THE CANAIAN STATTHURSDAYdANVILLY ONTARI PAGE FOUR 11 A4DA TTSABW AVLE NAI PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE ___________________________ CorticeNEW supFUNT.ND Obituary WILL OPEN JULY 29C.HTCKTe 1oru - -ON SSR Prime Minister Mackenzie King RejitrdOpoers CHRUSTIANYS ELECTRIC & HARDWARE Visitors: ONE ER announced in the House of Com- .Li yEpr etr onto, ithMer. and Mrs. GeTor- Mvr. John Essery, one of the mons, Friday, that the first post 3dysrieFE SIAE OSHA A oto, ithMr. nd rs. eo.oldest residents of Centralia, Ont., war peace conference would as- OSHAWA ~Pearce. Mr. Pearce is somewhat > asd quietly away at his home semble in Paris, July 29. He will Spc8 ragmn iaveprovedgsfin ourealthmenMr.fraandWUon July l5th. Mr. Essery, whose represent Canada with Hon. veterans, ~~Mrs. Carl Downr, Mr. and Mrs. ife was Mary Christina Harris Brooke Cla2Ctof and a small sec- By poftft930e12SeiIE veteranshigh school education. WehaeoelfgSLoy Down and Gary, with Fo alntnwsalf-ogrs eaitacmayn i.Ti hdatoveht isrit.Inhi 9rdfistcofeeneydl dalwih h inour hardware, electrical retail sales, and electrical and Mrs. Robbins, Zion.-Mr. and digtnwarad f-lng resrtacfrianacmpaning hali.Thisad200tt.0he.Ktce n BtrO wokad h r. ae erh hdreane xcpio-tem o eaewihItl, o- INE LD. OP PO POE 5 service, and radio departmeflt for four you.fg men Mrs. Stanley Coverley and sosane xetinfenilf5 c ih tlRo- DS learn a wor t we bu nS.issh ldaRynoaisen-igour and strength until con- mania, Bulgaria, Hungary ad OFC 56- RS 56B O L Y&S who are Wlllflg toZion.-MS ldsRyOd ie to bed a few months ago. Finland. It will not be concerfled joyed a pleasant vacation- ~He is survived by his widow, one with the major enem cunrsOHW, NT ing at Muskoka.-Mr. and Mrs. son, William Essery, and one Germany and Japan. ____________________ igaalactry H S not 8er vistor idaur-hter Mrs. Byron Hicks, both In dealing first with these axis While slayto begin with i o shig sfctrdHacogewr vstr n o-J" yo hveanoporuntytolerna usneSeaten tof Huron out. Surviving are satellites, Mr. King suggested it payufaeanl e fvuabe i teeser itrc istnalso seven grandchildren and one was considered as a means lead- and full year round employment, under favourable hewedin o woýigcniin.Yuwl etrained by experts anhelsattending o! great granaison in Winnipeg. An ing to more stable conditions in in thir ,a oportunity ahead a r.eîghth grandson, Fît. Lt. Clif- Europe prior to taking the next interfieldsand have a bright oPBlon with Norm and Mrs. San- ford Hicks was killed on active step of dealing with the major of y'ou if you are willing to work, and anxious to dRss Basonywre. iMr. and Ms service>. aggressors. In choosing a small make progess. MRos.Salwer Corbtt's r.oin. John Essery's father and grand- delegation the Prime Minister Mr. * ad M rs. e G orind. father, who were shoemakers by pointed out that Canada had no APL O: aae f Hardware o lcrcl M.adMs e GdadadÀtrade, came trom England and interest in seeking territory or iPL O-Mngrodued yoMrs.A e weSicmpand settled in Huron councy in the reparations but would simply Department Oshawa.a tnp to OttwAnni Sm pson, anpo er d y. T e ga fth , rk o ac iv a fir nd js Or l iving in the Belleville District, Mrs. M. Summers, Port Hope, onl Perey H. llowartll whose coming to Canada preceded solution. contact Mr. Anderson, Manager, McLean returned home with Mr. Assistant superintendent o f that o! his sona otne ite I iwo h atta ai ~' a utmrdsrbdEoshl Bellvile Stre.and Mrs. Herb Goggins, Scheniec- the Bank of Montreal's Ontario 5hoemakiflg trade, making shoes iament is still sitting and that an- tady, N.Y., who were recent vis- division for the past year, who for some boys as old as sixteen other assembly o! the United Na-Fno H0~h1 q ~ ~~~itors at the Harry McLean home. has been named superintendent who had neyer enjoyed that com- tions meets in New York in Sep- yu oe noevst' Mr. Percy MatthewS was also at o! that division, with headquar- fort before. John Essery s father tember, Mr. King expressedItsrgto.oueod8mnesaetane this home.-Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ters in Toronto.caet hscutyotk Pdub esol tenaar. BZN ýard Mitchell, are holidaying at Mr. Howarth, who is an Eng- land and shortly after arrivai set- But he wvas urged to do so by $,o a earne inlpopI~a l Rice Lake.- Mr. and Mrs. Visci lishman by birth has gained his tled in Usborne township. John Bracken, leader o! the op- oshl iac fio.Th shwmc o -and son Terry, Lorain, Ohio; Mr. banking experience entirely in Following hîs father's death 'n position, with concurrence o! oth- George Todgham, Ohio, at Joe Ontaio, except for a brie! peiod 1875 John Essery attended High er parties. There will be muchnedadhwyu attoepyItself t Georing's.-Miss Doris Mark, To- as assistant manager o! the bank's School in Hamilton, and lter relief everywhere at this an- bigsm dniiainwt o.Ms ie ronto, with Taîbent and Mrs. main Quebec City office and as Victoi-a College which was then' nouncement duing these veny yucnee rag orja ypoe n Geaing.-Mrýs. J. Gearing with assistant superintendent of the located at Cobourg. In 1881 he tiryigimes. rmmeyu ona oshl iac ot Mrs. E. Large, town.-Mrs. (Rev.) Manitoba and Saskatchewan dis- was mannied to Mary Chnistina Boyce, who has been in Hamilton tnict. Before he was appointed Harris of Danlington township, with her son Egerton and Mns. assistant supeintendent o! the Durham county. He farmed in Voice of the People Boyce, accompanied themn on their Ontario district he held the post Usborne township until 1918 when osl h oUwn al ortemnYpa way to Napanee and stopped off o! assistant to the general man- he moved to Centralia. Editor o! The 'Statesrnan, ta ut o et here, to visit her daughter, Mns. agen o! the bank for two years. He was an insunance agent of Clarence Penfound and Mrs. R. The post of assistant supenin- the Usbonne and Hibbert Mutual Dean Sir: Clake, Oshawa.-Mr. and Ms. tendent, which Mn. Howanth is Fine Insurance Company for over On July lst, 1946, a Whitnell, Toronfo, with the lt- vacating, will be taken over by fi! ty years and retired as an agent was tendered to our returned pe- ' c hoeaMnhyPyetPa tens antMrs W.H.Nichols.- W. C oly assistant manager o! ths compafly only hast De(ceni-sonlSetdathhad $0 10$2030$4050$70$C *Master Donald Snider with his o! the bank's King and Yonge ber. fathen at Sudbtiry.-Mr. and Mrs. stneets office, Toronto. Mr. Essery was prominent in were the councilmen and their ,- - Ed. Wordefl, who have spent a Canadians in ail parts o! the politics and was for many years wives while the boys who had Now's the Time for a Complete pesn holiday with relatives, Dominionn now sec the best president o! the South furon 15.......$7.49$1499 2.4829.8 2.4e74 MdS m e Chc-pWeyburn, Sask.-Dr. and Mns. the Canadian Atists' Series o! was the honorary president at gnouped hr n hr trn Davies, John and Marilyn, at Mt. cohour films produced by the the time o! his passing. lie was a dom. Apparently from the Coun- Forest.-Mr. and Mns. George National Film Board. highhy ncspected citizen,-and took cil o! Cartwright's viewpoint it v $4.891 1.3 275 3674546.8 9. This is the you'"ll want to drive on Wright, Oshawa, with' their an active rntenest in church and was to be only the boys whq had your favorite roads - to you.r vacation resort. "LLittle Miss Marilyn Clemens, man, (nee Evelyn Wade), when long career. He was for many and at that only a chosen few, as Be ise Lt u tue-p yu. ca fo sooterToronto, with her grandparents, fiends gathened to tender a show- yeans the econding steward of some f our boys who had so Be ise, Lt u tue-u yor. ar or mooherGordon and Mrs. Tnevail.-Miss er to the couple. Mrs. K. E. Cour- the Methodist Chunch and later nob1y nîkcd thein ives for the driing moe owe, seed pp - andmor Mnth Shpma i enoyig hl-tice, acting as lady o! ceemonie. the United Church of Centrahia. same council anid ail o! us, were idays at Caesarea.-Mr. and Mrs. Lovlyg!t ere openedi,ada-Afiecuhmnhesao a nt even given a niain miles on agaln Carl McDougal, Misses Flora and 50 a hovely china cabinet, the gift m-ember of the session and a fre- Those o! our brave boys who Margaret and Master Donald, o! several fiends combined, was quentdelegate to the Londion were 50 nceremofliously pushed Alian Park, Mich., with Mrs. Ce- presented. The young couple ex- Conference.. His passing, while asidc did not deserve that fate 5<0V6YER0FXPINC clAdams. pressed their appreciation in a not unexpected, is regretted by a for thc moment those same boysCimdSLfe astos moLanCmpYwlh4ofcsi 3cU Sn-genial mannen, after which ne- large number o!f fiends in this donned.the colons, let it be khaki, Congratulations to Donald Sin !reshments were served. comnity navy, air force or what you will, GAR ON S AR GEder on passing his Grade III in YongLdis'EenngAui____uty te gveupal he adhee Piano with honors at the recent iaYoungLdadies'enin A uxit llthey ve up salheyad heren.C ooeta Phn 66BowInanville tions.raoyo usceaia anna Park with an attendance o! Don't stand on your. convic- forth to nobly do thein duty ne-- Cnrtltionst VvanSnd about 20. tions-hive by them. gardless o! come what wilh. -OHWOT hn saa30 Conratlaton ms ic a m nd Women's Association *o! the le who is taught to live upon What is wrong Catwight? er o psnghe Highway held its annual picnic at little owes more to his father's Has the little town of BeetonHur9 a5ob)aponmiLnSadtefUf8sdmidiln.byi (pino wth onrsandalotothe home o! Mrs. Russell Dean, wisdom than he who has a great got to put us to shamne? __________ orothy Hockin on being success- uktnJly1,we21s da f l piano ea.dw oa peiig i-cr.WlimPn.Biackstock, Ont. A pleasant picnic was enjoyed ner. Sports committee composed at the home o! George and Mrs. o! Mrs. J. Gearing and Mrs. H. Edga, with Rev. Frank Cryden- iVcLean, pulled off mnany differ- S O Y 3 l man a nd f amily, Ehora; Mn. and cnt stunts. The ealy morning, C A N A 0 AU N L1 M 1T E 0 't here No Fi,,er Tre ~ IMn. an>d Ms. Harry Wilcox, Mad- nb Ms ean; a, oe' cine and By, mtnMs race, Mrs. Geo. Barber, Mrs. J. Jessie Hogarth, R.N., Bowmnan- Gearing, Mrs. Dean; carrying ville; Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Cry- beans on a straw, Mns. Cccii Ad- derman and famiiy, Oshawa, be- ams, ns hutron; clothes pins ing in attendance. to be puýtsinSrmiik bottie, Mrs. iloo- Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompsof l ey, i~'rs. Geaning; nosin:g bail sev- were the attendants at the wed- ea adKyHtoVr d ding o! the iatter's sister, Miss ea ards, sabeHie Joton eand Younman nd n. Sanke onguessing in a bottie, iVrs. Tooiey, July 6th, in United Church at Mrs. Geo. Barber; teaspooniflgM F f Pontpool.water !rom a glass, Maud Oke and Ca~~~~~~~~ Sa~~~~~otuy or hehrh.~adKyHto; epfoIa A reaily grand stant was made Isabelle Johnstofl, Irma Barber the Highway Sunday School. belle Johnston and Mrs. Shutron, Four tractons, and men number- Kay Hutton and Mrs. McLean; oyt le ing around 20 were on .hand, and shoc-kickiflg, Mrs. Shutron, Kay Tep a great deal o! excavating was ac- Hutton; honcymnoon race, Isabelle complished. A group o! the la- Johnston and Vera Adams, Irmna dies, served dinner on the lawn Barber and Kay Hutton, May io! J. Gearing and served lunch Shipman and Mrs. Tooley; nosing 2-dunig the fte-rnoon, whicn thenickL-.out o!f four, Erma Barber, Tractor Tire Service Depot ' rhrCvne aoe in wn ona PHONE467 ING SILER SS. vcalO. Te tdy book was tion was delivened by Mayor Ro:t Tire 467ably given by Mrs. ly or ab uders Toronto.M Y He,19 1 Complete e Service tice. Refreshments were senved. aysuprted by Controller Mc- MA 6H121 he stood in a smai1, instrumÙents to poiefnsfrsaeu atn' rm A pleasant time ws spent at Calium, an associate with him on dig rom i te eial uiin hilvng ots - ~~~~~~~The voice o! Bowmanville also of the University of Toronto, a self- He believed he ha1 h e oteTereti itra st Jr., past president, Bowmanvilie apme ekr nild, unpaid, dread riddle of dibts1 ies ht uFeeikGatB LionsClub and District Gover- but sustained by a conviction that he that had bafflededclsine idashhdlvdi nomoe "A" 3, Ontario Lions, since the dawn ohsoy eia erieo i onr u'3 iS IVmovýed a resolution on equaliza- was on the track of a great dsoey Spr& 85Ev Cleauming M ci d tion as between clubs o! the two opinion was skepiabtpy-hmnt.Tdy 5ya neighboring countnies. It was His name was Frederick Grant iologists and bi1 eit de i icvrbswr a gates were received with great DRAPES CURTAUNS SI OE LWS consideration for their nemanks had sold bis offie furniture and was whispered ihoptsan tesorofbscivee SLIPCOVRS .PILOWS wene wehcomed by prohonged ap- stricken homes Bnig.bcoeagoige * HO OESBIAKT ULS Mn. Carter left Sunday for the CN of Toronto hiS dcveda 816 ndnispato convention which lasts a f ulliN ENLN treatment for diaes" Cnais.g week ionselgats inere presentfOne o( anseri We have a Laundry or Cleaning Service to Take Care of Ail Your !rom ions lubats in ailprntoFomalvethcnt- asuac o Requiremfents. the wold where they are pre- nnhgad omd~~Oe<~ nraigma senty established. While in the nen, ->ar Quaker City, Mn. Carter plans to diabeticscaet d'OCII1EUthethndpoç th ODSOAEFCLTE ilprtc orwne lte okerou its rudich wepoints , Toronto, hoPinagit 9 i6 thCndaUI framned the Deciaration o! Inde- hope, their VErlieat.thfur. during the summer months. hraotaoudwi ee pendence and the establishment *. ..... on this continent o! our prescrit democracy. OSHAWA LAUNDRY 8& DRY CLEAING I CH , < .... ..... ....;. COMPANY LTD.*oMn.Bak::«:x:.*... ,....p%.:W.I I lo- cO VU-oV - ..l,. . 4.r' FS Q~u" kroUUd W ia c " by amma, . Phono: Zenith 13000 __ j o cr ,j,~:?;>~~7~ Colletion andDelierle Tuesay, hursa. ad Saurda 1946 94- .68 t .53 c anting b the Md of .s after saved S, and nts has xample i to all aing us n ever- ure of Brity uitedo F314