, we shipped to Britain, two and a haîf million pounds of cheese. In the same period, 1946, only 266 thousand pounds. Likewise in butter in the same period, 1945, we sent 546,000 I M ORE people borrow money at Household Finance than from any other loan company in Canada (over 140,000 in 1945). Such great preference means you get more at Household, more in service, consideration, and most important of ail, reduced rates. See the sample costs made possible by Household 's reduced rates. For example, a $100 loan repaid in 6 monthly instalments costs only $5.30; a $300 6-pay- ment loan only $ 15.96. When you make your loan at Household, you choose the pay- ment plan that fits your budget best. Payments shown include 3 Paymis. 6 basuats. lbs. and only 186,000 this year. Last year we sent over 4 million lbs. condensed milk; this year a million and a quarter. Last year we sent two million lbs. evapor- ated milk overseas; this year oniy 912,000 lbs. This is the picture to- day. What of Durham County? We quote:. In 5 months of 1945 we produced 293,000 lbs. creamery butter; in 1946, same period, on- ly 254,000 lbs. But in Northumn- berland county according to infor- mation in the officiai, May report, Dairy Dept. Minister of Agricul- ture, Ontario: Northumberland County farm production has fal- len. Five months, 1945, in Nor- thumberland, dairy butter, equal led 747,000 lbs. In 1946, same period, only 663,000 lbs. Same county in cheddar cheese. 1945, 632,000 lbs.; in 1946 only 364,000 lbs. In Northumberland, general farm production was given as in 1945: 530,000 lbs.; in 1946, 330,000 lbs. as a basic chart of current trends. Thrifty, Iasting, Iovely "*STOCKINGS IN A BOTTLE' Easy to opply, quick to dry, slow to wear off, wonderful Velva leg Film makes your legs and ankles look lovelier thon ever before. Smart with any costume, indispensable with sportswear. Sun Beige-Sun Bronze Volvo Leg Film, 1.00 Sleek. the frogront creom that removes hair and leoves legs satin-smooth, .85 and 1.25. Jury . Loveli THE REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 778 principal and charges - no fines, discounts, extras of any kind. Lous Mode SimpIy, Gukckly You can arrange your Household loan by telephone. Or visit the Household office if you prefer. You need no help fromi outsiders to get your rnoney at Household- noguarantors,no bankable security. If you can make the monthly pay- ments shown, you can ask for any amount you need. And usually. get your cash the same day you apply. Remember. you can get your boan for les at Household thgin at any other Small Loans Comnpany in your community. See the table below and plan your loan now. 112 taymts.I15 baymts.I20 baymts.124 IaYmts.j $25 $ 8.58 $ 4.39 50 17.17 8.78 100 34.34 17.55 $ 9.17 $ 7.49 »00 68.68 35.11 18.34. 14.99 300 103.01 52.66 27.50 22.48 $17.47 400 137.35 70.21 36.67 29.98 23.30 su0 171.69 87.76 45.84 37.47 29.12 600 206.03 105.32 55.01 44.97 34.95 $29.95 700 240.37 122.87 64.18 52.46 40.77 34.95 10001 343.381 175.531 91.68 74.941 58.25 49.92 IHOUSEHOLD FINANCE 8.%CX£D SiY68 YU$ RS CF XPEIME Coead*s laigest anid "si SmliI Loani Comparny widh 36 offices in 32 chlia G. A. V. Spencer, Manager 15 SImcoe St. South (Over Kr.sg.'s) OSHAWA, ONT. Phffl. O"hwa 3601 Homa 9 to 5 or by oppointm.nt - Loarasmode in nearby towns SPORT NEWS Royals Beat Peterboro Solina Humbles E!At Lift Lock CitY Bowmanville 2-0 By Score of 10-6 In League Football The final score was 10-6 in fav- DefaigSln eiiey3 or of Bowmanville Royals when i tef t eeoingdeinsiheya- they took on Peterboro on their i hi is etn nteDr 1home grounds, Saturday, in their lington Football League, Bow- Ssecond tilt in the Intermediate manville's strong eleven went to -Lakeshore Basebali League. The Solina Wednesday evening, June 1Royals step into second place be- 19, where on a larger field they ehind Port Hope as a resuit of the hoped to. repeat their win and ewin while the Petes faîl to third maintain top position in the offi- Îposition. The same teams meet cial standing. But Solina came Dagain on the same field Saturday, through with a 2-0 verdict to at- 1the game to be broadcast over tain the lead in the league,.with iCKEX, Dial 1430, at 6:30 p.m. Bowmanville second by virtue of Veteran Clarence (Porky) Os- one tîed game. tborne, of The Statesman staff Play in the first haîf was hard went the nine innings on the and even. In the second haif mound for Bowmanville and had Solina put on the pressure. Their good support. Baz Murphy went first goal came from a penalty four innings for Peterborough shot awarded by Referee Couch before young Bill Edger, son of Courtice when a Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Art Edger, Bow- back handled the bahl in the goal manville, took over to pitch star area. John Baker scored it. The bail. He struck out six but a flur- second goal came from a corner ry of bunts by the Royals in the kick when the samne player head- sixth, plus errors behind him, ed into the net. netted five runs for the Royals, a Thr wscoidabep- iead not overcome. te wscnidrbepo When the sixth opened, Peter- ts raised by the visiting team at boro led 6-4 so the Royals swîtch - certain points but the hard-boiled ed t an nexecte butingat-referee held to his impartial de- edc to an unlepethed bun.tin t-cisions. Ail other teams in the atkwhich fied theansacks.uTen league have împroved greatly, a tw-be er or ad ba doules by with Hampton particularly a Melvee, ohlwedbysiniesbystrong contender. Hence the Crombie, T. Bagneli and Yourth, playoffs wili be a toss-up. It is netted five runs. Royals got an- to be regretted that results of other in the seventh when W. other games have not been re- Bagneil waiked, stole and came ported to The Statesman in the home on a hit by Ai Osborne. unavoidable absence of our re- Features were two for two hitspotr by Bill Bagneil and a triple bypotr pitcher Porky Osborne and spien- Bowmanville: Goal, Knight; did catches in Royals outfield. fullbacks, Lobb and Potter; halves, The summary: Bathgate, T. Graham, Wiseman; Earned runs, Bowmanville 4; forwards, Perfect, Bates, J. Gra- Peterborough 2. Runs batted in, ham, Murdoch, Sanderson. W. Bagnell 3, A. *Osborne 2, Solina: Goal, Bryce Brown; full- Yourth 2, McIlveen 2, Foley 2, backs, Jack Reynolds, Yellow- A. Clark 2, Girard 1. Sacrifices, lees; halves, H. Potter, R. Scott, W. Bagneli 2, Wade. Stolen bases, F. Wotten; forwards, T. Baker, J. W. Bagneil 3, Richards 2, Ml- Baker, A. Reynolds, C. Lang- veen 2, C. Osborne, Whatley, maid, J. Potter. Wade, B. Murphy 2. Double play, Marphy to Kingdon to Whatiey.RUA TEML DSLAU Three-base hits, C. Osborne, andRUA EML DSEGE Whatley. Two-base hits, W. Bag- neil, Yourth, McIlveen, Girard, B. The Town Softbail League ad- Murphy. Hits, off Osborne, 12 in vanced two more games this week 9 innings; off Murphy 5 in 4; off when the Rural team defeated Edger, 6 in 5. Struck out, by Os- Front Street 11-6 and the Foun- borne 1; Murphy 4; Edger 7. Base dry defeated Pepsi-Cola 11-5. on balis, off Osborne 2; Murphy The R iural team is well out in 3; Edger 2. Wild pitches, Mur- front in the league with the rest phy 2. Losing pitcher, Edger. of the teams fighting for second Passed bail, Garvey 1. place position. The league stan- Time of game: 2.20. ding as issued by Manager Jack Umpires: Kent at plant, Dor- Cole is as follows: mer on bases. Won Lost Pts. Rural------------------ 5 0 10 Easier were it to huri the root- Legion -----------2 1 4 ed mountain from its base, than Pepsi Cola ----- 2 2 4 force the yoke of slavery upon Front Street ----- 2 3 4 men determined to be free.-Sou- Foundry --------- 2 3 4 they. Goodyear --- -------- 0 4 0 WALKER'S whites your way to summer C.NX.R. Tickets Lovely New JUDY BOND BLOUSES with a Jewellery neckline. Its a cool white rayon eyelet embroidered crepe, and in typical Judy Bond fashion; is tailored and detailed to add charm to ail your suits. Sizes 32 to 38. COTTON LACE BLOUSES G3nowy cool white crisp cotton lace. You.r choice of frilly jabot or tie front. Sizes 14 to 18. $2869 W/e" S/OýWÀ, 1ud Ennisklllen Beats Orono 4-0 Un League Football That Enniskillen football eleven will be a strong contender in the playoffs of the Darlington Foot- ball League was the opinion heard wher they defeated the fast Or- ono team 4-0 at Enniskillen, June 19. d Jumping the gian with pressure play right from the start, ail four goals were scored in the first haîf. Ross Sharp was the star, netting two goals while Ralph Virtue got one and Orono fumbled to net the other. In the second haif Orono tightened up and pressed hard to hold the rest of the game on even terras. The report of the game mailed to The Statesman failed to in- clude the names of the Orono players while the Enniskillen ]ineup was given as follows: Goal, F. Griffin; backs, 0. Ash- ton, J. Slemon; halves, I. Sharp, H. McLaughlin, C. McLaughlin; forwards, R. Ashton, J. MeLaugh- lin, R. Sharp, R. Virtue, F. Bray. Hampton Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClellan and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McClellan, Toronto, at W. W. Horn's, and Mrs. R. Avery's. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Chatterton, Barrie, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Chatterton. ,Mrs. Sid Kersey and Jean in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Muir and two sons, Caledonia, with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox, Bloyd, and Madlyn with Rev. and Mrs. Frank Cryderman, Elora. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, David and John in Toronto. Frank Wilbur and Sid Allin, Toronto, at Gilbert Adcock's. Mrs. Catherine Jacob, Mr. Wal- ter Jacob, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Jacob and daughter Marilyn, Pontiac, Mich., at W. W. Horn's and Mrs. R. Avery's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holmes, Grand Forks, Mich., Miss Annie E. Allin and Mr. Albert Allun, Bow- rfianville, with Mr. C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Tyrone Around thirty ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. A. Hilîs on Thursday for W.M.S. summer tea. It was an outstanding meeting with Miss E. Sherwin, guest speaker. Her talk was a challenge to all. Mrs. Hughson gave a fine devotional and Miss Stella Best, Orono, gave two fine solos accom- panied by her mother, Mrs. R. Best. Mrs. Ettie Curtis and Miss Woods, Orono, were present, also several ladies from Hampton. Next meeting will be Mission Band and Baby Band picnic. We invite ail ladies to come with the children. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bill Philips and family to the village. They havp moved on to the pro- perty of the late Mr. and -Mrs. B. F. Gardner. Mr. Philips has re- modelled and greatly improved the place. . Mrs. H. Hilîs feul and cracked several ribs Saturday evening. Sorry to hear that the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood- ley passed away Saturday in the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. Funeral was held Monday to Bethesda Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brooks, Jr., and daughter, Mrs. Charlie Brooks Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Small, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billet, ampon, ithMr.A nie Friday. at Tyrone Park. Sunday School will be held as usual, but no church service Sun- day morning owing to Haydon Anniversary. Obituary DRt. ALFRED THOS. COLVILLE Dr. Alfred Thomas Colville, one of Hamilton's oldest physic- ians, died in that city, June 5, in his 84th year. Founder and presi- dent of the Canadian College of Mano-Therapy, Limited, hie was born in Niarn, Scotland, son of the late General Sir Charles Hugh Colville and Lady Sarah Salfour-Fox. He graduated at rinity College, Dublin (BA) and Bombay University, India (MB). Stationed in India for many years, on medîcal work among piague victiras, hie wrote many works on medical topics. Dr. Col- ville was a 33 degree Mason, a member of the Mystic Shrine and founded the Scottish Masonic So- ciety of Canada. A life member of St. George's Society, hie was also a former president of Hamilton Children's Aid' Society. One son, Robert Alfred Sydney Colville, resides in Bowmanville and has been for some years a practitioner of electro-therapy at his home on Liberty St. Wedding BLAKE-QUINNEY The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ai- bert Quinney, Providence, taste- fuliy decorated with a profusion of spring fiowers was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their eldest daughter, Beatrice Elvar, was united in marriage to Ernest William Blake, Tweed, Rev. E. Gordon Bruton, Port Per- ry, uncle of the bride, officiated. Miss Lillian Osborne played the wedding music. The 'bride looked iovely in a floor length gown of blush pink. The tight-fitting bodice and three- quarter length sieeves were of satin. The deep yoke with its dainty ruffle and the fiowing skirt was georgette -sheer. She wore a matching finger-tip veil with halo of pink carnations and car- ried a bouquet of pink carnations and fern. Her only jeweiery was a hand wrought gold pendant, ear-ring and ring set with peari and aqua stone setting, the gif t of the groom. Miss Dorothy Quinney, her sis- ter's only attendant, was gowned in a fitted floor length dress of pale yellow with head-dress of white fiowers and net and white accessories she carried a bouquet of yellow and pink carnations and fern. Her gift from.% the groom was a gold identification bracelet. Mr. Harvey Blake, Tweed, bro- ther of the groom,- was' grooms- man. The groom's gif t to his bro- ther was a gold bar and tie pin set. Followîng the ceremony a re- ception was held on the lawn. The bride's mother wore a two- piece ensemble of yellow and navy printed silk crepe with white accessories and corsage of white carnations. The luncheon was daintily served by Misses Lillian Osborne and Gwendolyn Brooks ably assisted by Mrs. Eva Bragg and Mrs. Reta Osborne. For travelling the bride don- ned a gown of white printed silk jersey with black lace trimmings black and white hat and match- ing black plastic shoes and purse. After a wedding trip to Peter- borough and points east the hap- py couple will reside in Tweed. Prior to hier marriage the bride was honored with a kitchen show- er by the neighbors at the home of Mrs. Eva Bragg. ~Again Available.. IN LIMITED- QUANTITIES iThe 1946 Goblin Vacuum i CLEANS DUSTS BLOWS SPRAYS DEODORIZES $67.50 COMPLETE wlth al Attachments and 25 ft. Rubber Cord - No Fuss - No Dirt In emptying the bag - Goblin features the exclusive Disposable Paper Dust Bag. When full just discard. That's ail. THE R4D10.' SHOP Expert Electrical Repairs 38 King St. B. Phone 573 Bowmanville Graduation CJewellery Gifts MEN ANd' BOYS WATrCHES 4-jeweis movement, luininous Each ------------------- ----- $9.00" (Pi tax) Waterproof and shockpro watches, 15-jewels, 1umlnou!% ial eh---------- (plus tax) FOR THE GIRLS Blrthstone Rings, ln 1O-karat gold. (ff Each -------------------------------- $5.0 (plus tax) HOOPER'iS Jewellery & Gif t Shop Accounting and Secretarial Service Income and Other Government Returns Prepared S- PROSE - Office -- -3473 BASKETS DERRY BOXES Malcolm Ainsie N EWCASTLE Agent for Canada Wood Products Ltd. 0 BASSETT BLOCK 31/2 Simcoe 'St. S. Oshawa, Ontario HAMPERS WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY King St. W. Bowmanville Why MORE Peo pie Make Loans at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Éstelle, Beauty Salon ~ .PHONE 453i Yur friendly littie Beauty Salon is open from 8.30 a.m. until 6 p.m. Every *1 Day Except Saturdays. Ail Lines of Beauty Culture Mrs. H. Bickle Pauline Pawley Ina Maundrell FIND HERE THE CASH LOAN YOU NEED CHOOSE TOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS HERE wa 4 01 1 -'l Bowmanville IPhone 451 THE MODERN STORE

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