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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1946, p. 3

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PAGE TEN %Igrr. V~ANMA rT A M Sq'AT'rU'MAiT 1fWMANVILE.T O NTARIO T!HURSDAY, NOV. 2lst, 1946 J' * -- ' - Maple Grove Institute Holds Famiîy Affair November meeting of Maple Grove Women's Institute took the form of a family meeting, the husbands and children being guests for the evening. President, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, conducted the business and called on Mrs. H. Wright, the Home Economics lead- er who, in turn introduced t" ie speaker, Rev-. H. Linsteadi. His topic of "Friendship" 'was well dealt with and greatly enjoyed. Doris Stevens favored with a solo andi encore, and Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. J. D. Stevens conducted a Home Economics quiz. Mrs. Sands led in a contest and lunch was served to about 90 people. THE GIFT TRAT SAYS "ALWAYS YOURS"... Now is the time to corne in and let us capture your personality for your Christmas gift-giving. Make your appointment early t&% have your pictu.re ready for bhristmas. The Alpha Studio- 40 King St. E. Bowrnanville GREATER SKILL FOR MORE MILES Have a recap job on your tires that you can count on for rnany niles of trouble-free driving. Our skilled workmen will assure you of expert recapping and offer you the benefits of their long experience. Corne in today and avoid tire trouble. G.F. Jamieson Tire Shop Phone 467 46 King St. W. Bowinanville <lai/med!gal PLASTICS - What greater pleasure than things you want frorn these materials! Sheets (clear or cc Rods (clear only). 'SARFE'S ENAMELS - To give that pri2 of handiwork a most suitable f BRANTINE PAINT REMOVER - For finish remove the old one. PRE-WAR FLOOR WAX - Hurry to get i one ......................... Per T ii JOY RECORD PLAYERS - Plays 12 recc automatic change .. ............ USALITE FLASHLIGHTS - The handi on the market. A really smnart g ift ........................... tAREPAIR SERVICE - for any radio. worknianship our specialty. r. C. CFCID ZBOWMNIL 52 King St. W. Ph imaking enewest mloured) . [ed piece- finish. a better in on this n 500 erds with $39.50 est light $3.15 Quality hofe 2174 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson, Mr. Alfred Gîbson, Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Mary Gibson, R.N, Ro- chester, N.Y., were visitors on Saturday with their aunt, Mrs. Robert Gibson. Thirty-eight pupils from Ne.v- castlç High and Public Schools journeyed by chartered Collacutt bus to Toronto to the Royal Win- ter Fair last Wednesday. Annual Thank Offering o! St. George's Church W.A. was held in the Parish Hall, Nov. l2th with Mrs. J. B. Hammond, Toronto, secretary of "Living Message" as guest speaker. President Mrs. W. H. Gibson, presided and Rev. Douglas Dewdney read the pray- ers. The various secretarys pre- sented their reports. TreaÊurer's report showed a small balance needed towards the pledges, but this amount was amply made up by the collection. Mrs. Hammond chose for her very instructive and interesting address "General Work of the W.A." Guests were present from St. John's W.A., Bowmanville, and St. Saviour's W.A., Orono. Tea was servedi un- der the convenership o! Mrs. Geo. Gaines. Report o! Banquet and presen- tations to Newcastle veterans ap- pears on page 14. Mrs. David A. Valleau, Oshawa, Mrs. Cecil F. Cannon, Toronto, and Mrs. Earl Wynn, Port Hope, were joint hostesses at a tea and reception at the home o! Mrs. Valleau, Oshawa, in honor of their sister, Mrs. E. T. Arnold-Forester, Sussex, England. Mrs. Arnold- Forester who is the former Miss Jessie Gibson of Newcastle has re- turned to Canada for a visit after an absence o! 22 years. Guýests from Newcastle were M\rs.W- lace Holmes, Mrs. Robert Gibson, Mrs. Scott Howard, Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Mrs. Stella Anderson, Solina Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa, at A. L. Pascoe's. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, at home. Miss Gladys Yellowlees withr relatives at Toronto.1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake1 and Phyllis Ann with Mrs. Edith Marlow, Bowmanville. b Mrs. Jack Baker with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Peterboro. Miss Helen Langmaid with her sister, Miss Muriel Langmaid,1 R.N., Peterboro.r Mrs. F. Cook and. Frank, En- field; Mrs. Geo. Mutton and Judy, Bowmanville, at Frank West- lake's. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson andj Ileen at Hector Bowen's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoar, Orono, at E. R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. John Grooms and Jackie, Toronto, at S. E. Werry's. Charles Langmaid' andi Bruce Taylor, Agricultural School, at Kemptville, spent Armistice weekend at their homes. Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Pearl Leach in charge of the program. Bill Leask assisted. in the worship service. "The Light of the World" was depictedi in1 pageant by Eileen Farrow, Eunice Leask, Barbara Leask, Harvey Yellowlees, Harold Clendennen and Ewart Leask. A vocal solo by Betty Smales and reading by Jean Cryderman were enjoyed as were the impromptu speeches by Harvey Yellowlees on "My Most Thrilling Moment" andl Ewart Leask on "How I woulcl like to spend my vacation." Ross Cryd- erman, assistant to the convener, led the recreational periodi. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson (Muriel Baker) on the bîrth of their son. Mrs. J. C. Smales was delegate from Solina to the Women's Insti- tute Convention at Toronto last week. Mrs. S. E. Werry also at- tended as District President from this area. Revival of the Royal Winter Fair was again the pleasant mo- tive for chartering .a Garton bus Friday, when approximately 33 people enjoyed a day at the Fair in Toronto. Mrs. Alex Potter underwent an operation at Mount 5mnai Hospi- tal, Toronto. Mr. Sid Hockaday is making extensive alterations to his new home in the village. Arthur Blanchard is taking charge of Mr. Frank Rogers' trucking business while he is ill at Bowmanville Hospital. Don Yonson left for Windsor, Monday. Mrs. Yonson has' been at Windsor for three weeks where her brother, James Macfie, con- tinues critically ill following an operation. Wesley Werry and H. J. Brooks won fifth prize on their Holstein 'bull at the Royal Winter Fair. Home and School Club meeting xill be held Fridtay evening, Nov. 23. No Church or Sunday School service at Elq ad Sunaay on ac- count of Hampton anniversary. ANNOUNCEMENT on Tuesdays A Representative of The Singer S.wing Machine Co. will be lu Bowmanville to service ail makes of sewing machines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed If In need of service write or phone before the above day.. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phone Oh - Oshawa 17-tf Mrs. Dopiald Gibson, Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mrs. Howard Gibson; Miss Cora Butler, Miss Beatrix McIntosh, Miss Ethel Lockhart, Misses Na- omi and Aualrey Horrock. Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett, Erie, Pa., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Layton. C.G.I.T. group met Nov. l2th with President Marjo:rie Toms in charge. The girls worked on maps of India on which this year's stu- dy book is based. Recreation was enjoyeci before the meeting ad- journed. Messrs. Harold, Frank and Ted Hoar spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Ed. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Feary, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lyson, Rochester, N.Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gogerty. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philip, were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Reidi, Mr. andl Mrs. Bruce Reid and two- children, Beamsville. Mrs. Chas. Thackray, Toronto, was, guest of her parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Herbert Brown. Mrs. Eva Foley, Toronto, visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Stella An- derson, on her way to Kingston. Mrs. Stanley Brown accomp- anied by Mrs. Gordon Watson, Orono, spent a few days in Tor- onto. Y.P.U. met Nov. llth with Christian Missions convener, Pau- line DeLine in charge. She was assisted by Betty Stephenson. Mrs. Morley Sallows conducted a hymn sing song which preceded the worship period. Business per- iod was conducted by President Evelyn Allin. The chief item of discussion was that of holding "An Open Nîght." Mr. Cecil Carveth showed two reels o! interesting pictures. Mrs. R. G. Wright and Mr. Roy Wright, Toronto, visited Mrs. A. Wetherall. Haydon Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, it's a fine baby girl. Mr. Lloyd Ashton, Mr. Ray Degeer, Miss Cora Deigeer, John- ny Jones, Jr., at Mr. S. Degeer's, Bancroft. Lloyd Ashton brought home a deer. W.A. met at Mrs. Cecil She- ,mon's on Thursday. Rev. A. E. Cresswell took the worship per- iod. Readings were given by Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy and Mrs. Olesen. Mrs. A. Beech played an instru- mental, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton ren- dered a solo, Mrs'. W. Blackburn and Miss Eiheen Cowling sang a duet and accompanled themsehves on guitars. Ehection o! officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. J. Potts; vice-president, Mrs. T. Mountjoy; secretary, Mrs. W. Blackburn; assistant secretary, Mrs. Olesen; treasurer, Mrs. C. Garrard; pianist, Mrs. A. Beech; assistant pianist, Mrs. A. Read; card committee, Mrs. H. Ashton; emergency committee, Mrs. F. Moore and Mrs. H. Ashton; group conveners, Mrs. Frank Moore, Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mrs. Don Ca- meron and Mrs. Cecil Shemon. A donation o! $10.00 was voted to the canvass for the new parson- age. Lunch was served ýby Mrs. Cecil Slemon's group. Mr. andi Mrs. James Grant, Mr. andi Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Tor- onto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. Mr. T. Mountjoy at the Royal Winter Fair and Mr. Ê. Mountjoy's in Islington. Mr. Milton Siemon at the Royal Winter Fair and Mr. Gordon She- mon's, Toronto. % Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Moore, Hel- en and Bill, Miss June Anderson at Mr. Bill Stevens, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron at Mrs. Chas. Rice's, Bowmanville. Miss Marie Ashton at Mr. W. Brownlee's, Leaside. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. M. Bertrim at his father's, Mr. George Bertrim's, Crow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family at Mr. M. Blackburn's, in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin and Donna Marie, Port Credit, Mrs. S. Trewin, Enniskillen, Mrs. T. Prout, Mrs. E. Welsh, Mrs. Frank Rulidle, Miss Linda Rundie, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Mr. Jim Martyn, Miss Clare Trewin, Bow- manville, at Mr. W. Trewin 's. Mr. and, Mrs. Bert Ashton and !amily, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ash- ton's. Mr. James Hanna in Toronto. Mr. A. Brown, Toronto, at Mr. W. Trewin's. Mrs. A. Brown re- turned home after spending a week with Miss May Trewin. Starkville Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell andi family were in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. Milîson and daughter, Tor- onto, visited at her father's, Vic- tor Farrow. Mr. W. A. Hallowell is in Osh- awa Hospital. Mrs. Forrester, Westport, and Mrs. E. Ruthven, Zion, visited Mrs. A. Dobson. Mr. A. Minto's sister from To- ronto is visiting him. Mr. and Mrs. G. Powers, Clarke Union, visited Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's, was home. Mrs. Lorne Paeden visited Mrs. Jackson, Orono., Miss Helen Dechert was in To- ronto. Mr. Walter Farrow, Newcastle, visited Howard Farrow. Mr. Jacob Hallowell has re- turned from Toronto. Misses Audrey and Lorraine Farrow, Newcastle, were home. Mrs. W. A. Hallowell was in Toronto. Burketon Couple 63 Years Married Mr. and Mrs. James McLaugh- a family gathering. Many friends lin, the grand old couple of Burk- and neighbors also called to ex- eto, wo clebate thir 3rdtend congratulations. Mr. Mc- eton wh ceebrted thir 3rdLauglin is 86 and Mrs. McLaugh- wedding anniversary at their lin 81 and both enjoy remarkably home on Thursday, Nov. 14, when good health as they go about their the occasion was observed with1 daily duties. Burketon The November meeting o! the W.A. met at the home o! Mrs. J. Carter with a good attendance. It was planned to hold a bazaar and social evening in the near fu- ture.1 At the close o! the meeting, the president, Mrs. J. Gill presented a tablecloth to Mrs. Aldred who is leaving for Norwood, in apprecia- tion of the work she did for the W.A. durng lher fifteen years in Burketon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin who celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary, Thursday, Nov. 14th, with'their usual family gathering. Rev. J. McKîbbon and several !rom trie village o! Blackstock called on them.1 Mrs. J. Carter and Freddie at- tended the Royal Winter Fair and saw the Santa Claus parade on Saturday. Mrs. H. Gill and Donny are spending a week with Mrs. Gill's mother in Coîborne. Mrs. Hopely spent the weekend in Toronto and Hamilton. The Aldred famîly gave two parties for the young people be- fore leaving. On Friday afternoon, school chums o! Joan and Glenn Aldred set aside a few moments o! their Junior Red Cross meeting to pre- sent Joan with a plastic compact and Glenn with a leather billfold as memoirs of their years in Burk- eton school. Marjorie Hanthorn read an appropriate address and Joan expressedi their deep apprec- iation. On Saturday afternoon, Joan and Glenn entertained all their school chums at a farewell party at their home. Mrs. Gordon Culham and child- ren, Guelph, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. }Hopely. Miss Prudence McIntosh, En- niskillen, visited with Miss Jeanne Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulter. Bowmanville, with Mrs. Heasman. Mr. andi Mrs. Bpyant and fam- ily, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams andi Mary visited i wth relatives in Oshawa. Congratulations to Mr. andi Mrs. Ovral Greer (nee Betty Moffat) married Nov. 161h. also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford of Black- stock (nee Bessie Edgerton) mar- ried Nov. 16th. Wesleyville Women's Association met Wed- nesd'ay at Mrs. Richard Best's. There was a large attendance with The iNfewciaistIeIndependent Phone: Clarke 3314g WANTED Old Horses Highest Market Prices Paid Truck your horses to us or.Phone KNOX FUR FARM1 Orono Phone 64r2 Formerly Doc Sherwin's Farm1 Dg D p Several Brands Fancy 620 o19 Tomato Juice Quality2£ tins A Maple Leaf44o Cake Flour pkg 27 ]Burns 15 oz Beef or Lamb Stew 2 tins29 Burns Splced 12 oz Speef Be i 3 Aunt Dinah 16 oz 6 M~oasses btlA French Prepared 6 oz Bç Mustard bU v Domnol Motor AUl 6 qt 011 Grades tin99 Dr. Bailard'a L)og iv ood2 tins29 Rlchmeilo Orange 8 oz Tea Pekoe pkg 39Ç Domino15s1Ç6'5Ç 'Cea Biags 15s5 0' SeveW IBrandi Sandrd202oz 3çj GOLDEN RIPE 5o 9Z BNAA tinV NA S THE SANIBOY two guest speakers. Mrs. Edigar Barrowclough gave a ta]k on Peace.. We were pleasedi to have her with us after an absence of nearly three years. Dr. Oke gave an interesting talk on Armistice Day. Ken Dinner, Arnold Austin, Ed- gar Barrowclough and Gilbert Austin are on a deer hunt at Bays- water. Congratulations to Bruce Dmn- ner who shot a doe and a fawn with one shot. Mrs. Carrol Nichols spent Sat- urday at Mount Pleasant with her parents. Mr. andi Mrs. Sidney Lancas- ter, Newtonville, Mrs. W. J. Nich- ols, Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. andi Mrs. Carroll Nichols. Mrs. Harry Meeking, Port Hope, visited Mrs. Arnold. Thorndyke. Howard Payne was guest of Al- an Peters and family at the Royal Winter Fair and also attended the graduation exercises at Danforth Technical School where Miss Pau- line Peters graduated from the Vocational Course. Others attending the Royal Winter Fair were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols and family, George Tufford and C. Payne and, family. Maple Grove Mr. andi Mrs. Lawson Corrigan, Shawville, Que., Mr. and. Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick, recently visited at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Several W.I. members attend- ed the Central Ontario W.I. con- vention at the Royal York H-otel, Toronto, last week. Quite a number from here at- tended the Royal Winter Fair hast week. The New Plastic Radio Ini Varions Colours $38z50 The Radio Shop 38 KING ST. E. PHONE 573 TEXAS 96's GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 29e Campbell* 210Ooz25 Soups 2 tn 5 Beef Noodie, Chieken Noodie 12 oz 24Ç SUNKIST CALIF. VALENCIAS ~jar ORANGES 344's doz 29e . . lb. 14e EMPEROR GRAPES -- lb. 17c 2 20 z g5ç OREGON BOSC tins A PEARS - . 21bs 25e 14 z 5ÇGREEN PASCAL _____ CELERY - 2 Staiks 19c 125 ft 29 FRESH CALIFORNIA rol DATES - 8 oz. pkg 35e CHERISTMÂS CAXE REQUIR!EMRNTS 1. Cut Mix Peel 2. Cut Mix Fruits 3. Glaced Cherries 4. Ail Varieties of Sheiled Nuts IDOMINION STORES LIMITED Aylmer Iniant Foods Apricot Custard, Peaches, Prunes Prune Custard Rose Chutney Piekie Diced Beets or Carrots Poats Bran Flakes Cut-Rite Wax Paper Solex 25, 40, 60 Each Lamps Watt Ec Frys 8 o 9 6o 1 Cocoa tin tin Writinglarge Pads sz o VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOS- INO, SATURDAY, NOV. 28rd p Kitchen Garbage Containers $6.50Complete ADDISON MANILE RADIOS z: imariov,%.

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