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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1946, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN - - - . - - - - .- %V md% s uEA fl 77T V RnfmlD TÉ SAJUNE .7h 1946 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN!I, BWVMAN<VIILLE, L>11 MUL. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 6US Miss Jelva Newman, Toronto, Jersey, visited Miss Florence was the weekend guest of her Werry. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. New- Mrs. P. A. Davie, Youngstown, man. Alta., is visiting her brother, Mr. Mrs. W. C. Jenkins is spending F. S. Coulter. a :w weeks with friends at King- Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, Nn. visited with Mrs. N. S. B. James 4Mrs. May Pearce, Orange, New over the weekend. MWarr's- Jewellery Kinig st., W. Bowmanville Specials "inGas and 011 McCoII Frontenac 30c 79c BURKETON PHONES: Bowinanville 2334 Port Perry 193r4 GAS....................... gai. OIL ....................... gai. ]BRING VOUR OWN CONTAINER LOOK OVER OUR STOCK OP GENERAL SUPPLIMS Gill's General Store' AID GOOTYEAR STRIKE * The Oshawa and District Wage Policy Committee (C.C.L.) urges ail readers of The Statesman to support the striking employees of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Through their Union - Loca! 189 United Rubbier Workers of Amer- ica-they are seeking higher wages and shorter hours in keeping with the policy of the Canadian Con- gress of Labour. This policy is desigiied to prevent depression by increasing the buying power of the people and providing more lobs by reducing the working week to 40 hours. The strike is in the interest of ail - businessmen, merchants and professiollal people - who depend Son the worker's pay cheque for their own ivelihood. Ilp win the - strike!1 Oshawa and District Wage Policy Committee. (C.CL.) I THEr 'fot gauro 9q<JIl'ationa i Closed FOR Alterations UNTIL Juiy Sth I HOLIDAY HELPS Picnics - Paper Plates - Cups Table Covering - Serviettes Wax Paper and Picnlc Baskets Sand Pails and Shovels Metal ------------ 25e and 35e POCKET NOVELS A wide selection for holiday and weekend readig. iL W. JEWELL PHO ÇJE 556 4%1Ia sol, Mr. Herman C. Lapp, Toronto,1 was guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James on Sunday. Mrs. L. J. Barton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Barton, Oshawa. Mrs. Rilla Brown, Peterboro, is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger. Mrs. Beatrice Hall, Toronto, spent the weekend with her fa,, ther, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Dr. Raymond Rogers, Ottawa, spent the weekend with bis par- ents, Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers. Miss Elfieda Slute, Toronto, spent the weekend with her un- cie, Mr. Wm. Painton, Westmount. Mrs. C. G. Kerr who bas been visiting Mrs. W. F. Fale, left Sat- urday for her home in Lethbnidge, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bennett, Vancouver, B.C., visited their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kers- lake.0 Rev. Alfred Carscadden and wife, Toronto, were guests o! bis sister, Mrs. F. H. Morris, Beech avenue. Mr. Hubert Hooper, a member o! the Boys' Training School staff, Gaît, is visiting his mother, Mrs. G. Thetford. Eric Densem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Densem, bas returned from overseas where he was ser- ving with the R.C.A.F. Rev. W. P. Rogers bas been ap- poînted înterim moderator of the Officiai Board of St. Paul's Cburch, Bowmanville. Miss Marjorie Rundle, Bow- manvilie, was weekend guest o! Miss Gwen Caveriy at the Sher- boumne House Club, Toronto. The bi-monthly meeting o! the Bowmanville brancb of the Can- adian Legion will be held tonight (Thursday) in the Union Hall. Mayor C. G. Morris and Mrs. Morris, flew to Vancouver over the weekend where the Mayor wiil attend the annual convention of the Mayors of Canada. Mr. Ralph Carruthers, New~ York City, attended the Ameni- can Library Association conven- tion in Buff alo and is now visit- ing his parents, Mm. and Mrs. W. H. Camuthers. It was announced Tuesday that - the Brownie hike scbeduled for h, Wednesday, July 3rd, has beer postponed. There will be more news in next week's paper re- gamding the hike. Miss Ruth Stevens, recent grad- uate from Belleville General Hos- pital, has been calied back to du- ty at tbat institution by tbe Board of Management. She left Mon- day on ber new assigniment. High Scbool and Public Scbool teachers are now on vacation at various points. Chiidren are f ree too and many are bappiiy pîcking stmawbemries amnong conhercial growers of the district. Tbe Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will bold tbeir annual picmic at Oshawa Beach on Saturday, July 6th. The bus will leave Garton's Garage ai 1:30 p.m., D.S.T. Members pleasE note. Miss Edna Hewson o! the De- partment o! National Welfare Province of Ontario, made the an- -' nual înspection o! tbe obstetmica' jville Hospital on Fiday, JunE *2lst.. * Tire specialist Frank Jamiesor h as a brand new, red ChevrolE *truck for quick delivery and pick. up. Tim Garton aiso had bis nev HAMILTON-FALLIS The marriage o! Lenore Gwen- dolyn Fallis, daughtem o! Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Fallis, Bowmanville, and Donald Calvin Hamilton, son o! Mrs. Hamilton and the late Mr. R. B. Hamilton, Bowmanville, took place in Forest Hill United Church, Toronto, Jutie 22nd. Rev. H. B. Hendershot officiated. The soloist, Miss Jean Malcôlm sang "Because" and "The Lomd's Pray- Gowned in white satin with lace insets fasbioned on pincess lines and extending into a train, ahTd witb a halo headdress and fingertip veil the bride camried a Icascade o! Joanna Hill roses. Mvf s. IGeorge Eaton, matron o! honor, jwas gowned in aqua crepe witb I xatcbing headdress and carried a fan o! gladioli petals. Arthur Ha- milton was groomnsman and the ushers were .Howard Fallis and 1~ ~ ~ A HitsIL ]S.r t f jý%A. 1 1 green, light delivery Studebaker truck snapped up by Northcutt & Smith. Miss Mabel Colwell, Winnipeg, Man.; *Miss D. Smith, Mrs. J. Chote, Toronto; Mrs. A. J. Ly- mer, Oshawa, visited the former's sistermin-law, Mrs. Mina Colwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Col- well. The fast stepping Hampton football team beat 'the Tyrone el- even, Saturday, 5-0. No written report was received by The Statesman, but Jim Reynolds, star back for Hampton, says: "Watch Hampton go from here on., Mr. H. C. McDonald, an insur- ance executive, State of Virgin- ia, was among the numerous United States visitors at Glenn- Larra, King St., east, Bowman- ville, last week. They have registered in from as far as California. The countryside has become football conscious since the Dar- lington League was revived. Ear- ly predictions have been upset and no one ventures to bet on the outcome. Young, fast players show much promise, ail for the good of the game. The Statesman had a miscue in its Salute to Agriculture edition. Under the pîcture of M. H. Sta- pies, the initiais given were M.W., a resident of Orono. But the public got it right from the cut- lines. Mel got a big hand at the farm picnic at Orono for his grand work in arranging facilities on the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morris, May- or Chas. Lamb, Mr. C. M. Mur- doif, Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clemence, Oshawa, at- tended the- Memorial and Decor- * ation service here Sunday. Mayor Lamb and others in his party thought the service and cemetery rwere lovely and a credit to the r old home town. Local officers of the Ontario Provincial Police point out that it is illegal to shoot groundhogs *wîthout, a permit. Even with a *permit it only entîties a person to -hunt on farmn property after ob- *taining permission from the own- er. Permits may be obtained by tenclosing $1 to Dept. of Game rand Fishenies, Toronto, or at Miii- n brook. Everyone is warned thal e shooting will be igidly checked EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday il a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.-Prayer George Langley. The reception was held at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fallis where the bride's mother receiv- ed in a printed silk dress with black accessories, and the groom's mother in a black and white sheer ensemble. For the wedding trip the bride changed to a grey tweed suit with turqsuoise and black accessonies. Bill Bagneil ----- 14 Ted Bagnel --24 Maxie Yourth ----22 Al Osborne - ---il Ed. Hooper ----- 6 Don Williams ---13 Ron Richards --- 16 D. McIlveen 16 C. Osborne------ ?l J. Crombie ----- 7 R. Amnes il ----1 T. Cowan-------- 15 Cordelle---------- 9 E. Witheridge --- 9 Bill Bagneli ieading es with 10, followed Yourth with 8. Haydon Sunday' School Anniversary" SUNDAY, JUNE 3OTH at 1 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. (D.S.T.) Guest Preacher: RRV. W. C. SMITH, Port Perry Special singing by the School, assisted by the Newcastle Maie Quartette and Mrs. Clem Woollings, Toronto. COLLECTION 111N AID OF SOHOOL FUNDS' MONDAY, JULY 1ST Afternoon of Sports starts at 4 p.m. Excellent Supper will be Served at 5 p.m. HIGH CLASS CONCERT AT 8 P.M. The f ollowing Oshawa artists will participate: - Clarence Keith, singing comedian; Joe Milne, comedian and darkey songs; The Swing Sisters, Lorraine and Shirley Harmer,: Singers in fancy costumes; Jean and Don Sheriss, Scotch dances and bagpipeS; Jean Antill, novelty tap dancer, Courtice; Miss Olive Rankine, Toronto, radio soloist, Joe Dixon, pianist. Adults ............... 75c -' Children........... ..40e - Children ............. Adults Superintendent. ILOWEST PRICES, Palm Beach White, Shoe Cleaner -------- Duration Leg-do----- Gaby Sun-tan Lotion Secreta change. Canadian aluniinum industry., 7 9 8 4 2 4 4 4 4 0 i Port Hope BY Park Improvement Committee .Calithumpian Parade Horse Races DASEDALL PETERBORO vs.'PORT HOPE VAUDEVILLE SOTALL 50c 25e Ail "ary. DOXINO m FIREWORKS DANCE ADMISSION fternoon soc Pinaud's Lillanelle Cologne ------------------------- .o Pinaud's Lillanelle Talcum ---------------------60c$1.25 TA47 Friendship Garden's Toilet W ater ------ ---------- $1.25 Eariy American Old Spice Toilet Water ----------- - $1.25 TUBE Max Factor Face Powder Summer Tan---- --- 75c-$1.35 Jane Seymour Face Powder Banana Golden Gleam $1.25-$1.85 ----- 49e -35c-65c MACLEANS LARGESI SELLINGTOOTH FASTE IN GREAT IBRITAINt É B a th in g C a p s - - - - - - N i'v e a 5 k i O Ùu - -- - - Cashmere Bouquet1 Tan Face Powder -- --39c-49c-59c ----50c-$1.00 Copper -- ----- -- 50e GIN PILLS 39C-69C Wampole's Grape Saits ---------------- 50C Khovak Salts 29c-79c Andrew's Liver Saits---------- 44c-77c SalRE LR5 &Z Hepatica 30e- c$.15 stips Paevent Bad Ofeatb a Gîvs Bromo rgtreeheSakigSl2 Seltzer ---25c-49c-95c e tgtf eeh*SrII mIs fl// n/I kii R À çÇ I(1IGemey Talcum ---30e F4~ Weddings HARRIS-RIDER Ena Editb Rider, daughter o! Mrs. C. Rider and the late Mr. Rider, and Gordon Harris, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris o! Wbhitby, were united in marriage in tbe United Cburch at Port Perry. Rev. C. W. Smith conduct- ed the ceremony.' The wedding music vas povded by Mrs. Orde, chumcb organist. The bride given in mamiage by ber uncle, »7r. Roy McMann, wome a long white sheer dress witb lace Inserts and buttoned down front to the waist witb tiny pearl but- tons, waist length matcbing veil held back with spray of white flowers, ýand carried cascade of red roses. The attendants were Miss Annie Nott, as maid of hon- our, gowned in long pale bue sheer witb matcbing shoulder veil beld back witb spray of blue cornflowers. Sbe carried a bou- quet o! pink snapdragons. Miss Dorotby Rider was ber sister's bridesmaid gowned in long yeliow taffeta with pale blue buttons, short puf! sheeves and wore blue gloves witb matching blue veil held back witb spray of yellow roses, and carried mixed bouquet of yellow roses, mauve sweet peas and wbite gladioli. Mr. Arthur Nott acted as best man and Mr. George Nott as usher. At the reception held at the bride's home, whicb was decorat- ed with colored peonies, roses and orange blossoms, the guests were received by the bride's mother who wore a pale blue printed crepe dress and corsage o! yellow roses, assisted by the groom's mother, in a green prînted dress with corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Fred Baker and Mrs. J. Rider, grandmotbers of the bride, pour- ed tea. - Later the couple le!t for points east, amid a shower o! confetti. The bride wore a printed silk jersey witb light green shorty coat and bat timmed wjtb black and black accessories with corsage o! Talisman roses. Out o! town guests were: Mrs. Wm. Harris, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowey. Mr. and Mms. C. W. Mc- Mann, Bowrnanville; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMann, Miss Lenore Me- Mann and Master Jackie, Mr. Roy Papen, Mimico; Mir. and Mrs. W. Rider, Mm. Lionel Rider and Mr. Bud Rider, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. McMann, Mr. -and Mrs. Ed. Run- die, Mr. L. Wakeford and Miss Evelyn McDonald, Toronto, Mrs. Mr. and Mirs. A. Copeland, Osh- awa; Mrs. E. Jennett, Mr. W. C. Mapes, Cannington; Pte. Harold Rider, brother of tbe bride, home on short leave from Glencoe. Sprayers Halo Shampoo ------------ 29c-49e Cue Dentifrice ----- 19c-33c-49e 1 ti i ANT < f"uead4,giwa..SR43 35c-50c-79e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES McOREOO DRUOS PHONE 79S - WB DELIVEI .Save yourself money by getting your many summer'needs NOW at your I.DA. DRUG STORE. Listed here are a f ew suggestions from our large stock of popular products at economy prices. Sun GMasses .... 19c-25c-35c to $1.95 "IIT"I White Shoe Cleaner .. . .. 15c-25c st aid. Dubarry Leg Paint............. $1.00 Un English Health Sats ........ 16-oz. 59c Velvotex Hair Remover........... 25c Tangel ........ for sunburn 50c-$1.25 Kits --- 85c-98e-$2.0O Velvetta Sunburn Cream ------------- 39C Noxzema 17c-39c-59c Noxzema Sun-tan Oil-------------- 30c-60e Alka-Seltzer -- 29c-57e Yankee Clover $1.5 VACATION AND HOLIDAY NEEDS pure Super.Fatted iaicum ----- - auc Irorm a Famous Old Three Flowers Engliah Formule. Cologne - -----$1.25 Cashmere Bouquet 25c Talcum - ------- 29c per cake Vita-Ray Gallivanting 3 fo 75e Cologne ------- $1.25 àpb U a a m du U v a igtAlwilMir. AVERAGES 1 The thing that really makes 1 'Výýter power is me oniy au. .500 .375 .364 .364 .333 .308 .250 .250 .191 .143 .091 .067 .000 .000 Dominion Day Celebrations FOR YOUR GARDEN: Black Leaf "40" ---33c-95c-$2.lS Arsenate of Lead i & 4 lb.---- 23c-72c Bordeaux Mixture i & 5 lb. --- 25c-$1.00 Dixon's Vitamin B-1 ------25c-50c$i.0O @wýý F-- 1 1 a mwmmmmmýý - - MW PAGE SEVES stolen bas- by Maxie, AT 10 a.m. TIRED FEET

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