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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1946, p. 7

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NE-W Gweneral ElectriO SANDICH $7.95 TOASTER ------------- AMC A ROOM HEATER The New Black Heat 10 GuarantXIll5 Yea-rs $15800 JEEP $18395 42 KING ST., Il. PROSE 438 nflUM A I7TTJ .~ONTARIOPAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, THURSDAY. SEPT. 12th, 1946 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL --M mUUUUU=....rn..mi- Mrs. C. A. Wight spent the weekend with fiends in London. Miss Patsy Moore has returned Ème to attend school-after a sum- !ner sent at Cobourg. -%rXiss Irene Roblin, Hamilton, is '%Ëiting Mrs. T. H. Knight for a few days. Miss&,argaret Storey, R.N., has ret rnê«R after visiting friends a ï relatives in Toronto. &91S. N. Allin. Newcastle, spent fewday wih Miss M. Brima- combe and Mrs. t1'. entound. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson, Il MARRIS JEWELLERY Toronto, spent the weekend with friends in Bowmanville and Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Smale, Ot- tawa; Mrs. Allan Balson, Judith and Peter, Cataraqui, visited Mrs. C. J. Sma]e. Miss Gladys Jamieson has re- turned to Windsor after holiday- ing with her mother, Mrs. M. Jamieson. Mr. Don Quick is holidaying in Torontq, with friends and rela- tives, prior to his return to Un- iversity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman and Beverly, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodman and Judy. Mr. Morgan Newton and grand- mother, Mrs. L. M. Nash, attended 5th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luxton on Sept. 4. Mn. and Mrs. John S. Irwin, To- ronto, were guests at Glenn- Larra, Saturday, on their honey- moon trip to eastern points. Mesdames Ida arld Mary Jam- ieson, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cam- eron, Oshawa; Miss Gladys Jam- ieson, Winpisor, visited friends in Tara. Mr. and Mns. j'. A. Cox attend- LNNUNEMENTI on Tuesdays A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. will be in Bowmaflville to service ail makes of sewing machines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed If in need of service write or phone before the above days. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phone 696 - Oshawa 17-tf 'Ib General Electrie WAFFLE $11.95 IMONS -------------- DINNERWP WRE Ik Married at Elderslie ed the funeral of hý cousin, Mr. John A. McGregor at Williams- town, Glengarry county, last week. Miss Dorothy Virtue, Oshawa, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston, is serving her ap- prenticeship with Jury and Loveli Drug Store., Miss Collette Ferguson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson, is planning to attend Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, this coming term. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devitt, Halifax, N.S., spent the weekend with his father, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Last week Jim attended a conven- tion of District Supervisors of the Confederation Lîfe Association at Bigwin Inn, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodman, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Good- man, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman, Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodman attended the wedding of Miss Ruth Good- man, Oshawa. The town dog catcher reports that only 87 licenses have been taken out this year in a total dog population exceeding six hun- dred. Steps will be taken now that the new by-law has been posted about town. Valiant, is the naine of the lus- cious peaches picked in Lorne Stevens' garden. Joyce is the variety of the new, large, juicy apples given out at Rotary, Fni- day by M. H. Staples, outpost member from Orono. The Girl Guides will soon be startîng their meetings but have not enough leaders. If there is anyone in town who has had, any experience in this line, the local committee would very much ap- preciate it if they would volun- teer to help. They could contact any of the committee or cali 366, preferably before Monday, Sept. 16. Rev. G. Cameron Quigley, who terminated his duties as assistant minister of Wesley United Church Montreal, to become minister of St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville, was presented with a cheque amounting to $650 at the conclusion of the Sunday morn- ing service by J. D. Taylor, sec- retary of, the board, on behaîf of the congregation. Mrs. Quigley was presented with a bouquet of roses and Mr. and Mrs. Quigley's daughter was given a silver lock- et.-Montreal Gazette. IF Mr. E. M. Down, Detroit, Mich., has been on his anhual visit to the bold home town the past week .while guest of his sister, Miss Lola Down. Still a basebail fan, Ed. took in the Newmarket-Bow- manville game Saturday after- noon and later called at The Statesman office to have a friend- ly chat with the editor and paid his subscrîption for 1947. Ed. has 1been a continuous subscriber for 54 years and as we were showing him the extensive alterations be- ing made to The Statesman block he smilingly commented he had helped to pay for a good part of this expense and wondered when the editor was going to put 50- year subscribers on the honorary free list. The editor promised to consider the suggestion when The Statesman celebrates its cen- tenary in 1954. Kirby The W.M.S. and W.A. held theii meeting Tuesday afternoon, Sep tember 3rd. Mrs. R. Allun, pres ident, opened the meeting with. meditation prayer. Passages o scripture were read by Mrs. B Allin, Mrs. Wmn. Allun, Mrs. Bry son, Mrs. J. Wannan and Mr.c 1Win. Wannan. All engaged in silent prayer to dedicate ou souls to God. The theme of th meeting was Christian Steward ship the dedication of our vai ious talents, how ever sm all, th f ou G d. M s Br Orson read of a great musician wh engve- her abîlities in music 1 Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Ormiston, after their marriage at Elderslie Fanm, Courtice, August 24th. The bride is the former Catherine Agnes Minto, daughter of Mn. Andrew then the work of God in our little corner. In the business part of the meeting, it was decîded to hold the W.M.S. thankoffering service on Sunday evening, October 6. Funther details will appean later. Mrs. Bryson took the last chapter of the study book. We are now ready to begin our new study which is on India. Mrs. Wm. Allin, president, pre- sided oven the W.A. meeting. Mns. Wm. Wannan gave a devotional papen on "Little Things." Mrs. Wm. Cochrane held a quilting for the east group on Wednesday af- ternioon. Evenyone had a very enjoyable time as well as quilt- ing two quilts. An enjo 'yable time was spent at the chunch on Wednesday ev- ening when the Bible Society held its meeting for this district. Mn. John Thompson Kirby, was ne- elected president and Mn. Sam Berry was elected secnetary-trea- surer for our local branch. Rev. Mn. Young showed txýyo interest- ing reels of- pictures, one showing the life of the 'Russian people in Moscow, thé other showing the great work of the Bible Society in the districts of ternor and despain ,during the late war. We are very 1sory there were not more present at this interesting meeting. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Genald Shackleton is improving in health.- We wish her a speedy recovery. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan spent a very enjoyable day in rPeterborough last week, the oc- casion being thein lth wedding annîversary. Visitons: a Mrs. Perrin and Cleveland, Ca- dmeron, Mn. and Mrs. Jordan Sin- clair and Miss Bevenly Woods, Lindsay, with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. s'Wannan. a Mn. and Mrs. A. Walker and ir daughters with Mn. and Mns. J Le Thompson. 1- Mn. and Mrs. Phihip Bigelov - and family, Pont Hope, with hi! Lo parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Bigý -elow. 10 Mn. and Mrs. Harold Souch an( tfamily and Mn. e.nd Mrs. Wrr idWannan with their parents, Mi r-and Mrs.JUimes Wannafl. i iting her brother, Mn. Georg toForbes. r- - In an attempt to bring to the ai tention of the people generaîll 6, the place of Christian Educatic Sas a factor in national life, Relii ious Education Week is being o] served in Canada and the Unite States, September 29 to Octob( S6. It will be a time when eac church and Sunday School w. rally its forces for the year work. Is .d ri. r. e ýt- Y, o- jl ENGAGEM ENTS Mn. and Mrs. George A. Honey, Newcastle, Ont., announce« the en- gagement of their daughter, Edith Ruth, to Clarence Newton Sims, son of Mn. William Sims and the late Mrs. Sims, Fenelon Falls. The marriage will take place Satur- day, Septemben 28, in Newcastle United Church at 3 o'clock. 37-1* ~uaa S announce the engagement of Hel- NEW SIPMENTSLI en Norwick, daughter-of Mn. Peter Norwick, Toronto, and the late Mrs. Norwick, to Samuel LeRoy English and Canadian VanCamp, son of Mr. and Mrs. FLORAL AND Roy VanCamp, Bowmanville. The marniage will takie place at St. CONVENTIONAL PATTERNS Paul's United Church, September 32 and 28-Piece Sets 28, 1946. 37-1 Service for 6 40-Piece Dinner Sets C HUR C HE S Service for 6 66-Plece Dinner Sets ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN Service for .8 CHURCH 96-Plece Dinner Sets Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Rector Service for 12 Sept 5 3hSna fe rnt 1E IRAY 1:00 a.m.-Commemoration of 3cEaDING the Battle of Bitain 3c a Day11:00 a.m.-Nursery School, Children 2 years and over _______2:30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class 7:00 p .m.-Evensong: "Miracles" Je Wu JEWEL EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE PHO IJE 556 Pastor:. KL W. O'Brien Sundfay UBIG 2S"1i a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.mh.-EvangelistiC Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.-Prayer I.D.A. DRUG STORES A.B.C. SALE WED., SEPT. llth to WED., SEPT. lSth Once a-gain - our Annuai A.B.C. of Drug Values. This tume it tops ail previous sales for outstanding bargains and chances to, sa-ve. Look over this ad - the niany specials .. . the handy alphabetical list. ... .. sure--o-- - y us proftable vi nie.Drigt Mineral il................. 33C - 63C Heavy - 16 oz. a-nd 40 oz. Soc Pinex Cough Conp . .......... 32c Milk« of Magnesma ............ 27c - 43c 16 oz. andl 32 oz. Corega Dental Plate Powd. 23 -39 -69 15c Epsom Saits................. 1 . ic Idamalt........ 47c - 79c - $1.33 Ma;lt and CLO 1, 2 and 4 lb. Halibut Liver Oil Capsules . 93c - $3.79 100's - 500's $1.25 Pinkham's Comp. 87c 10e Combs, pocket, curl 79e Kleenor AntiseptiC 63e and bobby------------------ 8c $2.25 Lactogen--------- $1.59 25e Tube Ointments, 25e Laxative Vegetable Zinc, Bora-cic, etc ------- 19c Tablets-------------------- 19e 60e Robinson's Barley 33e 70e Value ----------------- 3e $1.25 Mercolized Wax --83e 15e Mercurochrome --- llc 25e ABS&C Tablets 100,s -------------------- 14e E & F Ex-Lax - 1, J & K Ipana Etiquet Deodorant - 9e Fitch's Shampoo --- 39c-69c Feen-a-niint ' ------- 19c-33c G Gillette Tc Razor---------- - 9c Gin Pilis------------- 39c-69c Grove's Cold Tablets 24c-44c H Hexonicin ------- $3.0 Hind's H. & A. Cream --------------- 25 e-45c Heiz Baby Foods 3 for 23c Super-Jumbo Stationery 72 sheets ------------- 22e 25e Tooth Brushes ----19C Wax Paper, 100 ft. --- 21c Ironlzed Yeast-----------8 Johnson's Baby Powder--------------- 28c-53c Kreml Hair Tonic -- 59c-98c Kruschen Saîts --- 25c-69c L Lantigen--------- $ 6.0 lmvois --- ----27c-49c-93c L ysol --------- 35c-65C-$1.25 Lustre-Creme ----------$1.00 6-Day Sale be TUBE Ti Ari -------------- 9 5e Absobl e Jrgl - ------------ $i98 -$.95 Alpe tes------------ $.-$.50 Al Brm e t Ze ---- 10-35 IBBab'somvn Talet-------- 5- 2e Beecham's PUIS - ------- 23c-49c Blue-Jay Corn Plasters - --- 25C C Castoria------------------ 33 Colgatels Dental Creani 25c-40e Carter's Little Liver Pulls 3SC-95C Charni-Kuri ------------------ $1.35 Chase's Nerve Food---- 60c-$1.35 Danderine ---- ------------ 39c-68c Drene Shampoo------------ 39c-67c 49 o' 'i------- 015 Nlead's Pablu i---------------- 45e Mecca ointment ------- 23c-45e Nivea Creme------- 0o&P 0, i5e Pepodet oo ase-----29c-45c Ove tin- ---------------- 58c-1.0 Podsenis-----Pst---34c-459 .Pepto R-zma -h ------ 5 c-$1.00 R-ds C Reio ai a En-e--------*-$500 Sal Hepatica ------ 30e-59c-$1.lS Siendor Tablets ------- $1.00-$5.00 Sloan's Liniment ------ 33c-63C T"- W Tampax ----- 25C-39C Vick's Vapo Rub---------------3 Wampole's Extra-ct --------$10 MAC LEAN STOMACI POWIER 59gc 0.9, PRESRIPTONSA SPECIALTY LAURA SROOK» CANDIEB PladàoLPHONE 79S -WR DEIVEI Farm, Courtice Local Businessman quaintances with their '"budcdies" with materials available, the of the hometown paper frat,ýrni- streamlined rolling stock had in DiedSuddnly hurs tythe centre two dîners, with kit- And Canadian Pacifie officiais chens adjoining. On either end SIDEYG.had seen to it that conveniences of these dîners were the com- . were as near to perfect as they pany's popular "Lake" cars con- For 30 years a promninent ',us-cudbfothneparen taining the latest in lounging com- mness man in Bowmanville, Sîd- many of them top leaders in the fort for the newsmen and their ~,,ney G. Chartran, passed away business and civic life of their wives. suddenly on September 5, while own communities. Comments Here, after the evening meal visiting with friends in Port were readily forthcoming that these air - conditioned "living SHope, after having just returned the thirteen-car train was mar- rooms" were transformed into Sfrom a business trip to Cobourg. shalled so as to make it a typical "smokers," p bridge game here ... Proprietor of the Chartran's convention headquarters. and there or the customnary "shop» Men's Clothing Store, Mr. Chart- Made up of the latest in equip- talk while the train sped on into ran was a popular and highly res- ment, remodelled since war's end the night. * pected member of this community - and his sudden passing came as a ______________________________ great shock to his many friends À * and business associatest Hîs death . .. ............followed almost înstantly upon a heant attack. He was in his 58th. -. yar.wasa .PURE WOOL inessman, a leader in his chosen field, a man who at ahl times was one of the flrst to contribute funds for every worthy community " failing smile won him a' great circle of friends. Passing at an early age hie will be gneatly miss- .. ed among them. Many stores As an artist sculptures a closed in respect for his memory. cleaven image from granite Besides his wife, the former Annie M. Wood, he is survived . top rate designers have by two daughters, Florence and kietioe hs eui Doris, residing at home; a sister, ' u tls rm gaeu Muriel, (Mrs. Roy Nichols) and a u stlfrm gael brother, Gordon S. Chartran, .cigngpr woo. We M both of Courtice. He was prede- esed by his parents axW a bro- hv a collection of superb therandsiser.. wînter wools now belng The funeral which was largely attended was held fnom the Mon- shown. ...... ...ris Funenal Chapel, Satunday. A. great bank of floral wreaths rest- ~ - Minto, Starkvlle, and the late ed in the alcove while the funer- Creeryfrcoc Mrs. Minto, and the groom is the al service was conducted by Rev. Coeeryfrcoc son of Mn. and Mns. H. Ormiston, L. H. Fowlen of Port Hope. In- selection Maple Grove. Rev. Linstead off!- terment took place at Bowman- ciated. ville cemeteny. The pallbeaer- ens were, F.. O0. Mcîlveen, J. Ross Stutt, Frank Williams, G. A. Ed-.k mondstone, R. O. Jones and Pency $ 9 Mn. and Mr@, R. J. Weaving, Weekly Editors t Toronto, at Mn. W. H. Moore's. t Mn. and Mns. Milton Graham Report From Train and children, Ajax, visited at Mn. Jh Gnhms.Aboard C.P.R. Weekly Conven-.......... Mn. and Mns. H. Siemon, Mns. tion Special, Sept. 10-A million$15 McNei, Tondollars' wonth of train hauled by 5. Tewin Mis K.a sîeek "2400" C.P.R. engine, is onto, at Mn . R. McNeil's. rolling eastward tonight canrying Mn. and Mrs. E. Bainhant, Miss more than 200 Canadian weekly T. A. Page, Oshawa, Miss Clara newspapen editors to Halifax, site 1Page, Toronto, with Mns. E. Page. of their flrst annual convention Mn. and Mrs. H. Stainton, Mn. since the war. and Mns. J. Stainton, Hampton, Thirteen of the Canadian Pa- ILts ilnr Mn. B. Stainton and Miss J. Hoy, cificRiwa'Latest models for Toonto, with Mn. L. Stainton. travelling comfort-dines, sleep / We have just received Mn. and Mrs. Arthur J. Bm- ens, and club cars-made up thisalrgsipetonw neil, Toronto, (nee Jean Coch- "Convention city on wheels" whichalrg hpetonw rane), .wee guests of Mn. and earlier today steamed out of autunin hats. Come in Mrs. Roy Graham. Windsor Station at Montreal, k Mîrs. Hilda Crossman, Haydon, where Canada's weekly newsmen ~N4\and ,have our millinery visited at Mn. John Graham's. had congnegated from all over department c o ni p 1 e t e Service Club meetings wene the country. held at the homes of Mns. Ver- Last-minute arrangements and Ns.\ your fall wardrobe. non Ratz, August 2lst, and Mrs. details for the forthcoming meet-*** L. Stainton's on September 3rd. ing were being ironed out by Both were social evenings with Clarence V. Charters, managing the committee in change serving director and secretany-tneasurer lunch. Next meeting at Mrs. L. of the Canadian Weekly Newspa-LQ .Wearn's on Septemben l7th with pers Association, in close liaison C uc ,J h so r a r a 1election of officers. with the association's board of o c J h s nCr d m a The new teacher at school is directors and delegates were com- 1Miss Prudence Mclntosh, Madoc, fortably settled in their allotted __________________________________ Ont. quarters or busy renewing ac- SEE TRE Let us show you what the new Willy 's Jeep can do for you, on the farm, on the road, digging post holes, sawing wood, driving power machines such as threshers, silo fillers, com- bines, etc. Corne in or Phone us to give you a Demonstration W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machmnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment 91 King St. W. Phone 497 SEE THE NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC AÀPPLIANCES Ar Higgon Electriec 194$ General Electric RADIOS ............. $4950 -$5850 GENERAL ELECTRIC RECORD PLAYERS Higgon Electfic I I. la ROWMANVr.LLE. ONTARIO a ir a )f 'S. a Ir IE tc Y. à( t( a( n rs st ti u Ir 1 i 1 'RJrý nrl Mrc T)Pnew i il UIMUw nul

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