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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1946, p. 5

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E. Werry's. ar SoHna Miss Muriel Langmaid, R.N., SO Peterborough, at Roy Langmaid's. P Visitors: Murray Prescott, Enfield, with ul Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Donald Taylor: * Toronto, with Mrs. L. Arnot and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Wotten. Murray and Donna, Miss Ruth A Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruickshank Reynolds, at George Harper's, ul and Joan, Peterborough, at Bruce Utica. h Tink's. Miss Evelyn Taylor with Miss Mrs. S. Thompson and Mr. June Luffman, Bowmanville. . t Russell Thompson, Toronto, at S. Mr. and Mrs. George Milîson fr IE L ri Fromthecapialsof te wrld he lob FrtheewYorkTim o te orignTNewsGstaf .an exclusive Globe and Mail news feature! if it happened in Canada-in your town, in your county or your province, The Globe and Mail reporters will tell you ail about it clearly, factually, in your morning Globe and Mail. Tommy Munns, jim Coleman, Bobbie - *-, - Rosenfeld, Appas Tappas, ail the top- - flight Globe and Mail sports reporters bring you up.to-the-mînute news on the world of sports every day, in 3 full pages -~. of sports news! - à pmif What are the neighbours doing? How can housework be more pleasant? Feature for feature every item on the three daily- women's pages of The Globe and Mail is alive with interest 10 women. learless comment on world and local affairs greets you in The Globe and Mail's . editorial page. Without regard to party -- lines or perty politics today's prohlems are - presented for your reading. Famous fea- ture writers fi11 the page with interest. iv- n <- Public utilities-private ownership- stocks, bonds, mining news, livestock, grain, and produce reports . . . you get complete reports from the financial pages 1;ý of The Globe and Mail. Read Wellington - J effer's factual commentary! Two pages of the finest cartoon features in every issue! What better way 10 start the day than with these laugh-provoking features? GM46-1 W -- - A M De'« & A MI TV É%7T U'l THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1946 Case Farm Maehinery- Firesti DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment 91 King St. W. % M nd Douglas, Toronto, at E. Mili- 5on's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and >atsy at Alan McKenzie's, Col- umbus. Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, Murray and Allyn with her parents at Col- umbus. Allyn remained for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allun, Ro- bert and John, Mr. and Mrs. Ai- fred Allun and David, Mr. and vlrs. Joe Barton and son, Bow- nanville; Miss lli and Miss*Nan Allin, Toronto, at Wes Yeliow- lees'. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley and .ynn, Oshawa, at Wes Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe have returned from an enjoyable trip through Western Canada to Banff, Alta. They visited many friends and relatives en route, inciuding C. E. Brown, Maple Creek, Sask., a former Solina school teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake, Howard, Betty and Roy, are hol- idaying at Caesarea. Miss Lena Taylor is spending three weeks' vacation at Hall's Lake, Haliburton. Zion Diane Lee, Master Brian Lee, Ke- dron, at A. T. Stainton's.-Miss Donna Bail is iii with pneumonia. -Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Arthur Youngman's, Tyrone.- Rev. and Mrs. A. Robb and fam- ily, Courtright, at Perey David- son's.-Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Master and Ashton, Toronto, at Alex McMaster's.-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brady, Miss Jean Gollup a:.-d friend, Niagara-on-the-Lake, at Robt. Killen's.-Miss Ruth Prescott, Enfield, is visiting Miss Ruth Robbins.-Mr. Hans Geiss- berger, Jr., Miss Mary Geîssberg- er at Peterboro.-Mrs. F. B. Glas- pel at Belmont Lake.-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson and family at Russell Cochrane's, Brady. THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESESTORES Newcastle: Mellow's Dîug Store. Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniskillen-T. M. Slemon & Son. Burketon: Harold Gill. Blackstock: H. T. Saywell. Nestleton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: J. Crowley. Orono: Tyrîell's Drug Store. Ni-to,.,+fl,,ei1 W.C. Lane & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron and Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Joyce, Mrs. Fred Cameron at Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Bernard McEwen's, Caledon East. Jewell, Jury & Lovell, W. J. -Mi. R. C. Stainton at Perth.- Bagnell, Statesman Office. Mi. Harvey Balson has been un- der the doctor's care with an ab- scess in his throat.-Mi. and Mis. Canadian made newsprint ac- A. T. Stainton at Sam Snowden's, counts for i out of eveîy 2 news- Rice Lake.-Mr. and Mis. Lloyd paper pages printed throughout Stainton and Gail, Toronto, Miss1 the world. Magnetic Speedway... tisat aures uni- foras, fast and gentie rnilking at-ali tirnes. It is a wonderf ni feeling to know that your cowa are being rnilked li tiesemre uni- forai, correct way day after day. And the renu of De Laval faut, uniforai niling . p 1 --- wlt--- - .11 fn wih us todY? De Laval If you wn Mine, highc production, sud an "si tor--eli et Y&W of us Separtot And there style jilSt Hand or n DULAVAL-MILKER 0F CHAMPIONS Motvl lle mkbe RaKAppIClo. ow byIl3i.J. E ,Cve, Gl.aalOf Fam; Al14fl. , lalo ota6.u SS,,rd' e r e e berds fo sefflor to,.r-year.ad Lh"1~0%0a .,OlMilklnz. ler HO? riiord l24,468 lb.. of suk a"d 1163 lb.. of fat. She tg llbewlNia 6ec01sho cW .W I Separatcrs De Larvai Sterling Miker it cleanest *kun- if you are looking for ot quetity -"-a De Lavai quality mmus longeaI servCe e oehîlwrfn y-to-wash sapara- etsewaro Iowest cool pet cost, got the facta on the le-e- De Laval De Laval Sterling Militr is your ens wet- Pultator bas only two 'ise a izeenmd prs-poie .tr ght fo r yu. moin prlgacpovid Lne Tires Phone 497 BO WMAN VILLE LEGION TWO. NIGHT CARNI VAL THURS. - ii FR1.UGUST 22 ND23 RD PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS TWO NIGHTS 0F FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY NEW GAMES - NEW BOÔTHS - BINGO - FREE MONEY - NEW PRIZES "Miss West Durham" to be Chosen "6Miss West Durham"" to receive $100 in cash plus over $200.00 in merchandise POPULARITY CONTEST FINALS STANDING 0F LEADERS WILL BE POSTED THE LAST NIGHT 0F THE CARNIVAL. PURCHASE 0F A BALLOT ENTITLES YOU TOTWO CHANCES TO WIN A RADIO. Tickeis may be obtained from aziy member of the Legion RADIO GIVEN AWAY EACH NIGHT Entire Proceeds fcfr Bowmanville Legion Memorial Hall The Orono News mposed of Newcastle, Newton- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gibbs and îlle and Orono, Newcastle won family, Dunbarton, with Mr. and .e championship by three Mrs. Ed. Graham. traight wins over Orono in the Miss Ethel Rutherford with rel- .ayoff s, which concluded on atives in Parry Sound. riday evening, July 26th. Or- Mrs. F. Drummond, Virginia- ,o girls have played good bahl town, with her parents, Mr. and hroughout the season under the Mrs. J. A. Paterson. pable coaching of Mr. Stan Mr. and Mrs. A. Jakeman with ýayne. relatives at Sydenham. Mrs. Neil Porter and her mo- er, Mrs. Oliver of Bobcaygeon, ft August ist for a month's' visitHa p o 'ith relatives in Alberta. Congratulations to Councillor FH. Lowery and Mrs. Lowery Miss Madeline Trull, Toronto, )n the celebration of their 25th who has been holidaying with her Nedding annîversary. Relatives mnother, Mrs. A. C. Trull, has re- ind friends gathered at the home turned to Toronto. )f Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lowery to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adaskin onor this popular couple, who and son Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. were presented with a cabinet of Harold Brooks and Patsy, Toron- latware. to, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robsoni Mr. J. J. Mellor is taking the and son George, Oshawa, with morning service at Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. G ob rCollautt United Church for three Sundays. r n r.BbClaut Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wannan Joyce and Jimmie, Salemn, at Clar- nd family, St. Catharines, were ence Tomlinson's. in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harness, they and baby Wallace, Oshawa, vho were married recently in with Mrs. J. Chatterton. Ottawa were honored by their Mr. Russell Thompson, Toron- Aintioch neighbors and others atto with his mnother, Mis. S. he home of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Thompson, at Mr. and Mrs. W. Harness. A presentation of a chi- Cha pman's. na cabinet and end table was. Lloyd Schram, Guelph, is vis- nade by Carmen White, Bil] iting George Chatterton. Gordon and Bob Coatham, accom-. Mrs. G. Adcock with relatives panied by an appropriate address in Oshawa. readby M. Leis Wod.Mr .and Mrs. Wilbert Bailey, A meeting representing the in- agtrCoine ndPsy terested townships in the Gan- Kitchener, with the Horn rela- araska Watershed was held in tives. Orono Hall last week to set up an Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, authority to commence the Osh awa, at T. Wîay's. scheme. Mr. A. Richardson,' De- Mrs. R. Petley, Toronto, at partment of Lands and Forests, Harold Allin's and G. Adcock's. was in attendance. Nothing de- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allin, Osh- finite was decided so'. another awa, at C. E. Iorn's. meeting will be called for Sep- Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitsett and tember. son John, Oshawa, Johnny Good- Mrs. J. G. Jackson is visitn win, Bîooklin, with Mr. and Mis. her nieces, Mrs. Geo. Smith and G. Keetch. Mrs. Lorne Paeden, Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne, Bow- Services in Orono United manville Beach, at W. Green- Church are withdrawn for the away's. first two Sundays in August. Mr. and Mis. M. Cryderman Mrs. Fred Souch a former res- and children, Oshawa, at L. Cry- ident of Orono, who has been ii derman's and Gordon Wilbui's. Toronto Western Hospital for Bloyd Wilcox, Peterboro, at about two months, underwent an home. operation, Friday. Ted and Frank Wilbur and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson frîénd, Toronto, at G. Adcock's. and Jack acconipanied by Mrs. Miss J. Catron and Miss J. Pat- Stanley Brown and Messrs. Milt terson, Toronto, with the former's and Harold Brown, Newcastle, sister, Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees. Miss hav ben o a ruie u th TrntPatterson is now visiting friends Valley Canal. a roln Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen Donald Yellowlees, Toronto, and and Henry, also Don Mercer are Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Peter- spending their vacation capn boro, with parents, Mr. and Mrs. on Lakcampinge.N. C. Yellowlees. Mr. Astîidge, baker at Dean's Mr n r.W aTrno Bakery, is on a week's vacation. with Mr. and Mis. A. L. Blan- Mr. Arthur McLaren is holiday- chard. igwith Mi. and Mrs. Harry a Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, Clarke, Prescott. T hoe.nrlo h aeSme Mr. Fred Lorriman who arriv- Tefnrlo h aeSme ed fîom England last week has Colwill was held from the Morris been visiting his father, Mr. J. Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville,-on Lorriman. Wednesday and was conducted by The Misses Morrison have re- Rev. E. S. Linstead, with burial tuîned after visiting relatives in at the north cemetery, Hampton. Hamilton and Toronto. A large number of relatives and Rev. and Mrs. H. Wolfraim and friends attended. famiy, inday; r. nd rs. We extend congratulations to Johnly, LndsayTor.o and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wood, Or- and Mrs. Mervyn Keane, Osh- ono, formerly of Hampton who awa, and other relatives gathiered on Tuesday, July 3Oth, celebrat- at the home of Mi. and Mrs. A. ed their 62nd wedding annmveî- H. Keane to welcome Mis. Robt. saîy. A pienic supper was held Keane from England. at Orono Park in their honor and Orono Band played in Port was attended by relatives. Perr onCivi Hoidayandat lis friends are pleased to Perr onCivc Hoida an atknow that Keith Peters has re- Claremont in the evening. covered sufficiently to return Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor were from the Bowmanville Hospital entertaned at the home of Mr. a nd is convalescing at the Salter and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford, Kir- home. by, on Sunday, celebrating Mrs. Heavy thunder showers were .Mlr anrdar. To.Lwsadprevalent here on Sunday even- gir ave r.turedfomapLewsas- ng. Owing to interference with grshiaye atuGre's Loadmng. the hydro power, coal ou lamps, ant hld ya oesL nig lanterns and candies were pîessed Miss Anna Staples has accom- noue panied Mrs. Arthur Frank and noue Bowmanville Girl Guides to their camp at Pigeon Lake and will act Lnir ie o as Quartermaster. Six Orono Lnlr ie o Guides are also attending the Not Supplying Proper camp. aiayFclte Mr. and Mrs. R. E. LoganareSairyFclie spending this week with relatives a t Tweed.r The Orono Tinshop) In the magistrate's court, held Cobbledick.1 Mr. Brown was found guilty Miss Kathleen Green, Orillia, and fined $10.00 and costs. GENERATIONS HAVE ENJOYED IT DÀLYS*9Teu flavour that OMGEEKOE holds the preference of three generations as Daly's Tea bas T EA don. must b. extra- ordinorily good. It ik Try It. Ask your grocer for DaIy'sTea. I l PAGE FIV~ iE cANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANVILI.&t, -ulN TH 1 I Deing Offered NO 0w At SOMME tR CLEARANCE I I 1~ W * H. DROWN DEALER FOR . 0 You 1 Will Dy Taking Advantage PAGE FWZ of the LUES

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