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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1946, p. 11

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'I'BE ~ ~ ObILA I Â L.X .ro A ,TiTIOWMA NvTLLE. 'ON Ii< PA E LF THURSDAY, SEPT. lUth, 1946 Royale Eve n Series tie. Then in the final framne the Royals bit, bunted, stole and nett- 0sfeomtlng OakvilUe ed the winning two uns on Don Dy 2 Runs Saturday Williams' crashing double. ____Royls really won the game S PRN ESr Playing at Oakville, Saturday with their cross-up bunting and 91. in the second game of the seiessedonbss 0subft oi tfie Royals came fmom bebind 'o the middle sack, Bill Bagneil got efa S'hy d t3 , Ted Bagnell 2. Flustemed Oak- Norm Bagneil Sets 'Juniors DeetW tb a win 7-5 at the end of the 9th. ville infield belped things by ReodInCt n Dlsappointilg GMe a, Recod in CityCa e Witb Hooper again on the mound pegging wild in the unaround. _______eigu e after his gruelling 12 innings Hooper.bad bis amm massaged be-S@tal .ege Bowmanville Roýary Juniors ni Saudy efcdahnia ftween innings, pitched fine bah -y .v took Wbitby Wolves 4-1, in ab Satudayhe fced hanicapof the way. Playing their first Toronto papers Mondaygv semi-final basebaîl game of the i runs scored by Oakville in the s'eason following the wam in whicb prominence to the outstanding Lakeshore League at High School a '!,I* inning. He was opposed by a most of the players served, the performance of Norman Bagneil grounds Monday evening. The ai tit~h Oakville pitcher. The game Royals bave given a good account in senior softball circles. Pitching win evens la former Wbitby vic- ei sèb-sawed until the 9th to a 5-5l of tbemselves. for Toronto Amlingtons, Satumday, tory and a third game will decide S 1:11il E Fi! Eq!1ýhe won, 8-0,' for bis l3tb consecu- which meets Oshawa B'Nai Bmitb n tienan 8th shutout.Heel for the league cbampionsbip. the losers to 8 bits and bimself Meantime Juniors will go in the , smasbed out a 3-bagger witb two playdowns in Junior "B" against on. eitber Newmarket or Stouffville. h- Bagneli bas neyer been defeat- Monday's contest turned into a How 1 P opleSecreded during the entime 1946 season. burlesque in late innings witb H w 1 eo le SeurdA menbr of the arrned services Whitby clowning, stailing, evi-s durig te wa hewasequally dently boping for darkness and a i Isuccessful in the miiitery leagtie. "called" contest. The visitors ar- IONorman is a nepbew of Mm. and rived baîf an boum late to begins $14 -m,0 0 O Mrs. W. J. Bagneil, town and it with. Chief Quantril opposed% is boped next season be can be Clemnence on the mound and quitt induced to pitcb an exhibition in the 6tb wben be appeared to in 30 MiuesTi egame in Bowmanville. go petulantiy baywire. Ceec in 3 Min tes imewas master all the way. Wbitby scored their oniy run in Durig arecnt ont 81newcusornrs ameDickens Rejoins Leafs te 2nd on a walk, followed by a« Durng meentmonh 8 ne cutOms crneFail Hockey Practice safety when a tbrown balbit a to one of our Household Finance offices and ____ runner and a two-bagger earned recive te mneythy dsied n 3 EnieDiken______ sen the score. Bowmanville powered recive th *mneYthe deire in3he smerDiknS owbo bas spiet n"he3rd witb 3 straight doubles minutes tinme. thedsummer in town thbis wfetby Dadson, opr n ilhooley andfaily lave tis ee t for twùo runs. Dadson scored We feel this is a certain incficatiofl of the rejoin the Maple Leaf Hockey again in the 5tb wben bie hit, stole facttha atHoushol FianceyougettheClub. Signed up again as a de- and came in on an overtbmow. fac tht a Hosehld inace ou et hefence man Dikens wii report to Strike galloped around for an- 1 money you need when you need it. Perhaps tliis St. Catharines where the Leafs go otber in the 6tb on a walk, 2 thefts is one of the reasons why Household is Canada's into action for f ail practice. He and a groundout by Williams. largst nd ldet SallLoas Cmpay.as kept in trim al season as a Ddsn was the star of the larget an oldst Sahl oansCompfly.member of the Pepsi Cola Soft- gae' tin afte,0n bal Team and appears in the pink doube, etin 3 tisaft th e pae Yrr ban of f ad romp0to $1000 an n fof form. then steaiing 3 and scoring two. arrnge smpl ad pomplyat nyoneofAlso leaving for big time oc- Wolves set up a howl at dusk but orconvenient offices. Tell us how much you key are Jimmny and Ducky Skin-ums ordered the 7th haîf played ourad . ouwn t eay ts epu ner wbo rejoin tbe Detroit and out to a decision. nee ad hw ou an toreay.Its hlpulBuffalo teams on whicb tbey Wolves: 1 run, 3 bits, 1 error, 10 to bing some identification with you. There's played last season. The Skinner fanned, 3 walked, 1 stole. littie else to do. Most tinies you can even ~ boys bail from Winnipeg and for Juniors: 4 runs, 9 bits, 1 error, somne weeks past have been as- fannd walked, 6 stol.Bt arrange your loan by phone if you prefer. sisting their fater, present owner tin oder Dds1 ooerGia- And remember, your boan at Household Finance ' of Cream of Barley Camp. Local hooly oar, Strike, Williams, fans will follow witb interest the Ferguson, Ruie, Clemience. costs you less than at any other Small Loans - hockey news this winter by virtue_________ Company in Canada. of this Bowmanville angle.Agiut alFdrio We'11 be pleased to help you at any time. giutrlFd aio Corne in. Pepsis Beat Legion Opens Fali Meetings Trhree Straight Games The Duram ederation of For Champioflship Agriculture beid its first regular HO S ROLD FINA CE 1meeting after the summer vaca- -~~'~-' o~ c~~"-The Pepsi Cola softball team tion, at the home of Mm. and Mrs. BACKED By 68 YEARS F EXPERIENCE won the Town and District League Walter Reýynolds, on September 5. Canada's ags and oldest SrnoI Loans Company witt/ 41 offices in 34 cilies Championship by taking the final There ws a very large crowd ini lagsi. game from Legion nine at Memn- attendance and many tbings dis- orial Park, Friday evening. Win- cussed, in planning for the fall D. C. Moore, Manager ners in the playdowns these two and winter work. team bokedup n abes of After the reading of tbe min- 15 Simce St. Suth (Ovr utesg tbe eaecretaryup ias basked 15 imce S. Suth(Ovr Kesg's)five series in which Pepsis sbowed gies e rer f bewor kdot OSHAWA, ONT. Phone Oshawa 3601 championship form. They took ding hreposumm te montbanE Houi 9 to 5 or b>' apPoint ment -bant mode to farmers and rouldents of n.arby mows the first game 8-6; tied tbe second din threpotsevmeral sesind *~6-6; won the 3rd 12-8 and cinched inwerepoade, among tbesesere th1 it5-1d1.ya cre0 foliowing: Forum visitation b3 members of the Federation; Adu] In Thursday's game, Pepsîs Educatîon; Unification of Welfar( went out front in tbe lst, witb a Work; Caîf Vaccination; Warbio five-run surge and were neyer Fly Control, and Film Sbowings beaded. Scoring in every frame Committees were struck to stud, but the iast, their total of 12 held ail of the above, and report bac] wbile Legion netted 6 in final at the next meeting. frames but ended 4 short of ev- Te ecretary was asked t ening the count. notify al Forumns in the Count Pepsis powered again Friday that Mr. Neelands would conduc with 3 in the lst and ran up 15 a joint meeting of the Forumns i before Legion started their drive the County on Septemnber 24tb, in the iast of 7tb to rack up five, 8pm., in the Orono Hall. whicb was agâin 4 short. I was also decided to bold t, eColwell, Ames and Tweedle nextt regular meeting in the Betl arbitrated the iast two games to any Hall, on October 3rd, 1946 please a huge crowd partizan yet orderly. The devotion of thougbt to Tbursday- bonest achievement makes tl Pepsis 5 1 3 1 2 0 x-12 achievement possible .- Mai Legion 1 0 1 0 3 1 2- 8 Baker Eddy. Pepsis 3 0 3 4 2 2 1-15 Legion 0200315-11 Pepsis: Yourth, Piper, T. De- pew, Dickens, Cowan, Crombie, . H. Depew, Horn, Hailman. Legion: Richards, Little, Mc- Knibt Clmer, Middleton, Weisb, 50 uch Locl ewsevey d led manyufirsts' and charnpionships to take tops in prize money. In Toronto and throughout Ontario, Globe Leading winners fmom Durbam and Mail news reporters and special corres- County weme Archie Muir & Sons, Courtice, and J. H. Jose & Sons, pondents cover the news for you . .. bring Newcastle. Muirs captured the y u u.to-themifnute, '<n-he-srot" rprts. Reserve Grand Cbampionship >~OU on-e-r epo.with their aged bull, Strathmore Ani The Globe and Mail, you get the Vale Sir Heilo Zozo. Tbey also nd, is . alyi h nrig had the first and second prize dry newsfirs. . eary inthemornng!aged cows; fimst prize dry tbree- Keepin ouchwit thenew of you towi.-year old; first prize senior eifer Keepin ouchwit thenew of 'yor torl.caif and fimst prize pogeny of Enjoy <'Pitching HorseshoeS" with Billy Rose Joe&dosamkfis.rieo Dofy Skaith's "'On The Town" with its their senior yearling bull. These . asod upan a pictu wide apa otegnirsx...jr were considered very important painted for Carlinj apea o h gnie ex.. imxins among strong competition. WlinBok Colemafl'S timely sport nw . and ail the A buge crowd foliowed the judg- finsthat greet you in the lively coluinns ing wbicb was in charge of Prof. ThUi jone of a saries ofTeGoeadMi!A. D. Runions of the Ontario lltgrtio>ziaon the 8, of he lob an Mal!Agricultural College, Guelp. jet of the Conervat of Canad os na tu: 1 0GM46-5W Prosperity is the toucbstone of hasiot e faat tati virtue; for it is iess difficult to heu utios of unspoi bear misfortunes, than to remain nature thot we e uncorrupted by pleasure.-Taci- today ors a preci tus. birthright which we a The virtue of prosperity is tem- protect for tomorraw. perance, but the vîrtue of advers- ity is fortitude, and the iast is the f COFyltiGI« DY CARLING more sublime attainment.-Ba- con. A smooth sea neyer made a skillful mariner; neither do un- intemupted prosperity and suc- cess qualify men for usefulness -and happines.-Burton. Ti "Forest Fire-The Common Enemy m The scream of a rabbit pierces the hissing roar of the forest fire as a tcii spruce bursts in.to flame lilce un oil-soaked rag. A deer, wild-eyed with terror, bursts froni the undergrowth aond makes for the pro- tecting waters of a smail lake where other creatures of the wild, forgetting ail lesser fecars, stand huddled togetixer, shivering with fear of fire-their comxnon eneniy. Crackling and hissing, its advance-line of windblown sparks reaching f ar ahead, thie forest fixe takes its terrible toil of wi]d life and forest wealth. In its wake nothing is left but blackened tree-trunks and desolation. A lurid picture? Yes, but a true picture, and one that is seen ail too, frequently in Canada's forest lands. Statistios show that out of 6,000 forest fixes in Canada every year, only one in six owes its origin to natural causes (liqhtning, etc.) The zest are caused by hu.man agencies, and can b. preven ted. As a shareholder ini Canada's natural wealth, every Canadian has a vital mnterest in conservation. And conserva- tion is thie concern of ail who are interested inthie conti.nuance of oui national eoonomy and oui future pros- perity, rather Hian the concern of a chosen few. The success of conserva- tional measures depends upon the full support of ail Canadian citizens. .:. :~. : : :: :: * : : . : .: ::::.*. .*......*...... ~U"WWFKU~"~- '1 .vAw*rnvr/o6~~ .......... 0251 VIN M CANADIAN STATF-5mp-N. jy T~~4-FdNl and Robt. Halleron have thus ___________________________ PoflLyp'J'- changed the exterior apPearalce FAST GUARANTEED - of their homes. Others including O Durng he astfewmonhsJohn Halleron have made neces- * LUCh building has taken place in sary repairs. mr village as well as property For next Sunday only the ser- nprovements. - Several of the vice at the Pontypool United a ïSe v c ;mmer resorts have made ad- Church will be at 3 p.m. becauseo a i e v c itions to the accommodations of the Lotus Anniversary Service ivailable for summer visitors and in the evening at 7.30 p.m. at1 ;veral summer homes have been which the preacher will be Rev. 0 Sets CaiUed For and Delivered - ýrected by Toronto friends. A R. B. Harrison of Blackstock. f iumber of local houses have also Mr.EneGe0netie een sold for the same purpose. over twenty members and friends 0 Mr. Alf. Mitchell has completed of the Lotus W.A. at her home on àmodern, cement block garage Thursday evening last. A varie.d Crosbey nd service station at the south- programme of readings, music lI mrn entrance to the village. Dave and contests was enjoyed. Radi Sexsmith recently moved into his A large number from the coin- U new home and restaurant on the munity attended Lindsay Fair this 0 Battery 0 ain street just north of the rail- past week.D vay crossing. Mr. Wm. Goheen Mrs. Robert Haîleron hjas been 0 Operated * is putting the finishing touches onl indisposed with a heart ailment his new summier cabins. but is making rapid progress. There is a great deal of new The commuflity extends its $ 49 paint in evîdence. Harry Richard-mothafetsmaiY oMm iron recentdor eaed gi the tr Nelson Wilder on the death of biso oro bssorr-arni) h mother, Mrs. George Wilder on o shelves and making them shine Sunday last.O with the pure white paint. The 0 trimming of bis home also has00 a. fresh appearance. Keith Brad- Pontypool School News f ley, another of our merchants, i Electric MGdels............... $37.95 up has repaired the front of his store (Written by Jean Fisher) and it all glistens with a coat of On Septemrber llth the Healtb aluminium paint. Rangers Branch of the Junior of the butcher shop has made an a h e Sofirs ROYbJZ'.&I% 0 apartment above the store with decided to orgnz teofies0 an outdoor stairway leading to of the Branch. Mr. E. Hancock 0 RADIO SALES & SERVICE0 the street. The apartment is used conducted the election. The fol- 85 King St. E. (Opposite Sheppard & Glu), Phonle 586n by him and bis family. lowing were elected: President- _________________________________ During the sumrmer the front Alec Nimigon; Vice-President- -_______________________________ and side doors of the church have _________________________________ been replaced and given an at- Dexter Anstey; Secretary-Jean tractive coat of grained varnish Fisher; Treasurer-Baney White; stain with a white trim. Programme Committee-Kathleen4 Mel Gray and Norton Chambers OaOaKrAde od have also added to the attractive appearance of the village by add- ruff; Healtb Inspectors-Patricia ing fresb coats of paint to their Crowley, Roy Bowins, Yvonlne . homes. Hudson. Instead of painting their homes We are back to scbool after a several residents have applied week's delay because of shortage brick siding during the past few of teachers. weeks. This too bas added to the We are glad to have Patricia atractiveness of the home as well Crowley back in our commtinity,BETR ATRMIKN 1as supply additional warmtb this also Audrey Woodruff who just ETRFS RMIKN coming winter. Fred Graham, recently camne to live with Mr. and. James Malley, Bert Richardson1 Mrs. Glen Bradley. lIME AND LABOR SAVING HUGHER QUALITY PRODUC? SETIER HIRD HIALTH fDon' t Talcs cw » *dfr » r and you want your cows miflked find. lieawer is the DeLal nR an C es. Magnetic SpeeadW*y Miker which provides top milking performancoe Have Your Wiring Done By Experts :o« . h iges h1urs. etth 1- facta-talk kt over with us "odY. There is no need to take chances with your eSIAM? DE LAVAL-MILKER F CHAMOf4S ýdwiring when you can have it done by experts mONT 5LOZyeta HBuo' anàif* a5 nbtfi W mI ~lactations of0 1 6 4 ot m ilct1R se fArtesnepie otol htbtw r 7 2»S Ib.of butteflat * She la & mem d )yEfrtesm prc.Ntnythtbtw prd es LAVAL ke famous De Lavai llked bord . of It ou.rselves in using the best of materials. Farm, Eaaoadait, B.C. e DF LAVAL CREM AM PAORS le. .for cl«nut at m nliig. ongat Ue md Jy COME IN TO-DAY AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A sis» andstyle or ev*ry mmmd and purs. Hem ck or bâotor rve-h4h or low stand@. k FE ESTIMATE ON YOU WIRING JOB. C£ LAVAL sMIUtt* MIUCIER *o... pro-vides De Leval quellty nlli"g et lOwst COOL. Sterling Puismtofbats only tva moulms lt Your General Electric Appliance Dealerpri.W dtf mlmgefo5t. aaavaiW* H. BROWN th- iggn Electrie DEALER FOR 6. POE43 2KNGS, .Case Farm.Machlflery- Firestofle Tires PHON 43 42KINGST. E~DeLaval Milkers and Separators the Beatty Bros. Stable Equipmeflt Phn49

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