THE CANAI "T1RSDAY. SPT. Qth. 1946 OPEN SEASONS b* CAME BIRDS PALL 1946 The following open seasons for the hunting of game birds in the Province MMOU of Ontario have been declared. North of Southern Bruce Cou nty, Lake Simcoe, City of Peterborough, No. 7 Highway and Southern Prescott County. South of the above. Geese (other thon Brant) Rufed and other Grouse Woodcock Pheusant Sept. i 6th Nov. 29th Sept. 25th Dec. 9th Counties of Essex, Kent and Elgin. Nov. 1lst Jan. lOth Except in some South and South- Oct. 5th Western Counties. Oct. l4th Throughout the Province. Oct. 1lst Oct. 31lst Regulations to be announced later. BAG LIMITS Du cks 12 150 Geese 5 25 Ruffed and Other Grouse 5 20 Woodcock e 100 REMEMBER-Automatic shot guns must be plugged to three shelis ...rifles may flot be used for shooting birds . . . only one wood-duck per day ... no open season for Prairie Hen or Hungarian Partridge. BE CAREFUL WHEN CAMPING .. . HELP PREVENT FOREST FIRES For further details as to bag limits, open seasons and hunting regulations, write to: ONTARIO DEPARTMEMT 0F LANOS AND FORESTS lion. W. G. Thompson F. A. MacDougall Minister Deputy-Minister Weddigs, KIFFIN-FILE A very pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev. R. W. Sey- mour at the parsonage in Enni- skillen, Sept. 114h, when Grace Lillian File, only daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. File, Napanee, be- came the bride of Patrick Kiffin, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. Kiffin, Londoriderry, Ireland. The bride wore a tailored navy MABRR'S JEWELLERY J NUSHION CLARKPS* 3 Tins 25g ANN PAGE MXAIL CLARK'S. 2 Tins 150 MULK BREAD VEGETABLE HEINZ s 2 Tins 25e OVIN FRISH ASPARAGUSAYMR*.3Tn 5 Ç24OZ. 15C GREEN IPEA ALER*-3 Tn259 & LOAVES CIKN GDECAMPBELL'S ,Tin~2 NILK NORVALL'S Tin 9 CATELLI MAC.. & SPAG. 16-o. 9V JUNKETRENNET Pkg. lie WHITE SAIL CLEANSER *Ctn. 4< WYPOFCLEANING Btl. 21# MACKEREL 1-z i FILLETS 1.zTn2à5e FLOUR PURITY 7-1b. Bag 23e GATS PURITY 48-oz. Piig. 17ç MASTER Bmacuits 2 Pg25e F LOUR Soif Raising Pkg.23 PUAS STANDARD 2 2.:z-230 CHOICE WAX BEANS 20-oz. Tin D3e TOM. JUIVE 2 Tin:-. 191 QUAKER GATS Large 191 ORANGES CAÔLEIS 344's259 Lemlonls300's . . . doz. 25C Grapefruit 126's-- 12 for 49c B.C. Crab Apples fancy 3 lbs- 25c Cauliflower - - - 2 for 25C California Grapes - lb. 19C Celery Hearts - 2 for 25r SYIIow Flesh Freestono, Elbera-NOW PEUIHES AT THEIR BEST FOR CANNING Canning Sugar Coupons No. 26 to 30 now valid for Canning. STEAKS or BOUTS NEW LOW PRICES TENDER, JUICV CUTS, WELL WITHIN VOUR BUDGET PORTEIHOUSE W l,*49 SIBLOIN or WINIG49 lb. 45e lb. 14e lb. 251 IL lb. CRI KENSGRADE A ROASTINO RlyFehCUT Up CHICREN ib. 35cLEGS# THIGHS & BMTS-lb. 73< WINCSlb. 30< DACKS & NECES lb» 15g DITAN STATESMAN. BOWMNANLLE. ONTARIO PAGE FMV llluxualjlz, arr-£. ROBINSON-ALLIN Wedding MARTIN-GREENHAM gl Itr z LE FTO VERS T RAN~IS\F ORME D Lest night's makes tonight's "Magic" Meut Rolis 2 tbs. sof t butter 1 cup chopped Jet tover meat 2 tbs. chopped onions 2 cups flour 4 tsp. Maglc Baking Powder ýj tsp. Sait 4 tbs. shorteniflg %& cup milk, or hait ilk and water Mix meat, onion, butter. Sf t to- gether. dry Ingredients, mix ln shortening; add iquid to make isof t dough. Turn on floured board; kneadlghtly. Roll V4 Inch tick, pread with meat mixture. Roll like J eIy roll, cut ln asces. Bake on bking .eet ln Ihot oven (4750F.) for about 14 minutes. Serve with tonlato sauce. IN DA )rd Ducsand Geese (other thon Brant) Doris Stevens the shower the dainty lunch. In the evening poured tea. Miss Bessie Stephens, Miss Margaret Nichols the Miss Pearl Collacutt had charge1 Miss Doreen Jeffery and Mrs. H. seau and Miss Jean MacDon- of the wedding gifts, Miss Jean Brockwell served lunch. The Toronto, the linens and bed- Burgess the shower gifts, Miss house was beautifully decorated- SMrs. H. G. Thompson, To- Lenore Collacutt the trousseau, with baskets of gladioli, pink and o, great aunt of the bride, Miss Jean MacDonald the linens white streamers and large wed- ed tea and Miss Betty Stevens and Mrs. R. Vickery, Oshawa, an- ding bells. On Sept. 7th, at 2.30 p.m. the A] wedding of Florence May, daugh- dt ter of Mrs. Cora Allin, Hampton, to Donald Edwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson, Oshawa, b3 took place at the home of the gc bride. An arch decorated with 14 pink and white streamers, roses fi and white bell and flanked with in baskets of gladioli formed a beau- le tiful setting on the picturesque r lawn. Rev. E. S. Linstead per- h; formed the ceremony and Miss bt Jean Balson, Hampton, played the cý wedding music. ai The bride, escorted by her cou- sin, Mr. Raymond Gunn, Roch- Il ester, N.Y., was givpn in marriage % by her mother. Her gown of ivory fi satin was fashioned with a por- & trait neckline, softly shirred bod- b ice with long sleeves ending in b lily points at the back of her I: hands. full bouffant skirt ending in a short sweep. Her full length veil of white illusion was arrayeda in a coronet of net studded with b seed pe.rls and she carried a cas- P cade of red roses. Her only jew- b ellery was a single strand ofa pearîs. Miss Marjorie Allîn at-h tended her sister as maid of hon-c our. She wore a gown of blue ' taffeta styled with new peasanta neckline, short puff sleeves and1 bouffant skirt. Her shoulder-s length veil was caught in a bluet halo and she carried a bouquet of pink roses and gladioli. Littlef Donna Ball, niece of the groom,i made a charming flower girls dressed in pink taffeta frock and carrying a nosegay of asters. Mr. Alfred Robinson, Port Coîborne, was best man for his brother. For the reception the bride's mother received in a black and white lace frock with black ac- cessories and corsage of mauve gladioli. She was assisted by the groom's mother in a street length dress of blue crepe with blue ac- cessories and corsage of peach gladioli. The house was beauti-j fully decorated with vari-colored flowers, with the bride's table1 centred with the wedding cake. Mrs. Lewis Trull, Misses Eileen Wray and Lorraine Chatterton and Mrs. Harold Ashton served. Following the reception the couple lef t on their wedding trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo. The bride travelled in a blue tailored suit with white satin blouse, black accessories and corsage of pink carnations. The groom's gift to the bride. was a lovely dresser set, bride's" gift to maid of honour was a gold brooch and ear ring set, and to the flower girl a gold locket. Out of town guests included: Mrs. Hilda Myers and Mr. Ray- mond Gunn, Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. M. Godfrey, Toronto; Mr. Alfred Robinson, Port Coîborne and relatives and friends from Oshawa, Bowmanville and Taun- ton. Prior to her marriage the bride was guest of honour at a miscel- laneous shower held at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Percy Allin, Oshawa. The bride was also presented with a table lamp from fellow employees of the Bowmanville Foundry Co. blue wool suit with white acces- sories, and a corsage of American Beauty roses, white gladioli and maiden hair fern. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopley, Burke- ton, were the wedding attend- ants. Mrs. Hopley wore a powder blue ensemble with Johanna Hill roses and mauve gladioli. Reception was held at the Hop- ley home after which the happY couple lef t for their honeymoofl in New York, the bride travelling in a gold wool top coat over her wedding suit with black acces- sories. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Kiffin will resîde in Toronto. crANADA'S agricultural wealth springs from the enterprise -'of individual. farmers, supplemented, where necessary, by the frieftdly co-operation of Banking i Action. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has played a prominent part in the development of this great industry. Its services are available to every enterprising undertaking, whatever the scale of operations, small or large. Use oui services for your banking requirements. our local Manager. 755-A TRE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - R. L. MITCHELL, Manager NEWCASTLE BRANCH - J. H. SMITH, Manager ORONO BRANCU - J. BLUE, Manager TROUSSEAU TEA On Wednesday afternoon and evening, Sept. llth, Mrs. Chas. Greenham, Maple Grove, enter- tained at a delightful trousseau tea for her daughter, Audrey, a popular September bride. Mrs. Greenham received the guests gowned in a gold sîlk jersey dress with a corsage of carnations. Audrey chose a black two-piece dress with gold lace trimmings and a corsage of carnations. In the afternoon Mrs. Ken Summer- i I 'I Plumbing Rot Water Heating R epairs Agent for OiI-O-Magic 011 Burners Installed in Any Type of Furnace Jack Brough Phone 2384 3 King St.«M C. H. TUCK Registerd Optometrist 3-day service Speciai Arrangement By appolntment: 9.30 t. V and 2.00 to 5.00 P.m. D)ISNET BLDG., OPP. P.( O)FFICE 151J6 - RES. 2! OSHAWA, ONT. ML Refrîgerator REPAIRS Commercial - Domestio ANY MAKE 19. L.IDowyer Phone: Oshawa 244 2 O M 1,4 1' I dei Se At g] Gi M; E Daily .-. -. - Season .- RONELESS ROUND -* PRIME RIZ ROAST First 5 Rb DRISKET "*- »« FUESH KILLED LAME LEGS lb. 45< FRONTS aumaw" Varicoloured gladioli and asters di ?corated Maple Grove United r< ,hurch on Saturday afternoon, P( ;ept. l4th>, for the wedding of udrey Beatrice Greenham, dau- ,hter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. reenham and James Gilchrist [artîn, Jr., son of Mr. James G. [artin and the late Mrs. Martin. lev. H. C. Linstead officiated. The wedding music was played )y Mr. Leslie Collacutt and Miss e&nore Collacutt sang "For You Mone" before the ceremony and uring the signing of the register 'Because." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of white slipper satin, fash- )ned with a sweetheart neckline, fitted bodice, a bouffant skirt faîl- rig into a slight train. Her floor- length veil of embroidered silk net was caught to a sweetheart halo with a wreath of orange blossoms and she carried a cas- cade bouquet of rose pînk roses and baby's breath. Miss Bette Greenham, Port Hluron, Mich., cousin of the bride, was maid of honor, gowned in a floor length dress of sheil pink airplane silk with a matching braided velvet coronet and carried )lue gladioli. Miss Jean Mac- Donald, Toronto, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaîd, gowned in a floor-length tourquoise net and taffeta dress with a matching braided velvet coronet and carried pink gladioli. Miss Ruthann Rom- bough, niece of the groom, made a charming little floWer girl in her long dress' of powder blue corded taffeta with a matching wreath of flowers in her haîr, and carrying a colorful nosegay. The brîde's attendants all wore sterling silver lockets, the gift of the bride. Mr. Allen Martin was best man for his brother and the ushers were L.A.C. Wm. Stephens, cou- sin of the bride, and Mr. Jack Welsh. The reception was held in the Maple Grove Sunday School room which was decorated with autumn flowers. The brîde's mother re- ceived the guests dressed in a gown of Queen's blue crepe stud- ded with gold nail-head beads, black accessories and a corsage of ronze and fuchsia mums. She was assisted by Mrs. Robt. Evans, sister of the groom, who chose a gown of British tan with black accesorles and a corsage of car- nations. For travelling to Niagara Falls the bride chose a grey pencîl stripe dressmaker suit with rose and black accessories. On their return they will take up residence at Maple Grove. The groom's gift to his bride was a cabinet of silver; to the best man a set of military brushes and to the ushers, leather wallets. The soloist received sterling silver ear rings and the organist a 'leather wallet. Out of town guests included Mrs. J. H. Greenham, Miss Bette Greenham, Bobby and Herby Greenham, Pt. Huron, Mich., Mrs. H. G. Tbompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MacDonald, Miss Jean Mac- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas SThompson, Raymond Thompson, SMr. and Mrs. E. Ross and Mary, Toronto. [iss Lfts, rous, id,1 lng. )ourE s- 1 1 1 BANK CREDIT BRIDGES THE FINANCIAL GAP Every day, business firms make use of bank loans to keep men working, machines running, goods flowing. This bank credit may be used to meet continuing expenses while goods are being processed; to build up stocks of raw materials; to purchase component parts. As finished goods reach the market and payment is received, the boan is repaid. Enterprising farMers, fishermen, merchants-ali make similar use of bank credit to meet their short-terni financial needs. Thus your bank helps Canadians maintain steady operations-to take advantage of market oppor- tunities both at home and abroad-to grow. And this, in turn means more work, more goods, a higher standard of living for you and for every Canadian. ConsWt This Adverfisement is Sponsored by , your Bank leftover roust