PAGE TEN 0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 2Mt, 194 E r j b Certo Crystals ---- pkg. Preserving Certo ----btl. Brodie's Self-Ralsing Cake Fleur -----3 b. net lOc 25e 23e Metal Jar Rings ---doz. 25c Nabob Tea------------ 8-ez. 44c Aylmer Stufled Olives -------------------------- 49e Try Our CoUd Meats DRESSED PORK DELICIOUS LOAF -CHICKEN ROLL - ENGLISH BRAWN SMALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES GROSE'lS GROCERY Deliveries Daily After 4 p.. Maple Grove - Phone 2582 LETUS VACUUM CLEAN YOIJR HEATING SYSTEM A JLaEAN FURNACJE SAVffS FUEL Repaira for all makes of Boilers and Furnaces Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walton and Mr. and Mns. Harold Hockin have been holidaying in the U.S. Miss Evelyn Aflin, Bank of Commerce staff and Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, spent the week at Fenehon Falls. Michael Robert, infant son o! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duck, Jr., Toronto, was christened in St. George's church by Rev. Douglas Dewdney, on Saturday evening, August 24. Gnandpanents o! the baby, Mn. and Mrs. R. Duck, Sr., and Mn. Robent Milligan wene the godparents. Tracy Embiey, o! Britton's store is an hoiidays. Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Pattenson, Barbara and John, have returned fnom holidays. Don't fonget the presentation of the J. Andersan Smith cup, also windbneakers and crests ta the champion Newcastle Girls' Soft- bail Team on Thursday evening at the Community Hall. The weekend's guests o! Miss Betty Alhin, Kay Toms, Pat Peance and Mary Margaret Bonathan at View Lake were Mn. and Mns. Brenton Rickand and George, Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Hockin and Da- vid, Mns. H. R. Pearce, Mn. and Mns. Albert Pearce, Larry and Ricky and Wayne, Newcastle, Mn. Onville Stinson, Blackstock, and Marilyn and Douglas Pearce, Tor- onto. Visitons with Mn. and Mrs. John Hendny were Mn. and Mrs. H. V. Marshall and Mn. Herbent Mar- shall, Tononto; Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Murray and David, Stirling; Miss Jean Gihchrist, Sangudo, Ai- berta; Mr. and Mrs.. Garnet B. Rickand, James and Donald, o! Shaw's. Mns. Wm. Gilchnist, Sangudo, Alta., who has been spending the summen with Mn. and Mrs. John Hendny, Lake Shore, leaves this week for her home in Alberta. Mn. and Mrs. A. Sandham and 111 Elgin St. W., Oshawa Phone Oshawa 3760-J f -- 40eji F-2fdwm 5003W daughter of St. Catharines, were Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt, who selections Miss Edna Denault gave guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sand- spent Augùst in their cottage on a demonstration on clothès, point- ham. Rice Lake, will be home to take ing out from a poster the conven- Mrs. Clarence Aflin and Miss up his work next Sunday: Ken- ient points of the several different Norma Allin are attending the dal at il a.m.; Shiloh, 2.30 p.m. garments pictured; an ihteresting school for leaders at Ontario La- and Newtonvllle at 7.30 p.m. article on "Dress", by Miss Dor- dies' College, Whitby. Duncan Seymour, former public othy Brown short reading, nicely Mrs. T. Follick, London, was school teacher, has been suces given, by' Dorene Milison; humor- guest of Mrs. Wm. Chaplin. fui in gaining entrance to O.A.C. ous recita. p given with marke4i Mrs. A. E. Prince, Toronto, is at Guelph.tletby Dorothy Stapleton; visiting Mrs. Robert Gibson. School Board has secured Mr. guitar selections with song by We are sorry ta, learn that Mr, M. Stewart for the coming year. MDes ooh £cnadE Jack Rice, Bowmanile, Isbn We hope the parents and puil Dnault; reading ýýery clearly of the former Miss, àI Gae will be loyal to him as they havegve byLrne cClog. in ~s Chite thosia Gufraisgbe oM.Symu.M.SeatThe girls appeared in perfectlR in hritieSt.Hositl sffeingbee to M. Symor. r. tewrtfitted dresses of print made by fromn the effects of the wound he hag been taking a summer course themselves, thus effectively de- received when his plane was in manual training. monstratmng the club's slogan that shot down over occupied France, It seems a pity that aur rural "Cottons may be Smart." A paper while he was §erving with the R. schools, under the present system, on "Poison" by Mrs. Cecil Burley, C.A.F. can only hope to be but stepping read by Mrs. W. Jones. Mrs. Mc- Mrs. W. H. Cooke, v isited Mr. stones for the best teachers. We Cullough, convener of the August and Mrs. Harold H. Carr, Port lose them to the larger centres.- group, presented the program and Credit. We trust this will ot aiways be contest, the latter being: write a Miss Jean Holmes, Miss Dor- so for rural districts need the fin- few lines of poetry on cottons may othy Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Percy est leadership and the more baçk- be smart. Resuits were good, the Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hun- ward the district, greater thlat best effort coming from Mrs. ter, Mr. Bill Hunter, Toronto, need. Haigh's group. Answers to rol Mr. and Mrs. Gien Pollard and Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence cali, one way to keep healthy, in- children, Miss Alberta Finlay, Paedeii, Mr. and Mrs. V. Perkins, ciuded work, exercise, a-est, dlean Brampton, were guests of Mr. Flint, Mich., Miss Doreen Wil- habits, cut out worry, sufficient and Mrs. Wallace Holmes. liams, Toronto, Mr. W. Paeden, sleep, practise contentmerrt, re- Misses Elsa and Madeleine Van Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Paeden, gular habits, eat nutritious foods Kerklove, of Antwerp, Belgium, Mr. Herb Paeden, Starkviiie, Mrs. slowly, moderation in ail things, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams, Wesleyville, Miss Joyce visit doctor annually for check- Wade. The Misses Kerklove are Bostock, Orono, at Mrs. J. Paed- up. Attendance 30. on a business trip to South Bend, ---- Mr. and Mrs. Aif. George, Indiana, to the plant of the Stu- Port Hope, Mrs. Jack Cook, Co- debaker Corporation to buy cars bourg, and Miss Clegg, Toronto, You can only die for your coun- for shipping overseas. Jack Wade with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones--- try once but you'can live for it had visited at the Van Kerklove -- Mrs. Danny Shutka has arriveci daily. home several times while in Bel- home. Let us ail give her a real gium with the armed forces. welcome ---- Mr. and Mrs. Harry 4 j, Congratulations to Mr. and Buriey and children, Mr. and Mrs. - Mrs. Harry Jose who have been Lloyd Buriey and Diane, Oshawa, cleaning up prizes at gladioli with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Burley. E~ three 2nds out of 8 entries at the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burhey EEADACIIES Canada Giadioli Show in Simcoe, taking Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Ogden Blinding pain, con- wînning lst and 2nd on their bas-. with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stone ------ lant throbhing cao ket exhibits and lst on vase ex- Mr. and Mrs. Wilhard Lockhart, ,ùe life a mzaer. hibit. Then on. Saturday at the Bruce and Florence with Mrs. J. May edches my gladioli show in Oshawa they won Lancaster..-- -Mrs. Frank Ander- b. caused by the fail- o two lsts and two 2nds on basket son Sr., Neil and Ross, Port Hope, tare of the. kidneys to exhibits and two 2nds on vases. and Mrs. Cecil Walkey motored to p.ufomm their nonna The teaching staff of Newcastle St. Catharines to visit Mr. and duty of filtering poi- ODI 1 High School will be R. W. Goheen, Mrs. Geo. Hoidaway. They spent sonous wastes and exeus acida fromthie B.A., who cornes here from Fen- a day at Niagara Falls and Queen- blood. ifkidneya failland poisons emain in ehon Falls High School. Due to ston ------ Mr. and Mrs. O. Straut, the system, headacee, backacbe. rheu- difficuhty the Board of Education North Bergen, N.J., with Mr. and anatic pains. dhist uberet may otea, fol- has experienced in sec uring an Mrs. Pete Kesier. low. Dodd's Kidney Pilla belp your ludneya ' assistant principal owing to the Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Farrow are dear outtrouble-mnaldng poisons and excesa ~-scarcity of teachers, T. A. Ven- taking care of farm business for acids se that you feel better-reat better- ner, B.A., who resigned as prin- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley work better, Get Dodd's todai. 4 ' cipal, has consented ta fil the pos whiie they are taking a much ition of assistant ta the principal needed vacation. for the coming term. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duck, Jr., Eari Maynard (nee Marion Nich- Toronto, and two chihdren, are ails) on the birth of a baby boy. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Frarik McMullen is busy Robent Duck, Sr. getting his school bus ready for Miss Donothy Bonathan, Toron- the opening of Port Hope High ta, was guest o! her sister, Mrs. School. Morley Sallows. Newtonville Junior softball The ganden panty under aus- team met Newcastle team hast. pices of St. George's Church W.A. night whinning 12 ta 9. on August 22nd at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Sid Stacey (nee Miss Beatrix Mclntosh, was a Joyce Gibbs' of Port Hope, were great success, and a considenable honoured with a shower in the sum was nealized for the society. community hall on Monday even- Mrs. Scott Howard was in charge ing. Wm. Laing was chairman of the admission, Mrs. Douglas and presented a fine program Dewdney and Mrs. W. H. Gibson consisting of piano selections by pouned tea at the attractivehy ar- Mrs. Archie Brown; guitan and ranged tea table, Miss Cora But- viohin sehections by Anmond Hol- ler and Mrs. Frank Branton in lingsworth and Norman Andrews; charge of the fancy work table, duet by Edna Denault and Dor- Mrs. Tom Brown in charge o! the othy Brown accompanied by Jean supenfluity table, ail did a thriv- Stacey at the piano; reading by ing business. Catharine Dewdney Dorothy Brown and mouthorgan sold chances on the home made and guitar numbens by Murray cake, which was won by Mns. D. Payrne. Sid and Joyce were then B. Simpson. caiied to the platfonm and Olive Mrs StllaAnersn ad Ms.Brown read and presented them MRsertella nders onad Mrs with the address. Bath the bride RobentoGbo. setModyi and groom graciously thanked The standing o! the Boys' Ju- their friends for the table o! love- venule Softball League compased ly and useful gifts. After lunch of teams from Onono with Dane was served an hour's dancing was Found, manager, Newcastle with enjoyed. The music was supplied Frank McMuhhen manager, and by Armond Hollingsworth and Newtonvilie with Frank Gilmer Norman Andrews wîth Jean Stac- manager is as follows: Newcastle ey at the piano. Lloyd Clysdahe Idàdng hvingwon3 an los 1;called off . Oradng av won 3 and las eton- Women's Institute met Aug. 21 Oiono won 2 and hst 3;Newtfonr at Mrs. Milligan's. Business in- voile wn2 ost . Wsatdch orcluded continued postponement o! notie offutre gmesand amerepîacing the soldiers' monument. out and give the boys your sup- Decided that a letter be sent the port. Deputy Reeve asking that council ANN PAGE kindly take immediate action and have monument placed in position MILK BREAD Newto villewhile weather remains favorable. Plans were arnanged for serving O E RS A LnMv nrnpr ,- infls-lunch at the Whitney sale.ab 'A qu work your Rexall pharmacist orders to the most exacting experience are ever at yoy Insect Control Flut--------------------- 23c-43g Fly-Tox-------- ------ 24c-43g Shellltox------------------ 43 Sapho Pest Paint ivith 5 % D.D.T.--------47 2-Way Insecticide -- 59c-98i Shelitox Sprayers------ 41 Flit Sprayers ----------43 For the- Hair Riker's Cocoanut 011 Shampoo----------------- 29g Vaseline Hafr Tonic 50c-85i Allenbury's Basic Shampoo --------------- 5 Roll-It Hafr Brush, Black Bristies --------$.. White Bristies -----$.1 Charm-Kuri Supreme Cold Wave for soft, natural-looklng curis and waves ------------ Lovel THE-4IEXALL Z~RUG STORE Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticki WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY King st. W.. Bowmanvil PRESCRIPTIONS K 1 i, e R E D & B L E B R A N " In ail prescription foliows your doctor's detail. His skill and service. Hay Foyer Remedies Allergitabs ----$1.00-$2.50 Estivin ------------------ $1.23 Ha.y-tone ---------- 50c-$1.00 Vick's Va-Tra-Nol ----- 43e Raz-Mah Grey -- 50c-$1.00 Mendaco --------- $1.25-$2.50 Ephazone Tablets ---$2.50 Lantigen "E" per bot. $6.00 Oral Vaccines lc c c le c '5 '5 5 ets ile Now is the time to build up an immunity against colds and Infection. Robert's Vitavax ---$2.50 Lilly's Entoral $1.75-$4.50 B.D.H. Common Cold Vaccine --------- $3.25 Sharpe & Dohme Vacagen------------------ $2.00 Jury &