-PAGE EIGHT THE ANADAN SATESAN, OWMAVILL. ONARIO'T'TTYT JUJA ý TTTb7 nl 1940a Kellogg's Ail- Wheat is Canadicin whole wheat in its most delic joua form. Flaked, toasted, ready-to- eat! Everybody loves the heartening Orono News Dr. R. P.* Vivian, M.P.P., Port Hope, was in Orono last week and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid . The beavy electrical storm on F'riday evenîng did a great deal of damage in Orono and vicinîty, tbe barn of C. C. Cain was struck by lightning and destroyed in spite of the efforts of local fire- men and volunteer helpers. A house on the 6th Concession of Clarke, owned by W. E. Arm- strong and occupied by Harry MORE AND MORE PEOPLE serve cereals an yti me of dayl Ilere's an idea that can hl you save time and work: Serve Kellogg's ready-to-eat oereals not ondy for breakfast, but for mid-morning snacks, children's lunches or suppers, before-bed. A.l-Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, Al-Bran, Rioe Krispies, Bran Flakes and Krumbles are al macle by Kellogg's, the greatest naine in cereals. SAVE- TUMEU...SAVE FUEL..SAVE F000! Free Estimates For Houe & Farm Wiring See us fir'Êt if you need your new house or barn wired. We are equipped to give you the most complete wiring service possible. Only the best of material and workmanship iused throughout. Get a frée estimate now. Your General Electric Appliance Dealer Higgon,,ElectrieC PHONE 438 42 KING ST., E. t>oy POR THE 0 >NfE ~:jc Put a B of M Loan to work for you. If you need extra money for your farm's devel- opment or improvement, see your Bof M manager today. Ask or write for Joider 'Quiz for a Go-ahead Farmer." XMYANHV, Popularity and Bill Grady was also struck and everything lost. Only some of the brick walls are left stand- ing. The boys were away from home at the time and the fire had considerable headway. Fortun- ately the barns were not burned. Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood were at their cottage, Lake of Bays, last week. This week Rev. Littlewood is acting as Dean of the Summer School for Young People at Oak Lake. Mr. Jim Patterson, Bowman- ville, is employed at Tyrrell's drug store. About 15 Orono citizens took ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES Onono Police Trustees met, July 22nd with aIl the membens present. Secnetary reported that be had secured a propen pipe for drain- age purposes at Tannery Hill and Contest .WINNER TO RECEIVE $100.00 INd CASH Now is the tinie to get your favourite in that final 25 to be picked at the end of July for the Bowmanville Legion Popularity Contest. The final twenty- five will then run until the night of the Pair. Tickets and ballots May be obtained froni any member of the Legion. This ticket also entitles you to a chance at one'of the two radios to be given away the nights of the fair. TWO RADIOS- TO BE GIVEN AWAY Bowmanville Mother Silver Cross Guest at Chatham advantage of tbe I.O.O.F. ' excur- sion from Cobourg to Rochester on Saturday. Mrs. A. R. Delve bas returned after several months' visit with her sons in Woo;er and Seeley's Bay. Mrs. Wm. Seymour was host- ess to Group 2 of Park St. W.M.S. and their friends. A short bus- iness meeting, the sînging of sev- eral familiar bymns and a social cup of tea were much enjoyed. The group is under the leader- ship of Mrs. Fred Kelly and Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Reeve E. R. Woodyard bas had bis bouse on Park street newly paînted and is installing an oil burner. Orono band gave another of its very fine concerts in the Park on Sunday afternoon. Large crowds from nearby and distant places enjoy these entertainments very much. Mr. Gordon Leamen, C.G.E., Toronto, is having two weeks' va- cation at home. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren were in Toronto last week wbile Mr. McLaren attended -Masonic Grand Lodge. Orono Women's Christian Tem- perance Union met in Park St. church, July 16, with Mrs. H. Walsh presiding. Mrs. F. Kelly conducted the worship period on *'God's purpose for us all." Read- ings by Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. H. Rowe were followed by discus- sion. Clip sheets on the work of W.C.T.U. were read by each pres- ent. A benefit football game was played at the park, July 16 for "Jake" Middleton who had bis leg broken several weeks ago while working the woods. Orono and L-eskard teams played a splen- did game of football, score 7 to 0 in favor of Orono . "Jake" is a member of Orono team and was presented with $25 as a re- suit of the game. Mr. O. W. Rolph attended Ma- sonic Grand Lodge in Toronto. Mr. R. E. Sherwinr and Mr. H. Souch conducted the services in Orono and Kirby churches on Sunday in the absence of the pas- tor at Summer School. A miscellaneous shower for Miss Jean Duncan was arranged by ber many friends in Orono and held on the beautiful lawn of Mrs. W. W. Sherwin on Thurs- day evening. This lovely event was arranged by Mrs. Sherwin, Mrs. L. Reid and Mrs. V. Wil- son, previous to Jean's wedding on Saturday to Mr. Lloyd Crabbe, formerly of Ottawa and the R.C. A.F. . All Entrance pupils of Orono Public School and also those in surrounding schools have been successful in their examinations. The temporary committee elec- ted at the county cream produc- ers meeting, gathered in Orono on Thursday evening to appoint representatives to a provincial meeting to be called by the On- tario Federation of Agriculture for-.the purpose of organizing the cream producers. Ralph Glaspell, Darlington, was appointed direc- tor, and Russell White, Hope, and N'orman Wilson, Manvers, were appointed as voting members. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson who have been living in Leskard, have moved to Orono and taken an apartment at Mr. and Mrs. EIarry Bailey's. Visitors: Miss Margaret Roy, Toronto, witlj ber mother, Mrs. A. Roy.- MVr. Bob Cooper, Toronto, at home.-Mrs. E. Underwood with her sister in Unionville.-Mîss Beverley Payne, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Payne.-Mrs. Ellis and children, South Porcu- pine, with ber father, Mr. J. Lor- riman.-Mr. and Mrs. Avery, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown.-Mr. Jim Linton, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lin- ton.-Mrs. F. Jackson with Mr. and Mrs. M. Robinson, Kendal.- M4aster Roy Hargrave, Soarbor- ough, with Don McLaren.-Missq Brown's of the meeting. We wish Master Tom Venner a speedy recovery from bis oper- ation.1 Visitors: Bob Stephenson accompanied bis uncle, Mr. Lloyd Stephenson on a fishing trip in the Lake Sim- coe district. Miss Carol Caswell, Newton- ville, at Mrs. C. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodlock and family, Hampton, at Mn. Anchie Brown's. Miss Margaret Scott, Oshawa, is holidaying at Mrs. Trueman Clarke's. Mns. Brant, Toronto, and Alex Moffat, Dundas, at George Ste- phenson's. Nestieton The Nestleton W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Nelson Manlow on Thursday, August l8th, meeting in charge of Mrs. Wilfred Bowles' gnoup. Meeting opened with hymn, "Land of Our Birth," fol- lowed by Lond's Prayen in uni- son. Devotional taken by Mrs. Bowles. Reading, "Little Places" by Mrs. Tripp; reading, "It Shows in Youn Face," by Mrs. George Johns. Ladies donated two qults for the relief valued at $12. All wene in favor of having an ice cream social in the near future. A dainty lunch was senved by Mrs. Manlow and group. Thene were 16 ladies present. The hos- tess and group in charge wene given a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs. R. W. Marlow very kindly invited us to ber cottage for the August meeting. Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and three sons are holidaying at Manitoulin Island mWith ber bro- ther Mr. Wm. Elford.-Miss Shir- ley Bowe, Toronto, visîted Miss Gladys Emerson.-Miss Marie Hanna, Cadmus, visited ber cou- sin, Dora Black.-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler visited friends in Toronto.-Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ton Creed, Barrie, witb ber bro- ther, Mr. M. Emerson.-Miss Dor- othy Bowers visited ber aunt, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono.-Mr. and Mrs. Geoage Johns and Billy. at Mr. L. Joblin's.-Miss Helen Bowers with friends in Bowman- ville.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Job- lin, Georgina Island, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin.-Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black and Dora vis- ited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey.-Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Malcolmn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joblin, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited friends in Port Perry. About 40 neighbors and friends of Mrs. K. Burton (Jennie Gor- don), were invîted to Mrs. Jos. Forder's lawn on Saturday to celebrate Mrs. Burton's birthday. The W.I. sponsored the get-to- gether and she was presented witb a beautiful cake made by Mrs. George Forder, bouquet and several otber gifts. Speeches were made and ice cream, cookies, cake and tea served. AUl enjoy- ed a pleasant afternoon. Enniskillen The W.M.S. and W.A. was beld at the home of Mrs. Sid and Earl Trewin on Wednesday, Juiy 17, witb 29 ladies and five childîen present. Minutes of last meeting were read. Mrs. F. Dorland and Mrs. Arthur Brunt had charge of worsbip service. Mrs. H. Milîs and Mrs. F. Werry's, group had charge of programme. Mrs. Or- ville Ashton gave a talk on the different branches of W.M.S., Ba- by Band, Mission Band and C.G.I. T~. Instrumental by Jean Toms. Mrs. Moore, Shirley, gave a read- ing taken from a paper 60 years ago.. Humorous reading by Mrs. F. Werry, and anotlaer piano solo by Jean Toms. The group in charge served lunch. A large crowd gathered to see the football game between Solina and Enniskillen. It was a good dlean game, score tied 2-2. A severe electrical storm pass- ed over our village Friday even- ing. The lightning struck the church steeple tearing off a num- ber of shingles, also T. M. Sle- mon's gas bowsers, setting them afire, a number of fuses were burnt out, also Howard Pye's ra- dio. Rev. J. M. Whyte spent ten days in the neighborhood and conducted Sunday services on Enniskillen charge to an appre- ciative audience. Miss M. Wright rendered a solo at the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Mrs. Sid Trewin at Mr. John Vance's, Blackstock. Mr. C. W. Rahm, Mrs. W. H. Rahm, Weston, with Mr. W. Rahm.. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Borrowdale, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill and J. A. Werry over the weekend. Several from here attended the Werry picnic at Hampton Park on Saturday and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. H. Slemon, Miss K. McNeil, Toronto, at Mr. R. Mc- Neil's. Miss Jean Robbins, Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, with Mr. S. R.. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Walton and family, Kingston, Mr. Fred Grant Telfordville, Mrs. Gertrude Ste- phens, Mr. Arthur Stephens, To- ronto, Mrs. R. Burgess, Tyrone, with Mr. H. Stevens. Mrs. E. C. Ashton at Mr. I. Tra- Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario 1 LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9%k King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Pbone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis borne 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-5* Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Pbone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 14-tf vell's, Oshawa. Mrs. C. B. Dalton, Helen, Janet and Graham, Hull, Quebec, Miss Beth Travell, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. G. Irwin, Toronto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Mr. DeLyle, Boese, Trînidad, B.W.I., visiting at Dr. C. J. Aus- tîn's. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ratz, Miss Gloria Wright, Mr. F. Spry, Ro,~ chester, N.Y., and baby Donna Ratz with Mrs. Edgar Wright. Misses Gloria and Carol Wright, with Mrs. N. W. Wright, Maple Grove. Wednesday evenirig, July 17, Lawrance Ray Sanderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Sanderson, East Whitby, Gloria Ann, Audrey Carol, Doris Coleen and Betty Lorainne, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, were baptized at the latter's home by Rev. J. M. Whyte, a former pastor. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Maple Grove, and Mr. Murray Sander- son, East Whitby, were also pres- ent. Solina Solina Womenf's Institute met July il with Mrs. Isaac Hardy, president, conducting the opening exercises and business discussion in which donations were voted to the Institute for the Blind and to Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. J. Yellowlees was appointed pi- anist *with Mrs. J. Smales, Jr., assistant. As this was "Young Mothers' Meeting" the roll eall was well responded to with a nursery rhyme. Mrs. J. Baker, leader of Group 2, was in charge of the program-the main feature being the instructive and inter- esting talk by Miss Lena Taylor, R.N., Bowmanville, on 'Health and Child Welfare." With Mrs. I. Hardy at piano, Mrs. J. Baker led in the singing of old time fav- ourites. Musical selections by Mary and Jean Cryderman and a recitation by Marilyn Leask xvere enjoyed. Thirty-five ladies and several children present were served ice cream and cookies by Group 2. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees A NOTABLE -SHORT" .. . the fifteen-minute picture.-D0N'T BE A SUCKER." was made bv the United States Army Signal Corps for show- ing to militarV personnel and is beinq distributed bv Paramount on a non- profit basis as a public service. Short- ly to be released in a number ot Ontario towns and cities. this picture tells in simple sequence the story of how the pitting of faction against faction led to the Nazifying of Ger- many. and, furthermore, how easily it could happen here. IN AN ARTICLE entitled WHAT'S ON THE WAY IN DECORATING.' that popular American magazine GL.4MOUI? remarks: *'Walls have interest ir. them.selves. They've corne out o> the backdrop class. They'll be glass. synthetics . . . fabrics. rirrored.*» Many thousands of peo ple uho have drearneci post-war drearns are watching those drearns corne true Pilkington Glass, one of the wvorld's% great developers of glass, are busy fillinp orders Jer VITROLITE Tile. that glass brickc space-lending walli sur face which can 'nake over the tiniest b atIrh ro om. vestibule or powder-room. or be used for one entire end ot a dining-room min a colour' harrnonious to the general tone of the room. Growing ivy ori other house-plants against this back- ground will pive the room a charrn- inp arbour-like freshness. VITRO- i LTE tile lis easy to instail. cornes in exquisite tones of peach and jade, as well as black, grey and white. HERE'S A VOTE of thanks tc the fashion-maker who first thought of banishing runs and crooked seame by applying "stockings" out of a bottle. Richard Hudnut dlaims a large: share of the success accorded cosmetica stockings because of the excellence of DuBarry liquid hose. Leg Make-Up: as DuBarry cal their preparation. ism a creamv lotion that goes on easil% and dries quicly, Ieaving a lovelv : smooth finish. with no streaking. Du.m Barrv Leg Make-Up is the easv.. fashionable recipe for feminmne allure and cool comfort on hot days. Drug gists carry it !n two popular shades bronze and tropical. Phone f664 and have our truck pick up your order at any store or place and deliver it. We Deliver for: HARRY ALLIN'S, DOMINION STORES, McGREGOR'S HARDWARE, STEWART'S SEEDS and ROY NEADS RADIO. Harry Ai1in "T'he Corner Grocery"F Announces The same courteous attention enjoyed by our towxx trade is extended to our customers from Bowmanville Beach. THREE DEUIVERIEB EACH WEEX - TUES., THIURS8. AND BAT. Delivery by J. & S. Parcel Delivery Order Early for Large Variety of Scarce Articles Mrs. Harriet Taylor, Scugog St., mothers of sons who served in the to the left is Mrs. Chester Doan, Bowmanville, standing rigbt in First Kent Regiment. Next to Mrs. a war bride from Donegal, Ire- the above group, travelled the Taylor is Mrs. J. C. Carruthers land, who arrived in Canada in Marcb last year a short time after greatest distance to attend the re- of Wallaceburg, wbose son was ber husband was killed. cent reception at Chatham to a hero of the First Great War, and Cut courtesy Chatham Daily News This "o the Last Week to Enter THE DO WMAN VILLIE . LEGION Two Night. Carnival August 22-m23 also received a letter re drawing water from one of the fire stor- age tanks. This practice was to be refrained fromn in the future. After much careful discussion the following resolution setting the Police Trustee rate for 1946 was pased: That the rate for the Police Village of Orono be 8 milîs on the dollar for 1946 and that Secretary prepare the necessary by-law and present the same to the Township Council at the Au- gust meeting. The building by-law passed Jan. 29, 1926, was read and it was de- cided to put the same into force in the Village of Orono. Secretary was appointed Inspector of Build- ings, all parties building or mov- ing buildings shaîl secure a permit from the Secretary. If in the opinion of the Inspector there may be some doubt the matter shall be referred to the Police Trustee Board. Garbage collection by-law was laid over for further study. Following bills were paid: C. Farrow, fill at Tannery Hill, $200., A. Hall, storage tank $50. BANK OF MONTREAL u orking iiiii, Canadianý% in cveri ivalk oj-lije sincé, 1,W17 F. Stannard and Harold visited relatives at niskillen. His many friends will Caesarea. miss bim.. Mrs. J. Smales and ber group Next Sùnday, July 28, a Tem- of seven sewing sisters attended perance representative will speak the Achievement Day program in at the churcb service as Rev'. Lin- Millbrook on Friday. stead will be on vacation. One of the Seventh Line's old- Missionary program on Sunday er residents, Mr. A. Milison, sold included a story by Gladys Yel- bis fai, m to George Knox and lowlees and a vocal solo by Pearl bas gone to make bis borne in En- Leach. BOWMANVI LLE PARCEL DELI VERT ,ý, The JA&S. Parcel Delivery Is at your service Bowmanville Beach Delivery IVe now deliver to BowinanvilIe Beach East Side and two deliveries to the West Side. Deliverles made on Tuesday, Thuisâay and Saturdaï. Deliveries are picked up each mornlng at il a.m. and in the afternoon at 3 p.m. W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary of the United Church, Newcastle, met at Mrs. Clarence Turner's. Mrs. Turner's group had charge 1 1 ' 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM&NVELLE, ONTARIO TMMqnAV TTTT.V 9-ntl% icAdt 3