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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1946, p. 5

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T R U P ) A Y O C T 1 7 h , 1 « p e s i d n t , g i v i n g a T h a n k s g i v i n g b o c k o n I d a M r s . C . W . S i e - l eT m n sP o t pl Tyrone reain. rs W Mller was ap- mon, Bowmanviile, gave an in- Stark vi Mr.an Mrs. Tom Alldi-ed, Car-.P nY O lWieoaao te tm ov teresting tallc on her trip to Cali- mien, Man., with Mrs. John Mc-ae m, pointed delegate to Oshawa con foi-nia. Mrs. Jeweil favored with Mrs. H. Hancock, Grant and Ei- Kee. Trail Rangers and Boys' Ser- Biit hf~wya S. asid OctmelthgofWh20 taenceov erbMs.Rseilg Wriht. a piano solo. A social hôur was leen, have returned to Oshawa Mrs. Henry Mountjoy in Tor- vice was heid in Pontypool United PSn. he metoe1tws open- Mrs. HughMson gveuheselWotn-enjoyed. after visiting Miss Norma HallO- onto with her daughter, Mrs. H. Chur<h Sundy evening sponsor-~Hr' n odaso otebg pe i h e m e leti i, vie- a.Mrs. rîgh gave the dsvtudy Vint- well. Graham.ling BrRadgBqut-êne _____ _____ _____ __Albert_ __Hill,__vice-_ __al.____ M r. a drMgshSher aneOtoree Mst.dnd M r.sR.oow ery and.a-aMd andsrs.RO.Carl y an edndy Pon ypool Range s Tr il steamRaengersomy uel. M . a d M s S h r a O s o nM r an r . 0 a lyand R anger C am p. S ervice w as con- T e r a e w t m l i e f g n l an *Mrs. R. Osborne, Toronto>, mily, Toronto, with Mi-. and Mrs. April, Caven, with Mi-. and Mrs. dce yCifTdyYcnk nsz we u n tv o with Mr-. and Mrs. Luther Good- A. Dobson. CFamous Rading Hard Goal, resaed minuk man. R. Hailoweli, J. Haiiowell, Wm. .C . arrlow. ll, it ho iead the boys in the recita- b Y U r.PryPilpansnHalloweli, Frank Stone attended i-. Ce, s . Pari-rmav.ewt tion of the Opening Ceremony, eygvyoileaangeofareS VOU Ms.Pery hilip ad on Roseneath Fair. i ohr r.R i. The Trail Ranger Pi-omisè and thefulaaralavn.Frfnaehtwa DAILY DIET Maidstone, with her father, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Brownlee Mi-. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and Trail Ranger Code. The boys rdeasupyoayW kwyo with si' vitemins John Coiwiii. and fiiend at Mr-. M. Shutka's. Marjorie Anne with Mrs. Gert.. formd a smaîî choir and sang lrpaeo hrvrsldfe lcnown to b. .ssNofl Mi-. and Mi-s. Emmerson Con- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wark and rude Marlow. the hymn, "Tell Me the Stories lk hm to nutition, pltu Liv enad nor, Toronto, wîth Mi-. and Mi-s. Joan, Weston, with Miss N. Hal- United Church was beautifully of Jesus" whiie appropriate pic- C. W. Woodiey.el. decoi-ated with fruit of ail kinds tures were flashed on the screen. o lon-y aklg ~@vaiI Mi. nd rs.Stn Mhony, Mrs. Geo. Etwell in Bowman- and flowers on Sunday, it being The special feature of the service Sutton, with Mi-. and Mrs. W. F. ville. Harvest Home day. was showing pictures and telling Park. Mrs. Park returned with Mi-. and Mrs. D. Halloweli, Miss Solina Young People put on the story "Knight of the Quest" them. Bertha Hailowell, Toronto, with their play entitled "Eyes Of being the stoi-y of Sir Galahad. Miss Edythe White, Toronto, Mi-. and Mrs. Jake Halloweil. Love" on Friday evening to a Badges wéi-e presented to thesel with Mr-. and Mrs. Everton Wite. Mi-. and Mrs. Laverne Farrow large audience. It was under aus- members who had passed the Mi-. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clif- have moved to their new home at pices of W.A. of United Church. Pathfinder Degree, William Pew-RE D N ford and Grenville, with Mrs. J. Weîcome. Mr-. and Mrs. R. Curtis and fa- ai-, Billy Hurst, Walter Fisher, r.Lillicrapp, Canningtofl. Mrs. H. Hancock, Miss N. Hal- mily with Mrs. Bruce. Teddy Yacynuk, Lai-iy Bi-adley, Miss Joan Beckett, Bowman- îoweli and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Donald Fisher, Tommy Bredrn. Fee fi, sclyfitwit Pinumns-onl 2 upsl« ville, with Mrs. Laura Vutue. at Mrs. W. A. Halloweil's.Jim utsadT myB - Fdo mstyltwihPain-nY2asls Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson Mrs. M. Shutka has returned 4i flîmm ris a jn ommy ads i- 11 E SRAUE"EOOYFE à ly o f5 eslsaddaughters, Peterboro, with home from Oshawa, but is stili JNest.ietoimPwaneevd h wr Mi- ad rs F L Bamconfined to bed.d for highest standing in the term Mi-. and Mrs. Howard Phiip, Miss A. Hallowell, Toronto, at Miss Mary Moulton and Miss test. After the service a social EN- --_-A A Wl"W, Ronnie and Marilyn, and Miss homne. Mai-gai-et Steele, London, with gathering was held in the base- ~Ni~ hUL ~KIll Jean Philp with Mr-. and Mrs. Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto, Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. ment when the mothers of the Jerry Philp, Castleton. Mr-. Wilfred Walker, Ajax, with Mi-. and Mrs. Tommy Cole, Of Trail Rangers entertained the PHNS Ofce40Ridne2, Mrs. Han-y Hefford and Mai-y Miss Norma Halloweli. Oshawa, with her parents, Mr-. boys and visitors. Among the vis- J u y ov l and Mi-. and Mrs. Brozier, Milli- Mrs. George Smith with friends and Mrs. Wesley Beacock. ioswr r o aladsm gan's Corners, with Mr. and Mrs. in Toronto. Mi-. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson o itos weri-. omRange an som te ___________________________ THE REXALL rRUG STORE Joe McRoberts. Mi-. Fred Lycett, Orono, at Mr-. and Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, Keene Trail Ranger Camp, Rev. Mrs. Ernest Gardner and Miss Percy Farrow's. with Mr-. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mi- Gall, from Buffalo, N.Y., Mr-. Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets Ernestine Gardner, Englehart, Miss Dorothy Farrow and Mi-. Mr. Herman Samelîs with Mr-. and Mrs. George Vaughan, Mr. Mrs. Aima Hendricks and Joyce, Allan Cornish with Mr-. and Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Samelis. Norton Chambers, Toronto, Mrs. WHEN WE TEST EYES IT 15 DONE PROPERLY Simcoe, Miss Florence Gardner, Laverne Farrow, Welcome. Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, Crowley, Si-., Ajax, and her niece King st. W. Bowmanville Bowmanville, Mi-. and Mrs. T. Miss Eileen Farrow, Bi-adley's, Brooklin, with Mr-. Allan Wilson. of Toponto, Miss Fitzgerald, Toi-- Bai-r, and Douglas, with Mr-. and at home. Miss Jean Malcolm, Islington, onto, and friends f rom Oshawa, Miss H. Dechart, at her home in with her parents. McCreas', Manvers, Enterprise Toronto. Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Hyland and and Peterborough. A short pro- John Stone, Orono, has finished Arthur with Mr-. and Mrs. Delbert gram of songs, stunts and stories threshing in this neighbo-hood. Beacock. and greetings from some of the -J S feyof pincia-,Mi-. Walter Veale and Mn. Roy visitors was followed by a social .4 afey o prncialWright, Toronto, called on friends. time and lunch of sandwiches, Mrs. Wm. Phillîps. agad Mr-. Bill Mclvor, Miss Gertrude cake and cocoa. .4Regular iMi-. , M nd Mrs. Ewart Biag. n Moflatt and Miss Marie Mariow, famiy' Bowmanville, with Mn. Toronto, with Mrs. R. W. Marlow. TeLtsWA e tMs r -4Gu rnte u ac -v le ..and Mrs. W. F. Park. Mi-. and Mrs. Wilford Bowles, thur McMahon's on Thui-sday. .4 uaanee a fae-ale ..Mrs. Herb Cameron with her Richard and Pat, Mi-. and Mrs. Pontypool W.A. held a social daughter, Mrs. Harold Trivett, Edgar- Emerson with Dr. and evening at Mrs. Han-y Richard- Toronto, who underwent a ser- Mrs. R. P. Bowies. son's. Aften business members ious operation. . Mns. Robert Jackson, Mi-. and joined in Chinese cheekers follow- Canad Sa ondsMiss Nîna Hodgson, Washing- Mrs Henry Sheffield, Robent and ed by a supper which replaced the ton, D.C., with Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Christopher, Oshawa, Mi-. and cancelled August picnic. Hodgson. Mrs. Archie Moffatt and Gai-iy, Miss Haney, Toronto, has been Canaa SaingsBond are____________he______es o Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- engaged as principal of Pontypool the naSings ofnd r a ..knee byailthe resofur.ces of ackon.-ubleil A il Blc.po.o kMn. and Mrs. Mlil er Manvers' Teachers' Institute per annu.. Redeemnable at par at any bro.nch of any ___ and family, Oshawa, with Mrs. met at Mns. Mansel Wright's, Man- chcirtered bank at any timne with interst. W.A. of United Church met at Harold Wheelei-. vers. Plans were made for the Mr epeta vraehvn hi Mrs H.Hooy's Otobr 2d wth Mi-. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm Open House at Bethany. during Send your order for Canada Savinga Bonds to us or write 25las. Hoes, t.D o nd with and Miss Jean Malcolm with Mi-. Education Week when all parentstrereaedbu. othwr'ssed for an application formn. Your instructions wili receive 2 aies p rsent. evotionalRwas and Mrs. Mai-vin Nesbitt. of the township will be invited toaouth exr miae-teinese tu aeu n rontatnin akewa nbyMs. .erguso aTnRoli Mr-. Laverne Suggitt attended become acquainted with presentseve-an th cofrtg .eyou aur arefl an prmpt ttenion tahlwas anw r b ilsanThasRoseneath Fair. day education. givinthough.Ms isnws Miss Betty Lockyer-, Brooklin, Onunaevinctbr6rcpsrng Ltusecp ortrsad guestseaker. Mn. and Mrs. Wil- with Mrs. Allan Wilson.OnSda vigctbr6 Our oca Agets re:son are on furlough from Angola Mns. Weiden Bach, Mrs. Ches- service in United Church was con-* Oui Local Agents are: ~~Missionary Field. Mrs.. *Wilson ter Engelgan, Miss Clarissa En- ducted, by Salvation Army visi-maetmalotlk nw. rngte W. E. Rundie, Dowmanvifle, R.R.2 Everton White, BowzeLnvifl, 1.1.4 knows Rev. and Mrs. Merle Fer- gelgan, St. Clair, Mich., with Mi-. tons, Mi-., and Mrs. Osbonne, Mi-.intay C.R. Carveth, Newcue iL. a'Cwel, DowRUSUvmeI guson personally having taught and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. and Mrs. Smith, Oshawa, and Ma- C..them Portuguese ioi- to stai-t- Mi-. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm of joi- Cooper, Bowmanvifle Corps. W. phiMlps, Dowmnville Arnold Wade, Newtonville ing their wonk there. Mrs. Wil- Blackstock, with his parents. The intei-esting service of music son gave a splendid talk on her Mn. and Mrs. James Dickey and song was climaxed by a chai- XET - FICEN - PR PTSR work. Lunch was served by Mi-s. celebrated their golden weddîng lenging address by Mi-. Osborne. __________________________ Fenguson's group which consisted at the home of their daughter and oftabiscuits, cheese and tea. son-in-law, Mi-. and Mrs. Dan chairman. There were several T r Visitors: Black on September 28th. It speeches, a sing-song, readings, ifê@ h L M -I EDMiss Vera Forder, Toronto, and was Mrs. Dîckey's birthday too. solos, violin music also step-danc- Um ------Miss Eva Brown, Hamilton, at Friends and neighbors enjoyed a ing. Mr-. and Mns. Dickey wene BEuron & ýre-.Bd. oio mkBldg.,Ms.Jh Forder's. bountiful supper, also a loveiy presented with a sum of money h e4746Kn StW.B ma London Toronto Mns. A. L. Johnson and Keith, three-storey wedding cake. A and several other gifts and a love- and Mrs. Bailey at Windsor. good programi was given with ly basket of flowers from the ____________________________ Mn. and Mrs. Harold Swain at Mr-. Silas Williams, Hampton, asl grandchildren. 32-ce BEAKAS ST TAPTSrior anp BrguJ ComrcaeAuinn COKNGWR Batîu riLt Reg. 1.59 1-Quart Free With Onee klloii Engllsh S:ml-Porcelalfl Breakfast Set trimmed in red and Reg. 1.79 C SE O E black Unes. Set comprise 6 8-lnch plates; 6 5-inch plates;6 Sale 1.39 cras6 usadsues1opnvegetable dlsh; 1 platter. " Engllsh Casseroles, mediumi size, SALE RICE I$f.t ER SE Reg. $2.29. Sale--------- $.79 snmoothly glazed inside and ou. 1Reg. $3.15. Sale--------- $2.69 Knob cover. Reg. $1.160 i~msCn Electric Toaster Lightiq Futures IASalepWA ER SE Sea RTHE--C-N-------Au-mat---Chan-er typ WITH CORD Odd sd discon- walnut cabinet. Specialàjv&fla«wEARHE Beautiful hand dec- MIXNO EO0WL ST u5By e.7.0 ae3 50/01orated 7 piece water 3-plece Set. Reg. $1.50 98SileRorPayr1 set. A remarkableSae --------------------98 value reg. 3.00 on sale at ~~ cO~~ PORCH LANTERNS, $ O plcrc Tatr unvr tP, R e $ . 0OSale -------------- H A R D W A R E withCordSetLIGUIT FIXTURES, ' Re. rieto$3.0.sale -12L CT 8Pp~<'4R5eg. $195. SlR sc 9cPEhET.OSHAWA PHONE 1000CELVLL HN holds losed l.50 .50 . 4e vie£ op ile

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