THURSDAY. NOV. l4th. 1948 THE CARADIAX STATESMAN. BOWM&NVILLE. ONTABIO PAGE ELEVEN RUPTURED ? *THE DOBBS TRUSS STRAPLESS BELTLESS BULBLESS It holds the muscles together with a soft concave pad. Keeps Rupture tightly closed at al times while working, lifting, walking or swimming. Light weight, touches body in but two places. CANNOT SLIP. Reason should teach you not to place a bulb or bail in opening of rupture, which keeps muscles spreüd apart. Factory Representative of THE DOBBS TRUSS CO. will demonstrate this trs i BOIVMAN VILLE bask for MR. L. HOMME at the BALMORAL HOTEL SATURDAY, NOV. 16th 4.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. A cali involves no obligation on your part. If you wish to buy the price i: Sluigle Trais ------ $15-00 Double Tras------- $20.0 (Clip This Ad NOW!1) Bowmanville Officer Posted to Winnipeg Heatiquarters Prairie Com- manti, Winnipeg, has announced appointment, effective October 1, o! Capt. W. J. Brown, Bowman- ville, Canadian Army Active Force, who serveti overseas with the'Lord Strathcona's Horse, as the Administration anti Training Officer for the 10 Armoureti Reg't. (FGH) commantieti by Lt.-Col. G. M. Churchill, with heatiquarters in Winnipeg, Man. In addition the Regîment has Squatirons in Selkirk, Man., anti St. Boniface, Man. AU attacheti staff are sent on refresher courses periodically in order to make them first class in- structors, anti also to keep them up to the minute in new Army de- velopments. The bravest are the tentierest,- The loving are the daring. -Bayard Taylor. Experîenced Guidance To bring solace to those who mourn, we direct a last memorial service - with reverance, dignity, and respect to the de- parted, and with sympathetic guidance and understanding for those who mourn. We off er honesty, experienced judgment, and competent handling of every detail. We offer our service anytime. Day or night. NORTHCUTT &SMITH Funeral Directors 20 King St. W. - Ambulance Service Phones: 668 - Res. 523 or 726 cz for YOUR home *f~t C"How to take the ruts aut of yaur breakfast routine ..- - w ~ays ta moke yaut kitchen "hamey" . . . what calor ta choose for your living raom... These are just a few of the intrguing new ideas furnished da'iy an the. Womon's Page of THIE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR These helpful Ideas are "plus value" ln this daly newspaper for the home that gives you worlcl news Interpreted ta show its impact on you and yaut family.. Use this coupon TeCrsinSinePbihn oit for your SPE- One, Norway Street. Boston 15, Massachusetts CIAL Introduc- Please enter a special irtroductory subscriptiori taI t rsbscripktiof The Christian Science Mnitr-5 weeks (30 issues) for $1 30 ssues - only Nome______________________ (U.. S. funds) Street_____________________ ICity State________t JPB.4 Local High School Elects ts Athletic Representatives Annual elections recently helti at Bowmanville Hîgh School to choose athletîc representatives for 1946-47, resulteti in the following siate, among both boys and girls. Each fonm voteti separately by ballot. Girls' Executive: President, Rose Kibsey; vice-president, Nor- ma Piper; secretary-treasuren, Marjorie Runtile. Form Representatives: 1, Don- othy Evans; 2, Miltireti Wilson; 3, June Bickle; 2B, Lorna Suddts; lB, Ruby Welsh; 1A, Betty Grant; 2A, Pat Bowles; Commercial, Vivian Prout. Boys' Executive: Presidenit, Charles Cattran; vice-president, Stuart Fenguson; secnetary-trea- surer, Glenn Hodgson; publicity manager, Tommy Ross. Form Representatives: 5, Ross Jackman; 4, Hank Tamblyn; 3, Art Reynoldis; Commercial, Harry Snowden; 2A, H. Buckspan; 2B, Frank Hoopen; lA, Jack Moffatt; lb, Allan Clark; 1C, Gortion Sturrock. ixton's Teamn Beats Courtice to Win Commanding Lead Ken Luxton spanket i hs bowl- ing team to a commanding leati in the League by taking 7 points from Courtice in hast week's play. This gives the Luxton quartette a total o! 35 points and a long 6 point leati over the Piper team, which just about cinches irst place in the curnent sçhedule. This top team also hati high 3 games with 3,199, but Reg Hearl's team took high single with 1,245. Cecil Osborne won top high single with 283, followeti by A. Spicer, 275, and Al Osborne 270. High 3 games fell to Art Spîcer with 709, followed by Bill Hearl 704.ý Ross McKnight anti Harry Depew wene tieti at 676. Standing, 6th week: Team Won Lost Pts. Luxton ------- 15 3 35 Piper -------------- 12 6 29 Hearle------------- 12 6 28 Runtile------------ il, 7 27 Coole -------------- 10 8 23 Westlake ----- 10 8 23 Roach ------------- 9 9 22 FEoundry ------ 9 9 20 Bagnell------------ 7 il 17 Courtice ------ 6 12 13 Carter -------- 5 13 il B.T.S--------------- 2 16 4 Averages: Name games Av. K. Luxton------------- 14 234 A. Osborne ------- 15 225 A. Spicer --------- 18 222 F. Williams-------- 16 219 J. Coole---------------- 17 212 J. Gay------------------- 15 212 B. Heanle -------------- 12 212 IB: Westlake ------- 15 210 E. Philps -------------- 14 210 D. Carter ------------- 18 209 A. Bell ----------------- 15 208 B. Mutton------------- 17 206 D. Little --------- 16 206 S. Woods -------------- 18 205 E. Roach --------- 17 204 M. Dale ------------ 15 204 F. Samîs ---- ----- 15 204 P. Cancilla ------- 17 203 Dr. Rundie ----------- 16 203 R. Richard------------- 14 2U3 J. Brough ------------- 16 202 W. Polley -------------- 18 201 B. Polley -------------- 15 201 C. Runtile------------- 16 201 D. Taylor -------- 12 200 Man's first cane shoulti be to avoid the reproaches o! his own heart, anti next to escape the censures o! the world. If the hast intenfere with the first it shoulti Ibe entirely nelected.-Addison. PP y 4p 11/?0//! Hard-working men need foods that "go to work" for them. That's why they drink plenty of rilk for our freshi, high-grade pasteu.rized milk is the perfect energy food. Glen Rae Dairy Phone 444 For Delivery King St. W., Bowmanville SPORT NEWS president, Mrs. S. Chapman; re- cording anti corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. C. Cowan; press secre- tary, Mrs. Wm. Wannan; treasur- er, Mrs. J. H. Lowery; organist, Mrs. Wm. Wannan; fiowVen com- mittee, Mrs. Wm. Allun, Mrs. J. Wannan, Mrs. H. Lowery; visiting committee, Mrs. J. Thompson, Mrs. S. B. Rutherford,, Mrs. F. Graham; devotional committee, executive as named. W.A. are holding a social at the church on Friday evening, Nov. 22nd. There will be motion pic- tures anti a goti lunch. Visitors: Mrs. Annie Philips, Detroit, with Mr. anti Mrs. J. Wannan. Mr. anti Mrs. Eti. Lawson, Yel- verton, with Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Mr. anti Mrs. Milton Elliott, Bowmanville, wîth Mr. anti Mrs. F. Brimacombe, also Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Wannan anti Mr. John Mc- Kelvey. We are glati to report both Mrs.. Fred Brîmacombe and Mn. Chas. Rutherford are improving in health. The silenice that accepts menit as the most natural thing in the world is the highest -applause.- Emerson. Exodus of *Nimrods Featured Pasf Week According to pness reports the crack o! rifle fire is scattering an- tlered nannies ail across northern Ontario at the present time. The opening o! the deer season is al- ways an event that lunes hardy nimrods to the highlands to have a final season's flîng at the discom- forts o! nemote shacks in the hope of bringing back trophies o! thein prowess and a hunk o! venison for the home town neighbors. How extensively this faîl fever has affected the usual Bowman- ville contingent coulti fot be learneti in full as we go to ISress. Enquiny at local hardware stores gave up little news. Ammunition, it was tolti, was simply ,not to be had. A few far-sighted'souls had for weeks assembled. small sup- plies. Others will have to haunt northern emporiumns. So far as we coulti leann, two have already returneti with their quota, Col. Lorne T. McLaughlin and Fred C. Hoar. Others now absent among woods andi rocks are Dr. H. B. Runtile, Art Etiger, Lance Plain, W. Kitson, Mayor C. G. Morris, Bill Bagnell, Percy Cowling, Hap Palmer and Palmer Senior. We hope to leann more names as the season advances and the trophies come home. The full story will come out at the annual venison dinner to be held in a lakeside cottage at a later date. Reports have come in from other districts, most certain- ly not this one, that the hunting twins, Johnnie andti Hram Walk- er together with the Smith Bro- thers, Trade and Mark, have been seen on the trails and in the cab- ins. OPEN SEASON FOR SQUIRRELS Gray or black squirrels may be hunted, taken or killed in any part o! Ontario on the lSth and l6th days of November, 1946, up- on the condition that no person hunt, take or kill in any one day an aggregate number of squirnels in excess o! five. * Starkville At the public speaking contest in Orono, Marilyn Leask, Taunton, who won first prize, is a pupil o! Miss Eileen Farrow of Bradley's school. We extend congratula- tions. Mn. Jacob Hallowell is in Tor- onto. Mr. andi Mrs. T. Falls, Kendal, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- well. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cowan, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilmer, Bowmanville, at Clarence Gil- mer's. Mrs. Hanry Harrington, Toron- to, is with her mother, Mrs. Jacob Hallowell. Mr. Minto in Toronto. Mrs. Milîson anti' daughter, To- ronto, at Mr. Victor Farrow's. Miss Nellie Shutka and friend visiteti at M. Shutka's. Mr. anti Mrs. George Smith at Mr. anti Mrs. George Stapleton's. Sorry to hear that Mr. Harold Shea, Crooketi Creek, was in the bus accident at Brighton. Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newton- ville with Mrs. Carl Todd. Mrs. C. Reidi anti Hazel, Toron- to at Mrs. W. Woocl's. Bert Trim is attending the Roy- al Winter Fair. Mr. anti Mrs. Sidi Hallowell anti family visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Carmen, Eldorado. Kirby W.M.S. anti W.A. met Nov. 5. Mrs. R. Allun, president, openeti the meeting. She gave a reading on the theme for this month "In Christian Homes." Mrs. Wm. Wannan read a story o! "Christian Home Week in Jullundur City" where a whole week o! lovely ser- A REGULAR CHECK UP Have your radio checked regularly . . . a minor ad- justment may assure you of top performance. Let one_ o! our experts help you eliminate trouble. Cail to- day. Roy W. Neads Crosley Radios Records - Record Players Amateur Supplies 85 King St. E. Phone 580 On the Roci There la a large army of outdoor men who have learned to depend on Dr. Chaae's Kidney-Liver Pilla. Rid- ing on traina or trucka cauaesaa jarring which ia bard on the. kidneys as la also the. exposure to all kinds of wind and weather. Thia medicine goea to atimulate the action of the. kidneya and relieve the. backachea which s0 often reault. For over hal! a century they have been popular with railway men, truckeru and farmers. Haydon Meiville Bertrim has put a new roofing on his house. James Hanna is making a gar- age in the back part of his house. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mr. James Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and family at Mr. R. J. Ash- ton's, Port Hope. Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Ashton at Mr. Milton Werry's, Oshawa. Mrs. H. J. Werry with Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Port Hope. Mrs. Harry Bird and Margaret, Mount Hamilton, Mr. W. Gifflar, Sunderland, at Mr. T. S. Mount- joys. Mrs. Earl Degeer, Mr. Harry Degeer at Mr. Shelton Degeer's, Bancroft. Mrs. H. Ashton, Mrs. A. Read and Ina Beryl with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon with frientis in Bowmanville. Mrs. A. Brown, Toronto, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Bowman- ville, at Mr. W. Trewin's,. Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin at Mr. Bert Ferguson's, Eniniskillen. Mr. anti Mrs. A. Moore and family, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Har- oldi Moore and babe, Tyrone, Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Stevens, Bowman- ville, Mrs. Russell Cochrane and Bernice, Brady, Miss Helen Moore, Solina, at Mr. Frank Moore's. Mr. Gordon Slemon, Toronto, at home. Mr. anti Mrs. A. Beech at Mr. W. Smith's, Oshawa. Miss June Anderson in Toron- to. We are sorry to lose Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Stevens from our com- munity. Bill has procured work in a garage at Bowmanvîlle. Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson and family, Mr. Newton, Bowmanville, were visitors at Mr. L. Ashton's. Nestieton Nestleton W.I. met at the home of president Mrs. Malcolm Em- erson on November 6th. There were 21 ladies and some children present. Mrs. Wm. Steele anti Mrs. M. Emerson were appointeti delegates to the convention. Mrs. Harry Philp was in charge of the program and gave a paper on citizenship.- Reading by Mrs. Geo. Proutt, "Your Record;" reading by Mrs. Weldon Neal on "Peace on Earth;" piano solo by Irene Emerson, "Soldier's March." Rol cail, "Little things that make life beautiful." Hostess andi ail those in charge were given a hearty vote of thanks. A dainty lunch was served. December meeting at Mrs. Harry McLaughlin's, Dec. 4th. The pot luck supper put on by CARTWRIGHT COUNCIIL Cartwright Council met Nov. 4th with members ail present and Reeve N. Green presiding. Letter from Clerk o! the Peace stateti selection o! jurons for 1947. Request for culvent i n oati to Sa- vignac Islandi was re!erred to the roati engineer. Request anti re- port from Port Penny Hospital was fileti; C. G. Venning's tender to operate the arena the coming season was accepteti. Information requesteti for cost o! arena for stock sale was set at $25. Reeve, Roati Supenintendent anti Clerk were appointeti a commit- tee to look a! ter sale o! wood on Con. 9 anti investigate fence south o! Nestleton. Clenk was instruct- eti to noti!y Jas. White to remove brush off roati allowance, quarter line, Con. 2. These orders were passeti: Clerk' o! Peace, certifying Voters' Lists $8; selectiing jurons for 1947, $6; R. Wall, 3 sheep trips $6; H. Fow- 1er, rebate tax $5.10; treasurer, postage, $25; O. McQuade, 1 lalnb kîhleti $12. Council adjourned to meet Dec. 2 at 1 p.m. PROVIDENCE FORUM We met at Mrs. F. Phillips' with 21 present. Subject was "What About Home Improvement?" Most farm homes are in neeti o! repain anti modern conveniences but due to hack o! help anti time, the shortages o! gooti building material, especially propen cuneti lumber, and the fact that so many people just can't get out o! the olti rut, they have been in for years. The lack o! initiative to stant some repair themselves, anti the cost o! labor would soon eat up the cash set asidie for improve- ments. The uncentainty o! what will !ollow this perioti o! high wages anti fair returns for farm produce has a tendency on the part o! farmers who liveti through the last depression to go slow in the spending o! their savings. A community might co-operate ina beautification contest or plan by purchasing anti using spray paint- ing equipment, anti also organize classes in woodworking anti ne- decorating o! their homes. Next meeting at Mr. Herb Nichols'. the W.A. and M.S. on Friday night was quite a success. Proceeds over $30. Mr. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton, has been helping his son, Mr. Victor Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dickey. Mr. Reid Dickey, Cadmus, visit- eti Mr. andi Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conlin, Janetville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samelîs. Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. Scott, Osh- awa, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Har- oldi Wheeler. Mrs. L. Joblin visited her cou- sin, Mrs. Wm. Vancamp at Black- stock. Mrs. Weldon Neal, Victoria Rd., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt. A number from here attendeti Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Tom's silver wedding anniversary at Shirley on Saturday evening. Mrs. R. B. Harrison has been on the sick list. Miss Jean Malcolm, Islington, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Henry visited friends in Lndsay. Mrs. R. W. Marlow wîth friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns vis- îted Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. Herman Samells visiteti his father, Mr. Wm. Sameils who has been ill. Mrs. G. Panke, Woodbritige, visited Mrs. George Johns. Mr. Maurice Nesbitt has re- turned from the west and reports a good time and fine trip. Mr. Ralph Sadier is attending the Winter Fair and showing horses. Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Wheeler visiteti her sister Mrs. Melville Tracey, Kilworthy. Wesleyville Sunday School met at 10:30 with an attendance of 34. Mr. Carroll Nicholls acted, as super- intendent in the absence of Mr. W. Bee. Miss Lillian McCaw, Brock- ville, with Mrs. Haroldi Barrow- clough. Mr. J. Snell, Peterboro, visiteti his mother, Mrs. Charles Snell. On Wednesday afternoon the work accomplishments o! the pu- puls was on display when parents were present to inspect them.. Mr. and Mrs. S. Vannatto and son, Alvin, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholîs. Mr. anti Mrs. M. Ramkin, Ma- doc, with Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Banrowclough. Mr. Neal Anderson, Millbrook, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson. Thursd*ay evening members of the Book Club met at Mrs. Edgar Barnowclough's. Mr. andi Mrs. Kenneth Dinner andi Ronnie with Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Snell. A crokinole party was helti in the basement of the church spon- sored by the Women's Association. There were nine tables, Mrs. H. Brooking winning the ladies' prize Mr. Earl Inch the men's, and Miss Dolores Dickerson the consolation prize for ladies, and Master Ross Dinner the consolation prize for1 men. Mrs. Ross Anderson and son arrived on Monday from Scotland.. Mr. Victor Thorndyke motoreti to Bury's Green on Sunday tak- ing with him his daughter, Mrs. Grenville Flett who has been visiting him. Farm Forum met Mond.ay ev- ening at Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne's and were favoreti with Russell Osbonne and Melville Staples as guest speakers. A pleasant and profitable evening was enjoyeti. Messrs. Truman and Harold Austin and Bruce Dinner are on a deer-hunting trip. Miss Pauline Peters, Morrish, visited Ruth Payne on Sunday. Saturday - November 16th THE EAST SIDE KIDS i "DBOWERY CHAMPS" - AND - Cantry THE BLIND HORSE, RACING SENSATION 0F THE AGE! 'PRIDE 0F THE BLUE GRASS' CARTOON Mon. - Tues.'- Wed. - Nov. 18 - 19 -20 AN EXCITING MYSTERY WHICH WJLL KEEF YOU IN A STATE 0F SUSPENSE TILL THE END "BLUE DAHLIAý" <Aduit Entertalnment) FOX LATE NEWS CARTOON IN COLOR FREE TOR ALL TROT AT DUFFERINý PARK TORONTO *ý SATURDAY Fastest Record Trotters in Training High Class Supporting Programme FIRST HEAT - - 1.30 P. M. Admission (including tax) - - - $1.20 Ladies Free No Charge for Spaclous Grandstand TOP NOTCH- RESTAURANT A wise car-owner kxxows 1that for smooth driving, it ian 't the name of his car... but the upkeep. Have our mechanics in- spect your car regularly ... to trouble-shoot minor defects and consistently smooth driving. Drive in today. GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666 King st. E., Boywmanville SYVWMING POOLS wa. The goverrnent health au- Value of indoor swimming thorities express the hope that, pools. which provide recreational in communities *where indoor facilities in seasons when open%-air swimming baths are not avail-, bathing is not advisable is empha- able, public-spirited citizens will sized by the Department of Na- band together to provide such aida tional Health and Welfare, Otta-. to recreation and health. RBOWMANVLLE - PHONE59E TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT Thursday - Friday - Nov. 14 - 15 ""TRIS LOVE 0F OURS"1 THE KIND 0F STORY MOST WOMEN KEEF LOCKED IN THEIR HEARTS! Starring MERLE OBERON CLAUDE RAINS CHARLES KORVIN - PLtJS - CARTOlON IN COLOUR SHORT: "MAID TROUBLE" -------- --- N ------------- ---- ý wàmwmmov THE CAMADIAN STATESMAX. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO PAGE TRURSDAY, NOV.. 14th, 1946 04