PAGE EIGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAVIL, ONTARIO The Orono News At a district horticultural exhi- lated on the beautiful decorations bition held in Newcastle Friday and the hard work they did to evening, several Orono ladies car- make the evening enjoyable. ried off prizes. Mrs. Fred Tam- Rev. Littlewood had charge of blyn obtained seven firsts on glad- the services in Park St. United ioli; two on vegetables and a spe- Church, Sunday. Mrs. C. Wood cial on a hall vase; Mrs. M. H. and Mr. R. E. Logan sang a duet Staples a special prize on a zinnia; at the morning service. Sunday Mrs. W. H. Rowe a special prize Sehool, will reopen next Sunday for best dahlia, and Mrs. Frank afternoon. Hall a special on a basket of veg- Congratulations to Dan Chmara etables. who passed his first year exams in Miss Lorraine MacDonald has mining engineering. Dan attend- returned to O.C.S. after spending ed Ajax branch of University of the summer in Nakina. Toronto. Horace York has a new car. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren, Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe was in 0t- Arthur and Donald, motored f0 tawa and acted as mafron of hon- Niagara peninsula over weekend. or at a friend's wedding. Pupils of Continuation and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett, Dou- Public Schols gathered on Tues- glas and Donald, and Mrs. J. J. day morning f0 prepare for the Cornish and Joanne were in To- faîl term. Miss Gwen Brooks, ronto. Bowmanville, is the only new Mrs. Fred Tamblyn visited Mr. teacher taking the place of Mrs. and Mrs. R. ilanhorne in Whitby Alan Darch in the intermediate and attended the gladiolus show room of Public school. in Oshawa. Miss C. McKay is staying with Rev. and Mrs. Littlewood have Mrs. P. Laing. returned from a monfh's vacation Mr. Roy Patton has taken the at their cottage, Lake of Bays. sehool at Columbus. Mrs. L. G. McGinnis and Mary Mr. and Mrs. Alan Darch (nec Lind have refurned from a trip Gwen Tennant) have moved f0 t0 Western Canada wîth Mrs. Mc- Lakeview, where Mrs. Darch will Ginnis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. r. be teaching. J. McClînton. Mr. J. Blue, manager of Bank The dance held at Cedar Palace of Commerce, has been on vaca- on Friday evening under auspi- tion at his home in London. ces of Hockey Team was a splen- onono band played at Port did success. Miss Shirley Edwards Perry fair' on Labor Day. A and her orchestra from Toronto number of Orono citizens also provided music and were veny took in the fair. popular. The hockey team and Mrs. T. Somerville and Miss Dane Found are to be congratu- Mary Somenville were in Toronto FLY-DED NABOB TEA, %- lb.------44e bottie------------------------- 23c NETLSON'S COCOA JUNKET RENNET lb. net -------------------------29c POWDERS -------------lic YORK BOLOGNA, lb.----- 25c Try Our CoId Meats DRESSED PORK' - CHICKEN ROLL DELICIOUS LOAF- ENGLISH BRAWN SMALL SCHOOL SUPPLIIES GROSE'S GROCERY Deliveries Daily After 4 p.m. Maple Grove-- Phone 2582 on Sunday f0, visif Mn. A. A. Som- enville who is ill. Miss Gwen Brooks is staying wifh Mn. and Mrs. W. S. Cobble- dick. Visitons:i Mrs. H. Flintoif, Shirley and Carl, and Junior West wifh friends in Toronto. Miss Viola Nodin, Toronto, at ber home. Mr. and Mns. Joyner and Grant, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen. 1 Miss-Mabe1 Davy with friends in Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Keane wifh relatives in Toronto. Miss Elva Tucken, Toronto, with Mrs. H. Curtis. Miss Doris Cooper, Oshawa, wifh Miss Shirley Flintoif. Mn. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at home. Miss Carter, Winnipeg, with Miss Edith Shenwin. Messrs. Jim Penfound, Toronto, Robent Rundle, Meadville, Pa., Chas. Shaw, Omemee, at Mn. and Mrs. M. H. Staples'. Miss Lenore Wood, Oshawa, with relatives in Orono. Mn. and Mrs. Alan Darch and Mn. and Mrs. Hately and children, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mns. Carl Tennant. Wesleyville Thene was a good affendance at Sunday School wifb *only one teacher absent. Cburcb at 11:30 witb a very good attendance and Dr. Oke pneached on "Faith". Mrs. Walter Longyear and Keitb, Elizabetbville, ber sisten, Mrs. Arnold Tbonndyke. Mrs. George Dinnen bas had f lu but is steadily impnoving. Miss Nancy Bennett, Pont Hope, with ber aunts, Mrs. H. Reeve and Miss Bennett. Mn. Norman Hempstead,Toron- to, with Mn. Sidney Lockhart. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Payne and Miss Lila Payne with Mn. and Mrs. William Payne. Mn. and Mns. Arnold Thorn- dyke and Carol with Mn. and Mrs. Albert Smith, Baltimore. Miss Beverley Odlum, New York, Miss Olive Johnsfon, Pet- erbono, and Mn. Tupper John- son with Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. Maurice Pedwell on the binfh of a son and hein. SMn. Russell Osborne and fam- ily motoned f0 Peterbono f0 visit Mns. Osborne's sister, Mns. John- ny Clayfon on Sunday and report a super time. Miss Mary Bowen is spending a week at bomne. Jack Gibson and Maurice Wick- etf wereý holiday visitons at A. F. Gibson's. Mns. Harold Gibson had a splen- did holiday spending part of a week witb relatives in Rochester. /~ Just like a LONG DISTANCE swichoad ... thene are only so many limes, so many positions-and when the board is ful some cails are bound to be delayed. We regret such unavoidable delays. But lhree limes as many Long Distance cails are going fhnough as in pre-war days. We'ne insfalling equipment to handie this incneased telephone volume just as fast as if becomes available, but shontages of essenfial mafenials are stili slowing UP our ex- pansion programme. This delay is feit ail along the lime. If is. feit by you when the Long Distance operafon is unable fo complete your call ight away. When this happens, please rememben she is senvimg more people f han even before-and that she wiII "put you fhrough" just as quickly as she can. FRANK WILLIAMS Manager Stark illeslabs of stone God's Ten Laws, ,1theatre with a film based on the Service was resumed at Shiloh comimandments, while a third on Sunday. Service is at 2:30 p.m. group assembled a newspaper Everyone welcome. Let's start with clippings illustrating com- the season right. mandments kept and broken. Mn.andMrs Lone oddat- The morning feature which Mr. a funral of ared infollowed was something different tended the fnrlo redi every day: Relay games, group Lindsay on Friday. games, White Man and Indians, Mr. and Mrs. S. Brownlee Of treasure hunt (watermelon being Toronto, and Miss Nellie Shutka, the prize); scavenger hunt (one Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. group was able to find 82 objects Shutka. about the camp which began with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little and the letter "c.") and so on. son Gary, Oshawa, at Mr. Llew 0f the 17 boys who came to Hallowell's. camp who could not swim on the Mr. A. Minto was in Oshawa re- first day, 10 were able f0 pass the cenfly to attend the wedding of first test by the last day of camp. his daughter Catherine. This might have been better but Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell for the very cool anid unfavorable and family and Miss Norma Hallo- weather for the first haîf of the well in Toronto. camp. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson Affer dinner and tuck shop and famiiy attended Port Perry came the rest period when stor- fain. ies could be read, letters written Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and home or just sleep. Not many daughter. Newtonville, at Mr. active boys fhough are able to Lorne Todd's. sleep at that time of the day. Miss Betty Farrow, Miss Dor- The afternoon interest groups ofhy Farrow and friend and Mr. proved quite profitable to the Lawrence Farrow in Pickering boys and the display on thie last with their sister, Mrs. G. Plitz. day of camp showed coxisider- Mr. Jake Hailowell in Port able work done by the gnoups. Hope. Gordon Minty, Y.M.C.A. of Peter- Mn. and Mrs. E. Robinson and boro, conducted the largest inter- family and friends fnom Oshawa est group, life saving. This group with Mr. Wm. Savery. was hîndered a great deal by the Miss Beulah Hallowell has ne- cool weathen but progress was turned to Toronto to resume tea- made. ching duties for anothen termi. Howard Anderson had an in- Mrs. Russell Savery's sisten terested 'group making bird from Detroit, vîsîted ber necently. houses, Allan Drummond taught Miss Eileen Farrow bas taken nope splicing and the tying of up her duties at Bnadley's Scbooi. knots and Edwin Hancock took the work in Camp Craft. .11 After the general afternoon Cowanville swim adspe came the even- teams were chosen f0 play league Mn. and Mns. Billie Bandy and games in volley bail and softball family, Belleville, at Mn. Andnew and the fiftb team learned some Bandy's. . of the fine points of canoeing in Miss Marguerite McPherson, the four small and' two wan can- Cobourg, at Mn. Wes Stringer's. oes. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Just as the sun was setting the and Mrs. E. Gray (nee Kathleen campers gatbered in the oufdoon Simpson) on tbp death of their chapel on the side of the bill for infant son. evening vespers. There was a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogden, To- rcîîgious atmospbere as intense in ronto, at Mrs. B. Miilson's. this temple of the ouf-of-doons Dr. Simonson was taken f0 as migbf be found in the greatest Bowmanville Hospital for medi- and most beaufiful cathedral. cal cane. As darkness set in the boys ga- Mr. and Mrs. R. Aildned and thened anound the camp fine for Lois at Mn. Wes Stringer's. singing, stunts, stories and fun. 'Mn. R. Hollingswonth had the The camp fine programmes were pleasune of picking some peaches poie ytedfeetcbn fro th tres t Nagaa oer hein tunn. The day came to an end weekend. wifh a lunch of cocoa and cookies and ligbts ouf. Some of the special features of Newtonville the camp were a weiner roast, ________ onn roast, field day, regatta, div- Mr. nd rs. ran Gilering compefition, watermelon bunt JMn.and rs. Fe tr ien, oand an overnighf hike which Jiagr allFredRowMe motoed f0was marred at about lilo'clock by ner nefurned home wîtb fhem. at camyri trteol ih Mît. and Mns. Earl Waikey., Mn. Arncap that if actually nained. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap af Crys- Aong those affending Camp tal Bach.Wakonda from this district were: tai Beah. . tke ndMisLarny Bradley, Tommy Bredin, Mar. a ecrnterad MissWalter Fisher and Kenny Adams, LaraoemcToote.f e of Pontypool; Bert Ginn, Ronald Mn. and Mns. Win. Chester, of Pomeroy and Hanry Ryley of Be- Oshawa, wifh ber mothen, Ms thany; Ray Armitage, Charles Wm. Whittaken.. and Donald Danford, and Hubert . Mr, ad Mr. RbbMontreai, Lowes of Cavan, and Ponald Mc- Mr. Can roBrs. Ro, ,-ýtIndoo and Harold White of Ida. their cottage. ______________________ Earl Walkey, Alfned Redknap, Bob Pearce, Bill Couch, and Keith Burley attended the motoncycle races in Napanee on Monday. Keith and Bill went by motor- cycle. W a Rev. and Mns. H. A. Bunt have nefurned from their holiday at There was a good attendance at Sunday Schooi with ail teachers present. Sunday evening the pastor began a series of sermons T R H g u in prepanation for the Wonld Communion Sunday, Octoben 6th. Mn. Alian Martin, Brighton, and for your patronage, co- Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton af- fended the funenal of their cou- operation and patience sin Mns. Arnold Brown, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Rhuben Payne during the school open- mofored f0 Thonold. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Payne refurned wîtb îng. fhe-m Pontypool A boys' camp of local inferesf concluded ifs second year of ac- tivify on Augusf 28th affer nine full days of fun and fellowship. It was the Chunch Boys' Camp Wakonda (at Y's Men's Camp Ka- warfha) on Clean Lake, nean War- saw. This camp is sponsoned by the Ontario Boys' Wonk Board fhrough ifs local committee for the boys of Peferboro and the norfbern part of Durham county. Fiffy-nine boys and thein 13 lead- ers from Lakefield, Keene, Have- lock, Pontypool, Cavan, Hastings, Bailieboro, Bethany, Ida, Warsaw and Norwood and the rural areas surrourlding Peterboro gatbened f0 share a camping experience un- der a definitely Christian atmo- sphere. This year's dinector, Edwin Hancock of Pontypool, was veny abiy assisfed by infenested boys' leaders fnom the district. The boys enjoyed a full daily programme nising af 7:30 eveny morning, foilowed by flag raising, morning watch, breakfast, dlean- up, Bible study-a course based on the Ten Commandments and their nelationship to the teach- ings of Jesus, with related pro- jeet'wonk. One group.paintee on Good Health and Lots of Pep Dr. Chase's idney-»Liver Pulls1 bave &. longiecrd of dpedailty as a regulator of liver and kidneys and bowels. tTheyquîjcly arouse these organs thealhiactivity--sharpen the ap- petite and help to ixprove digestion. Clean out the poisons with Dr. Chase'a Kidney-Liver PUis and re- gainyour pep and happinesa. 35te. a box. Mrs. Wm. Rennie with her sis- fer in Detroit.-Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ton Chambers spent the holiday in fown.-Miss Venna McCallum, R.N., Cleveland, Ohio, wifh her sisten, Mrs. T. E. Hancock at the parsonage.-Mr. and Mrs. G. Vaughn, Toronto, with hen par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. T. E. Caine. A large numben of relatives and fniends gatbened Monday evening, Septemben 2nd, at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Payne on the occasion of their golden wed- ding anniversary. Cadnius Sorry to report that Mrs. Lorne McKee is under the doctor's care. Visitors:y Mns. T. Venning and Mrs. J. Venning, Blackstock, with Mrs. Wm. Williamson. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Heathen and Ernie, Toronto, witb relatives bere. Miss Helen MacFarlane, Toron- fo, witb Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Phayre, Arn- pnior, Miss June Sweet, also Wes- ley and Clîfford Sweet, Toronto, witb Mn. and Mns. W. Sweet. Burketon Recent visitons of Mn. and Mns. N. Taylor: Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Misses Aima and Edna Jones, Mn. Sam Henning and Miss Stokes, Bnookhin. Mn. and Mrs. Powers, Toronto, Betty and Dannie, Mn. and Mns. J. Wallace and Conlin, Mn. and Mrs. Smith witb Mn. and Mns. C. AAshfon. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Tompkins and son with Mn. J. A. Tompkins. W.A. will meet September 12tb. We welcome Miss Jean Coul- fer, Ponfypool, fo our school and community wbo was teacher of Devift's school for the pasf four years. Scbooi opened September 3rd with an affendance of 25 cbildren. Several are atfending bigh school. Mrs. Tom Hopley in Toronto. Mn. and Mns. E. Adams in Kingston, Toronto and Barrie. .Mn. Nelson Hudson and Arthur Wotten with Mn. and Mrs. E. Ad- ams. Mn. Noble Stevenson and Miss Velma Baison, Brooklin, called on friends. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Bryan, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mns. B. Hubbard. Ross Hubbard has accepfed a position in Norwich.' Mrs. James Gatcheil and Chris- teena have nefurned fnom Buffalo. Nestieton Master Melville Samelîs wifh bis gnandmofhen, Mns. Smith, of Lindsay. Mn. and Mns. Norman Malcolm and Glen, Blackstock, visited Mn. and Mns. L. Joblin. Mn. and Mrs. R. Malcolm, Yel- venton, visited Mn. and Mrs. Vic- ton Malcolm. Miss Jean Malcolm with Mn. and Mrs. Herb Taylor, Blacksfock. Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Miss Jean Malcolm, Mns. Neil Malcolm and Mrs. Henb Taylor in Oshawa. Mrs. Sproule and Mn. Badgley, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Robt. Wal- don and Muriel, Wafendown, at Mn. L. Jobiin's. Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous, St. Christ opher, Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy, Blackstock, Mn. and Mns. Sam Henry, St. Joseph's, wifh Mn. and Mrs. Herman Wil- son. Mn. and Mns. Hugh Henning, Toronto, Mn. Henning, Hamilton, Mns. J. Jackson, Miss Rutb and Mn. Lloyd Jackson, Monagban, Mn. and Mns. Herman Sameils and Miss Gwen Wilson visited Mn. and Mns. Wm. Samelîs. Blackstock Congratulations to Miss Lucille Fonder, Blacksfock, in winning second pnize in Bowmanville Leg- ion Beauty Contest. We also wish ber success in ber new schooi wonk. Lucille wili be gneatly Imissed in tbe activities of the church and community. Back f0 school today for feach- ens and pupils. Mn. R. P. Aluin, Mns. Butler, Mn. Sutherland and the new teachen, Miss J. Moore, Toronto, are the staff of the Con- tinuation School. Miss Phylis Gray, Manvers, is teacher at the public school. Miss Jessie Van Camp is sfanting ber first teaching at No. 9, Bnock township, nean Seagrave. Miss Thelma Fergu- son begins ber finst teaching at Devitt's schooi. Miss Lois Lar- mer is feacbing at S.S. No. 1, Mrs. John Venning retunned f0 Egypt scbool and Mns. Dalton Dorreli is teacbing at Caesarea scbool. Miss Hazel Mountjoy is teacbing af Burlington. Miss Mabel Van Camp, Toronto, is home. Mn. and Mns. Sam Henry, Sault Ste. Manie, Miss Manie Lamb, of Lindsay, and Mn. and Mns. How- ard Lamb and Canol, Lindsay, at PAGE EIGHT Amateur Show 2:45 p.m. UNDER DIRECTION 0F W. J. RIDDELL (Open to residenis of Newcastle, Bowmanville, Clarke and Darlington Townships) Entnies must be in the hands of Dinecton on on befone Friday, Sept. 1. PUBLIC SPEAKING (open f0 public scbool pupils who did not pass High School Entrance previous f0 1946)------------------------------------ $2.00 $ 1.00 $ 2. PUBLIC SPEAKING (open to boys and girls 16 years *nd under)------------------------------------ 2.00 1.00 3. GIRLS SINGING (16 years and unden) ----2.00 1.50 1. 4. GIRLS SINGING (12 yeans and under) ----2.00 1.50 1. 5. BOYS SINGING (16 years and unden)--------- 2.00 1.50 1. 6. PIANO SOLO (open f0 boys and girls 14 yeans and unden) "Soldiers in the Distance" by Ar- thur Benjamin from Grade. V T.C.M.-------- 1.50 1.00 7. PIANO SOLO (open f0 boys and girls il yeans and unden) "Musette" by J. S. Bach fnom Grade III T.C.M.-------- -------------------------------- 1.50 1.00 8. MOUTH ORGAN CONTEST (open) 2 numbers 1.50 1l.00 9. CORNET NUMBER (boys èand girls 14 yeans and unden) contestant to play "Old Black Joe" 2 verses and chorus; and sacred number "Blest be the Tie That Binds" 2 verses ----------------1.50 1.00 10. CORNET NUMBER (open) contestant f0 play "Rule Bnitannia," and 2 verses of "Abide Wifh M e" -------------------------------------------1.50 1.00 11. BEST COMId NUMBER (open) ----------------- 1.50 1.00 12. OLD TIME FIDDLERS CONTEST ------------ 2.00 1.00 13. BEST AMATEUR CLOWN on the grounds, to be judged for make-up and ability f0 entertain. Judging to be done fnom 2 to 4 pan-m.-------- 4.00 3.00 2. 14. SPECIAL-SCHOOL DRILL AND CHORUS. Pupils f0 meet at Armounies af 12:30 and pan- ade f0 grounds witb band. Eacb school f0 com- plete their drill and sing a chorus or yell in front of gnandstand. Time 1 o'clock ----------10.00 8.00 6. (and fo each school thereaffer) -----------------2.00 ENTRY FORM FOR AMATEUR SHOW Name A d d ress -- - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - Class Number..............---------- De Laval Sqmavators Yeu~o vautt dam tkin. mia, hlghnst quaiy w. p ::ucioz4 lonseat servce mm n.sy4to-wUa epawa. toe-.Il nt lovait <ost pet Yeut of na.-. De Laval Se"pettor la y@ur amaver. And t. la amsi" Mmd Izdjust flghtfor YOea. orm rdrive. Case Farm Machlnery - Firestc DeLaval Mllkeru and Separators Beatty Bron. Stable Equlpment 91 King St. W. VACUUM CLEAN YOUR HEATING SYSTEM A CLI-EAN FURNAC(E SAVES FI-TEL Repairs for ail makes of Boilers and Fu.rnaces Eu).ouTIluC()AS Phone Oshawa 3760-J 111 Elgin ISt. W., Oshawa Smith Bros. Miss Vena Fonder, Toront o, with Mns. John Fonder. Mn. Robent Smith, Timmins, is home helping on the fanm as his fathen, Mn. Chas. Smith is sick. Mn. and Mns. Ivan Shook and Mari onie Anne, Toronto, wifb Mrs. John Marlow. Mrs. Robent Bruce atid Miss Mae King with Mn. and Mns. Ross Curtis, Cobourg. Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sandenson and chiidnen, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. 0. Carley and April, Cavan, wifh Mn. and Mns. C. Manlow. On Wednesday, August 28, friends and relatives of Mn. and Mns. Dalton Dorreil, (nee Kath- leen Wright) gafhened at the Community hall f0 give them a showen of gifts and good wishes. The hall was deconated with fiowens and pink and white strea- mers. Mn. George Crawford was chairman. Miss Jean Malcolm, Nestleton, played the Wedding March for the young couple f0. 1