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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1946, p. 4

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PAGEU R iii~- ----- -- Newtonville (Too .Late for L#st Week) Mrs. John Barrie and Murray with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Wright, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Forsythe, Warren, Ohio, visited hîs sister, Mrs. Roy Stacey, Mrs. Bessie Forsythe who has .been confined in Port Hope Hospital for some tiin is nbw making her home wlthher daughter, Mrs. Stacey. Mrs. Roy Stacey, Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Stacey visited Wilbur in Weston Hospital on Sunday. We are glad to report some improve- ment in his health. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ware, Misses' M Pat Ware and Gloria Buckler, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hamblet, all of Toronto; Mr. Fred Burley, Mrs. Eric Burley and baby Doreen, Anne, Mrs. Mary Merrifield, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. George Ovens. Mr. Ed. Olver of Geneva, N.Y., and his sister, Mrs. R. J. Goring (Eva) of Peterborough, called on Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones, Friday. Mr. Geo. McCullough has just finished digging potatoes. He realized a ton and a haîf from. 50 pounds of certified seed of Irish Cobblers. One weighed three pounds. Miss Allie Nesbitt has been hol- idaying at home.____ We are glad to report George Stone who has been il in Oshawa Hospital is home again. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton on the bîrth of a baby boy oni Labor Day.. Mr. and Mrs. Will Nicholîs, and Wilma, Port Hope, with her sis- ter, Mrs. John Lancaster. They were accompanied by Miss Sarah Jaynes, Montreal. There is so much interest dis- played as to when and how the monument will be raised we will pass along this information. The chairman reported that they were calling a meeting that the com- mittee might receive instruction from the community. We trust ail interested will watch for date and be present to think problems through. Forty-seven were present at the Sunday School, Sunday morn- ing with onie teaçher absent. Sun- day evening the pastor gave a fine meseage. Mrs. Ross Hallo- well played the organ. Mr. Neal Stewart, Kendal, played the pre- vious Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Campbell and Mr. Wm. McKenzie of Peterborough, were callers at the United Church parsonage, on Monday. Rev. H. A. Bunt, and Mrs. Bunt, together with Mr. Charles Bunt, attended a Bunt family reunion and picnic, at the home o! the Rev. F. A. Bunt of -Sunderland on Frîday, September 6th. Among those attending the reunion were the Rev. W. P. Bunt, the super- intendent o! Missions for the B.C. Conference of the United Church, and Mrs. W. P. Bunt. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt, to- gether with Mr. Charles Bunt were guests at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bradley, at Nes- tleton, on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary, on Saturday hast. The Rev. Dr. C. Clare Oke of Welcome will occupy the pulpit of Newtonville United Church on Sunday, September 15 at 7:30 p. m.; while the Rev. H. A. Bunt will be guest preacher at Zion Church on the occasion of their anniversary. Mr. Bruce Stewart began his duties in the public school on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen, Peterborough, Keith Burley, To- ronto, at home. On Friday evening in the Sun- day School hall a' double presen-j tation took place. The young couples honored were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer who were married in Holland. Mrs. Gilmer recently arrived here by plane. Also Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gîl- mer who were married in Tor- onto in June. Unfortunately thisj young couple could not be pres- ent as Raymond who re-enlisted in the R.C.A.F. had been immed- iately bosted to Alberta. Mr. Bunt was chairman and present- ed a fine program comprising pi- ano solos by Miss Joyce Martin, numbers by the girl quartet, Do- othy Brown, Edna Denault, Jean Stacey, Fae Jones with Margaret Ovens at the piano. Mrs. Willis Jones gave a humorous reading. Wm. Laing entertained. in his us- ual fine manner. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer were then asked to take their places on the platform in the midst of baskets o! gladioli and pînk and white streamers. Little Florence Rowe presented Mrs. Gilmer with a bouquet o! red roses and gladiohi. Lewis Stone read the address in which was es- pecially stressed the sincere wel- come to the bride to our land and into our community. They were then presented with an end table, refiector,. beautiful table lamp, mirror and a Kenwood blanket. Both Lawrence and his bride Therry thanked their friends for the gifts. The committee were very fortunate in being able to duplicate every gif t in every de- tail for Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer. Lewis Stone read a spe- cial letter which had been written to thema in- the Alberta camp. Lunch and a social hour brought this unique, enjoyable evening to a close. List of Pupils. Attending School At Newcastle The following is a list of pupils attending Newcastle Public School. Because there were no examination results printed in this paper last summer it is thought that parents and friends might be înterested in seeing the progress of the children. Principal: Mr. Frank MeMullen; teachers, Miss Hattie Mason, and Mrs. W. Jones. Room 1 Grade 1: Camilla Aiken, Paul Allen, Bobby Brown, Floyd Cole, Donald Couch, Jackie Glanville, Morley Lake, Laverne Martin, Paul McCullough, Lynn Middle- ton, Cecil Miller, Peggy Noden, Danny Sallows, Marguerite Smith, Ronald Tomkinson, Patsy Venner, Karen Wright. Grade 2: Wendell Bernard, AI- mon Cole, Ronald Dickinson, Ed- ward Glenney, Sheila Gogerty, Kenny Gray, Velma Harris, Jer. ry Harris, Jimmie Kirkpatrick, Marlene Laking, David McCul- lough, Jimmie Miller, Calvin Mur- ray. Grade 3: Vincent Bernard, Billy Brunt, Billy Couch, Eleanor Dawes, Earl Foster, Helen Gra- ham, Carol Gaines, Donnie Lake, Nancy Lake, Jack Noden, David Rickard, Keith Rogerson, Patsy Schram, Joan Stoneburg, Ruby Stoneburg, Ann Thomas, Bob Smith. Grade 4: Carolyn Freidlander, Fred Glanville, Ruth Garrod, Wanda Hagerman, Lyle Harris, Bîhly Lake. Grade 5: Reg. Creamer, Peter Dawes, Joy Dunbar, Gordon Gar- rod, Albert Graham, Charles Gray, Boyd Harris, Eileen Rog- erson, Roy Stoneburg, Betty Smith, Grade 6: Helen Aikenbrack, Velma Alldread, Evelyn Foster, Ronnie Graham, Douglas Gray, Ted Smith, Joan Brown, James Creamer, Douglas Dewdney, Merle Fisher, Billy Fisher, Gary Hancock, Nellie Holubenko, George Noden, Doreen Selby, Seldon Parker; Leona Stoneburg. Grade 7: Jack Allin, Norma Allin, Christine Alldread, Donald Alldread, Claire Bernard, Connie Enwright, 'Tilley Harris, Mary Holubenko, Ida Rogerson, Ernie Spencer,. Jean Toms. Grade 8: Keith Aikens, Karen Ainslie, Patrick, Creamer, Cath- erine Dewdney, Betty Hagerman, Keith Mellow, Vivian Migit, John Venner. One is neyer more on trial than in the moment of excessive good fortune.-Lew Wallace. Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high- minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly aIl things to en- joy.-I Timothy 6:17. No wind makes for him that hath no intended port to sail into. Montaigne.' withL Mlnars, the. gr.t rubbing liei. mm4t uwor foeo f muacular sud JoWn sorenewfl utifft nsuud ..pain .. Ilà gezleroualy. It'à greaaslmo, hu n unploaa&ft odor, drlus qulcUly. Ueo it f or dandruf sand akn diwnrdeis, too. Get a bottle at your drugglt'a "ôdy. Keop ft handy on your bathroom shel. lUi ~RD"S LINIMEN! Noga WHIl]TBY Live - Lambs Chickens m aDRAPES aCURTAINS CUSIIION COVERS - Calves Nons ONTARIO w rm a SLIP COVERS BLANKETS. *PILLOWS QUILTS We have a Laundry or Cleaning Service to Take Care of Ail Your Requirements. Our COLD STORAGE FACILITIES wiII protect your winter clothes during the summer months. OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING COMPANY LTD. Phone: Zenith 13000 -Collections and Deliveries Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday .one of the least of these my brethren..:' Reconstructing lives is the Salvation Army's job- and y ours " HOME FRONT I PI. j- I OnIy One Case of Polio~ Reportod in District Hoalth Unit Discloses August, 1946 Only one very mild case o! pol- iomyelitis has occurred in the Health Unit area this' year. * In submitting the monthly report for August to the Board o! Health meeting on l3th September, Dr. C. W. MacCharles, Senior Medical Officer o! Health, reported that this case has occurred in a child o! preschool age living on, a farm in Haldimand Township. There *vas no indication o! any permanent paralysis. There had been also a marked seasonal drop in the number of common communicable diseases reported during August with only 19 cases as compared with 45 in July, or an . averaged 8 7.25 per month since the beginning o! the year. The sanitary inspectors have been taking bacteriological tests of dishes and utensils in restaur- ants to check up on the cleansing and to enable them to give de- tailed advice to the operators as to the efficîency -o! their methods o! washing and cleansing dîshes. In pasteunizing plants, samples have been taken at various stages o! the pasteunizing process to in- dicate to the operators possible improvements in technique. Dur- ing August 72 pasteurized milk samples and 38 unpasteurized milk samples were colected for labor- atory examination and 21 inspec- tions were made o! restaurants. Inspections o! Tourist Camps were continued and 130 samples from private water supplies were col- lected for analysis. Staff nurses made 222 home visits in connection with health supervision o! infants. In some cases they were called upon to demonstrate the bath and morn- ing care of the baby to the young mothers home from ihe hospital. Also the nurses were able to weîgh with small portable scales the babies during th 'e !irst few weeks of life. Nurses also made 56 visits to tubêerculosis cases and 92 visîts to contacts o! tubercul- osis. A member o! the Staff o! the Department o! Health, New Zea- land, and a member o! the Medi- cal Services for India visited the Health Unit during August. Miss Muriel Currie, Toronto, re- ported for duty as staff public health nurse on August l5th. Miss Beryl Williams, Lindsay, ar- rived September 2nd. Trials teach mortals flot to lean on a material staff,-a broken reed, which pierces the heart. We do not haîf remember this in the sunshine of joy and prosperity.- Mary Baker Eddy. Simortage of Farm Help ReUieved by Poluah Vets Four thousand Polish warvet- erans will arrive in Canada dur- ing September and October, ac- cording to the Department of Labor, Ottawa. They are admaitted under agreement that they will take employment on Canadian farms as a first step in becoming Canadian citizens. Between 1500 and 2000 will be placed on Ontario farms. National Employment Ser- vice will have all particulars in this matter but it is expected that Agricultural Represenftatives wil 1 Trm PAN1Af)LTAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO MIODEIATION ~ft~cm~da fZ"ecause we are a moderate people, Canada has corne through the war with perhaps the least dislocation of any nation actively involved. That is a remarkable tribute both to the overail policies of our Government and to the fundamental wisdom of the Canadian people. And it holds out a glorious promise for the future. But to make that promise corne true in the days ahead we shall have to continue to live up to our principles of moderation. We shall have to continue to think, act and live- moderately. To give in to the natural desire for immediate enjoyment of everything and anything presently in short supply can resuit only in inflation and disaster. This is not our way. The Bouse of Seagram suggests that each day's enjoyrnýent be moderate so that the rich promise of Canada's tomorrow can be fulfilld. .. to the full. ~?~aee'ùx L~/W/~fl ~v! THE flOUSE 0F SEAGlIAI * m oS 1 WANTED Your Eggs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID What Are You Receiving For Your Eggs? Our Quotation Saturday, Aug. l7th was GRAD E A . LA RGE ........................................... 47c Also the Best Market for Your PICKERING FARMS LIMITED Phone 336 - Day or Night CIeaninU 4Made tasv 1 By Sending Us Your 1 man carnies this news for inform- ation of local farmers seeking de- pendable farm help. The Polisl4 vets were stranded in Italy after fighting with the Allies. Afraid to go home to come under Russian totalitarianism, they sought permission to find liberty, freedom, security in Can- ada. The government agreed to admit them uinder conditions that only single 'men under 35 with farm experience would be acce pt- ed. They will be furnished suit- able work clothes with all expen- ses paid to destination. Exodus of Canadian farm labor 1 ImArq1m lmd%,r"m 1 THURSDAY, SEPT. l9th, 1946 to industrial plants and into the armed services was a severe handicap to farmers and since so many appear disindlined to re- turn to farm work thç govern- ment adopted* this policy of limit- ed relief. It is believed that these Poles, happy to corne to a Iree country, will stay on the job end strive to make good. In the cir- cumstances it is expected they will be highly dependable. Those needing help should enquire at once. Apurpose underlies characteoý culture, position, attainment every sort.-Munger. b iromwa

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