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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1946, p. 6

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'tAfln1 0"T - TM ANAT>TAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO BIRTHS ASHTON-Mr. and Mrs. W. New- ton T. Ashton (nec Marjory Ly- cett) are happy to announce the birth o! their daughter, Joanna Gayle, in -Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital on Sunday, August 18, 1946.. 1 34-1 SEVERS-To Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Severs, a son, Kenneth Howard, on August lSth, 1946, in Bowman- ville Hospital. 34-1* DEATIIS BOUNSALL - In Bowmanville, August 12, 1946, Miss Evelyn M. Bounsail, beloved daughter o! Mrs. F. H. Bounsail and the late Mr. Bounsail. DARCH-In the General Hospi- tal, Hamilton, on Monday l9th o! August, Susan Darch in her 82nd year, 86 Balmoral Avenue, Ham- ilton, formerly o! Bowmanville. Resting in Robinson's Funeral Home. Service in the Chapel at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, 2lst. 34-1* HOWARD-At the family resi- dence, 241 Verdun Road, Oshawa, on Monday, August 19, 1946, HoYjt R. Howard, beloved husband o! Florence M. Cochrane, in his 75th year. Funemal from Luke-McIn- tosh Funeral Home, 152 King St. East, Oshawa, on Thusday, Au- gust 22nd at 3 p.m. Interment Union cemetemy. 34-1 CAK»TS 0F THANKS The Bowmanville Beach Asso- ciation wish to express thanks and appreciation to ail merchants in town who assisted in any way by donat'ons to the success o! the Sport~ Day and especially to those who gave so generously when called upon in their place o! bus- iness. 34-1 ENGAGEM ENTS The engagement is announced of Florence May, youngest daugh- ter o! Mrs. Coma Allun, Hampton, to Donald Edwin Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson, of Oshawa. The marriage will take place ealy in September. 34-1 * Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Green- bam, Maple Grove announce the engagement o! their daughter Audrey Beatrice, to James Gil- christ Martin, Jr.,, ý on, oI,. Mr., James G. Martin and the late Mis'.» MKartin, Bowmanville. The mar- niage will take place in Mapie Grove United Church at 3:30 P. mon Saturday, September 14. 34-1* The engagement is announced of Lomna Kathryn, daughtem o! Mrs. Edgar Paisley, Toronto, and the late Lomne Sanders, Bowrnan- ville, to Lloyd L. Currie, D.F.C., formerly Flight Lieutenant o! the R.C.A.F., son o! Mrs. Arthur D. Currie and the late Arthur Cum- rie, Bridgewatem, Nova Scotia. The mariage will take place in St. James Bond United Church, Toronto, on Satumday a!ternoon, September 14 at 4:30 o'ciock. 34-1* Wood pulp, o! which Canada is the wold's second lamgest pro- ducer, is us.ed fom making paper, building board, plastics, rayon; vanillin and explosives. Roofing - Eavestroughiflg b- Bowmanville Phones: e.27 «~ course, ince you are a, careful driver, ini case of an accident the "Iother fel- Iow" is at'fau.lt. We feel that way, too, but if the jury disagrees it may colt you plenty. Mfake sure your automobile insurance in comnplet;. botter Cail If it is flot, IN MEMORIAM BOOTH-In ioving memcry o! our dear only son, Maurice Booth, who died August 23, 1937. May the joys you missed on iife's highway, Be !ound in God's garden o! rest. .-Always in our thoughts, Dad and Mother. 34-1* BRUNT-In loving memory of our dear daughtor, aune Marie Brunt, who passed awày Asigust 25, 1945. "We little thought when leaving home She would no more retumn, That she in death 50 SOOfl wouid sleep And leave us here to mourn; We did not know the pain she bore, We did not see hem die, We only know she passed away And neyer said "Good-bye." If ail the world were ours to give, We'd give it, yes, and more, To sec the face o! our dear June Corne smiling through the door." To the rest o! the wold she was oniy one, but ail the wold to us, our daughter. -Sadly missed and ever remem- bered 'by Mother, Dad and Sisters. 34-1 FORDER-In loving mcmomy o! a vcry dear husband and father, Joseph H. Forder, who passcd away August 28, 1943. "From our happy home and cir- cie God bas taken one wc love; Borne away from sin and somow To a better home above." -Ever rmmrbered by Wîfe and Famiiy. 34-1 HOOEY-In loving memomy o! our mother, -Lissa Hooey, who passed away, August 2th, a year ago. "Theme the fiowers from eath transplanted For our coming w.atch and wait, In the upper garden gowing Just within the golden gate. Though our hearts may break with sorrow By the grief so bard to bear, We shahl meet* hem some bright morning In the upper garden theme. -Sadly missed by Roy and Burney. 34-1* HOOEY-In loving memory o! a dear sister and aunt, Mms. John W. Hoocy (nec Lissa Wilson) who died August 21, 1945. "What would we give hem hand to ciasp, Hem patient face to sec; To hear hem voice, to sec hem smilc, As in the days that uscd to be. But some swcet day wc'1l meet again Bcyond the toil and strife, And ciasp each other's hand once more In Heaven, that happy life." -Sadly mîssed by Brother and Sister, nieccs and nephcws. 34-1 KING-In loving memory o! Pte. G. L. (Tommie) King, C.F.C., C.E.F., who died at Christie Strcet Military Hospital, August l9th, 1925, aged 25 yeams and 3 months. A littie token truc and tender Just to show we stili rmrember Memrnoies of, us ail togcthem Wiil linger in our hearts forever. -Sadly misscd and always e- mcmbered by mother, father, sisters and brothers. 34-1* LOCKHART-In loving rnerory o! bur dear daughter and sister, Mrs. Sidney S. Lockhamt, who passed away August 29, 1945. "Upright and just in ail hem ways, Faith!ui and truc to the end o! e hem days, In silence she suffcred, with pa- tince she bore, Till God cailed hem home to suffer no more." -Sadiy misscd and ever remern- Articles For "ae SMALL crib for child 1 year orE under. Phone 674. 34-1c BLUE and white pram, in goodt condition, $15. Phone 2136 34-1* TRAILER-8'6"x4' box, 700 tire. Appiy T. H. Tabb, Tymone. 34-1* USED electric washer. A;ppiy 72 Elgin St. or phone 518. 34-1* TOMATOES by the basket or bu- shel. Gordon Beech, 55 Elgin St., phone 2458. 34-1 ICE King refrigerator,' capacity 50 lbs., white enamel, good con- dition. Phone 2626. 34-1* RENFREW washing machine ini good condition. C. H. Robinson, Hampton, phone 2611. 34-1 ONE uscd DeLaval magnetic milk- er unit. Cheap. Apply W. H. Brown, dealer for J. I. Case, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2610. 34-1 TWO ears: '30 Pontiac coupe, '31 Wiilys. Also 2 mcri's bicycles. Apply Cottage 110, West Beach. H. Hobbs. 34-1* ARTICLES mothproofed w it h Berlou are guaranteed against rnoth damage for 5 years. Dry cleaning cannot remove Berlou. Average cost to mothspray a suit or dress is 8c a year. Mason and Dale, phone 408. 34-1 200 reconditioned apple barrels; 175 cedar posts; set o! dual chains for 32x6 tires. Phone Bowman- ville 2208 between 8 and 9 p.m. D.S.T. 34-1* QUANTITY o! house furniture, inciuding sorne choice antique pieces, in excellent condition. Ap- piy Miss E. E. Beman, Newcastle. 34-2* ELECTRIC shavers, Remnington,i limited supply. Also electrie steam radiators in walnut or ivory finish. Apply E. Cain, phone 56 r 19 Orono. 34_ 1* CASE 28-46thresher in very good condition available at once. Ap- ply W. H. Brown, dealer for J. I. Case, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2610. 34-1 NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, eiectrics and trea- dies! For futher fiformation write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf KITCHEN range in splendid con- dition, with wamming closet and reservoir, $18. Also goo piano wanted. C. J. Mitchell, R. R. 1, Port Hope. Phone Clarke 3122. 34-1 * NEW Preston fertilator, will fit 13-hoc M.-H. drill; M.-H. corn binder, No. 6. 8 pigs, 7 weeks old; 10 pigs, 6 wceks oid. Fred Partner, Tyrone, phone 2328. 34-1 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modemn. Chester- field, bedroom and dining roorn suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Bmad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoc St. S., Oshawa. 46-t! BERLOU gives you a written guarantee to repair or replace youm possessions if they are dam- aged by moths within 5 years. One spraying with Berlou does the job or Berlou pays for the 1darnage. Alex MeGregor, Drugs. 34-.1 NEW equipment-Bissell tandem dise harrows, smoothing harrows, etimken bearing wagon with new 600xl6 Goodyear car tires, steel .wheels and skeins equippcd with 600x16 rirns, Taco automatie drinking bowls, scuff lers, used wa- gons. Phone Cari Todd, Imple- Sment Dealer, Clarke 15-20. 34-1* bc Ray iand Fc amiiy. 34ot-1TWO steel drumns; steel tank and er oy ____and____ . 4- compressor, 150 lbs. pressure, also îovig mcnorylcngth o! air hase; gas engine 2 1/2 LOCKHART-In lvn eoyh.p.; gas engine 31/2 h.p.; grain o! my dear wife who passed away grinder, 6" plate; power banc August 29, 1945. rne;hn oegid;sml "Gone, dear Gertrude, gone for- fogine; h-ad banckgrinder; s ever, ms orsnln aeq forge 4-gi.th an, on hets Haw we ms orsml a eqftuckped with1Wayn pump;ls But you ie!t us ta remfember, t b o! rckse ys, tn. Artils None on earth can take your apbe MovedC.F.yHugeptmbr lst place.ApyMr.CF.HgeCo- A happy home wc once enjoyed, cd Creck. 34-1 How swect the mcmory stil- But deatb bas icft a ionciiness Livestock For Sale The world can neyer fill."________________ --Sadiy missed and ever rcmcm- TWENTY choice Yorkshire pigs, Jhusband, Sidney S. Lockbamt. Hampton, phone Oshawa 491 J 3. 134-1 34-1 MILLS-In mernory (4,.Pte. Matt Milis, kiiied at Dieppe, August 19, 1942. -Ever remepje red.by Caaelie and Irene - a moir. 34-1* MOUNTJOY-In loving mernory o! Elgin H. Mountjoy wbo passed away August 2tb, 1935. At the end o! the way when the mist mails away And the burdens o! eartb are laid down, We wiil join the refrain with aur loved anc again When the cross shall be changed for a cmown. -Always remembcred by wifc Lillian and sons Donald and Fay. 34-1* WOODWARD-In loving rnemory o! a dear wifc and mother, Mar- garet Jane Woodward, wbo pass- cd away, August 11, 1940. Notbing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; Fond memories linger evcry day, Remembrance keeps ber near. -Ever rcmembered -by Hubn and Famiiy. 1.11 . Real Estate For Sale FIVE-roomed bungalow, 2 miles west o! Bowmanville, on No. 2 Highway. Apply Norman Bat- treil, R.R. 3, Bowmanvlle. 34-1* FARM-150 acres clay loam with mapie bush, two creeks; 9-roomed brick bouse; qsfte1tÉp-roofed barn; pig-pen; lien' bouse; impiement pèw, iod weii. Close ta No. 35 highway. Write Box 737 States- mnan Office. 34-tf-1* TWO good wox'k horses. Apply Mms. F. Cator, Manvers Road. 34-1 TEN Yorkshire pigs, six weeks oid. Appiy H. A. Pascoe, Hamp- ton. Phone 2187. 34-1 YEAR-oid bens, 48, iaying 25 per cent. Apply Joe Crawford, Ennis- kilien, phone Bowmanviile 2552. 34-1* REGISTERED Yorkshire sow, farrows th September, also pair o! white geese. Phone Clarke 1130. Farncomb LeGresley. 34-1* TEN pigs ready ta wean, aiso Hol- stein bull, il months old. Herd accredited and iistcd. Also In- ternational 7 foot disc, good as ncw. Appiy Fred R. Stevens, phone 2234. 34-1* Pets For Sale REGISTERED cocker spaniels, black and blonde, $20-$25. Fe- maie spinger, $10. Bernard Diii- ing, 23 Nelson St., Bowmanville. 33-2* PURE bred Cocker Spaniel pups, anc black and tan maie, two black females, 10 W.eks aid. Twcnty- five dollars. Mariebob Kennels (eg'd.) 90 Concession St. Phone 2833. Mrs. Ruth V. Scaraw, pro- pietmess. 34-1* Stolen SPRAYER tank refiller Aàoen !rom Happy Valley Creek,on July 23rd. $10 reward for any infor- mation. Phone 2581. 34-2* For Rent, SINGER portable eléctric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewxng Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. lU-tf TWO unfurnished rooms with kitchen privileges. Adults, ab- stainers. Apply Mrs. W. H. Cooke C.P.R. Station, Newcastle. 34-1 Real Estate for Rent FARM on No. 2 Highway east o! Bowmanville. Approxirnately 130 acres, electricity. Brick house, good famm buildings, some or- chard. Inspection by appoint- ment only. Write Box 727 States- man Office, Bowmanville. 32-3* Wanted to Rent SIX to eight-moom house, with electricity, in or near town. Can give six months rent in advance. Robert P. Young, 335 BmooJ Ave., Toronto. 33-2* TWO roorns or mobre, unfurnished, for young mamied couple; requir- ed early in September. Apply Mrs. Alex Lyle, Breslin's Store. i 34-1 HOUSE, apartment or rooms in Bowmanville for young couple to be married. Apply James Mar- tin, Jr., 22 Third St. or phone 2247. 34-1* RETIRED off icer urgently re- quires accommodation, furnished or unfurnished for family o! three before school opens. Write Box 733 Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 34-l* Wanted Tro Buy SMALL farm near Bowmanville or Omono. Write Box 735 States- man Office, Bowmanville. 34-l* GOOD small piano. Write Box 709, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 31-tf LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7-r-13. 29-7* CAL VES wanted. Young calves suitable for vealing. Phone 389. 34-1 GIRL'S bicycle. Appiy Mrs. Samn Powell, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1932. 34-1* ANYONE having 2 or 3 bags o! cernent to spare contact Howard Gibson, phone 2482. 34-1* HOUSE in town or village. Kind- ly advise situation and price. Pri- vate buyer. Write Box 740, Statesman Office. 34-2* FARM, any size. Will pay part or all cash. State particulars, sit- uation, price, etc. Write Box 739 Statesman Office. 34-2* PIANOS-Cash will be paid for srnall and mnedium sized pianos; must be in good condition. Tele- phone F. J.- Mitchell, 492 Bow- manville. 31-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 1 14-tf FEATHERS and feather beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 12-tf WILL pay spot cash for good con- ditioned car, coach or coupe pre- ,ferred. Wanted by private own- er. Write Box 736 Statesman ,Office, Bowrnanville. 34-1* BABY'S cradlc, also any oid scoal oul lamps (table or hanging) Write Box 738 Statesman Office. 34-1 * WANTED 300 old horses for mînk and fox food from $9.00 to $15.00 accordîng to weight. We do not take dead horses. Margwill Fur Farrn, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowrnanvillc ?679. 34-tf Seed Wanted HIGHEST prices paid for tirnothy and all clover seed. Kindly bring or mail samples. A. W. Gienney, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 33-12. 34-1 GIRL or wornan to help witb housework. Fifty dollars per month. Apply Mrs. N. J. Scott, Duke Street.. 34-1 WANTED-Li!e Insurance Rep- resentative for Bowmanvîlle and district. Full or part ti#lt. Apply Gardon F. Osb orne, i 1b Dundas St., Whitby. 32-3 MARRIED man for farm work, compamatively new sepamate bouse, wood, milk, etc. Appiy W. G. Bowles, Nestîcton, phone Port Perry 19211. 34-1* AN opportunity-Established mur- al Watkins district available. If you are aggmcssive, and between the ages o! 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business o! your own. For full particulars write today ta The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dèpt. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreai, Que. 31-5 EARN extra money this "easy" way with Regal's 21 card Feature Assortment. Sdil Canada's new- est, !astest - seiling Christmas Cards. Exclusive wîth Regai. Sel the 21-card Meature b r$1 or Regal's famous Iiîp Box ! ai-occasion cards~ bic sales! Introduce Regal's won- derful new Canadian Scenes Box. 16 cards by famous Canadian ar- tists $1. Regal's new !ramed Gi!t Pictumes of authentic Canadian Scenes are ideal Christmas Gi!ts. Sel !or $1. Learn the intriguing details. Up fô 50 per cent clear profit. Write NOW for agent's 1946 catalog. Regal Statianery IC -L16, Dept.«5 Slmcoe St., Toronto, Ont., or Dept. 163 W. Hattings St., Vancouver, B.C. Work Wanted STOVE and furnace repairs. R. E. Willett, 301 Dundas St. E., Whitby, phone Whitby 611. 34-1* DAY work, 40c hour. Apply Mrs. R. W. Whyte, R.R. 2, Bowman- TRACTOR custom work, plough- ing, cultivating, discing, combin- ing. I also have John Deere trac- tor repair parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594:' 26-t! MARRIED man with one child, having 19 years' farming exper- ience, desires work on farm with separate house. Willing to make other agreements with employer. Apply Harold E. Green, c/o Gor- don Stinson, Burketon. Phone Port Perry 111 r 15. 34-3 Radio Service BETTER radio service is as near as your telephone. We are an authorized member o! Philco Ser- vice Association. Phone 2174, F. Crowe, 52 King St. West. 33-4* THE RAýDIO SHOP, Bowman- ville, offers honest charges, iatest type equipment and trained per- sonnel. Our two radio techni- cians both hold Government Cer- tificates o! Proficiency in Radio. 'Éhone 573. 33-tf Personal SLENDOR Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at ail druggists. 33-3 Trucking- SjCREENED sand, gravel, ioam, fll, cinders, manure. We have it, you narne it. We will deliver it. H. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2255. 33-tf Room and Board ROOM and board accommodation for one or two High School girls, attending Enniskillen H ig h School. Mrs. Vernon Ratz, En- niskillen. 34-2* Notice Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be closed from August 30 to to Sep- tember 30 inclusive. 34-6 On and after 'August 3rd, 1946. I shaîl not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife as she has left my bed and board. P. A. Forgett, 84 Queen St., Bowman- ville. 32-3* I wish to refute the rurnours that I amn giving up the collecting of garbage. I arn still going strong and arn prepared to give better service than ever, having purchased a truck. George Ciayton, Phone 515. 34-1* NEW GARBAGE COLLECTOR I wish to notify the citizens o! Bowmanville I have purchased a .truck and arn prepared to coilect [garbage regularly and carefully for a limited number of custom- ers. Will aiso do general truck- arb. e Shoordcontact mle dr- Bar eave o orderstat me irs ect. Howard Burgess. 34-2* IN THE ESTATE o! Caroline Broad, late o! Bowmanville, in the Province o! Ontario, Spinster, Deccased. Ail daims against the above estate, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with particuhars and valuation o! security held, if any, must be sent ta the under- signed before the l4th day o! September, A.D. 1946. ROBERT L. BROAD, Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Canada. 32-4 Administrator o! the Estate. In the estate o! Samnuel Col- will, late o! the Township o! Dam- lîngton, in the County o! Durhamn, Laborer, Deceased, who died on the 29th day o! July, 1946. The Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937, Chap. 165, Sec. 51 Creditors and others having dlaims against the above egtate are required to send full particu- lars and proof thereof to the un- dersigncd on or before the 25th day o! September, 1946, after which date the assets o! the es- tate will be distributed having re- gard oniy ta dlaims that have been received-. Dated at Bowmanville, in the said County o! Durham, this 19th day o! August, 1946. 1LAWRENCE C. MASON, loarrister, Box 29,. Bowmanville. Solicitor for the Executor. 34-3 TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES Township of Darllngton County of Durham To Wit: By virtue o! a warrant issued by the Reeve o! the Township o! Darlington under his band and the seal o! the said corporation beaing date the 4th day o! May, sale o! lands in arrears o! taxes in the Township o! Darlington, W Il be held at my office at the boum o! Ten O'clock in the fore- noo4 on the Sth day o! November, 1946, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given th~at the list o! lands for sale for arrears o! taxes was pub- lished in the Ontario Gazette on 0he 3rd day a! August 1946, and thit copies o! the saidliîst may be hiad at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 6th day o! August, 1946. J. D. HOGARTH, 32-13 Treasurer Excessive. sun can, cause sun- stroke. It is well ta wear some sort o! bcad co ering while ex- posed to the- di ~rayà %of the sun for any length of time, par- ticuiariy thase wlxo are thiniy 1thatched on top. ]PGEsi TMNERS FOR SALE BY PUBLIC TENDER Sealed tenders marked "Tend- ers for Building L" addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 12 o'clock noon September 5, 1946. Above building size ap- proximately 24'x120' is located 1 mile east o! the town o! Bowman- ville at what is commonly known as The Miiitary Internment Camp. Highest or -any tender not ne- cessamily acceptcd. For !urther particulars apply TORONTO CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED Liberty St., Bowmanville. -Signed: E. W. Hanlan. 34-1 Auction Sales Satumday, Aug. 3lst, at my farm north o! Enniskillen, I will offer for sale 100 stocker cattie (bec! brecds). Further notice ncxt weck. Ted Jackson, auctioncer. 34-1 LIVESTOCK and Fumniture: Sat- urday, August 24th at 1 o'clock at the Bradly farrn, Haydon, 25 stocker cattle, 4 cows and calves, sows with pigs, number o! shoats. Propcrty o! E. A. Werry. Also a full line o! household fumniture belonging to E. Bradly Estate. Sec bis. Ted Jackson, auction- eer. 34-1 Wednesday, Aug. 28-Extensive auction sale o! tractor, tractor equipmcnt, farm impiements, horses, dairy herd, and fumniture, the property o! L. R. Kemp, Lot 34, Con. B.F., one mile west o! Ontario Hospital, Whitby on Base Line. Sale at 12:30 sharp. Terrns cash. William Maw, auctioneer. Clcrks: F. T. Rowe and C. E. Bowrnan. 34-1* FURNITURE SALE-I have me- ceivcd instructions from Albert A. Pollard,-.North Street, New- castle, to seli by p'ubiic auction on Saturday, August 31, kitchen, bedroorn, parlor and dining room fumniturc; new electrie washing machine and a lot of tools. For furtber particulars sec bis. Tcrrns cash. Positively no me- serve, sale at 1 p.m. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 34-2 FURNITURE SALE-I have been autborized to seli by public auc- tion for the estate of the late Ad- alima Jeffrey, 2½ miles wcst of Oshawa or 1 % miles east o! Whit- by on No. 2 highway (Lick's Hill) on Saturday, August 24, contents o! a 12-roomed house including parlor, dining room and bcdmoom furniturg (antique beds>, piano, Moffat electric stove, cook stove, new, large quantity o! imported china, 86-piece dinner set, bcd- ding, mattresses, sheets, towels, table cloths, rugs, cooking uten- suls, silvcrwarc, tools, etc. This is an cxceptionally large sale o! rnany antiques, imported china, glassware and trinkets, and arc in excellent condition. Don't miss this sale! Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. Terrns cash. Elmer Wii- bur, auctioneer. 34-1 The undemsigncd bas been au- tborized ta seli by public lauction for Catherine Wight LOT 5,, CON. 3, DARLINGTON at PROVIDENCE Friday, August 3Oth AT 12:30 SHARP the !ollowing: HORSES Bay mare 7 years (colt at side); bay mare 9 years. DAIRY CATTLE Holstein 3 years aid freshen Oct. 13; Holstein 3 years oid freshen Oct. 17; Holstein 8 years old !mesh- en Nov. 2; Holstein 3 yeams aid ta freshen Fcb. 5; Black cow 6 years aid !rcshen Jan. 4; Holstein 8 years oid freshen Jan. 7; Holstein 6 ycams old freshen Jan. 23; Black cow 7 years old freshen Jan. 3; Jersey cow 6 years old freshen March 21; Holstein 6 yeams aid freshen March 22; Ayrshire Reg'd 5 years freshen March 23; Hol- stein 4 yeams old brcd July 16; Holstein cow 6 yeams oid freshen Nov. 3; Holstein caw 4 years old just frcshened; Holstein cow 6 years old just freshened; Holstein heifer 10 rnonths old; Holstein bull 9 montbs old (extra good bull Tamblyn strain). ]IMPLEMENTS Binder, McDecring 7 ft.; mawer M.-H. 5 ft.; sced drill fertilizer Dccring (11 disc) good; cultiva- tom M.-H.; cuitivator for tractar;' manume sprcader (Int.); wagon (good); hay rack; sleigbs; corn binder; scuffier (team); 4 steel wbecls---- single scuff 1er; 4 wagon wbeels; wagon spmîngs; dise Mg.-H. single plow; riding plow (2-fur- row); electric fencer; lawn rnow- cm; gang plow; rake, M.-H.; potato sprayer (ncw); jack (gaod vice); harmows; force pump; stock pump; block and tackie; fanning miii; scales (240 lbs.); watcr trough; 2 large ketties; 2 electric motors (1/4 b.p.); !orks, bacs, shovels. whiffletrees, tools, ncckyokes, and many other articles toa numerous ta mention. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Separatar, DeLaval, (large size); clectrie cooler (6 can); DeLaval Milker, Sterling, 2 unit (neariy new). HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Buffet; dining raom table (Bird's cye mape); 7 cýiairs; arm chair; writing desk; kîtchen table and chairs; 2 couches; scwing ma- chine, drap head (Singer); kitchen cupboard; Aiaddin lamp; Domin- ion argan; 2 Perfection coal ail stoves (good); Quebec heater; 2 beds, dressers and washstands; piano, Gerard Heintzmnan; gramn- aphone records; cook stove, 6- iid with warming- closet (Prin- cess Pat) 9-30; odd tables, odd chairs; wasb tubs; boilers; radia, eiectric, 5-tube; floor covemings; guitar; quantity o! radio parts; quantity o! dishes; quantity o! I ooking utensis and many ther ~rticles. Ternis, Cash. No Reserve. J. D. --HOGARTH, Clerk ELMEB WILLBUR, Auctioneer 34-1 Auction Sles FARM SALE-Mr. Laverne Hoy, Lot 11, Con. 5, Clarke Twp. (1 mile south of Kendal) is giving Up farming and will seil by public auction on Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: 16 Percheron horses, including sev- eral rnatched tearns; 12 rnilk cows; 35 head of choice Durharn stock- ers; 5 brood sows; 30 shoats; 35 breeding ewes. For further par- ticulars see. bis.- Terrns cash, positiveiy no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 34-2 Tuesday, September 3, Ross Taylor, at the Dalmage Taylor Farrn, 3 miles west of Burketon, % mile north of Enfield, Lot 29, Concession 9, Darlington, will sel by public auction 80 grade cattie (Shorthorn and Holstein), spring- ers, cows with calIVes at side, veal calves, 20 butcher steers, several beef ring heifers, 10 Holstein hei- fers, 30 stockers, beef breed, nurn- ber of swine, and 300 bags of po- tatoes. Terms cash, sale at 1 p.m. See bills for further particulars. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 34-2 COMINO EVENTS Soccer Saturday night, August 24, at Tyrone. Orono at Tyrone. Proceeds will go to an injured player. 34-1 The W.I. will hold the monthly meeting on Thursday, August 29 in the Parish Hall. Mr. Geo. James will be guest speaker. Members please note and visitors welcome. 34-1 The Solina Young Peopie wil present their play "Eyes of Love" in the Enniskiilen Church shed, Friday, August 30. Music between acts. Admission, adults 35c, chul- dren,20c. 34-1 Dance and presentation under the auspices of the Newcastle Girls' Softball Tearn will be held in the Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday, August 29. Stan Portch and his 6-piece band of Toronto, will supply the music. The J. Anderson Smith Cup will be presented to the Newcastle Girls' Team, also windbreakers and crests. 34-1 Low Prices Blondex Sha.mpoo -- -23e Pa.rawax........lic Lactogen ---- --69c-$1.59 Pinex ------------------- - 32c Coreoga. Powder 23c-39c-69e 100 A.S.A. Tabs --------- 19c Castile Soap .------cake 5c For Nay Fever Lantigen "E" - ------- -$6.00 Ailergitabs ------- $1.00-$2.50 Estivin Drops --------- $1231 Razmah Caps. --- $1.00-$5.00 1M ID S EY s THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1946 leïmor'I Chàanges (Continuied from Page Ou1W ed stage entertainer, and Vernon, now a student at a Toronto pre- paratory school. The Flaherty family, during a residence of 12 years here has won high regard as citizens, and Mr. Flaherty, an officer in World War I, has spar- ed no expense in, making the Bal- moral Hotel a place of high ex- cellence in which itsý standards have meant rnuch in enhancing the fair name of a fine town. He has proved that -a superior hotel can be operated successfully with- out a beverage license. Best wà& es go with Mr. and Mrs. Flahtl and their sons in their new sphere. Canada's forests yield a perpet- ual harvest of wealth, until des- troyed by fire. Helping to pre- vent forest fires is a duty of every Canadian. SALE REGISTER The undersigned bas re- ceived instructions trom the Executor of Ore Estate of the iste Mrs. J. R. Cooper to seil by public auction at her late residence Saturdaty, Aug. 24 ail ber bousehold effects, consisting of: Furniture, rugs, linen, bed- ding, dishes, cut glass, silver- wa.re, flatware, china dishes, etc. TERMS CASH Sale to commence at 12:30 p.m. sharp W. J. CHALLIS Auctioneer fer, pains and <NtTUTING sciatica, etc. M uLS 4 oz. p soa z 49c ~ 10$1z'00 Remington Electric Razors Dual Head ------------ $1995 Triple Head------------ $23.95 Flytox----------- 24c-43c-73c Flit--------------- 23c-39c-69c Beriou------------ $1.31-$2.57 Shelltox-------- 24c-43c-73c Spra.yers ------------------ 39C Ply Colis ---------- 4 for 10e J. & J. Rapid Flo MILK FILTERS 300 Plain Disks--------- $1.35 300 Single Face--------- $2.10 AERSOL D.D.T. BOMB - Kilis Fies------------------------ $3.95 I ohn1 v Tiuiis.showzi ameStand"r -4', Eyeu ,Examined . , Optical Repairs ON HOLIDAYS UNTIL THURSDAY, AUGUST. 22ND) w 1-

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