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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1946, p. 11

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THUBSDAY, OCT. 3lst, 1946 TEE CARADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Foster Poules, Fenelon Fala, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson, Lindsay, visited Mrs. John McKee. Venkins missedû'a'qa'rnf M*e »'psl6ave fo q'ef M e fe//ow a 9ood P/éÇQcé-o'/c6 ý " MARR'S Jewellery SPECIAL Mrs. Clarence Marlow visited in Toronto with Mrs. Milton San- derson. Miss Annie Fee and Harold Ha- milton attended the A.Y.P.A. con- vention in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Toronto. Sympathy is extend.ed to Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shortridge on the passing of his father, Mr. Fred Shortridge. Misses Effie and Annie Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Heaslip in Toronto. Several W.A. and W.M.S. mem- bers attended the meeting in Osh- awa on Tuesday. Mrs. George Fowler is visiting in Oshawa with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Rutherford. Miss Vivian Sadler, Toronto,' with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Hen- ry. Miss Helen Van Camp, Oshawa, with her parents. Harold Forder, Stuart Dorrel and Merle VanCamp were at Guelph attending the judging contests and banquet. Congratu- lations to Harold and Merle who placed third among 23 teams in the beef judging class, and to Stuart and Murray Vice (Hamp- ton) on placing sQventh among 31 teams in the grain judging class. ANNOUNCEMENT on A Representative of The Singer Sewing -Machine C. will bc In Bowmanvllle'te service ail makes of sewing machines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed If I need of service write or phone before the above day.. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phone 696 - Oshawa 17-tf RlfOUflCEflEflT To Customers From Nov. lst to lSth Inclusive This studio in appreciation of your past business off ers portraitsý of any size At Haif Regular Prices This applies to reprints of portraits already taken and to ail those who have brought developing, printing, etc. The A?,pha Studio 40 King St. E. B owmanville %,lem Salem Women's Association met at the Cann home, October l7th, with a good attendance. President Mrs. L. Welsh opened the meet- ing and conducted the business period. Mrs. H. McClure was in charge of the program~ which she opened with a poem.' The main Meature of the evening was a talk by Mrs. Gordon Brent, Tyrone, on "Music Appreciation." Mrs. Brent gave an outline of the lufe and compositions of Mendelssohn, and aLs;o played several recordings taken from his "Mid-summer Night's Dream." Mrs. McClure and lier group served lunch and a social time was enjoyed. H-aydon Miss June Anderson attended the teacher's convention at Tor- onto on Friday. Four from here attended the Circuit meeting at Tyrone on Thursday evenîng. It was decid- ed not to have a chîcken supper at present, but to make a thor- ough canvass of the Circuit for funds to help defray the debt on the new manse being built. Mrs. C. Avery is spending a couple of weeks with relatives at Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ste- yens and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore to Mr. Russell Cochrane's, Brady. Mr. Ross Ashton at Mr. W. Brownlee's, Leaside. Miss May Trewin in Toronto. Mr. James Hanna at Dr. M. Tou- zel's Cottage, Whitby. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Stainton and Beverly, Mimico, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Mr. Jim Martyn, Miss Clare Trewin, Bowmnan- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott, Orono, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronito, at Mr. H. Ashton's. Karen Thompson, Enniskillen, is staying with lier grandmother, Mrs. W. Thompson. Burketon Mrs. Harry Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur.Read, Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashton. Mr .and Mrs. Roblin were in Toronto. Miss Jean Coulter attended the Teachers' Convention in Toronto. Mrs. T. Hopley invited the W.A. members to a quilting and pot luck lunch at her home. Mr. and Mrs. H-arry Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace, Sr., spent Sunday in Beaverton. Misses Mary Adams and Lois McMullen, Janetville, Robert Car- ter and Albert Adams visited the Breck family in Kings'ton. Mrs. W. Rowan and Lauretta, Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stev- enson and Noble, Miss Velma Balson, Brooklin, Mr. Jack Hook- er, Kinsale, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rob- lin. Mrs. Ben Hubbard visiting with friends in Oshawa. .Alden Hubbard entertained a few young people of Burketon last Wednesday evening when a social evening was enjoyed,. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen, Joyce and Gary, Janetville, wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. McLaughlin. Mr. Stuart Hooey and Alden Hubbard! visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson, Nestieton. Kendal Mr. Sam Conlin, Harmony, was calling on frîends in the village. Mrs. Jas. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Cad- mus, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Mrs. Mallory, Mr. Albert Mal- lory and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark were guests of Mrs. Mary Luxon. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mercer and Mr. J. Bailey visited friends in Simcoe and vicinity. Times are looking up in Ken- dal. John Thompson and Elmer Elliott are now driving a new tractor trailer. -We ar every pleasedi to learn that Master David- Mercer who has been in Peterboro hospital for five weeks with a fractured leg and double fracture of one arm, came home Saturday. His leg was put in a cast a few days prior to his leaving the hospital. We hope he will soon be around again. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson on the arrivai of a son in Port Hope hospital, Octo- ber 2th. Cecil Vannatto, George Palm- er and George Mercer have been called back to the Goodyear at Bowmanville now the strike is settled. Miss Teeter Mercer who is wor- king in Peterboro was home. Due to the anniversary services at Shiloh, SuI4day, church service here was withdrawn and only Sunday School held. During the past year there has been considerable discussion re- garding "School Areas." Mr. J. J. Mellor has kindly consented to be present at a meeting No- vember 6 in Kendal school to give us unbiased information on this subject. Anyone interested, ta welcome to come from adjoining sections. A most enjoyable time was had at the presentation and dance held in honor of Mr. and1 Mrs. Robert Stainton (nee Jean Hoy) Thurs- day evenin~ in the Orange hall. Jean and Bb b were married re- cently by Rev. Bunt at Newton- ville, and will be residing in-To- ronto. We ail wish this young couple the best of "Health, wealth and happiness" in the future. Women's Institute met in the library Fniday afternoon. Mrs. Stoker was chosen as delegate to convention in Toronto. A Hal- lowle'en party was arranged for the young folks inr the Sunday School roomn for Thursday even- ing. Next meeting, November 20. In spite of the heavy rain, Mrs. S. E. Werryý, District President, and Mrs. Langmaid, Solina, were pre- sent. Mrs. Werry gave a very interesting talk on Institute work and spoke on our motto "For Home and Country" and showed how the influence of the home and church can make good citi- zens. A social chat and lunch were also enjoyed. 1Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden are enjoying a weekend holiday at Norland, also Master Keith Wor- den and Muriel and Elmer Down. Mr. -and Mrs. Donald Pickell and her brother from Edam, Sask., who are going through to King- ston, where the former's parents live, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pickell and Mr. Orville Pickell, Ajax, were Thursday visitors with Frank and Mrs. Worden. Mrs. Frank Worden is home af- ter her recent eye operation in Toronto. Mrs. Frank Rundle, who broke some bones in her knee, has re- turned. from Bowmanville Hospi- tal. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ad.ams have moved into the home purchased from Mrs. Roy Fowler, not Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams. The Home and School Club sponsored a euchre and crokinole party at No. 8 school on Tuesday night. High lady, Miss Edythe Balson; high gentleman, Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, who played for the gentlemen; low lady, Mrs. Lowrie; low gent, Clyde Saun- ders. Fruit was served and a pleasant time enjoyed. W.A. ladies held a qui.,ting at the home of Mrs. Bob Barber on Wednesday when two quilts were finished for thé coming bazaar. Here is a good potato story. Blake Oke planted a few hilîs of potatoes on August 3 and on Oc- tober 3 he dug a six quart basket of lovely new potatoes. Church service was held on Sunday night on the Highway, at No. 8 School, with a good attend- ance. Rev. C. C. Oke, Welcome, spoke on "To Wish and, To Do," and his acklress was much appre- ciated. A goodly number gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phair on Monday evemrng, and tendered & community, miscel- lanieous shower to their deughter, Doreen, a bride-elect, whose mar- niage took place on Saturday. Tal- bert Gearing, chairman, called' the company to order and, invited the opening of the parcels, after which the young couple thanked, their many friends for the choice lot of gifts. Refreshments were ser ved. Newtonville Floyd Milîson f ell through the chute of the silo on his father's farm but suffered nothing more serious than a bad shaking up and a sprained ankle. Mrs. Frank Barton and son, Mr. Fred Whittaker, Toronto, visited her brother, Mr. Joel Workman and sister-în-law, Mrs. William Whittaker. Also visited Mrs. Phoebe Holdaway of Wesleyville. Rev. H. A. Bunt, Donald Shay, Bruce Stewart, Olive and Dorothy Brown and Edna Denault attend- ed Young People's night of "Cru- sade for Christ" in Oshawa, Mon- day evening. Mrs. Cecil Burley and Miss Mary Burley spent the weekend with her daugliter, Mrs. Earle McEwen of Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hutchinson, Mr. Garfield Hutchinson and Miss Ruby Pack, Trenton, attended the wedding of Mrs. Hutchinson 's nephew, Mr. Emerson Richards in Bobcaygeon. Fifty-flve attended Sunday School. In the absence of the Bible class teacher the pastor gave the lesson. Report of Women's Institute ap- pears on page, 3 and an editorial inspired 'by the splendid work of Newtonville women on page 2. Messrs. DelWhitney, Ken Whit- ney and George Stapleton, ac- companied by Mr. Milton Cornish, Orono, and Mr. Edgar Rosevear, Tyrone, motored to Western On- tario and visited the O'Neil bro- thers at Denfield, near London, and attended the Hereford Dis- persal Sale of Dunbar and Bosom- worth at Guelph, where W. S. O'- Neil was auctioneer. Messrs. Whitney and Stapleton each pur- chasedi a young Hereford bull from O'Neil brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Payne, Port Hope, at George Stapleton's. CONGRi ESSO BusinessDircr LESGAL W. IL STEIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrieter, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanvile Phone: Office OU8 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrieter - Solicitor - Notary 9% King Street E. Bowmianvilie - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGIINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Suocessor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 D IRNT AL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental Collage, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Off ice Hours:. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wedinesday Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his hoe e 100 Lâberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily S9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-5* Monument.% The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 14-tf Human affection is not poureti forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying and elevating it.-Mary Baker Eddy. Is a musician made by his tea- cher? He makes himself a music- ian by practising what he was taught.-Mary Baker Eddy. Look where yon wUIl-vou'l nerer beat Thais BARGAIN in good Iàoneat heat!1 Y es, Reading Briquets represent jua about the biggest fuel bargain on the. market today. They~ are made with emali sizes of real rFamous Reading Hard Coal, firmly preesed into briq. uets. In size they are between Rut and etove coaL. The ofer he dvaaes of large szfe ta big saving. Ideai for fur- -nace, hot water heater, fire place, or ý wherever you urne mod fuel. Why not iethem a trial? W. know you'U e pleased. Dl' ECONOMY FUEL OWEN NICHOLAS, F UELS PHONE1S: Office 410 s TO CHAMPION, TRACTOR ,PLOWMEN AT THE INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH, PORT ALBERT, ONT. PRIZE WINNERS IN LOCAL ESSO COMPETITIONS HELD TO OCT.21 0 Ernest Almond, Box 186, Meaford Harry Armstrong, Leith Roy Barrie, R.R. No. 1, Fort William Bernard Beehier, Chrysier Hugh Beilhartz, Bruce Station Jean Bercier, Plantagenet J. Bovilie, Dayton R. G. Brown, R.R. No. 7, Gait Vernon Campbell, R.R. No. 9, Peterborough R. Carney, R.R. No. 1, Erin Lucien Caza bon, Verner Harold Ceasar, R.R. No. 9, Owen Sound Aicide Charbonneau, Clarence Creek George Clark, Sault Ste. Marie Howard HolIiday, R.R. No. 4, Mt Forest Stanley Iroton, R.R. No. 1, Clarksburg Emerson Kincaid, Russell Fred. Lemcke, Richard's Landing Gordon Long, R.R. No. 3, Owen Sound Sert Maw, Mineslag Russell Maw, Mlneslng Allan McNabb, Edenvale Gien A. McFaddin, R.R. No. 1, Millibank Ernest MeGuire, R.R. Na. 2, Spenoerville Allan. B. Meyer, Caremant Ed. Mitchell, R.R. No. 1, Denfield Rager Mitchell, Lelth Allan Newman, Loneville Arthur Purvis, R.R. No. 3, Maliory- town Pitt Seguin, R.R. No. 1, Chalmsford Wllfred Scott, R.R. Na. 5, Tlllsonburg Wilis Siots, Sprlng Bay Algle Wallace, North Gower Clîfferd Wlghtman, Lancaster medal and free ALEX. BLACK, of 3RD PRIZE - $20.00 - ERIC RUSSELL HARE, Nanticoke, Ont. 4TH PRIZE-$18.0O-DRAY MONTAGUE, Jairvis, Ont. 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH 1oTrH 1 1TH 12TH 13TH 14TH PRIZE -$10.00 -GORDON RAPSON, Londemboro, Ont. It is a real pleasure to offer çongratula- tions to the winners of the Esso Tractor Plowing Contest, sponsored by Imperial Oit Limited, at the International Plow- ing Match, Port Albert, Ont. Thi and second prize winners receive a free trip twBritain tw enable 1M P ERI A te first them te study agricultural methods there and compete in British plowing matches. Cash prizes go to the other winners. Imperial Oit considers it a privilege to be able to contribute in this way to the development of f***\Canadian agriculture. (IMPERIAL) NPRODCTS O IL 1IMI1T ED Residence 2249 THE ýTut ýTIO lst PRIZE--goci modal undi free trip 2nd PRIZE- silver to Britain - won by FRED" TIMBERS, of trip to Britain - won by R.R. No. 4, Stouffville, Ont. R.R. No. 2, Guelph, Ont, trg1~ -4 PRIZE r- $1 6.00 - JAMES ECCLES, Brampton, On'. PRIZE-$14.0O-WILFRED SCOTT, R.R. No. 5, Tillsonburg, Ont. PRIZE - $12.00 - H. J. COUPERTHWAITE, Agincorurt, Ont. PR IZE -$1 0.00 - RUSSELL MORRISON, Beaveston, Ont. PRIZE -$10.00- HARVEY NURSE, R.R. No. 2, Georgetown, Ont. PRIZE- $1O.00-ERNEST EVANS, R.R. No. 2, Maple, Ont. PRIZE-$1O.00-ROY CRAIG, Mono Road, Ont. PRIZE - $10.00 -T. P. O'MALLEY, Teeswater, Ont. PRIZE - $10.00-CLARK NAGEL, Fisherville, Ont. FARM DIVISION Serving Canadian Farmers from Coast to Coast Mm mai --- - - - 1 fil TIEU tSDAY, OCT. 31at, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVM=, ONTARIO ONLY $14.70 A TON READINO BRIOUETS 19 THE NEW "STREAMUNED PAGE ELEM,

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