e] Mai Cooled ge and sans, Oshawa, iss Mr. Mc- - Peggy Killen, Toronto, at Robt. Thanks ar ue t n cat rilns- 4s ee Dvdalney fan securing this old-time 0 -0, 5>zi. K he wis een di oisfrienri of his ta give of vacation spentth ekn thLi time ta these services. Rememn- Hamlyn, Oshawa.-Mr. R.A. Son-brtehu1:3.Alwlo. CaionaVaeca349 o. cley, Mariwayne, Alta., Mnir. and brtehu 13.Alwiae 01RA11 ES CafotaVaeCa3 'B*dz2 c Mns. Alfred Sanley, Whitby, Mn. doz 3 C and Mns. Bert Carling, Taranto EM UN Caliornia 300'8 Z at Fred Camenon's.-Mn. an MO VINS WEST L B MSrs. Percy Davidson, George and iie euel " " îprtdEletal~~L CPeggy at Beni Angi's, Oshawa- I awsn » P LIILflLIl Summerberry, Sask., Mn. and muAietBrtih Colubia" dto - lb. ~ ~~~~~Russ e r t a on- r.ad PU rg ats I labhed 1888. U. S. No ~ * Mr. AibentBaisonSolina, at CaognI att& lrorh=BffUe l c R s e l S a n o '6- r n r . 190 'V ege t., Togonto . iagedal 12j U.S N.1Lloyd Metcalfe and Lanry, Osh- pAciKIIlm& 5'arinIeSC8n85e Arxauia0mbs awa, at Aif Ayre's.-Mrs. J. W. P OTA OES ~rungon Grwfl GW 10lbs.39 C McMaster visited Mrs. W. Bray,________ POTA OES urtngtol GowilNewPickering, for the weekend.-Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, Toronta, at lb.1 C Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's and Alex Mc- Dieo FA H S WdeCooking L Master's.-Mrs. Annie Grainger, UNIUAIU)Toronto, is holidaying at Thos. WMartin's. - Messrs. Archie Me-bo Natiq pacalKnight and Wm. McAllister, Eb- Natiç Pacalenezer at Robt. Killen's.-Mrs. W. for 19 cGlaspel is holidaying at Williams CELERY STALKS 2fr 9 Point.-Mr. andi Mns. Edwand Fond, M .rand Mrs. Ronald Davies Z I~cand David, Toronto, at Thas. 5IAAUCE Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe and Larry at Caesarea, and also visit- ed Milton Fishen's at Nestleton- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintof and. family, Courtice, at Wes Cam- eron's. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFV _________________a rHuRSDAY, JULY 25th, 1946 I e s F o o m n il e c !uI±!t~* ~~I m iuiu~w'Ir ~ii i I~U Nes Fom owiunvileMeac EAST SIDE BEACH of Mr. and Mrs. TA. Garton. Jean e ~af ter M IT IN OOr.~ and Mrs. Ralph stutt, child - Mr. P. ohmTrntseSuh weekend visîtars with Mn. and and family at "Cottage 2." Ran- e' UDDER IIEALTIl ne Mrs. E. E. Pattersan, "Malvern." Cadeporham isig oas.Mr Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fo, Ton- Ms ihn ot.M Fnolhvlrrvd teirtt -Chas. LDe pe on bhe - neand? tage and wiil be there for several ta the "Log Cabin" after spending day. Mrzweeks. a imonth's vacation at Kingston,Co e Belleville and Picton. Colla #j rÀM. n MrsGe.RsnE- M. and Mrs. H. Wvotten, Ton- First na and Lula Reesan, Mr. and Mrs. onto, and Master Ross Jeffery, ce E.Jackson, Mr. and Ms. Roy Town, spent the weekend with I ing Jackson, Oshawa, were Sunday Mrs. C. Davie. f liSchc guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant, Mr. T H E W Peirsan, "Machrimore." and Mrs. Henry Cantreli and i9tao Mrs. Malcolm Galbraith and Mariene, Orona, Mr. and Mrs. E. LaLV E purcý 'JOD edt is e"SIyte g- Mrs. P. J. Goulding, Kansas City, Stretch, Mr. and Mrs. Sweet, Mr. their --Vw r«lte... nd he nifom, astMissouri, matored fram thein and Mns. S. Sweet, Oshawa, vis- Who is this gossip at the Cross- D mifling~.. an ti. uifcm. Oithome and are now staying at thein îted Mn. and Mrs. L. A. Danch, roads? Thene he is, "The littieni mim gd a tin of ii e Lp aVnai Magnetic cottage. "Chetwin Villa." bird that tells." And speaking o on Speay udM ii ecimallytnm we,.Mns. Thos. Swan, Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs. Fred *Cieland, birds-Fnom Washington Fanrest and 'h.kh uder. Ts a epelaly rim wenvisîting Mns. Hugh Ritchie, in Mns. Ida Jackson, Mr. and Mns. Dilling was sent the metal identi- for it la und with the. De Laval Sp..dway "Doune." Frank Cashrnane, Toronto, wene fication stnip fnom the leg of a gain Meehod of Faet Millins. Ilu good .il.ct on -Hoe" Miss Jean Hamley, Pete.rban- %weekend guests with Mr. and cnow he had banded a year aga. fror mUrhealeh t anotlmer vecy impomtant s- ough, is spending hen holidays Mrs. N. Byers, and Mn. and Mns. It had been shot inadvententiy by wel. DE LAVAL-MILKER OF with Mrs. Hugh S. Ritchie, of G. Wilson, "Idelbye. a hunter last fail. Even a bird llufrthe. utstandwsoce ftenHMINgBrkhr og. Jackc Cameran is*spending his can't get last these days. Then Den Laor MgmeicSp cdw i pof ii. CHA., ike a.MiOSs"esieDonaGe." ndvacation in Montreal visiting the subject of birds came up again Me iLvaiMn .tir2c eay n romdan AOdesLait Màied wa . Mse on abe adfriends. when one af the Chapei-goei'5 mlon *OmaceS. Walter joamo, ý=«»s. Shirley Kay, Toronto, were the Mn. and Mrs. E. Dunfoun, Mn. said he found it hand ta pench pion rmil ««5h.asWld Cm weknd guests of Miss Manthe and Mns. Larsen, and Gail,. Mn. for a whole haun on one of the 3- M tion, 305-l .w div liision. Vantone. T. Brown, Mn. S. Morriss, Mn. pale outen benches like ane of ont( veos, 30Redardision085unie. Mran s.RCu eM. DELAALyeA 2,99 r. m Rcovds1085 ayes, M . and MrsCnne KM. and Mns. Ridd, Mns. Mack, Ton- the penitent birds of St. Francis hier DE AVA CIAM 34939Lb. " Gage Hyes M. ad r.nk. onto, Misses Venlie and Jerry of Assisis in the l2th century. tior SEPARATORS DE LAVAL Fleming, Mn. and Mrs.Fan Beamer, Welland, are halidaying Withaut delay Mn. W. J. Pitfieid X ... Irin l 1876 Mmd goU STERLING MILKER __ Gates, Oshawa, wene guests of at Mrs. Frank Rundie's, "Grand- superintended the wark of im- mot firme today in .kioeznng pu-, provides Mns. D. Bailes. Mrs. D. Ford, view Lodge." pnoving and incneasing these aux- bee fom 0c « ln servioe«, bigh £&VILsslqualier Detroit, is spending her vacation Mrs. Doney, Miss Daney, Mn. iiiary seats.IV quality cren productionanmd cu imp tle jfld R with erdugchteon Mnýs.Bais and Mrs. Gannel, Miss Isabelle One night our bird taok his TUE <oit. Souple, Recenfluncheonngudsdsblit McDonald and friend, Mrs. Duiffy, sundown fight and as he fiew at9 A siii and style for every SerigPIao bao Miss Silîs, "Jubiiee Cottage," were Mrs., Fornester, Mrs. Mantin, Mn. above "Bnaeside," the Pickard's N mmd and purse--band oe . OfllY two m@vlm Mrs. M. Galbraith, Mrs. P. J. Chas. Fornesten, Toronto, are stay- cattage, he circled araudoi o tdrives. Wi1gb or low sutia. mlkngwcudf Gouiding, Mn. and Mrs. G. B. ing with Mrs. Blake Short. bright 'eye caught the flutter of T McClellan. The tounist trade at the beach a littie oneatune in blue pyjamas Mc' Mn. and Mrs. E. Hawes, Miss is booming this year and the as it fiitted from the back porch, visi VS U ~ ~ T TMarjonie Hawes, Miss Evelyn Ol- reports from the tounist resonts unden the trees, thraugh the white AlE w e* n e B R O W N iver, Mn. Chas. McQuacker, Ton- state that there are na vacancies lattice pergola and inta the pre- onto, were weekend visitons with available and that they are tunn- cise kitchen garden with its iaw EllI DEALER FOR Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Hawes. ing away people wha wish ta vis- scalloped picket fence. It was Mr Mn. and Mrs. J. Meagen, Mrs. it aur popular beach. Eleanor. Springing into the arms anc Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tires H. Lyons, Oshawa, Miss Anne of Grandpa Martin Who straight- Fa: DLvlMlesadSeparators Cannons, Toronto, were guests of ened Up from weeding beds of D. BeLaaty ikrosalndupmn Mrs. R. Bird, "Cottage 1." WEST SIDE BEACH every possible vegetable listed in an( Beaty Bos.Stabe EulpentThe Past Matrons of the East- 91King St. . Phone 497 ern Stan enjoyed a pinic at M. Dorney visiting relatives at the seed catalogues. She gave Mr "Wayne Cottage," summer home "Cylant Phare" with Mn. and him a hug and a kiss and anathen To - -Mrs. F. Dorney, Tront. ne fan wee Margaret befone she 1 Miss B. Doyle is hoiidaying at fiuttened back into her nest. No roi Sandhurst with hen mnothen and wonder the path under Cedar at broter, at Dyle.Arch 127 is warn bare with the Mrs. Marshall and Mns. Ted- feet of friends.li fard are visiting Mrs. Eddy. At the Cottages thg Mn. and Mns. Gus Bounsaîl, Mrs. Raymond V. Duncan, Mn-vi( Town, are visiting Mn. and Mrs. treal with Mn. and Mrs. Elmer b Herb Goddard. Ott at "El-ti-di-sa." Mns. John Noble and Miss Hel- MdaRsei uhnan ihT en Noble, Indianapolis, are vis- Judith Ann with Mrs. Lee Suther- iîa iting Mn. and Mns. Charles Boun- land at Bunny Burra. a sali. Mn. and Mrs. J. Fraser, Betty ra Mn. and Mrs. Pawsan are holi- Anne' and Wayne, Mn. and Mns. daying at Beach Haven. Coleman, Mn. and Mrs. Heinz, tv Miss Ruth Brown and Miss Pat St. Catharines, with Mrs. G. Day- pl McGnath are visiting -relatives at ment at Happy Hutch. te Twiilingate. Mn. and Mrs. Alan W. Knight Ier Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Collins, Osh- and John, Toronto, are vacation- e awa, are visiting Mrs. Sharpies. ing at "Braeside Cottage" with pi Miss Margaret Cale, spent some Mn. John Martin and Mn. and R days at her cottage here. Mrs. Howard Pickand. ai Mrs. M. Ferguson and Stu, Mn. and Mrs. W. F. Cooper with - Town, Mn. and Mns. B. J. Severs, their daughten at the Watsan cot- tl Ajax, visited Mn. and Mns. F. tage, alsa Mn. E. Ramm neturned g, Cale at Gary's Panadise. from overseas. 3. Mn. and Mrs. L. Joel, West Hill, Mrs. Charles Watsan has ne- o À". Mn. Bob Ross and Ray Carpenter, tunned fnom a visit ta Elmira, 0 Mrs. J. S. Regan, Mns. A. H. NY. Spencer and Miss Alice Tamp- At Laf-a-Lot Cottage are Mn. P kins, Toronto, are visiting Mn. and Mrs. J. Billinghurst and g and Mns. T. Carpenter at Rendez- chiîdren, Mrs. Beckett and son, VOUS. Toronto. Newlyweds Frank Edwands and Mn. and Mrs. G. Brent and bride visited Bert and Mrs. Ed- daughter Vinginia and Miss Phyl- t wards. lis Glenge, Toronto, with the Simp- t STE]A]KS OR ROASTS Miss E. Nonnis, Mary McPhee sons at "Summer Haven."9 and Velda Latimer visited Mn. Anne Lister is with Sheila Mc-1 l ees O N b. l IN b.51 and Mrs. Latimer., Catney at Happy Daze.0 0o eesR U D 4c WN 1 Mrs. J. Kerr visiting at Ault's Mrs. Geo. Holmes and MissesE SIRLOIN lb. 49C PORTERROUSE lb. 55C cottage, "Daveley." Marion, Sylvia and Gwendolyn OWNED AND OPERATEO By Mn. and Mrs. Moore, Alan and are %vith the George Harnaps. B LADE HORST * ... lb. 25C hme ATLANTIC àPACIFIC v..U Shirley and Mn. Neil, Toronto, The Chapel on the Hl are visiting Mn. and Mrs. W. Last Sunday Mrs. Harold Carl- Quinn. tan madie a special trip back fnom IonoleSS pot Rossi (rolled plate) ILlS 1___________C____ Mn. andi Mrs. B. Hutchinsan and Toronto ta take her negular S.S. Judy visited Miss (Aunty) Rab- class at 10:15. Who couiri dis- r s U G S I X N PA Einsan. appoint over 40 such youngsters 115 S GG ST ONSAN PGEMiss Heathen Cowie is staying as nan up the Chapel Road atth CORGE SALMON STEAKS i b. 3'8C U IJ D E Dfan two weeks at the Feather cot- first clang of the bell? The boys' MI I R C Dtage. share of the study houn was given audbdN"teniuit ictgilTr' h AU--Miss Teresa Dopp and Mn. Pat ta the panable of "The Lost u.vonm1117 W alh o o t, Misses Hel4,en _ee " Ad the girls' ta "The 1Boutles are badly ne easn e w bu 2. production slowed by shortage of materials. 3 Reinedy - Return ac- cumnulated empties. Put them back into circulation. Check your basement today. 100 B ring tbem to nearest Brewers Retail store or telephone for pick-up. Brewing industry T h e --l !, n 90 n t (i r i 0 ry ýio Maple Grov ses Pearl, Lenore Collacutt, Burgess have returned home a pleasant holiday spent at ,hampton, guest of'the form- cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Irwir. der. r.and Mrs. Clifford Johns, son M'rs. Morley Flintoff on Sun- ngratulatiols ta Miss Lenore acutt on receiving her Normal tClass Certificate and has ýted a position on the teach- staff of Westmouflt Public ool, West Oshawa. 7e welcome Mr. and Mrs. Sands ur commuflity they having chased the Ayling place moved i from Hamilton. )n't forget the commuflity pic- to be heid on school grounds Wednesday, July 31st, races Lothier sports are being heldi the children before tea, bail nes after tea, tea ta be served n 6 to 6.30 p.m., everybady Icorne. Kendal Ur. and Mrs. Gea. Clarke, Tor- to, are at their summer home e for a couple of weeks' vaca- i. Mrs. Alva Roughley is with her )ther, Mrs. L. Thorne, who has en iii but is now rnuch better. Mir. and Mrs. Chas. Kenny ieft tsday morning for a vacation Gananoque. MIiss A. Brereton, Toronto, is lidaying with Mrs. F. Stoker. MIiss Anne and Master Jackie cTaggert of New Toronto are, iting their.great aunt, Mrs. B. [xander. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. iott during the past week were rand Mrs. Giddis Jones, Mr. id Mrs. Arnold Carscadden of Drt Saskatchewan, Aita., Mrs. .M. Hamiltan of Saskatoon, Mr. id Mrs. W. Abercrombie and rand Mrs. Alfred Eiiiott of ®ronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Murray of To- )nto and Miss Mary McLean are her summer home here. John Thompson and Biily Dar- ngton spent Monday evening at e Mapie Leaf stadium, Toronto, iewing some snappy girls' sof t- aii games. The iong-awaited ramn of Fni- ay evening was very weicome. rie drought was becoming ser- us. Farmers, tobacco planters nd housewives were ail wanting uin. The much talked of game be- ween the "Has Beens" and the )resent team was keenly con- ,sted in the park Saturday ev- riing with a good crowd cheering ýach side. Stan Mercer was the itcher for the "Has Beens" and R.Savory, catcher, with Elliott and Kenny for the Regulars. The Has Beens" were ahead until the fifth inning whe the Regulars got two runs ta make the score -2 in their favor. Score at end of ninth was 8-2 for Regulars. Be on the lookout for the next game. The W.I. picnic was held in the park Wednesday, July 17 with a good cnowd out ta enjay the fun. Race for childnen under six, Faye Johnson and Kenny Mantineil; girls 6 ta 8 years, Marilyn Quan- nul Kathleen Jackson; boys 6 ao 8, Ross Elliott and Neil Eliiott; girls 9 ta 12, Shirley Quantnili, Ruth Jackson; boys 9 ta 12, Billy Jackson, Carl Langstaff; girls ov- er 12, Myrtie Hoy, Margaret Jack- son; boys aven 12, Deibent Lang- staff. Slight ladies' race, Miss Annie Thompsan, Mns. C. Then- teli; ladies over 140, Miss Katie Stewart, Mrs. V. Johnson, Mrs. W. Patttersan was the winner of the walking spot race. The ladies then played some games of iawn croquet. Mrs. Lloyd Glass and Mns. M. Robinsan were winnens in the crepe paper millinery con- test. Ail enjoyed the fine supper of home baking and chat with aid ,Qý st 1A Practical Cottonade Pants able and easy to wvash. Made for hard wear. Per pair $2.25 l REINFORCED OVERALLS I e. $2,998 BOYS' DENIM PANTS style. Sizes 26 to 34. Per pair I DENIM PANTS FOR MEN 1 For the man who prefers the rougli, tough, hard-wearing work pants, we reconunend tbiese extra strong, weflnmade snagproof pants. At $2*5O MEN'S MOLESKIN PANTS viceable lieavy moleskin. Per pair 1 - m. b ~1 lU 1 turdy-Long Wearig !ork Clothes Mlade To Ïve the Mdost in Comfolt Year ini and year out it's been our job to outfit men for their work. We know what you need and we make it our business to have it. Right now we have a complete line of everything from underwear, to overals- first quality, stu.rdy and modestly priced. Sturdy Covert Shirts One of the longesi wearing shirts on the market. Ail sizes. 1 $1.25 1 1 $2,o99