e PAGE'EIGHT TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TH1TRSDAV. ~F~P'r~ 1Qth~ iOu~ The Orono News Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leamen traction to many from tbis vicin- and Paul moved Friday to To- ity. It seems to be taking the ropto. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keane place of Toronto Exhibition in have moved to the apartment in popularity. the home of Mrs. I. Winter vacat- Mr. J. Blue, Manager of Bank ed by Mr. and Mrs. Leamen. of Commerce, bas returned from Mrs. Herb Murray, Orono Tele- vacation. Mr. T. McFadyen sup- phone Co., is having a week's plied for him and boarded with vacation. Mrs. M. Peate. Mr. M. H. StapIes attended Orono Hockey Club staged an- Rotary District Assembly at Ath- other splendid dance at Cedar erley. Palace on Friday evening. Mr. Girl Guides together wîtb the Dave Grant and bis ah colored niothers met in the Guide Hall orchestra supplied the music. on Thursday evening to make Mr. Ronald Patterson is spend- plans for conducting a bootb at ing two weeks wîth Mr. and Mrs. Orono Fair. Last year was the Ernest McDonald after trying qx- first attempt of the girls along aminations at Toronto University. this line and they are hoping to Mr. Owen Fagan, Bank of Com- do even better this year. merce, Bowmanville, is on two Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan were weeks' vacation. in Tweed attending the funeral Mr. Wilfred Froste has purchas- of Mr. Logan's sister, Miss Mary ed the home of Mr. J. F. Lorri- Logan. man on Cobb Hill and Mr. Jas. Lindsay Fair was a great at-1 Bail the Ernest Patterson bouse Cleaners RENT $2000 Peir Day Latest Powerful Type, Complete with Attachments THE RADIO SHOP Phone 573 Bownaanville 38 King St. E. IEXPERT RADIO REPAIRS on Mil St. now occupied by Mrs. Hooper and son. Mn. and Mrs. J. Il. Morris en- tertained members of Orono Hort- icultural Society for their Sept. meeting. Mr. J. J. Mellor was a guest < Maj or Cooper of the Bowmanville Salvation Army Corps at the Ro- tary luncheon on Friday when Col. Layman gave a very interest-. ing address to open the Red Shield Drive. Mr. Mellor will head up the campaign in Orono and wil betassisted by Mrs. Wm. Cobble- dick, Mrls. Evelyn Hall and Mrs. Wm. Glanville. Orono Atbletic Association beid its' first annual meeting Fniday evening when election of officers was beld. There was a large at- tendance of men who are inter- ested in the young people. Tbese officers were elected: Pres.-W. E. Armstrong; Vice-Pres.-L. G. McGinnis; Sec.-C. T. Miller; Treas.-Stan Payne; Directors- O. W. Rolpb, Percy Lunn, Ed. Neilson. Harry Mercer, Dane Found, Roy Forrester, Roy Win- ter, Dr. McKenzie and J. J. Me]- Ion. Miss Shirley Flintoff and Miss Florence Linton entertained 30 young fniends at a corn roast on Saturday evening. Visitons: Miss Phyllis Lowden, Toronto, with her mothen. Mrs. Marjorie Watson, Toronto, with Mrs. Annie Roy. Mn. Glen Tamblyn, Toronto, at bis home. Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa General. Hospital, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mrs. Gordon, Michigan, with Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, King- ston. Mr. Frank Hooey,,Moose Jaw, Sask., with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hooey. Orono Women's Institute met Friday witb President Mrs. E. Hamm in the chair. It was decid- ed to send $ 1.00 per member to the Adelaide Hoodless Foundation Fund. This fund will, among other things, provide scboian- sbips for girls taking Home Econ- omies courses at the Ontario Agni- cultural College, Guelpb. Ar- rangements are being made to or- ganize a Homemakîng Club for girls beween 12 and 26 years. The project will be sleeping garments, and each girl will plan, select and make a nightgown or pyjamas, housecoat and bedroom slippers, and will also learn the use and application of special finishes. There will be from 6 to 8 meetings and girls who are interested -.,e asked to get in touch witb Mrs. THIRROAD To Two million or more motorists from the States visit us each year ... thousands for the sheer beauty of our countryside. Let's see to it that oui hospitality matches the perfection of oui lakes and his. .WHAT CAN 1 DO? The answer is - plenty! Here are some of the things anybody can do. The suggestions edme from a well-known Ontario hotelxnan. Worth shi. weight in fold! Actually, the Province of On- tario, *n re-war years, prote to almnost the same extent from tou- rist business as it did from tbe gold miing industry. It is up to each of us to see that this business goes on growing. This diagram, based on figures uplied by the Hotel ss- cdation, show: how everyone benefits from the Ontàrio tourist incomae. Every tourist dollar is shared this wa ... 1. Hotels; 2. Retail stores; 3. Restau- rants; 4. Taxes, etc; 5. Amugements; 6. Garages. It works both ways! They treat us royally when we visit them ... we can't do less than return the compli- ment. Remember that it coste money to take a holiday, so let's sSe they get a good return for every penny they spend in Canada. On Sidney Bay Hili, Bruce Peninsuda, Onuio PLANNING A HOLIDAY? lune In"OntarIo Holldaya CFRB 10:30 p.m. Thurs., Fmi. and SaL. "LtI's ide. Mm wantt b cone bock!", Publish.d in te Public Worest by John Labant Lmit.d O. Boyle. A Poster Contest is go- ing to be held. Mrs. J. C. Tam- blyn spoke about welcoming and visiting tbe war brides of the community and urged that special efforts be made to have tbem become acquainted wîtb the In- stitute. Mrs. Tamblyn asked the Institute to sponsor some practical evening courses for the young wo.nen. These would be cooking and sewing and other subjects. The President and Secretary wili meet witb gnoups to arrange de- tails. The committee is Mrs. Mc- Ginnîs, Mrs. Bonethen, Mrs. K. Gamsby, Mrs. J. Mellor, Mrs. M. Staples, Mrs. Dnummond and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn. Special speaker was Mrs. S. E. Wenry of Solina, President of *West Durham Dis- trict Women's Institutes, who spoke on "Institute Work." She empbasized that to be a good member one must not only have a sincer- interest in Institute work but must also take an active part in it. Another topic was "The Institute Motto - House and Country - and some thoughts pertaining to it." The soldiers' settlement, Hardington, outside of Toronto, was described and some of the projeets undertaken there. Mrs. Hamm tbanked Mrs. Werry for ber most interesting and in- spiring message and for s0 many helpful ideas, and extended an invitation to return. The roll cali was answered by "Wbat Consti- tutes a Good Institute Member." Mrs. Cecil Jones sang a 'f vely solo "Smiie'n Through" accom- panied by Mrs. R. H. Brown who also played for some general sing- ing. A dainty lunch was served. Kirby Couple Married 50 Years On September 8, 1896 Mr. Fred Brimacombe, of Kinby, and Miss Florence Elliott, of Kendal, were united in marriage in Toronto, Dr. A. B. Chambers being the of- ficiating minister. 'On Monday, September 9, 1946, the fîftîeth annîversary of the wedding was ceiebrated at their home at Kirby. About seventy of the relatives from far and near asembled to bonour Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacombe. Those coming from afar were Mn. Harold Eiliott, Traverse City, Mich.; Mr. George Elîott, Saskatoon; Mr. Dave El- liott, of Florida. The floral decorations of glad- liol made a lovely background for the "bride and groom" and arranged throughout the home made a lovely setting. The pastor, Rev. S. Littlewood, officiated as chairman, and refenred in bis ad- dress to the rare privilege of en- joying a fiftieth wedding anniver- sary. The spiritual achievement of fifty years of most happy wed- ded life, and the fine contribution that both Mr. and Mrs. Brima- combe bad made to the church and community througb the years. Miss A. Thompson presented the bridai couple with a congrat- ulatory address, and best wiseies on bebaîf of the assembled guets. Mrs. Littiewood favored with two solos, namely "Ail Joy Be Thine" and "Bless This House." A piano solo was rendered by Yvonne Gui- guet; a solo, "My Task" by Mrs. Snowden; Mrs.* Pearce gave two readings by Edgar Guest wbicb were very appropriate to the oc- casion. Mr. Harold Eliiott spoke for the guests in a 'very interesting and helpful way. Mr. 'Brimacombe spontaneously responded witb a happy speech, speaking of the pleasure of tbe years on the old fanm, paying tribute to bis wife and to the fine neighbourhood in wbicb his life bad been spent. It was fitting that Mrs. Brimacombe sbould bave the last word, of pleasant and happy memories and remîndîng us that Fred was Cap- tain and Bo'sun of this sbip of Matrimony. A ve-ry at uchw po Starkville Mr. Laverne Woods and lady friend visited Mr. and Mrs. Mon- ley Robinson. Mr. Jack Walker, Toronto, Miss Peggy McLeod, Winnipeg, and Miss Marian McLeod, Victoria, at Miss Norma Hallowell's. Mr. Reg Bolton, Toronto, with Mr. Geo. Smitb. Mr. and Mrý. Victor Farrow en- joyed a motor trip to Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Hugb Stapleton (nee Meda Halioweli) bad an- other son come to brighten their home. Mrs. W. Carson received word that ber uncie, Dr. Beatty, Gar- den Hill, passed away. Dr. Beatty bas practised in Garden Hill for many years. Mr. Sid Halloweil was in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and famiiy visited Mn. and Mrs. Hugb Stapieton, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hallowell and famiiy, Miss Norma Hallowell, Mn. and Mrs. A. Dobson and daughter, Mr. Dobson Sr., Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smitb attended Lindsay, Fair. Mr. Walter Farrow, Newcastle, witb Mr. Howard Farrow. Miss H. Decbart was in Tononto. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sbutka were in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou at Mr. Ed. Rutbven's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Brownlee, Toronto, witb Mn. M. Sbutka. Miss Nellie Sbutka and friends of Oshawa, witb Mn. M. Sutka. MOVINO0 W EST bd. R&wUiaon Untiteo oegumarly fakle op and .lslp Houe.old Furnitum.Co.- »Moflted Pool cars to Maulgtoba, Umkatch. .wmm, MbueaBritdab Colunb= md CàMmULmWrite. 'siror phomifor o:uu belghetrate& Etàbllab.d LISE. ble Tooge St., Toron.gu K intgId a NovmlSfataleS, .ifpwa ason d*0 Nestieton 1 I 6 POR r,.7A.DUF PVT & EET 1E Vacuum FOR THURSbAY. SEPT. 19th. 1949 M THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO