THURSDAY, OCT. 3rdl, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMANO BOWMANVMIL, ONTAIUO Weddings SIMS-HONEY On Saturday, September 28, at Newcastle United Church, the marriage took place of Edith Ruth Honey, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. *Honey to Clarence Newton Sims, son of Mr. William Sims and the late Mrs. ims of Fenelon Falls. Rev. Wil- Siam Patterson off iciated, in a ',double ring ceremony with Mrs. Laura Fisher at the organ. To the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March the bride entered the(*urch on the arm of her fa- er who gave her in marriage. -te church. had been beautifully decorated with a profusion of gladioli and ferns by the Wo- men's Association. Dressed in white satin with bouffant overdress of net trim- med with tiny ruffles, the bride looked charming and demure. A tight-fitting bodice of valenciennes lace with short puffed sleeves with rufles, a velvet Juliet cap studded with pearîs and graceful finger-tip veil completed her cos- tume. She wore a gold wrist watch, the gift of the groom and a single strand of pearls. Her bou- quet was a shower of red roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. Paul Kelly, cousin of the bride, looked pretty and sweet in pale blue taf- feta and net with blue Juliet cap and shoulder veil and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses. The groomsman was Mr. John Lee of Peterboro, cousin of the groom. The ushers were Mr. Grant Mosely and Mr. Fred Tur- 112th Aràniversarv- St. Paul's United Church Sunday, October 6th SERVICES - il a.m. and 7 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Victor T. Mooney, D. D. Treasurer United Church of Canada SOLOIST: Mrs. R. Richardson, Oshawa GUARANTEED Authorized CROSLEY DEALER ROY W. NEADS RADIO SALES & SERVICE Kinig St. E. Phone 580 It's a Freeze up ! DON'T BE WITHOUT Anti-Freeze This Winter Yes, anti-freeze is going ta be very scarce again this winter. We are fortu.nate in having a limit- ed supply on hand but we would advise you ta order it now. Drap in today and make sure you will be able ta use your car next winter. BE PREPARED Bring Your Car In for a Winter Check-up Now We are specialists in winter lubrication and winter motor tune-ups Palmer bMotor Sales YOUR COMMS SRVICE I>FALER 20 King 1St. IL. i VAN CAMP-NORWICK St. Paul's United Churcb, Bow-3 manville, was the scene of the wedding of Helen Norwick, daughter of Mr. Peter Norwick,I Toronto, and the late Mrs. Nor- wick, to Samuel LeRoy VanCamp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp of Maple Grove, Saturday, Sep- tomnber 28th, at 4 p.m. In a set- ting of large baskets of gladioli and streamers, the bride looked charming in a gown of white lace over blush pink satin with long sleeves, rufiles over the hands, and pointed ruiffle on bodice, full skirt on bouÇ[ant, Mary Queen of Scots halo and fingertip veil. She carried a -bouquet of red roses and white gladioli. Mr. Harry Depew gave the bride iii marriage and Rev. G. Cameron Quigley off iciated. The matron of honor, Mrs. Hec- tor Gould, sister of the bride, wore white faconne organza over blue taffeta with fitted bodice and gor- ed skirt. She wore a plaited blue velvet halo and shioulder-length veil, and carried yellow 'mums. Miss Betty Franklin, was brides- maid and was gowned in pink net over taffeta, fitted bodice, insert of lace, full skîrt, and carried white and yellow 'mums. On her head she wore a plaited pink velvet halo from which her shoulder-« length veil feil. Mr. Lloyd Met- caîf, cousin of the groom, was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Danny Thompson, and Mr. Glen Metcalf. Mrs. Lindert VanDriel sang "Until" before the ceremony, and "Because" during the signing of the register, accompanied by Miss Ileen Balson at the organ. The reception was held at the home of Mrs. M. Christie, Bow- manville Beach. The bride and groom were assisted in receiving the guests by Mrs. Chas. Depew, in printed silk jersey with black accessories and corsage of yellow ' mums, and Mrs. VanCamp, wear- ing a two-piece blue crepe dress with black accessories and cor- sage of pink 'mums. For the wedding trip to Mary- land, U.S.A., the bride chose a red gabardine dress with black coat and black accessories. On their return the happy couple will reside on their farm, Base Line. Before the wedding the bride was honored by her friends with three showers. A kitchen shower was held at the home of Mrs. Har- ry Depew with Mrs. Depew and Mrs. Mutton acting as hostesses, and a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. W. A. Edger where Mrs. Tom Depew and Mrs. Chas. De- pew were hostesses. Her girl friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Hannan, Oshawa, to present her with a coffee table. Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. W. Sweet with eight mernbers and one visitor present. Devotional was taken by Mrs. H. Philp and the study book chapter by Mrs. T. Samelîs. It was decid- ed to decorate the church for the Harvest Home ceremony on Thanksgiving, all ladies ýo meet at 3 p.m. an the Saturday before. It was also decided that each member give as generous a thank- offering as-possible at aur October meeting since there are tao few to attempt a supper. Blackstock W.A. has been invited to meet with us on October 15th at the home of Mrs. T. Samelîs. Congratulations ta Mr. J. Nes- bitt of Nestleton who celebrated his 92nd birthday September 25, at the home of bis son, Mr. Mar- vin Nesbitt. Enfield Misses Pearlie, Jean and Ev- elyn Taylor, Miss Marilyn Rad- bourne, Messrs. R. Smith and G. Watson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, and Barbara Jean, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. S. Burgoyne, Osh- awa, at T. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson and family, Greenbank, at E. Pres- catt's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston and family with Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Whitby. Misses Evelyn and Marion Pas- coe at W. Alexander's, Oshawa. Donald Taylor, Solina, with Murray Prescott. The ladies have almost com- pleted the cleaning and polishing in the church. Watch for reop- ening notice next weel<. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith attended the Silver Wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'R. Ozrmiton, En- niskillen. NPEGRoVE WEDDRNG ner. Mrs. Nelson *Osborne, scheol friend of the bride, sang "O Pro- mise Me" and during the signing of the register, "Because." The reception was held in the spacious rooms of the Commun- ity Hall, beautifully decorated with masses; of fiowers arranged by the young Women's Auxiliary who also took care of the refresh- ments in a most capable manner. The parents of the bride and the groom's father and aunt, Mrs. Joseph Lee, assisted the bride and groom. The bride's mother wore powder blue floor length lace dress with matching accessories and black hat. Her corsage was pink roses. Mrs. Lee wore a floor length rose sheer dress, her cor- sage being talisman roses. Tea was poured by the three aunts of the bride and groom, Miss Edith Campbell, Mrs. John Woodill and Mrs. Edgar Sims, from three silver teapots of a tea service presented to 'the bride's grandfather in recognition of his valiant leadership in the temper- ance mov.ement in Huron county some sixty years ago. The toast to the bride was pro- posed by Rev. Dr. W. H. Graham, uncle of the bride, and responded to by the groom in a happy, facile manner. For travelling the bride donned a navy blue dressmaker's suit with white blouse and navy accessor- ies. After the honeymoon the happy couple will reside in Fen- elon Falls. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas, Mrs. William Thomas, Greenbank, Mrs. W. R. Young and Sylvia, Mrs. I. Leonard, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Salter, Toronto, were visitors at T. and H. Salter's. Mrs. 0. Alger, Oshawa, with Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N.,1 Bowmanville, and Miss Hazel Cunningham, Cameron, visited with Mrs. Austin Barron and Mrs. L. Trull. Mrs. J. Chatterton, Glenna and George, with relatives in Oshawa. Mrs. E. H. Cole visited friends at Blackwater. Mr. W. W. Horn was in Port Hope on Saturday and attended the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William- son and Mrs. Keith, Toronto, vis- ited at Percy Dewell's. Mrs. Blake Oke, Courtice, and Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Mrs. S. Dewell. Mrs. Geo. Farncomb with Mr. and Mrs. E. Robson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Theo.. Salter with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton 'Peters, Tor- onto. Miss Minnie Horn bas returned from Toronto and Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilis, Tyr- one, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke. Master Ralph Peters, Toronto, at the Salter home. Mr. C. E. Brown wha has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stev- ens, left for his home at Maple *Creek, Sask., on Friday after vis-; iting relatives at Montreal and Ottawa. He will also visit his daughter at Goderich. The North Group resumed work again on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ted Chant, af- ter an intermaission of several weeks. Sewîng and quilting was done. There were 14 >pdies pres- ent. A short businéss meeting was conducted by the group lead- er, Mrs. Cole. The hostess served dainty refreshments. Next meet- ing October l6th at Mrs. Josph Chapman's. Miss Lorraine Chatterton un- derwent an operation for appen- dicitis, at Oshawa General Hos- pital, on Friday and is progress- ing favorably. Mrs. Helen Hall left for her home at Tabor, Alta., on Satur- day after visiting ber cousin, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and other relatives and friends here. Mrs. Wilbur accompanied her to Toronto. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. M. Goodman and Miss Louise :Goodman in the passing of the former's brother, Chas. H. Bur- rows, after several weeks' i11- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tomlin- son and son, have moved to Bow- manville. Women's Institute will meet on Your new found joy in your radio after our repairs won't change when you learn the charge. Quality work at moderate cost is our pollcy. Cail today. THE RADIO SHOP King St. E. Phone Thursday afternoon. Program in charge of East Group. Church service next Sunday wil be at 10:.30 in the morning on account of special Harvest Home services at Eldad. Haydon hi 01 p S( S] IV d s il b 9 p b a s e 0 Nestieton A congregational meeting was held on Friday evening. Repairs on the church were discussed and plans made for our Thankoffering services on October 13. Mrs. T. Cowling has badly sprained her foot. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Md. Bertrim on the arrival of a iaughter. Rev. Hancock, Pontypool,*prea- ched here on Sunday. Our pas- tor conducted the Anniversary Services at McRae's. Building is a flourishing project in our village. Roy Graham has buiît a splendid cement bloçk garage and service station with living quarters above it nearing completion. George Cowling is progressing rapidly with his house on the back street. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry and family, Mrs. A. McKinnon, Miss Louise MeKinnon, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brownlee, Lea- side, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. Mrs. Henry Ashton has return- ed home from Toronto after her operation, much improved. Miss June Anderson at Mr. N. Metcalfe's, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Carolyn, Enniskillen, at Mr. A. Beech's. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Graham and famîly, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Mr. Kenneth Gra- ham, Enniskillen, at Mrs. R. Crosman's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and Brad, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wool- lings, Mr. Norman Woollings, Miss Joyce New, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Mrs. Don MacKenzie and Douglas, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Slemon at Mr. Lorenzo Mountjoy's, Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, Whitby, Mr. Harold Moore, Tyr- one, at Mr. Frank Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Richards, Mrs. Moon and family, Mr. Ken Run- dle, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mar- tin, at Mr. Jack Potts'. *Mr. Charles Rankine with bis v andparents, Mr. and Mrs..Chas. illiams, Norval. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Dickey who celebrated their golden wedding, September 28th on Mrs. Dickey's birthday. Mrs. Kellett and two sons, of Pontypool, visited Mrs. John Dickey. Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Miss Jean Malcolm, Islington, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Malcolm- Mrs. R. M. Hoskin, Janetville, visited her daughter, Mrs. H. Wheeler. Mrs. R. W. Marlow, visited Miss Louise Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Prouse, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Laurance and Jean, visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm. No service in the United Church next Sunday. Impressive Induction Confirms Rev. Wright Rector of St. John's St. John's Anglican Church was filled to capacity Friday evening, September 27, when the congre- gation was augmented with many outside visitors ta witness the for- mal induction of Rèv. J. dePencier Wright as Rector. Amidst a col- orful settîng of cut flowers ar- ranged about new embroidered altar linens, the services were conducted by Bishop R. Beverley, Toronto, assistant ta Primate of Canada Derwin T. Owen, and Rt. Rev. W. L. Wright, D.D., Bishop of Algoma, brother of the new Rector. Bishop Beverley perform- ed the very impressive induction rituals and Bishop Wright deliv- eÉed a most thoughtful and elo- quent sermon in which dedication ta service was the moving theme. Others assisting in the cere- manies were Rev. S. B. G. Wright, uncle of the Rector,.Toronto; Rev. Lindsell, assistant ta the Bishop of Algoma; Rev. Dewdney, New- castle, and Rev. R. J. Shires, To- ronto. Lay members taking part in the rituals were Bert Parker, Rectors Warden and W. J. Or- miston, People's Warden. Visit- ing ministers included Rev. Rose, Oshawa and his curate assistant; Rev. Cleverdon, Christ Church, Oshawa; Rev. R. L. Seaborn, Ca- bourg; Rev. McLean, Millbrook, and notable in the congregation was former Rector, Canon C. R. Spencer, still on extended con- valescence. Local visiting min- isters were Rev. W. P. Rogers and Rev. J. E. Griffith. The order of service opened with the procession of ministers and choir from the frant entrance, when after taking their places, prayer and hymn 563 preceded the impressive induction. The res- pective charges delivered by Bish- op Beverley embraced the declar- ation of the 39 Articles, the can- ons of church doctrine and deliv- ery of the books and keys as sym- bols of authority in the office of Rectar. The readings and res- ponses effected a salemnity ta the fundamental basis of the found- ing of the Christian faith: "On this rock I will build my Church and nothing will stand against The theme was eloquently car- ried into the sermon delivered by Bishap Wright wha took as his text part af the 27th verse of the 22nd chapter of St. Luke: "I am among yau as he that serveth." Speaking as one "who has known your new Rector for some con- y p a t' si d t] a t] si o0u: )ar< 1s ;hat )n 1Ov at( T rial àski th .etter to the Editor .Editor: ince letters are appearing in ir "Voice of the People" and erwise, still another may be -oned. sually all controversies have solution and the writer feels ,the problem of our men now strike, could and should be 'ed at the earliest possible Pherefore the writer suggests [the Mayor of Bowmanville be -d to caîl a conference of all Sparties both directly and in- QAKER PREMIUM OAT TUMBLER LIBB'8 MUSTARD FRY'S COCOA !/-1b« 19< C. & B. THICK SAUCE PAPER WAX BAGS SN4ACKSACKS LANICIA gnni!U vit Phone 520 siderable time" Bishop Wright enumerated four principles basicj to parish service: To be a proph-i et, a zealous evangelist, a leader and a teacher and these to be shared and reciprocated by the congregation. Bishop Wright, a powerful, broad - shouldered figure, was equally powerful in his exposition of the need for service' in pre- serving our democratic way of life. He advocated revival of fa- mily prayer and the spirit of toi- erance which leads to unity by grace of which only can we win universal peace. He closed with a. strong plea for greater attention i to youth leadership. He quoted the words of the Saviour, who at age 12, said: "Wist ye not I must be about my Father's business?" An* anthem by the choir rang out as the new Rector took his place for the remainder of the service. Ladies of St. John's Guild pre- pared luncheon with coffee for the social meeting and get-toge- ther in the Parish Hall following the service. Mrs. J. A. Gunn pre- sided at the organ during the in- duction. Flowers were arranged by Mrs. Naylor, Mrs. Casbourn and Mrs. Sutton and the altar linens were made and arranged by Mrs. Naylor. Announcement was made that Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held, Sunday, October 6. Rev. S. Cleverdon, former Chap- lain, Canadfan Army, will preach in the morning and }%ev. R. J. Shires will deliver the evening address. I2Uzwma nviI le Cleaners and IIers Phàone 520 King St., W. OWNIEO AND OFflAllU et ,..'AyLAMTiCaPACIFI..Cm Ei ORANGES ALEONCIA No. 1 Dcx.270 idGRUPES CALWFORNIA 2 Is 9 adPEARS BU1-K BARTLET Ne. 1- 2 Ibs.25 n MeIN OSH RE S Best for 6 23< 5ic PEAIRS Juboe t for 29 wn AP PLES EaiCTombinEation Grade Bsk. 6 SWOLF RIVER, For Baking 6-qt. jl APPLES & Cooking, Combination Grade Bsk.49 NWCROP, -lb. j49e~ LageCRANDERRIES Nreh No. 1 Larg M YANqsSELECTED QUALITV, No. i2 bs. t6 15< CELERY STALKS PASCAL No. 1 2 for 19e EuFTCM N EW CROP, - -qfor q0 LEM Jumbo Six. 48's 2 29 1-lb. 31$ GREEN PEPPERS JUMBO SIZE No. 1 2 for SC BtI 23 TRNips WASHED & WAXED, No. 1 lb. 3e Bt.2<CARROTS WASHED, No. 1 .- 4 Ibs. 10< Pkg. Io# ON !AWN S PA NISH, MILD, 2 bs.15 AV AAAW 3 in. end up, No. 1i 1 ~1-z &éDRUSSELS SPROUTS GREEN No. 2 IU-UUIIK. Lge.Pkg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HEINZ BABY FOODS Varieties 5Tn 9 BLUE OR WHITE, HGIFULL BSKETS APENN 2500 MILE NOTO BIL 128-o.93 No. -6-qSt. basket59 RST S orOASTS RSTS or : f4STAKSB. PORTEREOUSE. SIRLOli 03RWING -L.490 IOELSSROND LB3.45#hlIE RIE FIRST 5 RIBS LB. 31< BOuft nm -LB. 29g RB EE *.LB. 14e VIDE BLADE AND BACK STRAP REMOVED .** LB. 27e FREUEILLAM M ~5LB. 4< FRONjtS LB. 25< tmi C icES GRADE "A" MILK FED *-.- LB. 42o MMSH HSH SUGGBTUlONS K0IPERS CHOICE - LB. 25< CoD FILLET FRESH LB. 331 SALONFILLETS, 00H01 lb. 49 GST R HRN 65< SNOKED FILLETS S b. 32o HADDOCK FILLETS S b. 350 PEAS SAND - 2 23< E NS CHOIGE NEW - 20-oL .~ BENSGODE WXPACK Tin 81e ALAND8 20 *19 TBMATO JUICE ALBA S2Ti ns TONATO LOUP CTBEL8 in x.9s SPICED HA '(2 Tokons) *12-om.37 PATEFOR 2-2ox. 15 MLATER àMALMERICHES Tins:: DANSON JAR PURE Jar 29<' DELICICUS-On. Coupon RADIO SERVICE In Ail Makes of Auto and Home Radios Sets Calied for and Delivered XPLETE UINES OF RADIO BATTERIES IN STOCK col S85 ANN PAGi MiIk Brec 224 oz. bavesJ White or Broi ]Phone 487 directly affected, and try to flnd ed, It will be some satisfaction to some means of ending îis trou- ail concerned and the citizens 01 ble. the town as well to know th&t Should this conference find such an attempt has been made. that nothing may be accomplish- -A Citizen. Mr. and Mrs. James Gilchrist Martin, Jr., who were married in Maple Grove United Church on September 14. The bride is the former Audrey Beatrice Green- ham, daughter of Mr. anc4 Mrs. Chas. H. Greenham, Maple Grove, and the bridegroom is son of Mr. James G. Martin and the late Mrs. Martin, Bowmanville. W-N 1 --..& lq p BOKAR COFFEE, m>- 3 Sc is amatter of aood groomingf Start out this f ail with that fashion-smart, impeccable look of being weil-groomed. Ini our hands dry cleaning is a fine art that restores clothing to their original style and sleekness Old garments look like new. new garments keep their new- ness longer. Try us today and see. - IL 2 NÇ