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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1946, p. 8

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PAGE ZIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVflLE, ONTAIUO THLYRSDAY, OCT. 171h, 1946 Modern and Moderate A beautiful, dignified funeral need flot be expensive. Let us give you the utmost in value, dignity and reverence. No niatter how modest the price you wish to pay, every detail.is given careful, competent handling. Turn to us for the help you need. We are at your service at any tinie. NORTHCUTT &SMITH Funeral Directors - Ambulance Service 20 King St. W. Phones: 668 - Res. 523 or 726 Let Prepare Them for Snowtime We know how to keep your chlldren warrn and cosy. Just bundle ther n hto these toasty warnl, all-wool outfits i styles that kiddles adore - rugged sturdi- ness mothers apprec- late. Bring in your Schildren today. BOYS GIRLS Three-piece coat sets in Three-piece coat sets, ail- all-wool chinchilla, donegal wool chinchilla, Kasha lined. tweed. Warm Kasha, linlng. Navy and brown. Sizes 3 SIzes 3-6. to 6. $13.95 $14.95 Kiddies' SWINDBREAKERS AIl-wool blanket cloth with zipper closure, two pockets and knitted wrist band and waistband. Cornes in two-tone colours of fawn, scarlet, brown and royal. Sizes 2 to 6. $3.98 Girls' Two-Piece SNOW SUITS AII-wool blanket cloth with a warrn Kasha llning. Suspender type slacks with knitted ankie bands. Cornes ln navy, royal and green. Sizes 7 to 10. $11.95 The New Fail silhouette calis for "smooth ines'~ FLEXAIRE The Bra Beautiful . . . created by Flexafre to gîve you lovely Runes and free-as-afr flattery under every fashion. Cornes in flesh and white.- . 5 LASTEX GIROLE "Greniers" exclusive design i a new Lastex Girdle wlth corded inserts at the walst to give that "extr5,-fit" . On.etfthese irdles Io a "rnust" for Your wardrobe. Size. ThrIftly prlced at $1.60 Wd/m" Slcg , .1? un de TUE XKODERN STOXE Bowmanvillo Cadnius There was a good attendance on Sunday morning at our Thanks- giving church service. It was a Harvest Home ceremony and the' church was tastefufly decorated. Mr. W. B. Ferguson had a nasty fail and is now visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson at Nestie- ton. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson.-Mr. and Mns. M. Oke, Barrie and Wayne, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gay and Denny, Courtice, Miss Audrey McQuade, Miss Leah McQuade, with Mr. arid Mrs. 0. McQuade.-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phayre, Arnprior, Miss June Sweet, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sweet.-Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson.-Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraitb, Bowman- ville, with friends here.-Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rainey, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston.- Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp and family with Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott, Stirling.-Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fallis and Joan at their cottage. -Mrs. Chas. Fallis at home-Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Werry with Mr. Fred Philp.-Mrs. Chester Ingle- gau and Miss E. Inglegau, De- troit, with Mrs. Anson Taylor.- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm and Miss Jean Malcolm, Nestieton, also Mr. J. Bradburn and Mr. H. McGill, Janetville, with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt.- -Mrs. W. Preston, Stirling, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Pbilp.-Mr. and Mrs. M. Henry, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. L. McKee.-Mr. and Mrs. H. Pa- vies and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Jackman and family, Toronto, with Mrs. Wm. Williamson. Many families attended the barn raising of Bert Gibson on Thursday afternoon. Burketon Mrs. James Gatcheil and Tom- my, Bowmanville, visited rela- tives in Kinmount. Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnochan, Myrtie, wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carnochan. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Breck, King- ston, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Ad- ams. Mrs. C. Ashton and Roy visited her mother, Mrs. Trick, Millbrook. Mr. Whittles, Toronto, is visit- ing his daughter, Mrs. Douglas Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey have moved back to their home in Burketon, owing to their son selling his Toronto house. W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Douglas Taylor. Miss Jean Coul- ter was a guest and gave two pi- ano selections. Mrs. Seymour thanked ail for taking part. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Ashton's group. We are very sorry that littie Gloria Hanthorn had ber finger very badly eut. The same day, Jerry Abbott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbôtt, eut bis face on an electric fence, while visiting at Brady. Mrs. H. Gi and Donny, visited Mrs. Brook at Cobourg. Sce Coming Events for Sunday services. Lake Shore, Clarke VIS ITORS: Mrs. Roy McKay and boys, of Bronte, witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Ail- dred. Mr. and Mrs. F. Raney, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alldred and fa- mily, Mr. and Mrs. C. Alldred and family and Mrs. A. Hotson witb Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Ormiston, Eb- enezer. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn and family, Orono, witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland. DE LAVAL-MILKER 0F CHAMPIONS Mleadowood Abbekerk Eag Apple troute Mesdowood Fam oet..M Chandier. Hudson HMeghta. Que. This twe-year-old betre reSntiy breurbt top prices ef$3100 at lbe aS-Candiman brsd caille mie at Oakvtlle. Mr. Chadiler la au enlbualatte De Lava& Mflker user. DE LAVAL STERLING MILKER ...provides De Laval quaraty milkimg at Iower ceusimple, eu¶Fed end depeadiable. Ste, tmg Pul- sater bus only tw. mol. mgpains. Wonderful soU. mgperformanmce obtalme top touait. Maple Grove Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown and son Billie, Hamilton, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snow- den. Mrs. Brown and Billie are remaining. Mrs. Alfred Laird, Jr., daugh- ter Vivian, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble, and Mr. and Mrs.Alfred Laird, Sr. iss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines, with ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Norman Wright, also ber brother, Mr. Fred Wright.. Miss Mildred Snowden is spen- ding this week with ber sister, Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. Mr. Bob Stevens, Jr., O.A.C., Guelph, at home. Sunday Sehool will be held at 10 a.m., Church service at il a.m. Services usually belti in the P.M. are being witbdrawn in favor of 'Ebenezer cemetery services. Wedding belîs are ringing in this community again this week. Miss Marg Nichols, town; littie Miss Gloria Moon, Haydon, at Mrs. Ross Stevens'. Maple Grove Young People's Union beld tbeir flrst meeting of the season on October 2nd, wben these officers were electeti: Hon. president, Rev. H. C. Linsteati; president, Jean Summerford; sec- retary, Betty Stevens; assistant, Art Burgess; treasurer, Ruth Preston; assistant, Jack Munday; program conveners, Stan Snow- den, Miltireti Meteaif, Jean Bur- gess, Doreen Jeffery; pianist, Dor- is Stevens; assistant, Loryne White; social comrnittee, Bert Snowden, Muriel Stevens, Alvin Metealfe, Ruth Preston; recrea- tion committee, Pearl Collacutt, Audrey Martin, Ken Summer- ford, Mildred Snowden, Lenore Collacutt; ushers, Pbilîp Finney, Ray Munday; publications con- vener, Rutb Snowden; assistant, Jean Jarvie. Kendal Mr. Alec Little, Toronto, witb Mrs. Neya Little. Mr. George Pope, Jr., witb bis sister, Mrs. Geary. Miss Jean Fletcher, Bowman- ville, with Mr. andi Mrs. Hilditcb. Mr. Robt. Alexander was home. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and Miss G. Donnelly, Toronto, at their summer borne. Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Patterson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Mrs. Bruce Anderson, Freddîe, and frienti, Oshawa, guests of Mrs. Thorne. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hallam andi Miss S. Mason, Toronto, guests of Mr. andi Mrs. F. Stoker. Miss Betty ýWatters, Peterboro, witb Mrs. Mary Luxon. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Bell and family witb Mr. L. D. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ro3inson, Mrs. A. G. Darlington and Bill witb Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Glover, Aj ax. Mr. anti Mrs. V. Johnson anti Faye in Oshawa. Misses Hazel andi Shirley Ther- tell, Messrs. Ted Hinkson, Bill andi Jack Kirby guests of tbeir uncle, Roy Sleep. Mrs. C. Hoskin guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Soper. Messrs. Car- man andi Roy Patton were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyd, Toronto, called on Saturday. Mrs. George Langstaff return- eti Sunday from Ottawa. Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer were Mr. anti Mrs. Vance Allen anti family, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. John Mer- cen, Garden Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Benson, Leigbton and Glenda, Bewdley. Tbanksgiving services were held Sunday morning witb Rev. H. A. Bunt taking as bis text Bless the Lord 0 My Soul. He forcefuily drew to our attention wby we sbould be tbankful for our many benefits. T HAI"S the ldnd of milklin yoa waut for your herd--ehe kInd that gets the best rndu.. . pays hishest profis and sayas the most ine. There is only one «magnetic" milier-ehe De Laval Magnetic Speedway-ehaht assures absolutely uniform milking et an turnes. You must have unif ores oil.king action for best, faueeMoil. iaug. Ask us for te. acte, DE LAVAL SEPARATORS f. ise in 1878 mil stil firttoday in sha. =Pedormamce. long bigah quafly «rm eau prdc"o md loweaî con pe« yenof use. A si» md myle for avery meed end purse-émad or motor drive. md biais or low itands. Case Farm àMachlnery -Firesto DeLaval Milers and Separaters Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment 91 King St. W. tsue Tires Phone 497 Cowanville Mus Helen Hallowell witb ber aunt, Beulah Hallowell in Tor- onto. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Ramsbottom, Bruce, Charlie and Dora, andi Beth Burgess of. Hermon witb Mn. and Mrs. Andrew Bandy, Mr. andi Mrs. Wes Stringer, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer. Mr. andi Mrs. H. Rusk who bave been living at their tiaugbter's borne bave moved to their new home in Port Hope. Mr. Hector Milison, Miss Ad- die Milîson, Mr. Tbos. Kinsman and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stringer attended Roseneatb Fair. There was a good attendance at Community Club on Tuesday nigbt. Tbey decideti to bold a Hallowe'en Party. After tbe bus- iness a god program was enjoyed. At the close of tbe meeting a dou- ble sbowen was beld in honor of two of our girls wbo are to be marrieti soon, Misses Marion Moore anti Mary Getlick. Rev. Patterson called tbe two girls to the platform and Miss Annie Get- lick read an address followed by a presentation. Botb girls tbank- ed tbeir friends for the gifts. Re- fresbments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale anti family witb Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer. Wesleyville Sunday Sebool was weil atten- ded. Shirley Eley, Evelyn Bmn- steti anti Ainslie Bee were pro- moteti from Primary Class to tbe Junior Class and Dolores Dicker- son and Helen Binsted from Jun- ior Class to Intermediate Ciass. Mrs. Armstrong, Toronto, and daugbter, Miss Maye Armstrong, Mountain View, witb Mrs. Arnolti Thorndyke. Mr. andi Mrs. Carroll Nicholîs returneti on Tuesday from tbeir boneymoon motoring to tbe States via tbe Gananoque bridge. Tbey visiteti relatives and points of in- terest in Pennsyivania anti New York returning by way of Niagara Falls. Twenty members of Women 's Association met at Mrs. Percy Snell's, Wednesday afternoon. Miss Scott of the Healtb Unit gave an inter esting talk on "Tubercu- losis." Holiday visitons at Mrs. C. Beigbton's were Mn. and Mrs. Peter Clarke and sons, Pbilip anti Butit of Utterson, and Mrs. Lloyd Dunbar, Toronto. Mrs. John Robb and son Jackie, Osgoode, with Mrs. Edgar Bar- rowclough. Young folk charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichoils, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wllfred Mills, To- ronto, with his brother Mr. Ken Mills. Mr. Harry Nichoils who has been confined to Port Hope Hos- pital after breaking three ribs is progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. Lealand Payne, Freshly Ground Richmello Coffee Royal City B.C. Prune Plums Kefloggs Corn Flakes Vanilia Custard Powder Jello Aylmer (AU Varleties) Infant Foods Newtonville with Mr. and Mrs. William Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Darke, Donna and Ross, Toronto, at Mr. Syril Darke's. Miss Helene Barrowclougb of English Settiement near Tren- ton, at home. Mrs. Knowler, Vancouver, with her nephew, Mr. Ken Mills. Mr. and Mrs:* Carroll Nicholls, Mrs. W. Nichoils accompanied by MAGIC BAKING POWDER wins more users ail the time by giving bette r baking resuits. Pure, dependable Magic assures you finer texture, more lusciousness Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lancaster motored to Oranel, to attend their cousin's wedding. Mrs. S. Barrowclough with lira. S. Milis, Port Hope. Mrs. Hayden, Toronto, at Mir. Harold Barrowclough's. Mrs. Stanley Milis and niece, Miss Winona Snell, Port Hope, with Mrs. Jim Snell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bishop and children, Niagara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. for cakes, for biscuits, for al baked dishes. Try Magic Baking Powder today and discover why it is the baking stand-by of 3 -out of 4 Canadian women. p p p j'a Several Brands-Stanfdard Canned Peas Pack Quality 20.oz.12*Ç Campbella New 10oz ç Tomato Soup Pack 2 tins z Clarks Creain of 'nsoz Mushroom Soup 3 tins25Ç Quick 4 z1à Quaker Oats kAU Monarch7lb09 24 lb 84Ç Pastry Flour bag Ka ba Booster 1lbi. q Salted Peanuts cello bag 09' D. S. L.' Black Tea Pound 49Ç Mother Parkers Coffee Va-u' Pound Burns Hornerade Style 15o Beef Stew-2 i29 Frys Cocoa Solex Lamps 8 oz B1oU tin 1çtin31 TOKAY Grapes California, - 2 Ibs. 96's 4 for 29Mc 25c COOKING Ont. No. 1 Oniens - - 3 Ibs. lic lb 43'ý SUNIKUST Oranges tinz 8Ç MCINTOSH A -I- 1 pple. - 344's -doz. Cornb Grade 6-qt. bas. 25e 65c GREEN SWEET Celery' - - - 2 for 19c 2Bos5 Pears - 2 Ibs. 25e tin LOCAL Cabbage - 2 heads 15c 5 oz 7 tin V WAXED 20o~ Turnips - - - lb. 3c 3 ins25 j, ' 25,40,60o Each 15Ç FLORIDA watt Childen Love It 9 oz58ç Ovaltine tn*Q' Phone 451 Several Brands20o Diced Beets 3tis25Ç W. H. BROWN. MEALEB FOR Wetst" ta Several Brands Mixed Nuts t-'in 29 Diced Carrots /1 17th, 19« mmmRmý mmmmmmm_ -.OMMMMb- i m -THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, IBOWUL4NVILT-X ONTA PJO *e ajizpA,4 %grapeliruix - .. Ob Lq àb

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