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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1946, p. 5

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THURSDAY, NOV. 7th, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO PAGE FIVE Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mrs. Chas. WOod, Mrs. A. Delve, Mrs. J. J. Meflor, Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Mrs. Evelyn Hall and Mrs. C. S. McLaren attended the Women's <Day meetings in St. Andrew'e and King St. United Churches, Osh- awa, last week. Mrs. Drummond sang two very beautiful solos at the afternoon session. ~very sad accident occurred #iednesday evening, Oct. 3th, à«L~en little Cecilia Anne Bruton, ~jsix-year-old daughter o! Mr. and » Mrs. Cliffard B. Bruton, wag struck by a car and instantîy killed. Fun- eral service was held on Friday afternoon with interment in Bow- manville Cemetery. Park St. United Church choir held an enjoyable Hallowe'en party at their regular chair prac- tice. Everyone came in costume and spent a pleasant evening play- ing games and doing stunts arrang- 4 "What is MOST mportant in, my future?" SECURITY, gerhaps you would say? You have ton the righrt t plan your future! Plan it with life insurance . . . the strosgest force to assure continuation of your prfeent securi y . . . for yourself.. . . for your loved ones ... in the years ahead! ,"Does it matter WHICH life insurance comPany I c/,oose?" Yes! -Life insurance companies are much alike as to policies =4ze rates, but actual long-termn results vary widely. We invite you to compare The Mutual Life of Canada's record with that of any other company. ed by the committee in charge, Mr. and MIrs. R. E. Logan, Mrs. Chas. Wood and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Suitable refreshments consisting a! candy apples, candy and pop- corn were served later. Mrs. Milton Cornish is in Bow- manville Hospital. Hallowe'en went off rather quietly in Orono without any seriaus property damage as in former years. Orona Police Trus- tees gave due warning, fallowing their meeting on Monday evening previaus, that action would be taken against anyone caught dam- aging either public or private property. A party at the Contin- uation School to which all pupîls and their frîends were invited and other smaller parties kept the yaunger people engaged for most of the evening. The younger children who went from door to door as usual, for shell outs, were warned by parents to be home by Goblin Vacuum Cleaners ............... $68.50 and $88.50 Saniboys :*******«>...*** ***- ****..**** Each $6.50 Electric Heaters ..... ... .............................. $6.95 ta $15-00 Blectric Toasters ... .......................................$3.95 ta $7.95 Electric Irans .................................... $3.95 ta $7.95 Electric Fans..................................................... Each $9.95 Electric D oor Chimes....................... ........$4.95 ta $10.50 Silex Coffee Makers ........................................Each $4.45 Cary' Coffee Makers ........................... $5.45 and $5.95 Trilights ........................................ Com plete $2500 Table Lamps ......................... .......... $7.95 ta $10.50 Extra Shades ...,................................. $1.35 ta $5.50 Record Players ..... ................ ....... Each $25.00 up P lashlights .................................... ..... $1.00 ta $3.95 Wall and Mantel Ornaments ................... 35c ta $3.50 THE RADIO SHOP 38 King St. East Expert Radio Repairs Phone 573 Evidence of the satisfaction of our policyholders is furnished by the fact chat whole familles and succeeding generations have entrusted their life insur- ance programs exdlusively ta The Mutual Life of Canada, and each year approximately 35% of its new business cames fromn policyholders. Ask your Mutual Life representative ta explain the special feacures of this Company. Low Cost Life Insurance Since 1869 The Orono News Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ransberry, Montreal, 'with Mr. and Mrs. F. Duncan. Mr. Robert Dent, Toronto, with his brother. Mr. Ernest Dent. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Arnott, Dun- dalk, with Mrs. A. Roy. Mr. Ah!. Reid, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor were in Toronto attending Mrs. Mellor's mother's 79th birthday celebra- tion. Mrs. L. Davey, Leskard, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dent. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rabbins and Mrs. Hall with friends in To- onta. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peter- borough, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Armstrong accompanied by Mrs. Grady, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armstrong, Morrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Ottawa. Mrs. C. S. McLaren with her daughter, Marjomie, in Toronto. CARD 0F THANKS I wish ta express my heartfelt thanks and appreciatian ta my many kind friends, relatives and neîghbours for all their express- ions o! kindness and sympathy and for the beautiful floral re- membrances during the recent beeavement and the loss o! a dear aunt, especially thanking the Rev. S. Littlewood. -Freeda R. Keith. PLAY AND HEALTH While there's a thrill in watch- ing a sports event, there's mare health in active participatio>n in games. This reminder issued by the Department o! National Health and Wefare, Ottawa, in a bulletin which calîs on those in- terested in health ta "clîmb down !mom the grandstand and take part in some game." Fun and fît- ness, the department points out, go hand in hand. Business Directory LE GA L W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Kig Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9% King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. -, Bowxnanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D;S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 amx. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noan, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-5* Monuments lTe Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 14-tf 9 p.m. Orano Hydro Commission met Oct. 28th ta conduct regular busi- ness. A refund an street lights amounting ta $539.65 was put ta the credit of the Police Trustees. At the Police Trustee meeting held the same evening it was de- cided ta proceed with the filling of the hale on the west side of Tannery. Bridge. Nomination meeting for Police Trustees will be held on Friday evening, Nov. 22nd. On election day, a vote will 'be taken as ta the possibility of establishîng a village garbage collection. Orano W.C.T.U. held it's annual autumn Silver Medal Contest in Park St. Sunday Sehool room with a very large attendance. Mr. L. G. McGinnis, Continuation School principal, made an excellent chair- man. Contesants were: Arlene Rainey, Lillian Cole, Marion Boyd Catherine Power, Edna Goode, Eleanor Green, Carolinq Jones, Joanne Cornish, Margaret York, Harry Lynch, Keith West, Bill Hooey, Grant Werry, Ted Werry, Clarke Werry and Stewart Lamb. The judges, Rev. W. W. Patterson, Miss T. Ferguson and Miss Black- burn, all of Newcastle, awarded the medals to Lillian Cole, Beth- esda, and Harry Lynch, Orono. Each contestant received a book. Musical numbers consisting of piano solos by Mrs. W. Lynch and Joyce Sutton; selections by Harry Lynch ; solo by Ray Ashton, and a vocal duet by Joyce Sutton and Jean Rainey were much apprec- iated. ~Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell have moved to their new home in the north end of the village. Mrs. Annabella Moffatt, widow of the late James Moffatt, passed away suddenly on Oct. 3Oth at her home in Orono, of a heart attack. Mrs. Moffatt was of a very cheery disposition, a splendid neighbour and always ready to help in any good cause. She was a very faithful worker in the Red Cross during the war years and will be greatly missed in the community. A red letter day in this district was Oct. 29th when a very large auction sale of Holstein cattle was held at the farm of Milton Tam- blyn. The weather was wet, but there was a large crowd of buyers and spectators. The senior herd sire sold ta E. G. Meagher, Oak- ville, brought the highest bid, $3,100. The entire herd brought $25,850. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the United Church parsonage by Rev. S. Littlewood on Saturday afternoon, when Miss Minnie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, Orono, was married ta Mr. William Morris, son of Mrs. Alice Morris, Port Granby, and the late Harry Mor- ris. W. H. Rowe, Heber Souch and Jack Stapleton were on jury ser- vice in Cobourg this week. M. H. Staples, J. J. Mellor, Rus- sell Osborne and Clarence Allin, Newcastle, visited Farm Forums in Cartwright Monday evening. Loyal Temperance Legion met on Monday afternoon in the Unit- ed Church school room with 42 present. Choruses, Temperance readings and a piano solo by June Wood made up the programme. Refreshments, consisting of raisin bread and chocolate milk, were served by Mrs. W. H. Rowe and several of the older girls. MIVrs. Robert Miller, who passed away at her home near Pontypool on Nov. 3rd, was buried in Orono Cemetery on Tuesday. Denny Lynch brought honours to Orono Public School by obtain- ng second place in the Durham1 County Public Speaking Contest.a H~e will compete with otherD counties at Brighton soon and thenE go to Toronto as guest of the h Durham Club. Denny and Harry n Lynch played instrumental duets 0 during the programme on Friday b evening. See more complete repart in another column.v W. E. Armstrong has been deer t, hunting with a party from this t 'icinity. Congratulations to Mrs. H. Bar- abaîl who celebrated her 95th [New Pack APPLE JUICE 4-oz. Tin 28e at Guelph. Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mrs. A. T. Stainton at- tended the W.A. Canference at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameran at Hilliard Simpsan's, Orono. Miss Eileen Staintan sang at ORONO HOMECRAFTS GUILD Sponsored by Orono Women's Institute Orono Homecrafts Guild met Oct. 30th and was well attended. The Guild listened ta a very in- structive talk by Mrs. McGinnis, Nutritian Leader, on "Meats."' The different cuts and qualities, and haw to recognize them, were ex- plained and vitamin contents given. The proper methads of coaking, whether broiling, frying, raasting or pot-roasting were talked about and the controversial subject "to baste or not ta baste" was discussed. Paultry cooking was also given. eome Management Class heard a splendid talk by Mrs. O. W. Rolph, leader, on "Starching, Iran- ing and Mending.'1 Then the dust- ing of floors and furniture and how ta make the beds pýoperly were explained. . The darning contest was won by Mrs. William Wannan, the prize being a pair of nylon hosiery. The Handcraft Group learned about the making of rugs, the in- structor being Mrs. H. Dean. The Sewing Class was taught the dîfferent types of seam fin- ishes by the leader, Mrs. F. Boultlee, and then Mr. C. Dun- can gave a demonstration of sew- ing machine attachments. It was announced that the Mothercraft Classes, with Mrs. S. Rutherford as leader, had been organized and are mieeting at 3 p.m. on Thursdays. Anyone wish- ing ta join this class may get a programme and full details from Mrs. Rutherford or Mrs. J. Tam- blyn. These classes are held in the homes. Mrs. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. J. J. Mellor have been hast- esses ta the two classes already held. - GREEN PEAS STANDARD-- WAX BEANS CGOLCEN- TGNATG JUICE FANCY * - TONATO SOU VAN CAMP'S NEW P. & G. WASHING SENSATION flf~mEq. WOOLENS . . . . -R F aFuaADISHES, ETC. FRESH HSN SUGGESTIONS NORTHERN /2-Pt. RS GYSTEIS SELECTS W5 COI) FILLETS Fl8 SNGIKED ]FILLES -lb.- 32g MU HREING SALMON FILLETS SILVERBRIGHT * - - 0AIGES FLORIDA .-.- GLRD NEW CROP, â' G EPFEUITNE O 98 u~CALIFORNIA MGE.AP. E:PEROR No. 1 B.C. DELICIOUS APPLES AND FAN CY TONATGES EMPIRE GROWN, CURRIY STALKS PASCAL No. 1 BEUSSELS SPIGUTS G'lWn N. 1 CAhOTS WASHED, No. 1 10for41 b17e for 2à5< lb. 239 2 for 10 1 Box11* 1se 4 Ibc. 10< Maple Grove The Young People's meeting or October 3Oth was in the form ofa Hallowe'en party. Miss Jean Bur- gess took charge of the first part of the evening. She asked, the ones in costume to parade and se- veral prizes were presented to the best dressed and the most origin- ah costume. Everyone* was theri asked ta unmask. Ross Metcalfe favoured with a solo; Mildred Metcalfe recited a very lively piece and Doreen Jeffrey gave a piano solo. Jean Burgess called on Mr. H. G. Freeman ta take charge and he in turn called on Mr. and Mrs: Sam VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Metcalfe. After a few words by Mr. Freeman Mrs. W. Munday read an address ta Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston, Mrs. E. Twist read one ta Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Metcalfe, these couples were presented with a silver cream and sugar and tray, and-a tablecloth. Mildred Snowden read an address ta Mr. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp and Stanley Snaw- den read one to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin, they were presented with a floor lamp and tablecloth. Af- ter a very fitting reply 'by each couple a social time was enjoyed by ahI. Miss Annie, Messrs. Charles and Eldon Fee, Devitts, with their sister, Mrs. Jim Armstrong. Mrs. Albert Brown, son Billie, Hlamilton, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Gib Crosby, Ux- bridge, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mr. and, Mrs. Sam Snowden, Mr. Richard, Snowden, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden, Mr. and VIrs. C. H. Snowden, Mr. Thos. Snowden were entertained at thq home o! Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Free- mlan on Manday evening in honor of Mr. Thos. Snowden's 87th birthday. Mrs. McGrath who has been visiting her son, Chester, has re- turned ta her home in Nova Sco- ia. On November 4th the first meet- ing o! the Homemaking Club was held at the home o! Muriel Stev- ens, with eleven members present. This year the unît is studying service. .Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hutchison and family, North Oshawa, at R. Killen's. Mr .Summers and Junior Judg- ing Team for Durham, Mr. Beer and Juniar Judging Team for Peel were at Alex McMaster's, sheep "Sleeping Garments." Our lead- ers are Mildred Snowden and her assistant Betty Stevens. These of-, ficers were elected: President, Greta Snowden; secretary, Nancy Haggerman; treasurer, Joan Mun- day; press secretary, Catharine Campbell. The club work for the year was outlined and th~ require- ments o! a club memcter were discussed. Each member is re- quired ta equip a sewing box or basket ta make pyjamas or night gown. and ta keep a record book. Before the next meeting the girls were asked ta collect their sewing equipment, to purchase the pat- tern and material and to shrink and straighten it. When select- ing material for sleeping gar- 7ments the fabric, quality, color, design and laundering qualities of# the material should be consider- ed.. Roll caîl for the nêxt meet- ing is "What I have done ta pré- pare my material." ]Burketon Mr. Stephen Saywell,' Oshawa,. took charge of the Sunday morn- ing service and. delighted, every- one present with a splendid ser- mon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDon- aldi and family, Bowmanville, Mr. Orland Bailey, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey. Mrs. J. Latremouille and Aud- rey, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.. J. Carter. The young people of the com- munity spent a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- seIl Dean, Friday, November lst, and all reported- a good time. Miss Jean Coulter gave the school children a grand Hallow- e'en party October 29th. The school was nîcely decorated with streamers and, pumpkins. Games and community singîng were en- joyed by all. A dainty lunch and candies were served. Many prîzes were given by the teacher ta the winners for costumes and games. Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, Mr. Orland Bailey, Toronto, with their parents. Miss Jean Gatchell was in Tor- onto. Mrs. Rilda Stephenson with her family. Miss Isabel Lockhead, Toronto, with Mrs. Hopley. Mr. and, Mrs. George Carter with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan in Bowmanville. Mrs. Richard Rowan, Jimmy and Cheryl, with Mrs. J. Carter. Hampton Wednesday afternoon. Various kinds of work were done. A short business session was conducted by the group leader, Mrs E. H. Cale. A special collection was taken for articles included in a box sent from the group ta the needy averseas. The hostess ser- ved dainty refreshments. The next meeting for this group will be held at Mrs. W. E. Stevens' on Navember 2th. Billy Widdecomb and Phyllis 'Niddery entertained a number of young friends at a party at the Widdecomb home on Thursday night when an enjoyable time was spent. Jean and Alan Keetch also entertained a number of young people on Saturday night at their home. Zion ~Miss Eileen Stainton attended a Club meeting at Bowmanville. Messrs A. T. Stainton and Aif Ayre have gone deer hunting. Mrs. Henry Patterson, Lucan, Mrs. Percy Bryce, Toronto, at F. Cameron's for a few days., Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster and Joan at Murray Williams', Port Perry. Mr. Henry DeMille at Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham and daughter, Barbara, Bowman- ville, at Gerry Glaspell's. Mr. August Geissberger, Edith, Bill and Chas., Harmony, at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moffatt and Paul, Oshawa, at Perey David- son s. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson and sons at J. MacNab's, Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Jack and Joyce attended a birth- day party at Delbert Flintoff's, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and Grace, Mrs. Jas. Stainton at Misses Leona and Elsie Stainton's, Oshawa. Miss Helen Cameron at Jas. Gibson's, Toronto. .Messrs Lloyd and Boyd AyreI Phones: 668 - Res. 523 or 7261 UMM%1 20.13< 2 20-cz. 3 Tins 229 -Pkg. 24e . IL Mg 2 Ibe. 23s -lb. 39o GABIEL2-Li~ ARCUYM Tin 254 C LA R K ' aISeuSTEW 1-o.Ise IfEINZ lADY FOUIS 3 Tins 239 QUAKER GATS Large Pkg. 194 CHOICE- V21 8HELLED SMVRNA S Pka.17 ries- BULK UNPITTED APIOTS * lb. 29e - b m649 Raglan at Sunday evening church iudging last week. 1»: ~me csecre e f (res* Co#ee - CUSTOM GROUND TO YOUR OWN METHOD 0F BREWING, THEREBY ASSURING YOU ttlTRUE COFFEE FLAVOUR AND FRESHNESS gfOS 0 OWNZO AND OPEPAE VVGR #v~ L AN 1 aP ARs -K& aWINEY lb 35< OÇç a 0. should answer these questions: r, D, LE BR STEAKS or ROA-STS PORTERHOUSIE, SIRLOIN, lb 4. WING or BONELESS ROUND--lb BRISKET for boiling - M. - lb.14c Fresh KiiIed Tender lumh LEGS lb. 41c FRONTS na. 25C GOLDEN RIPE N.1 DA]lVANAS i& l4c HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO. ONTARIO Z Branch Office 435 George St- Peterborough, Ontario PAGE PM Mr. and Mrs. Roy Craig and daughter, Mrs. Wright and Miss Helena White, Toronto, were vis- ithors at Miss Mary Katerson's. r Mrs. Ted Chant, Roy'and Vernt awith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ýMarshall at Oak Lake. Mrs. J. Chatterton with Mr. and Mrs. R. Narthey, Oshawa. Misses Dora Purdon, Port Mc- iNichoîl, and Margaret Purdon, -Cherrywood, visited their parents, iMr.. and Mrs. J. Purdan. 1 Dr. Everett Kerslake and Mrs. Ida Tennant, Toronto, and Miss 1Reta Kerslake, Bowmanville, vis- rited at the Salter home. Miss Dorothy Adamsan, Toron- to, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Wes. Reeds, Mr. V. Reeds, Fenelon Falls, Mrs. Don Campbell and daughter, Jean, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. E. Akister, Mr. and Mrs. G. Akister and Donald Zealand, Sunderland, Miss Wilma Powell and Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Boyle, Toronto, were guests at the home o! A. E. Bîllett. Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Base Line. spent a few days with Mrs. Lor- enzo TrulI. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and sans visited relatives in Ta- ronto. Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. IMr. and Mrs. Anson Balson and daughters, Betty and Doris, Mona Milîs, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hos- kmn, Thornton's Carner's, at J. W. Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns, Janet- ville, visited his sister, Mrs. J. Purdon and Mr. Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Armour visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Wood, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Lorme Hoskin, Murray and Allyn, Sohina, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Vivian and John, Maple Grave, were visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hoskin. Mrs. E. Sutton, Fleetwood, has returned ta her home after a three-week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy. Mrs. M. Mauntjoy made a busi- ness trip ta Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter and Mr. and Mrs. H. Salter visited friends at Greenbank on Sunday. C. E. Horn, Lorenzo Trull and Elias Greenway and Lindsay fri- ends are on their annual hunting trip in Haliburton. Women's Institute will meet this Friday afternoon instead o! Thurs- day. Mrs. Leslie Snowden, Maple Grove, will be guest speaker and Mrs. Summersfard will sing. All ladies o!. the cammunity are wel- came. Mr. Frank Rogers is in Bow- manville Hospital where he under- went an operation on Saturday. Albert McMahon is in the Kin- mount district on a hunting trip. A short Missionary program con- sisting o! a vocal solo "Jesus Loves Me This I Know" by Audrey Mac- nab and a Missionary quizz by Audrey Kersey, Phyllis Niddery, %Ethel Gilbert and Marion Kersey 'with Audrey leading, was present- ed. Misslonary Supt., Mrs. Bruce Hogarth, presided and reported Missionary givings ta date. At the evening church service A. L. Pascae, SaUina, by request o! the church board, gave a repart o! the conferénce a! the - General Council o! the United Church o! Canada which he attended at Montreal. Rev. E. S. Linstead gave a short message on the wards: "They that wait upan the Lord shail renew their strength,' stress- ing the importance and need o! 49waiting upon the Lord." The north sewing group met at thc home of Mns. A. E. Billett an T rustworthy Competence Campetent, impartial, and triistworthy ad- vice are so important ta a bereaved family. We stand ta serve you in this capacity in your most trying hour. Our efforts, aur fac- ilities, and aur professianal experience are offered ta those who seek aur help - re- gardless of whether they pay littie or much. NORTHCUTT &SMITH Funeral Directors - Ambulance Service THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO n a 7t e e n e d y a d e n TURNIPS WASHED and WAXED lb. P.E.I. GREEN MOUNTAIN No. 1 POMMTIES 10 Ibo. 230 6Bg 14 20 King St. W. d-----ý M ý 1

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