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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1946, p. 5

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PAGE PMV TL RJU %J lJ 04 HECNAIN TTEMNBWMNLEJOTRY z. zuu m-. -u-m-u-u-. -u-m-m- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 1 ~Phone 63. -0<X* - ->>M - -- -- -- -- -- m mum-m Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis visit- ed triends in Port Hop2e. Mrs. Nellie Fraser TojTonto, is visiting with Mrs. C .H. Mason. Mr. Thomas Bennett is visiting Mr. and Mis. Thos. Bennett, Tor- fMr. and Mrs. A. H. Clemens ' spent the weekend* with Mr. Non- '~an Clemens, Toronto. Mr. George Underhill and Mr. JarWs Clark, Toronto, were guests 0 pnds and relatives. PRoseIrwinCowan lock Dr. Lyall Hodgins, O.B.E., Van- couver, B.C., is visiting his moth- er, Mrs. Ensley Hodgins. Mrs. B. Humphreys, Belleville, was guest at the hotne off Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aluin, Centre St., on Sunday. Misses Peggy Tighe, Jean Cur- tis and Naureen Forsythe, Aurora, weekend guests with Miss Helen Tighe. rMiss Eleanor Johnston, College off Pharmacy, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Mrs. John James and John, Jr., visited Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, To- ronto and took in Toyiand and the Santa Clause parade.. Late advice is that S. S. Staples, Ida, and Donald Tinney, Cavan, were winners in the Hackney class at the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. Goldie H-astirigs, Toronto, was a weekend visitor with the Foster famiiy, Glenn-Larra, King St. East. Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn, after an enjoyabie trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widdis and Jack, Toronto, attended the Ames- Palmer wedding in Oshawa on Saturday. Dii. and Mrs. M. Rudell and daughter, Margaret, Guelph, spent the weekend with Dr. and Phone 836 See our large variety Wool and Fur Gloves. that is smart and appireciated. of Kid, A gift always 95e to $3.25 HANDBAGS Give her a glft she will carry wlth her at aIl times, a beauti- fui Handbag, either plastic or leather. $3.95 to $11.95 FOR THE HOME What makes a better gîft fc mother than something for t! home. We suggest: FINE TABLECLOTHS CHENILLE BEDSPREADS See them on display. Mrs. W. M. Rudeli. 1 Mrs. P. E. Greenfield spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kershaw, Toronto. Mrs. W. A. Edger returned home with her. Mrs. Cora Allun and Marjorie, Hampton, visited the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson, Oshawa. Town Engineer Alf. Bickle has his street crew with the tar pot boîling out on pavements filling in cracks as insurance for the win- ter. Dr. W. S. Kirkland', Ontario Dept. off Education made his an- nual visit off inspection at Bow- manville Business School, Mon- day. Miss Audrey Grant, Betty Cum- mings and Mary Lou Lamont, Western Hospital, Toronto, were weekend guests off Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grant. Mrs. Fitchett has come up from Montreal owing to the serious iii- ness off her father, Mr. Wm. Pain- ton, who is now a patient in Bow- manville Hospital. Mrs. W. Nowýells, Toronto, spent a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiliatts. Mrs. Willatts, Reg and Muriel returned with her for a«weekend visit. L. A. Williamson, Pontypool, writes: Please find $2.00 for The Statesman. We would be lost if the paper ever stopped coming. It is just like a letter ffrom home. His many ffriends will be glad to know that Mr. F. R. Kersiake is now able to get up part off each day at his home affter undergoing a serious operation at Bowman- ville Hospital. First stifif frost off the season came Friday night, Nov. 15. Ice has appeared mornings for several days but a bright sun continues. Indian summer weather and fali plowing goes merrily along. Out off town guests attending Miss Marion Allin's trousseau tea on Saturday included Mrs. Ralph Flintoif, Toronto, and Miss Ann Reese, Mrs. A. Etchel, Mrs. D. Patte and Mrs. R. Pinder, Oshawa. Anothei contrîbutor to the ship- ment off Hoisteins to the Argen- tine was M. J. Tamblyn, Orono, according to advice received from the Holstein Association which indicates the price paid to be $1,- 500. Bowmanville Wheelers, Inter- mediate Basketbail team were in Toronto, ýFriday, to see the Hus- kies tangle with Providence in proffessional basketball. Watch Wheeiers do their stuf at the High Sehool Saturday night. Our story on Bell Telephone work omitted to tell that the con- tract for laying conduit is in the hands off G. M. Gest, Toronto and Montreal. The supervisor off the job is George Beattie and the fforeman is J. Laceby. Work is proceeding on Elgin St. .Editor Geo. W. James attended the Association off Canadian Ad- vertisers Annual Dinner at the Bowmanville Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Friday night when he was an honored guest at the heed table. Production Manager John M. James and Advertising Manager Bill James also attended the din- ner when Napier Moore was the guest speaker. Among the many children from town who saw Santa arrive in Toronto on Saturday were Donald Osborne, Karlyn McDonald, Lyn- da and Lee Rackham, Larry and Larraine Jamieson, Margaret Ir- ene Vanstone, John James, Jr., Norman and Douglas James, Bren- da, Carol and John Oke, Carol Plummer, Shirley and Leon Mof- fat, Brian Martin, Tomlinson fa- mily and many others. Guest from Bowmanville at the Ames-Palmer wedding in Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa, Saturday evening, Nov. l6th in- cluded Mr. R. Ames, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent, Mr. and Mrs. James Chilcott, Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Williams, Mr. Donald Mason, Mr. M. Littlewood, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown. Also Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare, Newcastle. Miss Aileen Gibbs and Mrs. Hil- da Braden entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower in Oshawa on Thursday evening for Miss Mar- ion Allun in honor of her approa- ching marriage. Twenty-five girls from Oshawa and Bowmanville were present and surprised Miss Allin with a variety of useful and dainty gifts. Lunch was served by the hostesses and the best wishes of the gathering were ex- tended to Marion at the close off the evening.- Miss Marion Allun was honored Wednesday evening, Nov. 13 at a presentation at the home off Miss Leola Miller, King St. During the evening Miss Allin was pre- sented wîth a stowaway laundry hamper by twelve girl friends and former schoolmates. After re- covering from her surprise Miss Allin graceffully thanked the girls for the beautifful and usefful gift. A variety of games made a most enjoyable evening's entertain- ment ffollowing which Miss Miller served dainty refreshments. The many ffriends of G. E. Pur- dy will be pleased. to hear of his appointment as Chief of Police of Port Hope, by the Police Commit- tee which met on Monday night. This dates back to Nov. 3rd from which time he had been acting chief ffolowîng the resignation off the former Chief. He has been sergeant at the hiliside town for the past two years. Ernest, who is well known here is eldest son off Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy and was empioyed at the Goodyear for some years before taking up police work. Weddings Ob GREER-MOFFATT Rev. T. H. P. Aliderson officiat- ed at the wedding of Beatrice (Betty) Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moffatt, and Mr. Orville John Greer, ail of Burke- ton, in the parsonage off Centre Street United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, Nov. 16. The bride wore a gold-colored suit with brown accessories, a three-quarter length topcoat trim- med with brown mouton, and a corsage of bronze and yeilow chrysanthemums. She was attended by Mrs. Leo. H. Moffatt wearing a brown crepe dress, beige coat and brown ac- cessories. Her corsage was yel- low and bronze chrysanthemums. The best man was Mr. Leo H. Moff att, brother of the bride. Be- fore the couple left on the wed- ding trip to Buff alo, there wds a reception at the home off the bride's parents. RICH-SOMER VILLE A pretty candielight ceremony on Saturday affternoon Nov. 16 at 5 o'clock at the ffarm home off Mr. and ]Mr.-Rieginald Soimer- witnessed the ceremony. The bride is a granddaughter off the late Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds off Solina. GRAHAM-ANTIL Pauline Constance Antil, daugh- ter off Mn. and Mrs. Paul Antil, Courtice, and Reginald Harold Graham, son off Mn. and Mrs. Christopher Graham, Oshawa, were united in marniage Saturday, Nov. 16, in Ebenezer United Church which was decoratee with yellow, white and bronze chry- santhemums. Rev. H. C. Lin- stead perfformed the double-ring ceremony, Miss Hazel Rundie played the wedding music and Miss Ruby Fiewweliing sang "I Love You Truly." The bride, who was given in marniage by her father, was gowni- ed in white slîpper satin with a sweetheart neckline. Her finger- tip veil was attached to a coronet off hules off the valley. She wore a string off pearîs, the gift off the bridegroom, and she carried a bouquet off red roses set in white Trhirty-three Recelved Into Membership of M. Pual's Church Last Sunday was a day long to be remembered by the peoplé off St. Paul's United Church. It was Communion Sunday and a -large congregation was in attendance to receive this holy sacraient, which had been preceeded on Fnidey night by a most helpful preparatory fservice. Pnior to celebrating holy com- munion the Minister, Rev. G. Ca- meron Quigley, with his session off eiders in a solemn, diginified and deeply impressîve service, re- ceived' into füll communion 33 new members. Fîfteen off these were welcomed on profession off faith and fourteen by letter off transfer, while four whose mem- bership cards were not available were received on reaffirmation off ffaith. Church records fail to re- veai any occa6ion when so many were received into full commun- ion at one time in St. Paul's and the communion service itselff was one off the largest ever attended in the church. Appropriate hymnî were sung with the support off a full choir and Mii. Alex McGregor, by spe- cial request, sang "The Stranger off Gaililee." Two baskets off kvely flowers added beauty to the simple, dig- nified setting off table and plat- form. These had been placed in the church in loving memory off Thomas H. Knight and Thomas and William Percy, by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humby, Hamilton, and Misses Adeline and, Regina and Wesley Percy, respectiveiy. On Thursday evening, Nov. 21, members, adherents and ffriends chrysanthemums. The bride had, as her attend- ants, her three sisters, Miss Joan Antil, who was maid of honor, was gowned in pink taffeta and carried a bouquet of blending chrysanthemums. Misses Jean and Betty Antil, who were brides- maids, had gowns of pale blue taf- feta and nosegays of yellow chry- santhemums. AIl the attendants wore halos of flowers with should- er-length veils matching their gowns. Mr. Gordon Hornby was best man and the ushers were Mr. Percy Dalby andi Mr. William Whittick. A reception was held at the bride's home at Courtice where her mother received, wearing a dove-grey dress trimmed with fuchsia, and a corsage of pink and white carnations. The bride- groom 's mother assisted, wearing a blue frock and a similar cor- sage. The rooms were decorated with chrysanthemums, streamers and beils. Misses Elsie Vetzal, Frances Krasinski and Jessie Ne- mis served the 70 guests and Rev. Mr. Linstead proposed the toast to the bridai couple. For the wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, the 'bride donned a brown gabardine suit with matching accessories. The couple will reside at »Courtice on their 1return. r SPECIAL 65 93e NOXZEMA ------------ For Tlght, Chesty Colds 50 BRONCHIDA, 8-oz.------- 0 are invited to share in an infor- mai time of social fellowship in St. Paul's lecture room. This will be a highlight in the fail ac- tivities of the church. On Sunday, Nov. 24th, a new feature is being introduced into the life of the church when Mrs. G. C. Quigley witl4 her senior C.G. I.T. group will 'begin a nursery school for children, two and a hall to five years of age. This depart- ment's sessions will meet each Sunday morning at il o'clock, thus providing instruction -for the very young and an opportunity to their parents to attend church service. Mr. Quigley will conduct Than*ksgiving services at Hampton Sunday afternon and evening and St. Paul's pulpit will be occupied by Rev. E. S. Linstead at the even- ing service. Hampton Mrs. C. E. Horn spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagles, Alton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Breadner, Eston, Sask., were visitors at A. E. Billett's. Miss Gloria Brent spent week- end at L. D. Sykes'. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clemens and boys spent the weekend at Norman Clemens', Toronto. Mrs. Howard Milîson was guest at J. R. Knox's. Mrs. A. L. Blanchard was in Toronto. CHURCHES EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday 11 a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.-Prayer ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. Cameron Quigley Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex McGregor 10 a.m.-Sunday School il a.m.-Nursery School 11 a.m.-Worship: "Continue in the Faith." 7 p.m.-Worship: Rev. E. S. Lin- stead. (Come and Worship) ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Sunday next before Advent 8 a.m.-Holy Communion 11 a.m.-Morning Prayer Sermon: "Three ways off looking at life." Nursery: 2 years and. over. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m.-Service for Young Peo- pie, Rover Scouts in attendance. Scout flags will be placed. in the church at this service. Subject: "Jesus and Today." Prog.-Conservatives Plan Social Evening And Dance, Dec. 6th Attention is drawn to the Com- ing Events column in, this issue of The Statesman in which appears notié-e of a Social Evening and Dance to be held. in Newcastle Community Hall, Friday evening, Dec. 6, under auspices of the Dur- ham County Progressive Conser- vative Association. According to M. J. Elliott, chairman of the lo- cal association and Charles E. Sfe- phenson, M.P., for Durham, the evening promises to be a highlight of the current season. It is hoped that the Hon. John Bracken, national leader of the party who leade the officiai op- position in the House of Com- mons, will be the speaker for the evening. IATTENTIONI VYou have the privilege of en- =joying recorded music. You= =can now listen to your favourite= =artists on R.C.A. Victor and= =Bluebird Records at the AIKEN '*APPLIANCE SHOP - Newcastle -Popular and Dance -Glenn Miller and Orchestra - Artie Shaw's Orchestra :Benny Goodman's Orchestra -Freddy Martin's Orchestra -Vaughn Monroe's Orchestra Classie Jose Iturbi and his piano Leopold Stokowski and the Philadeiphia Orchestra Boston "Pops" =AIso - Cowboy, Square dances, =Marches, Children's Records, Needies and Storage Albums SPECIAL BOX 12 Xmas Cards - 60e Value.... BOXED ASSORTMENTS 18. Cards------------------ 49e 12 Cards, Religlous SubJeet -----50e 20 Cards ------------- 50e 12 - 15e Cards ------- $1.00 18 Sparkle Cards ----- $1.00 -loc an Pure Supeu-Faffed frm a a Pos. 0 25o per cake 3 for 75e VITAMIlNS FOR HEALTH Idamalt - Malt and Cod Liver 011 ---59c-98c-$1.69 Halibut Liver 011 caps. -- 69c-$1.19-$5.00 Vitavax ---$2.50-$7.00 Idafer Tonic 16 oz. 1.25 Norplex Vitamin B Tabs. $1.-$1.75-$4.75 Horner 's Maltevol--------- $2.00 - 15 TAKE VII Nol 25Ç CANADIAN ARTISTS' SERIES 12 Cards------------------ 50c' 12 Cards ---------------- $1.00 INDIVIDUAL CARDS 2 for 5c - 3 for 10e - 5e - 10e 25c> TAMINS w Wampole's Ext. $1.00 Aiphamettes $1.-$3.50 N.C.F. Liquld ---$1.15-$2.45 N.C.F. Capsules ---- $1.25-$2.25 Scott's Emulsion ---59c-98e Kepler Malt and Cod Liver 011 -- 75c-$1.25 Ayerst 10D Cod Lîver 011 -- 4 oz. 67c 16 oz---------------- $1.69 TIRED FEET Plan to Enter 0.11A. Intermediate Team Plans are already developing for the 1947 Intermediate Hockey team it was revealed by Elmer Ott on Wednesday. Bowmanville jwill be in a group with Whitby and Port Hope with the possibillty of another' team entering likeiy from Ajax. A number of good players have already signed on the dotted lime and from the sound of things it looks as if it will be a crackerjack of a team. TÈhe first practice is scheduled for Thursday night, Nov. 28th, in Oshawa Arena. New & Different Paper Draperies Another fine home decorating product "TRIMZ" - Ready te hang St!y1e Tested Fade Proof Flame Resistant Cleanable No Ironing Z2 Yards long.... ***58 lches wide Attractive Floral Designs $2.49 a pair WE FANCY "&PRI DES FANCY"1 Je W, JEWELL PHONE 556 ."9BIG 20"2 - - WIN $100.00 OR MORE ENTER I.DA. MIDGET QUIZ Get Entry Forms from Us 1 1ILLETTE TEC RAZO R complet e with 5 moofthles 6i/.off Ail Metat BE WISE! USE CERTIFIED ANTI-FREEZE Non-Corosive, 1 gai --------- $1.69 ENO S 'FRUIT SALT' LI0:é4i1 PR<SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDES OQ at 14 «m4 SCARVES A bright gvift to warm her heart this Christmas. A wide selection of all-wool and sheer scarves. 79c to $4.95 GLOVES THIS YEAR SAVE MONEY BY BUYING XMlAS CARDS AT YOUR l.D.A. DRUG STORE This year our Christmas Cards are really outstanding, both as to quality and price. It will Pay you te see our cards first. Visit your I.D.A. Store today and select your requirements. Tags - Cards - Seals - Tissue - Ribbon SOCKS Just what the junior miss will want on the Christmas tree. AIl- ,&ool socks ln a varlety of colours and sizes. 39c to 75c SWEATERS Just Arrived! A large shlp- ment of modern sweaters.E Every style and colour. For Misses and Ladies. $3.39 to $7.95 I-ANDKERCHIEFS Have a stock of these fine hankles on hand for last minute gifts. An excellent range to choose from. loc to $1.00 Couch, Johnston & Crydermian McOREOOR DRUCS PHONE 792 - WB DELIVFR le «- -i ---- ------- wqmr4ww4w4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. NOV. 21st. 1946 4 . y

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