THRSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1946 A store cornes to -be known by the products it sella. Here we have made it our business for years to feature Famous-Name Merchandise as your guarantee of shopping satisfaction. Con- tinually we select the boit merchandise, made by Âmerica's forernost manufacturera, in order that you may get the greatest possible values for your money. This policy has brought satisfac- tion to our customers in the past - it's a pohicy we shall continue in the years to corne. Mason.CIDale HARDWARE - SPORTING GOODS- - FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - FINDLAY STOVES B-H ENGISH PAINT - STROMBERG-CARLBON AN]) MARCONI RADIOS Phone 408- King Street East MlYI. J.ewcW artoon iea £ubS3. . . -. ---- strips ... new enjoyable, laughabie characters ... to add a new zest and life to our comic pages ... to give you a new lift, and the odd chuckle that starts your dLy off right. 0 _ iHamupton Wins fi Inl Dailington Lei Playing their well co-ordinatedi *system of play, the Hampton team *captured the championshiP of the *Daîlington Football League on *home grounds Saturday eveniing. *It was the final of two home and *home gaines against their tradi- *tional rivais, Solina. Hampton *took the first game at Solina, on1 *Wednesday evening, 2-0 and re- *peated Saturday with a 2-1 win. a Their decisive margin, therefore,1 : was 4-1. a But consistently to measure the *menit of play it should be stated Mthat Solina scored two goals a against its own goalie, hence the Mearned win actually was 2-1. *Fullback Dewell, quite inadver- * tently, scored one in each game M*which counted for his opponients. *They were discouraging breaks *in two splendidly contested, dlean Sgamnes. * Experienced, old-time football *fans on the sidelines found play in both gamnes pretty aven but Hampton had the edge in two par- Mticulars. They manned their à checks closely and on attack, their *forwards, cîosely assembled, drill- Med in fast on goal. Solina was *woefully weak in manning off op- t : ponents and their forwards, good *individually, did not press in with short-passing attacks. V At Hampton the field was wet, the bail heavy, but it was even -a better game than the first in spite of slipping and fumbling. A feature of the gamie was that all three goals -were converted from right-field corner kicks on Sthe samne goal. Solina scored first when John Baker, 20 minutes af- ter the kickoff, headed one in cleanly. Solina pressed hard ta even the count 2-all, but failed. In the second haîf, after 15 min- ?utes, Broome of Hampton, head- ed one in from the samne corner. Ten minutes later Hampton's well placed corner kick bounced off the goal standard, hit Dewell, car- omed into the goal. Solina Full- back, Jack Reynolds' in an at- tempt to retrieve, went up with his forwards. Hampton ona EP break-away nearly scored when jthe baîl hit the cross-bar. Tw< minutes later the whistle ended the play and the season. Despite ramn and wet groundsa crowd estimated at 600 lined the field. It was evidence that foot- ball had returned ta popularity in the district following the war years and that next year will fini even greater interest in a real gamne that has become a tradition in Darlington during the past 7C years or more. Referee Dick Pat. terson, Bowmanville, who han. dled the playoffs, deserves spe- cial mention for his fine work ir enforcing clean play. Hundreds of cars, trucks, and few farrn tractors lined th( streets and Provincial Officer W R. Pollard, Bowmanville, directec traffic for an hour in getting ve bidles untangled. Many lingere( long past nightfall indulging ii tpost-mortems but for Hamptoni was in the bag. Hampton: Goal,. Ted Kersey fullbacks. Jim Reynolds, Perc Cowling; balves, Bob Vivian, A] 1 Rundie, Lloyd Broome; forward! ) Don Adcock, Norm Broome, Joh Broorne, Boyd Ayre, Lloyd Ayr( p (The Champs). Solina: Goal, Percy Westlak( backs, Jack Reynolds, Percy De,. ehl; halves, N. Potter, Bob Scot O. Wotten; forwards, Tom Bake JonBaker, Art Reynolds (stai 4M C. Langmaid, J otr N r I I Bow'ville Legion Wins Softball Doubleheader Wednesday nigbt on home grounds, the Bowmanville Leg- ion softball team defeated Osh- awa Legion 7-6 in the first of home and home games for the intercity cbampionsbip. The team again defeated Oshawa at Alex- andra Park, Fîiday evening by a narrow 8-7 margin: Calmer pitcb- ed the first game for the locals and Richards the second. In the first inning Osbawa's hurler gave seven walks and a homer at Bowmanville whidlh .started the scores that Oshawa ,èouldn't overcome despite two ho- mers and a last minute rally ir the 7th. Little bit for the circuit for the locals. At Oshawa the BowmanvillE boys weîe down three runs in thE fiîst frame and trailed 6-3 until the 7th wben power plays net. ted five runs ta put thema wel' ahead. Richards walked with onE out. McKnigbt was safe an ar errai. Calmer walked, Wood! tripled and Hooper came in on ar errai. Oshawa got one back ii their haîf but thie fatal sevent] praved their Waterloo. Wood and Little at bat were creditei with the victory. Bowmanville: Little cf, J. Ri chards ss, McKnight If, Calme 3b, Woods lb, Hooper c, Harrisoi 2b, Tice if, Richards p. Oshawa: McIntyre c , Waddel cf, Murphy if, Dionne ss, Brawi If, Lott 2b, Jackson 3b, Hobbs il Wilson p. Forshee batted in thi 7th. With 'Baldy' Hoar pitching and Alan Strike catching, the Bow- manville Rotary Junior Basebal Team set down Whîtby Wolves 4-3 in one of the season's best hardball games at the High School grounds, Friday evening. The îesult put Bowmanvîlle de- finîtely in the first brackets in the semi-finals of the league. Quantrill, rated top pitcher by many fans, had the locals guess- ing* most of the way. He man- aged a tie until the 6th when Bow- manville broke away with two extra base clouts by Clemence and Strike to settle the issue. Three hundred fans present will recaîl the plays: Whitby scored in the lst on a misjudged baîl, a walk and a two-baggeî ta îight field rated an error. The locals came back in the same frame to tie resulting from a walk, a scratch hit by Mcllveen and a dlean single by pitcher Hoar. There were blanks till the 4th when Whitby singled, stole, and netted a run on a two-bagger to right field. But Bowmanville re- turned in the same frame ta get 2 runs on a hit by Hoar, another by Clemence who stole and 'Hank' Strike drove in the winning two runs on a smash ta lef t field. Whitby ended the rally with a double play on Sturrock's pop fly. Whitby tied in the 5th with two out, on a walk and a three-base clout ta centre. Strike nabbed the third out on a snappy throw ta second. The tie remained unti] Bowmanville came ta ]ife in the 6th. Hoar walked, Clemence anc IStrike followed with a couple of j two-baggers and the game was on. ice by a narîow margin. In the seventh at dark, Whitby went down in a row. McIlveen took the final out in a feature catch in deep centre. a Summary: Hoar fanned 7, issu- ed 2 walks,5 is Quantrill fan- ned 7, walked 2, yielded 6 hits,3 Qtlf neHorhtoebt t h a ri '0 ýd. a ie t- [n ar id ml )n n- a Le KT. it W; %,f [s, *e. tt, ar) lootbali Cup igue Finals Whitby Wolves Go Down to Defeat by Rotary Juniors 4-3 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SPORT NEWS Front St. in Playoffs Defeat Foundry 9-7 Playing top notch bail, Front St. beat Foundry, 9-7 in a sudden death softball game at the Public Scbool grounds, Tuesday evening. The win puts Fronts in the final playoffs which will commence Monday evening. The opponents in these contests are shown in an- other column. Fronts will play Tuesday and Friday. Fronts took the lead in the first frame with two runs. They re- peated with scores in every in- ning and were neyer pressed ta hold their margin until the sev- enth when Foundry put on the pressure ta net three runs. Foun- dry was blanked the first three innings also in the fifth. Foundry: W. Pollèy, B. Polley, Hately, Jackman, Rundle, Piper, Trewin, Welsh, Blunt. Front St.: Mason, Rundle, James, Williams, Couvier, MIl- veen, D. Williams, Allen. Softbail League Enters qFinals Next Week The Legion edged Front St. in a softball game at Public School grounds Mondaý evening by the close score of 12-1l. The win came in the last frame ta break a tie occasioned by four runs scor- ed by Front St. in the 6thi. James, Couvier and DeGeer, scoîing two each in the first two frames for Front St. put the team well out in front until the unlucky 5th wben Legion pushed across 6 in a row on breaks and fumbles. It was a cîowd-pheasing contest. Legion: Little, Richards, Cam- eron, Calmer, Woods, McKnight, Middleton, Hooper, Welsh. Front St.: Mason, McFeeters, Rundie, James, Couvier, DeGeer, Enield good attendance with two teach- ers absent. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford mo- tored to Kingston to visit rela- tives. Women's Association met at Mrs. Wm. Nicholls. Miss McCaw, Pîcton, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough.1 Mrs. George Dinner is visiting1 her daughter, Mrs. Percy Hoskin, Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meeking and son, Toronto, Mis. Harry Meeking and Mr. Jack Meeking, Port Hope, at Mr. and Mrs. Arn- old Th'orndyke's.1 Mr. and Mrs. John Diekerson and Donna visited relatives in Wellington. Mr. James Payne, Toronto, is beautifying the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Payne with an out- sianding coat of paint. A fire completely destroyed the garage and car at the rear of the home of Mr. James Snell. Mr. andMrs. George Danes and sister, Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drummond, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. William Payne. Misses Margaret, Helen and Laura Binsted had Sunday even- ting tea with Ruth Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke and Carol had Sunday evening tea with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton ter. Gilbooley got a base when League playoffs will start next Whitby catcher tipped bis bat. Monday evening at Public School Jack Cale called them at the gons hnRrl etLg plate and Bert Colwell on the io ud whe Rras meet Leg-t bases. St. Tbuîsday, Legion again meet Port Hope meets the locals here Rurals; Friday Front St. again on the l4tb tao complete the sche- play Pepsis. Watch the black- dule aside from postponed games. board at the Post Office for fui- ther paîticulars in tbese inter- Jrs. Edge Cobourg esting playoff games. 5-3 at Basebail Cadmus Bowmanville Rotary Junior basebali team earned a 5-3 de- Church service wilh be at 10:30 cision over Cobourg Kiwanis at a.m. next Sunday with Rev. Har- tbe Higb School grounds, Mon- rison back after his holidays. day evening. It was one of the Sonry ta report that Mrs. A. three postponed league games for Holmes is not mucb improved. the hadal boys and the win defin- She is home from Peterboro Hos- itely plades them in second posi- pital wbere she was taking treat- tion in the final standing. But ments. .tbey play again on tbe same Little Donna Taylor is getting grounds Fîiday evening against alonEg nîcehy after ber tonsil op- Oshawa Hunt Club, tbe hast place eration. team wbich is out of tbe playoffs. Visitais: Ibird place is still being contest- Mis. E. Elliott, Bowmanville, ed between Cobourg and Wbitby. with Mis. W. G. Pbilp and Mis. M. if Bowmanvihhe wins alh tbree Nesbitt, Mr. and Mis. Harold games the team'may tie the lead- Green and baby daughter, Port ing Osbawva B'Nai Brith. Hope, with Mi. and Mis. Gardon Monday's contest was not the Stinson.-Glen Gibson witb Bryce usual snappy baîl since the appas- Pbilp.-Mrs. W. M. McGee, Toi- ing pitchers didn't really warm onto, with Mis. A. Holmes.-Bev- up until the fourth frame, wben eîly Black and Elwyn Dickey Clemence, for Bowmanville, fan- with Robert Philp.-Mî. Wesley ned the first two men of the game. Sweet and Mr. Ciff ord Sweet Five errais chaIked up ta the la- with Mr. and Mis. Wesley Sweet. cal Juniors gave Cobourg a 3-3 Joyce and Audrey Laîmer with split until the sixth when a bunt- their uncle in Toronto.-Miss Ev- ing attack put two more runs elyn Philp, Peterbaro, at home.- acîoss for Bowmanville, a lead Mi. and Mis. W. Jackman and they held. family, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. H. Cobourg scored twice in the first Davies and family, Woodville, on two errais and a scratch bit. A Mi. and Mis. E. Archer and Don- double play initiated by Clemence ald with Mis. Wm. Williamson.- ended the frame. Bowmanville Mr. and Mis. Chas. Çackîng, Toi- evened in their haîf on two walks onto, Mis. Regînald Henderson, 38 *and a twa-baggeî. Hooper walk- with Mi. and Mis. Marvin Nes- ed and stale. Mcllveen was in- bitt.- tentionally passed. Cornish dou- bled, scaring bath but was out stealing third. s Powmanville netted another in the third wben Dadsan bit and stole, took third on Hooper's sac- . Do1Ar anv rifice bunt, scored on Gilhooley's short grounder. Dadson's speed counted. .t Cobourg evened the score in the fifth on two singles and an eerr. Bowmanville weîe sty- emied in the same frame when C Dadsan bit into a double play. Clemence held bis apponents -in ,e yielding a walk and a bit. n Id the sixth Bowmanville staît- I dtheir bunt and steal attack. a Gilbooley bunted safe and stole. hbunted a twister safe and before DEA U TI Is Cabourg recovered two runs were ________________ ýin. Sleep bunted out and Run- dle followed suit nearly scoring i.Carnisb. Brown, pinch-bitting, p J l ýfanrèed ta end the confusion. Co- ýn bourg went down in aider in the seventh. Summary: Cobourg, 3 runs, 5 rn bits, 2 erois, 1 walk, 5 fanned, býnone stole on Catcher Sleep. ie Bowmanville: 5 runs, 6 hits, 5M errais, 2 walks, 2 fanned, 5 stale. Tus * Umpires, Bob Kent, plate; *More, bases.M LEAGUE STANDING W. L. T. Oshawa B'Nai B'Rrith, 15 5 0 Bowmanville Rotary --- 13 5 0 Whitby Rotary --- il--- 18 1 Cobourg Kiwanis 10 8 1 Oshawa "Hunters" 7 10 0 Remaining Games Friday, Aug. 23, Oshawa "Hun- ters" at Bowmanville; Saturday, Aug. 24, Cobourg at Whitby (6.00 pan.) Replay of previous tie gamne. Oshawa "Hunters" at Bow- manville Rotary game on Friday night at Bowmanville is a "double game" to dlean up their two post- ponied games and the season's schedule. Mr. James Tapp, Mrs. Julia Otis, Rochester, Mr. Silas Tapp, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ma- son, Oshawa, Mrs. Harold Ormis- ton, Lois and Merle, Mrs. G. Bow- man, Mrs. W. Gray with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Misses Evelyn, Pearlie and Jean Taylor, John Taylor, Bob Smith, Norman Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Radbourne and Miss Rose EWent, Toronto, Mr. Reg.« Tit- combe, Montreal, at T. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy and family, Peterboro, at the Samis homes. Miss Shirley Smith, Oshawa, with Rose Marie Prescott. Mr. and Mis. Albert Tennant, Miss Ella Stevens, Mis. H. Davis, Oshawa, at A. W. Prescott's. Mr. and Mis. G. Bowman and family at the Libby cottage, Lake Scugog. Mi. and Mrs. G. Bridge, Palm- erston, at the Prescott homes. Billy Gray, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray. Wesleyville A double minded man is un- stable in al bis ways.-James 1:8. The secret of success is con-I stancy ta purposé.-Disraeli.I Every man wbo observes vigi- lantly and resolves steadfastly grows unconsciously inta genîus. -Bulwer. The Boy Scouts of Amendca have launcbed a "Sbirts-off-your- back" campaign ta provide un- iforms and Scout equipment foi the Scouts of the former occ- upied countries. 1 PAGE NMN p Tule Flooriug Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Choice of Colours Speclalize Kitchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 BROMLEY & SON Refrigerator REUPAIRS Commercial - Domestic ANY WAIE H. J. Dowyer Phono: Oshawa. 244 That's ou.r three point platform for getting you - and keeping you - as a steady auto service custorner. We 'd like ta have your business, and you'll enjoy a smoother ru.nning car when you turn it over to us! GARTON'S GARAGE 1 a e a r ci .1 Il P2~.... Bowmanville King St. E., Phone 2666