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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1946, p. 7

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TKURSDAy, OCT. 3rd. 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND Mr. Eric McIlveen is attending Peterboro.Collegiate. Mrs. L. J. Barton visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barton, Oshawa. Mrs. R. Brown, Peterboro, was guçst of her niece, Mrs. W. A. r.Rowell Bell, Lindsay, vis- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell.1 Mrs. 14ina Colwell is visiting her sis* Mrs. Annie Bradley, Bo HI-ead. sJean Bell, Tillsonburg, EMthe weekend with her par- s*M.and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDoriald and Karlyn recently visited with friends in Welland and St. Cath- arines. Mr. Ldurence Bell, Kendal, M M M M *UUU UUU UUUU U Ion which will be called "The Iris Wash., who with Mrs. Wonnacott Beauty Salon." have been visiting hisjister, Mrs. Mrs. Fred Powell, R.R. 2,Mal- Edgerton Hancock, Ofbno. It is IPERtSONAiL lorytown, Ont., won the Beehive 36 years since Norman last visited S 663ticket No. 685. W. W. Horn, Hampton, has a re- .l'Il 1.. . . .* - Mrs. R. Beresford-Howe, Mon- cord potato dug from his garden: treal, spent the weekend with ber *Weght 2¾/4lbs. circumference Mrs. David Bell, Sr., Leskard, cousins, Mr. A. H. Moore and Miss 19¾/xl73/4 inches. Glenn-barra visited his brother, Mr. H. M.. Ida Moore, Concession St. gardens produced a tomato weigh- Bell. Mr. Gordon Rushbrook and ing 1 %_~ lbs., circumnference 14 ini- Mrs. Olive Gilhooly spent the Miss Ruth Rushbrook, Toronto, ches as well as a cucumber 16" weekend in Toronto with hier were weekend guests of their cou- long weighing 3 lbs. and a man- daughter, Mrs. Marie Dunlop and sin, Mrs. W. L. Paterson. gold weighing 30 lbs. Judy. Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastle bas re- C.S.M. Irene Casbourn, Oak- Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Nicholson, turned from visiti ng lher daugh- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Casbourn, Hart, Mich., have been visiting at ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, were weekend guests of the home of bis sister, Mrs. G. L. Maitland Gould at North Bay. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagar.. Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spencer Casbourn. Irene,.received her dis- Miss Eleanor Jobnston, Scbool have- taken up residence in town charge from the C.W.A.C. Mon- o! Pharmacy, Toronto, was gue t again and are occupying the late day after serving wîth this unit o! er aretsMr an Mr. ;e Thomas Coulter's bouse on Tem- for more than five years, three of Jsof rpnts r n . perance Street. these were spent in England. Mr. Dton Qik itraCl Just for the record; the first The editor acknowledges with Mr. on QickVictria ol-snow feli over this district the epicurean delight a taste of ripe lege, To prnt, Mpen he Weeked rst day of October, 1946. It was raspberries brought in by Rich- wit huis aets r dMs. mereîy a flurry and melted al- ard Witheridge. He gathered'them F.s Qu y icke hty a most immediateîy. in his garden at his home in the Miss Boet tye RbickeWhtyhas Mr. Alan Strike, Toronto Uni- South Ward, October 2. They are takn oer he abyBeaty a-versity, spent the weekend' with called Columbia, a variety that bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. certainly lives up to the name. Strike, and particîpated in the Mr. Witberidge, former Grand basebaîl game agaînst Stouffville. Trunk employee, pursues his hob- Mrs. Everett L. Osborne and by of gardening. Margaret spent the weekend with Latest Mr. John W. Osborne, Simcoe, O iu r wh eetyclbae i 6hO iu r in birthday. They also vîsited Mrs. Ifi Robert Messecar, Hamilton. Tillsonburg beat Oakvîlle 3-2 REV. C. MELVILLE WRIGHT ~m l V.. ~La for the second straight win to en- ~UdI £ ~ 1i~ ter the Intermediate "B" 'base- Active in the religious educa- Coat & S its baîl finals. Oakville managed ta tion field in both Canada and the ehiminate Bawmanville Intermed- United States, Rev. C. Melville f iates for the right to meet Till- Wright died suddenly, September sonburg. 28, at East Orange, N.J. For some Veteran Oliver Roberts, local years hie had been associated with /~) weed inspector, was the sole rep- Rev. Dr. George C. Pidgeon as /7 resentative fromn this district to director of religiaus education at 4,I take in the reunion of the 2lst Bloor Street United Churcb, To- Battalion in Kingston, Saturday. ronto. *~He made the round trip via Can- Mr. Wright was born at Madoc, adian National Railway. Ont., and was a graduate of the The editor was pleased to re- University o! Toronto, where he ceive a caîl on Monday from Mr. was one o! a group of students to Norman Wonnacott, Kirkland, organize the first religious ser- vices beld at the university. He later attended Westminster Hall, Vancouver. Before coming ta Toronto he bad served two mAri II IUTIPlT<I charges in British Columbia, at I147 IATTERNSP Fort George and Nelson. For a time hie was active in Y.M.C.A. wýork in Toronto. After his ser- vice with Bloor Street United Church, he moved to New Jersey, where hie continued in the relig- ious education field, and had been connected with men 's religious work. 6 Survîving are his wife, Agnes ý1earI Osborne Wright, formerly o! Bowmanville; a son, Dr. Ken- ~JhIa~ - and a daughter, Miss Margaret L. netmr2s in maraewtheMuce A ieSPECtiVALU ten Alan ahooitd son o! Mrorandtors ad orO om biLOTiS . AretyMaod, BMaowm anvile, ce rmnyand Mrs. Fred spr att register.Therbride given i CoId W ter Pints naie by br fagethaicar decoatig. pnk et Grensdg i a sort train. "Nu-Wall" - "Caseer' p n eddeand she red pa durale.sant, the gf fthe sgrigoom.h Cold W ter Pants Hr at r o!hnr, Mrs.cGor- Atrativse shadoes fowlls bdon e, flste r!teoomal adceilting. was goneedin indeepspurpter-n "Nu-Wll" icaseùpp seywint smal fioer triommed tp bat, veil, sand h carriedh ao "Mezzoi'pacadh fpapn gladioli. Th biesais esLy ledin Libayd onand Rolleyn Wsbirpz e, Mr mordfonrs, ttaa, bo- Attractive's aks for tsl er-dn Bla o! iter oomhwasrbest and ceilinma and Messrsin Eerett leme- son wer hrs.lfoe rme J. W . JEW ELL h br i mThe rcivesdsa patereeptionertey, Oald ll PRV hOJe N 556Bacce.ssoie sand woeila corsage 3c& Cryderm a 15e a2W" e o fcare havgladof i.The gradom's MrCGrdnUyRCHEtawSro Mr. and Mrs. Car4'aby wish to thank ail their friends and customers *for their patronage duiiuig lie past years. We can highly recommend Miss Betty Bickle as an exceptioiuly thorough and conscientious hairdresser. She will continue to give prcpt, courteous and guaranteed service in al departments of Beauty Cultre. ~ Kn~ t.West KigS PHONE «S FOR APPOINTMENTrS- Jury Jubilee Building S ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN * CHURCH * Harvest Thanksgiving Services * Sunday, Oct. 6 i l a.m.-Morning Prayer * Preacher: Padre H. D. Clever- * don, former Army Chaplain. *2:30 p.m.-Service for Children * and Bible Class. *7 p.m.-Evensong * Preacher: Rev. R. J. Shires, * formerly Rector o! St. John's * Church. *EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE * Pastor: H. W. O'Brien * Sunday 11l a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting *, Wednesday *8 p.m.-Prayer *TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAND * FOR TAXES * Township o! Darlington * County of Durham :To Wit: * By virtue o! a warrant issued by the Reeve o! the Township o! *Darlington under bis hand and *the seal o! the said corporation *bearing date the 4th day o! May, *sale o! lands in arrears o! taxes *in the Township o! Darlington, *will be held at my office at the *hour o! Ten O'clock in the fore- *noon on t.he 5th day o! November, *1946, unleýs the taxes and costs a are sooner paid. Notice is hereby :given that the list o! lands for *sale for arrears of taxes was pub- l ished in the Ontario Gazette on *the 3rd day o! August 1946, and *that copies of the said list may be *had at my office. *Treasurer's Office, this *6tb day o! August, 1946. - J. D. HOGARTH, P'32-13 Treasurer mother assisted ber, wearing green crepe, black accessories and a corsage of yellow gladioli. For the wedding trip to Ottawa and Muskoka district the bride donned a moss gi'een dress, black topcoat and black bat. On. their return the bride and groom will take up residence at 42 HaYelock St., Toronto. TRIINITY W.M.S. Trinity W.M.S. meeting open- ed with quiet music with Mrs. W. E. C. Workman at the piano. Mrs. Charles Wight presided for busi- ness period. Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle's group conducted the devotional with Miss Leta Jackson in charge. Mrs. L. W. Dippell and ber helpers presented a chapter in the study book on "Rural Life in India." Mrs. Russell Bragg read a poem and Mrs. Stuart James sang a sweet solo "Lord I Want to be a Christian." Mrs. W. P. Rogers president o! Oshawa Presbyterial, announced the "Crusaders Càvalcade" a part o! the crusade for Christ and bis Kingdom, ta be held in Osh- awa from October 26th ta 3Oth. She requested a good attendance. Women's day will be October 29 with the sectianal meeting from 9 ta 11 a.m. in St. Andrew's church and the afternoon -session will ke held in King St. Church, wbere the exhibits will be on display. Mrs. Ross Strike announced a social evening an October 25th at 8 p.m. for the neWcomers to aur church. An invitation is extend- ed to ail ta be present. DIm and Distant Past FIFTY YEARS AGO September 30, 1896 M r. Geo. A. Sherin and bride, Esseiç, spent part o! their honey- moon at bis fatber's, Mr. Thos. Sherin's. Harvest Home services were 'held in Trinity Congregational Church Sunday. Program consis- ed o! sangs by Misses Gilfillan, Hoskin, Freeland and Brima- combe, and Mr. J. H. Alexander, and readings by Mr. T. L. Cour- tice ahd Miss Velma Tyler Mr. Fred Vanstone has gone to Toronto ta attend Business Col- lege. The 45th Battalion bas been in existence 31 years. O! the orig- mnals only three now remain in the regiment, namely, Col. John Hughes, Major Sam Hughes and Capt. Sylvester. Meteal! St. Metbodist Church, Oshawa, will be ligbted by elec- tricity. Courtice: Mr. L. Hancock hon- ared the opening o! Mrs. Eli Os- borne's new barn by blowing the steam wbistle for five long, loud minutes. Sauina: Jas. A. Werry returned home from England on Friday looking splendid a!ter bis 7,000- mile trip. TWENTY-FIVE YEAR S AGO Sept. 29, 1921 Winners in the baby contest in the West DJurham Fair were: Up to 6 months, Chas. Cartwright, NOTICE OSDORNE'S Service Station YOUR IMPERIAL DEALER 84 King Street, West Stil O)Pen For Business Customers fo-r. Gas and Oi Route (While King St. W. is Under Re pair) Off Scugog St. tlîrough Back of Glen Rae Dairy to Side of Service. Station WE ARE ALWAYS WILLING TO SERVE YOU TREAT COLDS WITH Bronchida 8-oz. -- 50c Grove's Cold Tablets--------- 24c-44c Buckley's Mixture ------- 40c-75c Vlck's Vapo Rub 43e Frosst's 217's -- 35c-75c-$1.50 Alka-Seltzer -- 29c-57c Mason's 49 -- 40c-75c Bayer's Aspfrmn -- 18c-29c-79c Vlck's Vatronol -- 43e C.B.Q. Tablets ---25e Walter J. Smith; 6 to 18 months, Chas. Allin, Vernon Cameron, Lionel A. Parker. Claude Ives is the only quali- fied practipedist, (the science o! giving foot com!ort) along the Lake Front between Toronto and Kingston. High School Field Day proved a great success. Percival Muir- head won the Senior Champion- ship; Maitland Gould the Junior Championship, and Marion Pick- ard, for t he girls. Douglas Skitch, aged 80, mar- ried, ate green apples and died o! indigestion, near Lindsay. We heartily congratulate Miss Evelyn Joness wbo bas accepted a position on Granton High School 00, Halibut Liver Oil Z 005,Capsules 69c-$1.19-$5. t« Kepler Malt and LCod Liver Oil 75c-$1.25 ot'z Scott's Emulsion ---59c-98c ;îs Cdaphsule-z . $1.$.0 $1.50 Idafer 16-oz. ---$1.00 '5 dfr1oz $12 Pure Super.PoWed f rm a Fornoue Oid m v - fnelleh Formule. 250 per cake 3 for 75c, staff. at a salary of $1,300. Newcastle: Citizens will again be honored by the Massey fam- ily in the form of a $75,000 build- ing erected on the nortb side of King St. It will include a Post Office, Masonic Hall, Community Hall, Town Hall and Public Lib- rary. Maple Grave: Hurrah for the "Boys o! Maple Grove"! for their acts o! kindness and neighborly help a very success!ul barn-rals- ing took place on W. H. Brown's farm on Monday afternoon, after which refreshnients were served ta the workers by the ladies. It's the moral 'weaklings who become the political Quislhngs. *New Shipment of $11 VER WARE We are pleased to announce that we have just received a new shipment of silverware. Included in this wide assortment are many pieces that have been hitherto unavailable. When you are choosing a gift why not make it silverware? CREAM, SUGAiL (,ll*, and TRAY SETS $00upJ BREAD TRAYS ---------------$ 3 .5 0 Rq97! u DIS ES ----------- $ .7 r CANDLESTICK HOLDERS ----- -------$3.5Oup CHEESE & CRACKER----30 DISHES ------------------- 3 . 0 SALT AND PEPPERS ------- $1.5Oup Ail Items Above are Subjeet to Government Tax of 25% New "SUNBEAM" Mixmasters We have avaflable for immediate delivery a few of the new 1947 Sunbeam Mixmasters. $37.35 Mair1's Jewellery PHONE 463 43 KING ST. W. PRESCRIPTIONS. CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you bring your prescriptions to us you can be assured of the finest possible resuits. Each one is carefully studied and accurately filled with the purest ingredients. We specialize in this work. When sickness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions to us PHONE 792 WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT AND DELIVER IIT PROMPTLY. meals Absorbine Jr.--------- 98c-$1.95 Aerwick -------------------------- 89e Arrid Deodorant - ------ 39c-59e Baby's Own Tablets --------23e fSoft as a leecy cloud!i 27Ç 12 pads ln box Beechman's Pis --------- 23c-49e Bile Beans -------------------------47c Charm-Kurl Wave Kit ---$1.35 Chase's Nerve Food ---60c-$1.50 a TIRED FEET Dodd's Kidney Pis ---------43e Drene Shampoo -------- 39c-67c Fruitatives------------------ 22c-39c Feenamint ------------ 19c-33e-69c Gillette Blue Biades ---------- 25e TUBE lm KADY 25,o49 Hexonicin $3.00 Ipana Tooth Faste ------- 29c-49c 93e Noxzema --------------- 65c One-a-Day Tablets ---60c-$1.35 Waterbury's Compound -----93c GILLETTE TEC RAZO R comploet. vlth 5 magtchlosig 6i11.#t. Mlue 2ad.: J%113 PRKSCRUPTIONS A SPECUALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES McOREUOR DRUOS PHONE 792 - WE. DELMIVR TAKE VITAMINS To Build Resistance Against Winter Diseases Neo-Chemical Food Capsules....$1.25-$2.25-$5.00 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oul .. . 67c-$1.69 Aiphamettes, Ayerst $1.00-$350-$15. Idamait, Malt & C.LUO. .. 59c-98c-$1.69 Abdol Capsules, lmproved 2.-$3.45-7.59 Wampole's Extract.............. $1.00 Horner's Maltevo.l,' 12-oz........ $2.00 TRURSDAY, OCT. 3rd, 1946 THE cANADiAN STATESMAN, BOWIL«VnLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SPREAD OP WIVH KLEENEX' . . . . . . . . ...... ý ! ý

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