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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1946, p. 12

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U AIEU Ir'.T'TE AAINSAEMA.BW AVLE NAROTrTsAAGUTl.,14 ~E Ir.YV l ilE A forest fire not only destroys valuable timber, it may also force mifl to close down and put peo- pie out of jobs. Pliying safe with matches and fite in the woods helps prevent forest fires. Fires are started by thoughtless people. Canadian exports to Latin Amn- enica, for the first five months Phone 778 WHEN WE TEST King st. W. of this year, had a total valuj of $36,385,000. The total for th~ year, 1946, if this rate of foreig: trade is maintained, will be i the neighborhood of $88,OOO,OÔ( This will represent more than times the value of. goocts shippe to, those Republics in an ave: age pre-war year. Th fe words and symbols of a prescription may be unintelligible to the average person. To tlie train- ed phàrmacist they are crystal clear directions which lie transforms into medicine exactly as the phys- ician lias ordered. To him, the physician's directions are a law tliat permits no deviation in interpretation. ACCESSORIES FOR THE BATH Evening in Paris flusting Powder ------ -- $1.50 Langlois Lavender Dusting Powder --------- $1.10 Adrienne Dust. Powder $1.10 Old Spice Dust. Powder $1.25 Old Spice Bath Soap 3-$1.00 Woodbury Soap --- 3 for 23c Lux Soap ------------2 for lic Canadian Sea Fine Bath Saits --------------89c Rexalli Minerai Bath -----50c Evening in Paris Cologne 65e Adrienne Cologne ----- $1.10 Old Spice Cologne----- $1.25 E.A. Blue Grass Cologne $1.50 FOR CASE 0F THE HAIR Pro-phy-lactic Hair Brushes Professional -------- $1.75 Jewelite --------- ---$2.25 Jewelite, RolI-Wave ---$3.95 Jury C INSECTICIDES Shelitox ---------- - --- --- 43c Fit ------------------------23c Sapho with 3 % DDT ---27c Fly-kil with % % DDT 24-43c FIy-tox ---------- ------ 24c-43c 2-Way ]Insecticide ---59c-98c Fly Sprayers --------69e Skeeter-skoot Cream - -35c Sketofax ------------------ 25e Rexal Insect Chaser ------35c CANNING NEEDS Viceroy Fruit Jar R ings ----- - ------ 2 for 15c Fruit Kepe -------------- 25e Powdered Nutmeg, per oz. 5c Whole Mixed Spice per oz. 5c Allspice, per oz.------------5c Whole Cloves, per oz. 5c Jury & Loveli Pickle Mixture, pkg. 33c, 3 for $1.0 Lovel C.N.R. Tickets EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY Bowmanville strips ... new enjoyable, laughable characters ... -- <o add a new zest and life to our comic pages ... to give you a new lift, and the odd -chuckle that -starts your day off ight. Pè RESCRI PIONS, i ) k ie le n 0. 4 r- 4/ WV *We are pleased to announce we have instàlled a new lendlng library. This wil affortl an opportunlty to read the new and popular books at a small eost. 3 cents a day Such favorites as: Britannia Mews Black Robe London Belongs to Me Bo Well Remembened The Postman Rings Twice THIS IS A LEHMAN LIBRARY (No Charge to Join) Je W. JEWELL PHO « 556 «Ma le0" COVE How ur Brd'slongne 0 streche las Thrsda whn h hnd, onvrgig songoveCt- tagewereMr.dames WhiE ttn Ars.hreyoxBaikwerreadyto n atnkling he, was perched sinc thge brheMs. andelsehedto t reading of Betty Barr's letters from England. Pepy's diary hard-c ly excels themn in keen, homely, touches. Just as the guests rose,t out he fiuttered much to the dis- may of the tea-cup chatterers. But he's a gentleman, this Bird, and he confined his remarks to5 the appearance of the tea table,1 bright with yellow and blue lin-1 en, centred wîth a massive bowl1 of blending flowers.1 He must seldom leave his perch at the cross-roads, for he is al- ways ready with his list of guests at the cottages. Miss Barbara Creighton is spending a week with Grace Su- therland lat 'Bunny Burro.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay, Jr., Mr. James- McKenzie, Mrs. F. McCarthy and daughter Barbara, ail of Toronto, at "Daisy Dell." Heather Brawn invited ten young guests to celebrate her lOth birthday on, August 6. Miss Mel Rundle of Montreal visited her sister, Mrs. G. L. Brawn, with Mr. Jack McNulty at "The Dingle." Mr. and Mrs. J. de Young of Montreal were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ott at El-Ti-Di-Sa. Mr. James A. White of the Iron Fireman paid a flying visit to his three sons after an inspectoral trip to the Consolidated coal mines in Kentucky and Virginia. Mrs. John Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pickard "Braeside Cottage," have as their guests Mrs. Margaret Coutts, her daugh- ter, Mrs. Raymond Atkinson and grandson Jimmie all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLean, Ham- ilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Simpson a t "Summenhaven." Pat Simpson has left for a short visit at Elmhurst Beach, Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Jones, Ronnie and Russell are at Laf- a-Lot cottage for August. The Chapel-on-the-HIHi This week your reporter is a nine-year-old who chatted as he strolled homeward down the Chapel Road with S.S. paper in hand. "Mrs. Harrap taught us today because Mrs. Carlton is tiiýed after last week." "Sure, I can remember what 1she told us. It was ahl about Jo- seph's brothers being jealous be- cause he had a fiashy coat. They sold him to some men going to Egypt. But he didn't get a bit sore and he was awfully kînd to thema afterwards. Then she op- ened a candy box she had with her, but there weren't any choco- lates in it. Thene was a magnet and some matches. Only a few of the matches hitched on to the magnet and the others wene lef t behind. The ones that fastened on had pins in themn. It's the same makes Bowmanville Beach the spot to which sa many return fnom year to year. Little Billie Murchison has won the honors for the Beach this week when at the parade on Sat- urday evening, this littie two- year-oid won first prize in the pa- triotic costume class. Be-decked in the Highland Kilt worn by his father, Mr. Bruce Murchison, in his childhood, Billie marched in- to first place at the Lions Carni- val on Saturday evening. Con- gratulations Billie. Miss Rena Dilling is recuper- ating from a tonsil operation on Saturday morning. Mrs. W. Martin and Ian, Toron- to, holidaying with ber mother in "Moonshine" cottage. Master Allan VanDusen, Ton- onto, is vacationing with his grandmother, Mrs. F. E. VanDu- sen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Culiy, Marilyn and Billie, Toronto, are holiday- ing in 'Wene-Verfus.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Street, Mis- ses Jean and Peggy Street, Mn. Wm. Street (JrO. have returned to Toronto after their holiday at thein cottage. Miss Velda Lattimer, is vaca- tioning with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Lattimer. Mn. Bob Allun, Oakvilie, with his cousins, Wallace and Gary Dii- These Sunday Schooi teachers put into practice, "In lie morn- ing sow thy seed." The flowers, from the speaker's it desk were sent to Rena Dilling who is recovering from a tonsil operation.i Ail were glad to see Mr. Mc- C'artney in hîs accustomed place cý,nducting the 11:30 service. Mrs. Simpson, soprano, Misses Phyllis Genge and Grace Sutherland, contraltos, Mr. Attwell, bass, and Mr. Grey Barrick, tenor, sang, unaccompanied, Kipling's Reces- sional, set to Surrey, a Iwo-cen- tury oid majestic tune of the An- glican church. There's something in this open-air singing that stirs deep emotions. Everyone is most grateful to these skilled singers who work with the breezes not against them. In every sense th'~ is a comn- munity service. Tte youngest grandchild of "The Cove," eight- week-old Kenneth Nash, joined in one of the stanzas of "Onward Christian Soldiers;" a three-year- old, with ail a red head's fire, from her outside bench, contrib- uted an, obligato to ail the hymns; not a few who have passed the Psalmist's limit voiced the zeal of youth in their old-time favor- ite hymns. Lt. Col. John H. Fox, as re- quested gave a talk on "Giving Thanks." After a few words of thanks to the Chapel folk for their many kindly nemembrances and gifts to him while overseas fromn 1939-1945 he launched into his subi ect by quoting à recent ut- terance of Wînston Churchill's who had a dlaim to it through bis famous forebear,, the Duke of Marlborough: "God and the soldier we adore In time of danger-not before; The danger passed, and ail things righted, God is forgot, the soldier slight- He brushed off the iast clause as irrelevant to the attitude to- ward the soldier of today, but he expnessed the profound hope that "God is forgot," will neyer be true again. He stated that the deepest cause for gratitude is the fact that we are free to thank God, when, where, and how we wil and not by permission of pagan- minded Nazi peoples. He then, in a chatty way, took his audienice across northwest Europe with the iiberating armies in the period from D-day to V-E day, stress- ing incidents of quietly express- ed gratitude after many crisesI to the Hand'that was guiding them, mentioning particularly the stili- ness of the Channel on the day of the invasion and the character of their God-fearing leader, Mont- gomery, wbo refused to be hur- ried into the sacrifice of human life for spectacular success. We quote bis peroration: "We now look baeck over this first year of so-called peace or armis- tice, with ail of its unrest and violence. Former allies are at variance and victors and. van- quished don't aiways seem to know what they want and seem unabie to reach agreement. So- cial and famine pnoblen aseem far from solution. HowêeeWwe- can give profound thanks that saner counsel and cooler beads seem determined that another such confiict will be avoided- even at the cost of pensonal and national pride." 'The Conquest-of Pain" will be Leader McCartney's subject for next Sunday at 11:30. The offer- ing will be given to the Bowman- ,ville Hospital. If each cottage will send at least one represen- tative we canshow in a smnali way our deep appreciation of the services of this institution in times of emergency. WVEST BEACH (Beach Comber) Mrs. Forrest Dilling was host to the guests of the weekly euchre and Mrs. J. Parker and David town, Miss Marilyn Cully, Ton. onto, at "Wene-Verf us. "-Mis! Marjorie and Mn. Jack Dorne3 with their mothen at "Cylani Phore."-Mrs. Forrest Dilling en. tertained the officers of the Hom( and School Association on Tues. day evening in ber cottage "Lin. ger Longer."-Mr. and Mns. Jas Glenday and grandson Donalc Wade, Toronto, in their cottage "'Gien Doug."-Mr. and Mrs. H Pawson, Misses Inene and Gwen Oshawa, at "Beach Haven."-Misý Carole and Master Fred Dorney Toronto, with thein grandmothei in "Cylant Phore."-Mn. and Mrs E. A. Collins and family, Mn. anc Mrs. P. J. Densham, Misses Manig Denshamn and Velma Gayne, Osh awa, with.Mn. and Mrs. S. Shar pies. Hurrah for oun side, West Sidg boys won Monday evening's soft bail game. Anothen fisherman of note î Bill Street (Jr.) who caught a six pound pike in the lagoon. Wel done! We hear his mother pass ed out dinnens to ail her neigb bons who enjoyed the genenou steaks. We believe a good pic tune has been taken to prove thi is not just another fish story. L Mrs. F' Mathews and Miss Bet .ty Mathews are in "Tacoma.' ifng. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Durno, Mn. Bruce and Mac Durno weekended with their parents in "Cheerio." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole, have returned to Oshawa after bol- daying in "Boskey Dell." Mr. and Mrs. A. Masters, Terry and Don, town, in their cottage Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Allin and family, Oakville; Mn, and Mrs. J. M1. Burns and famiiy, Peterboro; MIrs. H. H. Dilling, Mr. Ray Dii- .ing, town, Mrs. W. Wallace and Gary, Miss Mary Wallace, Messrs. Bihl Dilling, Bob Price and C. Rumprey, Whitby at F. Diiiing's in "Linger Longer." Master Donald Severs with his aunt-, Mrs. F. Cole, in 'Gary's Paradise." Mrs. I. Gabourie and f amily, roronto with her mother, Mrs. C. S. Hailman. Miss Marion Barnett visiting with Mrs. Heaney in "Rendez- vous." WEST BEACH NEWS (Intended for Last Week) Sea Scouts under Capt. Wm. Waddington came to timely aid of the saîling yacht Brenda II in Pont Darlington. Early Thursday evening these heroic Sea Scouts won thein braid when they made their third res- eue in a week. This time it was the sailing yacht Brenda II which haçi nun aground on the rocks on the west bneakwater. Jack Hate- ly with his launch 'Eileen' towed the Brenda II off the rocks, until the nope broke and he was forced to leave themn abandoned -on the sandy shoal. The crew with the aid of the Sea Scouts up to their necks in the raging waten held the yacht from drifting back on the nocks while a line was taken by "Sonny" Norris, Cedar Cnest, to the east pier, where the specta- tors assisted in pulling it safely off the ban, but not before the nope broke a second time. Dur- ing this procedune Wallace Diii- ing, "Linger-Longer," swamn out fuily clotbed and going aboard lowered the sails and battened down the hatches, which owing to the east gales was driving the boat over in the, rough sea into the rocks. The skipper wvas high in his praise for the assistance of the Sea Scouts and boys from the beach, who had saved his boat from destruction. He related the startling fact that in one week's tour he had witnessed the Sea Scouts performa their third nes- cue of distressed ships. Weekly eucl¶re was held at Mrs. R. Hallman's. Pnize winners wene Mrs. T. Wright, Fred Cole, Walter Cochrane; consolation, Mrs. H. Noble. Visitons: Mn. Wm. Street and Miss Peggy Street at "Wene-Venfus."-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole and Merle, Oshawa, at 'Boskey Dell," with them are her sister Mrs. C. Short and Dorothy, Oshawa.-Mr. and Mrs. A. Masters and Teddy and Don; Misses Bernice and Ruth Stocker and Bobby Stocker with Mrs. Rance Dilling.-Mrs. W. H. McAdam, Jack and Gary; Mr, and Mrs. R. McAdam and Lynn;, Mrs. H. Hopkins and Dianne, Ton- onto, at Royal Quinn's cottage.- Mn. N. Bottrell and family, Ton- onto, Mr. and Mns. C. Robinson and Dougie at "Seldom Inn."- Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders and family, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Wal- ters and family, Toronto; Mrs. H. Rice, Joan and John, town, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Rice in "It Soots Us."-Mr. and Mrs. J. Martyn and Brian, .town, at Mrs. R. Hallman's, -Stanley Dunn, George Edgar, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Moffat, June, Georgina and Dorothy Moffat, Ross Moffat, Miss Maxine Zabitz. Mn. and Mrs. M. Lawson, Toronto. at 'Rusty Nook." - Leonard Knight, town, at "Rusty Nook Junior." - Miss Marlyn Miller. town, Mn. and Mrs. T. Woodlock THT RADIO SHOPI SBE THE NEW E AS Y Vacuum Cleaner $59-50 AMPLIFIERS for rent for meetings - dances The Radio Shop Plione 573, 38 King St. B. BOWMANVILLE ViAitint with thern were Mr. A. Mathews, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Crombie; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tait, town. CEDAR CREST NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waddington, Toronto, are vacationing in their cottage. Mrs. Anne Brown and her daughter, Toronto, are holidaying in "Cedar Nook." Mr. and Mrs. Morris and family in "Talbot Lodge." Mrs. Bis is now occupying her newly erected cottage on the old site of Camp Schofield. Dr. and Mrs. Miller and family returned to. town after vacation- ing in "Princeton." Miss Audrey MacKay and Miss Gladys Allingham are holidaying with her parents in "Lindy Lou." Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchan have returned to their cottage "Mary- ville." Mr. Buchan has made a miraculous recovery from par- alysis, which he attributes to the healthy atmosphere of Bowman- ville's beaches. Mr. and Mrs. F. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner in their cot- tage, weekending. Congratulations to Mrs. T. Tur- ner on her good luck. She was the lucky recipient of a new radio from the Bowmanville Beach As- sociation field day. We hope she will have many enjoyable hours of entertainment. New Library Books Include Recent. Issues Interest in reading was main- tained during the holiday season according to Librarian Mrs. S. Bowers who reported 750 books issued in the first haif of July. The library was closed July 20, for the usual two weeks vacation and reopened August 6. The following new books are now on the shelves for circula- tion among members. They in- clude some of the latest popular releases, some of which have ap- peared serially. Fiction: Then and Now., This Side of Innocence, Lord Hornblower. Non-Fiction: My Three Years With Eisen- hower, The Northland (Ontario), The Conquered Death, Twilight of Liberty, This Country Life, The Petroleuma Industry, The Paper Industry. Juvenile: Happy-Go-Lucky, Wild Palo- mino. Pre Nuptial Showers For Betty Snowden Popular bride-elect Miss Betty Snowden, Maple Grove, has been the recipient of many showers the past week prior to her marriage, iAugust 24 to Mr. Otis Pritchard, tManotick, Ont. 1 On leaving the Toronto office 1of the R. M. Hollingsl\ead Co. iwhere she has spent the past eight iyears following two years at the Bowmanville office, the staff ten- dered a dinner party at the Royal *York Hotel at which presents of a beautiful coffee table and two carved chairs were the gifts of the two office staffs. Present from iBowmanville were Manager Reg. -Jones, Miss Kay Moore and Miss 1 Marion Foley. Among Toronto friends, show- ers were given by Mrs. Rupert iJackson featuring kitchen uten- 3 sils, a linen shower by Miss Bey- 1erly Shea, a cup and saucer show- er by Miss Eunice Denby.. Mrs. George Brown, Bowmanville, ai- 50 arranged a miscellaneous shower during the week. Invit- ed guests will attend the wed- ding at Maple Girove Church, iSaturday evening, August 24. 'FOUNDRY AND LEGION IN TIE 16 oz. botte Flydled .Sp!ay- Brodie's Self-raising Fleur 3 Ibo. 25o~ Neilon' Cocoa - lb.,tin 2 1D M&ATS Dressed Pork - Chicken Roll - Delicious Loaf English Brawn GROSEÀ'S' GROCERY, Maple Grove Plione 2582 Freeh Cabbages, head 5c Aylmer Soups - 2 for 17e A.ylmer 13 FI. ozs. Grape Juice - 21c TRY OUR COI THE REXALL DRUG STORE SEE THE NEW WLBU'RflIflGRRflOES Corne in and see tlie new Oul Burning Ranges on display in our sliop. This is the, new design"you have been wait- ing for. HEAD)QUARTERS FOR DeLaval Milkers and Separators, Cleaners and Washing Powders HOUSBHOLD ITEM Floor Wax, Furniture Polish, FIy Sprays and Bug Blitzers Electrie Drills - Batteries for. Fence and Radios W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery -Ffrestone Tires DeLaval Mtilkers and Separatoru Beatty Bron. Stable Equlpment 91 Klnt St. W. Phone 497 LENDING LIBRARY THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMMANVIIM. ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, lffl i

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