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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1946, p. 9

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PAGE NM . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT 5th, 1946 iThe new Chiel Scout for Nor- way 18 Birger Brekke, who as a boy was a pupil of H. Molier Gassman, the former Chief Scout. He was ordained a minister in 1918 and for four years was gen- aral secretary of the Boy Scout Movement in Norway. Tile Flooriug Retfrigeratot Laid by Expert Setters RM AR FREE ESTIMIATES- Cholce of Colours Commercial - Domestie Specializo Kîtchen and Bathrooms PHONE 653 BROMLEY & SON ANY 1YAK.E Hà. J. Bowyer Phone: Oshawa 244 ball team bowed out of the pic- ture in the championship play- downs by losing two games straight to the Legion. Down 14- 4 in the first garne, they feul again 8-3, Thursday evening at Memorial Park to lose the round 22-7. The Legion now enters the fiye-game finalswhich commence next week on the same grounds. Legion opened the scoring with two in the first inning, which Rur- ais topped with three earned runs in the sarne frame. From then on Rurals were blanked, swinging helplessiy at twisters dished up by Pitcher Couch. He registered goose eggs in the rernaining six innings. Legion scored in every frame but two, with Little scor- ing three runs of the eight. Legion ---------------203 102 x--8 Rurals ----------------300 000 0-3 Legion: Richards, Little, Mc- Knight, Colmer, Carneron, Couch, Woodward, -Harrison, Middleton. Rurals: W. Osborne, Pickel, Bragg, Werry, Ace Richards, Gay, Art Ricl4ards, D. Rickard, Black- burn. UJrps: Ames, plate; Tweedie, bases. Pepsis Force 3rd Game1 Beating Front St. 17-91 di ir gi ci p d t I r IROYAL THEATRE U a BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 589p COOL,- AIR CONDITONED - COOL * Thursday - Friday Saturday - Sept. 7 ~ * September 5-6 A. ALAN LON Judy Canova ! CURTIS CHANEY NOAH MARTHA in ~~BEERY, JR. O'DRISCOLL "RT HE ! ý4I aDALTONS plus RIEaAN JAMES WARREN a Second Big Attraction A THRILL DRAMA "SUNSETM EJIDANGEROUS PASS" aESP ARTNERS" A Western thrill, packed withu Starring adventure JAESSIGNE *CRAIG HASSO Cartoon in Color a Mon. -Tues. -Wed., Sept9 - 10 - 11 BARBARA ~STANWYCK rdMy Repuatation i a'A Dramatlc TriumphM * Fox Late News - Cartoon - Short Pepsi Colas evened the play- lown series with Front St. by tking the second softbali garne ât Mernorial Park, Friday even- ~ig, 17-9. Front St. took the first arne 11-3, hence the resuit for- es a third garne which will be played on the saffie grounds, on Tuesday evening. Pitchers Dickens for Pepsis and /IcFeeters for Front St. staged a duel that resulted in a tie 8-ail at the end of the 5th. Horn repiaced Dickens and Don Mason relieved M'cFeeters in the last frame. Pep- sis opened the sixth with the bar- rage that drove MeFeeters to the showers after nine men crossed the plate.. Darkness shrouded the debacle. Pepsis ---------------221 309 x --- 7 Front St -------------402 021 x- 9 Pepsis: Yourth, Piper, T. De- pew, Dickens, Cowan, H. Depew, Lrornbie, Bird, Horn. Front St.: D. Mason, L. Rundie, J. James, D. Williams, P. Osborne, OSHAWA Air Conditloned Froe Parking Phone 1011 Friday and Satirday SEPT. 6 and 7 William Powell and Esther Williams in 'Hoodlum Saint' Monday and Tuesday SEPT. 9 and 10 Joan Fontaine and Mark Stevens in "'àFrom This Day Forward" FOUR DAYS Wednesday te Saturday SEPT. Il to 14 M.G.M.'s 'Ziegfeld Follies of 1946", 1[n Lavish Techicolor wltha Fred Astaire - Lucille Bal and ail-star cast Gorgeons, Glamorous Zlegfeld Girls r TE/I CiI/MC~ ~C6'OOL W/T/I A SM/LE- 15 MYJQB.1 PHONE 444 today for regular milk delivery. ) Teahr know how imnpor- tant it is to keep healthy and alert. That's WhY theY drink plenty of Glen RaO Milk! Aduits as well as children need nourishing, viia.min-rich migc in their daily diets. Drink plentY Of milk - for good health. You're welcome, anytimne, to inspeot our sanitary, umaculate dairy. GLEN RIt DAÀIRY_ PHONE 444 KING ST. WBIT Lord Baden - Powell, Founder,' and Worid Chief Scout, in his i I- iast message to International i Scouting before his death in 19411 SPO RT I"N EW S~~( said: "War is a man-made in- fliction upon himseif, bringing nothing but misery in its train. It is up to man to devise the rem- Legion Min Round 22-7 Couvier, McFeeters, Brough, edy, and to restore to himsel.f the AllUn. blessings of peace with its pros- Rurals Lose two Games Umps: Colweli, plate; Cross perity and happiness for -ail." . h-laulednRrlsot bases. Whitby Takes 1lst Game From Local Jrs. 9-2 Whitby Wolves, making a bid to repeat the whitewash they hand- ed Bowmanville Rotary Juniors last year in the O.M.B.A. Lake- shore League, took the first of hiome and home games at the High School diamond, Friday evening, the score, 9-2. Outclassed in ahl Iepartments the locais were in accord with the urnps who called the garne in the fifth because o! darkness. The games are for the league championshîp. Whitby's pep and hustle was in contrast to the laçk of ginger back of pitcher Ciemence who was distinctly off form. He re- tired in the fourth with a 'sore arm after ailowing three straight doubles. Hoar finished on the mound. Quantrili, pitching for the Wolves, didn't permit a single solid hit but gave the locals their first run by a walk with the bases loaded. Wolves took the lead in the first on four hits, one a triple, plus two -thefts to net two runs. In the third, three hits, an error, a walk, two thefts' and gôod breaks yielded three runs. Three smash- ing doubles, a walk and a single and a thef t in the fourth, netted three more tailies. At dark in the fifth they counted another by a steal home wîth Catcher Sleep dropping the bail. Last batter burlesqued a strikeout to shorten the one-sided fray. Bowmanvilie feli heir to two errors, two waiks, a scratch single in the second to garner an un- earned run that Quantrili walked in. Four scratch hits in the fourth bordering on errors filied the bases and Dadson came home on Mcllveen's grounder to third. That ended the effort. Young Cox put some pep into the game, bat- tîng in the place o! Clemence af- ter he retired. Final game at Whitby, Monday afternoon. Debacie: Whitby 9 runs, 13 hits, 3 errors, 4 waiks, 10 thefts, 6 fanned. One 3-bagger, and three 2-baggers. Bowmanville 2 runs, 5 hits, 4 waiks, 5 thefts, 5 fanned. No hits out of infield. Whitby: Harlow cf, Rae lb, Reid 3b, McDonaid 2b, Quantrili p, Lowe r!, Gates cf, Yuiil ss, Harden c. Bowrnanviile: Dadson lb, Hoop- mer ss, Giihooley 2b, McIlveen cf, Hoar If and P, Williams r!, Sieep c, Cornish 3b, Ciemence p, Cox 1f, Junior Baseball Game Replayed Friday Ev. Losing the first o! a three-game series in the Junior Basebali League as reported in another coiumn, the local Rotary Juniors again fell to the third place Whit- by Wolves, at Whitby, Monday, the score 10-7. It was assumed that this put Bowmanviile out for the league championship. But league officiais have de- creed that the first garne must be played over again since it was cailed on account o! darkness in the 5th inning. Hence Whitby must reappear to repiay the garne on the local High School grounds, tornorrow evening, Friday, Sept. 6, at 6 p.m. If Bowmanvilie wins, a third garne wiii be piayed it is expect- ed on neutral grounds. Rotarian sponsors and fans in general are asked to get out and root for the home boys who stili have a chance to bring home the bacon. Town Takes Beaches In Challenge Softball Tilt on Labor Day Two hundred fans saw a fine softbail game at Memorial Park, Labor Day. It was a challenge tilt between the Beach nine and Town Ail-Stars. Ties were brok- yD. ýsey, PORT HOPE ei w ti n T E 9 ti a e n li r f t: Ajax Legion Wins First Softball Tilt At Memorial Park The first of home and home garnes in the Legion softbaii play- offs for this district, was played at Memorial Park, August 25, be- tween Ajax Legion and the local boys. Ajax proved too hefty at bat and took the verdict 13-5 for the first ieg in the three garne ser- ies. Starting' in the first inning Ajax batted around the circuit with singles, doubles and a home run that netted eight counters. Frorn then on Bowmanville held the visitors to even terrns but cduld- n't raily enough power to recover the initiai iead. Ajax ciouted two more horners and Bird got one for Bowrnanville with two on in the third. The lo- cals scored again in the fifth but tight fielding by Ajax behind good pitching protected their lead. It is hoped that a report of the return garne will be received in tîme for this issue. Hampton Champs. Honoured By Philanthropist Fans Hampton Football Teamn whicha won the Dariington L e a g u eI Charnpionship for 1946 was hon-a ored and enterained on two oc-i casions during the past week byE two outstanding fans who dids much to root the tearn to its de- served victory. Last Thursday, Ai! Ayre, in- ternationally farnous sheep breed- er, whose two sons Lloyd and Boyd starred on the team, treat-j ed the entîre squad to a-trip to Toronto to see the finals for the Ontario Football Championship.1 The garne was between Ulster o! Toronto and the Fort William eleven. The garne, played in Oak- wood Stadium was won by Ulst- er 7-1. This Wednesday, Edgar Horn, retired miller and farmer foot- ball player, rounded out the en- tertainrnent by providing a ban- quet for the tearn and other fans at the Balmoral Hotel, town. Victory toasts and songs rnarked a gala occasion which included plans for next year since the football spirit has corne back in full measure following the close o! war. The entire team ex- pressed appreciation to Mr. Ayre and Mr. Horn for their interest and generosity. MEMORIAL PARK DRIVE FOR MEMBERSHIP Activities at the Bowrnanviiie Mernorial Park are in full swing and extra impetus has been added to the enthusiasrn for the park by the transferring of ahl final games of the Town Softbaii League to Mernorial Park. Frorn the coin- ments of the various players and spectators, everyone is well pleas- ed with the diamond but there NOTICE WILLYS JEEP DE-MO NSTRATI ON remains to be finished, the bal- en twice before Ahl-Stars cut loose writh 4 runs in the eighth to take the final verdict, 9-7 in nine in- ings. Matthews, a southpaw from Toronto, matched curlves with Ace Richards of Ail-Stars. He had good control and led Beach with two triples. Little for Ail-Stars, after booting two errors, homer- ed in the fifth to recover 2 runs. Beach broke a 2-2 tie in the Sth rietting 3 runs on 3 errors and a Uine drive to centre. They lost a run in the sixth when Matthews f;ýiled to touch first on his second triple. Ail-Stars took advantage of three hits, two walks and an error in the eighth to gather their winning 4 runs. Summary: Beach: 7 runs, 8 hits, 5 errors, 8 fanned, 8 walked, two stole. Ail-Stars: 9 runs, 7 hits, 7 er- rors, 5 fanned, 4 waiked, two stole. Beach: Moffatt c, Halîrnan 2b, Cowan lb, Dickens cf, Matthews P, Barr ss, Pop Wilson 3b, Street rf, Bird 1f. Ail-Stars: Little ss, Rundie If, Yourth 2b, Werry lb, Colmer 3b, Polley rf, Crombie c, Colwell If, Richards p. Umps: Coyie, plate; Murphy, Shirley Edwards' Band Features Cedar Palace Opening A, record-breaking crowd o! 700 dance enthusiasts gathered in the re-decorated Cedar Palace in Orono on Frýday night to swing and sway to the music of Shir- ley Edwards and hier teen-aged orchestra. This was the first of a series of six dances sponsored by the Orono Hockey Club for the purpose of raising funds to generaliy improve the rink and instali seats. It is beiieved that the success of this first event will be repeated in those that foi- iow, as the rnusic ýromises to be the very best in sweet and swing. Grant Davis and his al coloured band is next on the iist to appear at this popular dance hall. Mr. Davis was with an or- chestra in Detroit prior to form- ing his own company. His floor show features top-notch tap dan- cers and hep cats. It looks like an exciting affair for young and old. Particulars wili be adver- tised at a later date. AN OLD TIMER'S VIEWS Many people (be they farmers, workingmen or small business- men) have corne through a simi- lar experience and wiil possibly agree with the views of Mr. A. Logan, who has recentiy retired a! ter rnany years as a weekiy ed- itor. He is now 84. For 20 years edited the Wiarton Echo, then soid out and bought the Pembroke Standard- Observer, beîng there for the past 23 years. In this val- edictory, he says: "It about breaks my heart to step down and out, but I have ai- ready said that my early associ- ations, my brînging up, do not give me the outiook upon the present day life that may be ne- cessary for the position of an ed- itor. One who started from scratch, carne up in the school of hard knocks, worked day and night for ail that he possesses, can scarceiy believe that ail this pa- ternai care of the governments to- day makes for the best type of Canadian citizens. In the world of their drearns, the reward pro- rnised our forbears, the pioneers of Ontario rnust muse and srnile at what their present day successors cail hardships and the spoon feed- ing that they require from the cradie to the grave. One who has worked hard and saved éannot follow nor does he want to foliow, the trails which these Socialists have blazed. Then, too, in the early life of the writer if he made a dollar it was ail his own; to- day there is a fellow by the narne o! Iisley, in Ottawa, who neyer invested a dollar in this business, and yet draws more out o! it than I do. This is not the way for one 'Bluenose' to treat another." If you raise your voice these days let it speak (not add) to the wor1d's need. Live up to the highest"you know and you'Il have nothing to live down. Business Dir!ectory W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowrnanviile, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. BA. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowrnanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9Y2 King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - BoVmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Rgyal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 DR. E. W. S1550W, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. d.aily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-5*. ance of the screen and seats for the spectators. At the present time the park is showing a deficit of a iittle over $500 and to over- corne this, the annual drive for membership has been started. The rnembership d&ive, now on, is for the year 1946 and ail who can help are urged to do so by purchasing a ticket from one of the foiiowing parties who have been kind enough to take tickets and help in this worthy cause. The number after the individuals name represents the number of tickets which they have agreed to seli: John James------------------------ 25 Joe Cooper------------------------ 25 Geo. White, Sr ------------------- 25 Mrs. Chas. Mutton ------------- 100 Irene Piper------------------------ 25 Ada Dadson -------------------25 Mrs. Cecil Mutton--------------- 50 Harold Balson ------------------- 25 Mildred Rundie,------------------ 25 Chas. Carter, Jr------------------ 15 Lorne Kleinstiver --------------- 25 J. J. Brown ----------------------- .10 Bob Kent ------------------------- 15 B. Johnston ---------------------- 10 J. Mason -----------------------10 Norman Ailison------------------ 30 Porbes Heyland ------------------25S QUaity YOu'11 Enjoy TEA at"«SOnabrinas you "ON-THE-SPOT" reporting from the capitals of the. world through exclusive NEW YORK TIMES FOREIGN NEWS SERVICE, By cable, telephone, short wave radio, 54 foreign correspondents of the famous New York Times staff bring the world's news to you every morning in The Globe and Mail. And this extra coverage of world news is tonly one of the extras you enjoy. Ail the world and local news, fearless editorials, complpete financial and farm news, three fuît pages of sports, . .. three women' s pages of fashions, food recipà and other household news, ... plus a score of features to please everyone in the family. fuOur VwSito! PERFECT DIAMONDý Nobody looks up to the Who looks down on others. man1 ON ALL KINDS 0F FAM WORK on Stewart Morton's Farm Lot 19, Concession 1 MAPLE GROVE Two miles west Of Bowmanville 2 P@M. D.SaT. Tuesday, Sept. lOth by Drowne Motor Sales pel mommonnu- 1 1 v n L 1 bases.- E G A L ,--- ýVMqM

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