THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1946 Police OffIcer Pollard 1 Surprises Fans By 1 PitchIng 4-Hit Game There was quite a spectacle at1 j"the Public School grounds on1 Tuesday evening. Provincial Po- ic ficer Pollard, a man not as yOun as he used to be, took the mou»,f for the Pepsi Colas and f bdued the Goodyear team 14 ta ~ ~Mr. Pollard has evidently seen Jsorne softbail in his yugrdy as is evidenced by his four-hit per- formance. He got off ta a rather bad start in the first inning when Goodyear scored five runs. After that he settled down ta pitch run- less bail for the remaining six frames. The Pepsis jumped into an early lead in the first when they gat 6 runs from 4 hits and two walks given up by Hoar. The Goodyear retaliated with 5 runs in their haif of the frame but were held score- less for the rest of the game. Pepsi Cola scored three more talles in the second when Cowan drove in Piper and Yourth who had walked, and Tomn Depew crossed the plate on an infield out. They got two more in the fourth on Harry Depew's single and Crombie's home run. Cow- an, Harry Depew and Crombie scored the other 3 runs in the lait of the sixth. Police Officer Poilard of course stole the show but he was ably supported by Messieurs Crombie, Yourth and Bagneil. "Ticker" played a good game behind the plate making short order o! sev- eral fowl flies. Yourth at third and Bagneli at short made an impenetrable left fiank. Bath made sanie spectacular running pick ups and throws. The summary: Pepsis 14 runs, 9 hits, 5 errars. Goodyear 5 runs, 4 hits, 5 errars. Home runs, Pep- sis, Crombie. Bases on halls, off Poilard 1, off Hoar 7, off Mayn- ard 3. Struck out, by Pollard 3, PUBiLIC rMEETINqG Re -New RinI< Ail citizens and local orgaxiizations are requested to attend the meeting, August. th, in the Council Chambers. The proposed new rink, community centre and recreational director for Bowmianvifle will be discussed. A representatiVe of the Provincial Community Welfare Council will address the meeting and explain how these projects can bd' organized and financial assist- ance secured from the Province. If you are interested in organized xre- creation for your community, attend this meeting, August 8th. Sponsored by the Town Council and Rink Committee. C. G. MORRIS, Mayor Expert Wiring When your new house or new barn requires wiring, why not have it done by experts? Ou.r technicians are considered to be some of the best trained in area besides they have a thorough knowledge of what is best for your particular job. We pride ourselves in u.sing only the best of materials throughout no matter how small the job is. Free Estimates On Any Wiring Job General Electric Appliance Dealers Higgon Electric PHONE 438 42 KING ST., B. ANNUAL SPORTS I SPQRT NEWSI - - - v ~am A ?f~PA&GE ELEVEIV THE CANAIAb Merchant Princes Edge Legion by 9-8 Extr~ iningiof pay sem t hta bennthe ordeplat ee tt soft bll gam res. at Thrsday eveninllgait toka et r fame] forFntn trto ntaasubdue h LegiFont b traet-8 score. Witheats hLe for the M8coerhantlPincesv hiledWo fsor chn tePmonde fowhe WVeteraso h on frthe couter-hopes ild p t ruensin te frst hen asan andu4 Mcllinvee walk wedndie oand James hit and Brough was an5 through an error. They added one counter in the third, fourth and fifth. This procedure soan became monotonous as the Legion was able ta retaliate oniy with a single run. Thus at the end of five innings the score stood Front Street 6, Legian 1. The sixth frame revived inter- est in the game when the Legion collected 5 runs. Woods, Hooper, Welsh, Harrison and Little got the tallies. They tied it Up in the next inning, Calmer scoring on a wiid pitch. Tension rose ta great heights in the last haif of the in- ning as bath Cauvier' and McFeet- ers were calied out at the plate by Umpire Jack Coyle. The Legion scored a run ta break the tie in their haif of the eighth. McKnight doubled and scored when Calmer pounded out another two-hagger. It appeared as though the Legian had the game sewed up but the Front Streeters had other plans. Mason was safe on a hunt and Rundie singled. Then came a costiy wild pitch which scored Mason and put Run- die on second with the winning run. McIlveen the next man tip hit inta centre field and the game was over. In looking hack aver the game one cannot overlook the part played by Mason, Rundie and Mc- Ilveen in the iast-minute Front St. raliy. This samne Rundie was the main siugger of the evening with four hits in five trips ta the plate. Hoaper of the Legion aiso had four hits ta his credit made Up of three bunts and an infield hit. The summary: Legian 8 runs, 1l hits, 3 errors. Front Street 9 runs, 10 hits, 7 errors. Left on bases, Legian 9, Front Street 8. - Three-base hits, Legian, Wood- ward. Two-base hîts, Legion, L, McKnight 2, Calmer; Front St., Cr-uvier 2. Bases an halls, off Woods 7, off Williams 2. StrucIk out, by Woods 7, hy Williams 5. Legion: Little cf, Woodward ss, McKnight 2h, Calmer 3b, Woods p, Hooper c, Welsh r!, Harrison lb, Knight if. Front Street-Masan 2h, Rundle if, Hooper ss, (replaced by Cawle in eight) Mcllveen 3h, James lb, Couvier cf, Brough rf, (replaced hy McFeeters in sixth) Williams p, Aluin c. Umpires-plate, Coyle; hases, Crossey. Foundry Wins In Extra linnings From Goodyear By 10-9 It took the Foundry nine Wr ,-i,-.ccto ee uali 10 to 9 wir and Wait Polley were the heroes Welsh was the man who score( the winning run and Poliey wa the man who drove in the tie breaking taliy. Hoar was on thi mound for the Goodyear an( Trewin for the Faundry. Goodyear jumped inta an eari: 2 ta 1 lead in the first frame oi runs by Chant and Coiweil. Wal Poiley got the Foundry'countei In the next inning the Faundr. went ahead 4-3, but the Rubber men came hack with 2 runs in tih fourth and again took the leac The Foundry tîed it Up in the fi! t when Jackman scored on Piper' i DAY AT Bowmanvil le (WEST SIDE) Beach Civic Holiday, M4onday, Aug. 5 GAMES AND CONTESTS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Sports Start at 9 amn. and 1.15 p.m. 1,* DANCING . REFRESHMENTS Candy Booth BING SONG m FREE FERRY SERVICE NEW BOOTHS -Fruit - Free Money m SUNDAY EVENING m Bingo m AUGUST 4th, 9 p.. EVERYONE WELCOME n I I h ~T STATESMAL~' ~UWM&~E VU..L.~. ~.ia N TTSA.BMMNVE thndonteOPalOth In the sixth Mclntyre homered with the bases loaded ta make the score Goodyear 9, Foundry 5. However in the last o! the sev- enth the Irannien came through with a 4-run raliy and forcedt the game inta extra innings. t There was no scoring untilt the iast o! the ninth when the Foundry got their winning run.1 Weish singled and advanced ta second on a wild throw ta first by McMurter. He went ta third on a wild pitch. Then came Walt Polley's smash into centre field and Welsh scored froni third. Aside froni the part piayed hy Welsh and Polley, Trewin also had much ta do with the Foundry win as he fanned 12 batters. Moorcraf t played well at short- stop for Goodyear. "Baidy" Hoar rece'ved a hand froni the crowd when he came back ta pitch a!- ter getting in the way of a line drive. The summary: Goodyear, 9 runs 10 hits, 3 errors. Foundry, 10 runs, 12 hits, 1 errar. Left on bases, Goodyear 8, Foundry 10. Home runs, Goodyear, McIntyre. Twa-base hits, Foundry, Piper. Bases on halls, off Hoar 6, off Trewin 6. Struck out, by Hoar 1, by Trewin 12. Goodyear: Chant 3h, Colwell 2h, McMurter c, Hoar p, McIntyre lb, Moorcraft ss, Oke r!, Krichew if, Kilpatrick cf. Foundry: W. Poliey cf, B. Pal- ley ss, Hately c, Jackman 2h, Run- die r!, Piper 3b, Trewin p, Welsh lb, Fair iM. Umpires: Plate, Crossey; bases, J. Coyle. "We must have an economy o! abundance with expanding pro- duction and more jobs and more things for more people. Oppor- tunities exist for rising standards for al."-Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., chairman o! the General Motors Board o! Directors. first inning Hooper for Bowman- ville and Morrison for B'Nai Brith. Oshawa took a 2 ta 1 lead in the second when Legree hit and scored on Tyson's single. In the third Hooper tied it up only ta have B'Nai Brith go ahead in their haif o! the frame. B'Nai Brith got twa more tai- lies in the fifth and again in the Guaranteed Radio Service on ail makes of Hou and Auto Radios SETS CALLFJD FOR AND DELIVERED Authorized Crosley Dealer Roy W. Nead Radio Sales & Service 85 King St. E. Phone v b 9 p s ti y l c t r by Hoar 2, by Maynard 0. Pepsi Cola: Hailman 2b, Piper ss, Yourth 3», Dickens cf, T. De- pew lb, Cowan if, H. Depew rf, Crombie c, Pollard p. Goodyear: Chant 3b, Colwell c, Hoar p, (Maynard pitched in the fourth), Bagneil ss, Mclntyre lb, Moorcraft 2b, Martyn cf, Krichew If, Oke r! (replaced by Maynard in fourth). Umpires: Plate, Coyle; Bases, Murphy. me 580 OSHAWA Air Condltioned Free Parkingi 'Phone 1011 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY August 2nd - 3rd 'Blood On The Sun"' James Cagney - Sylvia Sldne: y SUNDAY MIDNIGHT MONDAY TO THURSDAY August 5th to Sth "BLUE DAHLIA" Starring Alan Ladd - William Bepdlx and Veronica, Lake Blue Dahlia is Sensational and is strlctly ADULT ENTERTAXNMENT 1 t t 9 n ff k S, [s n le le b, d is 'Ir T F ar ot m st ec ci t% 'w@ More Games w .Local Junior Pc$ sev mlay in Darlington Royals to Victory Ne Football League Over Port Hope d er Saturday evening Hampton It was young Eric McIlveen's tw, Md Enniskillen teams of the Dar- home run blast with the bases ington Football League staged a loaded that broke Up the bail ýast, clean game at Enniskillefl, game at the High School grounds B,: vith Hampton winning a shut- on Saturday and gave the Royals m8 )ut 2-0. The same evening Orono an il to 6 win over Port Hope. lo net Bowmanville on the Hîgh The mighty clout came in the sec- cw 5chool pitch. It was Orono's third ond frame when the Royals were ený iuccessive tie for the game end- trailing 2 to 1. From then on the mi !d -0atful imeofa lenRoyas were neer headed. hii row-peaingcotet.Witheridge started on the hl eri The Bowmanville teami have &or the locals but gave way to sal wo mre amesto laywhich "Porky'" Osborne in the first when will complete the schedule prior he had walked one man anâ giv mi to the playdowns. The tearns en up one hit which resulted in B generally have shown great im- one of the two Port Hope runs 1 provement since the start of the scored in that inning. Port Hope ju eason, with Courtice and Hamp- got their other tally when Rich- 0 ton probably showing to best ad- ards erred on a bounding bail at vantage in recent games. But it short. The Royals replied with vi. is anyone's guess as to the out- one run in their haif of the first, hi come. Interest in the game has Yourth scoring on Dugan McIl- hi been marked by great crowds who veen's bingo. o really want to see a fine corne- The Port boys were held score- ni back to a fie sport. less in the top haif of the second. M ýollowing the close of the Then came the five run Royal ral- schedule a league meeting wiîl ly highlighted hy McIiveen's ho- ss cecide hook-up of tearns and the mer wîth three men aboard. Ri-p dates and times of the prelîmin- chards walked, Kent sacrificed SI ary playdowns. The final standing hlm to second, "Porky"' Osborne as furnîshed by Secretary Jack walked, Ted Bagneli walked and Cf Reynolds, will appear an the Mcllveen homered to net four gi sports page of The Statesman to- runs. The other run came whenp gether with information on the Yourth hit and scored on Al Os- st playoff schedule. borne's double. There were no more runs until the fifth. Edwardson scored for Rurals Take Legion Port Hope after hitting safely. Bob In Close Contest Kent and "Porky" Osborne cross- ed the plate on Bagnell's triple, making the score 9 to 3 for the In one of the best gamres of the oas season the Rurals were victoriotis Port Hope got another one in over the Legion by virtue of a the seventh and two more in the 9-8 score, Monday night. The eighth but the Royals came back F game was close ail the way and a with two in the last of the eighth FE break or two might have turned to make the final score Bowman- p the tide in the opposite direction. ville Royals 11, Port Hope 6. L Richards was the winning pitch- The main factors in determining F er, Woods the laser. the Royal win were the seven er- C In the first inning Pickell and rors committed by the visitors Bragg gave the Rural teani a 2-0 and the extra base clouting of iead. Middleton came back with Rayais themselves. As it was a run for Legion in the second but they were outhît il to 9. Meli- the Rurals got three in their haif veeri's homer, Bagnell's triple and t of the frame when Richards sin- Ai Osborne's double accounted gied, McDonaid walked and for seven of the Royal runs. "Por- Biackbùrn hit a triple and scored ky"l Osborne, although supporting 1 on a passed bal a sore arm, pitched steady game.s Legion tied it up 5-5 in the third The summary: Port Hope, 6r with a 4-run spitirge highlighted runs, 11 hits, 7 errors; Royals il by home run blasts froni the bats runs, 9 hits, 4 errors; le! t on bases of Cameron and Woods. Port Hope 13, Royals 10; home There was no more scoring un- runs, Royals, E. MchIveen; three- tii the last of the fifth when the base hits, Royals, T. Bagneli; two- Rural team raliied for three runs. base hits, Port Hope, Edwardson, Pîckeii walked, Werry drove hini Ashby; Rayais, A. Osborne; bases in and .scored himseif when the on balis, off Bateman 3, off Woods Legion lef t fielder erred. Osý'Dorne 2, off Witheridge 1, off Osborne foliowed with a circuit clout for 2; struck out, by Bateman 0, by the third run. Woods 3, by Witheridge 0, by Woods and Harrison put the Osborne 1. Legion back in the fight in the Port Hope: Keeler ss, Foote 2b, next frame making the score 8 ta Edwardson lb, Douglas 3h, Dawiy 7 in favor of the Rurals. How- cf, Zeaiand c, Porter rf (replaced 'ever Bragg scored on more Leg- by Ashby in fif th), Hoy if (replac- Sion errors and thus the Legion ed by Walsh in fifth and Smith in ewent into the last inning traiiing ninth), Bateman p (replaced hy 19-7. A last minute Legion raliy Woods in second). Fwhich mîght have deadlocked the Royals: T. Bagneli 3b, E. Mc- game or even won it was cut Ilveen cf, Yourth 2b, A. Osborne short when Rickard made a spec- lb (replaced by Williams in the ,tacular catch on a uine-drive by ninth), D. Mcllveen if, Crombie 3Woods into centre field. As it c, Richards ss, Kent rf, Wither- 1was they scored one run on hits idge p (replaced by C. Osborne by'Littie and Richards. in first). Richards was the main star in Umpires: Plate, Devine; bases, athe Rural victory. He pitched Murphy. 1steady bail and had two hits in ithree appearances at the plate. sAlthough the Legion put up a stiff Triple Play Features fight the Rurals showed that they Junior Loss ut Oshawa ;had that extra something which wins bail games and which has put them at the top of the league. Although the Bowmaanviile Jun- The summary: Legion 8 runs, 6 iors went down to a 7 ta 4 defeat hits, 4 errors. Rurals 9 runs, 7 hits at the hands of B'Nai Brith on and 3 errors. Left on bases, Leg- Saturday in the Motor City they ion 3, Rurals 5. Home runs, Leg- #sent a large Oshawa crowd home ion, Cameron, Woods; Rurals, Os taiking of a smart triple play borne. Three-hase hits, Rurals, Bowmanville players pulled with i- Blackburn, Werry. Two-base hits, the bases ioaded. The great event n Legion, Richards, Woods, Harri- took place in the fourth inning. h~ son; Rurals, Werry. Bases on Patte, the first man up, hit a s. halls, off Woods 4, off Richards 4. triple and Tyson and Langmaid ci Struck out, by Woods 6, hy Rich. both walked to fil the bases. is ards 5. Then Morrisan hit a fast ground- Legin: Ltti 2hCamron fPr nto Har. "Baldy" lined it ta ,enth they were leadmng 7 to 2. evertheless the locals rallied for vo runs. Cox and Dadson walk- 1McIlveen was hit by the pitch- ,and Hoar walked netting the vo, runs. This is the fourth time that 'Nai Brith have beaten the Bow- rnviile boys. Their only other ss was to Whitby. It was just a me of too many errors and not ough hits. The Juniors had 4 iscues and could coilect only 3 ts from the offerings of Michael ingmaid and while Oshawa rred only once and got seven âfeties off Hoar. Hooper was the ly junior who showed any pro- ise as he had two of the three owmanvilie hits. The sumxnary: Bowmanvilie uniors 4 runs, 3 hits, 4 errors; )shawa B'Nai Brith 7 runs, 7 hits, error; lef t on bases, Bowman- île 8, Oshawa 6. Three-base .ts, Oshawa' Patte. Two-base .ts, Oshawa, Dell. Bases on balls, 0 Hoar 5, off Michael 7, off Lang- aaid 0. Struck out by Hoar 2, by ichael 4, by Langmaid 0.' 'Bowmanville Juniors: Hooper s, Dadson lb, Mcllveen cf, Hoar )Williams lt, Strike c, Brown rf, 3turrock 2b, Cox 3b. Oshawa B'Nai Brith: Morrison f, Aiken 3b, Bird lb, Dell ss, Le- ,ree If, Patte 2b, Tyson c, Michael .(repiaced by Langmaid in the ;venth). LIONS' SOFTBALL LEAGUE Last Week's Games Front St. 9, Legion 8. Rurais 9, Legion 8. Pepsi Cola 14, Goodyear 5. League Standing Won Lost Pts. Rurals ---------------- 8 1 16 Front Street-------- 4 3 8 Pepsi Cola----------- 4 5 8 Legion ------------ ---4 5 8 Foundry -------------- 3 4 6 Goodyear ------------ 2 7 4 Next Week's Games ugust 1-Front St. vs. Foundry. August 6-Front St. vs. Rurals. Next Tuesday night wili mark +1- enA nf thi44,, ,.,.cslar schedule. Glamou Jewllere -4-' I Lakeshore BASEDALL vs. Dowmanville Wed., August 7th at fflGH SCHOOL GROUNDS Admission: Adults - .25 of age FREE OYAL 1j 4m d I I r gthe eagu ie e wi lcmmnc Lang its ostone dgam e. A , hele of tesega mes eincap )ar in next week's Statesman. Prime Minister Mackenzie King ef t Saturday on the SS Georgic ,om Halifax ta attend the Peace onference opening in Paris, on uiy 29th. Finance Minister Ilsley will be acting Prime Minister in ,is absence. Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanvîlle, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WALRD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9½ King Street E.* Bowmanviile - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notay Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEV1TT & RUDELL Graduates o! Royal Dental College, and Faculty o! Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bidg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. ta 12 noan Wednesday Ciosed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. 'I Off ice in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bawmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday235 Phone 604235 Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravemarkeri, Engraving, Goldleafing . - %1~$IG h mHow A LAUGH A MINUTE MUSICAL MIRTHQUAKE Featurlng BRACKEN MONDAY - AUGUST Matinee Screen Snapshots Short MODA -AUMS "Night ini Para< IN TECHNICOLOR CARTOON1 latlnee lise" 4 FOX LATE NEWS "Night in Paradise" IN TECHNICOLOR THE NIGHT YOU WILL NEVER FORGET! Starring 1 Pl le fr c Ji w hý HOO)PER'S Jeweilery& '-I ho »,IJDiroli 4 4 .4 j à MERLE OBERON TURHAN BEY FOX LATE NEWS COLOR CARTOON "BABY BOTTLENECK*' 1 --- -- -à ýj SUNDAY - AUGUST 4TH COOL - AIR CONDI Thursday - Friday August 1 - 2 ÀA Bell For Adano" A Pulitzer Prize Winner GENE TIERNEY Dynamie Short - ' c Gf t Items FO0R Al Occasi*ons HODIAK Exclting! 'olor Cartoon -tf m m -1 1 You are cordially invited to corne in and lookc over our large di.splays of gift items. We are sure you wifll find something to fil every gift need. A wide selection of gifts to choose from. - Diamond Rings - Lorie Watches - Lampe Silverware 1 with MIL VERONICA LAKE Cartoon in Color xr d Glamour Jewellery rHEATRE - PHONE 589 ITIONED - COOL Saturday - Aug. 3 jack Haley Marcy McQulre in ,"Sing Your Way Home" A Mirthfi Musical - AND - "Under Western Skes wlth Martha Leon Noah O'Drlscoll Errol Beery Jr. A Rip Roarin' Musical4 Color Cartoon 6.30 P.M. m