PAGE SEVERi - . 2rAm zftfA M InowmANML.T ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1946 Mr. and Mrs. W. L.Elliott have M ... ** UU U UU U returned from an enjoyable hol- ia ihhrbrother, Mr. S. B. S C A IU P R O A Moore, New Liskeard. They also SO U ÀD E S M visited Kirkland Lake and other Ihn 0 niining towns in Ontario andPhn46 Quebec. I *1*.u U uU-1UU U= U Mr. and Mrs. L. W.Dippell and family are spending their vaca- Mrs. Wm. G. James was guest1 Late Sport Newvý-Bowmafl- tion at Mountain Lake, near Min- of Mrs. Chas. Hoar, Toronto. i ville soccer team defeated Tyrone den. Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, 1-0 at Tyrone Wednesday. Ennis- is visiting her father, Mr. J. j: killen defeated Courtice 1-0 at Mason. Enniskillen. Mr. Kenneth Norris, Bolton, is Miss Bertha Doncaster has re- guet f isuncle, Mr. W. turned to Toronto after spending gesit of hIs. a week with her friend, Mrs. F. Miss Helen Osborne is holiday- H. Morris. ing at Birch Point Lodge near Mrs. P. E. Greenfield has re- B3obcaygeon. 0 turned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Miss Patricia Morrill is holiday- Russell G. Williams, Niagara i i ~iing at Camp Inawendawin, Lake Falls, N.Y. of Bays, Muskoka. Cpl. Mabel Brooks, 101 Depot, Misses Margaret Nichols and Oakville, spent the weekend with JWilla Ward are spending their her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. holidays at Bala. Brooks. * 09e etzMiss Annie MountjOY spent last Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffiman, - t e andweekend visiting Mrs. R. W- Toronto, have been visiting her Douglas at Markdale.paetM.ndMs o W Mrs. Alf Nichols, Whitby, isvi-parens, r n is e.W iting M.adMs m ihl Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cully and and other relatives here. . son John, Toronto, are spending Miss Joyce Pollock, Courtice, is a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. R OLEX OYSTER enjoying a week's holiday withj.Cly her aunt, Mrs. J. Living. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake, WRIS WAT HES Miss Ruth Wilkins, Oshawa, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank W IT A CH S visited Mr. and Mrs. enr Cober and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stin- is icMrds andors.rS. l.tWooehaveson, Dunnville. M A1RR'SRMhr ad ohrseSatH. Woodae Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Battle, V!AIVIVDVin St. Thomas and Toronto. JKIWAIaIaada Mrs. Suzanna Thompsofl spent hrM.RotH.Btlan a weeks holiday with her cosn vers Road. Miss Marlene Laking, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin and *. ~Mrs. Barbara Duncan has re- John motored to Sparrow Lake 9turned to Victoria, B.C., after CmPr tnot ii WAEPOFi RS ÂlH vstn her niece, Mrs. Chrles Barbara, Sunday. visitng Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Cole anc Barrett.son± have returned from holiday- __________________________________________________Ing at their cottage at LittlE Hawk Lake. Mrs. N. S. B. James and daugh- Kitchen ter Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toir ~ ~Garbage onto, are enjoying a motor trir Container Missttawa. Balson of The States. man staff is enjoying two weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Alar Balson, Cataraqui. *Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colwell anc Teddy have returned home fror a pleasant motor trip through thý - Niagara Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crossey ani family have been' holidayinga Enamel-Mrs. C. W. Kitching's, Balr Enamel-Beach, Georgian Bay. Finish Miss Annie Mountjoy is visitin I[nside and -Wire Basket fiends in Cartwright and attend OutHodBa ed the Phayre-Sweet wedding i Hold Bag Cadmus Church on Saturday. Ventilated Mr. Robent Noble took in th three-day boat cruise on MuskE ka Lakes. Also vîsited at Toi onto, Bracebridge and Huntsvilli Mns. Howard Jeff ery ar daughter Judy, are visiting hE brother, Mr. H. M. Wagar, Cer tre Noriches, Long Island, N.1 Mr. and Mrs. Sid Casbour: Toronto, and C.S.M. Irene Ca Chroe- -ispoableboumn, Oakville, visited their pa Thoe-PDipos al ents, Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Casbour Top aperBagUnited States guests at Gleni Lamra during the week includE visitors from Hollywood, and haîf dozen central and southe: lt9 Sreafied9$650es CMPLETE Mn. and Mns. Granville Bas2 have returned to Pasadena, Cali - Chro e Top aftem visiting at the home of M' Deodorizes - Ventilated C rm o and Mrs. C. C. Barrett, the forr Miss Mary Ruth Williams h NO HANDLING 0F GARBAGE BAGS retumneci to Niagara Falls, N.' ---------------after visiting her cousin, Mi Bottm ofWi r Baset ropsOut eleaingHelen Williams and also Mj Futtlm of ie Basket DrpbOt e asing Joan Greenfielci. FuliBagint Yor Grbae Pil.Mn. Bud Nichols left on TUE ________________________day for Rouyn, Quebec, where1 has been appointed assista manager of the Stedman 5c $10 Store there. T ERADIO SHO Mrs. C. A. Batlett spent a v delightful holiday when she toi the boat trip from Toronto do' Expert Radio Repairs the St. Lawrence and up t Bowmaville Saugenay River and return. 38 King St. B. Phone 573 omnil Editon Geo. W. James and1 reporter Mr. A. L. Baker took the Baker picnic at Hampi Park, Wednesday, where Dm. PE hall, Minnesota, was host fort day. From the Montreal Gazette lemn that Jack Baker, Soli REME B~R! Yo.r airis gingto ned omespecal estount. They flew down you Har i gong o ned omespwind ýtnrip- that will take themc care, after the exposure to Sun and wid any states in the U.S.A. bel during these lovely bright su.nny su.m- returning home. Recent visitons of Mrs. W. Y~ mer days. nard weme her sister, Mrs. Aî Moore, Toronto, her granddat ter, Miss Shirley Rhènes, Tomc OUF. SALON WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE WEEK 0F andi her daughter and family,1 George Lockington, Dreen AUGUIST 5TH - 10TH Allin, Toronto. Sgt. Walter Hall, son of N Constable Walter Hall and1 So Avoid Disappointmieft by Phoning Hall1 has returned home from s es Walter served in sev 453countries in Europe with the1 453 vost Security and aerial ne, naissance forces. For Your Next Appointmeflt Major and Mrs. Ray Hoff, neli University, Ithaca,1 It's M dCool were guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 less Modem1 W.' James on Saturday whili it's Comfortable their way to visit his aunts, L. M. Keith and Miss Flor E Van Nest, Toronto. Government crop report Durham County this week s that haYing is about compl faîl wheat cutting is genena "E stelle " gether with some fields of s: gran.Ingeera te ro BEAUTY~i SALON be the best for ayers Miss Novelda Berry with Mr. and Mrs. H. Biokle guest, Mrs. McFall is spend: C1~fth ~week's holiday at the Bery Corner George àSiufhS tage. Haliburton. Mrs. W IBOWÈ Nvm=Berry and friend, Mrs. 'M Legge, Oshawa, concluded holiday at the cottage the pre Nesbitt is up amounci again. Fred met with a painful injury when a looseneci roci of a passing truck hit him on the heaci as he walked beside the highway on Sunday, July 14. Mms. Lomne Paeden, Stamkville, Mms. Hoskin, Kendal, with Mr. anci Mns. Tone Langstaff. Miss Olive Johnston, wîth hem brother, Tuppen, at Mn. anci Mns. Wilbemt Hancock's. Mm. and Mms. Lennox Vasey, Port McNicholl, with hem parents, Mm. anci Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Mr. anci Mns. Bob Urmy, Ottawa, with hem mother, Mms. Jennie Ran- dal. Master Fred Brown, Oshawa, with Master Ross Brown. Mm. anci Mms. Arthur Hammonci anci son Davici, Rochester, N.Y., 1with Mms. Hammonci Brown. Mr. anci Mms. Henry Elliott, Miss Manie Elliott anci tniencis, Lan- sing, with his sister, Mns. Ham- monci Brown, as is also Miss Rita Lindsay, Toronto. > Mms. Wm. Lake, Sm., Newcastle, with hem daughter, Mrs. Alf. Bown. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Webben, Mn. Donald Webbem andi daughter Betty with Mn. and Mrs. Aif. Bmowft. Also Mm. and Mns. A. tHerring, Oshawa. Miss Beulah Rudolph with Mrs. Dudley Jones befone taking up hem duties as principal of a school in Sarnia. Mm. Cecil White and Miss Flos- sie Rhindmess, Pont Hope, anci Mn. anci Mms. Ronald Burley with Mn. anci Mrs. Fosýen Russell of the -Coldwaten lNews. Iienats of ivirs. s rcussel s mothen, Mns. Dic,inson, 1,Will be glaci to hean she is well. n Girls of th.e Biuebird Sewing r Club attendeci Achievement Day e in Millbnook. Those present wene Fae Jones, Ecina Denault, Dom- -othy Stapleton, Dorothy Brown, ýs Annie Worral, Launeen McC;ui- - ougri, Thelma Stapleton anci Dor- een Mihison. Joyce Williams no-v. . holidaying at Young's Point also di came out for the aay. Fae Jones neaci the skit while Ecina Denauli t demonstrateci that "Cottons Cari s. be Smart." Mms. Sidney Lancas- 7ter anci Mns. Arnoldi Wade, in- l structons, accompanieci the girls >as dici Mns. Frank McMullen who ~-kindly aideci in transportation, Mns. Geo. McCullough, Mns. Wil- r- lis Jones, Mrs. Johnston anci Elea- non. 0. Jul meeting of Women's In- n stitute took the fonm of a picnic S. at the home of Mrs. Hammonci ce Brown at the lake. An enjoyable afternoon was spent in prognani or of sport. Luncheon was senveci. ýes Many chilciren wene present. ci, Two well-attended anci much ýo- enjoyeci bail games have been run ng off between marrieci ladies anci ill single ones. Fimst was won by mamnieci ladies much to the cha- ýe grin of the youngstems. In the a second gaine the youngsters me- )t- taliateci. Pmoceeds froin fimst garne L. goes for transportation expenses L. of children's picnic; froin second eir gaine to the girls' softball team )us for equipinent. ILOWEST PRICES VETO INTRODUCTORY OFFER FREE COUPON I VALUE ioç HALO SHAMPO@ CrEEAN WHITE SHOES WITH d'tt ------------------------ 15c-25e Palm Beach --------------------- 25c One-White, tube --------------- 25e MACLEANS LARGEST SmMllttG OOTH~ '. PAT NOREA ORITAINsT FRUIT SALINES Engllsh Health gaits --------- 59 Wampole's Grape Sait--------- 50e Eno's Fruit Saits --------- 59C-98c Andrew's Liver Saits -- 44c-77e FCashmere Bouquet <IMnR --, .IL - --E - M Friends welcomed Russell Can- LOAAG'.A rshamDinahMAnds M or l dier home.Jst week. With Mrs.____GahmanM.AdrwM ri Candler a ieir small son they North Gmoup met for sewing at son, Conn, spent the week with eturned to 'end the wînter in Mrs. Geo. Gilbert's, July 10th, Mr. and Mms. Alf. Randle. o 'cl England. Rus.s visited old scenes with 16 ladies present. Two nice Congratulations Ralph Peters, S in ationed England where he was quilts were completed on the Gary and Carol'Chant in passing the repatriated from a German prison shady lawn, and other work done. thein music exams with honons. pre camp. The hostess served sandwiches They are pupils of Mrs. J. Albert c hq Mr. and Mrs. Victor Visci and and tea and an enjoyable social Cole. Ha: Temmy, Mm. and Mns. Wm. Wallace peniod was spent, while business ing andi Barbara, Lomain, Ohio, Mm. was conducted by the group lead- cla and Mns. Clyde Todgham, AI- er. Next meeting at Mrs. Ted Pilrt nthe lairise, Ohio,' Mm. George Tode1 Chant's. The East group met Bu k tnW] ham, Elynia, Oho, have been vis- the same day at Mrs. Frankj iting their' aunt, Mrs. Edwand Moore' s. Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar las Lange. Young ladies' Service Club en- Hubbamd and June, Hamilton, at ep) Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Foster, joyed a picnic at Geneva Park, Mn. and Mms. J. Curnan's ----- Mm. blE Misses Vivian and Helen Foster, July l9th. and Mms. Herb McLaughlin, Mm. er Glenn-Lamra, Mr. Tt. WilliamsonI St. Paul's Sunday Schooî, Bow- and Mms. Harmy Wright and Joyce, and Mn. A. L. Baker were necent mnilhl hi inci u Oshawa, with Mr. and Mms. J- eh] gussattesumnhoeomarne edntesday enin oon McLaughlin's---- Mr. and Mrs. c guess a thesumer ome f prk o Wenesay ateroonGeorge Tompkins, Toronto, with cl Mm. and Mms. L. B. Tapson, Mms. with a good attendance.MnJ.ATmkns- osadP Bmokin, nd nandaghtr, Mr. and Mns. W. Chapmnan and Glenn Aldred wene in Kingston sco Linda, aMnn uicr. Miss Gladys Chapman attended for a few days andi visited Mm. sei M.rdW. Tamblyn, anicaeJ, the wedding of thein niece, MaY and Mns. Wallace Bmeck ------ M-. ceh GoronStmrck an Hnvy Gibbs, Tymone, on Saturday. * and Mms. J. Ponter and M. J. Rowe of Bowmanville, and Mn. and Mms. Gordon Campbell of Women's Institute 'and Sunday Munroe motoned to Tomonto and Toronto spent the weekend with School are sponsoring a commun- visited relatives.--- Mr. and Mns.ceh Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn and Alan at ity picnic, which ingludes evemy- Harny Galley and family, Niagara Mý Lakeview Cabins, Midland, Ont. one, on Saturday, August 3rd, in Falls, with Mns. F. Caughill, be- Bi Mrs. F. W. Kinkendaîl, Toronto, Our park. Sports and races for fome spending two weeks' at Caes- st mother of Mns. W. Bagnell and young and old will be held for area ----- Mrs. E. Gallimome andi ha Mms. A. W. detgtewihwihpiewl b given. mother, VMrs. Kelly, and grancison, ar Mr. and Mrs. Wes Davey, Detroit, Wermy family helci thein annual Ma nBbCi Mms. ack P Toots Ci and Mms. Warren, Toronto, bro- picnic in our park on Satumday. Mr. and Mns. L.aDkGaow and ------ i then and sister of Mms. Bagnell and Mrs. C. Willis, Toronto, is-with frandy with. D an, aviw ar-daM Mms. Eciger, have etunneci home Mrs. C ohs-Mi'5. Hodgins, amlw tynit h h eaai gr-aT aften a visit andi family eunion Miss Apha Hodgins, Misses La-'pren s tsfraifewitdays g at Bowmanville. verne and Elva Onchard, Bow- panenthsit edaieys at--Chum- as. As we go to press. we regret to manville, were guests of Mms. Sam anhvstdfid tCu-D lean that oum er efficient and Dewell.-Ms. Elmem Wilbum vis- ock, nean' Petembomo ----- Mr. andi A afaithful Newcastle correspondent, ited friencis in Toronto.-Mm5. ~St rs oddart aSlofRoand ,Man .; it t Mms. Robt. Gibson, met with a Thompson, Toronto, is with Mrs. Mn. Hemmingand Mms.RJanStocksl very painful accident this week W. Chapman.-Mm. and Mrs. S. BokiM.Br Basn 1 which accounts for no news in A. Nash, and daughtem Mavis, De-Bmoin M.Bet mas, - tis ssu frm tatenterprising troit, Mr. and Mns. Eanl Penkins, Kendal, wîth Mm. and Mrs. New- Ii e centre. We join with hem many Davidi and Denny, Grosse Point,isovisTingori---the-raRies Pbrovn e friends in wishing for hem an eam- Mich., Mn. Will Gibbs, Oshawa, on isvacione Prie Brovnce r -ly ecoveny so that she may be Mns. Bert Motlock andi daughter onHisvadin--- Miss a ion Hier: -back on the job wielding hem ver- Ottawa, weme guests of , Mn. TointoandeMshoMrfontHiese-, P satile pen in keeping "Newcastle and Mrs. W. Chapman. - Miss ernd. , Mamionois forg ntoronto i the eat"on te ma. * ena ox, oronoewtd.MsMaMrforthe th Ne nthisw s a pasume to theoGodaantou ie.-MrM. t-tanci M ms.ed.Cohrae and-f--- M. ' t eitor to meceive asrewalsub-chinoan std LMuse.. thusondily, sawaaochrMissaLois Mc- s' sciton fmom iea newolc fniechi ticon, at te home f hem fa- Mll, hJaanv is Mmean Then is n omade d ni en.a th, w tcotinuhoeofuier ia- Mrs. E.Adantis Mm. Fmed.Can- d Mr. Waltern Seldon, 99 Howard Mm. andi Mrs. R. Burns and Bar- ochEAnPotaemy,-----M. FTom Carn- In St., Toronto, sends in his renewal bama, Mm. and Mms. W. McKinstny, ochan, Raglanci, anci Mr. and Mms. Le which was receiveci this week, for Miss Maion Kensey, Oshawa, Don Camnochan, Oshawa, with M. as is his custom he encloseci a Lloyd KerSey and Jim Patterson, anci Mns . Grant Camnochan.-- icoul of snapshots of himself Bowmanville, at S. Kesey's.-Mr leHubdspnafw at in his beautiful rose ganden. Pho- Miss Audey Kemsey with Miss days of last week visiting relatives M togmaphy and rose culture are twe Marion Kensey, Oshawa-on-the- in Oshawa during his holidays. of his hobbies which help him Lake.-Mr. Geo. Hogarth, Tom- Mr. George Carter had his ton- '19 etain a youthful spiit as he is onto, with Miss L. Reynolds.- sils removed in Bowmanville ilooking fomwamdto his 87th binth- Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Ammrour, Mn. Hospital. inl day next month. Mm. Seldon is and Mms. H. Rundle with friends Rv .Wyeaanto h ,rwell known in Newcastle as he at Makham.-Mr. and Ms. Jack mRey. J.eWhye againSetokth mksoccasional iiswt sMCoran daughtem Jean, Tr will take change next Sunday, 0- daughter Mrs. A. O. Pake. ont, with Mn. and Mns. G. Jl 8h r- Keetch.-MVr. and Mms. Hilton Jl Bh le .______and______T ron t,___th e M . R oss A ld ed h as receiv e ci .i Peters and PtRalph oontoat thehis honorable discharge after four er NewtonvilleWilbun Moore, Toonomes'.Mr. yeams service with the ammy. n- Hrn's-Mr.anTorntoAt. W. n- Many fmom heme attended the Hom's.Mr.andMrs A.E. en-funemal of the late Mms. Matha Y?. Mm. and Mns. Jim Tamblyn andi nings, Oshawa, with fiencs.- Adamis, fommenly of Bunketon. >n, M. and Mns. Gordon Tamblyn, Mns. S. Williams with Mms. E. The Courtice W.A. helci thein L- Toonto, Miss Capel, Oshawa, Wood, Bowmanville.-Miss Gwen annual picnic at the home of Mrs. r- with Mm. andi Mrs. Chas. Morris. Caverly, Toonto, at home.-Mr 1use Da. About 22 ladies sat n. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Pont Geo. Barnon has etumneci fmom down to dinner and supper. Many n_ Hope, with Miss Jennie Thomp- Huntsville.-Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, contests wene helci in the aftem- edson. Stanley Thompson spent the Glenna, and Nomma, Toronto, at noac î aiago ie a weekend in Toronto. A. E. Billett's. neon alor solci four megis ýrn Nwo alrsl orrgs We welcome Danny Shutka Our paston will be on holidays teneci cattle for expont to Con- ;ye ome rom versas.for thmee Sundays. The pulpit necticut, U.S.A. ye. hMeromn ovrsAfeas Redknap will be filleci on Sunday by a__________ Mrmad.ayDgandMsOAhf wad with 'Temperance Fedeatin speaker. ir arbbyDogassO.aa Sympathy is extendeci to Mn. If we don't fight for the best we M- hisprents - Frank Rogers in the death of his can expect the wonst. own persor-offr- charted shade o# Face Powdtee. 7 SHADES lace PoQucfe- LARGE BOX KEEP FRESU & DAINTY WITII Arrid ------------------------ 39-59C Odorono Ice ------- ----------- 59e Etiquette Cream Deodorant 39e TA47 FOR YOUR GARDEN Dixon's Vitamin B-1i--25c-50e Arsenate of Lead --------- 23c-72 Bordeaux Mixture .----25c-$Lf Black Leaf 1140" ---- - S-95c- eItvLtK Made with Olive 011 foi easser SuaItes - s$tOU 5k.4 29e Blondex--- 25e Boracle, 16-oz. -.------------ 25e Calamine Lotion------------ Certo------------- 69e Cold Cream 1-lb ----------------- 15c Peroxide 4-oz ---------------- Jar Rings, 12's -- 33c Milk of Magnesia------ Parowax --------- lle 5c 26c 13e Box of 12 27c SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Mc OREQOGR DRUOS PHONE 792 - WB DELIVEA HAT VACATION SUPPLIES Sun Glasses 25-39-59 Tangel. for sunburn ------- 50e First-Aid Kits ------------85 e-98c Skeeter-Skatter -- 35e Noxzema Sun- tan O1u------30e-60e Velvetta sunburfl Cream -- 39e RYLCREE TUBE 2 4>9 ot Light %t right for !emightl LE 35c oLE-C GET QUICK RELIEF FROM Your I.D.A. Store stocks a complete line of medicines to build resistance against Hay Fever and to relieve its distressing symptoms. Use one of these proven remedies. Phone 792 for a supply today. Anti-Pollen Vaceine Vitadiet Capsules......... $1.15-$2.70 Razmah Capsules ... *9........... $1.00 Reds, Browns and Greys Cànadian Nasal Slpray .......... $1.00 Haytone, tablets and liquid .... 25c-50c Glucofedrin Nose Drops .... 1-oz. 90c Wampole's Respirin ........50c Idaphedrin...................... 50c Capsules ---$2.-$3.45 Vick's Vatronol --43e Tuamine Inhalers -----------5 Estwin----------- $1.19 Vick's Inhalers -- 39e p THE CANADIAN STATebfdJti'4, I i4RY LEE SAYS:- Now-youv yery Tyrone Ms yo or atStra was well attended. Sunday School will be at 10 Mrs. J. Lillicmapp, Canningtofl, lock next Sunday as usual. is .with hem daughten, Mrs. F. L. Sunday School was in change of Byamn. esenior young people. The Mms. George Alîdreaci has re- -sident, Gordon Brent, haci turneci home after spending sev- Lage of the meeting, Arthur emal weeks with hiem parents at amilton gave the Scriptume meaci- Moncton, N.B. g. Mrs. Annis taught the junior Mr. Jack Momnison, Toronto, Io L55 andi Mns. Cmeswell taught spenciing a couple of weeks with ,seniors. Mm. Hoar and Mms. Mr< and Mms. Wm. Macdonald-- nît faomoi wth pino uet Mss K. Macdonald holidayirg at A heavy storm passed over heme Wasaga Beach has returned st Friday evening, sevemal tel- homne.-Mr. and Mms. Charles ?hone poles anci some trees being Johnson anci family, Oshawa, ansd [wn over anci also a gooci show- Mm. anci Mms. Geach and familY that dici a lot of goodc. with Mm. anci Mrs. Joe MffRDb- Mn. Edwand Thompson, Gooci- ents. Js, Mich., spent a week with his_________________ usin Mms. R. Hatherley anci Is calleci on fniencis in Ponty- El at his olci home anci the -hool he attendEc, aftem an ab- nce of 10 yeams anci saw many hanges. Mm. and Mns. Cynil Ph:iip anci hilciren, Kitchener, with Mn. andcil pr n nrs. Howard Philp.-Mn. Charles irown, Peterboro, at Mm. Willis tewart's.-Mr. Howard Philp ici has moveci in. Rev. anci Mms. ug mreswell and famnily are occupy- ng Mrs. Storie's house vacateci by Ir. P~hilp until the new parson- WUILL BE CLOSED ige is built.-Mr. Fred Grant, elforciville, Alta., visiteci at Mr. ..Bungess'.-Mm. anci Mms. Chas. fo Davidson, Colci Springs, Mr. Chas. fo ýrmstmong, Gainsboro, Sask., vis- Ied Mm. anci Mms. G. Rosevear anci fn. Ecigar Rosevean. u ls 5t Mm. anci Mrs. Henry Miller, Douglas, Marshall anci Dawn, of to Halibunton, with Mms. Acidie Mil- er. Dawn remaining for holi-A ays.-Mn. anci Mms. Walter Hen- ust 1 t ry anci daughter. Cobourg, with Mrn. anci Mrs. F. L. Byamn.-Mm. Jack Hatherly, Newvtonville, with FO REA S lis parents, 'Mm. anci Mns. R.FO Ha-IR ,henly.-Mm. anci Mrs. Albeart Wooci anci Audrey, Bowmnanville, ATith Mr, anci Mms. Lonne Ames. 361W %- Jus auxi SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY