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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1946, p. 5

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- m T%#NClAf1-ymT n' TVIA D:tl Ti' PAGE FIVE H______________- ..-h, 1946 Dowmanville Branch oi the Canadian Legion Fun Wir lveirvcnem- amesm-Attmacti@ls -Auseet 51t PUBLIC SCHOOL ORQU Fn Em.venin2 abw JE&- w - - os, DO WMAN VILLE Auuust 22 ND 8 23 RD BOOTHS '0F EVERY DESCRIPTION DON'T MISS IT! ItdU Ircceeds fur LeUîcn Nemcrki l all il Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer, o Newto villeBowmanville, at Bert Stapleton's. _____Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chester, Osh-j Mrs. Mclntyre, Toronto, and awa, with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Miss Jennie Thompson are on a Whittaker. trip through the Thousand Is- Decoration Day was held in lands. Lakeview cemetery last Sunday. Fred Burley and friend with Rev. H. A. Bunt came from his his sister, Mrs. Geo. Ovens. cottage on Rice Lake to take the Miss Bertha Thompson in Tor- service and Rev. Robert Wragg on onto. holiday at his father's home, as- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morris with sisted. Owing to ili health Rev. W. her sister in Mount Albert. C. Blake, Bowmanville, who has Lawrence Gilmer motored to been with us each year, was un- Buffalo Tuesday to meet his wife able to be present. Mr. Jas. who flew over from Holland. We Swarbrick, Kendal, helped again extend to Mrs. Gilmer a hearty with the singing. On looking ov- welcome. er those present we saw many Danny Shutka is ail smiles to- who had corne back to the littie day and no wonder. On top of his home town for this memorial ser- discharge a telegram that his vice. There is always a tinge of Irish bride is on the Atlantic. We regret in their voices as ,they ask are sorry his mother is in such for old friends they were hoping poor health. to see. Among those welcome Mrs. C. Reid with her daugh- visitors we noticed Rev. Wallace ter, Mrs. Wilfrid Woods. Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mr. Clem Hancock, Ottawa, Mr. Alexander and children; Mr. and Cliff Hancock and daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Harold Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Dilnsford, Peterborough, with Jack Glover and babe; Mrs. Elias Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock. McCullough; Mr. and Mrs. Mun- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer, dy, Mr. and Mrs. Buttery, Mr. and Starkville, and littie Diane, with Mrs. Chas. Welsh and -families, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley. ail of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. WANTED. Vour Egs HUGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID What Are You R.coiving For Your Eggs? Our Quotation Saturda.y, July 27th was GRADE A LARGE ......................' ......... 46e Also the Best Market for Your Live Hoge Lambs Chickens - m Calves Hens PICKERING FARMS LIMITED Phone 336 - Day or Nlght WE[ITBY ONTARIO McReelis and children. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elmer, Nor- man and Jack, Millbrook, Mr. W. Elmer, Baileboro, Mrs. Muriel O'Connor, and Mr. Cecil Heap, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Millbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randai and John, Oshawa, with Mrs. Jennie Randal. Miss Kathleen Riches and Mr. Pugh, Cambray, with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. The senior softball teamn won o-zer Crooked Creek team on Tuesday night. Friday evening this district ex- perienced the worst electrical storm of the season when a por- tion of the village was without power for 12 hours. This was a real hardship for business places and farms depending on electric- ity for machinery, not to say a word about the harrassed house- wife. The girls' softball teamn and their friends held a weiner roast at the lake on Wednesday even- ing. The weather was perfect and 30 present spent an enjoyable ev- ening. Mr. Leslie Sutherland of Ot- tawa, and Mr. Warren, Fenelon Falls, instructors in first aid, fin- ished the refresher coirse on Thursday evening. From the standpoint of numbers this class was disappointing but the instruc- tion Vas the flnest we have ever had. Mrs. Hughes, Sr., and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hughes, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Lione: Hughes and Louise, Port Britain, attended Memorial service or Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley and child- ren Oshawa, are motoring to Qukbec City to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tufford and family, Bunker Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley motored to Union- ville to visit Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. Wesleyville Sunday School at il a.m. had a fairly good attendance with only one teacher absent and a very interesting lesson. Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke gave a picnic for the junior members of the Sunday School and about 50 turned out and enjoyed games, bathing and a weiner roast. Mr'. Truman Austin met with a painful accident which cut the front cord of his finger necessi- tating a doctors care to tie the cord and sew the wound. A number from the community attended decoration services at Newtonville and Port Hope cern- eteries on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dinner spent an enjoyable weekend hol- iday at Lake Kushog. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Milis have re- turned from Toronto and Ajax. Miss Dolores Dickerson is visit- ing relatives in Kingston. Mas- ter David with relatives in Camp- beliford. Master Dwaine with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Zachanowitch and Vic- toria are picking tobacco at Ken- dal. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones and Gwen, Zion, had Sunday tea with Mr. and Mrs. William Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beebe and family, Baileboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Payne. Guaranteed ]Radio« Service on ail makes of Home and Auto Radios SET CALLED FOR AND DELIVIERED Authorized Crosley Dealer Roy W. Neads Radio Sales & Service 85 King St. E. Phone 590 iGeorge Cole, Port Hope, Capt. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strutt and1 Mrs. Mountjoy and a duet by Mçaple Grove Jim and Mrs. Rickaby and son family, Oshawa, visited with Maureen Stinson and Ruth Me- Norman of the Institute for the friends here.-Mr. and Mrs. Geo., Mahon. Contests conducted by Wedding bells are ringing in Blind, at Belleville. Bowers, and family, Nestleton, Mrs. McMullen and Mrs. M. this community in the near fu- Miss Dawna Stark, Newtonville, wîth Mr. Henry Trick.-Mrs. Er- Gray helped to sharpen the wits ture. Miss Maude Power, Oshawa, vis- nest Adams, Mary and Albert of the members. Mrs. Mountjoy Misses Eunice Denby, Beverly ited at Gordon Power's. with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, served a delicious lunch on her Shea, Toronto, with Miss Betty Miss Catherine Power at Osh- Nestleton.-Mrs. James Gi has lovely lawn. Members are look- Snowden. awa and Niagara Falls. returned home after spending ing forward to a return visit to Mrs.Noran rigt, ithher Mr. Archie Watson of Toronto some time at their cottage in Hampton next summer. Mrs Nrmn rigtwih erat Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson's. Bobcaygeon. A large crowd assembied at daughter Marguerite in St. Cath- __________ the Fallis' cemetery on Sunday aries, and also called on a few for the annual Decoration and old frends.Memorial Service. The grounds Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, .Durkt on Po typoo of this wefl kept burying ground town, Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday____ were quite attractive in appear- at Courtwright and Chatham. Congratulations to Mr. and Members of Lotus W.A. were ance in spite of the continued dry Miss Betty Snowden spent a Mrs. Grant Carnochan on their guests of a former member, Mrs. weather. The service was coni- couple of days at Manotick. 15th wedding anniversary. They Mervin Mountjoy, Hampton, for ducted by the minister of the Man- Mr. Stan Coverly, Ebenezer, have buiît a îoveîy new homethiAustmeng Trs vers United Church assisted by wili e s eia p a e on S n an d expect t o move i soon. t er A g s etn n T us Mr. Carl Monk and Rev. Hender-- ba ferspecal spaker un- i day. Devotional exercises were son, Minister of Bethany United Misses Mildred Snowden, Mia- Misses Loreen and Ione Irwin, conducted by President Mrs. Mil- Church. Mr. Monk spoke of the ion Foley attended the party given Peterboro, with Mr'. and Mrs. ton Gray, who spoke on the place tears of Jesus and Mr. Hender- by the R. M. Hollingshead office George Carter.-Mr. and Mrs. of singing in worship and in ev- son on the dual citizenship of staff of Toronto and Bownaflville, Dionne, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. eryday living. Members respond- man, earthly and heavenly. Suit- at the Royal York on Wednesday. Lunn, Kirby, with Mr. and Mrs. ed to roll çall by reciting a verse able music was provîded and lhe eening, August 7th, in honor of Charles Dean.-Messrs. Tommy from their favorite hymn. It was hymn singing was led by the Mill- one of their valued members, Bet- and Stanley Gatchell, Bowman- decided to make a quilt for the brook Band. ty Snowden, bride-to-be. ville, with Mrs. Jas. Gatchell.- Navy League on August 2Qnd. Next Sunday afternoon, August M. and Mrs. Don Geer, New- Mrs. John Oliver, Hamilton, vis- An interesting and varied pro- l8th, at 2:30 p.m. will be the Pon- tonbrook, Miss Jean Bollons, M. ited M. and Mrs. T. Hopley.- gramme consisted of readings by typool Decoration Service. and Mrs. Joe Ballons, Willowdale, Mrs. John Carter, Isabel and Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. Stinson, Mr. Ray Bollons, the latter's son, Frederick, lef t on Monday to vis- Dawn Black, Mrs. Lathangue, just returned home for a visit it friends and relatives in New Mrs. Howard MeMullen, Mrs. J. The pulp and paper industry from overseas, he leaves again York, New Jersey, and Bridge- Gray and Mr'. Hancock; musical helps to provide a livelihood for on Friday for Germany where he prt, Conn.,utlSpebr-nmesb ainMMlesm;5000Cndas has a position with the Britishpo, uni Sptbe- nubr by Mrn MMle, sme 5,00 Cadn. government, spent Monday ev -____________________________________________ ening with Mr. and Mrs-,, C. H. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery, Miss Doreen Jeffery spent Sunday in Toronto, and also had a visitC ed i l 4 d e Id Y with the former's brother-in-law, U Mr'. Floyd Willoughby of Winni- By Sending U Your pg.1- a-A ý"O-§ ur ~A uc CIPD £'blWEDG PILLflWO Clarke Union Harvest is well advanced in this section and threshing has started. The Forestry has made a won- derful improvement in the Fogg farmn which they purchased re- cently. Mr. Bayaert bas started to har- vest his bumper tobacco crop. Mr'. and Mrs. Clarence Cain and daughter of Vancouver who have been visiting his sons, Kenneth and Everett Cain have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Harris and son of Toronto who have purchased the S. D. Souch farm, visited there on Sunday. Visitors at H. J. Souch's were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rickaby of Toi'- onto and Miss Mamiie Archer, Mr'. aCUSHION COVERS BaNKETS PPWRIÎ We have a Laundry or Cleaning Service to Take Care of Ali Your Requirements. Our COLD STORAGE FACILITIES wiII proteet your winter clothes duringOthe summer months. OSHAWA LAUNDRY& DRY CLEANINO COMPANY LTD. Phone:e Zenith 13000 Collections and Deliveries Tu.sday, Thursday and Saturday COME EARLY AND BRING VOUR FRIENDS Support Your Favourite lu the POPULARITY CONTEST Every Vote You Purchase Entit les You to, a Chance on Each of the Two Radios Given Away ý,N STATESMAN. BOWMAN VI 1 -1 -lm. Ve-1-à%MV 1 THE CANADIA UT-Y ý M'POPUL 1 1 i ICLl- ldAO m q TE 1 STS [!il] w- a amilmff wv 4w Q U bLTS a %;UKlà%livo DRAPES a BILANKETS

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